HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-5, Page 7SEPTEMBER 5, 1878 TEE TIMES PROTECTIO N BE 1EF FAL TO THE Parliament- "Mr.. Speaker, I would UNITED ST TES. glue the half of the constitution --nay, the whole of it -to preserve the remain. TESTDSONY al?' TUE SECRliTARY O>• STATE. der," rVanted--l?elintltlent subscribers to Mr. Mills, Mr. llass,iiL', Glass, Cot- $e tee lir. P, St -1.n answering this ones \ifglker, and otter philosophers advertisement please state what paper andlights of the Clete; (frit, party may .yo11 tIaw it int be diverting ttaeta ekes by their plat. Vying her bonnet under her chits, 1 , 11.P •i.te'ln t. .•.t e alratt.,re:tte. ti .44! Il e4 t• Loan en l -Al 1..t>t( o, forth o tentime's, but they aro grossly She tied her roving ringlets in. �, ,} ' �'i F.a14:i.r?tnd.tOlalt. l..leea'p` misleading the pub( c, 0,4 .4 of their Dot not alone in the silken snare chief hue' of art;utnmt is; '4.tended to Did she catch her lovely 11s1atin;* hair';, r ;Mel/L itLID, L,.., chow that the 1a1'ine.ple of protecting For, tying len- bonnet 'ult(lat(• tier chin, ti , . CONVEYANCER toehome matket 'far the home pro• She tied ay9.ung in:an's heart within. 1iiR;t*tot Iw,.l't17le,,,, "Sinn, ;pm :are not honest. li'il,fdo rerrA.:'.,4-1'. Il t' 1 4.l t 1. 'M LEGAL II o 1 A RDI�4 �r H.A.RDIN (i , (,G W UIT1 . 13au- te1s, Attorneys, Solicitors, Com- tiiouers,13 is t\c, *trl'tc w-lll:xru 4'S. 13aoore, water treat, St 's. 5url t e.HARDIN ., E.\v'.1TAnr1i'4Ka. AI CO115t)'� (11 C; 1.D )1', (lacer alas led to tae destruction of Unites Slates lliaa 11(o:tured. The fal- lacy cif the statement lei shown by the folio ing (extract fain a speech delis-- ("rent l..tn +a1t14 by ti % 1. Joint Sherman, United ;la..("re It of your lion.-te til arbla and de. (` .:la)Nt , •e 111.-'(10{1'4- Fred' h„`eutaa'v (f the iee,m a; l • �. 544 liaatt,.ta's 111(41.. \l4.:141 1 1 alatat' �' back glue elltt•tly fi*tell Isar 1, fialt."' 1 Toledo, on 1l-tudatt, the 20th alt. OA VOR 411E a 1.111 4yr,t{).t f ( l'1on Ulu ell +;gill. * ' of th0 ffillia51t:'A. a11d LIW little olleti lea- a 11 tet At. .t a t?'a'v ^i:•1ta.aa 14),1 }" r" 'tllln 1'a?'I 5141, Rtkh, seeks oettce+ 4 ;'Hep * 'ca P. Pa.ox+74n•n:4 4 's a;a+5, a I 1 .1 + A. Ma)) 4'x'4 seen e')1nittg Int of (k that, occasion he still :,- Texas newspaper oltle? with one eye WONDERFUL IN:lRE SZ I;1 E1;1!5RTS. Li not, his nose hpri::ail atll ov(sr hi • f:tee, and one of t ii ears e1 wed oft'. TLy4. a "k lee •''11 table slcatcf.114 the in- . jo ll, pilieenu an who interviewed Mull, t1t,1.. •t..4., ']441 , 117.41 4 014 ens:414 of 4'a9'tam.' ite re;:l!4ytl . *4:I 1114111'1 1 } e 11,Il article . in 40. h :,44.,•1. e' uelnT, ha(a1e •r, 1.0441 e4ta t i In u ollf,te- tires lepTe itte f(>.4.t l\itulli t.. 11 is 41'- Demi.% t VA -04014.4n.! ,.lt•1 tint. tnib4 N.eort1 of tell 11,40etlh'a- I'1uIll*;lat'0 Mos 4J41 1.1nsi.lom4liave Inert z4 ••i Beath' tlari :+•fIr1+i. '1111' roue( alntpl4Ut t4 et •1• 4 'Nil! !1 ll ll fu I aid liti,n t'7.4".11441t4 4 in 1.*;.; ct,• I I1,•ar 11044.11, 504 in, 1ti71 44,4'4 "tit: int.l,- i1f;ti (.\.LIS ('4.)(.}1 !hIt 84101.), 411111, ,4://will,.! at t 14J'44e`I of ;124,1.041p id. 1l: -----ft _-,..,.-a- ii 1I4'11 ',• •,it Betts oar !14111 la t 4044 of 4.4.r- ` VAN [ Lr 1)T1' a It 4.f i. i,Jle... 4 fallen we eau rt`:4+ti1, 10,114 • pi tilt',1 �, T;1" `'` 4 4 41, r.