HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-12, Page 44 THE TIMES OUB$. PLATFOB.M. The following Resolution, moved by Sir John :Macdonald in the House of Commons contains the erineiple which tai? electors of South H'ulou, South Perth and North 11liddleeex are re- quested to support a the coming cite• tion on the 17th of September : "That this House is of the opinion that the welfare of Cauada requiresthe ittlopti en of a NATIONAL POLICY, which, by a JUDICIOUS READJUST- MENI OF THE TARIFF will benefit land fustier the Anniereeruar., the 1fxN- z' the :11.4 seeeCTCiu and other in. wrests of the 1)aminion; that snob. a Polley will retain in Canada, thousands of our feli'w-ctluutryiaen, naw obliged to tex,latriett) themselves in search of the einp.oy mens denied them at home, restore prosperity to our stru g,ling iieinstrles, now so sadly depressed, will prevent t :antule front being rn.ttle a SACRIFICE Z.EARKET, wilt ene':eur• 11.>!e mud develope tan aetive intt rpro- vielei:el trade, and moving (sae it Dight t .1'11 in the direction of a It t:iproeity •t i tirltle with our neighbors, en tar its the v'.Lrieei interests of Cenatle may de - viand, will greatly tenei ti) jlrtil ill' 1,ft 1,141, e nnutry ev(1utu!aliy a reciliraleity of trade.' The Maisons 09ank. .'. '.R ,:174:Se ... t_'t• or 1.%::,1 A,r•. -r:, ... c,1?i4 $2,0)aD•eaa, f.• - , ,alnehe80. ilE Al OFFICE 11101TREAL. 1 )' a 1► tif.l $'s 14. z. Y ' .,. ,1. .N 1r11711"11.4 tious Reformer (don't get angry now, but reason with yourself), was there any reason why that should have been iuoreased iu 1876 to $885,846 ? This was an increase of $108,477. Now had the uuluber of iiutnigrauts increas- ed in proportion, there would be 'loth. • ing wrong in all this vast increase of cost. But the number decreased, for we find that under the Conserva- tive Admiuistratiou in 1873 the num- ber was 36,001, while iu 1876, under Mr. 11lackenzie, this number was re- duced to 10.001, a reduction in number of exactly 26,000 twills. In 1873 they cost us $7.76 per head, and in 1876 they cost *26.55: Now, iso submit, is this reform ? Js this economy? Is this cutting down expenditure ? It is not. Then the plain duty of every elector is to vote aaiust that Govern- ment. They have deceived the people moat ahawefeitly. THE PCELIC DEBT. This thirds vexed question we shall new diat)'les. There have been many grave misstate}!lents eonceriling this item, the Reform press endeavoring to hide the truth and shield the leaders of i the a arty, wile are responsible for the .•nl}rnlnne inere:1'co to the public bur - lens. I'1 1'173 the public debt Illtrall1t0 a t ! $1.3.).713.0".3.2. JO 1871 an In- Prt:a- c' t $11,1)0,11t) way In t'1•) til It ilt Vi7.7 : 1t),193,85t) was added : iu 1873 4a further iticrt,aee of $'t,i;11, ';(1 • ,v11.lU=al.n, and ilt 1877 a titin further ad liti.en of $12.1(irt,tl'll1 was unposed, Iilaf.iug in all '17w,371,853, or a total teser'ea-1e of :s tied reil:ein.,, tho burdens of the neeplo :} Is Mit /p (•l".)n`1111y :1 Ia �t"iet .t t, t,1. )jr.t't1114'r17'1, .E 1 , Ya 1t1a i, t,d t'. I 11 dent Ptgeer se...en. i:. '\a i4 i;u de yen !;tlpeert yi d, h tion• 1'] th° Ft re1ty of t$.}tie),nV tha: Pei tot. • .:G'.R:.