HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-19, Page 66 " TH&T 'MUSTACHE." .re Theeetete •f ate alas read TrtoiS, rued .1 a tfv,i.• 1v1.-eitiiivia We print the Ut I. . es, "MY LITTI.U. NIUSTACHr.." I don't know what E.. zer. 1 tl..ner know whoie I only krt.,* his vvvie,^ And Or! II:v.\ • "". Ana , Ile rea!:,y is a ,itto".1 He's suer el'aarinina7117.:,,,:.r., ituAr Vett itarbe :I.. - And cid! bite sut, Le..z,-1 gry, e7,4! I Writ, • '..L 40 218 deys at the house of a friend on Park Street. Hamilton, while she was visiting—that is to say, from the even - len (4 18.h July lest, until the evening the re). p• THE TIMES SEPTElfaER 19,1_784 your fitmily and save money oti fifteen dollars a week, while it takes every cent f teeke to live, and I get double CALL Al SAMWELL & PICKARD'S $dfcsWedneedity, August 28, when she owe I don't manage it at all," says broke her butt by taking a heerty tea, Jaek, "I just take my money home to awl this in the peesence of four physit the old woman every Saturday night dans of Hamilton and several citizens land she takes her Ave dollnrs to run the anti holy vieitore. No bad, eiTects fol. house with and puns the rest away." liemod. She talked with those who "Do you give her all the money 2" N were pre,ent, after tea, on relittiohe asked itlr, Marooney, zensiugly. :tante-roe, and gave her religione eerie "Oh. no, not quite. I keep a little eece wi`h litteney ; and this' for tobacco during the week, and a for at least two hourwithout any fa. t ifle to kee me f•o I i Imesonze tlgtrev ziving 004 my benans° If 1 keep it a in toy pocket 1 would '.ho heel been enabled so to fitst. The epene it slue, but ;Vary keepe it tight ehysicietis enepany present tvere !ewe sae.- -ine•zed thAt no effete billowed her Mr. Marooney talked it over with sit heartily after such a lengthy his elk that eight, siet they emehded r p 3 En te ng She Welt!" t/ bed ;theta 11 v. , :4 try Jack's plan. The fidllowing Sit. o.I slept ecutelly and sweetly. On , arlit.y night he brointlit home his thirty , e. iost. siie came clown to break- dollars, and keeping back one pat the itiet at the aerial honr, fietiedg as strong; rest in her keeping, mail he promised , • in Ier lif rt. a ftv.wir; tr/•,4 4/v,' eeer iP ; tE) dcl her level best to set the tabla t eet hearty nik ties ma that day; t'p34°ilve, Tiio Oast week elle saneezed .• . rt Zrqi t'l:r4's 116' arr'att'r Part of thrtneole senzehow iinkl get along c ith nes ley visitere ; ;retired to rest at %with tee *me tea. Marooney r excelknt mad stirit4. 4 was pato / h: tvieki nty3 begin/ iving r5b4..,,e„411' even: awake At eight thinhieg about what re, ... e••• !,. id. I a Ilse 0,, tV1 in tn* W4gth• OAK ; 4i/O1 oil' 3 bon he would he .1„1' • f %th' °Intl tl &n theughto.plam reale cottette 1:11 4'44y. itinentr her leaO-fatet tleftY' bay window wend be about debt, The .9K7r9.1=9.1=9,179:9: -:9WIMM9'91193144111. eel ehe wit -a r,,rAetly : nt.ogt vmpfvk the expensee roete4 up law '14; and larnalliY• 'UPI* lti.4 •e„iiers anti (iehty CPlit.i, fuel 'elar000ey • ; loselten fuel tefreehlae, like (hot ora ehatiged his dleeien ter a fauns reel- ; etily She V.3.4, dating that ,leitee from frame to brick. I he net nv'121""'8 week he !nought it dowa thirty ceiste re v nee,. •ro":: r ' ct 'n't VIi4 r ,per, .re, awl he est,jed a wing with 3 wuAt FAiT r nPee ••': •-•• • n•:o Sieh Wai her tteesee Then site made a auptillounint:' restadeeste•ese ee.!L ltUtt 611 tilt2Bh tug' (pit lying ran, and earue 9 AL•!'''s l'art tay... veire • ehe e; ese„. `vertel e ' trier:en-A 4ddvA •" • : .17 l!'142 .4 vi • ''!