HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-26, Page 3.t Ta?MB2B 26,1878 THE TIMES a IN THE DEPTHS, elle ease 11O11itI13LE OUTLOOIt, AtErt WERE E\I;RYWHERE FORCED TO FACE. From the Memphis Avetenelle. Another blade lea' turned 1 ci.uotlier chapter in our book of mis- ery turned. As castaways on Hebert isle a:t(lz duty for form and occupation's of its prey, and by skilful .use of its swrd wounds those that it afterwards captures and eats, Until this season nobody ever thought of catching it ex- cept by harpoons. Tide year, howev er, it has taken the baits of the trawls bottom lines --of the C1tpe Ann cod fishermen, atd many sword fish are oatlght in that novel way. 1Vliaat they come up and "bleep', for is ono of the sale canter up in their t' log" the mono- puzzles of their nature. They come tonous record of the dreary day, so we and go as the mackerel and ineibadden tit down to our 1og-book .to -night. As do and from that it is naturally con - ilia days of their lonely exile lengthen eluded that they spec el their time in into weeks and menthe, and the new chasing these titian fins!. What with d.i' brings naught but the old hopes, sharks. swt•rtl fi'th, portu•ieee, bluefish, the raid fears!, the old IOHgtnesalit. !iiia• tatragill/n, eagles, Sezlif-t, and all the cries ; as the hand shads the eyes re• t lifter them, the fish of the herring front the setting sun f •r a legit, berg tribe have 1e,1 such lives c.f flight and ewireliug glance over the malt -teed terror that it i.e no Ittreer a wordez waste of water ; as the t'earan in the that the tn(iveznetats of stry school f:f fire's limit then sits down t.t write the them seem always guided by all Niter- t seame record of dic;lippoilitinent---zir.th- .tit idiocy. It is lest; :eremite of them i .4 leg ehrttigetI, only hope grown weal:er ; that they are 01 the while victims than it cai.nut but be aheavy, weary tisk. that biing caught by millions yearly, So WO. prisoners nacre—rsriy of tee they should steadily inereeae. There domed—awl hitt tvaetittg t,hS ex,eeu• was never more meuhatielen ou our t Bauer -•--•tuna to this daily duty ttitlt coast than there is tide yt;ltr.—•ILurt• sial, sail hearts. caret Cue/writ. Oatside the soft moonlight plays lven street turd wail, and breaks in IRISH BULLS.. lT,',iiinncziug brightnetla o'er the slate roof above. The silence of the street,! to exact ereted as the trees throw their! welt d .ltatlows IVO the awnitig;s dal ken alto lave -meta. As the beautiful babe, std fair, So winnii.g, that death even (:mild not have the heart to mar the newer which lie pluel.ed, lies as though 'twera but sweetly sleeping, so liens. phis e.iteerllaturally quiet, Oh the ,S rear. The Troth guest kept quietun- l;ufttt't acrid meet beautiful light flood- tit hie patterlee sae exhausted, hut at her her atreete, .seems but sheIUng, length blurted out : "Say, ;1Ir. C., lm' I t•it'c•111t; , tin you know* what 1. think?!" "'Why. Il.'iee, anti, a heave wagon lateen wilt INfilins lumbers up and gees rumb- ling by. That breaks the i+ve11. 1 he ?lir. ID.. an Iri••h gentleman well- known in Nriv Yitr11, wee hitttly invited to slim:aur by a twalthv rieoteh resident, at whose gc•nernne table he met a num• ber of leis hi'nt`s countrymen. The . ennvctrt .born turned nn Irick bulls, "f ride)) oro and another of the party reported several, until the table lcae in indeed. shat do yon think, Mr. D i" "Shure. air. an' do yon know that I tintk indadt'. that no more than one- eyed are shaded by dial baud, wlueb° half of tit's(' li. g that they all tell about liens the moonlight from the eye. and thus Irish are true." Tide unintended tliu'knight lackey fromthe bent- ennarihutinn to the subject brought Through the wind in swift panorama dowu the