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The Exeter Times, 1878-9-26, Page 4
4 AD it rI ESIEyi't'S TITS 3.ftylsous Rank. t,1g141,-E Drew. a4 Dram tiT . t:ra r„. .goodas White &t«'t>.' :fete -Thorne et Farmer. •.attiee-\V. A, (settee t pus's of Revision -Rutter. eon'e Arcade -lee Eaton. t eert of Revieloe'ee ebor►1t. 1 art of Ilal.siotl-^-;;te:rpltetl. 1 .." iaaneon. 0x.1' it41a. t 11. , ;zemse for S tie ---'1'S mt tx t; . f r. _a;t )t ,1,.? ae, Jana tl--- Mr& Wm. Pi W4EI%, and the constant, changee which the political kaleidoscope has presented that the Reform party could not Bold power longer than five years. They had attttitretl it by means Which could oluld Iortn no substantial basis far lag. isla,ti:'n and could; ensure no practical THE TIMES a,Q 1 Ce. its natural prosperity, Out now { that they see a Government in power t which will carry out that polio' )Knish 1 they feel assured to be in the interests of the country, they will return to their 1 first love, This ie the neutral tendency when a grave crisis is safely tided , statesmanship, Theee was something { over. wanting, and. that something the Gov. Pie ernlnent oonld not, of would not, sup- A LESSON. ply. The people soon saw the inability J Time, is one lessor tvliieh the two e o sons an „ of the Crevernment to cope with the dif. J political parties might derive from the iia14.144+'rela rax ACT t,L` 43.1”;.11A3n14iT, i4'TM,. flculties wins}} surronneled thein, 4.f11ey short lease of power n hich ;lir. Mae - e., •a�2a., $2,030,e00. i&.,t. $00,000. saw that the glen wheel tile}*hat el'c.1 •,a has l When 1 ' lit izle had. i 1 en there 13 an HEAR OFFICE MONTREAL ' < TttearA ti, pi': a 1\, R l c^a P."Ca'.a - A E f.t ,•ro". tr 4 1'p 9' I:nNt"1tU)11 ;:t 1) 1,, , e la.tr: S: -Dater.. iltett1.e r L Pi,•y Ottawa 4 N cer :±arty Co ' 1. voted to ositit}rts of the honor : p a i almost universal demand fuer legi-laltion and the gravest responsibility were not 1 of some Particular kind, it is the beim. able to discharge the duties which de- den duty of the Government t.f the uta,, volved upon them, `Mee' saw that to give t ffect to the avi Iles of 0110 S1 Pl:'g\Iz laB 2()4..78 yam_ TIME TABLE, L. H. to B. P. Taut Nova Scotia bogus Reform Government was also badly beaten ol, the 17th. SIR Jolla S11ACDONALD hitt been re, meted by aecltalnaei'pn for lltartenette, Mixed .. Its lit EXpreSS (town eeenra, 8.05 a. n!. ete p. 735 p. 171. 1 wotu; i iair1t. ! Mae/ q t') ;r. nr. jy Ar .1 tee.) le. 11A. F1r:7 years ago the vicious wing of L'eelees..'.,. `4413 p. AIL UL1'; rtl ttlti'T1:I:. b'ridag, October 110. Sete by lattttra)n of Farm Stork anti Ituipiot t .:. the prozerty I4« Ur. L). 