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The Exeter Times, 1878-9-19, Page 4
4 TA's TIMES SEPT: -4111 !OBER 19, 1878 The MoIsons Bank, IN, J2t:ha lltIFJO 211 fiOt OF FA Lt.°,?51:N C 11 af.al•, $2,O00,QQ0. nen- $ oo,000. READ OFFICE MONTREAL. ZOliN S1i>3 \ I...Q F'4'c e.&'t, HON 7tcS n 31 i1,¢i S1\ M.P._ i.'et ._ss,. I s , - t' !:kr. M- 11.1— vz^1x4 1...14.. - - kr:•_ yews: ?•,X.et-er 13idles ee EEE18,1 t I 1 11. a ,P „aµ+l ,•1111 bterlingEN,caane onear, ..- Lt)tNS T41 FAFa'Lll l tot' *, ar t e. 41,1 -• , r a ci,F 13E cC1S 4 though nature, by the aid of those pe atelier freaks which no span can under - !stolid, has left hili in ouch a dental condition that be bat; no power to feel ashamed of himself. We would advise Grammy ;to submit his manuscript to some ono matter in`'orined can politica TWO MORE MINISTERS DEFEAT$, voter at the election of a member of'''''''llmmasnommuuntnnelm Roe. llzr: Bones, the valiant Minister the Boase of Assembly of that Prov- Wonderful Discovery.. PRESS .. of Alilitia, has been drummed out ; and Hou. Ur. Coffin has been seat oif with.'tuaed for "House of Assembly'" or "'fife and deum also, make the oath applicable to the elect - Lion of n member of theBailee of Coe - mons of Canada, and which oats the ince; the words " House of Commons of Canada being in such case subati- such other change luring made 'as to L&MSTON ELECTIONS. ; than Gummy appears to be, I The Premier biwse'f has been re- Deputy Returning Officer or Poll Clerk DAT sal i- .t> e f et.¢ r c ? a, • ...a.:;d aC F.°:1c , rat::oar: a• .i1 6 rat 1111 11/1,~ *Ih,1. t,slr:l.'ICE iliER10.Ite7$> dneed to the condition of almost a cos to hereby authorized to aanrnuister. ` - Now here is the penalty TEE "Zrcral guard ass compared will, Iiia for• y mer Lig-swelliug majorities. A second 1 Any Returning ()flicer, Deputy Re- mer upon Ibis stronghold, if it should el 1 l t t {n Id l 1 h' t f l- f y f t1 bl' t f halt • I `tA The hopes of the Liberal-Conserva- lives, the expectsatioue of the ceeutry have been fully refilled. NO less than three Grit Ministers, bee/toting Mr. Carewri ;fat himself, have beers defeated, Ina the Warty utterly routed tae a con- trolluag fora',* in the 1) audition The turning Officer, Election Clerk or P*111 el w to retnses or neglects 0 per - some soon, a u al ata ie . im out o ale form ail o he O 1,? a lams or Ora g > 1 ties required of him by this Act, shell seat, and curb au arrogance that has q o s e fct , each Ott 1 e or u • for c ell sac i r fat al become almost insu0'erable. file 3,.ab• g erial•('oaaseryatives of L;atlnbton, Leve forfeit the sum of two ltuudred dollars 4 to any person suing for the same. dome" nobly, and deserve the thal.lce not, One or two other iof Realities and ilial*y oat e \fent, lint the Demiuian> 1 failures on the lniart of the Deputy to i do IUB duty were lauiltted out to that agaiusmade by'the Liheral•Coaneervatives Return of Dr. Ttlpps!' gentleman by Mr. Porter's agent, for 601.711 111:1lON. are unprecedeinied in member mad not- i The pc+ople of the West will give j all of %neigh he will be made to retail,; ertaance. Tire chief centres of intelli- "one cheer more} "" that Dr. Tupper Laad up a strict account, :r 14t)i) from the IY'ia$lr we are, r3.trt,.11lely well. pleased , P... been elected b-' so tlaudsome a ,Major- officer will go a: long waav in auaeatinl It: the lR.tri ti a viwtor y whish the Lib- genes Ionil trade gelifas, St. John, monMontreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton ititer.Ile has proved lnilutleif to Le ;Malcolm Colin the Corrupt. root enset`<'alive eel t*onantly wants mon s . ):' '1a':3n on Tuesday I*aet litho L'in(lon, Mase fall declared loudly Launch And able, and bas no farmer,! ..r, .. s..