^SCE i.r t':ei .i,";•tit'NT 4,7( `I L)li id e 'leery lereet•ttttit is ]'*, .:1 t a t.l •IVA of th p,'.11+1 '' i Dn'114t C°rat 11 a a t." -.b!, or r •„ ..,it .100 F;tvel a+,• cite! Ata' ti i {14 ht. ] .to 'iy- t"• ,-'' on re'tin!}t!t of the p hlie th• eta t documents, and admit like a man that the Government have euorumously in- creased the controllable expenditure. He would stand a much better chance be thinks we arc like himeelf, let flim the egotlstioal Cameron ai every meeting he than lie does when attempting what is look on page 875 of the Trade and Na- has yet addressed. lir. Cameron knows better a palpable frand on the electors, for lie vigation Returns. All this money than this, and the people know better. The would at lea,it be regarded as honest should have gone into the hand., of the tithes Altr HARD. They were neer harder„ acid 0oasoieutious. As it is the people Canadian sheep breeders instead of and the worst feature about them is, there i=; know the figures are false and they pay Yankeee. And ":1t. 0. Cameron, Eel., nothing bright in the ,outlook for the future,,. no heed to anything he says. Below Q. 0.," calls ua untruthful. Do the and every day, instead of lightening the bur - we a:!pose several of t is false figures : people believe him ? We have proved dens of the 1eaple, only makes tem prese -- a dozen of hie statements to be false by more heavy mem all already sufficiently at?* UNDER the Conservative Government the indispntablo evidence of official pressed country`. "Lots of work at. ;;null it Dost $3.70 to colleot every $100 of documents, and 11) dist not prove one wages," says M. C. Cameron, but where it i, to that we in 1877 imported sheep from the United States to the number of SEPTE:UIE::1# 12, 187E HARD TDi1Ea IN CANADA. 11 11,6; 7 and to the value of $21,812. If "There are no hard times in Canada,'! soul Pttb. ac. pa+Ta 13', 1873.) of our statements to be untrue. He be found he fails to inform an anxious peol•I,. ean't d0 it 11]Z true. INe 1s lrehavo all LSI 1 #1 1 t 11 $100. (.1 ub. would not injure the reputation we • this county, and we shall call two witrl:•,.t's in - ye: we• art have at entice by making Nee st!Lt,. to court wbo)n M. Cameron will scarcely have. 1•e • t ^ ' ' le are a r t-: , said , 1lere is c e) • it•u i In 1877 we Paid $1.20 per ac. page 15, 1877.) And tout ley M. G, Cameron, tliet Weis an eeono}uieal Do the people think it is? Y 1 9q., Q•L•, °lents+ lie's a nice man to call WM- . the hardihood to (lb:pate. A few minebs ago, Government. 1 self a Reformer, and to impugn the owing t,! the Very severe depression e»isti)yr LI I if they do I honesty of others. over the country th.+members of the C'u:ult•++ not, let then! go to the pulls on the -.- ._ ('-I,ttDei: rill:':'nitr'1 the idea of buil:lir a pude 17th and vote for ;tar. Robt. Porter'. AT Onentrtl\ 1 M. 0. Oaameran, Eeq.. l )l.iuue• for th.e poor of the e lauty, The se �•rrl ___ Q. 0.," impugned our veracity,. de- 1111tuiripalit-leefound it a very lua d burden to nounced as lies, unfounded, Malignant.. $Ilr=tnitl their poor, A^e (r,ling„ly iln.tn::etiou>; ties, our statements e tiieerning the We w<•re given the 1•.rulty t" -k to a nt•r1 x ei 1 peuditure of the Goverment it. a `+til the •:i•veertll lttliiliefee1 r !'tett^: s t'f the have not eaten title week to make a r1 - a cin' S• ntti a,e•.