1ie11illial4, , 171, c +1)..r,1, aatl�-a'itberr} c1; (1r U1..i<at the Reform part', those alto seen to have a personal hatred of Sir John Macdonald, said he would Clever again e be Premier of Canatl.l-that 11i`3 con, &l ulattioil had been so e1314111ti that t'her'e Wad not the eIli:lits"-t jpe,ssib.tity of the people ►eveat•+ic g th. ir verdict, Peat what no they tt+il.ii of Ih. if fake 1prognoetieeetr=ens? Lather ettnnge, trl.'t it ? titrivev:-r, they w ill r'i ce•i re the bcnt fit of the cllitbge 115 trr 11 tid the (:unt'errative=a:,. et) that on the tallulp they have rut) teat")n to et)?lilt: un. al- a Rt1Alzrt:s, t,tlley 11ati discarded statesmen who . , , tljUilolj they have hist reser, 43 :se: t T.ac?eYnG. F:+�., (' s72er. 1lenllEe, or to make way for those who 1 eeelld Pee any difficulty whi 4i might ' p} G, 7 •i 1'+ ,T 1 t •I s .aa 1 1.... I, MAN t('A A. , the peonit , ea1K,1.1„ for the laeaif fit ,•f' M. C. Cameron 1tti Fate of ¢17:� meet lekf- '..x.(4•'1' 1 }='a el t. threaten the couutrl, topple with iunl F ee < ,•"t!'2"...reg.....4. I. ei..erIIE e'e'tteret IItrret�t' it star, t overcome it,. for men wbil'a&iC not only : the g'vternetl, not tD:e peopli, the rut+.'lt', 1 ' to lad 1 t: t.('a1i tl 'l..t'r )^t t.o. ree ': e [ •.,-. . a t the merest Tyros but as the result of I f, F 1 `lbw fptl `ARIMnS. ' , }Creatures or tools of the Governing -et, , // p ,tp .. P , � ttPa. Llpi}n�iiealp .a"1` 1 �[ 9 .. .. r4•r t t t f wi, . ovel'innet) s are serval) S 0 : The London 1're•e 1':I14 ln.•laei pets Mr. eefectel.er Y 11 wee! ,1i of 14•47, .l+{ l a4r)E.. rt.r . 44:1 .,;a -h t ' 1'r„' t 1 tv of Mr. _,1. Me -eke,. Jae , tt eh.tt"e+114. .tte:a'. "1".a�t .:' a..•, Oct.3rd. -set, lee : itf t p ! t,& Ferei. s veg. 1m j,l .l:t•: ti tee. E .1 .1_ t°"e• beg ; sok at til+" -1. WIthlecte prole. 1,1 e en e e .. , Aect're. I'1i„aat Supt. pa 1::a t f f ,01 0 f 1p+a r l t t1 `ase 110 tla; i.rin t-€ ? . i a .2141-,r. It/ i1, t. t ..e. a •1. 1',.4. • 1.23L ( p t1EQ 4.t. ms oa lits' their tine tears rale intimated, unable h a Ito ba inotl.de4l •'ccalrll'11,2 in) t➢sera' })a N•r f i 1' .ae 04;;a e r ere lee r:a t'1'. - - til"`1 as K la tt►• a5•. .7... a Tlje reaaetl,)11 tel ewe% ":i4tallt that; "Air, Mackenzie t,.P * \itiCertt p " .:aa, f,ttt1 d. , ,:r,`.t ,, s. l=t?1 t: closely on 'their ov'a:'at.tett to eltea.e . l,rut4 etit�u halt 11c load no right to rhaeN a as .,,.t , apl�e, * 0,11 1 lin teal bee • , r a •e•r aaE -et a, 1it� ' to learn anything of 1'r:acttaatl utility to DI Zr la a 'l1 a h to p rl )t 011. ti }!• eta 111«+r 1bDt• l o i1 1 t 1 t • t . e e:- p ..1rene r...i..,; i (1. 1 ari,•at r.,t.'A Of 1110 count 11 to rAga.t:. 4 i0 t ettylut the elpttntr dila not need l •` `' y it'1 1110)' av7ti ,.' } )1 r- t + l :leil9's', our cal°G:til:diens 1Lpen the p4 , IAty p1-llt111R1 ideas 1'aranleparlt to anti ' , ..� 1 Government . t , ;i4 much 1'e'•}'1'40 fur aa: ['N. vt,t",a whtt.l the Gove nmen of far ablea the wielies of the people. Ile ilt'r43elf to be le:pro:. Tel b4 ,a men I�.a 'slV RSDAY, Sl:l.'I°TCpl 7::1;; Isle' .'S LT Tit> ' . diving the float ©ix mouths its exist. �1440111t1 have appealed to the re„.11•Ie uoturl+llt'ly f!nl'ret t.` 1 =,.1.1• 1.1••14; 5a owe, we venture tli(t aseerti4111 that heel . wbl•n lir btleld a ipopnlar deman(1 1nr !agreeable • Ctl'a'lllil,t' : '! ++1 l i t ix,.._ Caac. -aw cti,spar- E?aanr..; het -lateen 14 }fell Ort 1 w,tiel ll�l Otpnljorls' • rrp IiAt Ill 8ti tlrel. •r'ilf'U, Ian'1 ile tion (If Coll$. 