The Exeter Times, 1878-9-12, Page 6THE TIMES
li,(µr4i-- r, ing an insurrection against Her Ala -
4 Pr. ,?&'.i 4-tV'!' Aa,4tilf'a: jesty's subjects, while tho others were
loud on the opposite side, The Seta
of O'Donogline on that occasion were
:emit as precluded the House froom tak-
policy than that put forth by their or-
gans, every word added insult to injury,
1! Sud if they had not that, I, at least,
would follow them no longer; and 1
urged that les one of my reasons why
TLE Q!OONOORIJE CASE. ing a favorable view of his case. :" we should have a member of our people
The House i$ benncl to consider the in the Cabinet, for hie remaining there
The following is a correct resume of whole position tart attitude of any per- when issues of this kind came up was
thie fttneines ease, and for which our son to whom it was prepared to extend our best assnranco that there was good
Catholicc, friends throughout the Prov the prerogative of mercy, I maintain reason for whatever was done, though
ince e&[IreSS ;4. eat auxiety to get to the that the conduct of O'Donogline was we could not know, and that being in
bottom of. such Its to diet=utitle thine to any f:Lvbr- accord with us he would net remain in
e`t'he prominent figure in the Bed . able consi eratlou at the hands of the the Cabinet an hour while injustice was
hirer troubles of 18W-70 WAS Louis - house or of .lite Crown." borne the class to wiloui he belonged.
Biel, His lieutenant was Ambrose Le- In the 1876 dieeues►on 11r. Blake Ou tells painful subject, when the reso-
piuo. These two men were responsible went further than beferre, Sa intense lucious were before the House, I said
for the harder of Thomas Scott. In was his hostility to O leonoghne that by to Blain, M. P. in the presence of
iiia beott warder speech, on the eve of a saver whltsh the printe=d words can other Aiinieteri:tlleta, that it was hmon-
the elections of 1871, Mr. Blake coiled not expr.`s , he conveyed to his bigoted ` straw ; and fielded that if Levine hid
3e•rtheir bifal :1, erre on hiking office in -Liberetls' the view that, is his opinion, , the misfortune of bt'in: born in. Ireland
Q:l rtae?iti :: few In iolse a afe,:•1'Ir:ard, offer- the exile deserved haangin ; 1laiastrrd p. or lead an 0 instead of Le prefixed to
ell y',==bt reward i pr ata+•ir :srreet. As 110a; t the emblem of a great Cenadian indus-
tsociated %vita thelia in the sat -called: iu- i "Mr. Ceetiean—O•I'iinnghuw simply ; try—Pine—he .-be wea:ld have dangled at
eeeeeeteen was 'Willem WI-tonoghue, a aske:l that jualeto should be done him., as ropes end en the memorable 1901
e est young Irielituan, who hail been tt.the Biatkt•-•-Justice :i Jannary, 1. t75. t ire .I went specially
&Mf:12,1878 ' .�
awing lifla,chino Emporium,
rrIIE LARGEST AND 1,EST STcac° c az?
Silverware, Celina and DM ever seen in
the Kest, at
Mr. Drew Inas just tee.:*iso 1 an e'•;�: ,,1WInt stento
t ? Is i•r Tett tt. ,liiittt•r emit. rs, l)xtn Menlo,: s!,24.10
Cru4 ts.lata'. lt.n.,li:'ts.card _Receive1, , Cent-
nnfLionits. cte,etfthe ife nt;t;:dtn,it t.tetTr•piee
Plate, t:u4isof:'eri:l;flat^.sumo i at 'awes that n-; aid
lie lies i ust t venz4 tl out a new anti cull:'Ilet° eq.
Safttitatl4OfChina, GIctss anti Stull:,...+:. Crile
mind satisfy yourself as tee •l:talits nn d i lie 7at.e *,
e;utite and try our anastittatcuts. 11.14.5aa: Tcnet:i:a
salt oa liat:d. Servf es at lowest figures.
u ocher Lea the St. John's College of ' Ge:1ir. t'osti.;cin-11 hat is that ? ; in 1876 to hear the debate on Mr. (Cis- i
ia..teiffiee. Hsi ,;eft his dirties diet "11r. Iilaltit�--Is it justice yon said `l, tiga4n'+ motion in the earliest hope that alis r11,
tejoi!L ere ca and i.. -pine. at their urea- "31e- Coeti,aa'l said in a legal settee I would hear a good and satisla.Rory
t aAAg itavitrlti .i1, They emelt\ epteel: but trklbe aly the Mini:tr r aef Jn tiete would ieneti cation of the course pureued lie
ittle 1:1ntegs i • while he was a well ed- , t'' Inset .at' this in 'different St•11%e til What w .111) Goviernniet t. But Instead of hear.
