HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-5, Page 1Vol VI • EX.E't.3., .1.R, ONTARIO, .ttElevy-%..'LSDA.L, !SEP.l..V.M .''3..-4i 5, 1SI8. IAlt!ORTANT NOTICES. IrII01)GSON, & J. OKE, CO. a Anettone rs. Su)es promptly attended to. Days of sales olein -,^,e.1 at this office. J. CLARK, Agent for tho Us- borne and Ilibbt,rt Mutual Mee Insurance f. en 4Ii ...la Ut...i le^t*ce — Fartdumfr, Orders by tttttrr,3ed to. ti.,'!Ti1AYED.. Str4,Ed ou the pretenses o: tele and r>1 asses tat 1. conaeess lyra 4. !Cs - 1 e tae tiro ye i odt---14,4 on of ail lain t@aa • nth of Jelly •r,n Deasysrete,tal t) prove Iv:.rtt kag ts:ic* it away. Alt Srola 1-1- R. ADROIT L, D.S.,M,1t.C.D.S. -osttrA,u,xa tt tar Ittiyal t'evilire of DENTAL SURGEON t)l a^rt in 1 net<,ae►'+ !seise!* -.IAnI vibe sta)9'4. Esetcr. AL K.E, 4.onlnini'isioner,'patty. e awe. Beit#. ttet•t I. Ela Agent. tI Th e— vest .torr motif )tu;at Hut: *. F ,ct r, 154tsons ]tut:*. ll anttBt,R ,e rt•:•Iusaetay. 1)1:1VA.T.E k'EN1)S to loan at 8 per. Coat. t/t.l'(i:1.GI11S 110111,111:.�..,! i . } lnritu d et9 Real Mats. I1Nl'E1 tNCING •-1)tleda, Moxt. taa, mama ....drawn n'1 re ae. aot..l.:e h.rtiaa "st A.St1N 1` I1L'1):'z0N, Henson, ()tit. ,.Yit tit"fl'1a1'tiT+. areoIta to ua. ttl.l1,4e. Itouret "i•t las. ie D'a!{ „a idausilmp 1�....+,)t..+91:,salttttMtt:abahea:,::,aert...,nw•ife' tee,#ter.*1•',#,#13E:08r^.......tae,)dr I'6 a*11.4 of t t-. •+ CJ ter,Qt .•v l r.0 7"+ s.:.. . .none . e•,. ; nalw ta.a,t •7," a u 4.. • ,n 1. .157.#1, Jt"..:/411 esL 1 L a ,:,i,e;.n eller t ntJt: 1tiY•i". l'lCt)V.AifT 1il�F. tee- Ail't 1t'0R SALE. ---The ,ulact°alt- r 1 . . „awt r;., a:•, a- 4 t e. t,nos ,: r. t . e.rr .,t tvf t' U+a [..11,1 C. 0..1.1 •!,.1,r*a•eu ted .„e 'Ielt t,str•lrl•:r.1 4147:r..%„4. -.Von' ma' • Volta t:a•:t•r,*iai t n,t. Ia•ur% * gi1117,4 !to'ul rest 9a I,ngt ^lovWn. tt)I l l 9n ',r a t l3 t0t1 •,•r aL t.1,tr,.1t' ]tet'IfA17I) 1'i + nue:. + I r°.ere'. t). tf .8.1.;;.1..t :., 1K:4. ti;;nl,'t"I,NT WT C}I'` it+;u” ANI1 t:lt:ti1►lNti '(T C. S. ItO W ww Atli3 11'0i13AS !OFR will r=ffer for sato by Public Auction rat Ola':+ 111)Tl1..is tate VILLAGE OF EXETER TrjrCln kytho fres# day +atO ,p i.O3E Sw ~stet, at tc .tea," 1. in theett&trnaam. all the)•ieett tate•.t,.t a tit tt t of Vito a i,..re manta i.•n .lv.•rit .teed of l t isa•.tNeir heel. see. in and t., Un htn•a.l. red are# t f i mels it:tacit* Was. !wing *'tnylr . a'.l at 1 t-tottol , t t ` *. in t1.t* 11r+t rorea osis.# ta: t?,e T nta,.lup,d l"'1'"rtie,199t)a.•COME #~ of 1I,01.na. Ti. • *,vast mei butt line 41Jit a stela ata t e 2 4 tab. lib, t 1t t tr aleee a toil„ trete 1 sett•r.ott telt rutty, i road. A li re it, nbtmt ",o term cleared, stud i tan rmentmiortri )tyre* v *.it31.a'.it. Tee t1eu,IS'•)it. * aro entille,1 t.; two testi•^+ in- t, r, a, t: alive/ vin errata into pnrt:u.; 9ua on ,*oath of3•:iii,lubtaa,or,.