house. the li•'rzid scenes of the past day S4nve. We thzulder, and, watktug to the WtO- THE KINCQSTO4 DISGRACE. c:niv, again gaze Rem the aiota.ligttt and us shadows. Yee, the city still seenle to be sleep- ing, but h ix the sheep of death! The 1 dey'A record is horrible. The few new (etae-, reported are mit a tithe of thee' 1allieil oecerred. NI porta alit not'. work, «ill not leave town, butlio abailut Mitt draw r,ationf', and there get sick stns become t harden iutetterable. lit tfiel'1^l aro white pith cotton, but not a foot will they !Hove. They give their Ri«k :dal care, and seem to think they untkt bo fed in idleness ttltt nutsed aith the greatest care. S1r. Lltngsteff, Iliihitlent of the Howards, was in t10 spair. " I can get no ftlod for my nur- se. Our men are faith g every day, and if we do nob drive blase lazy peo- ple out of town not one of us trill be eft.." Atid he expressed the awful truth, not overdrawn. The food re- folded and the fever feed. The nurses in two more days: cannot attend t=oe half the sick. They must die like sheep and rot whet a they die, if seine - thing is not done that we cannot advise or see any way of nceomplishing now. WO aro doomed, surely, truly, un miatlikably doomed. The cold shoal der has been turned on many a friend during our night of distress. Self- preservation has blutted out all abet emotions. ECCENTRICITIESF THE SWORD FISH. .Visitors at New London, Block Island, or other of our fishing ports. have no doubt noticed tbatat the end of the bowsprit of the larger -sized fishing boats there is ofteu an iron cage or frame so made as to be safe for a man to stand in it. This is the place from which the fisherman throws the har- pou to capture the sword fish, and the/sword fish is just now the subject of considerable discussion. Its tray, have at least as much mystery as those of the shad, herring, salmon, or any otherunaccountables that we have. Professor B. G. (.*Dods is studying up the matter preparatory to a report to the Government. Some of the in- teresting features of the fish are these : It is found here and there from spring to fall in the ocean on onr coast, lying "asleep," the sailors call it, on the very surface of the water, Nobody on the American (bast, so far as reported, ever saw a little sword fieh. The smallest recorded by a correspondent of the Forest and Stream weighed forty - am pounds. They run up to six hun- dred pounds. Their only known breeding -ground is in the dlectiterrane an. There the same fish are found weighing half a pound ; from that they go up to a very heavy measurement. It is naturally inferred from this that all our sword :fish are Mediterranean' pro- ducte. ; What mysterious ocean corrent guides them over here ? 'Or is it an instinct that teaches them that here they will find the mackerel and men- haddeu on whish they feed ? One eau. almost imagine° that the game of flight and pursuit kept up by these two epo- chs starts at Gibraltar and is run to Block Island every year.' The sward fish darts •upon a sebool Tr, Conn luta been elected member for Iiingstoe, and if he «Rites hien seat, the present indfeati+ns are that it trill est, on the left' aide of the Ittreather, tut a follower of 'arr. 3f:wheelie on the Op- patitien side of the Hauge. lie has1 been Bleated, there is geed rowel) to believe, by an extenr:ive resort to cor- rupt practices, and such being the fact, we taste it for granted that he and stoma of his followers will been to go through the ortreal of an election trial. The party in Kiugetnn are old hands et the businesfa, and therefore shine interesting revelations mtv be expect. ed. :ter. Gunn is a complete atrtanger to public lite. He has never taken any part in the management of the affairs of the city, and shrinks from appearing before the people es a speaker. In the flnuse, Mr. Gunn will be a dummy. If he cannot address the electors of the city, how will he face the House of Commons ? Eingaton cannot be eon- erntulated upon its chc&oe of yesterday It rejected a stetearnan who will soon be at the bead of a new Government. and elected a candidate whose only gnalificatim woe his wealth. King- eion will ere long regret its choice. Bn1 the electors' Have made their bed and they must lie on it.