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The Exeter Times, 1878-9-19, Page 8
8 THE TIMES SEPTEMBER R 19,1.i$ ptAT,T, . SHOWS POR 1878. Fall shows will be held Airing 1878 as fon ows South Huron, Beetle, October 7 and 8. Western Fair, at Loudon, September 30 to October 4. Mitchell fall exhibition, et Mitchell, Septem- ber 19 and 20. Biedulpie Agricultural Society, at Grautou on September 18. West Huron, at Goderich, September 18and 13. Central, at Guelph, September1.6 to 20. Provincial. at Toronto, September 23 to 27. ...ter was the nice little prank played upo W. GRIGG, 8rd con. of tTsborne, one 80 and one 722 inches. Nest 1 FALAI SoLD,-Thetsouth ball of lot D., oaneessiou 8, Township of Us- borno,whioh belonged to Mr.. G. 11. A. Millson, was sold by auction at the. Central Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday last by Hodgson & Oleo, oouuty auo. tioueera. The amount realized for the farm was $2,751. Mr. W. Martin, of Usborne, was the purchaser... Otis of the latest Grit dodges u �rtl,rMf MAIN S7: REST, EXETER. o. A ebeice assortment of CLOTUS, TAN'beEDS, FANCY COA't1NGSand VESTl4GS at prtres drat will eeirepaee favorable with ether Deelt.re. OCR XOT''O-e Permmrient Satisfaction." s 1, '' I r r�l)It. 9Pe •t r. ��"t�ttsFnu a v LOOLL NEWS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBE R10, 1878 1r. ts. Kemp is agent for the ;Mian lane. Tiektts at low rater Rev. J. 1 cGl.tcue tN re M1101 t'lthe dleth other Church t+u Sunday morning. New AnvFIiTIsIe?IENT.--" a dir,•e:t attention to the advertisement of 4.13. Powell .0 Co., of I.oUtiun. t For. a gaol cigar or fresb.env cut chewing, go go Zeroes. Tate:el.-The employees of this oMee aro denser to Mr. tlearge Willie tar a basket of tea ttu'itel forge. Ar1'iti9- IIIz EL OFF.. As a Judy from the count's was di-Itiug to l:sett'r on Tuesday afterata.•n Mae or the letaui wlteela ttf the tawny eawe oa lea tits, lady ter t; aai a oth a ell it scare. i siert et erltt es to be a grand ,.ut t n -,e, j Nev.-wee-K.-SU. T. Peer feta 'deceit eu the neati tt le n elsIr7l e Iia g,lar, otattuf ttturrd. by ii gf 7;.{-, P,.t,tt, lice werhtuaaehip reflects! tee tit a>Ia ane maker. t 1 , 1 gat •-Tit a Its Itur.m 1 er:ctdtur- :. , r; ..t." la.4I th.:e fust fcdr r.: Exeter on a t.. „2r tin a1 t of c . i, r next,st The •.- 'i,'• at e+,Itt t 1 ,. ' .' i'. -"several. cellars in tem wer half entst shit s t, r the latter peau of Iasi' wive. ,:at 1 1.,y the Moe%; rain; which fell. alto rt i ar _.harry for three er fate tlatye. t ~emcees. The 1b'•,•v:Bing c.ntundrnrn in Eee ,, e le, NS'!:S WV tlat t, tett:+en uvt s of .Relit Heston like L .:arra, t `-Au:tw.•r, 1.'. ,' 6 t e,,, they are liek, tl tee et slog. :'e..,se t;..n_-Lteectia,aee te'S. *move. ars chicken's th ,o ,+ It "ria: ,, ,•Ii i , .„ _, E 1' pl t t ], ]4� t 1,,at.�, l i s rtt»e el, Iubttent to, tiedo t:ltrt tet break their Ir e2' sprain their ankle, hitt now that the el. t:rri..n is over the people will again settle doe u to lee -hes, 13.1'. T. 1'. C. A. -The Bible f'llristian Feting 1',r4tpl,+'s Christian Association suet in the bn.;•sent of the ehureh on Tuesday even- S•ti„ last. The prt ratn.in ., '411e11 VMS a long MO, WI'Sev,•llrentlerea, A .lialogne entitled ttWhc•n we are Sion" was recited by two small' bn,•s, turd the I1:ira;r Sun, as usual. co):tat,t.»d inti'r, sting vending. ,1.1uvrtrsrx.-On '1'uestiay, the day of the election, a most disgraceful tiling t•eetr•l e 1 in Exeter. A man who was confined to bed suf. fetingfrom a fever was taken from his couch and put into a buggv. An umbrella was held over the i'ivalid, and a. man placed on either side of the man to support hi'n.aud thus adv.. eu to the polling place to cast his vote. We do not blame either parties for doing all they earn in an honnbabpe way, bat to bring a wan from what may be his deathbed is a disgrace to any ro,nmunity. and especially to the men who were heartless enough to do it. TslenEns' Iasaxxrxx.-T11e Exeter Teach- ers' Institute was held in the school house in this place on Saturday last. Owing to the uu- favorabie state of the roads, but few of the teachers of the district were present. The chair was occupied by Mr. Thomas Young, the President of the Institute. After the reading of the minutes= of n.evions meeting, Mr. Thos. Gregory took up the subject of Grammer. He discussed the diffieult points of the examina- tion paper, which was set for second class can- didates at tl'e recent examination, and also gave some explanations of difficult portions of 1 1 on's Paradise Lo,t. Thesub'ect of Hygiene was then taken up, Mr. J. T, Sutherland who briefly explained his method of teaching the`. subject in the school room. A general dis- cussion than took place upon different subjects relating to the teachersprofession, rafter which the programme for next meeting was arranged, and the Institue adjourned to meet again on the second Saturday of November. Enturs in season at Kemp's. USBORNE, Erna LATE. ---111r• Richard Del- brige, 'Usbor))e, had bees swarm' on the 7th of September. This is late in the year. Lnttcac SQUASH. -We have hoard a go.,d deal said about large squashes this season, but the largest we have heard of were growls' by 141r. Wm. Westicott,' :11r. N. J. Clark, Townsbip Clerk, Us. borne. That gentleman bad been ap pointed, like all clerks, .to the office o Deputy Returning Officer. Mr. Clark met with a trifling accident on Sunday the 8tb, and on Tuesday the Sheriff was itifor ued that he was so badly smashed up he would not be able to leave bis bed for months, and of course a new appoiutmeat would have to be made, and Ildr. So and So is a fit and proper person, and if it would please your boner, &e„ &c., &o. Well, the appainimentwasmade, and ?Lr. So and So duly installed. Now, what are the facts; well, Mr. Clark did meet with an ac:chdeut,but with the exception of some c was not materi- allyutas about the face he m t ally hurt.. it did not even incapacitate him from his daily business, only for one day, and on Tuesday, while he watt attending to his business,. the Sheriff was hearing of his injuries ago unto death, told, no doubt, with all the ayut. pathetic feelings of a friend (?1, liir. C ark Boas aware of his eppuintnsent and was it not his duty to inform the Returui'tg Officer that he could not at- tend, if the ease warrauted it, which it did not, and even if his injuries were t•vere, he had eight clear days to re- cuperate. .But no, his kind friends (2) wonld.not allow him to weary him. self about;mob matters. Just let them. attend to it and they would (nay did,) fix it all tight. 1r. Clark surely ought to tender his heartfelt gratitude to his ;friends" for such, uulooked-for favors. COUNTY ILEUS. Seaforth beat E; tnondville at cricket by 18 rens, on t''rida© the tint :net. 1Ir. Win. Haddam, of Breeeels, 78 year of age, was serried week before last. The Moron's, of G•tderich, beat the Lncicuow team at lacrosse on the 8:d tint. A young son of Mr. Jae. Donaldson, Drownson Lino, was severely injnred a few days ago by a hick of a horse. .A. bnjzgy and laarakeas were attdeu from the residence of Mr. Ilobt. Iiurus, Morris, an Wednesday of last week. A daughter of Mr. Fitzsimmons, Ctia)tan, felt on 3,1onday last, dodge* ting her shoulder, and also frttoturiug the bone. Me. fit', Yeo has rented his farm, lot 25, 7th con. of Goderich township, euh- sisting of 74 acres. to Mr. John Mar- ciuie, art $300 per year. On \Vedueeday of last week a boy named Greoneide, of Clinton, tell from a barn loft in Hut tett, where be was working, and brake his arm. Mr. Alex. 1)avklaon, of the Conimer- oial Hotel, Seam th, and Mr. Time. Lee, returned home front trio old cowl - try on Tuesday of last week. The ''Stars" of Seaforth beat the "l3rowus" of Mitchell at a game of base ball on the 7th inst„ by a score of 30 to 18, with an innings to spare. Mr. Geo. Snell, sr., of Hallett, fell from a plam tree recently and disloca- ted his right shoulder. It required the strength of three men to replace it. John Logan, of Grey, was recently sent to Goderieh jail to await trial ou ah charge of committing an indecent as- sault on a, little girl named Alexander. The iuhabitants of Goderich town- ship held their annual harvest home picnics in .fcCurdy's grove, a short dis- tance south of Hoimesvitie, on the 6th. inst. A tramp named Wm. Johnston was fined $1 and 'Teets by the Mayor of Goderich, recently, and was elven one day to pay the cash, doting which time he took Lis exit.: On Monday of last week Mr. Henry, of East Wawanosh, was thrown violent- ly to the gionud by his team running away, breaking his leg iu two places, protruding the bone through the skiu. A man mimed Richard Mcllroy, while working iib the bush at Blyth on Saturday morning la:at, was struck by the limb of at failing tree and was so seriously injured that he died iu a few hours after. Messrs. Smith & West, of Seaforth, lately of Centralia, offer a prize of ten dollars to the best lookingbaby between the ages of six and eighteen months at the Staaforth fall dhow, to be held on the 27th inst. • Mr. Thos.. E. Ward, 7th con. of Hub lett, recently sold to Mr. John Medd, of the same township, a ram lamb mos. old, which weighed 161 pounds. This lamb when born weighed 16 pounds, and is of common breed. A young lad named Almar, about eleven years of age, while working around a threshing machine in the vi- cinity of Bluevale, recently,'' got his smock caughtin the shaft, and before the machine could be stopped he was twisted over twice, bruising hie head and body badly, besides outtiug ham in several places, When'examined:onegof his thigh bones was found to be brokeu in two places. A. few days ago a very sad accident occurred near Bayfield, by which Mr. John Morgan loot a child, A pic-nio was in progress at Itiiddleton's Point, and some of the children expressing a desire to go over, Mrs. Morgan gave them permission. Where the river eaters the harper a new bridge is in course of oonatruotion, and children have been in the habit of crossing and recrossing oa the timbers. One of the children, with another between two or three years old iu her arms, started to moss the Structure, and when parti- ally over, the other sister called her to come back. -Turning around to do so, she was unfortunate enough to fall into the water with the child. 'rile other, in trying to render assistance, also fell in. The cries attracted the attention of 'sirs. Morgan, who succeeded in res- cuing the two eldest. One of those at the pic-nic witnessed the affair and ran down, stripped off as be ran, and, jumping into the water, rescued the1 child, Atedieel aid was promptly on hand, and the churl speedily brought arout~d, but it only livedtill the follow-' ing Thursday afternoon. AFFAIRS IN EASTERN EUROPE. Ft1ANCE ADS' (SING A5 70 THS en .Eli CLA(:u.s,---TeL Alut:DLL or AILIIE:11F:T ALT• --^ HINDRANCES T4 TUE Ann. .AN oceveariost. Londou, Sept. 10. A Vienne despatch says, it is feared the war iu Bosuia will not be terming ted gars year. A Couetantinople despatch says, ac cording to reports from Turkish tour. , cee the Albanians are divided into three bedies, which are intended to operate respectively with the Dosniaus, with the llltodope Iusuegents, and against; the Greeks. Probably the A nstriaus will not at.' tempt to occupy \Iitrovitze and Novib- iar this veer. Advices from Belgrade state the i*s11feits have fortified the banks of the River Save, and lire upon the Aucatrian steamers. even when con- vnyed by gunbe'tts. The town of Be- nne is now a strongly entrenched temp, into which armed insurgents are constantly marching, resolved on des - Iterate terate resitttence, London, Sep t. 10.