•, wit 1 I glitz i . 1 rola warmer Mende than thoeie to be TlsePogellaebeenelit:htlyin 1`al l tci ^t tc - t;l-at,t''+ with Prado at the against the [r retulu. tai, What could the Inset two diava The uauul tent been suspended. • ilia 1 t f ^"t st'ttleneiee redeemed . be more gratifying to the country ? fouled in these Western counties. "Otte `ccs nova leekktAnint wtt,a seuaiiug one ftairiDuriPg ttVO years the Liberal Conger- cheer wore for Pr. Tupper r D eta*iasi c' to main we desk: deplore vative llpllasitielli Inas been warniug, the defeat t,f Mr. Robert Porter, the l eutreatiug the Croverumeut to do some- Shea -r of Ron- Ili, T'lley. eoneeersn.ei~<4 caniis4ate teeoutla thing for the beet of the cc'untry. liter.ilt> 'fide tinfertmnete result Las Dat they refueet.t !: They: not only ze. 9 St. Jobu is owe of the brightest point :;•,,n: , • „r a> ost fused, brat did so doggedly, allntost bra- t iu our current history. There taG,..,ane la•l.t l by meals the itt The retulu of ,Bon, Mr. Tilley f ati alai c +aat+tamptible--by facts which I task, They have Erma beside* .no al; fn ,aa tt1Q coentry who is more thor- deoraad(t the e llistitueoe y and. cover (liebuatdred waye, and have forfeited et (*uglily brusted. Aud the respect iu tae•t<.alVu (nor teeny with of hundred promises which they pretended which is se is held is not - onftlae+t. to his -:l d. f 1 & y no y mid the dt:e elitarate. Act. y to hose made faithfully to the people. nmolteBate friends. His bittttrept op- i, tk'ttannp Q5t urge t ' t -t t .: -u to a ,uual has o is have nothing Qtrabn ta)a lief s Veva:este And now the Day of Rtois t f toe ta:4waa't,ast c arranlati asF were resorted .1 il*0 t 1 iia every Two: of the riling by atoll overtaken thele. They have beeu chver- /nenC:ratl shills banaitm agouti, of rtt1De 1 taken and routed. The have bean de, t f the to alit potarwuta eorruptioniete in prise:, hot only of place and power, the 11,tlail,11an.:r"rhtlhiug that cow, mewl a bat of sy. rale athy. What followers they trice;ery eeuyd devise was left undone , have will binrita4t and tremble before the : rte , that man Caanterora'd return. frown of Elft lutlignalat people,: and their t.r s161a,, tlt a t aat+<la a humiliating event res the olac. leaders wM (lw even to eseaP° from ob- ti as of to anteenn aeon only bone beep I servation by seel;iug a epeto y retire- etcured by bribery. There was an ab.1 meat. Ia etlnlaot coria too soon, Tho e lately u. rt:tie majority of 240 for. Mr. q""°°°` llohey blas beset deelared to be Grits. Hetaveu 1, she National will and even if Mr.:dee- . ,tine. ire- will sou take tabs place the i iutanee )linister of the Domini t A Noble Triumph in East Elgin \1r. Ancell line justified the cxl'eeta- tion of his Aieuate by defeating Mr. 11cDougell. Wen done, good and faithful eervaut> East Elgin 1S re. deemed, and that iri a bitter pill for the ripped fatness" ou ,'„rids hall motley :anti outer potentt luentlay> vatluencim heel, Elft auto/the question. i kenzic has the (audacity to Mott: alt to hitt Cameron trap, ttla t'anvthution that 1 wake, he must f"e° a duterminatton' ;t True Stinger. to n ht Milli out that he would enter i which he has ol►pc said. a detarltlivation Which he has denouneutl> A great clay i ill, Bunting,, of the Mail, deserves upon the ea bad characterized himwith the shlus hal dawned upou. Canada, for