� ,k4- 1.I I4: *.J*:,4-f so 4111 + 1.,: tial ,11131041 Il*.,*rly4!1414 nail, of *1..,:tia+ t..,:ie, inc,titliu- 1u,luut (-Inv. if 4.a,;. OO(?''bell, W 111iit 01" 41X% "ti,1 13:7, tau+.,••1...44.1.91144n44-T,awl du,•x;;.I. 1-a,lbe:ale.enttf IN('LU°DIN; i CIS I111N1$. C •':i- 4 f «•4 "t 1 - 4.4.14•+K1i anf 1.141r (MU pr**,lt10- that 'refired *u ahe latlior lea,! weel*, ate New. tc,r ,ore ti** 10,0 aaltt1. writ, IL tial ta'(9rn there. ranger," 4.47'. Ili Ili" l t'1H\:' )\, \l *1 bk.4" (al t 4 V.413. -,I*01.f 5414V4 l 441 l''.. 441 icri (rlat;4rian lid•':tlatil.'1:,----C'd)illf�):l:ll Rib �a the I'e400t4' o.f 15 o'4-;**. ! 41114.4., WAY 41l4844' 1.4- 1..( tail "-tIxta',ti:4"ta'r, lk I4 - Si°. 113()'4\ NI\(X M. 1). M. C. q, 04.4,444"4144' .44V.4^ 4f -t5' °'1.6:tee Ch14.4-444.4 1) r_�-ie•A' iXAtr4.4t',A#•44- X.'1.114• Brewers and Reapers 1' del gitag e t' .•1 thsrnush oo 1- t1rlfying proper., ties, ler, 1' ""> (+ n e tie14s 1).-vft(rp !;arra ,ala Il*Ozer. it - .1 .Pfe,W.4r3 1'• :4)7,3 *rondo to a e 11441e1, i 11m,1e ( EaaptZea. .51(14,1111.,.A Mese e4" 4 aro a ri, a4?alca 34. a a . • i• -sslpe"w, i•ssit rheasp, Peter r Sa-tw, t cal or I oUgle b..1sy 4-1 s^ `4.1 4 l8 • a ^.: 4 4. : tioasvtrtr( .al 11 A Ltd k"4. ▪ of ;ted Itspc4tencYf 444 v+n.1' Tett r. I os" 41, .4s, (.oats f"orbt*nara, t4 s I,fe», t.,crefnlora di res t r d 43.re l.n4•t, i+l('10 Ewe tfeltcs or 'Allcis Nee h• 1 I arare*d 4 ianda, 14 y4r,444, Ai e :', a d:4- ! t4.a* C 4•f 1.,., 1.1' tin 5 K.4 1' " 4 .. ✓ .ere: t4. , 4e•ael.t c -.,t. 1 t 144 4. t 0o 4. t l4 4.t , r j1' * 1 r ,'1V n Y • a I T 4 1.4. 4 g ✓ «' n 5,: 1 4 -2..FC k a:.,: frCaR Told 1 1 to 4 r'"_ oasocex 13 I'-,' 4 t"6.4.3 et 1.4484.4 oa..lpa.nt" e5 1YP,tr 41'.' 1 a a *, i t /:44$1" , 1 44.4^, 1 4. A art f .4 444 r,,, tierce▪ s, Comets, 4 4- ,1 ✓ , s^. 4 1 1 cNawnaf ,ate i s a t e E 4. 1. • ca rCls la \dP„1 . t 4--j; 1.~1 ..... r t P 4 r .n _tr>` l).Sw. r.bn o p 1 q �,>�b' Y: • C:.!,444r 4.144. 1'l ngIe ow5- Single Rea 11 .all i:ll;nl` at i so ask ] 4 •.nd ;a . • 07.11::: _ l_ 44.14,:. n t A� 6J p 1 l.Ee , 4E1.10 4, PCa'R'4- At6 -ND ti.4 VAR 1.X �'+.& 1 1snt4N1, OR NO s LI,I C.:1.1()0141'. M. 11 C. M. -•- . 'a _Ort5,4ata• *.1.2446411• 4.441•! .4.t,• oaisal .4"14 fa)SO 443!(4• R 'trial P,l1' S;';:,4;±P:t 1.445 (eni44'4lttt re, .44 44. '11f44't*i,444at,. 0'31ti0 1,4;41.1- ?. 1 4 4184' lits PI d. 441 4-.,•.i 4 t'. too. 114 SOfs 9; iia* cf,-..sa?t•.,. 1.'Rr;^ a 1 )„ 1.. ,F., (4,4 14 IL Ii15'IN(3,AIIt,'ai)t':vrii. (.NI. j ( (�(g ; 1.';Iasli'g 1'rnuttt'1.; ia.•,e>4t*aletl,er4"allege 1'' '"" t1`i '4 •111 •.0 eel if1t... ,1.434141 III sal 1sq,:l 1tt-: !•1:111 -41141,11 . leas' 414.4:41 , sa1'a 4444„d::41;4 (I:,,... ,0.441\9alits.41. 1 } t . la )444 ! 4'21 •,:a +, ,. 1.114'# a l :'l VIM 11.`:1*. 11!i*4Pm: 1:::+1- 4444,ne4 44' ltu51*41!:1 ill 1•'11'+ 1•: 4w 454 4. r 14..14* v ,:, 1 paall: e. 1.44015 1.c' 1441.1'. --. .. _ +*� t t ..4 1i0.40,t, :2' 4c,/..,, 11411i1:n.4+411 of ,4;777.1,,,, it,• Imo 4.+ ..hitt... `•. ran,:- t 8...1440 < 11,11',4n4.arrt4't-- 74. 1 n t ,,, ()*lel, 141' at of ltii Ieit was :-U '111111;x' 4i1n4 14\11 It 411,•1 ,,f t,ao st.*'•ia*4., :.,s . Pa..4 Ea,ali- a C �1( l- I) 1* l:."e, ill 1" 41.4* .1I.� :. 14.! J wn. v A: v.,,,, ii.nsu 1'a. A :,, r,. 1:" 4- ?1.1,•414 41' ag44, e. 4 c:. al 4.14,Bl1,11. . 114.t4•1- " i+ t TwoFinger-bars. 1p tilt:l:a 1+:U74p •.L+aox, ;,l:4-,, :.a ..a c+, un1 t,., ,.la.ca n4. ; -. 4:4.-. l r 4.::4 t. -*Il.. -.1 4444..•0, •#Jib• 5:)111 l,lll?x4'lt, i -4LI tx.l OFF o1' 1.3LLt11 TSa + SS r t A _ 1! aiI`la4)4 tat^.11. l3 4 w (al« '44- PIMACr1I1\k, :sllt)1),. t Ma CAWes l x.a1*lis al t, !til irtt inns, Two Pr'tast*bare, Ma Tl ilal 4141, of iro-lti 419^.1 '+t t hi various we*i. , ,c ,inn Lty�l • 1, Beta. t,., 1'44444 44 ts17.) was ;':41.1 1 ):,,.e*r.,,', 444441x` in 11.1.1 .. e,. : N> (Ll1M•rl"?