-A Viet) e deapate]) says that I,ibace is defended by rho' 'Curkisli regulars. The carmtllandent' declares that he has received no ordt'rs from the Porte to surrender the place, and will defend it'to the last. Constantinople, bent 10. lfehemit Ali Paarta'S retinae were not assassin- ated i11 the fight between the troops de- fending Mehemit Ali and the ineurg- ents. The Milled on both sides num- ber 4110. Ou the evening preceding his death it eheinit Ali Pasha tele- graphed to the Port that he was sur- rounded and could not escape. The representative of France at Con- etantinoole has strongly oouneol'led Safvet Prsha, the Grand Vizer, to fol- h.w the recommendations of the Berlin Congreea concerning Greece. Athens, Sept. 10.-Ahtnend Montit- ac Pasha invited the Cretan Assembly to send representatives to Constanti- nople to negotiate with the Port. The Cretaus have accepted the iuvitatiou. TERRIBLE COLLIERY EXPLO- SION. ONLY EIGHTY SURv'lyon`r OUT OF THRXE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-ONE. A frightful colliery expinsioa occur- red at All•erenne, near Newport, in. Monwouahshire, England, on Wednes- day of last weak, the 11t1 inst. There were 371 in the pit, and. only 80 were rescued. It is eared no others sur- vived as the pit was burning. A later report said that ten more men had been taken out alive from the colliery .at Abercorne, but much burned ; and the dead : body of a boy had been recovered. The fate of the remainder may be judged from the fact that the explorers found 14 horses dead only a few yards from the foot of the draft. The air iu the mine is very im pure. The latest report says :that the loss of life by the colliery disaster. at Aber. c-'rne is unprecedented in South Wales. Tho number of the dead is estimated, at 280. Two of the rescued have since stied, others are in a precarious condition. There is not the slightest hope _of rescuing any more alive. So far, only 7 corpses Have been recovered. The explosion ocuuared soon after noon, The people in the district rushed to the pit _month in consternation. • The scenes of distress aro in lescribable. Floods in Ontario. Toronto, Sept. 13.-A rumor tele- graphed iu the oxrly part of the day as to the washing away of a number of bridges over the Don Fiver has proved too true. Early this moruiog the wa- ter in the river commenced to rise, and by slue o'clock it had increased in vol. ume to such an extent that the resi- dents living along ite banks made all haste to Move their househotd effects. The water continued, rising until 1 o'clock. when it appears to have reach- ed its highest. About this time the Don and Danforth bridge gave away with a crash, raid was carried down the river towards t be bay. The floating timbers and the water charged on the Gerrard street bridge, and succeeded in carrying off two-thirds of it. The. next bridge south was that of King street, For soma time it withstood the seethi•lg water, but about 4 o'clock it collapsed. The icon bridge of the Grand Trunk was the next south, but the madly -ruching torrent spent its force on this sturdy structure in vain, Brampton, Sept. 18. - A terrible flood. It commenced raicnsr here moderately on Tuesday night and con.• tinned till last night, when it iecreas- ed ht volume to a heavy rain fall, wiuob kept; up most of the time till noon to. day, causing the worst flood ever known here. Nearly the whole Wei. nese part of the town is completely in- andeted.. the water be;ng a fu.)t deep in moat of the streets on the Rest side of Unit) St, About tett o'clock teams were despatched to the Little Lake, about four miles distant, for boats taint which to rescue the families living in the ower parts of the town. The cries of women acid children in some of the tenements were pitiful to bear while waiting for help. All nee now safe at this time, It is impossible to estitnate the damage done. Some say ton thousand dollars ; emcee put it as high as thirty thousand. Nearly all have suffered more or less ; some personas as high as $ 2,Oriel, Some large and beau- tiful private lawue have been almost ruined; 'Brighton, Sept. I3.