HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-19, Page 3SL1TEM :',B 19,1878 THE TIMES
ly injured. They pronounced the
wound to be not positively mortal, but
extremely dangerous. Minute doges of
morphia were administered, which at
length induced sleep. But alarming]
symptoms set in muchmore rapidly
tban was Anticipated. At four p. m.
General 1+Iesentsof'f began, to suffer
acute pain and at 5.15 p. m. be tliedin
the most dreadful agony, He was
over fifty years of age. He disting;,aish-
ed hi,nself greatly at the battle of the
Teehernaya, August 10. 1855. exactly
twel)ty.three years before his death..
Ile was very eench lilted by all who
kzlew liiw. The P''ist regards hie
aBsassination as the rejoinder of the
Nihilists to the ex. cation of Kovalhlky,.
who was shot at Odessa three daye
before. At the time of the trial of
Sera Zaeulitch, General ;►.ieserltsoff, as
well as the (thief of his Cbaneel:erie
and other high official% received
threatening letters, All the circum-
stances exclude the ides. that this out
TrSPRINKI-s1NG THE STREETS.. It is a large and somewhat cumbrous
speoies of the Tenebrionidae or Hetet
Mr. Trevelyan, who lives on Court 'oniers, a Zepberous, of considerable
street, has bad troiLble talready with his rarity in collections, as the genus to
garden -hose. Since the introduction which it belongs is restricted to Cen-
of the Holly water system, it has been tral Americe, from Mexieel to Yeuzue-
the deliyi.eht of Mr. Trevelyan to turn
himself zit Runst>t, aald's'ith hie garden -
hose sprinkles the thirsty street with
the cigar, cool waters of the mighty
Mississippi. 1MTisa Norah Donovan, a
young laity with is connected with the
culinary departlneu't of Mr. Trtevelyau's
la, probably living in very arid and
desolate localities. Taira. Clay's speci-
men came from ilierielo,'Yucatan, and;
is an Weis and at half long, soxuethiug
like the well known Pyrophorus or'o-
nminous Elator in build, black beneath,
with black legs and entente, and ycl-
hotostt, and is aldo snperluteudent of tlowish gray oil the upper side, with el -1
dorn)it•.ries and general overseer of l ev te•+,i plaiting blackspots on the it€-
earptsts, bad often watched, as her dn- l torstices of the wing cases and on the
ties would permit, this process of cool. t thorax. It ie confined by a slight en-
ing down the streets at eventide, and I circeng gut41 baerd at the base of the
she tzars been heard to wish that his y wing tits.+e, t9 is fastened a tlsm
duty might be i)rtriteted to her. She flat strip of gold rustnitlr town the
faintly framed her wish in a threes pe -d., suture, bent nuder the beetle at the
titiou, and lust evening she entered up-' tip, Anil leaving attacher to it: a slight
On the active thltiee fief her new t)mee. ! golnl clean, winch is tinned to the
When Miss Dot.oven took the nozzles silent:ler of the Nveatrcr. It was ree:iy'-
froin the Minds of freer taster, it weal ed so a c,rat.•.i its. whet to evidently
1 uintea almost dire••tly at the ruidedle 1 the fashiimi:M ,lanai Usual l i tlattel. The
41 of the stret•t, and Mi -s 1)ontavan cora t. great 1 et•nli triry in it is it power of
t'eiteution ly retained ii l I this I,rt,itien,. Illi":t€ at, lat;ag'tiines 1,tth•'ut f roil. Fan -
While her ►,;harass frame tree c.nav)t18e1' eiful name, ate giv a it, b1.ed tlipoll. a5.