� C la.0 a 1,l u, 44 54+'4.4 l!1.{,b:41.,-it4).4itzl ;t4dt,ttiull \1'isl,d * ft. of 1:''4:' a .•51^Bir t"a^at 444! ii•°tee454 ' *' , il' t 4.,t n. Gtr•`.. t e. I 4.':44.: l ., 1;';.1,':1:4. lin% f;9,4i; -* rata was .alae. t,ec e,4+, t di4,,e, l "s ',.«. , 1°.11..1. toaa.at );) 1.4'.5',1.. 1,, I ti 1481 uita=B4 L41 d kl +°'11 'y '* t. .c /N API «,.. _ �Pf,1 X� Ae Y1'/• 'R 44440 y� .If I . ... J. $ : :an MYr {�w',I,�rn ��',r4! �W. 4.I M#1�: t+��t'` T. t !1 l as l', •' G a,e,,� 1 Go �S* ter , AND ilioA:'l?la TO MOWER 1 t ,,,444 ,44,1n,0irar', ultra, ^ •'v *146 Gl4*1C.19t1'('1 91J,., :lel b, ti" «.ln . z^•«• 4 !i1' * m 4 4* a, 541-: 11. 1 zoo t01.'ti .14,:441".1“ , I d l 4-1 1 1 , . t for" 1'a . 1 •1 lull;405.44:-,04-a wino :* =14 1144' 1.441..^ 1t4t14>*r.141 tot. 'at:►.\'4'IUi.' ,AL•1 B(:.' 14144.445 \\*«1. t.('I°t , +4.* I P^e s 4 V. !,41 .:111 .44.c,34 n-••1' C + a ,, a. Liz; V.41,, `"4191+•ii.a1<1:4, flues 41141111",, tike 14-1'..1 g I. ( 4 e t 440 y1. * t RJr 44 ..4 in,a 1^ze"„A la ., y,er4:48bag -laint(':*94. 1/474, it ts.a+a 51:)1,;411.. l'-t(lt*(4''44., fGt.(,11I ' 61'1:'.1 tslltll 11/31:.''' it,+s3na'i,143 at,ac.,1.le.t'<^, Y4* 444 d m -.'41 4 5.*,` 444,, ,at 4Is 1*. t+i*9', (44 1 t * ret t" , 4, „,; l6 t l+e-lt`t*4LIi11, Q*r •:,J. 1 : . 111 l Y�' t1'A ( , ? , '*tt.l, ( it �1s°l`';,B)1, t* l 4.)B 4-51:1 d l•t.;41, max „ , . n„ Vit' 1 All X11 41,74. Mout Ore. ,o"..-, 454'. 4.11 aa;t11 1.'44*4 '11*:** 4•s Ins•• ittivo 4.41, t 41 1.{ let' cI1.18„:�(y;i il,l"4.y 111 .1 �t:+;.'flt$.`'r un 1 f rattnittiaa:iii:i ,.4 441 4-.t. 141€:. w+ d, ..,� 14�:V'1413.11'.. til)°1'1`,1,. 4.6111.:1�11'''t1� 4 • z .' a "e 1 libm i le•':•e 41. tt n.ar4 si1n.c inti4ul 4444 our ills n ria 1.,a 14,¢1144 a t11" IIA k1d br111 L'4. t* 4+4. .,15 4. « 111 *as11(f"^ t , ._ 4* 4. l,.ti r p a 44491' * r. 1 i i.4 ll et.'i 1 sir '�' I l I s,4.'lt Al* 41.+, 4.9➢1'11A ,E e1. ;15'.1.4 p "; a Ai4-14111114•;1b14 lel nod, ill 1440,°'1.: Vit+ 411x•. 1l)It, t 14- 4-g'"*•°a:..� 141^°. ] d •. 4-i X*l n •9414*^ 4., rat ''X1'4 140 -.alt t4,a 4' 4044 tzt.,, !t 4+1:444414 44411 ie; n4!it. 1140*•la+"•44er. ,4.e: aaal t l 7 1:4141 ,I '#:dor t ** 441 tea t1a+4.f*:a. in 11061: 4'1 Vail "41415'sa•l,l. in iron awl +,9':'1 �t lar,• 1111' Atte 11;IN ILO %'811 atat4 irB f14a a 44,1* with i *'viii 'intuz 1.141 4.811.',+41thSwi1 .tune, "111..41:1i.i. + t.l,I•:;1: 4)1� 111 \1' .'. 1 t «B .Int. Atpl4ialA•+B 144411.4.1.. t. + 1' . Ii anal 144 +*1u1C, until l *14.41 •. 1t 1, :t *549Pt•541 • lilts•, i 1: and trltti*9•dl4'(we eloping, articess414ut i, a5d"Kitt • , , i,\ $itIN lilt ?z1.., 1 F. t 4.r 1k <:::r 40,41 1 XtB•11+:1ac`44I $al n 1;P:4]e'.1 ; y4+4t4 ". . •• ,'. , 1 a + p Pa * 1414 .. 4., , [ aHt t*i.b 1'4; 4 t 4(, 4411 4.11404' 111 lWtai•tia(:Bw sir odte\ve44dtb. w'aa^° B+1';4, r,1.*: root., 3urtK•.1z1,. „a•.Itta eazz z^4..•1 ,1+a'+.t-..4zata rBl l,,,n 111 , tia.+9 Graz 1ptu• 4 41 4*' 4.'', ntu4Hnt,'z4:::::',„"..%;,‘":14:::. , *;i- *- l t s4*z'.r„la'4445 ! e'r•11,^141.48441. 1:tH ;t n r � e tirnith1 aP*k Cllr Cgllavr Carrie or6t.ore (411eI.r44'n •ee''..41.A1101;10 lt`la':\ :4:141. 1:.••r•+la:+r at«„tlta0atp44i^lie* 4'1,4'4+°d+'e.. ;-14;4!1 +t:tl11;14.‘::1111;k::;;: l':' k'l *4 i* '4 1 l 4 4* i 41.10 1 z<n1,t4z1•trct:144 4 4('1 10+>1. I' 154l'.*111 *14*r tittltalzl:4'l*t(ka,4].lAk 'sz�)latthey11•Lvdt '1'1' 1.454.544. iat119t Izu *+ t ti •4' \, as s4. 1) 15Lte 14:441 1.44* titl.Y�a)Id1S, 4.4 4(*. '].1.1•Iit44. t01'u44, 4A44 4 41,1111 , * r 5445441* an1 t$*)seHthtt.5lrr*1�� 0503nli *1.144)11s11c1ate-•*s* 1-14.1* 14 lad I'tl 1'44•:44 14'4'*5' 11 !4.4.\` tllllrlty ? i it mat (111* flaett3 4101 f4)rth 1'la 1(411.5•;l�i i (,t*.til.:,+ 11;1,1.. II.1).at4,ltl5«rdt 'UI.1,N 41.1) f1't\D" ---TIse antler- 0. 1144 1.41 11„,,,f 4: .w show 111,4! 154:0111')UU 4104.1 prgteGll11,4 "1'1ie'.4u-1.1 •i )4-1+414: 11114444 in 2444. n:tu444.,* , •4 ^,mint t** 44. wilt d t!'H1rurI4.111,1I*zzl«1'.l aa, Idriasr* ,(t *zit' {* 1414,1.! tai a n 1'.4 nap,+rffralre teal444441r a t•,rus, it l8Ilt be4t muda e1. a•t144a, 544= the; home market its A k*ilt*bt-pllttnc, * " 14+1, 1�ini4vesy.tn.t.na,ulmhuduntnz ta04tr:*4-4.1•zin 44 + r )++ 't et t':" a11(tt1(- .•1'i NI i 44-•++:; !454' t• wo 44.* edit it 1 ,,Ithll4r, ('nL( C1*.7lt t+,hue station. t4oudh11 114 and trade -el VraCexd 1'1.0:5, Il ctlttil; 144;14444. i 41ht41nzt aal4+44t5c1)ze.4lu,4 V t*11 i t Hutrl:4.a;'^,n1."•n4. t,•a]o;*•r4ti:4.9* ,ba+4*1.4*',.i9z Tzt1• :audeil4alral� iitubetr.dtkeutice1/0atlerb. its the 11LGc!ea;s that Ca*tutttlia 1sRft9rr ttltl un+^'at.;,,nalt,.,4444rwor+ll •]x nn151tiilp 1!111! una4itent luSly. 4404?es t\111111 11 Bs the aim of the :V.4.- •1'1,.'10.4'1+� r^z4. 414 N1a444 4.,• 1141 5, 1,4' 4.v?licltavcmy " .n1C,le4•. 144-4 ia4nttel• 1411rt1,i!°4+nnditlt,t) iuxy h*+ '1 405* al Policy to bring about. Z4. will *41.41 444*4.lzzsa 4it4414._aplt•,teelcutelya4n45*14d411111 '')TI( KI15114 11.I'a (1I41) 11(,.45'1'.11I'p take s0lnl+thing more than extracts t"• Alair t.•rritr4+14'*lt pn'oTve;414{ion til thousands ) St4,ri+ L4 still goring, Ur. S. ltdei:inttlt12• Pil+1 ht*n,:4. 14' lealrea l0 itA•It•11 Ili, steep fl•Oltl 11 iltiat ter AdllatoStoat) to con •,o44t rs.ol r,,en1, in +z p,l:li*1 *+tivelczili+, t0 a,„,.44,1„ ell e.•4-, a>a5 1441,41!41 01 4446 !1.41:1.*, lar two 1*ual5 ee `luuzx o t0 It I s l+att*4.N r *s 4.4 tC0Y6rt t11e exi8te11co of 111.9 facts at- .t lulp4, tut up:, 4.r b G b1(uPertltpt r --•.1 111141 in 111+1 + *, t, �PSTtr/+4 * is n i Tutt ccLtrr,r.:.r!f'7'r(•AL tea. :mild iatunntn that. 4.r+*viz, e e44, 154+10 �: -e-.Ilia louts 11 41 Ann ht. NOW York' .4044.114. 5 nt+ oda " • tt4 ftatl:rn, t P. t) I3 4 < 4' (i, -n • ' ke 411441.4e of 1118 15(ai,e.44 e113i; tle1*aa1.11h 1444 i.nPi 4if ,e1tl octet, work done 1n the fiery 1*e>, style and at the 14, t'atrates. 14. 13VOKItit)IIA\I. tested t 5 by the United States S'i'c*t - tray. And it nit! bo observed that these staatelntnt4 barn not been llla'ie with any reference t 4 Canadian affairs. Yet Canadians will be indeed at f•.ult if they do not extract some , guidance frollltile111." WIT AND HUMOR. 's\rby is nailer money more 1.tltlabh' 11*Ln geld :' When Sun p=at it in you( pocket you double it, and when you Mike it out you iiud it *still increases. W*y deep an Irishman call his sweetheart honey ? I3*'cn03e she 1s his bee -loved, of course. "Will youit.rve 1110 when I mould ?" as tie loaf of bread said to the house- keeper, SV'uat is tele difference between a bare figure Iatld all ancient song ? One is a und,ty:, and tho other au old ditty. The editor of a Virginia paper was asked by a !stranger "if it were possible that lit9tlo town keen up four newspa- pers ?" And the reply was : "No, it takes four Lew.papeL'd to keep up the town.",„, A. captain of a volunteer corps being doubtful whether he had distributed renekets to all the men, cried, "All 