HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-5, Page 54400 SEPT t+z;t1 5,1 78 THE TIMES TTIORI\-E PA RMJ.-DJLi- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WINES, T IQUOR ., CIGARS,P o., N BAD.S' D A ER IN R E.�" I , OUR A TE.FEE Carling's ale, lager an porter in bottles and quarter casks. L ba is ale and acus bottles and quarter casks. CONSUMTRS 11878) t i il,rt'DC : ! ,rely r, el! Otol it t• 11 Otat , 'tris to 1,-av 1,-a•Ior, e. f! :ae the /nil), t1aats sr: xrrf atllnrge:n c•f abe •4444. r..ait•.ti iC theta.1, Imes in i-ur31 til a ..,r 1443:: wevi, t..11 hexes ai 4444 TWEED8, FLANNELS, FULL CLOT.°'S, RED BLANKETS and YARNS, Va26011 I;a nre .'tltln:g nt t:10 LOWEST PRICE'S TOTTCH11..13 v ,11 to integre f'tre$Ielt In ell h at ori, eke faet tad t*. . .11 to t r c°t•a.i od 1x138leer ,t. a tD fate Can le¢• � .t t l.:es' ;elle. fl 4+d, tee 1`.1!6a. :etn r ,la�t A+a, fa.oeH that'forthtl t44at ere l;u 44 44 - 'b: tie lat•'Sf an°$ Meet -rllejtr nc:,$ m an tnlneet'\ t t :1L.' tL t 910 .0103f a t.:rc'!n of the f.;01.49 ecu full lbet are ninth a1 ata sla tp .; l'ttlivr. t1 c Ire Under no espt nye fur rent er .44.;id'4 nl.tal,:t1 c1111z�. 'at`t+ (411 uu f i:WY 1,11,1.taa, J We sell. Good Goods. We sell Goods Che ti 4 z;!avc. Woolly r (.Mo Is Claeaap, come to us. M.lFERS, SI, lf)«tits\ nlli :1'I'ItATI'uI 1'. u!1 (;nxTr,lr3nT .-..Tlie following st;ifie4twitt sloes lank, by any ilit'23t , t•x}I'tngt• he cult et of our 1'11.1:+(' lit ultiitlt in reluti(it' 9:13h date United St.tt-t.:4,but Rotas only with huldtwts that alts i itltr'li your ilililtediatt ,l iitlwle lig ,.:mil tlirt,'el y t;t-iil!'4rn1 you.. 3.lOi ;:li,l' POliTElt, ('on. Candidate. 1 Our ' 7 ,•yf, 1 . e 1 E¢ 4,,444 xl r ti . i•. al+l e" I'J':iE46 i..rd. ` i'Tif7 best G: ;S f) ry 9484 SCT R. and a..'lrcai it cost the Canadian t-arvwrs. From the Official Returns for the year ended :30th Jun 1677: moms 1'..:0'.! MAN. TO TEE UNITED S T:1,TE . Annini t of v,i1410 U. S Tariff Duty }41id tat L cutt'Ijfg IT S 15c. bush 13311, 01,,)1, 20 p.c. 70,9 ,18 21) 211 p.c. 75,203.40 211 p.c. :34,707,8t) c. lir 11,001.00 1-.5e bush. 433.540.40 2.00 'Ill. ft. 6.311,11134 110 20 p.c. 07,4:1.100 1t1G.lii. & i 581,798 vol i ,12,711:178 Eno.11i•C 182,079 c lei Pree. 6118,467 2011. o. f 1.115132;12;09;11.4(10° 1p . c. t r$17.83ea p 1 265,31.7 20 p, c. ( 53,116.3.40 ` f rS3 57 each; 10 p. c 1.074 323.(10 '1 ( or 53c each ) 13ArlC�.., 0,2-13,011) bash. 474).172 ie wheat... .. 01'ti810 #1 "Wheat Flour 11 atlaclal . 