which to bo epecislly menti lied on account 01 ,.1+1+frit 1> lizeh badaa,©,hay all be thaukful. the plucky fight be hoe fought, aud for "in l`revieln3 couteets, and to the,: RIR .110 ell•IL4.04- elt;alne of South Huron be it sail. the d:ttau nottneruu alas kept his word a:41y 1 aappeared in the field all the small nits having plucked a fine constituency from HE GOVERNMENT 'GENE IIP• t le hands of the enemy. When he first faithfully, and the Lot has beet, The „luixer and muddler of figures " euvenlyd that, the ballot does not aecttre ! has been sant where he will flat have test unbiassed and unbought expression i the opportunity of mining and wad - of 1)411)1114r sfllitneut, Let on the atm. dling any more. Ilou. Mr. Cartwright Crary tari,oits of cerrnpti.)n of the gros-; is defeated by a nininrity of 001 Tide Len nature. lint Cameron's dearly- is good news, and puts a finish on the bt e.,Iat trinr'ilah will be slhortlived, and ,crit administratiou, which bas dis- tea , peen.le of South Huron may rest graced itself aud diehouored its party. ,I assured that Mr. Parte'+' )rill represent l It is routed iu such a Manner that re- . etli 1frartm in tete neat Parliament raf formation is impossible. Mr. MacLean- ; •.1A,./0e/fl, and iu its first session, so zie ought to send in his resignation at that Cameron's ,money and Cameron'*+ once. Helms had his opportuuity, has abused and waeled it, and will now be resolved into the comparative thine- portance from which au accident raised him. I thee have all been spent in vain. A protest will be entered against his returu at once.. and sufficient evidence t unseat t::,.i diti(Inalify hint is already i,h the pos,s;s i,ns of responsible parties. T11 BLIND LEADING THE BLIND. "Ile (Mr. P(irter) has never more than bt''k- ly hinted at the °K•uninistignia land purchase,' f -1r whish the Sarnia Canadian was forced to r,;tritct and apologize." We do not quote the above sentence for the purpose of drawing attention to the wretchedly barn grammar it con- tains, a3 our readers may think on pa- rusing it, but to point out the folly of certain -persona setting themselves up as nlegtors of an intelligent public - The person who iodated the ab the in the last t ,sue of a certain publication though', no doubt, iu his;etvelluhg, an- l'e:alb indaut conceit, that he o'aa (Hs. pl tying wisdom which would have made a 8 domon turn Ore m with euvr. . But he only shows how utterly. igyor- aut,lte is of Vie A$C of Canadian poli- tics, and bow c,)uipletely ridiculous and< laughable he c.tri make himself. What opiuion the Rerormers of the Riding who have been cajoled into taking: the paper until -January have of the writer it would not be diffielilt ;to 'say, For as man who, in the prospectus of the pa- - per, pointed with pride to his "long aid ardu )ue eervioe r,f •the Reform party," to make- such an egregious blunder oat a question with which every itelligenteletto:r ir> thoroughly ftlpil-; inti, is an oceli'renoe' wt cii ought' "ib irn. man OF Mk;. BLOKE. 