`-'4"'•4 h••••7!. f i3or feet -he wall:ed witleettwithin tw,1 sigi;;ing,i, of the 4.031 CO/ ee. tee foitr ;Heide of etairs to the w well she tete been striving, ire, eta. r.eJf .,f !ino Vi‘A.: IWO rooney decided on an iron "We fr"M ttnei see thehili tv r ins Go al Now Opelaing. W PRINTS, NEW MA.XTLES, and NEW MILT INERY A Sroctarry IN Mad kb 11-eacly-maas ClAhiag, IIATS, CAPS ROOTS, SII ES' et ND illetWE ES, Nem Wail Paper ,lt.t9t bond; +dal inet;ree,Iviv or Lt FIELD AND 61-A1DEN SEEDS Turnin. Wm -41, C.:=C"i. r;','1,1,0,0latr.nret+-1 Tlta VIcrita to Irlo :arv-at 7.e of trade, wo &sail fr'f,r. tar •:!, 0,4 v; ir; 14,,•.40 4 ;It thqt: .01,t cli9494er.n '; 9.9 p,44 SAM A i':14-3 PIC'E.1.1t D. at4., les ---- esseetezeeee--- -s - .9_14 ri teee • . g:STIO itoAAC) CAZILiNG Being now in reeeipt tif •Glare titeel; of Dr 000d3, Groceries, 'Wines wad _Liquors, Crockery, Etc., sop, tun Stre,A, raotor, which will be sola :411 '.111i I ) thr.t-^tc.='r wl-11 ‘I'i"m. of his prositi,es„ The TWA wadt eht lid in 1.11, faigned, by , Idea grentia, eheeed and came out at h• r 3 xertion. Italriug the rtOt Sho 4 the r4iX d •liee poet. Mr. Mareoney ,fr /5 I V' SI what, ver, neither thought a acat poliree Mate leo% itmta At hi% t,a3, te.r g eveetit a menstit foe atoehely, kat when the en- efft't" ito' suing evil; 1.14C came in with tlyieo eel- . s s ee„,e eeeee ,• ik4 Rrapti:;47 14 :halt. r teneo MA 'I ere wee ,trneit tee ewe viler. mash in, LowEsT ta 3.• Ile.. J. :1•:••••eee anfirt2 " t you ltfr. )11:ir„ocorrey hed the irou • e tils, ,141. le 4 e'er eta torninet, nerelnitilt re:leg reiteeetee eta ggn,rojito miming 6.71,9.*‘' Of 119 9:1,F Ir /-11-4-1411:1, Wrq 4",lt•itTv. ep. te th 4,136r. Tio.9* s -e '. FIA0 The initabitatitsofsieitaity noel not tl'ol tro4.1;.1 411 e o :0 el., re399 ry „mei eite I it, 11":''' It the *!,-4": I•°'r 14'4. , T°„Inl'v",nt t olt the **Iwo y Led eaved. Wing 4 neer f 1, ere. -ley -no eesient teen t le fltat me I eta nent eer love of a het, too ttt the', Want oif niarhet whon,wiih inake moric.y, to 4 th a Pcv 3 14,4 ugh ti,,. vht ph -itr..1 tee f i inatinown OW, li. V94,itTfT. ft112e: 1411( dgrvi* ean at the staro Of tho sitigsorii.or MARGIN ON CO T wea;,1 rive her an t:me tic 3'. 1!!'w Inathy. tt‘'curt" hn't h 1"1` ! and a eirerels of ura e:,„dg, that. iliti,t+ srsi 11:rc+315,sys-.77.2 +fn...., w.e, he; eel! g. elie %Tele; • !itt I deeed nal grta 0 firet few . worenei in tit decry with envy tl her eSePse:i.tiCe9 devote and 4•lieoe a:4 rest of her !ni•th" btf MHO mat sow, ittul Mr. Jaroney came , Mee,. to, ,,erviey; 1.'112 'nt "11'4.'1 g the fa"17 ae. tO the ceeeteeein that it didn't pay te tam ti) tIllo-1401111-q, mien r wit It wole nive her ;‘,•3331DP {living her. he moe'R prneerty, heeling re•!- Sill:ZS, Al ineoyA% Doloines, outi ovorytning, to do e trsethl 31a it withent l" tQe """l 111::11t r Mt`h: vela*. ittenranee, A 'tee etel tido wry -1; tho Dry Goods lino. Tit,. (Irot.t.ry or nor Tauriee, See tete ft, ot 1ee eiere 4 "1 ' • •Y ie•to AeTt ! end etew atel dread of tiro ;Led Perth. noee etaisys tit,tvirea licik 41}..1:, wee :rid). :tied aunt'. down td% 1191 haetkinst mere than eermterhaianceii any Apartment is conlyikt,e. Ali illSrit'Cl 1141 iltV40,1 Cevietien hbe Site wee le: outit it, /16"It ""r"i"3 1/1"4 1411P tritium advantietes tie re mighttrOltbie to 4hoxy gonas tide Vionelt F:14414/114 m1 hAptiz,,a all :the never fdt hetter in her life , ISAAC CARLING 31 -ST 1,11.:ClilVF.1/ NT THE wiese ioreeley teepee, et,a ,figh 41, tt'r as, heel eetelf tour hearts monis. --""'" .999.9199.9.9919.9.99,99.9.0999.99,9999.•9999999911Nwomovre.99999.9..wwwenaemeeefeterw*I99,,,r3,94-smvsoesocenomeatonmoewerve. *51 at 145• ped8e,•r ;nes by Riedel) Strechae, Ind on $ituate* afterlife -1n oho appear. NEW r one wee reeeiree 4tqw tl heatth nod seirits, a sh, eilette• tillk‘A meet intelligently. tiiw aocYze sricom .,:a.or err 1:71 mar ti life, and thole's eeatimteil so fer -*mounding it eere lea to 140 lanelied n,,st 14 'or t,, 3i,„:01 m4,4, argei vAutirtt eeveral pare, until she experienced a ea, and triteted no inn wanld he mead, two -• VOW,: volt firkt 1.1 th, trairvaara,te fn tie r pow, r relieioue feellege Au of thorn- She still a There, to her pe- 4 111/ *VO iterainsi, She r**,..