11,091 brls. 1.xatatoes, 2,81)0..11)1J 'bush. baawnLumber 31.9,0d7 mat. Firewood -- Wool.. — —2.37 firewood..... Wool..........2.377,1201bs lbs Jtorsos 7,400 heads Horned Cattle 13,851 li 4,51)8,117 37# ,at,l,tij1 876,019 173,089 44.753 1297,567 13,212,738 438 337,-173 Cltnadillll Tariff. TIDE 01,1)• .) T HO U'S1 D$ tunes, wad yar'1a.31itlt lata p-rA 41 when Tra1u is universally 41e"^prt ,4-ai ,,, i a41rn#;c e= It kit!, td&r• ,EY.: Ci.:B of a*4rtry : it cr t'.1 In tlo..A;t ¢ Witt.?rt' !t . can get the article Le :tient. 1 we;t rant+.'. int tr thsAt:; vtx:rr .otent:ort t nl: prei-nt ,,soon, 140 fin with eve. °v couti,i- d1Cc1 ii: la isms. Le:, me ear.'fetai aiiartteil 4ndt srlret1.11 W4.1111441' a any I tvvi us t Every department ices which shun: 1st -r. {1,3444,4.444444..414 Lathe Du Goods epk•te v.:1*h the gloat Ceen,,ona1 10 and f.Islaiona1le f0)4(8, nlarlied eaalwalla flt•a.tt•nii•)1lofthe teres elose4 tlnyora. fill: 4.40) (t ° tivi1Xi:;1iil La:, Vim. 11', IVES at it..14itasi; • in Mi1i1.G11Y the ttaa,,alei a',tt,af Miss M.Alln,ll!ott, we can fait the most fasti'•ltdns, 0i' stock :e.tes, Boots ami Sltoes, C;lnadiau, Eit;lish and A.rnerica, Shelf and Heavy Hardware n o1 trio largest 1111.1 ile et ni.untt'�i i1t shed C:,t..tnty. Intending p!lrelhtserswill caan%al; the' best ,il� b' u ,.atniniug rtystuc1; Yrfort•g;t,ing amlPesrhere. .L.MES PIC! RD NEWS.PAIE•II-, �. �. � � �,: � 4444 ' � . ER .SIN 11114:11 EaI)1.TION,, :3•,441 i-aana0:4,11 n i- Ea t C. , as t':e 1' et Lz^vii ^' 4 �:3 t.f'"e •87x44^a' a d z ]4444 4.:, 11 C, kb p 9d .io t.', J F i r tdi'1tg t La:.?+, 49F t Ci.c d' '„tel ,•¢ a Oft t Ct stip xpt R t rr, •;,a v l e n .194.1 • ta. l➢ a. t .O.a, t ,~E• :. 9f1' 44t47:41,1,41)."-, r •anQ ere 14•'4:.3"1a. Y.;,=L,, i. i to rt_,•: Si d, .1.4.1,: ,.rt .et,. ^4444. e•.oa3:e lrr.yi.uxt'a,1n t lle:er 41.1•':et:,L .9113x. r^c iota. ➢9 1,4410.1 awl t a t teal i n rl9 a1+ c r t ,,..l•1••t$ �• tw1114sst' tea./ . f 1 ' .,,hi ! to.• eaat.t , 4 ,dti..1 x , ti al 11114.1 Iratelmett , u a...triad B 84ai,, .toy ,a+liur# iia; -4+'alt el r wd-Il t • 11.E„' - ^ •t=: de's ya tnl ##, $+. toi,,p1.tt0..;:ers<t.11`41rY<faesi.:ai i/.e.eati, #a'L'M,N.') II MieIihrii Laiids r f3.;°lertal 'al —I t- )1.1..1) It'.1.II SAY II) t.04Atth ria,en u•Irelaa .as4' tar lei :�.an t 4713 'tris mann rawta'11t1 I ..aler 1x•443 1.t1a t-• 11 ':aal la•Bint t a'. 1a4?V 144.3E SL Iau'an t td e... a ,18,1 t.4,atethe 4itdna.t.” ?,1.11 1St D'rit 4 t 3441 , a tm.l tr,• 14,•1 slit Tits• ra *41 irate •rs, Our t•s+ 4 ; tl"a 1 : l➢4ttn t •.," .aN 417141 roe act.teia 8 u . •:, 41441, , 144 k41f P.t$1.4„92,14,. «, m_loam o o.i4'441 tit..` sia M k + t i GIDLEY I? Itrn1.tllre 11 €t Il (Illi t C'1'Ilrf-' `� w FE WOf.'LI.l eats t.1., i d at 'sada 4 4011.04114Z 41 Ila 1,m1 lvrl;t,c last 1Y x1•, Moro tmm. Y -let, ¢ tsslr.rr t c•11.1et „ '.•9111 ds t1 ..f lata `1114g 1+ t t .a ;111 #r,?,➢ .eel t it 4• . t.edall Lel at.. $ Rt Eta 11K V,. illi!' t:. -r, Ill ear„ 1143 pzO1 cv t rigid l.t ;9,:oreft'1d1 ;i lo- to Int F.1•411:e1 ttlt tla#!'n in 114, 3'ievit.ve i1 Soonties, fhta, 1.Ga'ril' r % 1:, ,%x41 S. iro`v4 t.F1. DaS. t be I:ti•,t r, end sttrrontrlltl,,'antr.,,.�, fear tine lib 4.1' 11a t1 ,n.c,e tt1„•1, 140 a ^, a.-' as .1.44A s , 1'i td. s 33.1 'NW•➢t nan•td`r,r andJet t l,•a,;. iti ;deo in. fa.rni. yoat tigat i .x at`e ,t f.at.,, ,,t,.tl.tst4 0.1 114,"1. t•9 detiw,se Oft *.4't1 ' 4'f %tit tilt are s LTC" ITT rti :\.:N�. "`L(11,1”) :13Y i'i IIE ! 112, 7.;'7 7 rEitir l COZ, GIVE ME 1.41I.t1e." 7:t'rc'fi, Z+'rise. 10 p.c. }•' rlit3. ]:'ref. SLi3Cp......... 1088,820 to 536,018 20 p. c. ImporE of Indian corn from the IJ. .S.....,.8,260,099bushels. Lees export to foreign countries.........,.,.4.081,612 't 10 p. c. wM.. ��ff l"--1 't": t 3, tar i AND GO D tTONEi. codZ70104� stools.. og NEW and MEL' TJ1U T UR,E at W. MEWS. _a po 111:1:1EN LFAVE TI) CALL 'I (IL-11 ATTENTION' ._-.-„, ,7 ..i. to Ini no v stook of Parlor and 11211room Furni- ture, Spring 11 el, and Mattresses, Pillows and Rot. tors, 1Intro 2211.1' a very great rt luctitxn in sly niees, and ,till being resolved to supply goods of the a;t quality, I e'utidenl.1e lupe to give yeti ev.ry sat- isfaction. Zily ,tock of Beds, Chairs, (..'.trio wtlrk, in fact everythil. ; in the Furniture Line is being ttis- i i tel of at a t1i,e0alxt of 111 per cent. for cash. The rudertaking a specialty, at tu.. cheapest pos- sible rates. FEATI'1li11S FOB SALE. Leaving 4,178,427 bushels. That went into consumption, free of duly, in distilleries and NEtW PUMP FACTORY otherwise, to replace Canadian barley exported, as. above, at a difference of 15c. per bushel against us. Import of coal free of duty from the United States, to fuel, 769,661 tons, value 83,082,149. Export of coal to the U. S. 1S7,772 toes, paying a duty of 75c. per too. Import, free of duty, about 6,000 tons pig iron Exports, subject to $7 per ton 3,282 tons pig iron. Import of Hoar to Manitoba, $40,260, free of duty, whilst the 1alauitoban cannot send back a bushel of wheat in exchange, except at a difference of 20 per cent. Eavirg made our best offset, with such odds against us, we have to make good to "our best customers" about $25,000.000 in cash, for naa.uufactured goods on which they have all the profit. Is it a wonder that we are growing poor day by clay and rolling up deficiencies in our balance sheet. There is an item to be considered that is not in the trade returns, but you can supply it from memory : How many sons and brothers, have left your homes, how many neighbors and acquaintances have left your riding to find employment in the United States ? Aud have they gone thither to a field more depressed and suffering than exists in Canada, as the organs of Government pretend to tell you ? You know better, these men know better, and the Government ought to know better. compete with our own large supply of At Woodham. A BRAY & EDWARD have, at con- t� sidoraLle expense secured the Best ma. chinerl and Augur in the Domiuioa, n.udhave on hand a large stock of First -Class Pumps and aro prepared to make to order on the short- est notice Well or Cistern Pumps. Wells and Cisterns contracted for. All orders by mail attended to. REMOVAL! REMOVAL! RE MOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! P. FRAYNE has remove tobis new, shop, lately. occupied by Perkins & o—two doors north of J, Grigg's book store, whex'o you will lixul everything usually kept it: a first-class harness eotablishlnant, wl4ich fox r�r WE OFFER THE " TIMES " FROM NO W TILL THE quality of material and slyle of wox•)cmanahip FIRST OF JANUARY 1879 FOR FORTY CENTS. THE. IS NOT EASILY. SURPASSED 1 BEST LOCAL PAPER'IN THE SOUTH .RIDING OF HUI3'-' Galt mid 'examine my -stook before, purchasing; ON. '. NOW IS THE,TIME:.TO SUBSCRIBE -1•- ; :., ellewherer• nit FZiAta. W. DREW. Solid Reductions —AT— white co. (successors to G. B. Smith) Before Stock - Taking. 25o. Colore5 Lustros for 12tc. 12ic. Colored Lus- tros for 74c. 1;1,50 Parasols, all silk, for 75cr, just half price. Dark Linen Dress Goods, all pure linen, for 10,12i, and l5c, Prints, Shirtings, and 131eached Cottons, at staruliuv p.tices. Man's Pine Straw Bats, worth 75c. and 31, for 25c. Hosiery of all kinds Wonderfully Cheap. readies' Circular Stripe Heavy Colored cotton Iio.,o for 10c. per pair. balk and Cashmere Man- tles at about hall price. All wool Tweeds, doubled and:Twisted, both ways, for 25c. per yard -extra value for 500. Suits made to order toplease the tastes of 031. 'heady -made Suits at prices which• will perplex some, astonish others,and be the wonder of all. i.S we hope no customer will leave St Malys without visiting us and' judgirg for themselves, and seeing with their own eyes the completeness of our stook, and the enormous value we are giv- ing them • tiucoessois'to G B. Sniitll: a For illi rr1+neit.:xi t': e9e.-:11,1.e-71'1...o PINE ND FAIICza LANES a- X771.►t. 31fa°ll$:: to t ,m' as w,': tea,• 11:91 Err,:+ 311ar.l•i0,P,, 1-e4 ,a= L.'i ,;. g. 9V.1'4%,'$ 1.1 'I. L. 111 ltl8Ei5, 1.1tt 4Atii'n'r, 1 I >;a,y rt dd k .•a1 r ORGAti a adnv 1a a. t,1 1.--r...1:4 I •, 4444 1 l+ $ ,.;¢ 11. 1 ,¢ A , a a 41,,,j .411.", ➢1 1d:: .tr,.r Y .14-'44 9.s 9,'11& n. $ -I 4 «il a4 4444.., t list nkat 1 tu 74.- a, 1 $ te ='at ,d, ha 1.4,1111 „Z":1 s4 tae $0,1 8 10 or Kato u 4141 *4;;;i•4,-, .1.1%"1 1 1.1.I:. 