--tVe have had a very heavy rain storm,w;th high wiude, yesterday and to -day. No damage is. reported. Weston, Sept. 13.• -There has been a tremetidons rain storm in Weetnn, causing a great flood in the river Hum- ber, accompanied by great loss of property, the flood oerrying away bridges, fences, tCe., and doing a vast Yl, a..-nullt of damage to the mole of Moors. Wadsworth, 1IeDeugall, Smith and Willie. The two former are dam. aged to the extent of several thonslted' dollars, and will hardly be able to re. mime business this +reason. It is thought that the farmers will not bo able to cow ranch, if any. wheat this fall, the; zr sand being in such a wet atate. The potato crop is almost destroyed. trxbrttign, Sept. 18--AInaost inces- sant rain from Tnesdx,y noon till to. day noon. Streams are very high, but no damage has been done in the vicin- ity. Many cnnjeetures Ota to the cense. I3nwmanville, Sept. 13. -We have had the heaviest rain storm that bas taken place hare for years. It has lit- erally ponred for the haat three days. During the night high winds from the east and north-east prevailed. No damage as far as known, Port. Hope, September 18. -It has bean raining in tnrrents here for the last two flays continnnuely, Tho streams are very high, but no damage done so far. Cobaurg, Sept. 18. -Rain commenc- ed falling here on Tnesday p. m. last and it has been raining more or less ever since, until' this Friday evening. The rain was very heavy at timers, ac- companied by wind, anti a good deal of damage has been done to the gardens by the driving rain. • Listowel. Sept.. 18.--e-The rains wbich we have had have raised the river to the highest ever known -in Listowel. The river runs under most of the main brick stores, and gave Barnes' fruit store a shake and moved it. There were a number in at the • time who made a very quick move. GENERAL NEWS. Frank Sciegal, of Providence, Rhode Island, aged 14, died yesterday of hy- drophobia. Ho was bitten two and a half years age. Adam Lewis, of Worcester, Maas., infatuated with-lvliss• Hannah Court- ney, because she repelled his advances, fatally out her throat, one day last week. Fo•'est fires have been raging on 11 e north side of the Columbia River. Th• losses: are estitnated ,at above half a million dollars. •A public meeting h 1t been held in Vancouver to raise iueaub to relieve the settlers. The Emperor, William arrived in Caseet on Sunday in• go. it health, and proceeded •to Wilhelm4lipe. He was, enthu+iasticnllyclheered on the way. A Berlin despatch save he is desirous of resuming the reins of Govern•nent next tnohth, • A difficulty occurred last Saturday night at St.Charles Court Hoase,Boulte, La„ between Charlie Baptiste, calved, and Valoour St. Martin, which rt Red in Baptiste being fatally stabbed. Dur- ing the night a mob of colored people broke open the jail and literally riddlr the prisoner with bullets. A glycerine magazine belonging to N. 13. Pulver, near Delgalia, on the Curtis farm, two miles south of Brad- ford, Pa., containing 70 pounds of gly- cerine, and 100 pounds of dynamite, exploded last Sunday, tearing to pieces N. B. Pulver, J, 13. Burkholder, Andrew F. Biggins and Charles Page. They were auly recognizable by their cloth. ing. A man named John Filey and anoths er Oman unknown, fought a duel with revolvers in the Catholic cemetery, San Francisco, California, on the morns ing of Saturday last. They began shooting at ten paces, and advanced, firing till they closed, when the un- known placed his pistol against Riley's body, inflicting dangerous wounds. Riley refuses to divulge the names of his; autagonist or seconds. THE PLA -Ub; SPOT. New York, September 14.