WWI milli" lit, P es:evile', there came owl.. f ed its : eietie:h en light . ir, t4ct1
dealiieg hien the street, in a helot, other inl,tatleaado articles of dicot, tint
ellen hearaten, tee llrtppv young people. the English tatftnrcli t, re'e'&lheg tint, try
ldt+ 6 as +t„M
In vain the young rnaile poses* shout- resson1'1 of lenge/We in our scuff an n e of , l.% 02r
id, "Ili, Visite, 1 Say ; turn leo inti t" ' cellar beetle, Itletart alae bsiau'1n ' to •;ton si t: a,
ate$ ie vain the yernn ;female person the Teut-bri.lnt,lae, will pr:tbeb!y ace iese Se 10
4,/,`„f",°,/4.;0,41'4'e:04:04 rima essay-4tohi le behind a. nothing leteeds:al in this capability of t►atsc4,/,`„f",°,/4.nrt:t t}r?,
!wage! no larg'ar than t'; water liar.; the illseet, l:re. Clay has lied le 'tl••r:ar.�a
Wag Douuv,3n only atarea at ahem and y beetle hix wet'ta;s orgy, anti i3 ient retro
wondered if ter«L4 eutnre they night of how hoer 5 114110d. it Ste feetirig be.
be crazy, aced when Ways atS`n d throrrrilt 4 fore bt iatg 'Nola t) her, brat it hie eaten
the tatrelat they canto ont on the other o Rothieg darning her ownershie so tlnr-
Fiala very sail, very si east and very ing efp tioya."-a'. The Mexican ladies
clamp, wet to :aav lump. Theon the gen- he x e thesnse<ivee by tttmeltjug their
Wotan who live;} nest 4 )tar cane out ": rgYl•,;,s to rain eh aiu and. 1'attltlt#ug thio
tifad c,4ka t.a her as he approached, in a.,tefi':te a e•:�f ete e, tleehe°° eht,, lairs-1preeteue
t rtaQia•,.,°, to !netted her 11•o.v to :shut ell' lead. O.e" is 14ra'sietibly r''titieded of
the deluging .stream. or turn it esti?;, Gelliver is tate fair toils e4 dais /CA,1
when frees one ap}arfteelted. Bee ti 'a ,limna;,did,ul leCit:ca=•ii Want h r t•intW,.
x) ttat,,',;.rl linhtiaag taint eel% her nate".
;inset -S or :'" wad tatrnead arta , and , THE :L$SA::*l.N.t"I'ItIN OF GEN,
' 4.1 hint with the needle . i'ag itc. :iSI:.: l l tk "i
1^ r'a t).'. t, wide open Reil ere eeeeijrt
t"i. 1;,;.e tltrt,el with the Coat shot and; tedtere from tit. !"t't.°r-.1 ur*, alar
end 'Ger elle own In ,r, the c oilinu,.trt•atn h "he a in the Beelin j start al•i. ;tial the
f ii.,.wi'sT, hint every holt ttf the vssy. farliieeil; putts:Wei:14 the al•istitititese
attest ee espi ed of merest in tiie;;ilt'ee, dirt ' tees ))f (siennale:teAlse Meeet eese , : w i tl y
11 the irisin he ree.el►e'ai his own slow, tern ( t,ti'f ref tali) ;secret %' •lif''1 awl ", ? �' • -vi
ne,sees so 0;11%4114y elteltebs'd that Itis: teen.larmerie, the 1iteeine rool.'1 et
erele radius 1111:.tt'►tiesl. Then a .N' orth 9 ifs'.+il+trill �Ir!tin)itei6•t1 n'a31 ak'4'trrit'•tilaeij
WI atr# 't ear cense rattling down, ant `q :Ivey 'w ossa. n la ern- sees no a::0 -A the I. -.•,• r*riew,t At wilE^5a
to rt a a�14r.g and as atya t t
Baristers, Attorneys, f olioitora,Com
sioner3,as. rt„ Vic,
torics-Iiurres'S Biers, Water trent, Bt
Nun , rr aw a, E. 1V. n a»x a: R.a.L."`i acro
.t lrtarriattns, .attorneys, Solicatars;&c.
Money to Loan on heal Estate.
k'anson'sBlock. Exeter
aunts:' O iT.
S:SRS, .TONES & 'iIOS Pull.1
lee Ban'sfera, :Lttoaa:evsaat•lnw, Solicltsarn
.liaaaacoor'i Gena a ere, taainiii.eiloners'iu1 .R
asst Notaries Puislao,
L. Man's
C. S. serfs. W. 0htoSCIuP.
tr+• sot a--liuttot,'s Eloek, 'Vl'uf rat.,t.:llar'S's
IVa Oz1 ers and Reapers.
R. 1I17fetd1NSO`, Member of ; edeerceletratett
�-•� Q
ate C,all•:,,e e,6 1'a : .sari e ci 4.3]oF.en6LS _� ,� 112. �i V -R. tJ Y Y
0nrir•o o.e. es., a�:tat,.p_.,_. c,'ti...t
rage tetra have beast dictated by private --_ ' =.
_. .___..
revenge, and anoint to peittical uictices
oar it's trite cause.
Y LST N.—Co.toNEI.F#.i1F
C o.atita . f alta•, r.,y
KINSMAN, 13. n. gip..
era L,e l ]:is E)lr # ax ta.a •1 L
bo tat Inca'`
Shingles cr
1"10:.1 s1 TO ?lt.el
• . TQC
Two nt ,i• s :V ny 0 THP.
A MIA sral -1 cad ll, :al..,.,> IIs 3.2114=a r crud t te1,t
€'§ 5t ,'`°t:Me 5 yt4� 43.•,1 �1 ar'•t-
OI'm summer eer, east eros%es t`tut t; wall's aurine► ttltit;li l)a 11,,_,a to vii- "t,e a, T. BIS ,,DrArri '
re. t roved. avers.=rind; tin it •,t,... .rf
l , l9
,ldi e a truing it front e. ttienic at Stzn .it the chs ta'1 its the
Nein ,lc Iras
nysehe and ehen they heard the driver Ilii t1ttL so afro on the morning of the
.LI:rtiFARE, STOVES, Etc.,
shunt, and til . n itd,ia, and than awt..Lr, • eine of Augnatt, marl tehrmt It it. ,tri., Satin
they se,.v t` sir fate Ana \1ias I),.an.rvau, returning home attar la: l tl,7vr)ti) is a>».
I i
Rei a
U. Let t)ta NINiu, ;xl, l). M. t..
afar rAz.a1 -i v•tF v :leo
0. lutllll<, M. 1). C. U.
tri d as 6 f nC+tt a 1: Ywa1t .- 6 t'tri all
]C,coorl+tas.su"ic t Ene».a a,,AAt. U,.sac tt*.
tat„ to aa. tat u., t 7 to lest. t.a — S
i4 LUNING, ull: tri 'i la l I•
p, t `,Y i' 1'C6n•ty f:n0i 1,•.t+ 6.e,
trier ,taa ,Masa Prat "c .,2.f 014, p.t"sCf li,i0534014,
I' 3x;4 E�,. °i, 1'. ii .IN d,
Y # . t a4#5•st un .t#,7 , c• C -ea rah
lPt.t L ^a n tato,aa.}:*, u.t rind .>a:Y;k4 r4Uec;.
a ;:1 t,o 1 . C. & sorrel}.
LSI! ;l:: it,� u e t, t ,..;L;+ I► i,I:;tiiM
:.1,'-i 1l, p i,,,.:1--,,1 1.1' s tri a 4f
5 1 ',P 4t :-0,q t, a4 ^. tui 6`;, € ti. i, ,
� ';45, 4 11 Cs t --i , '14:e r s
a ,f i ; e,,•E e.a,..,An ,bC Curt r.it. tt,. i A'"*3 .10
.2.-... t,a.l Y6, .�,n. .r it 4+ t,a.
4 iii 1 *1A'€.1'i MAA:air l=".tr.3,I'a'ltaw
11:i 4A. My Aral, ,"+.r', 1 ,:q. 1 Cif Wv+
l:uw.: as a, t.a. C '1 k4 -Olt) t `3
7' ta.tat.4.,t y r...�..7�a..7v.g,, �t ( y.
AND (b Yr+t1iA N.1.EE:^.'.: TY1s"�3:TAC1!-ON
Ott 1.-1i SALE
'a'r o ni
u Tr -73
of i,.rr la r,s:4
0 NSTQ'N'S CO Q RINE i? A"'E ,
nits; wilt;
0 I.'"1t1732r4t*,
ur Kg4vee.,
Treem 4 and Keyed.
iLwY ia. tM ww
iJ NIaWA hist I I., t I.I�Ir1TU
atria jatst 11owteti..u4 w gaol it'd leraoainl emilptruit•d b) it farmer c nnra,le inE (� }' ' I-Iensall
(4, wet ;tied to get behind each other■ a mei the retired I,i.titti ttatt)t-C:t,hsnel
tsars erept under the seen:, :tttd cornu of " 1Lltkaraff. ra`ke Cieuer.►t had ju:it come whirls eepnaists of all the lotea'at and inlprovt-s1
thlaw t von jtlniped id tite car, au,:t Mi out of St. Michael's k'ktce and had styles of Molten, Cheralt and Parlor stovs'-eenik
of tkom, b their frantic gestures, wild Iura, l+t3f5, runts Anila et the m,r•.t ap1j1)44rd
y r. ,scercrely stepped on to this pathway of tt i tl ' d 1' !
;aa r,an,ata• etiory t►tisttn t c tau!; ii,, at
t;.ltie �.tt, and Aiva;lllar behaviour, tits CxrlYn1 Italianzkaia whet# jtl•et iu-oudB'tteti 111 b h1,1:1 fine
pretest Miss I),)na•vrn with the idea front of a confeeti.)nar's shop, he was ,,
1�eave trOrterilinct
Haiti they were dreadfully drunk. The
street car passed on, and when it was
lr yowl the line of Mr. Trovely tin's gar-
den stream, the dryost elan in that car
*saki have put out a conflagration by
simply leaning hatch against the house
that was burning, and before the car
reacluel the next corner there were
four well & ined suits for damages fix
eel tip against 11ir. Trevolyen.
By this time Miss Donovan waP pret.
ty thoroughly convinced that the man-
ilpnlaYt'on of a garden -hose required
that judgment and. Meseta education
and shrewd insight into Wren and mo-
tives that belong only to the aristocrat-
ic classes, and she determined to re-
sign her position forthwith. She went.
into the hall, carrying the nozzle with
her, and spreading desolation and dis-
may wherever she went. "Whist 1"
she shouted, as the torrents dreuoned
fire hat -rack. "Murther 1" she howled,
when it knocked the globe off the hall
ee lamp. "Misther Trevelyan 1" she
shrieked, where in the wide world is
suet by two young leen, elegantly are.-
it'd, one of whom sec*wtl to be ,learnt
thirty and the tither twenty five years
t f Age. Ono of them etruok Jinn with
a dagger in the loft sitter, just below the
heart. Oulon4l Maltarnff Janne himself
en the assassins ; but his companion
fired a revolver at his heed, and al-
though be was not wounded he was
stunned by the shot. The two then
hastened to a splendidly appointed
equipage standing close by. There
was not n police:uan in the street, and
only a solitary spectator, so they were
able to get off without hindrace. They
drove along the Quay and the Garden
Street, the Newski Prospect, by the
monument to Catherine IL., and so on
to the Theatre street, where all trace
of him was lost. A. dissllarged soldier,
the only person who saw the outrage,
ran after them and followed them as
far as the monument, but there his
strength failed him. According to his
description, the carriage was plainly a
er ?" Then she bout over private one ; the horses were thin.-
the stho
Pl'ougir bred blacks, and the harness was
the irrepressible nozzle and: essayed t0 mounted with silver—all indict dion8
stop it with her finger. The howl of
dismal that followed this attempt
brctifbt the startled family up into the
hell, and iu less than ttrree minutes
Avery seat in the house was taken,
standing -room all gone, and the play
declared a success,-Hutt,/cern.
From theNaturalist.
that the assassins wore persons of
means and belonging to a good station
in life. One of them wore a gray ov-
General Meaentsoff did not lose
conseionsness. Persons ran out from
the confectioner's strop when they
heard the shot, and asked whether any
one was wounded. The General re-
plied by pointing to his bloody shirt.
Assisted by Colonel Makaroff, he walk -
We have rece'ntl3r seen on the shoul- ed to a drosohky, which .conveyed him
der of Mrs. J. Randolph Clay (wife of to his residence at the Suspension
the Hon: J. Randolph Clay,' so wall Bridge. Here, in a few minutes, Ma
known ae a political representative of jor-General ,Suroff('1'repoffe successor)
the United States.) a living specimen arrived, followed closely by General
of 'a beetle, worn .partly as a decors.- Miljutin, Minister of War, the Minis -
lion, partly as a pet. by the ladies of ter' of Justice, the Procurator General
Central America. The tropical ouetona and the. Assistant -Chief ' of Gender-
of confining living luminous insects in merle, Lieutenant -General Seliveretof
gauze, and wearing them in full d.ress, A, -weed who assembled at the scene of
is probab;y 'welt known to most of our the outrage was dispersed by Unite -
revelers ; and the employment pf'. the lice, who drew a cordon around the',
dead bodiss of various species of Bup- spot and covered with boxes two
iealis and other brilliant beetles as na- pools of 'blood. on the pathway.. •Some
tural jewels for the adornment or trim- revolver bullets were found aroand the
anitrg of ,Tresses is also familiar. '` But place.
