HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-5, Page 3k.. ,S'r retxr?af •'.T%1R,. , 1 78 THE TIMES "DIVIDED UP," Five ranged, unkempt and weeping children wore left orphans the other (]ay by the death of their mother, n. vidow who lived on Prospect street, The father was killed at one of tate de- pots ab(' it two a earn ago, and since then tl a mother had kept the fawill together by hard days' work. Lack nl food, exposure and worry brought on an iilnees which terminated fataally,and the children togethor chi d 111 en hudclled t gethcr in a cor- 2ter of the room feeling awed at"(1 frightened, but yet unable to realiz( that death had ivade there waifs. ,V1ien the reme.ins had been seat awee to patter's field; a dozen women Bath- 4 r••d and held a whispered coanulta- t'cn, "I'11 rake one of the poor thins, though .I've four children (of my oven,' taaid one of the women. "And 1..'11 tike another." "And I'll take one.." "And so will I." `I".1'°'n there wee; the hasty --.a toddies_^ $1aas, avl•n tend hien rcrt:;itMl to bleep el,' cry ti,At of Iii life, and wheee Lir alga., eyes %tore full of tears as h. (ile: wast behind his shier to eBeap) (.b servation. "1 cutjld talkie him," Enid (no of the women, "lint I'In tjtliek.tetltl'era'(l, and the 1,•"rei will Lever falgive the woman 1a1eu etrikcs to drill Ititlia't''a child 1" "•I oi,idd take hini, but 1 tarn old and will e.n •11 di"," said another. "Wheel- lu= laaad ]ee:ar'ultd to love lase, and I hast come to took upon hila ae a son, detail would eepatrate ui," A girl r et over ten }ears nlal, dreeseai a ,it hi batter than ether() 11 Iran there. crept into tllc+group and heard s111;tt was scud. Willie tilt women were ltlte.:it'g into each other's faces in el len ee. the child reached out for th(., b th, patted Ins tie hits .bead, hissed stile. and :-aid : "1 %ti.I talks thin one 1 I have at br(itile r, anthem and pa will let un sae,?la him. Ile Clan sleep ill my trun dlt:.ha d, ;;lay with IT" dell, and thee arty put all the Christmas dissents in- to nto 11i. tetoel:itng !" The %men i'rnteated, even 149 that; wept, and the girl erca'lut the cornet returned tint her 'nether, wile sale(:- tioiat'd all she had said. "Cetne, l'nblry•"•- j'a'it're Thine now 1" called the girt, land he langned es tall; lilt her arms orotund ]lith and tried t,, lit hitt up. By and by a woman Said. "•(; aildlttal, yatu have neither gather. lnot?ea'r nem home. Yon met be tli- vided up or gal to the pales+' -fi'n'e, Ki 6 otrh; the-, floor r rphaas, and all kite - the till y 1" They put their arms around hien. and hugged clad kissed hint, and they wont unit trout the old house to go ill different air; alone and perhaps never again to sleet all together. ill-inld-bye, Johnnie" each on; gasped ns they United far a last look nt batty, and elle httle girl called to each • one in turn "Dou't feel bad 1 x'11 give hist lots to eet, lanai hint his Dreyer's, and when he's it big man he'll buy you all back!" MR. K11OEGEli,'S INVENTIONS. I was around at a club -room, thc. other night, readiut, the weekly papers. Just as 1. laid the last one down, and was thinking of going home, some on( tapped me on the shoulder, and looking artatud, I discovered the genial coutt- teoance of my old friend Air- Iiroeger. He took a seat beside me, and glan- ced for a moment at ons of the paperss. Tho article which caught hie eye wee an account of a wonderful case of phle- botomy and transmission. Mr. Iiroe- ger threw the paper down in a frenzy of enthusiasm, as d wiping the perspi. ration off his forehead, he commenced "Tally about your transmitting one man's blood into auotber 1 •Why, gosh blame it, 1 beat that all holler when I was young and visionary. I thought I'd sail in and raise oranges and ban- anas, nod make moony. Orange and banana trees won't grow here ; the cli- mate is too cold. 1 soca, got over that difficulty, thou: h." "You did ?" I asked. "Of course I dill. I just hail a 1(t of sap out of the orange and. banana trees shipped to me from the West Indies. Thea I got a machine and sucked the sap out of a lot of oak trees, and forced the crauge and bauana sap in its place. "You see, orange trees wouldn't live here in whiter, but oak trees will. As soon as the sap got worked through,the liixtbs, and spring smiled upon the land with flowers and bad poems, these oak trees broke out with au orange -blossom rush, and in the autumn I picked trop- ical fruit by the bushels. I thought it would be a good way to utilize trees which don't bear fruit." "You have considerable inventive power, Mr. Kroeger. I think you are one of the most wonderful men living." This notice tickled him. "Oh, yes," he ewent on pleasietitly, "I'm considered sone in the ipyeptioit line. But that orauge business was only a sort of starter; so to Speak:" "Then you proceeded further with it ?'r. "I imagine you are right," respond- ed Mr. Kron: er, "When I saw my suooess with the tropical fruit, I got a phonograph full of tuusie and forced it up a tree, and that tree would bear flowers of mw ie. As soon as it burst into blossom, it would keep up the most delicious strains of music I ever heard. You see, etch flower would hold and play music just as a shell ode lh,r sound a h 1 u f the eft. "I made loads of money on those flowers. Alen ailed to walk down Broadway with a boutonniere, playing "Belle Helene" and "la Mille de Mad - ante Aupelt" all the time. Ladies used to wear those )nusie-flowers in their hair tarl(1 when cilia of them rested her l t 3 TT KINSMAN, L, D. S„ HAS OB„ e tasted in. Diploma andlaieense to prao tics Dentis- try and will be '• ^x7R es of old, on ftouday8, Tuesdays, L'ridays and Rata r0ays. Ogle N t Hell's Bakery Main Street, ],,toter Ont, MUSIC HALL AND Sowing Machine Emporium YOPI SHIR TIIE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF Silverware, Mina and Dei# ever seen hi Ma West, at Faakiig liotu?! aErrsa LL bead on your breast, on a flue sum- ntar'a night, it w11, just lovely." "Wonderful rful r I ejaculated. "And then," he 11 eat on, "1 went to work and injected pies' blood into atl- )tlh(:'r tree ? and hi a fee months the iuibi 1vn1)la bo 11;,alat;ing althea 1•ri.h 141;e. You see, they c,ntt.1u't root in he garden, and We hail to hoist theit food to them by mettle of a sort of der• =•ick. Yes, they would hang there in t'lnetera, like grapes, and grunt with ^tptare. Oeelasionally I would go up ,1 a ladder to Nass( one. I raided :attiukeni; and c"lavll ou the same prin. Aide. I then thought I'd force atone duet lute n tree, Gaal see if I cuuit1n't rune brown -+;tone flouts, I'll tell yon ;bout it after I get a drink of water." Ai soon ae 110 ttlreed his bask to gent the .proposed dank, I got up and quiet `y Mole away. lI 1IlI'S .L1:11\ti't.11tli5. rtlrawxPlass. bolue now Intuit oBoratHoltarta tllrUit.bout daSly aja•a-•r,i'1.ulEatj. Uf }`s>t. U nit for 11 114.ntoiTy cannot be surpassed in the Domin• I' art'ee,f cO is w .11St +nee, (-an %lava's i,CPr • pliea9 'itt a rat lata: dills; :sr :lel 1%er.1 hc• teastsa at Io.v '1 1•a:Malian 1141„ rate.s. Order, front a dieitane( ,,rutnh.tla' utteusiro to, \V1IITSON t& SCI ATz 1 . Grooeriesg Uon/ectiana,ry 3m kin;; Tob .coo 25 Ctnts per b OBOICE TOL3.ACCCS AND CIGARS alw.tys to steel:. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT, eicllo01I3oolts, Stationery, Magn:Ines W1'ilI ALL THE LATEST newt. N.I3.•—Sewing 11acle.x.i. Needles ofevery kind. .k. IiUY1, NEW F1Rii, INCRAMI:S OLD STAND.. burse gbeeing, Wagon and at,trt lea go 1lal"nng,Tlia mond I:earrnws. anal Plows. General 131eksniiib- issg its all its br.ulelles, at the1,nvest rates, and sat- gu:arauteeel. Gi1e us a call and examine our work before t arae elsewhere 11c stILI AN ,t; M "BRIDE, Bing St., Hencall. lIeusall,,Tunc !O, s873. Brit HAY PUMP WORKS GARTON, ON, - PROPRIETOR. Saving now greater facilities for manufacturing pumps than any other factory in the seal= 1 Gun prepared to furnish pumps and 1 tligwell, on the shortest notice, an,; warrant all work. My pumps have taken the FIRST- PRIZE AT TIIE FALL SITO�1'S as ainit many competitors. I cau recommend theta, and sell as cheap as nuy'seeoud rate article N. B,—XTAtet WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE M1IS. BOLTON. m. Shop--Ono-quarter mild north of Exeter, London Road. Hay l'.0 ,;tial. Li; , 1, siti 6 -in LIME foT SA.LE. -----:0:----- On and after MONDAY, ibth inst., we will keep the Beachvi.11e Lime for sale at 25 ANTS PER BUS .I. Special rates to parties using large quantities. —o— MONEY TO LOAN ON FARIR PROPERTY. Mortgages Bought and Marriage Licenses issued. O' BY RN E CO. 3.IRUTi'JRE' DP tL14;RS, EXETER & . PETTY nEa1 Dir. Drew has just received an excellent stock p Silver Tea Setts,Butter Coolers, Double and Si ugn e Pickle Cruets Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, Com- munion Setts, etc.,of the Best Quadra ple and Triple 1'late, and is ofr„rhug the samosa prices that w tut? ASTONISH YOU FOR CHEAPNESS iT suss; just opened out a new awl col. l 1. sv;1..- ,a•ir sett >t (idet,a (les: awl Stoneware s. -Cul t,rl stir . ,;alt„ rself as n, gaal1t1 sa:' i + ranzle� . Mad try oar nn•Art:'lar 11 33e a+.1. 411011 bawl. Issetva ;, at lu e t ti E. DREW. . iURNITURE Room Any quantity- of Cared Me:tt constantly i11 stock. Rolls, f acou, Hams, smoked, sugar - cured, Lard, etc. Any quantity of PORK CU iT1NCS c:tnatantle on Italia eAcm Whole ale and Retail. A11 orders fm' cured meat promptly attended it'll to M H F, W AL.' 1-1711.. \1 1:gai to flu? vcrylat °(t int -Twig, of te'e1',", )0 ,11. 154411 t•enale(llt al to a t"Fttt .5ta las 1Cta.t la-vi-inst 2e r. kart a Loge se 'eL of all t 1^ aI'tft.lal'e•--2u f .a t, ow.of tIsc' latrres.t north 4,11,e-L- ‘1011, •fI,' t;- ,'•'il, Tion -t• ilk want t'f a lima L" -$ asti tat itt f£,trt=r T t11t.i Iauaa� Lilia, �tr,nld rail anti e.sau"ine rt y stool( tub] eseert..in my r1 tees mai ler i ('tti iswt.t that 1 easel tulle ,11y'ttlU'r 1£,tu-e•jn thle 1''at(q•. 11'0„1, a 1 tr c i to t 11. i.r, e t siring r tse"i-,of: 1: t 1 rat rote , .t out tat, t tl e ,e,ta r1, ut tj. '11? 11 ,,s, 1 `,Inst alae hit it,.ss tact tat le atfd. ae "Vnsijil:, a fees -s ,- r ria i ,.,bail 1:ee-ItmS:I:gv: ;that It er til'ri(1 „Vat t:'al . ate-1•..'Lc 1,1;1,11"., 4.1.O. t . l r, ,, t•a r,. r 10Lf lase a 1 ra t'if,rt,'a aaaelt Wt. td.• t •l.taire ? a t 311't•tt :tt . r111 , -.",,s sot a+-, it 1 et t„ t 1 ;nae"aa. 1 * e=.na,. peseta s eut v.t t,..-lae•1a. .11•,' tat ter stud 11tt^:(•.al anztl't.2kAQtt'S. .Sjavchal att. :55t on to faille t'ttttiiUg. u Useless,«eulatlaactcdyfor. .yq rl.r,a,a,e"a .4aX1.:TER Amp ksTo`ya 0 .()01.4O \\'.t.itli 1II :err ea'r Itege.t o arraoor».- to tlls ie Dail -tails' of Exeter an: t1 i rrroltsssie coun- try, that hi' ha< op= tacit it TIN mut i' I'(1VIs I '1'O"1' 10 tate store nearh• t'I:lmssitt' natcesUrueery awl latter :;bare, ;Uaii Street. 1.x1 tet, whsle belt; p.epai "d tat till all t'rde. a ur 130$111111 .net get tui 1y n.SfeG oeblotwatch -'ofore buying. Yo iwitl have no ether aieersee- lug them. :111 Wi,o tc(ea1•tit via raw'o un,i n"t then' t;nielmudiilvel,Llairs and 1iontleutaau'ss eiZof, 7?Ditssslusatret't,i„taint. ;c„ tLo tn.tintoulnls 1'1x+tau?j.e>,t.hest,andcheapes1stn••k of fine Gold Jewelry, i'lncl:l,ilceer, awl Plated Were, Tastes ;mods,150„ t1., in tl.e Province ite, r. Nga,t ,vers deseription. W. D. 2Tc(;Ltal'1 LN ''7 D111111aRR Ltrix4le11 Shingles for Sale F'13Oa1 $1 TO •Lco P1111 SQ17:1IIE, At C-. & 3. Brooks' sawmill, TWO MILKS WEST OF TII1; LONDON ROAD, T'1' OF HIV, A good supply of Iloullock Lumber and Cela 1'ost.cuustautly A11110310. r 1IIE FALL AND WVINTER TRADE C. SOlathcott 8011- '1.111.O1Rti and CLOT111ER,i, Take pleasure to irform the ilinabitantsof Txeto add surrounding country, that they have jus ope.led out an eaeelrontassortment of Tweeds, Coatings, T'estinys etc., is the latest styles and pattern s,and feel assured that hallow. atter ofolotliug„they cau suit the mostfet8tidioue ttastes. AT THE Standard ash }rtor a Blued FACTO i Y, is constantly kept on hand, all kinds of building material. 1Moral hard nue; soft, Siding Moule'- ngs•dse„ sold cheap. Planiag Jigging and Turning promptly attended to. BUILDINGS CONTRACT'L+'D FOR, and satisfaction pan rteed. •As we have on hand a largo s oek ot.ry lumber, we feel sure of satisfying those who clay give us a call, IBOSS BIROS. & TAYLOR. Spicer s Grocery F —AND— ”; ` T 1 RE TWO DOORS NORTH OF POST OFFICE; FLOUR, FEED, GROCERIES, SYRUP, MEAT, &C., &d., &C. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT 1N SEASON. +"Goods delivered promptly: Quality unser_ passed. R. &E. ° SPICER. Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. 1'illware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by pra.c:tical wot'kuiell on the j remise8. :lure -Troughing done to orator, ('ltrriarxe Plating. S,welalty. Coal oil Chimneys, the very hest ;teal none cheaper, u -- intending pareltaserii will always find nee 111 xny po:u, ready to :atten(1 to my owls tattiness std prepared. epaared. alt all times to treat cuaste,uu•ra3 e",ul'teensly anti supply them with n limed and ee.t,' artie.e. lkapena£ nl,(: 5 it that nowhere eau you get better value for emir motley. ;'lie very highest price in Casli paid for Hides and Sheep skins, .E. H. SP A;CK IIAN. Exeter P 0, October 15 187 7. GODEBICII FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and Machinists. MANUFACTURERS OP ,a,NGINES AND IIOTLEBS, FLOURING, GRIST AN.DI SA'iy'a MILLS STAVE AND HEADING MA.CiIINERY Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agric uura i Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, Scheel seats, &c. Iron and BrasIs Castin .s to order For Bale cheap—Second hand Boilers and Engines Stave and Shingle, and Heading :1Iacninery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugiues, Mills, &e., promptlyattended to. 1ODERZCIT FOUNDRY and MANUFATURr:T:x Co. GODERICH. Ont. TH IS IS NO BOM..1=3.AST 1.491.9 Truth Concerts You More Than Counterfeit, Therefore, read, purchase, awl enjoy its bargains. When I sae 1 mnnnfaotu.re my own furniture I win pleparod with my proof -sheet that the people eau inspect' at any time by calling at my Ware rotas where they will see a swath dis play of Furniture in All Its Branches is'tnannfactnroctby rnytxlf and my enmulne,l artistic skill, wit'1 good. wirkm•anship. I de, ?are not iesatisfying the people w 111 a cease of Fe, niture that cannot be equalled for quality or price in Exeter, all blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding, WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J..BRAWN ACM. Corner of Alain ancLGitlley's Street, Eyeter. D M ..AFORA OR LA ' ' 9 THE G -BEAT REMEDY FOR CORPULENCY., Allan's Fly °rick,. BEST FLY POISON -SELLS LIKE HOT CAKES.