- Specials report that M Now Orleans the climax of the fever, it is believed, was reached on Wednesday, which was the fifty- eighth day of the epidemic, thus up- holdiug the theory of periodicity. In 1807 the clima:>, was reached on the fifty-fifth day, and in '08 on the fifty- sixth day, Great excitement was caused yesterday by the bursting of a hermetically scaled coffin during the e"rvioet at the grave. The body had been kept twenty eight hours. On Thursday nab a woman gave birth to an infant which, within seven hours, flied of black vomit, although the mo- ther was apparently healthy. Dissatis- faction among the negmoes concerning rations threatened a riot yesterday. Dr. Weotfalle, a heroic physician of Pea - noel*, who vol mteeretd to help the fev- er ant%rers, diel at Grenada y.sterday. .A. man named Wi'itliams, of Olio, wlto r.cently went to lletupbie to join the Howes de, was tarsen with fever on. T aursday, while on a train el mute for C tatroonn in. 1io was placed in a box c tr and switched ori' a quarter of a lulls from Stevenson, Ala. Doctors, nenroes stud everybody refused to go n •ar hits, except Postal Clerk Met - thews, Dr. Barr has gone to attenel rin. At Stratford. oa Suluralay, the mil- bar, (.'harle s Wellington D,Iugl:ti, the untot'ions thief who robbed lir. P. U llotlrke. near that placer, a short dine ago, was sentenced to eev'eu years in the p •nitr'ntla y. DetectiveHeenan, of the G. T. R., discovered the hidinf place of the 1 risoner, and branght llitl from (1, aid Rapids to Stratford for tr irl. While a young eon of Mr. John Mo- rintev, Kincardine, was playing on a wood pile o11 'Tuesday of hast week, some of the wood fell on him and broke one of his legs near the thigh. While the son of Mr. Henry Nagle, jr., of Chatham, a lard of some 5 yew's of age, was investigating the working of athrashing machine on the farm of 11 r. Wm. Arnold, near Lewisville, Mon- day, he got ids right hand ill part of the machinery, and before it could be extricated two of :be fingers were badly smashed, and will probably have to be amputated. Mr, H. H. Ireland, of the Revere House, Startford, heel a narrow escape from death on Friday last, from eating poisonone ftvigi in 1nietake for mush- rooms. It seems he bought a quanti. ty of what he supposed were mush- rooms, and not waiting to have thetas cooked, roasted one on the stove and ate it. In a short time after he was taken violently sick, but did. not ens - poet the cause for some time. For- tnnately, Dr. Bantle ton was soon in attendance, and under his treatment rvlr. Ireland is getting over the effects of the poison. The whole family and boarders had a narrow escape, as eche remainder of the fungi• had been 1,6xe- pared for the table. Friday morning when the employees of Messrs. G. Orawfords & Co's A.tri- cultnt•al Works London arrived to work, the discovery was mute that an attempt had been made during the night to burn the premises. A quanity of sheeting saturated with oil had' been set on fire and played under the flooring of the selected storey, but after burning some time seems to have gone out without doing •much damage 'No snspieion points to anyone as woiali-be" fire bug," and no cause for the act can be assigned. Otie night last week. an attempt was matte; to burn down a haystacic belong- ing to Mr. Danita Wakt field, Washing- on, Ont. •A pan of hid vood coals esu procured, and some maple wood chips were placed npou the fire, and over woe placed an old pair of pan: taloons (cotton plaid). Thanks to the last arti, ih , the fire did not burn. Hail the'ai.ttempt proved 'agcness:ful the vil- fage hnigW not now` be' in existence, 4.iS arae+i 1 l r'