*1 she fro. eilliar 1.13114AS 101W AC ; inl to 1/11 W1M b'.1"3"1",111143351411:‘ "1t'''• aettleee.e te eete 0 eeeettieutiel.„,,ii, theateht the feet, and the etrenseetaneee IN CitEDITON. 1•111:1STOPIUM RAI% onently pdinteel mit her sprm. ent la omime to see tor -111W thy ,re 1Y,ave ()Oil/ VT4 41:tati,Ilarlt 7. Wm i to 0 ,,i, th 11 he wain leees her he his elute a niunoer—she strises to impart — (Tr lel en.1 tell her how see wits te wore. thorn. PAINTI>.+0 t ' — ------ GREEN, JAPAN, f e• his • hwy. She ser the woe one The extraordieary case halt given A. YOUNG IlYSON day abent the yeAr 1857 retnriiine rh'° to quite a sensation among the ,,,,,, AI N r"..L. I INT G and BLACK, TEA,S, to ll'i for Hie an • ver't a 1 i e medical fraternitv, 9, timber of whom -1 RAISINS, CM:RANTS, l'IlL'NliiS, DRIED G 0 C E AND LIQUOR STORm A LOGE STocg. Al,' or in that He buil healed a eiek wools, went to mee her tiering her prolonged , throtteli prnyt,r, and that whilet mealabstinence from food, and nil left with toting on the mercy ef and she heArd thexp e ression on their countenance an e 11111)113 video Hay nine her, nein forth tool teach the doetrion of repent. twee and beptism unto the faith Onetv delivered to the Sniuts, far the reini.i. semi of dill and the vitt of the 11 ile Ghee*, with order to leiptize as John The other day a bit of a boy celled — bitioiztal.' She reeeived the andible at thn tilde do" of a good.looking Kat"' e0111(11412(1 to 110 Flo w At Ma, several residence, and told anch a sorrowful times, and said she telt her weakness story that the lady of the hou e was as a woman so to do, and while metli- ant stingy in throwing previsions into tg. i3t4 Rho nee she was tele te ask a his basket. liapperti.ig to look into sien, As Gideon asked a sign, frem the the front yard, niter a few minutes, sh ethe that it was soming "no fellow eau make out." 4.-40.44911 A ROY WITH A ILltaltT. L r I She iteked the gift and prover of fasting (rain the Lord, as a sign that she to go forth and speak that doe - trine and the keeping of the ordinances eta fasting, washing the feet, prayer sainting anti (thwarting ail the eterimatiernents, and that was a sign of His favor, in going forth to teach. He would" give hore the power of fasting, and would feed her by His hidden man- na from day to day for a satisfactory time. In 1857, she said, she fasted fourteen days, which was her first fast, during which time she partook of no food, and drank only water. In the same year. after being baptized herself, she says that she wilted the pester of again fast- ing of the Lorti, and her second recinest was vented. She then faeted five weeks. In June, 1802, she green she was again directed -to go forth to her work, and during a period of seventy weeks elle didn't fest. In 1864, she said, she had another fast of three weeks, and in the game year --1864-811e says she NV RA again directed to fast, and fasted forty 'clays. These were her statutory fasts. She says she again fasted iu 1877 for forty ,days ; and travelled and taught during the !whole of that time., She - travelled' over 200 miles, holding meetings and tireaelling the gospel. . On several oth- er eceaeions she fasted fot shorter per- ioil . .• • . „i. Her nexteiii4AS f;rcrindoL • •:•. • .