1'.1.1t1Ll.f'.11,4tA$$st,t'; ,# x344,..J, - 0 tlla `.1:1 Irl: Vt—s t car'd.14. B. lttlti- t I la s4fs 1 et tlti1 fait f tia4 a f t:tv aa• •aa •• It 151 r tl a 041 gig 11. w.g1 -1 441"1 41 3 -?. t g.e 1.". >.t2r7$ t, 04` e .t-d-ir, •., i,. 4el.aaX:'+tla, Aro, tllm^.M1. A. MY f 4 'Ilt• 3 l5w': • I> t 4' l 4951 . Y ^4 . meet - lit 1%.e. ,1.4.11., l'.tl.ai'1 14411 ;, ,:1344 ',t 1 'ttl:Yx^e. to i:81:141 '110114, Iltd°. nd:at,4. S, f.. .14..t.t9 t4.;it 0tt,r.ltr, 1..e7ers4•, ,;a,,, N. Y. on ! UYtia;i. all Snout! 410....10t et.of 144 rttr.untie tn4i l natrle..1 14. Ile:,-ts 13,3 sag,. 1‘. 1: Peals \ 1. „1'.l , ,! ii.3 11.tn la a+ '.•,elr ..11144 e4d .4 rot ➢ v.1144 4.,tt4:*, se eta. . o...,.1 emit t•.4. 10t2."311. r. Y. 840. I MO.$4100. t%Ii:4O. Int+• t l l eel c i a It int d +r1 t 4. •' J' vi. i 1.0101:P14 14 r•• *46.4,-e 1;444 49 to 14' 118 81.1 9,1 ,1 1nl1.1' ,, revi 1l i 11r.t r 11,z 114.11440 1 .t,ertafaeo :t*tit 1 psiT tI'1' xi. 1..1191' 1'L (4, intake.•"-•'tt4117e,tett,,v •r 1teL \VII.S()N 1L soNS, CUItBETT a 1'. o„ B iu'ka1 1u +44 44.,.,* i.au Kush end 4 traot,4r,4,anti 0reet':31 fl'N tid t v 4.1' h,+u'-t• x1,4,1 tett t•r orgo.ertivs. Y #ut.74 drawn 4,13 •e:, et 91,10 14 414.0. Having Ixeul ': tt il-. ,o4,, r tn,•e iu 1111. 4.n.ra 1.4' 31•4.1. 44Napet9 lit to Cert I4t.^ 11'.11 rl llel .111 'an..4.'r.ttt• tl't'in+ h4 14.44 isve -'ttxiril jot sve.at o4 C„rbott n barn,?r:+ tuv nlixar OST, --Glu ,i'utur'tluv-evening, Aug. L,..t 11th I7. betwt't'e i'belne qua '1.?1.'1,.•1".:tt:8tk Ii 1llndary l.iuc,3x4411 tit . tone ::ie1n St.'1 t en, u 1 writ• I.'.ltla,•r 1 e. et book t, nt ,udll t1 meet -ea ane a not.' for gr.'ele eigs.xl.t John Dia teiuord, with :.lute ,t qtr 1.111 a 140 Meier will leg ran t ai-i.' r.'ttard..1 en let t r „it milli V !n. 'iit.hell t t' t- tralia t,t the 1131, h ails e.la>tdei, or rt.turnicei k to nit VALI:WU-NB larctilOLL. ti Aug. •...a, L. 7:o. i). G+AtIP.I.L ,LL, Pf01`1.;' t.IAL �s Land 44urvr'yer tc„ will le at the l yal hotel,ti'etcr,cu toe -Stmt Tutu -day 'Meech mouth. 01 dura lar wok loft vita Ur, John Spackman will receive prompt attoution. LIVERPOOL, �y LO DONDLIZRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE OF ( Royal maxi Steamships. THE SARMATIAN MATIAN will sail on Septemberl4, Sh ertestsea passage, For speed, comfort; economy and safety are equal to any other Atlantic Line, and being a Ca.ia.lian Lino,shoule be patronized by all Canadians. For - particulars as to passage or 1parties sending for their fa.x:ads, apply to CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. NEW SPRING GOODS... A. KELLY has just received a large stock of Watches, Clocks,. Jewellery, Ina - ten $trin„s, Speelacles Ladies, and Gents L'ocltet l�lr►oles, A large stock oflFancy;Goods, Con• saintly on hand.