•:•t-ailt ate tutr,lller of p1:apts:4 eapltelation of Ali °lir t+tati?nlunt5 on • •ll.t'tu it l i,. :l; t.! ^lltiltl!t rte+,Itnti+l31..1'!'D.) the euteeet. bat we chive tette.) a few -• hitt ea ,•t.•ry 11l'tnit•i}':`-.l ty a n143e►1.•r e 1':l1 t!? INT the ltef•lr411 (loyerll}uunt enlleetrll tate Meet I11111llrtattt l'!•}114 WLta.•ua :Da, :;vitt. nn,l, thinking tie' /ta•;•lve w,!14•.a'n::l by only $3,809,708 09,70 at a co,t i:f ;u 117,389, slays have hetet relit)•'• it. G\ :LI 1 • ;.live th,. 1.117141+ •r of 1' 1'1,•., :411) true ,•'n!. use 41• trill). nee, page 5), or $410,256 more for the page of the !TWA(' AVCt)t' N I1;; pr:`:'-i.,)l, i• Wa:. morel i'l the t n n..}' 4',.11Reid collecting $1.1177,503 ltiKs ,� (i'an 1111 on whit? thi' 11,111•.11+ata 'Alai be faith;l. i.. Orr. biter! t', rive+lltled Irv:ir. t:....r A Oonueonett for " M. C. Cameron, Esti., Q. C."—Why is it that the Con- ttervative0 collected in I8713' onetonl+t revenue at the port of Montreal, to the :amount Of $ 4.017,2)7 at an expetlae of +?17 71111 (Pub. ace., pane 5), while in answer. Iiardly. 1)tles that look like Ant M, 0. C'catn+'eon dere not In<)lc, In „'t`i't t t • ee•ne ia', ' 1°'tt++ to R alar!! ; 5011 1' 1! x 1t 11111 R n tie ale •e,e,• 11f 11' a31•rt ,}-.�.a-.. t 4thence l +•R Tie .'7bd� •.i :u),1. -,1)!f f3.,'7 1 ➢+t -"a , of Axelrlinn wllwilper. M. C. Cameral • tit. ji!!lt)M,•j1i"�''. 14.1 fit•.! +:at• e,lii.i%)- 'a• l: 11➢l•• inthta 'resses2l l,, het. t. ft. •.11'4 ! 1 }t)'1 1 P5 +? 53 1, anti in 1`1741 the), 1yt'1'44 th:+ sat. u•,•.1 2++nv,t 74 19,1 v:lt.l la+ni'41 •ii++ States at evety meeting, with the evi- $s11,68l (note (1-11 flet it,,^•+r,ase of A:�i} I)l:1'1"'s!'41D1\ (Ir Titai'1': i;l ahc.u4t • delft attention of proving tont protee. °+lt+,➢,.1.14. letll'8''1 h'1 111.1 call twat it 1,;1:: sere t)t Etery 19I1 and fooleri's. et ", .e s Y -. ) ,•1 a •'t"'* 1,4,4174".1 It 1' +1e:,it )!,. lit! ti 'i tit.. I\. tion is 1i13nri 4114 to to e.mntry, that in 11.. Jeut he Oen only elven 11,1 ening.; , �..odis:t a Besse of it) lelrg.•, to: :it.o.' a)f ll:al:40.e.ill,tetts atone there 010 101 to c.➢n^tnit 1111 I7111)'i•` :tee +]r?it t 'art.+ 1,"!:,(1;1:1 tramps. TMs is au terror,' on the psgert in'lidat"al, 1}J \y:ll tl'Ial i! •• :t', theep,+,l,+lvd•-1.7.8.: .+1;" to'1' 1.4 al 8. Iia 1' Pli:ee l a)a',1t t)�e. t1'ilere ar•o t1' e'l,.i. t;7 b.? jnet as we have stated. milt. ter'" n` Y. Dalt IIta?. t.^.14 It e'4il.414•41 , ' hies to the r • e.lrt i.f tti:•? M-ogetelaust,ete thefts ie 1t11•tti1;1tI,.111, I11 1.47:4 it a tet • •,:.et• tet ..7314 ,!➢.,:i-d1D. , l. il`3r:4'4 •3 " 9 r k.ii a 14$11 1. i r to v:littl uta► , ,,, tefµ t n i a t 1 , . •; 3h t 11. 14 •' t last 4, a„ t %r 1 an .1::'y'1 3. inset ,• t'.,ti•li nR' 3 f 1 • ••tt. v `1'!.1 wia .74.1+1:4, :) ' t a. r..:,e, ,.na ,, w •7 ,s l• t t:4t a �- a1t1"r l 1 h 1 ,.-•,) t 3 a !. +�.. i, tail 1117-:'t'a1:,'ei t 1l':;7'�,:D tor..4 311;tii•1 the to•:3245.1•03..x sips •47,',1 ',el i :a 1 i 'a r ; • V.b 174,••,'! t ,d, , °''' h retell $ only:� >tl �t•. it;t a;al,•4 tttdlsY' }a 1. r .'