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The Exeter Times, 1878-9-5, Page 2
Asauurnaamiisiouemormainimer 2 THE TIMES NILIIIIIMBINISKORSIVIINNWIEUNIMIESSWEINIONNINMAINt 1 �° j' s"tt take another melon ?" Tisa Bitty said, 'kY " M koC OO1 EF 1 soorufalisAlden, since that is what you gall yourself, do you remeni oxxzs� slz Itlel : I sT \vi~Asr�.3 bar a certain line iu that poen of your zDm41,1 Z';.itty's ways, EDnoc1D , . ' namesake's wbicli roads as follows ; A. girl with the Ardor b ,,Ja v.izt get' ••Cio:hrs they rice l2 AD ani flte passage?" from the same plat'', rm. 7 Tlzey have allowed American wheat to COAno into Canaria, free of duty, thereby 1assening the price of every bushel sold by our farmers, and itlfiictiug aa, loss is the County of Ilur- t antata sometimes. I have be'a't! . , on alone of thousands of dollars 'abu•i:z;; that bar cl; all rawrale ; stili Tae Latter portiou of the verse is pe S. They allow American corn to cu,z arty* a 1)lieablo. Pray take it to come into Canada, free of duty', and tBlC'rt'. airce ' ai2:r pptnta 1S1 t11eDn. l 1 i sJSa3ee1lt11y 11r tt.r, Katy is tosspiejouti t;ourataif > and. bore bliss' Natty's foo have reduced the price of our corn of y ort. Bat ha—loess is !easiness, 1 tlru14111't1 .on the leek' t twenty .ental per Stlsll-'1. the . D y 1.1- vo wa A cliytn '-'1 whie1 . not :9. They introinceei en. tho excise 1�tialF� taA., t.'.ai a 3 .D Ionia beau tea ui¢3' t� \a' A ala,t1M my Man. •4d to ta'aD:Dg'° the watitstatnflitll.T, Ate ))e +a':4l character, I "dui+ on heart frill! 86 to 72 Cents per N+ jo,:der, a1" ^,l,„1 to the eaves. wwool))• Dalnst ct3Dlfca;3 W3.S peculiarly 1Antniliala ' baster. Toe result 1. that it aloes list 11.D ty llfmrd of that, ottd how soda tvvre 131g' .n pay our l arae^e ct to 'Ease barley, the £,a:Sag 6');:T 1'"1= in ch•4!'t*.*, 6lt.F ilusi:ti,a.' ,11� .Lits, I dela.. "yt±'a1barba!!' ret rti, flow the whole of Oilllaki3 mimemonsimmumemintioimotrecomimmimmemat9EPTEl BEB 6, Ism CALL AT EL L PICKARD and see tioir ew Sprig Goods Nov Opening. NES' PRINTS, NE\V MANTLES, Zr \i ail.! tut; EES' that slut sfra,ald ba Taut on Bhore, inn l raven",*e lake a !aLalaay. Oa my word, i altuwaug that not ono bushel is raised .A SPECIALITY IN wanted Qs to sena 11,: 1i,aj,e. Bitty tvr.en I MAO forced. into tae melon eery- ow, woere teat were raised a few Fears Las b,:en tea ling Aa lit of gr'a qtr * toil 'Re, 1. had not the slightest urea that I ago. mere avas ,111 this littls vessel a per. 10, This actio of the Government raiA°aCIA>[,', d, 4iar:'1 l'i:i1t. of 33it;,,r,A�t;3 ,).l, . 1 . n„,e;A. 1 t9@.alt x'•+11 bad been I^ing,,, sot 1 *c4 at tail resemba.tg yoelr1elf, Uat- J raattiei•s the quantity.t°t °, e1" made out \,r;ID n,A, !:odea, .untie 3v,r, if we do ' t➢1 I nl:ail•i my app_aarane'e it, the cabin i o} ✓.ateaa.l➢:all barley and i nereas s tile; at tutv4'. me t1"' ^^ 14 >`;TCDtit Kitty bad ad ti atter" this S t,rr*ll+tg, 1 Iva never seen y nal- ' lalagrail; of whiskey made out of Aut. t :.�dertra Re . y -1"x., , 413• . ng, HATS, CAPS Sflrlt•;- ..4.\ -P -P GWQk�'E!:IRs, . . P. ..corn. kil P"sperta� t, /nal: el: oases.iust,r0 • 1vo t, L• ^Te, f7.