•,*taboutfifty-tivoy'ear.. Tea•, is a awe deans. a f*ar n'11t ielat,n'.as the luno in i:,.e neeptlsurb ant i . fast s au lea vat 1^, VS:, tett,# :, fano tuiteht 1.:,1•rofitaiily bad out and, #-alt for onl.ling and part: lets. IN.:, tort bar inutirul:u•t apply toTtt,ia'k; tt.13 %14. ,eor(tary Meott81 tlauatfatetal'ingOlt; La,ndrn,t)ttt.,nrtttherand.i1 ;tic,*. 'Perms anti atin3ftions mads kiZtiwu )a tit~ sale. 1 Tiff a1.1 I.1)1 L 1.I ;r., Assignee. stratrora tlnt„21th .Augast 1f.".14. WESTERIT FAIL 1$78 $12,0;00 O!F'rEllaD Jai PRIZ,38 I 001IPETIT:ON OPEN TO ALL. Will ba bele in tic: City of London. SEPT. 30th, Oot, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4fh Prize nets and Entry Papers may be had at the Stx•rot:u'y''s office. All entrees are retpwate,t to bo matte ou or before the 31st o Si3PTLJi8E1t. cheapening of transportation charges hos in - Railway arrangements Have been Made for creased our a=bility to compete in foreign mrrlt- ONE EA.= to Loudon and return. \VA:. AtenitlaE, Sec_etary. J els. In feet, eheap transportation in this bettn- '4*i>:s'rr•.nx F+rat Crerer,, try is as potent a factor in the growth of our London Seot,1878. f foreign trede as the qua=lity of the mate; ials it M ------- ''.".".""".'..'.''"'- is sought to find a market for. Thereboru, it is LUCAN. a matter of the first importance that the ques- tion of railroad charges should he most carefully consideree!. The foreign trade of 11)0 United FOR DRILL.--- A battalion of volun- States has infinite possibilities, sad if it is eree- tet'rs is to be here on the 19th inst. for fully and intelligently cultivated we shall soon annna1d�rill, find markets for all we can 180(18ce, The fu- i!'dRi4r SotD.—Mr. Andrew Brown, of taro is most hopeful, and every expectation RSoareville, has sold his fares to her^ may 114 realised. While our trade bas this promising outlook, tho Free Trade England is Thnmpsan, of 'McGillivray; for $6,600. elruopiug. She is losing tele 1101(1 she has held OBITtTAay.—The wife of Samuel Log. so long on the commerce of tho world, and Pro- tective America is stopping ahead of her. The ~resent condition of the trade of the two eouu- fant 8 months and a child 3 years ol3 tries is a full and conclusive answer to the Free to be cared for by a sorrowing father. *'rade argnme4:t. At a time when �uglancl's DIFFIOULTY.--.1!'lessrs. Wilson and ascendency 81)051( not be iu datiger, for just Blackwell, employees of John Jackson, 2notvthe commeraielworld i415 a condition of stagnation, America is outselling all her rivals. of this place, have gotinto difficulty by Gelling some good§ which bad been seized for rent. THE R4CEa.—The Races on the Lu - can Riding and Driving Park conte off ,on Friclay of Ibis week. Alarge. num. ber of horses have already arrived here. splendid meeting is anticipated.' Do mat fail to attend. ROBBERY.