.r t..d..4n 1.4 t4•• i:+• li. is tic 4 •:l".tldlsl�'ln• '•:, "tail talt' *14ai'p i1':,9 ea 1'_.JIIII. 11•' 1'141, 444 11'11 t let el 33l!}lt/•:t !::lt•'4)•• •i.• 3 la • j +11 of 1 ..7 ,2 ') ;il carte: 1 \\'i1 7 9::►n 140•t,y 3 'aril$"i•.tl nZ 04 t *'}cit*4 }i n . ..f eI a y ti. 1 !,111 1 74•'4 tl'l1 141471 5 L,ttllt1 t. utter ±" ''4 1 414,11) f4t t) nt+'r1 4 13 .:'. 1t 1'1'11 • ys 'ea 4 . ,. . 4 44 ,17 't •ti ;'' 11),v•,i le•.li/1.:., y1,11 lviltl 11.1 Itnlir G+'r th 1i'1rle,a,- 'f.•1 -t) )n!IP9�t•3- l ?a'• 1 t)it:, tl e , .• 1 v )' l 1 1 a t 1 , 1 t°9't 11 a Ir t t - tl 1 a., l �' 1 ,. 3;.. 1, -.--„ ht the ti ,•P ) •+ t ,. m:1,44 2 '.11:. ... ,. D1 ] 4•ri.st"1,., t 1 ,r•:url / f . iliirl t+ . n 0 D 1 • t . r •ia .. • tt t+ t;. .. - ':t' •!,t 4.1.•17;, and lel 187t1 3?' ilatti '•. 1 .1' tit'' A1C•+)ilia 11.11t'v., whit''! e','l•! 1i a1s 111) "x'1,i•'•trt;t .,41"1.1 17 tit lea,i•t • f r•.e• :t t. I' 11 elf to 11^I ,t 1 t, •� b1,7,1.2 ,p,. a .4.7oft t'/ 444`44 are ,1'!t (,t W4'1 4 i'i d351 ! 11'.v 111`4.4 let lore ,y µ 34 t 1 1 Yl 1 a' , ;.w'1....,Y-, t.e :..,:at3 14611. !' a •}•i 11 }t'-!11'sir tf18=l*•!t ,, 1 , 1'.,1..1." .I•) le; C t' e• + e. ..,n+: o sent Id t tl ...t. 1 ..i tiI.•r 1+. .l• . 11-i1 t. :,1. 4.1'..i11s!';la it`'. 1•tti .) It , ,,._ 1. 1 aAl4111 1111:31 til ,1, 1)4 3'4,•_la 177.1Y 3+?)' 411 a ,1311):, 37 411' si*df11 t l:•-9.7, 3 it( , an ilio",t'ce' of :.t 'Who 9 • 9 1 • I'•-• ' 11 •1 l ' • D t' •,• ,k)v Dt4 11"e }:'L1•. r1l IY ^•a�➢I"{" the pd1.'11't) 2 � tl::y td `l -d t• I :•.! x •: T•1 t°''° t d., 1•t.':l!: t i t-7 t' ,. Y! it � 7i'• ret, 310, 1.•h..1leer..ledfrom :el t°j.'il: t. ++•... __8_888_ t e,",'1.:3. 1. i i :a'tt'ge'r11••nt •If lhi• ice l9 i . .. , .•� t1 1d t h t t 4•,: -i .t,:• Hitt. iii Cu.' lit ill he• La:„r)w 4T�i,.+dtt1l.Us�M . *i•�it.i',1•^ . )11•y aL. !►Ul at'ti3 is ti. :1 4h 14 1t 31 9F 33' :n "r ter ' ,agent 31, C•. (';9'174• . l,. trrili iA,a.•3 :SI' a r"' ��^e•.tn..rt.''. , • �. •,1'l ,. ("'„et .r. :i..: '' at' meth? wee tel 1.11`1_, In et. t hn,•3 an - 1.1e•}" tii. 4.4 474 r1L'44 til?.• syi6 .3 'call 1`,'t•. v. V. nee in rleni➢ "I' i 71, 111 t'i 4'4 t` i.l',,• t..c..s. it W.7,3 412'411 their ability t., t : 4:, + •1 ,: t 1'7 ,etc+fy breech 4.f th. .lets • 't:.-_`, t') 57431.1'4; t11. :t.l-shit t.l t:.: i).•l:iai.,:: in 4i1)C14 :a way that not t•., 3V- 17144 pati y In trio Government tf 31t. CIIt40try Ile F131lr•In'1 and abet- ] :to, lea the e .natty \Vold he eased J.1:.1re.1s3 ..'f til lnsan!1.4 of d;el:dtra. '.t14t.)' Lave attained the highest c-bjeets of twit nn:t)ition. They have been ala ::terfui and e:nuld have carried any e':e'rtli they Chose t0 iiia i,;1l1•ate. \esther they intended to rel''ertn the L.,taly 141)1}1400 or not, we cannot prett nd 1 • silty, but certtaul it is their promises 174 ':re ecattetea to the fo _r winds. Ev- ery pledge was ruthlessly violated, and c.ery plank in their pintfortn shattered tied broken. The 1t.3f,Jriners of :he c wary reposed the coast uulirnited e 141fl.leuce in. their lelulels, and they 1:14d a right to expect the Government t+' show tilat that confidence was not misplaced. The election will bo held 7i•: tit ',Ciiesdey, and we would ask the 1t'lformers (:'or we are be ,efitted and i ij•ired jnet as Reformers are by good anti evil Government.) to carefully and n it1 unbiassed minds consider the re- cord of the Guvernaueut, so that . they lut4y b1 ilble to record an intelligent vete. \Ve have endeavored faithfully to perforin enr duty in this matter, 4441(! though Ref.