�'4 RVatye tbk girli. is r@'°111. y,➢ii mina have been f-.i'ty. Cil llgly :a- t'1'li.an c arta. t _S� l at l� tA1D",lC➢c:yy 3h ,111 tt➢ a°W4kF ,"no. -aur. If 1 have eat •A`1" -.,yao, At \i as ° 11. They ali��t'1 'lleric'3n oats to h :at f -,a1" A'4''t: cri. tA.a:eak tide a3Wla RiaW . t1¢igi;ttr.ina:4ly ui^rAAN," oanio into Canada, Pt -t, aa- El tF, there- i'TETT) AND GARDEN SEEDS 1,\4'1 Ili' ^:iCa ^.^.i4t G1 Ga wul go to r,:zer }tr.RCCj I.a':ly @D ••Dt it +1 far a trio- r Iwi lesseniao t^rD r" of a\'eCy bush l T¢ef „it aF : F1�.e.Q P,vir at¢.t� 4ci iGB,}. k'a! 4\1:14 Ft9YR. I Fail DDD'! la 1"A nlh+ y a tc'1,C, t11.-11 Silo) a afar. •,.Ef...tr loa :-, I4lD io- nl ha- stir Blit in' 1"i, tlawiCt� ts, ¢?eaa „a� a1" n, • ac 1 .xE tG t.l •, n� ..it^.Dl a1" +•r Ear a . \\aQGihr At b1Det tf @l:e,l I\BCtF. 11:4 4 " :\4t"¢� \t G�: DlAA9S @D a'ar:tIlnD.•t qce+R. u R ll'L.. l n@,'\ s•1:n,:F .�D93Pr@4:aRD garde:, 4 a -.iter L11:111 i c .0 2 a l� :E An SC s1=car- ti: 21v_,1 l ez r, tl ^ t'• ; i party be, th'.',tr at,, telhaa7 the tru*li. 1 : �iRD1Q+ t•A came 11,tu t,•414attl+t, t\3Dl„tt (or:.B;+morr en,au:e^, r n: ei ,11, F . �•,n. l � tip` 4t iS.,:iE'E a'a ..+ aailC ; R , . D , t' , p. , aSill ave! vtn'1 Daly Iran' -1. �.r."D'Dn:a ^s : °+'a Il DDI:tBi a t �:yrdetti r't fiat. it .DDD ^aLs- c i$ t.l.� 3 9C.ru' 1.1"y pp:a t'a� 1a•• r I R 1 etas. N A . 1.21, 0.'o4, it 1s 144.4@21. D'A4 : 1+•0'r t'a'ct 1 ttDCla' ell le. a +into 1°, eell Utz it la.a,aluee ;at :li Ii ACir SP'lpe"4 t'ri ttW a4eitita,laD'; hie C1 b8n4al l'aDti l t4''a•-�+11J" 11,attty, pr ta' do.a t apt +te any-' i^alwt` and are 1,roFaeutld by the Amor', ' tend: i way. - �°► e5\' the i'3IA* thiug !tie's at RI% f 1"r \,a h aaitht s C\, Y earns front pehi+ilog a41➢J'thang to !lir vol Irle 41 aiC;l 1) or) one of tri',} T,' ¢ f.,:, .:2', :? r I. tin 1., .. at: I. ".: ,?dal 3 , u ,• ` f1" i t''9.r df Bantu; 1; ay. I know every 111•,tnar o 0- 114'1 allow Antic -Tie= maellln • batt alf tla'tllt th,Ju4lt man of tho-,e° "On o9-1.1 rellte(ua3e ;rite hire :} Well, q err! Yticlrule•wP.re, wagons, Wiggle,. that Aero irt.:h may have grown to ; I still ;;titer of it.'” Parlor furniture, pianos, sofas, tables, L* young moa 1411.. WW1 -len 11°,W. ia,.li /s"'", 14`4'.4.i 1l3y 114:14,' Alley 6141+1, 104111g-fr•tl1W% .0114111"::, Rte., Hie., tot .y,tt never 11."4: of ilii i.1i,,i, at,,g° britt• wrier sae WINO MO J ttit tU R•n;l t,f j1'T CulAd io' O l-`t4E,F03 CM Fa IOW ;naffs while " lltnh"b' row own DA1t'ch:al,ie; aro Wi:4llaitlg themother .�11r:iC1:::`4 �.rtic+tt--m;�1Aad �:4 it G. I° ^i Iva,Yonlilve hens very Fevere with l 4tl't�t'ts nithont t•,ltp:oyment. t�+1:T ©',1¢Z;a t\ •-,•• n:ll„ae Do41c,' f'r.441 .'1•''1n:tt1'' k;a t? P•tren4 R ^VONItl:a@y- r Dar?. 311 3 1'1:44:i110. ti:II:. htttie 1DICta.d Inv $gry t6t3 c'a bhe twa;rri.:d an Arden. a pri teeit8 ash ltu^ tl of 41„Y''''d. Y )1 d,a ,-.erre,„:-4,. ;134 4a, lS'-ae^.. t`) \^te?a1` btu ' „awe lit° 8010,11141..g fn,r IYCiCiet;1 eroa:I I e;: lie 3 of 4aDtmin r, a,„1 a.la4 t11'u,BF6a F G aDtu- flirt. 1`,'111" yce;1 pine me the h•;'.l► 1-1. 'Tiley have gone back on every profession made when, in Oppositioi anal Mad them Aelves "a Reform party 11 without noriting 10 Itlefornn." ^ . • " P ; ai 4l "�;l 14at1.1 :{ 1,4. '121 g t+e rtIs 1ar1D^+tule til la grew 1,.,., l4 is ^Iti111 in £1.09.341( fi.lsi f.,ulr 3 ,� ,. 