37401 that are without arms hold op you* hate ds." In winter, rug,; Iu summer, bugs; T 1 sickness, (1ril..4 ; In adversity, shrugs. (*Jeanie," said 4L etaljL1Cl1 mid l^arner• ion to his daughter, "it's a very solemn thing to be married." "I ken that weel, father," replied the sensible las lie ; "but it is 1. gL'Oat deal eulemller not to be." What is the difforence between a provident widow and a wife who balks *ll Put bee "liege lord ?" One 11. sbatid's her means, another d the othmeans 1' 411ams he husband. - Lady (anxious to get 'home -"Shall we turn to the right n1' go straight on ?" 'Thomas (the ,g new boy, .:11 11011 flattered at having his taste consulted); "Ltaws, my lady, 'itdon't 'make no odds to me." Every plain girl has one e.)nsolation. Though not !'pretty young la:15, sloe will, if she lives long enough, be a pretty old Ono. Ii Kyle Roche once said in the Exeter, I)ee.13.1.;477, T U 1 ENE TE It Planing Mill Sash, DUOS AND THE GUi1A.TFS'1 Wonders or Modem Thee? IoUowayc Pills eifOintmenl. The Pills Po.•Ify the Ttlnnd.corroot ulnlisw 404E If the Liver, stomach, Kidney ant' Ilnweb', taus'• 4.143 iuv'tluable in 4a.11 complaints incidental 4.r. *'01a1a10a. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy 444, lBadl',e>s,Oht Wortutls,, sloven mud ricer ,of ihow. ov 'r lou;; sta n,ling. Por liron(hit11 1lip(htheli4. `olls,(1.0111, l.lteuu.atisnt, au,! all loin cases• 1.44110 equal. BEWARE OP Now York Counterfeits. Spurious itait.Lttnus of toIIoway's P(ilr 111(1 ointment," are manufactured and sold nudes the haute of "Tfnllnway 8. 00," by T.B'- C:outpitlly, Drug- t)v 1.t 4-2 metro' la ine enmpnaty of ~°•4.l 44)494443414.4:4 4.l -a> 4243 -•"r''-I;fe r• -41 .1111 one !, of Now y'4)11•,1iko. counter: Mt 11 Ilia the. (1443)14' of FIo]. 40'11 V ..1:4,0,1144V1414 l'Or era.(10 mark a (h•onolt +.01(1 iinrp4ut; 7I0lioss4>1 & Robbins of Now York .41'0 n„ encs fol. Ole same. Those p(rsons, *Ise hotter to deceive you, uv- blushingly caationthe lnl1Uoin tau axon hooks of dirnetio1S'AAGxed to their medicines, wilful, re lea Mies p*iricu* ilnftation a, to Beware c' nunterfoits. L„acrntauIous Dealers n btail4 thous at very low '4141105 a411davh1111e10 to the i>41b40 in Cana. la as toy ga)1u1n0 .t'([Is :bud (filaments. 17 nest earnestly 16444 respectfully appeal to the a lergv, to 1117tber4 of families 44)111 other ladies 111! the 4414100)10rally of li*itis! North Agteri- :a, that they May bs pleaaet1 to denounce sol-, 41)8I'ingly these frauds. Purchasers sh0nld look to the label 011 the pot. mil boxes. ff the at.dross is. not, 53:1, Oxford 'Lye •t, London, troy are the c0nniterfoit8, Each .104andbox of the 11cnut nu Medic [nes, hears 113e British Government stamp, with the ;words HonLowax's• Prnrs 1.00 0ENTNLl+.NT, Lo mien" engraved thereon: Cu the label is the address, 133 Oxford Street. Tioneoh,witere alone they are 4lanu84oburod. Parties who may be defrauded lay Vo utters selling s lniri0u s "110110waya Pills and Ointment as my gounino 'rake sh, on com- municating the particulars,, to, ute, be toaply re - int: Iterated, a na their tame nev..r11ivulge(l. T IIO3•IAS HOL 4.40 \VA Yi 6330 refer.' St., W.C., London, England. Henry, Curran s. :lists, and also 44 441 i t atl9 1irndj /r«` New York wit11 4 `1111 11.w* r 1 J08e1411- 1141),(1041 :41. '150 canes off .7W11 111113:0 111(144 ALL KIN 1)8 OF I' "UR NINC Done to order. Relmembertllepince 7 ? Oke fib .. C ' _•T i MILa rw+aa MISS GiILIi;Ia, Hos now in stock a complete lino of SPRING HATS, BONNETS, 1+ i.!;A.Tlilil;ti, I''LOWE11A, • anti Trimmings of Every Rind, in Latest Style mid Lowest Prices A full Stock of Fancy Goods, Berlin Wools, 1-14>11itbt5 T:151!0, 1'1.