7 %':1tIVI' 1'111,•, 1,1 ee Jlal1. F.LE. • nu1aetlia"ely at the elllee 1.4f the tl'eelt d i f�iIIral, lie woulal }lave It�'Oh tadtniretl f;lr! -,... valua tru11,1 l� a=iit,1; Ilan tt 1114„tet:,11t, ', e; T To orip..4,.. 0 t "2. ,? ,.,. :1, .,;: e- 144 1 , F.. ..n 1t raw,..la,e I ,n4 fleeter, 0:1 r... a,.• Pa:L:31 a, , e 4 �. c,• it a:E El 20, 1173 l 1 1 l i with i l l' j 1 f i • 1,11ce f, as tic u< r a w J lir, .lac:t Ici a i i c tl to t o country the t'1' a 272 r e I) 1 1114 ease'(, or ,t t;a i1) 1t 1114' 1401 '1„ `Cal 1 - session ha w +•Ciel live been defeated, 1 ' 1 1 1 luck Rot tl l °tad • t. 74 1pllhlr and ? ue1i, It 4e t Ilia t perhaps tie badly net he is now, but f.'r 1)rotectiun �trorntliPia,tl, and still repelled the t i the p;enderh-trsl^ v peephe est week. s; a hal net time to snake u defeated at ail 'events. 1 1 tilt1 1ereieted iu fercine his own vi4'wa to the' The majority, R9 we have Ett[pl, 1 elle.°n thou.llt� nnDy alppealed to the 'A Coessi:nv rree ;ifinietry is ye^ttattt, 1 mere than very brief al1n. t=)n I`r',lkint 'trienujplt achieved ,y the Coil- ranglilg u14 to j.), is a Yl 1'y 1'srg i one, d C'tllntiy arllen 11e eenhl not !teeter levat;tlye party' in the j)a1nintou, bptt we it., ll,pi 'tpiuk. Fir ;teem .tt:is*1•+la. 9 tav„i,i. 77, 11:9 was lgl) e1'at'l Iter y ,flay peere was no 4,inlet, that the 11::ickettkit :` , + ''�' 'i , p ft p f c al 114p:1UU t,l ealnf»nn 1" the avl 1n"i ( 1)4„ • a+l Rj.➢ 4t. able to wait. .t, nor t.t t H rf „ p, -r pie, tint by tau lt't'7tural➢,le law whieli f1.n•- Crllt`ltltiti ij"'1 s¢13t`a"11;4.1 to ni'T4114- � 1) ti^� tljltl'' 1+ 16+ ta'aD t tat"it 111, 9ljalttl 1 �. p .1. „ ' « C tic4:48,: +4 a v .. t ., p fo1e,t1 hills to Liv his policy before t110 a"i 1 t l 1atC7 rli-..7111iq defeat, ti14ta7;gh , re:t•tin it. it w. ia'tt 10.1 a aaltn'ec3 of ° et,11171'1'y faet its a4ppl4114vta!, A ynlil-.1.i•' W1 e.)'tl.i Ile, h )pe the majority neje h n', kil t's8 rather arm of strength, 1jail te.l.on (1I4 be (}nerve+l 11(111 hie rte*jt' S ata} � Ji t1se a 1tlatr4 11 to rellel u,) a2 ej::lit it' might. reett➢t i•:1 tzt>2.I)413 ;211a I, rmetneLt foo---tiarit iris the (1ntr of the prime tir-eult l be au ;argil . s it is,'sup e.t here7'11114ter -C) e:7r"Dt bio 41W" t,lt7UU1 *7*a in p � � injury to the t.�4)IjBveyfltiSe party. It �' deference et fee t Q the clamorous and !arg- ils ,T . j ils the neighleaeao)i of &event) Eve might beget careleesne ,s a1,44 battiest. 1� "Fitt,} is indeed, as has been a`;ie1'tt1t1 illi' ' tion to the illttel'Cst.i Of 0110 e'mntry, ilii} Reform pavers, a *U t'i'I0 even tU ti2V :might eneonraele 11140 r;1h0 1,41rty til reoet sanguine Conservative. It is as. stweti4)n ileus which, with as mettle] continued dvmends of the l'eolpie 1ptr , rt( i FR ii r 4•,4 F'14,1. 149[:1\(- f: A ' blit iia probable Ivo ,8 41,4:0'? is an inter 1 '-' Luau •' ... - e 2' .44 t k t ,10 4 11 silt 4 .. to -0 1.1 4 ; Jeainl; (iatt�l nl. 1144 salttal't• alar, fel-4) at r,;: 14 l•) A ing 1)t•0,1'144'-ry : • n i4Iannte,l+4-;-Sir John 11 ie l.pt'a?41. 1•,p.pr,-:4 1 ._ Y'4 t 1' 1.4. oil, thiet u t- ,J-,1➢in Cerhil4;", Jetre 1.Y Coo - net!, 1 eaten ill•t"eit tt.l , ..;: ,t,ieezie 1i.4A 0'11. Thomas r tt1:14 bl e.