•—On Thursday night the shoe shop of Mr. Geo. Cathcart, of thies place, was entered, and $170 in shoes and leather extracted. The • 'stolen goods, were recovered :on Saturday, thanks to the exertions of Mr. Wm. PROTECTIONj evident as Euclid's Mt axiom, "The �,.0 t whole is greater than a part" that if a country sella ONE DOLLAR mare than it buys, it is one dollar richer. Let anyone apply it to his own busiac:ss and see bow true it IR. Let ns take a farmer. He Feeds Irani his foam $3,600 worth of produce and purchases tuces- sitiea to the value of ,:.1,000. He then clearly has ti 1.0t)(i tr>piaee in the bank, and is that 111e:e13 richer. Just reverse the case, and he is $1.0411) poorer. Yet from the lips of Free Traders and the Free Traders try to eatirri duan the thraYL1 11 their press ticaE Alasstteelaa.' throate of the peotrst a the ritatt*tleniiy ab. setts, the u10,110faetnrinh State tor e.A; lil)r4 theory that the more you buy over. ealta'u9a'e of Americ=a. sti'tla ruined ba Pra- y our pales, the licher you become. teetit)n, that lwr I1 tiostl7 ^S wore do. , no only period' in the history of Weil, thein. bofore til) atlopli.tn of the creasing, end that I•turitori-ui and law - Canada during Which we enjoyed the high protective tariff, the United Stu lesenesa of than r•' rrrt Lica r+ i Wed 01. IT IS 1)ENEEtel tet, 'WHERE IT HAS HUN TRIED, OPINIONS OF TUE LEADING NEN. )11'1.11 EVERT LIN; AN' l r ItIVII ,, No2 ,Hon. John Sharman. Uuita'd states ' rte e e2rt + 1 u'•r esnsrrt:lt,:i et tilt' fors ecit- ..ecletrrt• of the Treasury, which Srl,l JD •' y` ,, = be fount* oil the 7.1, in;,e.of this issue, tea) t p i*ryt n se= tel + i . ,,. F - tl+ Y, 1...•'.• Everyone who takes an interest in this. the most vital question engaging the Taal attention of tete ,'eol•fe, dotted t=1ri1 td) Du4ir.11 F. thea page anal read s.itat • f (a Jit rad ?. k THE 1 w � tt:,: �..- nit 144 to ra . 1 , .-.y GO\'.LR\OR 1:/C1 ON- H D�.S #alit i 1!.1n:, SULTS OF PI.0TECTIO . Time also time again have we beard 7o2Oia •'-:" rC F•:SS.:. .. (G,, vitt) •:+.; f_t..?, R..t,•r:U. l 3.'were importing n1►rnal:c SEj'E prem.+ tltrongliout 043 ':t=.e. ];Eit b et*eifl'a oratectF)u 11A9 w Biel . •'f .. 1 ' en tbD • • aIILLLUN DOLLARS worth more not Off. rtebor•1aa191i1a'•,t, t:,tc1'itrt+a,t cl1'e- l nitctt States, prn.etratiell ruder the thou thaw exported, dist ie to say, they tere of Canada l+teft r tottittu the evi• 1 T]1I }i' l'I.( 1::}� Si r£11] evils of their :treat ctsit war, were no- were spending that touch more than ,!edea of Uhl (r+averll))r of th titia'e able to produce any a*'#isle ae cheaply they earned. N'en rather float 1,110 ua nt+po,Tt.'i1 i'ro,:tsitl t'Who cloos not 1a, -*w grit tDtrye i,1 ft, a5 Crafttttlitt,.ts cot1141, Lien, stall known t 7 FA Lt $ i c.•'. - [; ¢ ', rat 1 I ee•:*!, ..Et:t lel Other Wapiti OW, f3r1iiers of ,o,,l:fS• art 17)St S117,40i) Lett ltachi:f 6t Itaal'lt?' tll'i+a.ct ani l..t, i.'Sg etaLlaaS 41.',i t* pay the American duty. Ila; du ti .