steetewl Stan, tipetllt;ing both laangnts'.;t's, he meant ; Lint he rtl''etl e<ivani treat-, ing such, I heaarilaln y solthii:hns worthy
I«t? 1ta'2'.a tie the secretary of the tenter- nleteCto all 'nevi jns4iee." pettifogging of e pettifogginattorney, hiur-
reeti,inlurr tonven:t'utr �hut \vas itt lea M. Brant+e argued throughout that eplittin;,r frail the lIinister of Ju•etice, 4
way, direeetly or l directly, ciili4a ria'.l O'I:);hlogunt' had been con:tirmed in the gaudfor the fist time I heard Mini pre.
Sitott'a merdt:r- al.ttrut is esan,,t Ileal > adl=art aye Venai'in iivasten, and wee chain\ hiln'klf an Irishman, forcibly re -i
en Ml hands, When Hied and Levine therefere deserving of severer [Ionise• nti.ndineang the of i)ean Shift and t
were t.iliitltg of shoating $'4ftt, t) 1) til } nient thtt!t the mutilerere fitr whose ter- Jul'ustt1n--"Pet an 1i•l+lnman on the
puna' ijrttteete_il l ones tete intNnili•.a 'haat he veered'iki reward hi 1872. . it thiel j'est'll :.'1't fifty 1tislatoon to
'Mete. ,lie tiled theta th:lt it ,tooted lea iTe title 0 I)oneel na replied, "You are I turn it." Au indignant public forced
an utterly intlefesieihlie tact ; that it l inkt:then ; hear my eeatee." Bat ltt!it:;,* I frit' at relnclaant Ministry, what wnnitl
W41,1 ,1 Ntatin the rt card Uf the Pr.,vi. ' the nape goat el the pelitieal uveugere, r .tt stat have been a cow:0:041m. What t
Faneuil (hive: nineet. and by ext.iting `. his appeal Allan deaf ears. a humiliation for leen of Honor ! will
erste is:die:.t titan of the ('aana4iatn people, ` t)'Denp°glent, eo the whole testimony the electors of tlti=. country Nn soon for-
inj''ire their cense. &.)'1)%aloghate's atti- add:wed eho we, wee no lnot'e gnilty tit ` 'lee stigma east upon their race?
tede in this matter 'Ratti See wt•l1 littG)t1'il the int'aeinn Otero than Biel ante Le- If they do, oll'tin`1 .and bear, awl belte,
that when Attorney General Chtrlie ret ' eine. Wel anal Levine, no less awl no shenitl tali° the plaleee of the harp in
c'hbitut talo pea\eeen1i^tt1 eef Jolene lir metre than (I D'°.'knee were agent, • the I)ultniniou leug. AND
, D
eneil:laerleg Seatt, lie eftered to etive and prinvieals in tied movement. The;
the Irick relel free cenveyanee land: nettenti:tn Was to 81:t00 tife 11+linin\ 1t, EI.l~e'antis of t4'.phen, N1. C. Center,
sesete a,Iuannet if lie would ei nice anikl to .: entht'eritit s and :o lelttitin by the de•':-nt4'1**re 1e *� lUi'r, ��tlul yen that t t
Iffyagainst the .chest.. le the teed an �Ilstrtatielll midge frontier those righte �1, lA 1.1 , t Sat 1!
Crown t . •.1 :,r ? , tlover:lnlent Bil=l entered a snit egaintit
eta►troy of tante t.ruR'it .�14.4P1 �,� by time of � aloud INrilt,a ret-� awllneall flat C deem tlie.t , �
)WINO to the 'very tarry increase, of trail +, .t
lharia l,at•n t•ttmte..iktt to enlarge let'+ ltren;a ae
a5at.i 14114' pti?t remanent l a 131110 6600i ref tiff :.inns at
i^ feet, one of the .ttn g e t 1 un•t1a t.5i,itn.
Titnt..r in want of 3 tirrt ctnss .a tete in Litt*
use Enrni>hu,g Line t,ltuuit't caul unit t ttta,intiffy
.toe li awl a,Terntaa toy- prices and 14o cont.ine:rit that
1 c311 hell eiii.tpt=r than .tnt Stir r }toast, tri 'MAW.
\Ftt:ri, Straw a% nn r.ol itnistre, t 117,.1 :;;,r ',ant ._ dant ait
inner•, 1te7tsC Asou.t1a.i+at at ntit. A..a'l'it.
uItist •..rh n tact er ey:et nit ;heron\\
u tirst•t iis;est 71 t•,leaient. ifevnrontl•i. t.t ttt.:e Iran to i
at a•rl I .ti awtlir 7tir.1 tt a t•r.a tic ne.l t us.estn
1;' l.ta t1 t: t.l 'vein :rt• t 1 t i'-5 t t \S..t rete: r„E
Z^ tit uii *- `= Cert A r4ra,t a i,tartNPi ;I!'a►77ne e' i, In k”' 4.
peCean wan w1ae tl. 44141 jilt.?:Cz.A Jtae:Kulie.rt.t�
.~.•pes tl altvaeoot eat l`tatta Sake ia�.
lantil,lit►;s eut►trkt?ted t• -a'.
ibit'i� 1a"'tel ,l.a`pine the'1n:it tit:;, and IBI' ought to PuloWs4, At dere etiltrelate cane ver John 1l telnuald to rrtcever the Se -
hi, ow eit�4e`t:itn tlt'e'larfatiene on Beath. n-ntwhen Olhanatilno \wake ortanizing, e:re?t Service iii •ney. ,:is Cemero
n1, eh Ile a•Idieretl tui unflinchingly from the raid at Eim retw, \brae atnntt \.tea=rom ;:tit\ of attnletliing Ile.+ didn't lilies that
the tima Li, case was iil't.t broached 'catty new light Sled approached Lieut. -
their n¢EI °liy Cttrlet.ri7d as al n1•
until lie died • a political reticent in theGovernor Aredutttll ttt'r.itam
3tq.,itt1 at St. Penh 0 Donoghue waa services against their eltie,tha rai,lertuttigeted fllieh od, withent the
not t;utlty tither .as a teriticipat or an By that etct,—wast it tt t9nthix'al fit al , 4460, shadow of ftulndetinn in truth.
ager ssory of Scett'e blood. lie wax no love for C`eeutic1a or only au nctnf treacle -''1'i a Govttrnmetit have n'4 5uett tiro
mntrtlerwei, *eery to 0 Donoghue to which they were
It has already been Fait' that on the' driven by tear anti c.lwartlieet tt—thetwo
eve of kite Ontario: elteettnns of 1S71. French t' re`liesitlg themselves
.tfr. Matte and dee ,Iteftertn party celled in Mr. Blithe's. eight of Gho etailt of Ole
for vengeance upon DM and Lepine, horrid atntirdnr of :Stitt, while} O'Dano-
Subsequently the latter was arreettrd, . ghue, who admittedly had no heeel in
tried and convicted of the murder, the crime, iticurrekl the ponalte of life
Biel bate escaped across the lines, Itt baitiel)meuk, All at since, however the
the fall of 1874 the very gentleman Government reversed their prihey, ail
Wirt had declared it all insult to ottr on the 20th of September, 187 7, an or•
administration of the law and our re- t1nr•in•Council was paesaetl inched ng
ttard for the lives or loyal British ttnb. U'Deir.oihtte in the Iteihlieptue a,til-
jectets that these two reel brawled ne:ety. Mr. Laurier was about taking
murderers:+lionldgo'unwhilrtof justlee,' office in the Cabinet, and the O"I.).rno•
beet to deeeitle tis Dominion Ministers !gime case had excited the indignation
on the fate of the convicted felon Le- of the Irish settlement in Drummond
trine ; and having before theta the ne and Artie:bas \cal, O'Dounohue, how.
