HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-26, Page 22
G,c .B ,IELL11'SI TAI.E. pain did not prevent Gabrielle from
;•i(yitlg hituwith all her heart.
Mr. 1ttt,ldtham. and Lola had been
abient two hours ; Gabrielle was put -
the finishing touches on her pie-
' •)re. vaguely Con5Ci011s that she w
below ; then there was ei pistol -shot,
immediately followed by. a piercing
scream; then general canfosion.
Far one instant Gabrielle stood
Petrified; the next, she was out in the
passage, flying down the dark stairs at
• o aaot painting its well as usual to-day,a dangerous rate of speed. $he never
Ah, well., it is just as any clear -mina, when she stopped at the sound of a afterwards could rightly renrereborjust
persc-n might have predicted, after t; light footstep on the sttadre. the next how she got down 'the four flights. It.
all. I dill think he eared most for pie, moment Lola entered the room, and seemed scarcely a second 10111,04e time.
and of ce'Llrs( be did before. he met Lola; slammed the door. Her false was she lett ber own room till she found
but it lxaei very foolish for tele to bore flushed, and wore an iti-natured frown, herself ou the ground floor, hastily op
after that," • Uabrielle saw she was out of sorts, and ening the street door.
She turned to her .easel agatin, and remained ellen t. :1.s the doer unclosed an impressive
tool. up her brush-- not with the wean-, 1 atria heartily tired of this kind of tableau 'net leer gaze. The first per-
i ^tleas aur of tt spirit <:1`rlsl:etf by :beep. , lite," snapped Lela, as she took elf sons ;;1P rocoguizetl wore Let.lie Atturk-
I'ointment, but with au air of thin resit -111'r hat ar'el she:41. laaLAYt !ma Lola. Meridiem stood near
;anion, its if her etre tri; will were fight -
Gabrielle smothered a little sigh, but • the hon.ee, supporting the f4inriugforzn
U a Ftte:eussta1 .1ea(ttre. (did not speak, Lel:a went 1•n fretfully: ; t3f the girl with one arni, while the oth-
CitzbrieLe Ile':lth was not what the ; t'1 don't see witY ue s':chill be doom- : er hung useless at his side, Beyond
world tstndd wail a beautiful lsemail ; ed to rasa our dogs in thee(' ar-t t'try him Here twodetectives, holding be -
1,,,z« Gabrie•lt',3 Heath was to woman of rooms•. -as near heaven asp well ll ever theta a flashily dressed young man
noble iryaieedee ; l=it:: a term, ey snarl be, I suppose—when other people are ' whom they had just handc•)ffed ; while
tbetie listen, elite aa, caul lifted far above provided with all the comforts of life. `at their feet lay a eniaall dark object
fl.e ti('t:;~•llracss end lacier eI the lase. `I have but two dresses that ore fit to that seemed to be a pistol. A carriage
r~lie was live -tied -twenty, tared looked wear, and other girlie have new ones steed at the curb, teeth a burly driver
every year .4 h, tad ttYete we:r+r certain ;