}rtners, in some v01y few i ,stances, may find fault with the part w11 have taken, we aim) re diem that eery -figure we, have given has been to. ltieu from the public a000uuts and to, tali., la;i person can reasonably take excep- . trea. In leen week's inane we left fie tt the customs revenue, in which' tilt 'Wrenn. Government inereassd the 0184 i f the collection from $507,675 in 1878, t+l $721',00S in 1876, an tad,litinu of $153,838.. The DOI', ite111 '.'e 811141l c.)us:dor is the i14 oneeteenns Axi) Q•JAniNTINE. The total expenditure under this head in 1878 by the Conservative G )v. eminent W19$ $277,368. Mr.. T11'uoke:n- i c hail promised to cut down the ex- 1'uu`ditu e,• but we ask ' any 00uscieu. (u9'. 1 1 1 lel:'• t e.tll.Iiny .) 1'] tilt. 1:!F t 1 11I .°Al) ct..•:41 t ..t;l this (i+'y i ilio 'et 1, this 4'.'al:at 9.4 1 is ,8r)11 lead • t' 4'.'! t, 0:11' Wee f,. a ,11Y1 yell '.4a•it . +4'•t this suit' nf:tt't'sure ealet tact e.l -1 1 :6111 tit 1. ';`^,t,.•, 344' '' i. C. Cant.1 n. ".,... 'tat! • 1"et 14 '' ''1 11,1 71413 n. 21•.17 ..Y :.i .1 V.'''. (r 31r. 11.l);. l'.):1(s, Nthi have very steref'uliv ;,',,`174 fV.1r Vito n1 *Pt titlt)4'll•IS•I1 71071)S 1') hire t'S'1••t1 •tit11re, :old l:a.i' 411.1!1'. 11y .:i1'i•, 4 to' 1.314ris 17f tiles two y041.;•:d. t•1 %%1.it'!) 4.4. ir,t:V ?a e.••ntll:ijism). 111 tt 1114 .11 •?., 1r. tl ererlain•7.ilt• have largely i.4.rre:ar'•El ti.. l.mtroliahle esp0.ilditnre i t ul•etry 41 - 4+::rtlnQ`nt l !sett. that of \Ii ti=t, civet •1' l:lt'1l Alfred 4 (i , J°:15,1 p!0•114'.73, 4 t..• loan 11'ht) Hata 110 w•)nl'i Ohl: ar tv14•''4 11,1.1ish 11.9!. sl)n111d bti l)'t' k.i41:1W'4, 11.0 tack every candid men to read ii ar7. ualy al:d then as1c lli:nst:V, " ,V1ts it for this we 1414W4'.1 11:,m. Mr. 9I'�c',te n zine ill power? Can we v41'C ler Mr. Cameron, a man who, 81)40.1 he says, but doesn't att.einpt from diol hanks to prove, that t11f expenses 1.1vo',len eat deiwn, word!!, if elected, go to Ottaawr to )assist in 111)le lavishly spen,li'}g 111 - hard earnings of the people ?" \ire • ti‘ -..•71....L on of i.. "carie :' ti ne n1.' 4. ,r. :L l�l('1 ...ON, Lt.n- 1.., v• tit l a le . t+r +.a•. :.: ..,;.,,,r„si.A •.e 13' 4!, ii k}L);V417,1134•.vitt. qr'1 f -i tet. )' I, i' ! 7411 .41. 'A:te•:et+.. I' tee tint te.rreet 9.1. 37+41 4':1. (�. t':4'41�•r 447, J:'t., t 1'4" 14 d 7.1' ! LI • 1 1l t 3 1'..•' lt. •'D►'71 .Rt ^tSi .,11 -(se.'' :a: .°t .,,,.91Y. lie... 17'' ! , -, i ' • 1: , , ,•. ", • 744.tt1 9 !t 17.1," 7118.,'1 `.1 levet allover :lin !'..t•.•4 •ef It Sewell 888`4'. •; v ` t ')7.1'. I•t :,t 'e`e'''.; l ,,•al !1)+ 1.•34...cs 1• r t1:141 l .i :.1. 1 , .,. .1 i int. t1. f.', 1, ',,: l ' , , ..R,a9t.ite174) t4 en}71'4•Y who 15':4.•. inti a 1 i+tt t,7 ' i . ,rq 1 + •. a. a :'..l .1'...14• 'i. h1 f. • .?rt(Y'•8 � ., t' t i 144.1 3!1 .47• ^.71 t 11-+'-• a,.. • •'4, 4 !4,: e7 tip. t ;i: t-" is 1 i i'' . e•. ix :111 .,a•.."