ceesity of couciliating the Prenclh-Ca- ever, refused, and very properly so, to
nadian vote, they commuted to two accept it. Ile rejected the "mercy"
years' imprisonment, with five ,years" the exieeneies of politics wrnu; freta
outlawry ; and the fazitive Biel was the Cabinet, because, while he pleaded
also banished for five years ! The
tomtit :taction WAS aneonncbd the day
after the f)ntario elections in January,
1875. Their tears for poor Scott and
their, fierce maledictions on the heat's
of his murderers had won them votes
in the contest of 1871, and they ware
afraid the trumpery sentence would ex-
cite, as it was well calcuhtted to do, the
coutewpt of their dupes, But, while
'tns es-
to ti e
Iettin,, the two French C a s
enpe, with a uonlinal penuity, those av-
engers of Soott`s death made young O'-
Donoghue the scape-goat. They
woniti not amnesty Linn. He had no
countrymen iu the Cabiuot. Oue in by the Government wets an outcome of
deed was Speaker of the Commons, but their duplicity and dishonesty. By the
then he was in the pity of the Govern- Scott murder cry in 1871, they bad
meat. The ground on which they re- committed themselves .o the condign
fused to treat the political fugitive to puniwhwent of the murderers, and
nnagnauimously as they treated the
two murderers, was that he bad been
concerned in the so-called Feniau inva-
sion of Manitoba. O'Donoghue at
Duce wrote to some of his countrymen
iu title province, notably the editor of
the Irish Canadian, requesting them to
ask the Dominion Parliament to hear
itis case. In 1675 Mr. Costigau mov-
ed for an enquiry, and it was voted
down by the Ministerialists. r1'hes
had let the two principals in the murd-
er Out of which they made so notch po-
litical capital >;o 'unwhipt' fcr political
reasons, and they felt bound to levy
vengeance on the innocent and friend•
less man who had begged and threat-
ened in Scott's behalf. Iu 1876 Mr.
.lostigan renewed his motion and
;again the Ministerialists voted it down.
"'On the 12th April, 1877, the hon.
*ember for Victoria, , N. B., brought
. the ease before the House for the third
time, and once more the Ministerial
irlts voted it down. Iu the disoussiou
of 1876, Mr. Blake, then the Minister
of -Justice, 'emit:hied the granting_ of an
amnesty to O'Donoghue in a bitter
sis'ech in which he said. 1-lansard, p.
"What was the attitude of the three
Jotln 3lilctltlnald.:..uti this i' the luau
who asks von to place your eoitfidencr,
in hien. Tide the man who i,nlingn
the hottest} of other mein, who grows
violently iutiignant at any reflection or.
Mr. Mackenzie's Government. What
do the people of Stephen drink of hitt ?
1tit. 'PilttJ!A (i1tl•.S\R•Ar has been ex-
tremely feattli.,b in his political career,
but no sane titan who has heard him
Npealaing on the trade question will ray
but that he knows more abant it iu ten
minutes than "2L. C. Cameron, Ewe..
Q. (.1., world -he M. P., does in ten
/mute. We leave\ a dozen Itef. rmer,•
in Exeter who can beat the boaster all
"M. C. Cameron, Esq., Q. C's.," un
guilty to the political offences, he was manly sneers at :lir. Porter because
innocent of the graver olitne of which
Itiel by flight had confessed, and could
not in self-respect accept the benefit of
tin instrument that put him on a level
with thein in criminality. And so he
diets unamnestied a few mnntl:a ago. ,ohne his township, at Ctediton, will be
He had real waste in the city of Multi- properly resented on the 17th by the
peg which others seized when he fled people of Usborne.
in 1870, and he was Left in bad -health
to support himself during the three
years he was vainly asking a hearing
from the Do i ion Government by
teachiug school in Dlinnesotn. S
The infamous treatment of this man
bets an le -borne farmer will do hien nee
good. The people of Usborne are
proud of Mr. Porter. The i cotchinen
of the township nee proud of Irian. The
people of any city might be proud of
trine, and Mr. Cameron's eneer•i at him
ler. I. J Uarsvri„;lat, Mr,
Mackenzie's Finance Minister,
aid in the House of Commons i
that the Government were ut-1 without power to assist
the country in the present cri-
sis. Is that what the people
expect of a Government?
Vote against M. C. Cameron
who supports their policy.
when in January, 1875, having seeu
the Ontario elections nicely over, they
reduced Lepine's aenteuce to a combed
penalty, and let ltiel off with almost
less, iu order to strengthen their friend
iu Lower Canada, where the Local
elections were approaching. they seized
him for the victitn, for somebody had
to suffer, and poor O'Donoghtte had
not a Province at his back."
The above etre facts pure and simple,
so the Irishmen of South Huron an d
North Middlesex can judge for them
selves the justice U'Dunnglhue received
from the present - Government, and
through hint what an insult has been
put upon the Itiell Catholics of the Do-
Dir. J. L. P. ''Hanley, of Ottawa,
in a speech at a meeting in Toconte,
a few days, ago thus referred to the
matter ;—
In a few words that I addressed to
that meetiug, I called attention to an-
other subject --a burning subject to
every Iris'hmau whose is not all a kuave
or half a slave—then a new one, and
I w.ts thefirst in, Canada to draw the
attention to my countrymen to do it --
1 mean the exclusion of O'Donoehue
from the -Northwest. I said on that
tabid actors at that time ? On the occasiou I,d'ncerely thought the Min
one hand they. found O'Donoghue lead- jetty lied come better reabons for their
:'i 1". G i T4' .t
X11:: tiula�crilarr 1WN to cnnn,inlaiec. to the it 1 t1+le as* ..f la sPtt r nn.1 071 era, t ih m:n
c. •
try. that ltt.leis opt nett to 71[.. IN stew Sit AV ill,:l'Ur in Cue storentt•:ar1N it°,
A. !lava") (etagere. i ua.I eiet `r Mtiitn street. ay. -to. St:taa'Se Ito: is it.ern i,'9l t.n 44".1 llii,0141:4:
Cook, '`ar1or and athe"' Stoves
At Manufacturers 1:'riees,
1.I'iuwizr'e) cheaper than the cheapest, auitl made up by i)b'.IT't i1
workmen on the premises,
' - i» r ti 0 4 t.
gate 1'leugb ut, clone en Order. (arritt_c Mating a. a e6u1�}.,�,,,( al oil ('41111uu ye, (1 t
wee, hest and none t'hraper.
To the Editor of the Times.
Dr. a Sin,—I was considerably sur -1
prised this week at receiving through '
any post office, a copy of a newspaper
published in Parkhill. which is filled
with untruths and sneers at Mr. Por-
ter, the Conservative Candidate. I
have never been very decided in my
political opinions, always preforriug
country to party,but in the present con-
test, I am fully determined to oppose
Mr. Cameron and the Governmeut,and'
all the wild. ravir•gb of every Reform
newspaper in Canada cannot alter my
oriniou. The country is in need of a
chenge. I would like to tell the Park-
hill scribbler that his sneering at : and
abuse of Mr. Porter Will do Mr.`Camer-
on no good. Mr. Porter is well known
in this township, and we all. Conserva-
tive, 1 efcrmer and Independent are
proud that we can boast of having such
an exceedingly clever man among us.
The paper I received has been returned
to the publisher, and in conclusion - I
would tell him that unless he eau send
a better sample of bis paper, he need
not look for subsciiliers in. Ushnrne,
Intending INlrelta'ers will alwnytr lett SIP et Rey pine, re ;a:1y to attend to Etat 'fit%iI "tinieinees
and prepare,' at iiutcet to treat mietttrtu•re r.enrt4:'eee met alta Litt•ln vete a -.ewe rani
h::kit tilIlt, .e, iht'itend 121'01) it titat Melt liar t• t'ltd put gt•t t', tier V.t:ilt` ler veer mosey,
'fele very highest price iu Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skies;
E. TI. SP: ,.CK A .
Exeter P 0, Oetottr 151877.
Founders, Engineers and Machinists.
SIA: UPAOT111:E1t8 of
Middling Purifiers of improved kinds.
Agric aural Implements
Potash Rattles, Schaal seats, Sic.
Iron and Bras;, Cn.:stino-s to order
For salo cheap --Second heed Boilers and Bngires Stave and
Shingle, and Heading Macuinery.
Repairs on Boilers, Bugit,es, Mills, arc.,promptly attended to.
Truth Concern You More Than Counterfeit,,,
Therefore, read, puroltate, and enjoy its bargains. When I say l manufacture my own furniture I
tun prepared with my proot•slieet that the people can inspect at any thno by calling at my Ware
rums where they will see a superb des clay of
Furniture in All Its Branches
is ntannfsetureilby ntyallf and niycniubinerl artistic skill, with goodwerlowtnship. I tier rase not
iusatisfying the people with a eiase of Fu 'nitnro that cannot be equalled for quality or price in
Exeter, all blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Corner. of 'Alain and Gidley's Street, Exeter.
Allan's Fly - Brick,