—\sirs. HAY PUMP WORKS Oa BOLTON, - PROPRIETOR. • RANTON .g HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW PREMISES IN ME. !. T 'S - `LOCK! 0i'i'uw'tT1: Samwell ii.ii .crwc e%.L zelo ) R hilts BR testa'. Having now greater' facilities for manufacturing pumps than any other factory in the• section I ail prepared to furnish pumps and dig wells on the shortest notice, and wannnt all work. My pumps haye taken the FIRST PRIZE AT THE FALL SHOWS against many competitors. I can recommend them, and sell as cheap as any second rate article N. B.—I3'AI1t WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE MRS. BOLTON. i- Shop—One-quarter mile north of Exeter. London Road. Hay P. 0 Exeter. lag. 8th, 1878. 43-m CHISHOLM'SOLi) STAND LONDON THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE FOR GENERAL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & MANTLES. MEN'S CLOTHING TO ORDER, OR READY-MADE. E X ETERTI B00!, and JAB PRINTING O CARDS, (JIRCTJLARS, POSTERS Printed on the Shortest Notice. Chromatic Printing a Specialty i Best A HENDERSON & BUCHANNAN Late A. Chisholm & Co.. A COMPLETE STOCK3OF fi HONEST GU0a D°S AT H)NE•ST PRICES. Remember—Sign cf the Striking Clock, 112, Dundas Street, LONDON. kit vertising diurn In the County of .f_uron. ORDERS' BY MAIL OR OTHEWISE TENDED TO. ANTI-FAT PROMPTLY AT- ESTIMATES .T- LlSTIMATES itURNISFIED ON APPLICATION. aware ANTI -FAT is the LCe g reatrt remedy f t- t brit!;• Nov. It Is purely vegetable ant perfectly ti r .tt ItOAS Oft the feed Isthe Slua.avla.preVetu 7. r.170..1 r versRan lute wits a thin ateor+sang to ,!n t' s.- it will red..oe a rpt person truer fd toGpound.a cod. It placing 5,1,. n atriy Lefore tete Aalto a,- a pox:. IlitCUM (17oleesItyp.wedose knd wlr.ghis Cure. as altestrrl by hundreds of tee tuutr twat-. which the Pfilowin funis a la•lyint'r.'innt.,.,ut t9 a sample: "tientetnen:-.YourAnti-Fa wasea !y teertccet. I tori. it according to 5404 refs ns :1. t tt reduced me five pounds, Iwas eneiatttt.eter:LP a,. auk that I talmtdtately sent to ACr,E1 ytA"t s duiex,- stu"t: fur the second bottle." Another. tie .. Jou.writing for a patient tract Pr•.vhten. a It 1.F..at -. **Four bottles have reduced her weight free k poundato lidiounds,and Mote tNAg000r:d improve. anent in tiralit." A gentleman writing- fr,mi I.• +- ton, says: "'Without special change or 5th nit..A 1;, dirt, two bottles of Anna's Antl,Fat reduce t tn.• t ,t.r anti ono.quarter pounds." 'Die welt-klu,wn iS b'.. - eate Itrugglst S?tITt a 1 Oot TTt.B Sc blot I,.'r it -5• tun, 'alas. •, wilt- as tallows: " Allan's Amt -Fat het, r lueed a lady In our city seven pounds .n titre Week ” A fieutlentan ell St. Louis writes; 11t:iu'a Anil -Fat reduced tie twelve pounds in three wish , and altogether 1 have lost twenty -ore ural:4 Nee -• commencing its use." Messrs. t'OW£Lt t I.nnees, 'Wholesale 1lnigglsts, of litttiato, 11. k write: to.i,‘ This 1 atnel:dalYtl1S On ,A•I LAI.li •ANTI ti'At (4r ude. meth—The foilow,ingreport i9 from the tady who u' '1 Asian's Anti -Fat. It ache Ann-FAD/rad the desired effect, reducing the rat frutn two to live 1 .020.3 a week atilt 1 Intl lost twent'•ilvepuand 1101 . swig to regain what I haveylost. " Auti.ratIs an unexcelled bttrod-purlaer. It pronlotre digestion. curing dyspepsia, anti is also a potent reow .v r:c rheumatism. Vold by druggists. a nphlttcn t).:e- tt y•� stmt an 00000 to sulfa n, rA'vit: IM011iE W., rltor'Itss, Bufrato,:t.. WOMAN By All !mita use ppractice at the. World's Ill=tten- eery and Invalids hetes, having 0 'ate it unite t. 1t.