^".ti,«3-aorr *****.�,^".' .t . .•. L . 4 Y 3344( .4,.tb a'St , 1 't d •1•• :i .? :': { f .17 t Y: ;ql Ri+iYe? Ran I f' .1 3 : ' 3i 1.,. 1:ea-4 t liltiatLl. i4` it n, 4 t1:t 1.'t. C'. t^ !':r .., a':i 2101 f:i'nd i•1 ''iH Si '1 den ; 1•:: a. 7Il ,. } i t t I •!!sect tie. .;!e . ;.t 1 to .1 hl,,l ii ;,lrt'4 by Mash • at. 47 111:t 1', 'C 4 tY. 'i Yt•.'1'llin''1t fl't)n1 '11,1)0 0.114r4'21 t itd•r.. • ,sin).; t'17p:'l1'11. ilr,t ()a 'V,'; iter:), Il,e 1r ed to 409 out of 114' i.:i.'14'.11• 13' $r3.4'i444 Str .1•41131 wee 147'. -eensieie for *he 'Nitta!:Ante IN .Z.\.1,1• In. 144 Ie t over 'nil. \t':1l, ad - ..1 it Av1La. \1':44 1111 }'c4pon4ihln f.ir 1311.3 ine,rense of 1S76 over 1!87.4?? 1;e• l),'lnber lie 11'ut Wen ()tit of (Ail :5 t4v4 l y eilrs. Could he then indite appoint. )(Lotto ? lir. :Mackenzie cli,oll:trged a Larger num b -r e • 0 ):lseryttiee; Wet in Ante of 1 tiis,nve fiat the inane tee in:s aI- (:tries of em111Y1ve1•s wee it4 1876 $3.3,000 llla•rd than in 1'371. This expind.45 ail • other falsehood of Mr. C.atnerou'74, for 730 cont( piled that Sir John bad ap- pointed all these employees ell going 'nut of office, Vote ag..iust the man who thus conceals the truth. task ail electors, can they, as sten who wish trill )affairs of the D•,lninion to be conducted with economy, support the p •esent G' va:'nment ? It is inj,triet; .;very one. It tell oe Ilefortners cis Well as un Conservatives, and it is to the interest of every nue, be he of what political opinions be may, whe has any stake i'1 the country, to tnru out the men who have inaugurated en era of reckless extravagance. CAMERON'S FALSEHOODS EX- POSED. • • "M. C. OetisnoN, Esq.. Q.0.," as lie in his effusive self-conceit styles lint• self, at almost every nleetiug in the riding has grown extremely violent, in his abuse of the ExET1.a 'JtIIrEs, and has called the editor a liar about a buudi'ed times. But 'Mr. Cameron did not know whether 11e was telling the truth or not. HE HAD NOT ONE GUVEitN,411'. 1T DOCUMENT WITH tdiiti, but trusted for his • figures en- tirely to a printed sheet sett to all the candidates iu the G lvernlne;'it interest in Ontario by the Reform Association of the Province. Tide is met M111311,11. ly and unfair, ,but it shows the .ottudi• bates heave 4a0t 1nuels .oeufidenee`iu .the Government, 3r they would not be tafrdaid: to take tJ4e official documents. Caineloti swears by this sheet and 1.v luli defy the gods .with it; And }et he knows ' uo more nhotlt' whether it is true or false than t le neytbioal gen- tleman who has his abode in,the coon, EVERY FIGURE „on the; 4tr.ioresaid '(;tttd'.ve would here ask theeutlelnavu sheet its onrenotetl for the ugoaslon,and• 8 CANNOT. BE POUND anywhere iu .who presided at his, meeting in Exeter the Blue Bookie But M. 0. Ctimeron l how he likes' the -honor of introducing, WRY 1101,9 not "III. C. Oameron,Esq., Q. C.," read from the Bine Betake when trying to prove that the Govern- ment have decreased it. Who that was at Orediton doss not remember that he (salted our tablet of expenditure lies. We stated that the e:,penses of Civil G•)veruni.:nt had ineroa.ed i11 1376 $91,121 