•!'5'1: P4ttPrns, cardboard Mottoes, (Cc, a1Y.Jnckets rot. "1111 Made to order. MISS Cx .R14TL; , blain St,, L deter. N E W {9 I314LCK1.3 JiEITI3 AND LgEiitiEaYALLI1'BilaA330 oCFtl 'l 1' 991S3wtp O I Raving my now shop 11(10 in fun blast, I world 14 • Minn too public, that 111. 41 prepared to lo-a.11kinld OfB1ac1W:nithio„ inr1114Lng repairing of 'III of A'grieoltairal Machinery, *4 1e14 as 110anpols, 31 1' '1's, T111Cehi41, Marl i nes, and Hn1•s + 8hoein; KL receive my careful attention.. llolsest1.1,1t Inter Coro, and halving tender foot treated in the mos *)14,4roved manner, and satisfaction g yen, Cha r (oModerate• I have 01111and nit kinds of Aqi 5 11144,4*' Im141e. tnonts from the Massey 4lfauufactariug 0 ,.,Net, 4148111®, - I'•1h.4mnmbor the place -First silo]) wort 014.44 108Y, 0.1100, 11onsall. S`97 Bonsai, June 2etlz,1878. 6-441. 14.*44'16• C<Il: 441 t'ii1' WO': a 3.1.41 41 our :+laeailitla" lo+6'tait+e letll'eli*ttliirg (4x3+('44141-4.1.`-, 1.4414tating1'. 1:r '.T.1 ' it• 4-r.^ ^rtzeripls ✓ mw.;sel ! L c ;e :r,. *45 H, art hut y it et •.I+rats i or •oo. r" ir laravrthcanuptardecola twist entrr!S+regetel nepart' .i1rcartel,4". c ars:u s e44u.,gt •n aceycy(4.a•'v+t :.t'is• 4.:r,':.:''. tot.:0 eat. .,1•..1371. 11..5. 41' n:.:: It -r1 'a 1 ;r .handier, I*.ada.tt Cslw*Ipatao0, la!o*tr( Blood, Pato la the Phoutdere. T(:A1 nearer tided host. 11;,44:0114 hoar 4«4µy..4140s frena the t'tol1.'. , 13c4 Taste to 114e Mouth. i11t:.tsa c,41.,:1: ('n'4- la rest4)x of Ut.ln().. Intern 9t rove, Bloated (seism 4414.4; Stags 1.M Itnals cf Galen, to l;lra@4 t ^• 4*,'. Pierces siva not >F*ar,.4ltre 4"rlletes la 4 sp 'r 1 a f r ...- 4p cr,:fr l.'.4._ a j4 is • 41444 r, ,. 4'f a "Jr: J14 t.. y1-2 s-,.` es" alien taloa ties Solatal economy to nrivera.a!,;, not n :plat/doe Cstuotaca0l.a,ptint* .w4.tt4OI a 4caa. 4 "v a: F.lST-',:r!- tt. Jr► 5I1tt, at is " lar , 4 1 4�P 1'9 :,n 4-'+.: t .,* 1 1 9, ., , n*Ice, A:-trQ]*5,'. 1'7 hal I°n 9'* .4.4* bat 8 b r'ogX.aie. c744'5 4,14.;, -,.r4.3.11 ATL, HRH tT11PT0M0+-17rel5entnewt, a *'c,t9u'ttl 4174'* fa.,i1:111 l *t r^at 4444441.4: Y9 p 58.4'j'44 44 11444. 51.1.1. 2:3344'3*!. 5 trceo : e$ 4149 , r(^ .( `+b311'1 41 6"'' 1 y N14at4 ' 's, e, 4 in .... , a *144.5244:48,4arS watt ;To w, ai4. e1' 3444.44441441 e$41,. 1tf t41r1M up, or of 40114:44.44,44' 0.w no5-1! 1.,51• stye9, ringleit141 a'3r,, *!ealht >3.1inw ,4.e' and (C41^R' log toelr 414 444Jar snIctrlt4't-,9 c1al,orr(l4425T.re �a4CHPhi 4cr1 twat tve34441,64*04t4P1'4P7rta 4rrl14441 r Cr 1.4 41 derrivhllea of attnse (er Ir:t11 and t1aiet 441'. err.,',: 11404ta! 4445 4:14.44 41 5449 Of appt'!IIlr, 81' Ogre. Oen. emerged ter1Cii1, tinting cough, t ts. (84414' 4 f4'w (f lt:r"4.41yimnpt*l+.9 are 411t4GGrta 40 544.0 *t Ta 14144 474160 at 0&e time. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY fc pmdnrei rutted tare[ of Lhn wore* Ci19n4 of Catarrh. noreinter ofhow long standing, The Mull armed/ :rev 4.u+ 111111:1.41 or In %ter *p 'Mei by 54444 u«9 43r I)1' I•Ian1L"31)4enetw. Tht4 is tett: only fnrin of 1414144' Ment yet Invented with veldt It 11415,1 medicine *44414 t f Carrtrd Joint 4.T attd rf:4tvizeu.Y A17'Lli.4 its a1 ttarta of 1444 ATeste d 0:1112! p•frlSgevat =t the 44laatr• dere or eevhltt'i c, mtnull!eatiog tgcmwut4,1il until sons and ulcers 'vim:n*1y exist, ant !144114 *hiet the catarrhal oi[ehnr-c generally Dra+r03ile. Its utl 49 5114 41ant Aug %many untle:rStned host dIrretiew 4-r O'10.Fanylttlg 44!444 lnrrnlncnt aar. SWE.'i 1•x• Dinh I:emt,414s cuter recent attacks of "(bed to tot [lead* 14y a 14'W appilcatl4trs. it 1s fi5i l'an.l ;lea*. ant to ttee,you411Dt05 no saran or eau:.le ,Ynr. * et pnlalint, Catarrh Remedy 150,1D oche*eeldb7drug este, R. V, Psalter U. Ir 14l'51rWorluep11.0 teams? and Su.1lld3' 1Lo441.Ipufa10, \. ] T 'O:Il?zfia k. 4'4.LIA;f S s1.' °1, t*)' 4.r+ t Itoel. ALLAN'S ANTI -FAT is the great remedy for Como lency. It 1.1 purely ves:etable:4M4 perfect'', barrel:se. It acts on the 14,ml to the ,tonlach Tre4•entin1,11'one- version Into fit. 7';liten ne'+vdIns to dtreetiens. it trtU reuse a fat 4erllon from 2 to G pounds a week. In placing ti43s remedy before the public ;4.s n pool - Lice cure for nb.•1ty, we do se 'mowing des ability to Mire. as nttt•ua'd by imntpredi of testhn4Itla14, of which the (,.!lowing (40m a Indy in Columbus. OLIN Is a sample: " (lent lemeua•-i4'ourAnti-Fat was dull received. I took It 444eor411n1t to directions ant] It r_'tuee+t me Ave pounds. I was so elated e4 or tit . re- sult that 1 immediately sent to AC0EnA1:tlt 3 drug- store for the :eeend bottle." Another, ala*r1a.a, '*4 riling for a patient from Providence I;s1 1., hay, Four bottles have reduced her weight from 1 pounds to general al" A. anti writing r0ii ton, says: +\ItI'ut special change or attention to diet, two bottle of Allan'sAnt.-Fat reduced me neer and one-quarter pounds." Thr well-known i\rllole- Fah. DruggistsS14IITt1, DOOLITrLL 11. 35MITII. of Itoa- 1044\d 4,s., write as feallows <Ulan'a **4.l -Pat alas reduced a lady 1n our city seven pounds in three week A gentleman in Sr. Louts writes: "Allan's Anile� at reduced me twelve pounds in three weeks, and altogether 1 have lost twenty -tire pocols s1. nee commencing its lase," 1Ne.ars. Powyn.L t t'L1 rinroN, Wholesale Druggists, Of Buffalo, N. Y.. write: TO TILE I'it01'1tttTO*11( OF A3 LAN':( ANTI-F.AT: Gentle - mem -The following report 1. fawn the lady who used Allan's Anti -Fat. 'It (the Anti -F1.0 Ilea the deare,,l effect, reducing the fad from two to five pounds a. week until 1 had lost twevuy-flue pounds. I hope never to regain what 1 have lost?' Anil -Fat is an unexcelled -blood-purifier. It promotes dlecation, curing dyspepsia, 1(214 1s also a potent remedy} for rheumatism. Sold by rlrtigglsts. Pamphlet 00 114' sent On receipt of Sterni,. BOTANIC MLEDLCINE CO., Pnor'ns, Buffalo, N.F. By an immense practice at the World's Dispen- sary and invalids' 'lot •1, having treated many thou- sand cases of those diseases peculiar to woman, L have been enabled to perfect a most potent and posi- tive 'remedy for these diseases. • (e his natural specific, I have named t To designate t p 1 Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription The term, however, is hot a feeble expression or any high appreciation of its value, based upon per - annul observation. 1 *1,417*'. 