the oustom -now under notice has, we Meantime, fully ten Burgeons and
believe,not before been reeorded in physicians had gathered around the
1 Y
this eountry thpugh doubtless known wounded man, 'Professor Bogdoawisl i
to A,mericaut eiatomologists, and is ex- and Dr. Mamcnoff, atter a+oarefnl ex-
ceedingly curious. The beetle employ- amination, declared that the dagger
ed is not, as'might be expected, one ;•f :had' penetrateel,into the cavity of, the
xespiondent huos or brilliant aui,sarkings. ;chest and that the •fitomach was slight
as nt,tlai, receives ereryottentiun,.
at bate lowest fagurc's,
Having opened utttat l,ranell steltlishme:nt
at Homan, our frlan,ls in that 4edghhurheod
can be supplied on thisslturte at notice.
and done
Volt r t' :l,ir t: '4'1 sa At, t.•t $d';
i 14 r.. nq alb, #� „a] s 44 4 uta eta} ))).14-k73.2`
y, l , ta„i '., $aan 1:8 t i,.r . l,. '44 f,•t;
1, e: n.i .1'•. Ga 1 i 30.2 4,5.5' • ar'ii,i O-
pC ,mitt
i; ,1 ,':+a, 6o ti,$." l:,l a°.0lia.rl.
ail tNUi.1) ll 9Nll`7ilat 'chair.
ern ,r 1- 4 " tta"EAt 4 ]".'a•:a it
a:', r ' . at EE . * aY
1, 57tt tL'1tt aa..s.54.Y4' Y73 r•asrow Ms- trace V.ea-tiy
•a ;t.- ese,s %i0U5 t'.nit rola.,tte,:,rtl.i+lt}4>"r(
r..r 4e:sr.,tat.-441,^.Yat
1'44 h.
)('t N,IN*ill I i 01.11
) 7.tt+ete i. 4ttg. 1>;r.
de-lirrcitar,.t 11'4t# 4, Y I "5 au7l�s t #
t rep la, n in !Ia55
+nibs u) unnte•
l 7r e',,%) tt r! fa .'ss
1 .r t:eS.,• t ls,7s,'r• ,
0°- 'ser T4/44
hihssat'if. %d t+tl er t+.erit me
l •,info nudist tis, h.wc•,t Y,aa u
$. ft.'i'KINtiIH:L.L.
i Eset, r,114 e, i.l, 147.
eLt ts:•13I?'lir
t3e.wliYauha> F
lata ti uet're
tom* r 114
1 t..rr4 t�
le a G. t7 p
ta:st. 11ni1 Oat 5
tqiii ire
!tis flin)t+, f„u�UIT STORE
,iepartanea �
title trry b e!st 1
AND iu Ai4 .it TO :NOW
rt, c,C,)44vcsA§df;.,urt ate,,zrt'S :w ; .'.,'4 =fa,:A
lileaSe each at t nr vtoth s ali.l1 anise
rant :tlatel.aril,+°° a<br;•r<ire rtmaliata
N• +'" $r•ratd f'or Cate -pew -P.
Manta netLuh g f`:i.. Str'ether:l.
Spicer~'s Grocery
Wonders of Modern Times
Tiolloways Pills &Ointment
The Pills Purify the Blood,c orrootal l disorders
of the Liver, Stomach, Kidne s ante Bowels, and
are invaluable in all complaints incidental to
The Ointment' is tho only reliable remedy for
Bad Legs, 01d Wounds, Sores and Uicor , of how-
ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria
0olde,Gont, Rheumatism, and all kin eases
New York Counterfeits.
Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills
and Ointment" are manufactured and soul
under the name of Holloway & Co.," by J. F-
Company, Drug
by the Metro
eine company of
an assumed trade
—Again one
of Now York,like-
oonoterfettsof his
the name of Hol.
Henry, Curran &
gists, and also
pcal itan Medi -
New York, with
mark, thus—
Joseph Haydocl
wise parsecs off
own make undor
lowoy &Oo.,haviug for a trade mark a Crosent
and Serpent; TdoKeseen S Robbins of Now York
ere agents for the same.
'reed persona, the better to deceive yon. un-
blushingly caution the public in the small 1poeka
of directions amxed to their medicines, which
are really theepnrious imitations, to Beware o
Unscrupulous Dossiers o btain them at very
low prises and sell them to the until c in Cana-
da, as my.genuine Pills and Oihtmentpps.
I most earnestly andrespectfani otpiea loth
Clergy, to mothers of families
and Elle public generally of British North Ameri-
ca:that, -they may be pleased t0 denounce an -
sparingly these frauds.
',Purchasers should look to the label on the pots
and boxes. If the address is not 593; Oxford
8tre•pt,London, they are the counterfeits, Each
pot andhox of the neurone Medicines, bears the
]lritiah Ooveinment stampp . with the word4
HOLLowAT's PILLS AND OxsTttE ssT, London,
etigravodth'ereona. on tee label its the address,
583 Oxford Street, rroneoh,whore alone they are
Manufactured. Parties who may be defrauded
hyVendors selling spurious '•Holloway's Pills and
Ointment as my genuine make slr, on com-
municating the particulars to me, be amply re•
mt. norated, and their tome never divulged.
5330 store). St:, W.C., London,Enolead
Planing Mill, Sash,
BISD ranan
Dolle to order.
I I Orit,
t,i:iai 'EMS,
>,reilor,;a.lelivered prom;tly. Qataa Q
naa ..ail.
Groceries?: Grog/ectionaiy
G. Smoking To1acco 25 Cents per
ai%rays insteek.
1 School Books, Stationery, Magaaiii,: s
N.B.-Sewing liac'hir.s Needles of every kind.
C. OU,thOOt•` CA SOM.
Take pleasure to irformthe inhabitanteof Exeto
add surrounding country, that they have jus
ope.retl out an e..coiient assortmontot
T4t'eeds, Coatings, Veslin gs etc.,
in thalatost stylus andlratterns,and feel assured
thatiutnem atter ofoaothing„they can suit the
mostfastidious tastes.
AT T}111
Standard Zash Boor cBlind
is constantly kept on hand, all kinds of building
material: Flooring hard and soft, Siding Mould
ngs &c., sold cheap. Planing Jigging and Turning
promptly attended to.
and tatiofaotton guaranteed. As we have on
hand a large s' oak of dry lumber, we feel sure of
satisfying those who may give us a oa11.
Having my new shop now in full blast, Y would in-
form the public that I am prepared to do allkinds.
of nlaeksmithing, including repairing of all kinds
of An�riculturel Machinery, such as Reapers, Mow-
ers, Threshing Machines, and fforse Shoeing will
receive my careful attention. horses that inter -
fore, and having tender feet treated in the most
approved manner, and . satisfaction given.
Charges Moderate.
I have on hand all kinds of Agricultural'Imple-
ments from. the Massey lsaneiaoturing Co., New-
aa—Remember the plaeo—First shop west of the
Post Odice, .l encah.
Ws . $ +irMO.
Hansell Jane 20111, 1878. 6-m.
.13L 41. CIE MITZI= CI
Horse Shoeing, Wagon and Carriagol,3akiug,Dia-•
mond Sarrowe, and Plows. General Blcltsmith-
ing in all its. branches, at the lowest rates, and ant -
guaranteed. Gil a us a call and examine our
work before trading elsewhere.
menu,” AN & McTIRIDE, Bing St., Htneall.
Hensall. June 20, 1878. O.rr.
n ny?ea'ing n •,a p.ve#ictn&
K "' o the int stima:,a - tn1r. cq7.-
lained'in the .rs medic 7l
book ever itai. eutitler
THY®p p� p SELF P1tEsllIt t T10N
Ell �Priceonly$1. 5 an .y lanai
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