more than they were in 1878. This he said was a lie, that the item had beet. decreased by a large sum. Well to prove it was true, and that his oanvaseine sheet told the falsehood. On page 70 of the Public Accounts for 1878 he will find that Civil G•'vern- meut cost $750,854. If he will look on page 82 of Public Amounts for 1876 lie will find Civil Government oust $841,975 ; subtract the smaller from the greater )amount awl one renders will find we tell the exact truth. M. 0, Camerou dare'riot ooutsult the o1'. ficial dooumeuts. "M, 0. Cameron, Esq., Q. 0," ie making himself more ri;lioulous than evert ua6U('e ititeutlsd he should be. He states at'evcry meeting'ihut the farm- ers need have no fear of competition from the Yankee farther, and 'to soy • taiu this.po.eiaion he states that in 1877 we imported ouly seven sheep from the United States, For his itlfor,ma,tion, should nevertheless take toe official well, nota truth -teller) we may state ! her .Inter 1n ehtet:')rc', 4n11 feint ie the •4,.''eh'+•r4,4tive 1,1 •.'Z 1.3 at too 18)• 'li;'ft'] 4:11 til=' citric. 17:04 'II 314••1. tt, •14,-8 ::it'44S+, rail'! 1711 t):3' -i11 ; ; 'al 4 ' : calla t1t)i'r tl'iilitl, :."tlt`lie4 in P+rt ;l'tr. 4 1,11 asked 11173 ''teteeitait to .el:IS h: -r the e.,1st (1f tate duty 17'1 her i.11; t•::,ante, 1.,79 la i4u lin:: lila 1y1131.1.1':, c..114,at17'd that. 4=111 '1)31,1 the ditty, 341341 legit to i:.tr.atf"1•d reeking. her sianr t:) woken the 44-33 117)1 ; 1010 the feliitor of the Cen-i'4'y;9'ite. 4':L•4.•r. \\ la -11 di:ems: 341? tiit,+et (l')a:w- •le1rl4, the wadi tna,1 0 0"4:'1' 114'4.413 83111,118.! Iaugu-Lgo, s 'ell ai hers? nlalieitli.s liars, as Mr. Cameron 1tpl4li'id at) 11:7, lint W117.11 the case is strung, when the )lr- 4nni'sl1t8 are stro)tg, tttil:l lantt111age is { 0nilleient and 000viucieg. We Fhfi!t 0013 mild 1.ans;uatge only. The Sonth .k asttr)pe il1nd.traatiou is auti'iently silly, and Duan had it been true, it proved nothing. Bin, it Is a fiction. It never occurred. There was nothion of the kind. It wag a silly paragraph, point- less and harmless, which first )appeared to 4 Port Hope paper, soil 1),4'1 dote. duly (?) in almost every eenstltnency in 0:ulacla. This is the stuff, twisted to suit his purpose, which ''1I. 0. Caiu- eron, Esq., Q.C."is attempting to pain off on the people. Are the lteifotmers u ut ashamed of Lim 1 EEOW TO MARE. YOUR BALLOT. The following form is a copy of the ballot -paper which will be used on the 17th of this month. Opposite Mr. Porter's name we have placed a cross, as you are supposed to do when you vote. Any other mark than a cross will destroy your vote. If any one is iu doubt as to how he should mark his paper, let him out this out, at,td take it for his guide. 7 1.eetotal Division. of the South.Ri.d- 109 of Karon. Blectian• of 1878. 1 blalo,flm Oelin Cameroq 2 Hobert Porter THERE are far too maty members of Perli,sment iu Clanade.. We could be eoneriied'as well with half the number. and, we venture to adds half the ex. pence: • But the Reform party are re- sponsible. They ctamored for repre- sentation by population, andwe, now feul its evil consequences. The people should agitate for a reduction iu the number. That would be 'Reform. :7,717 I • :1, 3 71 1 413t' I:r- 1 •. + 311'.'