441)11' '4vltnesslng its posi- tive results ha the special dheases Incident to the organism of woman, singled It out as the climax or crowning gem or mym*d1eal career. On its merits,. as a positive, safe, mid :I:Ma iced remedy for this class of diseases, nn Ione that will, at all times and under all circumstances, act kindly, I am -willing to stake a any reputation s physician; and so confident um 4 that it w144 not (Haar/mint the most sangnineex- pectations 01 a single 114'.1.14 lardy who uses it for any of the ailments for which 1 recommend it. that I offer and sell It under A POSITIVE (IL'Aith:NTEE. (For: 0o1nlltlon9, sec panlplelet wrapping bottle.) The following are among those diseases in which my Favorite Prescription has worked cares, as if by magic, and with u certainty never before attained by any maLCbtL0' E Excessive aha,on hey Periods, Su�Preonwhn! unnatural causes, Irrcntnrites, Weak Ban, 'Bro- la sus or:Failing of the Uterus. Anteversion and ltpro4ersaon, B Failing Sensations, Internal Float, Nervous Depression Debility Despondency, Threatened Miscarriage, l)hronic t!on e8tfon, Iu- flautmatlon and 'Ulceration of the elflt rusilmpotency, Barrenness, or Sterility, and Female Weakness. 1 do not extol this medicine as a "cure ->4p,+ hot it admirably fulfills a ainglenew4 of purpose. being a most perfect specific In all chronic diseases of the sexual system of woman. It will not disappoint, nor will it do harm, in any state or condition. Those who desire further Information on these sub- jects Can obtain it In Tait PEOr4R's CoMIO7N SENS1a IEDIOAL ADVISER, a book of over 900 pages. sent, post-paid, on receipt of 511.50. 1t treats minutely of those diseases peculiar to Females, and gives much Valuable advice to regard to the management of those affections. :... Favorite Prescription sold iNF DruRgk S. 3.) l4. v. PIERCE. M. D., Proca r. World's Dispensary Ind invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, Is. Y, ■�t�,4 '! Qat 144' T It 'f enc f!� 4 L1lC Iii, 4414:1 i. l.'lr 44041• 1.1►„ii 4.1 t�lnl4l a ,. * u e :41 1.0‘..11c:‘,‘ 11 *4 t o, tat 1+d 14" stirr� It ',1:1.1"-l" 4 11:11 1 44 IN ii £ Dar a n 1 • *a ! ▪ r, 44 4.::t �a 1'n 0-e•14 a f It 1L treats oflstb.u4'h(1 \ 5;4-4 1 t , 4-0 . \,•runt abd "!n , - 1 11t! r , , , 1 (rnr(nut1ht Ile' *104 01,'1.4 i 1<.., t •'„t its•n4.`+nm,llmloc+4tatrvt:••1":?. ,: ,:e- fi ritty m,an4•cr trots^ r •, 4 , sr tlleherk. 1L544' I,.4- art ', , •'4. t,4.4140end h'roh;l!,1.t1r't:14t':, r.'.ioa.44.-,14: n4er 1.A Antcti.•,!..otrh4.tntetanavlr 4,e.r zr4' ;r- 110:1045.414y4M `daiii'.a 4*4.,:1.4 ;t :L A T4mp1.if't, til 11'41-i 414' 9• ,. St l�iM1 t P 4.0:144 4444^.•. F:1*t 4.441:1! to 414. v:..pi fol' d4. n- (:9,4.. 4) 0 4 ;v4,Is 1$,%ret3)Y 3 I't)e '---s^'-' 3NSI11[ UB, :•o. 414xt. Ouch t'... L+o(on. Sa l*a- 4.1 i I.4- :* 6w , •. 04,4'1 F'' * KILLS all the ,,,„;:;--;\. FLIES in a oom.inTWox , e • '4,,.4* '+) al.net^ 111" HOURS. IOC. worth v7;11 kill f/ 01tha,14'4 tilt., 1�`;�,''�"'.�.�' 1''Y n $10 ty.«,,,.d worth of t„.1... , Fly 4!044. No dirt no trouble. C `n Soldb)q,•N, DNo+:ctsis EYaai w4':'i-A'`•',4' ;y,'1" waves. 1� Bot1n•• Medicineo., I- 'suffalo,N. Y. 1 i s .:off 1 N.y n� xw A Special Offer TO TIIE 1!EADERS OF T'� � t�'ttt A Beautiful and ^ • - .". 54131011 ItiiagnetlO Pool( ...feller, usual size Ladies Gold \vnk, 4110,14tl00 O-olde, Case. Gln.e.arye1al, steelandmetal wol'l,, end 41.411111104 to denote correct time. A Perfect Gass for everybody de- siring a reliable Time lrocper. - \Vi11 be 0 ivy n *way to every patron of *hie paper nen Free Clan CUT OUT TIM COUTON 450 MAIL IT. 101•14111.1 - On receipt of this Coupon and 41.00 to pay for pecking, boxing and mailing charges, we promise to send by return mail, each patron of this paper e Osamu 8w,se MsosxnO T,Ms-IC,r31.4, cadres, Magnetic Watch Oo., • TAUNTON, MASS. 44 This is your ONLY orroitTITPITY to obtain thee beautiful premium,so order A1' ONCE,and do not min Ode Chance oa Lifetime. .11, ,4:9,