�714t,a54.IA, 7, Iar', ,.0., P414' tt ,t:• .tl+rs1. i*.4n17t--Dr. TIt 1l,'u, t1 -tti. lie 7.1 j•,rt .,•`4 1 to ' 1 New Orunewi i-Ti.loy autl .147 •11='.'a,gc.rltt yillt', 1 y 71F''C�9t,6 "11Artiji;' Pia! ca:e'tt1 A t Ito ," ... 7, :_ 84o ''1 9.. • rj-a ' 4)' nn relief from o11preserm. Tran eel:Telnet parer (is must feet , eteet ti111 .,b •,r`'it plata 14. DOWNlVt'1'll l lillil"alfa', t•lntohnl;, \No had predicted and col- majority in the 1!14Pu+e, tiny would not ' A.0001) 70011y i.eeftll'tllet'$ 10 this ire• fs.leejrtly aatieipatetl thee the country ;.approve ef. This was ;ilr, ;tIltultenzi -'e ti„u Rf lia c )unt v are l u tict11rijwena01 render t verlil,t ztivcrse to tile misfortune, We therefore say that it tt►xit,tt; to impress ultatt. the t;.11jaler4't• Mackenzie Government. Wo even11117 7(. be inimical tie the real iutereet- tive 11711 f1 the to 111411! apparent linfttir- ti•trngilt the sn:aiori.y alight possibly be ^,.f t114i )„ .tnservative )arty if lair 41111144 , pl 1 logs of the E,anht rra4ttvr party 1111 }pros 1113 large a3 tweuty, :but are were alto. should retail' hie present eSeeedinl;ly testing against 1tr. CI11t1f•r,ot1"41 return. gethor tv7pre1eaaretl to dee the a Yntltry largo majority, though utelneetiulllll;ly Peart iS 2211 310474 071;,0. The le :tt`,t jaw milk its dlsa't proval Of the haus PO -T 1 c] (1 n 1 t t Iit 'would be a tiattt f lob and ila,,el y( (1 was 'celled into existence by necessity;, f'r'n rale we tinlphatieally as it lists tribute to the 0 1ueet'v:.ttive lead.er`e me./ it i for 14-10 11 it c:r+Ian! eat 1 1 I) } t !11(11 1t al owed try grow juste (tom die. T;70 battle was on the whale JOnghtt 13ut there is 1r) fear that he will retain stye, particularly when the necessity for f tarty, though. in some 111dta0C0S, no it. There is not ssneh a propel:(tlrltllt't' de operation in the interest of morality derubt, 175 1n South tHuron, corruption of either party in the c.,untry' as the is very' urgent. If the fight had beets'4 wee resorted to, 'lite principal tiles. majority would seem to 84S. There fair ore, a regular stand ftp and lioock• ;p.e:ld wllieb enteral. into the contest was a large addition to our ranks from lour» reeenntor betweon the two par. w ere Protection as against the jti - the intelligent anis in(leliende+tit -mhulvti 411.1, cm had the Conservatives resorts d .lis lltpd and 111) 4t unpatriotic policy Reformers of 1110 country, that wing caI to bribery in Mr. Pou'ter's behalf, we W 'liell the new b2ily-defeated O.averu• them who saw the country etooal badly l0'llt of 'Mr. 17L7Okeezie saw fit to pun.r• in need oS }nen who would at feast Pile 112 reference' t,4 our treeltl relations lnatke all effort t4) relieve the general trail Ogler countries, awl the eiitrava- .1ietress, ameliorate the condition el 0 arrupti )n, mietalanagllU)ent, the people, tial lift our depressed in- 8 7ould be allowed to peep their a141. 111..4ltiy grdt.lieel trees 111:11 1119 tit -Ct78 0-4 1"34'1';'. are tuvtr, at the Mali ietitn:111.) j 111 jjo i,•a . , . .. .••1i1a18 .... 114.7'... l4)41.7a . •. ........... • wee .. 