• .t :` ••",.' • .,. saw the strange hay mixed up with her three or four children, and she called out 'Boy, what are you doing there?" "Feedin'these half-starved children," he promptly replied, "But those are my children," she in- dignantly exclaimed. "Meltes no difference to me," he said, as he broke off another piece of cake. "When I find a young 'un oryin' for bread, and ready to swear that he hasn't tasted pie tor over a year, I'm gain' to atop business and brace him up. Haven't you got a olefin white waist which t could put on this dirty little boy ?" She looked up and down to see if any canvassers,for the poor heathen were in sight, and then glut grabbed the broom and ran that sympathetic boy out of the yard. A. STORY OF REAL 'LIFE, Mr. Itlarooney is foreman in a foun- dry, and gets thirty dollars se week. With this salery the family ought to get along well arid save iiieney, brit they did not. Mr. Merooney has n oousin, a shoomalterl who only gets fif- teen dollars a week, yet who sails right along in lightning express, while Mit- rooney comes lagging along like freight with a liot hex. "How do you manaee it, jack," he would frequeptty Ito,"mo get along the Way .14dflitite actuery keep 1. TO -IMG Is prepared to do 1111 kinds of House Painting, Paper -hanging Whitening, ite. at reasonable prices and punctually. J. KITCIIINO. Morn st Exeter. STOP vir REA All forms of Kidney and Urinary diseases, Pains in the Back, Sides, and -Loins are posi- tively oured by GRANT'S REMEDY, its effects are trnly marvelous in Dropsy, Gravel, Bright's disease, Seminal losses. Len- chorrhma, and lost vigor, no matter of how long standing the case may be, positive relief is bad in from one to three days. Do not de- spair, hesitate or doubt for it isreallya specific and never fails. It is purely a vegetable prep- aration, by its timely use thousands of eases that have boon oonaidered incurable by the most eminent Physicians, have been perma- nently cured. It is also indorsed by the rega- lar Physicians and Medical Societies through- out the country, sold in bottles at Two dollars each or three bottles which is enough to euro the moat aggravated ease, sent to any address on receipt of Frvg dollars. Small trial bottles ONE dollar each, all orders to be addressed to Grant's Remedy Manufacturing Co., 54 Hain St., 'Worees ter, Mass. HAY PUMP WORKS MORTON, - PROPRIETOR. Raring now greater'. facilities for nrannfactnring pumps than any other faetory in the suction T san prepared to furnish pumps and dlg Walls on the shortest uotice, and ...errs nt all work. My puMpil have taken the • FIRST PRIZE AT TILE 1' LI, SHOWS against many oompetitors. I can recommend them, and sell as cheap as any second rate article W, N. B,-AlltEd 011at OE ALL "'KINDS DONE MitS. BOLTON. , rt. Shop -One-quarter mile north of Exeter. Lorolon Road. Kay 0 ' Exeter. Aug Rth, 1878. ' CANED PETIT, S•ARDINES, LOBSTFRS, SALMON, APPLES, BITTEBSAI-CE AlD preKr.r.s. 11DXSPI1.S. WINES AND 511;11 -Ts. rat,:krALT, scowl!, na.sn ANI) commas WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AD CRAM, Wholesale and Retail, G. A., ILA Cite, Blain Street, Exeter. ranzt FLEA! FIRE! ••••••••11•01 The eubscriber, S. E. Jones, wishes to thank the people of Exeter, and surrounding cout35,7, ter the lib eralpetronage which he has received since among you, as a Wetch maker and Xeweler, and also h4 form you that X have a large quantity of goods to dispose of, some of which are SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY FIRE! Jewellery ! jewellery ! Jewellery! EAP AND GOOD. GIVE ME A CA S. E. JONES • Undertaker ,3 OULD BAY TO VV those who intend purchasing to do so from. the Manufacturer. The dealer who Mays to sell againrota t necepar' iv have prefab. We .1,a to; give the purchasers the benefit, *which esamet fail to meet the views of the Grangers. Our ereauses aro Iced than these of city menu lecturers cotsegoent- ty we can sell cheaper. Emblems o C. & S. GIDLEY and Vii,rniture Manttfacur ere E WOULD call specialattentien to our nildertiking depart. ment,which is more corn plate than ever, as we have added several new designs of late The best °cans. caskets shroude,and every (lateral requisite at the lowest prices. our` -'new Hearse is pronounctd r by competent judges to .be second:to norin Oa Provinces all the Iltfferent • • . SocietieS,