-y lite it `? STATE'S. Ma1'4 Toe: airy 1 rose :. faLCt that almost everything At that t)t111ug tete lag three '*sura tISQ,'I`, have' i III tare_ illi`„! buel1a• lin4`Inr(,t of lu1 .?ry tit Waverteof in Canada,. and very nen;:s espline#! y it-is.te'.1,u,,9 . ; mayo. than M atclluse+i;tts . 11oii414 what he said 14�t.rC fr:'1 r> j ti work for a•li!:t fear ^rly tittle cult Rba,t)t tutee as1111X!# as it dol 1!1,1 Kaye sultnir°a 1, ttl:Lt i+, #hely 19:tvt' 1 In 1' : brntar\• lift, #seine) (t 10ialty ad h, r•t'ai lt. t.: anti Sant tEO, a,tFbt: A: !lila I:i) i•1 (Janata. iva4 that thiay were. eughle:,earned in ronHd flamesEltiriti.t ted+11! ':dressing the legislature; iota; cart ;u ay. he free '`,i*radeva ,,. -if tit AO ,=;**lice?,9Is Ll`at•+ 096• *4)tt'* 3t,:t, s n 'r t' very great tett iitC'r c' 1tee,let� volt (f eonlpt.*0 um) u� nnl, a ,Iv in the ,belle 1:1\ .E \1 J.L1ON l)f)Li.A1.- , ; a st•itt t; c t .. ••. THAN S ! i • Ile ria; 9 � ri . f:'ant I ° �” ' t #lilt � f u,.:r7 f :title in au iI ":,r5• ' t, t t a -, ' ,MOVE 1 11 :N Ili E . '.'1} ti.\ 1 . 1�9y"'"t 9N :��. b,.° 4! N:,. 41113 t: iL'ic ,.8 a 7 .�"'+, . a�41- ' 1i ":Lt+;•?: form ill t'LL'>i i.�LJt�fi:li SZritr. tl4r' Ca noel a a =uat'l,t tet, hilt 1.) th1r own at+ : , t] y Y are fuftr, host t)iat ti,e..:it:'1. Ii.. L t •'.z. ta'a:I 1 'ala; 1•'. 1• .;):* ( •a 4 (,.w4 an•!0l{v in lvaatoli'ee:aottot Lot the, !treat:*;. ' all t A1;4 ion jLi tit' :: 4**;' lit * l'al3tlaler,t0;.4l. NothiHa! *r. 'ves tl3:aa., •,. , a�,. „.•... Ll �i:'311 (. 1 -:'1 ., tfi'o 1;:3"f i- :1.. 1 ,r.. � 1 i s l la • '� I tt l v .a v't ll. 1:t fact, t►i�y at that #144# eight!# 1 :peak� 9 a , ';R. ° i t ?u °I u : . T'-! •• : v it ti3t use tv as, and ca,ttaoi 1 a a ' .. r t�.t 7 L 1 lona ra3" j' t.3 .oeh w .. !the S41Uth 1)rt'veolt.t theta aiour paying , Protection Aa 1^#49° .ta')nti ltittra? Get+:t°l\ , ..i i :7^",. 1.4 ..�,'la, - t,., d' i ^i port til,' 11 may to ca3 "a rice A ao El !#miter lthlotlttt of 9::t;?tititu:l to tit* I Let I. : .,. i i°9VIt3atri.+::, :113^l l:a:'liI tiia�Lil fr{etii tet++tet #141 S+t.'It id t,.tVvinilthela, tt*w • erea whae°r I ,, d.• tt: tayst�, Iia, r' s ua r'Ttl 'ti . of El1u rt1tA�,• s Asa oat e.:az ,e , n I t:l° i4 t1AtSG tL'IS'+;t: attiCe !i f:►llrosy 1 4,0i .-•�'.:•• ^3 t az 1s1Y:at dtc'v C.130.:„4 t'iatol1tgll.. nits r*. tt4141:7. 0't 'p' , } .dAEit, tiIll Uric-ai]'?4 Ilf tI7Y+ tda"1.1 a ;4i t4'n' lei 1�..+ + ; • tt a . ,. in trip 1 S•:: C'?tiy11•i 4if tp9,. r*I§1Ea It C•''at 3.11 'ti terve.:d''t'8tly saw. C:AiAit,+9t woo) at that was eta @:'rtl'i4441; ttltl•.t:P11 ley GU 1)1101 1 ,9ti, 4t' ▪ ,:i:• d:,g,' .•,......., s .seen ... ,., t'a* Cil: l'i: #•r�'3'•.� ,t3 a,Q r •?a t;rtPQ eft f;aeI9 Leery time too 1- tit s a') 14, 4 t".' 4,f . ')L 1 at E a"i Q ;;C olds ▪ 1t {.?It.i'4 nl`.- ti no tilt: Ya8141#.~ ltrtltt:Ct i*l, atntt tlalriLlt7 01'4!45 inertia,1.4 IIID ta'E'c:'iJtte. �l t 1.01.1i. • l° * 44,',:11).1., .7'i °.344..1.4.3#; t't;a'ja lA, t'i1`1149i401let.1141.1 altinootethy (•; )q • #: