The Exeter Times, 1878-9-26, Page 69 THE TIMES SEPTEhil;BR 26,1..`?> EVER OF TREE. RYAS IT A SPIRIT ? Same years ago, a neighbor of mine, Peter Lamb playa a little on the goiug home from his store, found hie bugle, and be went into the parlor the wife dead ose the kitcllen floor, her other night in the dark and felt over throat cut from3 ear to ear. She had the tap of the pirtno for the horn. It happened that his aunt from Palm's had been there that they, and had left be brass ear trumpet lying on the dentations iu the skull, evidsutly made piano, and Peter got hold of this with- by a club, allowed thta it was a murder. out pereeivir'g the mistake, as the two se poor paralytic vagrant, to whom the were of similar r•haj e. Ile tz'ok it in woman had been a generous friend, was his hand and went out an the porch arrested, onnvieted on pnrely circum- where Mess Mills was sitting t:a?kin, to stantial evident:e and flanged. his enter. Ile asked Mies Mills if she Between the sentence and tete hang - Was Pone of mucic on tho horn, and ing I often visited hire in prison, be- echen she said ehe adored it, he asked elarne convinced of hisineeceucc, and, her how she would like. him to play with others, tried hard to cavo Lim. " Ever of Thee," anal she sail that was One day, after it was plain that no coin- watered the only tulto she e7:reJ anything for. ' ]Mutation or pardon was to be hoped SI =:ter put th> stn.t..l end of the for, a thought came into my mind trlurn:'et to hie lips a11t1 wee-, He him : which I am certain I did not then or MOTS, and. blew. Then he tfei{is snarl mere, t:fterwartl utter to any one,. it was aryl then he drew a fresh breath and this: "It is wrong that thin poor in - blew again, The only sound that cable accent fellow should eutfer each. e. pain -1 FIELD ,.ND was a hollow moan, winch sollrelea so : fel death for a crime that he ceulti i meetly din the darkness that Mi -le Mills lint htive Committed. I will pruoire a Ternil,, lenge ese C'aerot, Rape, Glover an arrimathy. netted him if he was not well. Antk . small bottle of chloroform or a few, nwin=to the great s loll of #rade. we slieali MAI' for when he said that he wee, she said that, grains of htr 'ohuineand give it to niece- vase new and itu,hi0,utbio (i"o,]S at better prices than old. SA�f\ClaLli PICK ARD. went e:.aetly like to cousin of here 1 natives, to be conveyed to him. Teen. ,fab or liaularupt It.'ri i:. be sued to . :�I'tD, that had the asthma. ;lee trill escape Ode dreadful deathof Then Peter remarked that somehow a ll:anging." The thought was but a been in low spirits for several weeks, and ib wail at first eupposed to be a. suicide, but the finding of eevertal in - CALL AT' S AMWEL L & P ICKARD'S and see thoiitg New Springr§> ° o Now Opening. NEW PRINTS, NEW MANTLES, Reed . MILLINERY A SPECIALITY I,N Ready-made Clothing, HATS, CAPS. SHOES AND G11 )aERI!':S, New well Paper just to bond; also just:receivol, our hew GARDEN SEEDS the horn was ant of order for "Ever of thee," but if Mise Mille would like to heir "Sweetly I dreamed, love," he tvnttltl try to play it ; anti Ili' Mills said that the fondest reeellecrione clust- ered abont that melody. Se Peter put the trumpet to his lips again and strained his hinge severely in an ter art to make aorne music, It ivonl'ln't ems, but he made a very tingulter noise whish iutluoed :flies Bills to ase: if the horst; in the ettchle back of the lton. a had the heaves. Then Peter said that he thought some- body :unet have plugged up the bugle r li It Rnmet th' , and he asked his eie:i , to light the gas in the entry whil • he eweaned it out. When she dial so the ear trtunpet became painfully eon - el, moue, and heal a;ir19 laughed, Peter Inc.1:c•d up at her with pnin in hie face, pet on his hat and went out into the momentary one, dismissed with horror upon an inatant'a reflection. The man was hauged, as I said. With hie last breath he declared hie innocence. S.me timeago I was sitting in the parlor of the Astor Houde. I noticed to very elegant women of middle loge, whom I had never seen before, gazing at rue with a look lice that of a sleet' walker. T'hiuking she was .desirous of lootting out of the window at which I was seated, I was about to move awsy, when elle said "Do not let me disturb you. I only cane to tell you there is a spirit here, that of a Iran in whom you once kindly interested yourself during his unhappy earth life. His name is—Yea re- member bine, do yea net? He Was exe- cuted for murder in your city, and you visited him in prison." "1 remewber, >wa't the reply. "What Street; where be cold say over some has he to say to me '" sensational Language to Himself. Ile " He says that he was innocent of is Courting another girt now, and learn- the crime .for which Ile died, although ing to play alai the piano. guilty of other offence, that deserved puuiehment." Now," asked I, " can Lite spirit re. COMPARING A SERMON TO A peat to me any part of our taut, to oaf. SUIUT. lefy me that it is really be ?" "ilo you remember." said the medi. While on the subject of eernions, 1um, " a tbought you had while in leu cannot resist repeating a conversatiou prison ? For e, moment you haif re between a friend and his film servant, solved to convey to hien enough strych• which illustrates the remark already nine or ehloraforili to put him, out of made, that an Irishman is rarely at n his misery." Inas for areply or an excuse. Astounded beyond immure, I rost '"That wase good sermon we hats fr •m my seat, and, after thanking tht last Sunday evening," said the gentle- lady, went straight to the clerk of the Hotel. All be could tell me about het ,van that she was from Oregon, had ar- rived the night before and was to leave an the nest Boston train. I am certain, I say again, that I had never spoken of that impulse to Haan or woman. How did she know of it man. "True for you, yer honor, an illigant one ? It done No a power of good en- tirelv.', "I'm glad of that. Can yen tell me what partioulnrly struck you ? Wiest was it about ?" "Oh well," ecratebing his head, tai don't rightly --nut just exactly know. I—a--I—A' where's the nee in telling lies ?" Sure, I don't remember one single individual word of it, good or brie. Sorra a bit of me knows what it was abont at all." "And yet you say it duet you. a power of good 1" "So it dial, sir. I'll stick to that." °•t don't see how." "Well, now, yer honor, look here. 'here's my shirt that my wife is after washing ; and clean and white it is, by reason of all the water, and the soap, andlthe starch that' went through it. But not a drop of 'em all—water, or soap, nr starch, or blue—has stayed in. d'ye see ? And that's just the dame with me and the sermon. It's run through rue, yer Honor, an' it's dried out of me; but all the same, just like my Seriday shirt, I'm the better and clean- er after." There was more philosophy than he was aware of in the gnaint reasoning of the man. An impression for good or evil is often left upon the mind end bears fruit, when what has caused the influence has passed away from our memories. THE SO21E ACCIDENTAL; JOKES. It has often been saitl,that the best jokes are those which are made by acci- dent, and this is certainly the way with proper names. Few intentionta, -bulls" have ever been more eoniplete than the grave official entry in a list of Scottish landed proprietors : "John Elder, the younger, in right of Mrs. Margaret Husband, his wife," The worthy country gentleman wtio, eighty years ago taunted the leader of the Oepoeition with looking like a "fox that had fallen into a pit," was as much astounded as any one at the roar- of oarof laughter which greeted this uncon- scious pun upon the names of Mr. Pitt and 111r. Fax. The three last govern - urs of the Don Cossacks have chanced to bear names which (respectively sig- nify Fire, Flood and Fiend. In the list of the Euelish Navy for the last. century the reader's eye is still startted by the sight of the frigate Vengeance, commanded by Captain Death, was a first officer called William Devil, and a surgeon bearing the pleasantly sug- gestive name of John Ghost. But of all the authentic) oases of this kind, the moat singular is one which occurred at a wayside tavern in the West of Eng- land not many years ago. Three roist- ering commercial travellers meeting in this plane one winter evening, had a hearty carouse, together, as a matter of douse. Sapper over, the three found some difficulty in allotting their respective shares of the bill ; bat one of them at length out ohne the dispute by proposing that whoever had the "oldest name" among them should go scot free, the expenses being halved by the other two. This amendment being promptly accepted, No. 1 produced a card inscribed ',Richard Eve," whioh. No. 2 tromped with "Adam Brown. The No.8, a portly veteran with aha•, =none grey eye, laid' down his card: with the (mist,,00nfidence of a great general making n decisive movement and remarked with a thiok chneklo, "1 don't aaoli think you'll beat this 'un. gents." And Le was right, for the name hoe "Mr. B. Ginning." t ,at ARKET QUESTION ISAAC CA. LING Bezug now iu receipt of a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at LOWEST MARGIN ON. COST The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity need not feel troubled at the want of a market whemewith to make money, but call at the store of the stlk]scriber and EM© i TEEM Z.lart.S.S.EETZ there to be had in nvercoaat'ing, Full..oloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, \\ninccys, Delatines, and everytnntg needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocer, - Department is Complete, An. inspection invitoti No trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLINCa aft BISMARCK'S LITTE JOKE. After the Congress adjourned the other evening, Biemarck poached Bea- conefield playfully in the ribs, as tI e two sauntered down Main Street, and said : "Who's treaty r 'No particular individual can claim it, my dear friend. The treaty belongs to .all of ne. It is product-, "Oh, vipe your shin off; schcob it, said. Bismarck, laughing, "Ton't you hunterstand 2 and he ieiated very slowly : "Who's - treat -eh ? treat ; say to a feller if he vie haf somedings ; set 'vin up. -See ? Beaconsfield tumbled, and stepping behind a green screen, exclaimed "It's mine! it's mine 1 What will you have ? "Peer," replied Bismarck, his face hemming with good humor, "efry dimes peer." JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER G O C E R AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, 11&ISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE a C. w out1cott o2 TAILORS and t` LOTllllilten Take pleasure to ittoxin the innobitantM,g :sots add surrounding country, that they 1:.ts-(' opeaed out an excellent assortment of Tweeds, Coatings, rest taus el.'., in the let toot styles a ndpatt''•rns,audfeel ,ssur'1 that in Wow atter ofcl.'t Aug. they eau Nuit tl'.'' moulder id ions hates. THE LONDON and ONTARIO INVEST'LIENT SOCIETY. Capital - >OOO O( Parties requiring menu eau obtain intent:ccs t}n eprr,.red town or farm prup,•,ty. at l :a.t r,tt•'s. The above is .a London, Engi'lu.i C. oun- pany, For furtherpartic.tlars, apply to ItO1lil't1' f ICKARD..Le Agent. hay 17,tf, Ex t -•r oat, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES A,YD SYRUPS, RYE, MAIN, SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON W ISI S, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. G. A, MACE, MainStreet,Exnetor. KINSMAN. L. D, S„ 11.eze Ole Va.e tamed his lti1.ku a and i.ieete.e to, put tie Iron tis. try .en.t t, ill be on band r s of old. on �inntt+tvn, Tuesdays. Friday/3 end Sato r4sy*'. Otlit'o nt'xt ;Vs I]akt•rl• Slain Street, Exeter tt Shingles for ,e 1'la(,11 t.1 T(1 4t1.0) 1' :It At G. & Z. Brooks' TWO NIT.C.s WI•NT C,F Tile LONIrtS ROM), T'1' uF i1.1Y, A good supply of Iien:lui•rc Lauda r atai,fl t'rd:t '"st®et.,:ata,+ala on luau". hs hi1i Fri.0d .,eTe teteree does M t efft'et the low ]trues at et bleb . 30 T. :13156.1irlur nreofferin;, flair ste.ek of TIN WARE, STOVES, Etc., at Exeter & Hensel. vhieh e,'tnt.ibte of all the latest and imprinted .tyles of Kitchen, Cook and Parlor st.rve: ,:ill': •ani, ;Wang, trod pails ut the glum a•pp>ra.ve,l 'atter n, and t•verytling in the line ; ;Ow, n, at` ;oudselection of handsome 14-Era.1,ve tionpi 1'il'l.t,, as ,lnual, reeeivos ororyattention, Iola done tt tho ]arrest figures. Having opened onta branch asta1,lialarue»t •tt Ii.+naafi, our friouate in that arighhurii;wd Wan be supplied on the shortcut notice. ter''S� FYI.• THE GIt AT1 ST Wonders of Modern Times oflowaysPil1s tQint��ent The Pills Purify the Blood,correet all (Visor •tors of the Liver, Stomach, Kidueys and Bowels, -ud aro invaluable in all complaints incidentM to '�Ttt Pomalos. L is mdd c Tho Uiutmcnt is the only reliable remedy for 3o tI ogs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcer , of how - ver long standing. Fox Bronchitis, Diphtheria ]olds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all kin eases ha. suoequal. The subscriber, S. E. Jones, wishes to thank the people of Eseter, and surrounding country/or the lib- eralpatronage which he has received since among you, as a Watch maker and Jeweler, and also in form you that I have a large quantity of goods to dispose of. some of which are SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY FIRE jewellery C h. APA 'F GOO GIVE ME A CALL. �1! S. E. JONES C. & S. GIDLEY Undertaker, au.d Furniture WOULD SAY TO those who intend purchasing todo so from the manufacturer. - The dealer who buys to sell again tuns t necessarily have a profit. We claim "to give the purebasors the benefit, Which sonnet fail to meet the yiews of the Grangers; Our expenses aro less than those of pity inanu,'aeturers consequent- ly we eau sell cheaper. Eib1ems Man-ufacurer` NATE WOULD call opecialattentioi to our undertaking aopi.rt-. ment,whieh is more corn piete than e!'er, as we have ,tdded several new designs of late The best cotilua, caskets:shronds,and every: nneral requisite at the lowest prices. Onr now, Hearse ie prononnced by competent judgee to be seeoud to none in the Provinces of all the Different Societies. BARE OP TTew York Counterfeits. Spurious imitations of - "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," are manufactured and sold under the name of " Holloway ,t Co.," by J. Henry, Curran & tt,a,4� Company, Drug - by thtro- eine company of an assumed trade — —Again 0110 of New rork,like- coonterfoitsof his gists, and also politan Medi - New York, with mark, thus— Joseph Raydoc] wise passes off _ own make undor •- the name °Moe- lovayy &Co.,having for a trade mark a Crosent and Serpent; nroliossen a Bobbins of Now York are agents for tho same. These persona, the butter to deceive you un- blushingly cantionthe publiein the small you, of directions aLd ed to their medicines, which are reedy thespurione imitations, to Beware u Counterfeits. Unscrupulous Dealers o btain them at very low prices and sell them to the nnblo in Cana - do an my genuine Pills and Oihtments. I most earnestly androapoctfnny appeal to tho Clergy, to mothers of families and other iodise and the pnbliegenerally of klritishliorth,Ameri- ca, that they maybe pleased to ,denounce un- sparingly those frauds. Purchasers should look tothe label on the pots and boxes. If the address is not 583, Oxford 5tre.vt,London, they are the counterfeits, Reel' pot and box of the nogginsMedicine*, bears the British Government stamp, with the words HOLLOWAY'S PILLS A2,D OneTMHNT, London,' engraved thoroon: On the label is the atadree , 583 Orford Street, r,onooh,whero alone they are Ranufaotured. Parties who may bo defrauded fry Vendors selling spurious "Holloways.Pills. and Ointment as my genuine make sh, on com- municating the particulars to me, be amply re - mc neratocl, and their rame never divulged. j l THOMAS HULLO WhY 51330 aford. St., W.C., London, Tpgland