'ibe climax of Grit disaster is found in the defeat of lion. Mr. Blake, Mr. Shaw, the Liberal -Conservative, laving beeu elected. IIr. Blake woald have stood highly iu the esteem of his con- stituents and the country had he come out boldly from the Grits when he might 'have done sal. But he trimmed and hesitated, and he is now discarded. The defeat of Mr. Blake and Mr. Cart- wright is 'a fair het off for the tempo- rary non -election of Sir John Macdon- ald. Another Grit Gone. So 1i1r, James Young, of South Wat- erloo, )las been di;coutiuned too l Why, it is not long since that it was the toss up of a copper if be would not be in the Grit Government in place' of Mr. Plsilosopher ILII(,, ., And now he. is lying indiscriminately among a heap of the Grit slain 1 Well, life is uncer- tain in these tines. South Waterloo had been in the hands of the Grits dur- ing a quarter of a century 1 - ESSEX' REDEEMED. Mr. Pattersonhas 'defeated Mr. Mc- Gregor --one of the most ramarkable successes of the day. Ou-the last elec- tion. Mre McGregor carried the oonstit- ueucyneb'y'•11;'013. What a change! What a revolution o. a tiortlt side of the C°dutnbin river. pubic meeting Thos been heli, iu Vaan- couser to raise cleans to relieve t nfero. During a quarrel at Boston. Mass., in Friday, between Antoine t,t:tugaolil and Frank, Cardinale, the latter gruel; the former on the head with a heav=y iron cleaver, which Attuned Langorn. When 11e revived he stgzed an old bee - onet and dealt Cardinale two fatal blow*. The British stealer, Jessie L::tbarhe, from:. A,ustralia,laea.t Rebore north of the Heads at San Francisca, on Sun- day night last. She is a tutol lots. Eight children of Geo.. Lynch, the :Meat 17 years, living in - Hockley,. Texas, were murdered on Friday at midnight by an unknown party. Lynch, the father, woe awnitened by a Fiend ball etrihing him iu the breast. Ice sprang tali, and saw a masked man sttal.ding the middle of the room pointing a tet'., tut at hila. Another shot wee fired. and Lynch fell line mscione. When h' recovered be fonnd himself in the lane outeine the premises. The assast;tu, thinking Lynch dead, seized a hatchet and put the witnesses ont of the way, then fired the louse. Tho distracted father saw the house born and Pall in on the bodies of his children. Lynch it is thought will recover, Suspivian reste upon a young plan named Boatware, with whom Lynch lead bad a ds.tliulty. Forest fires have bt t+u racing on the of the el pai.rty " attempted to pone j their little fuu at him. Rut where is the laugh Holy ? Thank you, Mr. Duntiug 1 Letoat Ahead. Mr. McDonald, of Acton, one of the most tieing public men in the country, has been elected, and will take his place in Parliament to advocate the National Policy. He is one of the most ready and brilliaut deb ters in the Dominion. Merlons Old Kent. One of the most cheering items of in- telligenee on Tuesday is the triumph- aut return of Mr. Rufus Stephenson, by the very large majority of 500 votes ! Every means were used to defeat him, but he not only held his own, but roll- ed up a majority which shows how heartily he is held in esteem, and bow completely the National Policy which he advocates has taken hold of the opin- ions of the people. t1 REFORM" FAIR PLAY. In a certaiu polling subdivision. in Swath Huron where •.money was scat- tered right and left in the interests of Malcolm. Colin Cameron, the ° Deputy: - Returning -Officer refused, point blank, to admiuioter the oath to a number of "" Reform" electors whose votes were objected to by Mr. Porter's agent. This is contrary to the Domiuiou ''lection Law, and the Deputy alluded to is lia- ble to a penalty of two hundred dollars for every such refusal to administer. the oath. Below will be found the sec- tions of the Act bearing on this point, and the Deputy -Returning Officer tray maks up his mind that lie will not be ellowed to escape from the consequen•; cos of hie undue zeal = '' • - (Any) elector, if required by the'. Deputy .Returning .'Officer( j.l the Pull Clerk, one of the candidates or one of 'their lig tics, cit 15y >4(1 ' stestir,preseut, shall, gbefoie,re,enivipgte ballot, take the oath, or oaths of qualtfioatiou• re- quired by the latl3 ' isrc force in the .Pro- vince where theelection is held, from a SALE LEtilti rl:k;. 