• •sat saws ur Cause diseases peculiar to 441..A t Ecce lrern eltatievt to to on. 4 A tnost potent and pts.- +ive remedy for ;tit seitl'ca ea. 3a1 dcs1t'ngte tide natural specZe,1 have nainetl Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescripii 'i 71:r tcr04 however, t9 tut afilth* explea.iea or toy a+1„dl appro0tatlen or Its value, teased upon per- srt;ai t+n�a•rtallun. 1 I v.. wl.11t'tvttneeking 11tt; ',- rk.• P .:.1114 NL the special dtwa0t•s Hili 1,\t / art ods! t 4(44.41 n. sltgied !t not as tete climax or Ctow,dnx ACM, awe ,nodical career, On .1a MAI Of,. ass positive, .aft mot oft cleat ren:etly for MN t:: s or•Itseases. anal r•to that will, at Ali Howson,* utadtr ant e.Mun4sta1WWe', act kindly, I outtwilli g to eta.0 my n'p'era•Nif n fel a phe,•!•'tau- and Sn (snot,', ntaa4 T ti.at 1t tvta net dl .ayiputtit rail` 214 .1 fiat+ kine• f• w* 114ctaticns of tasingle inv..410 4 dy who uses it 1,r al ':f the ttl:n4enlsfor wht."h l r . -,mend 1t. that I oil r Sind kelt It under A retailer. GUARANTEE. 7F' 0 conditions. see pamphlet wrapping lu,tth t The following are among those dlfa aa4': la trhteh my Favorltn Prescription has ri ,024.1 enc,..,„ 4,, it t•v' t4a1•'Ic, and wltlt a ctrtninty ort t r tttf,•rt eu t 1t :e.i t Y A:let• mt.1l I1 hl'1 S.Ciu-.rrarun 3.04t tic 1'!.50.7:. Fantail iluIlUdy Periods. terppro:41 ns when from Unuutural causes, Irreg�tullarities. Weak Ha f : 2:14 -00, er Fading of the Uterttt., .tntcvrr',. • l acts Itetroverstnn, Rearing -down Se'nsatrt.n9 kismet ileal, Nervous Depression, Debility. I1t-I, bila..). Threatened 111searrtug, t unite t`oug,'7 Su• ilamutatiunand ilceratit,n to 1,,' 1 1.rll•t.Itnia.uaryi Ihtercnness, or Sterility, and Female \. r ..:4. -. ata not extol this medicine as :a "cute -aft." fur it admirably fulfills a slnalcnc.a of purposes l,eW..1 roust perfect specific in all chronfe ,itsease, nt 11.' rr•rual system of w0111831. It will riot disappoint, me r 1.1 it do harts, in any state or cundiaoa. Thule tilts desire further lnfarulatlon tett the,* 431,• Pieta 04141 obtain it in Tits I'0Or1L'S Mate:: 0'$\7'11 terDICAb AIltl7Eu, a beak of ower esti past''. Rita. !vlest-paid, au re'rclpt of 8I.50. It treats minutely or those diseases pt euUar to Females, ane/ pives !Mara tnln\UIIt• uttvlrc in retard to tins tuanagetneut et those aucett.,nn. Favorite I're„QH ttoa eeld by Druggist*. tel had V. aliltia'Hotel, I, trai N..lvorlu'y vispuusuty A Special Offer TO THE READERS OF THIS PAPE. A Beautiful and siss Magnetic Poole ..eeperw, nraal deo 1.adleo Gold Wet, ottdtrals Orolde Cate. Ginss crystal. etezl and medal war::,, and n:arralu.1to denote carnet time. A l'erre.t 400.44 for aserlbndy d•- ,da relbok'rlion'per. W01 vagarray WdI7ng471' a:a ifima tib poper br a'0 FreeCjC, irtn. COT OCT THIS COUPON AND :.eon IT. COUPON. On receipt of tit. Comma and 0.04 to pap for paebiag, boxing and nmllino.har,;ea. mai prat:die to send by return mall, each _patron of this paper a 00.0704 Swno ItAgGS rrtc TIMO•00¢r0n. Ad MU Matiet,c Watoh Co., TAI'NTOI, 14..11cS. This Is soar ONLY Ol't'OOTt7NITY to obtain this beautiful premium ao order AT ONCE, undo not roles tills Chance of • Lifetime. FILLS as t .. FLIES :•, roan in e I'd •. 10e. wor+.h will kill more flies than $ro worth of d -, r t 'I tier. ere 55 tat e LC. odd lee Co., ii a t 1 . • i•. ,, I kr 1.17.'0. .: ft, 1 „�•a::..•11• inn • u .I :14714 dices ••ri,lcd 1UN • l.taat •1' i :IpCc. tiles) 0t71t pre- 424.1 te • ;t i• n'ict Alit• t,u:st •