7 which hi+ pictures aro hal, particular- ly that aliened one which represented:- Sir -John and hie principal $upofr'tors i as a haat} (If Negro nuii',trel•,, Ittptl 77131«11 s' r. d14tir'S 11tee "party' brl faithfully carried filen 4f port4+elr :-,Inert)• by A.t.;11.snd1) ('7111 . Chlor. tot 11414ot•. lila theyh aveel4't turned 7).1;1.7 v4lC.r'ie,j.s: j4,.7,,7 . . 11ir country np;,i.le Clown. In el, t'tiun tt n1• k tildes, Stbe)1 there id a (treat i,snp) 111 e• Tote the country, the people taint cant 3110n 542154, not sent/ ,leee trll.b, 4144710, and by s.) decisive a 142:tj'Iritc.doubted great ability as it state:mum, 1 14 74 .4 eve 71- ;; - t•4 . aa* tC) ttt'I 7141, :. 4 �:-4 to t4',•'. '+4 74, Z' 4 t 6 4 44 Ito - .1141 4 44x5 4t,"to4,4 4'4 41+ to -- ft i'i tea 4-.a 14 ,a 4".). `4 i74 •174)7id frankly accept the result. But the 0111t0,t way not carried on fairly, anti the Reformers presume too much ou geed lettere when they think they a1711 general iuc'•1n1.0tence of the Ad- dustries from the loan state into w}licb ministration. It is useless for the ite- they ha.d fallen. The Refornlere ct,u141 f+rill press to urge that the party gave not in conscience approve of amen who 1.),i little heed to the g. a:tt gnaeti` :1 of :ab,<.iuttly refused to move. 7111>y 1'+'UteCt1. )n as a reat501) f.)r the di•a,tel• miallt !hive forgiven them haul they teat has overtaken the (1 Jeer/tumid. made an earue43t effort an 1 failed, but too 01110000 ltlav wag passed. It is We e all know that the tilobe and other titer curd(} not as patriotic men, pass l)1.jt 1).5iat(ut. , I1 f')rnn'rs, they sl'anlhl a per's under the patronage of t104 ' parent patronage Gov- -,suer the conduct of these leen who (lo render its every 1ts~;i:ttanca in our of erunu nt were, 3a altar' reaaclere can also ulared themselves ppuwerleses to }hake :.'rts to expose corruption and unmask Mutest, day after day, and week after : the least ion-u•essiun ou the hard times. t1,t•l)ticri-.y-. AS a ptibtic man, M. C. li meetly gotten gain. It appears In us, however, that in talking in thio strain, =hey are opposing the principle of verity which they so strepnnasly and apparently seeip11ts1y lacan )ceted before 'via*heron is a til?,j�l'm. , Ant1'ttle po tie)at week, for the past year, tilled with They have recorded their votes against { .nnrutity of ,{oath Huron trill n:it •offer tirades a 7tinst Proteetio2l autl sneers; theist. They tale to a large eeteut1 A. bon h(: is relegated to private life and and see& at what they very thought- 8)1.71tied their aefeet. They have 1puu. eh; cobwebbed pigeon holes, and poli• Jessly termed the taxati')niet policy, It fished them for their recreauey to prin. 'icy iput•gt'd of his nnwhoh snlne Pres' is true that alt the stu1np the ;lanai eiples-fear their ab)au(lat)meet of 1' tice and evil influence. Ilei+lriners 4,0 •_ .l 1 . i dates avoided the disetaat,iriu of the t 1 1 rola, 0 ('U40 til 1t %••e (14) net lane furls, stud to thein must be aecnruccl a per to look ,4t this aft'14ir eye to eye 1≤tiO*' as much as post:Dile, because large 1170a`1.1 of praise for the noble stand with them. ., their areumeuts were so weal: and they Have token. They had a difficult empty t :At tite intelligeut