1 �' a.:I llpc°.4 a�J o f '4 a 11""x:, +nf raatu e,tid Rll':49i : .`tine 10,4;3 el a nlanleent. when Ow. ettt.tlt for :he hard tiny s anti tlit°lr Arden h<1,I t':a:'tutea id 14.4" ,vat.ic; ,tilt •i4i,1, •• t'a, 1'4 e) tela \'.t1Cnt`.:`. .Ezfewst'' l,or rattwr want t*f iCtiTI@E"yt tlB:, $ a,++.-is�•.1� i,�f, tA4:ta' (.4%).0F Ftnl@a" t:r,l :D iY in 14e,Iyon t3Dlltt to make the tiles ti.!Wier. Rett. f,Lt tat" ' t33;aaiey qn.1 wit I't C, ^+Q.a,t c C1 De,it 16 4'1ii't�@`.y. IC:�+:k try hat' olti1 gra^aD 11MIti t.l 000 1.4�L Tlta:re, Mitt h` dads), lit11.+itve aa;i a 'person foot' t,4•+ 1.C: tan, anal I.::G,:t'Ia, .. • S.11F - N+k 1t4a. €. Itai-ve,alDlaa 0450.4I0:nanat taf ..A- J to MP" 'C'1 lei That gh-1 writs '' 1iCe.3 i was giAtl1iiy` Lilo! Ought I ,l.,tl�4Io1¢,Q, as I t+•ept rife'. boll; fr•,Dn t,ty til„' t + t121 Sl4�a 14 mi,,st Ori I4tly the wha+lie t.41iraii where title had pl.le e,1 it. ;Inst trot!, about myself? Alt alas of roll- thoua e;"site, from b ,Law a iia l +•I::uw,�lh 11' i 1st tiYa craft wore ilb444„ni,rti ley Rett+, Ii'os-•ch!" and wrier laltll:i@a; 1i -hind me, Ia 1 hal bem at fault. svlaa it not tiaD11+ f I sprang on the doe , 1111rrit'lt t, ter brat 1 i:bould incl e a clean breast of is? I was e1101tt, Captain Itasca:o { vias apparently acund asleep. STa l- 14ot©1, RaDal 40 ended. my date work Olt 111e steloaaner. ;Now. lit; this canto to !lase Mat Flue. unary ha aseoite. "Enoch,” he saiid, ll3rar, l: -a• 10•,1 .�,. 1 11,1v0 tltal folleltedl "hear her? She is grialiog her sides 01°11°. '7" ct itnt , .,v Illy waga•,1 (ten e -at a•,;,,ainet the dock, rue ainl her paint tllilt +�.) will be 1" 1 LU but. hoar 1110 a,, f Run up and rig a fainter, alae!. too lla4wsa "s, and sive Ler pd_z1ty cif "Ay, ay ,Sir," I cried out, and hur- ried ttati tkly: out, As I bounded tip the c.tbiu stairs I made up nay mind to do a cowardly thin:, and that was tt1 soa!:safety llh flight—desert tho 41ilt. 1 ran forward, rigged up a fender, un- loosed the hawbers, anti was ab.ant spriugiug on shore, when I saw Jfiy, Kitty, It waa rusk now aud atw could not be reudaug. "I roust hid yon good-eveuin„ :Ilia, Bascom," I said ; "god pray bid good. by for me to your father cud mother. I au3 ;sunt;." "Are you discharged ?" "No, miss. 1 am going away of my c,v u ace trd ; soulathtug like a thief in t° a night," '.11-e11, Sir," replied tho young lady: 'if you are going;, it certainly is far toe Liibt. To fact, you are condoning—" "Cnndouiag ! ' I exclaimed, some. \lir:lt astonished at the use of the wort!. '•Coadouing ! why nut ? IY it not English ? Uses it not match with coal - capture l dair,;;!hter boa f+tr livreu lite. Maine t• not an irlti4!e1 Mule, and an it h4a11lueaivai this winter, about Christmas ilne, "tat our. managing editor want - ea a special .roan to go to �f,bino r)ta 4onitl newdilaper haid,tese, I wads lucky etlough to be sent there. I arranged Matters 80 las 10 visit a quiet li'tlt, Ilray- t3u in the State, where 3 fi'nit tiulinclle''r lay docked up for the winter. Now whon enuuner emacs, 1 shall bo wait• ills fair the first S;tnth; ru melons. I know exactly the town the Kit ,! 