'Monday, fieptr ulhrr B:l. •:.o town ]ots nt Part laiaaltc, the L 11111 rt ci 11. Staulake. Hodgson & Pico iluetioneet e. Thu sthiy, September 111th—Farm stock, Ilupls minds, ,Co.,it1'l4'0 e1ty4flhevi,l C'lw ia4;n,lutti, con.lt,L'sborut A.1;thball,une, Thur -day, Q. SM.—Sale by auction of Farin Stock, Impltancnts etc.; also 4 village lots ; sale at the proprietor's residence. J. Whitlock, prole. Hodgson & (jku, Auet're, Friday, Sept. 27,—Farm. farm stock. and cin plcmeuts, theproperty of Mr.ltio►tard 1'iu- coiube. lot 14, concession 4, L :borne. Hodgson At Oke, auctioneers. DEATHS. RobiNsoN.—in Exeter, on the lth inst., Jul1n 13.. son of Mr. John Robinson, formerly of Blanshard, aged 28 years. HoLMEs.—At Ceut"alit(, onthe thinst.. in- fant child of Rev. J. Holmes, B. 0. minis- ter, of Uxbridge. ERVANT GI1IL WANTED. Apply to 'Irs. Dr. Hutchinson, Exeter. [JOT'EL FOR SALE. 'that large frame Rotel known as' T1I0 DR1T- Iili RO1'GL." ,u CLINTON, with largo frame stablesattaoheu, situate,' on lots 300. 361, 367 anti TALURIE D OF MANKIND 411 tnt9rnaI & External REM;r•Q Y, A ALM FOR EvRay WOUND. . h 1..¢ s n a 1na%tit ¢ 011.1 \en a1 k2a an,? • a mow+ . e, p.,aea , ,4ae•,/E111 b•l64 to e.Lnncrat e.11't !„•11„a. aK 000'4 it e4 Y 1•:,t •Ol t..,, to) tl • tae t. 4 11.44.0(` G It nn ;.011111 ,i. r'e al^lr.cteto tlne t:, lrnn-e.ent, to lee ei r t i°1n 11enla4:0 12 talc 1 O4 nnztww l'n s nn” C*r 4alt . ag 1•1the. 1.1.K4, tied pe li It Inion tiae n 4 L: C'nt1 `1oxe It 2I20n rt ¢' .1 oet*1 ti .awrer° IT CURES '100>rlr. Ft hells Ifs+ul'teht, venr11ie1 1Caoenee 'et4,. u u *O* Fw, flan s Io*l^a 11 *t on, 1a*ens we,iI1l'fl•reoia!lt,a;ta01 tit: as tastu:'9tiPt n'40w211n,. s;ii1n 1n1 ontore• SnmreComzltintF,.4r•4.l..rto,. i;t''aaa,uiItt1c eaa: il 11,11 1•: t4•'l •l . In .*Tint (t1 thee 1'0. t,,"t ,r..4at 1,-•';d'le i* d' 'OiQit,r al tIea % "•x. resat ,-m1n 0111 rnl►ar Ce',t feel `a'ae r • t -soot of its ts, • :+ mina nn ri,t cg Zile u th4 roe' . i t , tf, li=on ht. 11l1rsa• ,tion a a, tutah0. °^vac .vat ate re°.e,nn.14't1lie ^n, la••^I .w n w'al4r=111,e4 or ,1t:ea6ae;n Pro v "las 11•^. ,ri.It '••*'Iter 511 ,'4c•' tna't flirt Pre n'+t?oae >c rich ,nsra.lh ..1. nt olid ''a> &lke1 t , .,e t proof 9t 1 P4>W4OV4r 4isr,a4+ t a<' 114.+wet 90 ((latter who t ;rm.' 11e, P12')) n Pw' illi( or Yount: who -a sufrt=r'r tr.F'n; s n! Ole 1*1i0V4011111'11 p'+4 tall relapla alp wol Oral fit the (Mee -ta T ,r°4utn. aRV 4inr• ni 1 o w : v 1! l "nisettcaatt b ns1! '1 sr alt en•„•, •.,r, 4n1 1 :,e °l pinwe it%e yt.•.a¢•ae ^es •a,o'a ,l. • 4a111 CUM . ant t',1, PoJni,nan a eon a' tiv emelatl to locust, ++.''t, r t00%." s> ' 1 •n t,4 the most 1 .1,44,11 taratlt'010 fog r,. t0,eos1line set 4v whi, Ia it beta pelt duel* Pool ase tr>11a,t 11•0 n'Fnse41 2,1 n irn t. W,na,4tn, 21,A tr+a °, nil nthorb 71,1:111 c,1t"n„tn,+:r =t as 0,1•soRi1a 1 br4ir<gn.. o” 116 iti n a••E rc 4c.a.n,e,nl >'4a,en4.td•: Vi1, `a1,4l11 :at,t1'.'1-;YL,Ne,snn tlr\noo, .rrr1n"44>ratiot':,. os;ian;i ,ntt Oca44isornw t,1,1 14,40 vuo tour lam ilv end nelkted 1,a,1 aur"Jsi*.ros)in; earn •n,etaquant114of a, Ritz .ter i atr'>/1ne 1. • Oh• ••• l u ivnrl. n 1ira:1lhrt, a e,a to. , .r ,_.so'>r_._. 'nh4'irt•1.n,tnpti>1,°hen+t it tae,• uttnk+S'a1 11• - goad Pat ,,t Mc li-; 1l'II o set o" Mous 0' 2 . '. Ort nun. liant) t n rtn 1 + lav r tZ5Cens per Bogle ! • seta by all lenterpriaine aro o'lats. Sr,pt,10., tp, emmatimmommesimmamormancallat Exchange Sank. of *nada.' HEAD OFFICE,_ IIIONTRTAL Capitol paid up, - - - zl,otttt,tl0©, DIRECTORS; M. H. Gan T. President. rIi0\I L'3 t'.LN nxwrl1L V ice.Pri' 4+lent. A. W,Ot3If.\ Il l.r 1'., - I E.2,111 GREENE, THOS.7'I11'1N. ALEX. utenron, J 1aILS ('it:1T1f1;RN. Castli4r ('.11 `it']UUtA1. - Tnspetltoi, GEORGE BURNS, - - Exoter F3ra,nell- .L GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRAN- S L( l i P, Money loaned to farmers on their own notes whiz glad endorsers. Drafts issued on New Tori;. SAVINC1S I3AN-C PEPABTa1L,NT. I_nt•'rest allowed on deposits of one :iolhtr and upwards. OFFICE HOURS -From 10 to 3; from 10 to 1 on Saturdays. W. A. ILLSTINGS,'fanager. Exeter, August 2hni,1878. 51-1y, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDLRRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LIVE OF 01.'t 3,38, in the town of Clinton, coutaiuieg oae acre more or less. The hotel has a license and is no ,v doiega;fi'•st-classbtls¢nees. 'Thisaffords asphn- Roy 7 ma// 4ealllships. did oienot trinity' for t>nv one desiring to go into 1 the hotel business, as the terms are very liberal. A s•n .11 payment down, and two or twelve years fol b055120. For iurthor pt>+•ticulnrs apply • O'13Y1tNE,Exeter. va,tnak,orfor ()minima Loan Society. WESTERN FAIR, 1878. $12;0,00 OF FE RED JN PRIrZES COMPETITION OPEN'TO ALL. Will be held in the pity of London, SEPT.. Both, Oct., lst, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Prize Lists and Entry Papers may be had at the Secretary's office, All entries aro t equeste,l to be male on or before the 2tstof.d122TEMlhEIt. • Railway arrangements have been made. for 0 Ji PARE to Loudon. and return, WM. MaB1BIi)E, Secretary. Wnsrare t: Fhrn OFFIa]t, I Loudon Sept, 1878. h MIXLINERT' MISS GARLICK,. Has now in stock a complete line of SPRING HATS, BONNETS, •'•:FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of Every Kind, in Latest Style arid Lowest Prices A fail Stick 'of Fancy Goode, ' Berlin Wools, Honiton Lace, Braids • Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &c, { Jaokdt9cut end Made to order. MISS GARLICK, Main 8t.. E cetor. THE CIRCA.SS.AN will sail on September 211 Shwtestsea passage.For *1)00(1, comfort; economy and safety aro equal to any other A'Untie Line, and being it Ca..a,l4au Line,shoult' he patronized by all Canadians, For purticnlals:as to passage or parties sending for their f11, ds, apply to CAPT. G KEMP, Exeter. • STOP x' RE All forms of Kidney and Urinary diseases, Pains' in the Back, Sides, and Loins are posi- tively oared by GRANT'S REMEDY, r its effects are trtily marvelous in Dropsy, Glove', Bright's disease, Seminal losses, Leu- ohorncoear and lost vigor, . no , matter of how long standing the ease fnay be, -' positive relief is had in from one to three days. Do not de- spair, hesitate or doubtfor it is really a specific and never fails. It is purely a, vegetable prep- aration, by its timely use thousands of cases - that have been considered incurab(e ' by the. most eminent Pbysieians -Tuve been. perma- nently curet(. 'It is, also indorsed by the regu- lar •Physioiansand Medieal.Seeieties through- out the country, sold in batth s at Two dollars eacli or three bottles which is enough to cure the most aggravated ease, sent to any . address on receipt of FIVE: dollars. Small t`*ial bottles ONE dollar each, all orders io be adt1rossed to Grant's Rv lady Manufacturing Co., 54 Mali 8f.;'' - ' ';= Worcester, Mass,