! 51 ,.1 , :t',: 743 • 783349 y .37)9 111, • . 7„ i .4 .. ', , •, "Ll, ,. 414 . 30• 1,.• ii �, 111'IIIt t- (.�., i"iii{1) S ,.,'1+.� '''l- i*11'"111lot'r ('tttilor++il tti i}r(itf'r.t.L,ti +111 itis law i•(1:1i1I, la. 1f'fi r7.;t;'lt to j4:'3)it+tai+ 'Ca11't'l;all 1:t w- 2..'1' fr4)11) Vi(ltlioe le61V1:•1'7, 1444•: t .ri*.;iit to protect C:!.11aiii•t1t !farmers from Ynil!tf`(3 f::Ir.t. , espec;ally 'r:'1u ii r;:r }I - (1.'s S1:'lid about 47.4.20,00;),Ill;O worth of• f iri i produce i111111'i•1 lV into Canada ? rl'llt'11 veto for ;NIi'. Potter. TI -IE No1:T Im murmur cow. "ll. 0. ('amoron, —Bag., Q. C.." tilt' eni iu.tivilluud tier!.) would give his rigid! 0.111 and wale through filth and rottclul,e„ f)tlsehntl,l to the teeth to rept'eseut South Ear - col, has been making hilu.elf extremely ri,li+m- lous by his frequent and nonsensical (liatritu s against Sir Joim lIucdomild in re t14c Northern Railway Cow. :This highly respectable, blies highly virtuous and p'ar'e perecm, who only silent 614,000 in corrupting South Hinton, evi- dently imagines in tho innocence of his heart that the people know nothing about that aah'. In this he is grievously mistaken. Mr. Can ex- on, with all the powers of eloquence and elocu- tion which the enpiionions appendage " Q. C." bestows Upon all otherwise barren mind, seeks to hold Sir John Macdonald responsible for the acts of the Northern Itaa, lway Directors, a pro- ceeding which`, to the average elector, appears absurd and childish, but which, to the mind of the learned and brilliant Q. C. candidate, ap- pears quite reasonable and justifiable. The intelligence of the people and the intelligence.- of ntelligenceof 181. C. Cameron may from this be accurately measiu'ecl. We sag inteiligcuca, assuming that the candidate would not wilfully misstate facts. The facts are these, in brief: Sir John Mac- donald being ill nigh junto death a few years , ago, his friends, and their name is Legion, con- ceived the humane idea of gathering a fnncl for the benefit of his wife and family, . Sir John be- !ugin very poor a!remm96au3es. Among these applied to for subscriptions was Dir. Cumber- land, President of the Northern Railway: He; responded by giving !12,500. Sir John know nothing whatever about this fund being collect- ed. It was carefully. guarded from lis know- ledge. ' He knew not the name of any s lbcri- bel'. The hand was placed in the hands of trustees, whose names even were not divulged to Sir ,Joint: S• me few years afterwa: tit, when.. the NorthernRailway Company was 'applying to i4laackanzio's Government for a reins. ion of debt, the Government, for the purposp,of seeing. how mach the Company waiai really able. to pay, appoilted a Commission, to investigate its af- fairs and report upon its financial. Condition. During the progress of this investigation, it was discovered that a sum of money lad been do- nated to .the Sir John Macdonald : testinlotial fiord by Mr..Criniberlalicly'tho',Presidelat. This, was. the . amount we have already Alluded to. Now we come to the pith cif• the o s+, WIs thin a justifiable transaction ' on the Part of Mr.