1;, is to Rail for, the time she ail. 8•tive, :tarn even the dock she will bo turd up to. 111111 quite prepared to assume the functions of 13 melon 1+upt•r•cair:;a. i.rs. 1).* cow has tin itta;n t.) noel Shy says: °•I c10 not hold to your bother ing over melons. Bat sign the , !Meige stat must. Thatt id tray last word about T T t T it. Though yon may not be tut :}ideal, l' -t i. i S X I_ I. 1{: lL rig you have al1 their wi;fu1 traits." A ,!ear little woman n ritt,s ria, too ; `t• , writ's me dose n we.,k. Cn h.•r first '.et u1" else a dit! : "If I had only re.at'zr 1Ss'r:l that my nano a+ul a ri.lrr.v nese tritt.enu i,u the lis-h•aaf of the Tet°ily-.nu, a,ervaat¢lry,l A yt,tltig woman on alt would have torn it oitt; brit you c:.r. melon Ion s rllooner may sometimes spt+I.,9 rlyd t,11 my books so snick!), I neva a winter at s::11o1,1; if not ss a pupa., had the chance. A!1 the hyaciutlls at least as teacher. Your servhnt, l yt)u soot inc aro in bloom." INVEST \IENT SOCIETY. bir," here she courte:sied, "I eau hand Tan ENT,. you cabbage and duff, and can cook thorn, but can not play a character, GOO!) SOLID REASONS. a Capital - 8'2,000100 with you iu private theatricals, Yon Eviug away, then, condones for quite au The following are a few reasons why unwarrantable intrusion. You bad no life long Reformers cannot longer anup• business to come on board my father's port the Mackenzie Government : vessel under a burrowed name. For I 1. The Government has increased vow that tour name is not Arden. the pul)!ic debt $14,000,000 without "My name is—" I said. any dt,ii,tite improvetneuls to the pub - Sae interrupted me. "Your real lie works. mune is perfectly indifferent to tae. 1 2. They have increased the offices of do not want to know it. Selling mel- the officials to the extent cf $100,000 ous is an honest business ; pretttuding per year. to be what one is not, is unbecoming 3. They have increased the number of at geutleeruau. If you cooler assume of Cabinet Ministers and jam! eased a manner, so could 1 ; only I am surry their salaries, though when in Opposi to say my. temper may have got the tion, they claimed the nuanb. r sh nuld Letter of me. If I have made you un- be reduced to seven, with a propor- comfortahle °I ax your parding.' If tionate saving in salaries. you had deigned to look at the few 4. 'Tiley opposed Coalitions when in Looks on my little stand, you mi8ht Opposition and afterwards coalesced have found.a Goldsmith and a certain with such life-long Conservatives as comedy dills, She 'Stoops to Conquer.' I Cartwright, Scott, Burpee, Smith and do not stoop to conquer. There was :;auchou, even a Tennyson there. I night even 5. They objected to any connection presume to quote a verse or two for between the Federal and the L"cal your special benefit, for all last winter Governments, and afterwards went the children in niy classed recited' Eu- hand in hand with the Reform Govern'. och Arden.' mens in the different Provinces, for the "Will you pardon .me, Miss Bas- interests of party, and against the in- com ?" I pleaded- terests of the country. "L will, providing you oarryout your 6. They objected when John A. and de`erminatlon." John Saudfietd addressed the electors "Won't you shake bands with me ?" together, and last summer Mackenzie "I owe you some small return for and Mowat went hand in hand through having saved my .dress, Will you , the country and 'addressed the electors OOT 404 szzoz IN city, D rrox. ¢ to a2' t a +1;. a 11 4?,1,, Pres t1 a. Nil.n,,; a Ci Q i a, 151,,UV 3 `4 tr,3,1r•5.li1 ,1.11, ,. 