HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-19, Page 5gEPTEABER 19, 1878 THE TIMES rfjJQRNi & FARMER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Soc &c. GENERAL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. Carling's ale, lager and porter in bottles and quarter casks. Labatt's ale and stout in bottles and quarter casks. TIME TADLE, IL A: R Mixed GOING NtO1111. 1VIAIN TLE.12, EZETEri.. Facts for the People! 'THE EXETER TINES 3.35 p. OE' EXETE3 Al.CD SURROUNDING COUNTRY - Express ....... ....... .. 7.35 p. tn. GoIXII botTII. 8.49 a. ni, Mixed 2.50 p. ur• Exprers 8.25 p. til, The firerof Dry Goods Retailers of Loudon. Ont., have ()milled to change the whole character of their iturnease Line, A.B POWLI1, C 'Ki. White It.,at• 'Scott • W rife " Rini Chaff " loirley ••• ••• Oats Peas ..• li8as ... 0 tttter •... Elour porlthl. ... Potatoes, la•r bag ... .Apploi, Irv; frig -. Pile:I Appit”‘ pr flo. g:. dresred pal' 100 Reef .. Tittles .. Sheepsitine. each ... Bey per tilt -.. 4 intetri per it4Iiik ... car 141rOAPOr lb ••• 10. ••• .• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• Int In the pest, they with other London Iforehants 0401101A that a large business could not bo done without giving iudiseriusinate eredit to 0 02 .05 to 0 JO A. 13. Powell 4gv Co. O on to 55 have now determined. after due deliberation, to discontinue alio credit part of their businosa by ad - 0 4.1 to ID WC boring tis they oil/. strictly tit this rule, as ene their Rafe business ploasuroa, thov will be enabled V 5o to 75 to pay cash for all their purchases, A1,111 tlemand from Wholesale Manufacturer.. a largo discount, 0 21 0. g .htel tolvautage \Tin enable them to sell their goods trtell at ordinary wholesale pricoa. ,741 to Jai 0 03 to 00 R to 0 to To forrallea Iivmg oomo dietetic° from London they *would say that yon will savo t ti 5 (10 to 5 co leag, from 10 to 35 per cent. by looking your purchase from them. This great saving will Icay t/10 0 35 to 0 50 ea.peuees four times over, which you may incur by coming to Loudon, either by couveyance or 2ien- 25 to 3 a3 way. 3.510175 4 00 to 50 4 59 to i rot Their stosir of gond% forveltime or quality 50 unequal's...11in Ontario. The storp invent the length 09 to 6 09 of e, whole block.from. Ilundas to Carling lilt.. Hach of the four fiats of the entire building la used for tll U F.Onlp no of the pepertments of the bastuesa or for •Uanulacturing purposes. Their 0100 50 to pleage uti to 0 t» the de by attention to business. 0 GO to 0 70 ea to 0 le 0 24 to 0 21 UnNeAld. MUM,. ran Wheat ..... - ..---....................$ 90 tO 05 Scott IOWA . . .. . .... 0 00 40 0 0.1 °pro% wheat .. • Jostler • , . . .. 0 05 0. 1 Zel 00 to 30 , l'crts .........•,•N• ..... •.. . a .... ••••• ...a so to 0-114 .. ,........... ..... ..,„,...,.., so to oo Mates' , .,...,,...„....„...,-...... .... -, .. . .... 5 ..0.0 to 59 ..Utvii tiIIIIIII .. ..1 to 703 Hous - - . • , ....O. 1.1. oemp ..... , ..... ••••• 4 W. to 0 Butte . ........ ••••7. -2' ....... ••1•1 .••• ..... v... 0 10 to 10 Eg14,^. • ••-•- 0 09 to 09 W001 .,..." . .... , . 0 22 to 0 24 ST. MARTS (Reported regularly by A.Ciatbralth.Olerl0 DAM wboot.Per tillshel ............ as to svring wheat . . .. so to o 00 Vows . . ... „ . .... .. 4..614 t,. Co GO" (IOW .. . . 0 90 tO 0 31 Votatoos por bag .. . Coo to 0 GO Apples " ••• ...... 0. 40 to 0 50 /led per th 0 In to ll ill :Hutton 0 , 0 03 to 0 07 Pork per oat .. 450 to 4 ol Eggs, per dozen ...... ........... ...... ....... 0 00 to 0 to i Butter.- .0 ........... Hoy • , • •.•. IV . Iti Mt to It IV 0 93 to 9 hi Nionel These goodeare of our own manufacture; aro nuolo osolue:vely for our own retail trade, and can bo • . ..... . . got ouly at ;he footory. 0001) HABITS. Our house has risen in a.• very few years troll fi small retail step) to oat) of the lar&Nt50 Westeru Ontario. A. call on ue will be made profitable to purcbasera. A.. E. powsxa. a Co., 134 Aunclu et., through to 13.1 Carling et, Sept. 19, m opposite Masons Dank, LONDON. DUFTON & MYERS OP THE ST. NIARYS WOOLLEN FACTORY aro giviu3 special value in TWEEDS and FLANNELS ! gEATTIE COZS SILIC W. RE.1.1.0t1Szi 0 TO11 Will the Largest as. sorrtment of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Rid .01ores, Laces, and all kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking miler the manawment of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend ou getting the latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, att Mod- erate Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. TTIE CO. 140 Dundas St. London 4 ,..,-11. ,• Nub- P PA 41-11 W DI* 01=- CI E-0 0 lift Frj 0 Ild CD Itl N. relEe:,tP..4 " 6ar, e , T, F.1.go PI -0,1 g- tr3 IP. d 9...i IS ii w 'cl S tx4 .1-41 0 • ts. ''' ...:7 1:2, w P. w ,_, €4 CD •P 5.. ,:.. co P atl al L. ' h,„t4 oil .1 -De. 0 0 [21 5 .*--,.., a --i.,.2.,04,1,- 4-,a, “6" . g S. i i F r i I' a ' o a • L-4 0 gi P4 tr d g'aq ' fit ..1-3. pa It .041P„,,-5.eg..,-P ..c.- . 030)..,0 tid•-7,:t g P 0 n - .e,o 5 ....0.,--.t1 r4,-.• 0-.4 • 0 HI r6..at.,,,,-,:,... , c,•,..... P1 'They are Cheap booauae they aro durable, and durable because they aro made front pure wool,. WS SPECIALLY ItECO.ILNEND our55e. 65a. 75e. and 80e. LINES OP TWEEDS no three latter aro equal In weaving qualition, to home ntado, and of good finish and appearance. DUTTON & MYERS, ST. MARYS and STRATFORD 5 ,pt. 5, 2-m. 1878) BOOK and JOB PRINTING HOUSE CARDS, CIRCULARS, & POSTERS Printed on the Shortest Notice. Ohrornatic 1?rinting a Specialty (1878 nest Adverstising Medium THA. E OLD RELI13..LE HOUSE At all times, and particularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce. It 50 in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with evecy confid- ence ; it b`eing more carefully assortee and selected than that of any previous season. 0 In the County of Huron. In the Dry Goods Every department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked a prices which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. THE ORDERAID CLOTHINC* still has MR. W, IVES at itshead In Millinery tsnderthe mashagement of Hiss IlleGloglilon, we can snit the most fastidious. Our stock of ORDERS BY MAIL OR OTHEWISE. PROMPTLY AT.. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American TENDED TO. Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of tne largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their best interests by examining my stook before going elsewhere. • ;TAME S PICKARD Solid Reductions ! -AT- 75.1 iso Co., (successors to G. B. Smith) Before Stock - Taking. 2So. Colored Lustres for 125o. laic. Colored Due tres for 71o. 3)1.50 Parasols, an silk, for 75o., just half price. Dark Linen Dross Goods, all pure linen, for 10,121, and 100. Fria*, Shirtiugs, and Bleached Cottons, at startIme wises. Afett,8 Fine Straw Iota worth 75e. and . .81. for 25c. Hosiery of all kinds • • Wonderfully Cheap •. Ladies' Circular Stripe Heavy Coleted Cotton Hose for 10c. per pair. , bilk, and Cashmere man- tles at about halt price. All Wool Tivkieds, doubled g andwisted, both ways, or f 250. per _ydrd-rextra value for 500. Suits made to order to lildItte the 508(0)3508(0)3of all. Ready-made Suite atprices which will perplox some, Astonish others:, and be:the wonder of all. . . We hope no customer win leave St lrlarye 6 . :7 . without visiting us' and judging forqlsomeelves t4 0 g 2. 6,4 47 fAs ital and seeing with their own eyes the, completeness cc 0 :13 .8. 1-3 .., , , of ottr stock, and the enormous value we are, gilt. .ingWHITE them ".. • . - " ' . .• • 0 , . .. 0; •:i . •, , . . .i. 1 CHISHOLM'SOLD STAND LONDON THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE FOR GENERAL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY 84 MANTLES. MEN'S CLOTHING TO ORDER, OR READY-MADE. HENDERSON & BUCHANNAN Late A. Chisholm tit Cu. • , J COMPLETE STOOK OF HONE,S•• T GO•OD'S . • HONE S -,'T PRI OE S., Reotember, -839310- the Striking pock; 14 2; Dundtis eticoestiore toO.B.1 Smith.Strotitt ESTIMATES IURNISRED ON APPLICATION. RANT 1;'• NBROS., HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW PREMISES IN MR. EACRETT'S BLOCK! .,! OPPOSITE Sam:well & Pickards. RANTOINT 1 °;.; v • " • - • • ' • • • .;•;) tV; ,