m teee8 of task to face. The appaient desertion It 171r. Mackenzie was in trouble the people soul:} easily (liaeertt the f411 of the party for which they have cher. while in power, the waters of affliction laeie, and were not slow to tutu them 1,1.411 the kindliest feelings perhaps threaten to overwhelm hire in saver- Now that Sir John Undo/laid is on ti the eve of restornti.)n to pewt'r, we•; hope he will intrn41t4e-4 00 era of earn Duey and pat am tel to the cx'rtava. ganee and 'waste whielt have been inn nine;tirpt under Mr. U-t0l euzita'e rue`. The people want 1efnrul Sir John 11'teetl in power to 1CVO1 (0 31 c•le)r essential pnrtited:1r the policy of lit. iltcljeltnie, a:+(1 we Lave every C }lift• 1 deuce that the people will not look vain for those reforms pail:ioh are need- ed anti which Mr. 1tT7lelottizie rr-fused t() undertake. by Ilia arts has Mr. Mac- 11•etYzie been known, and for his ,tot's he has been pnt:isln)d ; and it is only reasonable to expect that Sir John will aleo be treasured by tleo good and evil results which may flow from his ad- n1.lYi:itrati'Yn. " There's orally a :lip. Twist cup and lip." Poor fellow 1 1I, C, Cameron. we anean. He had been promised a seat in the Cabinet, and didn't care hew much money. he spent or how 147w }1e brought the morals of the people, so long as be gratified the' ebief ambition of his life. But 1a10.s! the Government has f, Ilen, the portfolio has va'tished, and with it the anticipated fat con- tracts, and 1`:l,tleol)n Colin awakes from his dream to a full reatization of the great inisfo tune which bold him where he was induced to swallow 1Ir. Green - way's upheaval. i'"tan.a:prrtet -: 11ea.14 , r t1...< . - Stntt.•n " ewt . 1 It: it tf`r, ... a}• ....... it, '' -1 LOC, • .4.114 al ,t, . >. 1' ;'t4 t,. 4a f4 t',i 70.1 au: 4'11, 4475. 1 ate tee 0 1 .ia1 t., 4 lie ... 1/ its, to (44*'At1a 7,^ s •.- tit.4 .,. ATTIE SILT W.& 1114E± OUSE I.0IS' 1IAS, "(au will find the Largest as- sarrtrtreiit of Sills, Millinery ,11 :4Iant les, ])ress txa)t)tls, 141 Glows, Ltces, and all hinds of Fancy Dar -s- Goods. .lf:tl1tees and I)ressrliaking, 1111 ilei' the 10 1tnanelrli'11t of to Lally of long experience. Lad- ies eau depend on pitting they latest 111111 most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod- erate Prices. 'Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest N o- tioo. Orders by mail will receive 111 t attelrti�. pro P TTIE TO CONSU4IPT1VES. 311 It i.; said tliat M. Prevost, the The advertiser, +a retired physician, i U up. as ti To. Oh on to tliedis:adva4utiti:,e of the Free i'ratl•ars• duce boyhood, and with which they Y• iTpnn the gnestien the people' at 1b 1 •1 t i' 1 rejected of Two Mountains, has sent having providentially discovered, while • 1x410.- eel) (notie y tt 411 i lei ever sine Largs were thoroughly and intelli?'eutly they alcgilire.l the right to e el'ci,e a,u the unhappy lean a letter ill which he i:.formed. il.11uel:ce cu the G,verunleut of the threatens, to horsewhip him unless a T Ye revulsion of pointer feeling country, the thought of being calte(1 certain promise of an appointment is is wi`hout a , parallel in coIu1)iaal history. Five years age Si:' John Mee. danalcl was defeated by corruption and turncoats, and the remonstrances and kept. rlhis shnws what principle boand the )nen toeether. abjurgations, of political friends, --all these inflneuces they had to contend' IT is not vet known whether 11Ir. by the Pacific Scandal cry, the dried- against, 717:41 now that they have so Mackenzie will resign as eoon as the ap banes of which Tho Giverrituent bravely, so-maanfull �facedluld overcome full House is elected or face Parliatlleltt }, y and its supporters rake.} up for the d471- diem they aro really otltitled to the and run the 01474noes (:') of being sus- eotation of the'. peepler Bat it i,'n+ of special thanks of a ..craateful people. rained by the tie )pie's representatives. 110 a;e. The Suandal ,was (14417(11 and Bnfi we digress. A`' Ii'til.tiber- of those Greedy office.seel(ers wish. him to hang the pe )ple. eoii!d net,hp .diverted frome n:ititnencies which have returned on to•office to tlio last moment. It is the oensideration of the question which Conservatives have talkeli that position likely, however, that.aommee and just iaitiniatrl oencerned them. eaeh and becan'e the. were really ' afraid that ice to the people whose views he -is not YY Y c 1 C the ceup)try would be 'reduced so low tied 1t wniit(1 7 41;0 inn iy-,. pears of the every one. • It Was apparent to any one who ob- in sympathy. with, will lead hits to take the wiser come and to reoiguas soon Ferved the events of the put four yea -s most careful government to reatcro it as practicable. a Medical Missionary in Southern Asha, a very simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of reee wp. lion, Asthma, -Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all throat and tog affections, also a pnsitive and radie:are'neciiic for Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, nand all Ner- vone Complaiute, feels it his duty to make it kno vu tohissllfferilg fellows. - Ae+tuatEd by this motive, he: will cheer- fully send (free eoharge) to all who desire it. the recip3 for preparing, and full (iirec/tiol)s' for snocossfnlly 'axing; this providentially discovered remedy. Those: who wish to avail ttlenise}ves of the benefits of this discovery without cost, can du.ao.by. return moil, by ad- dressi tg, with etarnp, Tiurrat,n, N, r. DR. Chats s P. MARSHALL, No. 33 N'acRtt 1 Street. Exchange Bank of Canada. HEAD 'OFFICE, MONTE:BAL. Cepita,d paid ae4), - ,°0,1,000,000. DIRECTORS : Al. 11.O.•1JI T, Pres.klertt, 1.3-rr)\IAS I:AVianat.. 1.. Vice-Prosz.lnnt. A. Spr.0011,7117, 111:P,P., 11 &1117 THOS. 7'I73'IN,. --AIt1;X, I3.TJNTI\, JM17S C`CtATFI17IiN.. C. It, 14Ir ;altAY, - Ctas}ti.:t. G7B01204 BURNS, In13.14101 Exeter Bra ,nela. 4. GENERAL BANNING E$USTNliSS T1iAer- SACTEB. Honey lo4)ited to 'farriers' oil tlaoii cis n notesrIb1 good endorsers. Drnits issued aa) Now York'. S&YIAiteS BANK DEPARTMENT. Intoreet ttuoe',ei on'deposits' or or.e lo'--larupward • a)13 OFFICE EOTJ11S T o1n•io to e; Yro1ii le to 1 on • Satnrdaye. -• . li A leASTneetS, Man ger. Exeter, Augest Saud ens. • r4 -lv. '