1•,::1 ca 014 iZo'be31•¢ 4 vcs. I' or£.0 Pa +. ,• �,.3. a...9441.4.$ silt ¢C^1..1 r inti.ts.ro1'Qt1 t:ItAt'. pAINTI\fi PAINTING J. KlTGHING !s pregame to do all kinds a House Painting, Paper -].!lodging l\'laittniu ,,rim. at reasonable prime• nn11 lanur•t nilly. .1.Kum I:CCr. Matti It IExeter. NEW BUTCHER SHOP t lhooUntb'1ii n(d wouldi+lrtlrzl} the 11111:01i. t:ilitr of Exeter and vielnit; that he inn. t.WENED A. NEIV 1.UTetUElt 511011 t.;t .,1deer nolttb tlilu,a I',durti!twatbyiu,l, tludhoi•P+ ti.oauu,uliberal 1,lctrohar'that .tae 'Leen et 1°1i0l1.17 It! 114111111 the riLgtl+RMXTu 4'D wit P 1rA1:1 i0 11nr-wilIl,1 St /edv./ to kiln its hi,3 1.1voraue1>at'� nw,iav;•+, li 2nr', 1 c L,'•lu x111(.411 •^t t et t •.z1 lents uT tfat valagrtlii'41-t .hteuvl t.echamr .r :411 1i..,.1,. 1:e1•t cuwr,tuz.t1) ou llama at biF uuteher.hue,. B1aet.enithing nae wt14+,11, uuthl lgcarried to a -uncal in ia11 its WILL e� R. 1)AS-IS. THE LONDON atm aTTARIO Parties requiring money can obtain advances on appr,tvt+.l town or farm Propel ty, at lowest rates. The above is a London, England Com- pany. For further urirtiealnrs, apply to ROBERT PICKARD, Agent, lfayl7, tf, ExeterOnt, DEALER IN GROCERIES, OANNE1) SALMON, LO BS'1'EltS, SARDINES. CON FE OTIONERY, FRUITS, &O., &O. Has always as good and fresh supply on hand. —:o:-- Also in TOBACCOS, leading brands CI-IOICL CXGAStsi, foreign and horse mads, all, the bee u allati. Give him: a call and you will be sure to get ewtisfaction. TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. —:oi— Agent for Great Western Steama:hip Line, New York and Bristol. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS: SHIP GROCERY and TOBACCO STORE MAIM STREET, EXETER. T ta-kk11'< EI,I, a3; I11i'li A1;,D, E MARKET QUESTION ISAAC CARLING Being flow hi reecipt of a'large steel of Dry Goods, Groceries, ries, Winos and Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,. � At .tial , Main Street, Eut::ei whic"h will be solid %w EOWEST The Nbaaltit ants of Exeter grata vicinity neeal not el troubled It the want of a market wherewith to make money, but �l ea]] at the storeof the sai:eriber and SECURE WIE BARGAINS tttc:re to 11e haa in Cverenetccn: , T+'tlll.t tit➢ls, Brtalt i -cloth Doe slciq, Silks, Wince!,, Delaines, turd t veryrning u deicer in the i)ry (leotts ]ilio. The Grocery Department is Complete. An inspection invited. MARGIN ON COST °c�llilie to show goods. ISAAC CARLI JtST RECEIVED 1T THE. EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOCK OF altBEIr, JAPAN, DUNG UYSO and BLACK TEAS, 11t11SIN , CVIIP .NTS, I'Iat'NES, DRIED APPLE#, ANED ri,l."i-r, SAIWINES, LO1,S1.t}r,,I ILSt�y, , SALMON, BITTER SAT"CI; Ant PICKLES. IlIlANDIES. GINS, NIINES s AICD smrps. nYE, MALT. Seta:CH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES. T1)BACVvS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. G, A, MA CE, Main Street, Exeter. PRIOR TO REMOVAL 9172 .BO.P FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER.