The Exeter Times, 1878-8-29, Page 7• AT.TGri41. 20, 1878 THE TIMES A. DIVER'S ENCOUNTER INITH Inonimit r OF T XP.0 tratitS. former, but cannot support the kind of AN .vOTOPUS. reform we have been having for the f, The cfst of our Federal Government peat five years. Reformers, don't be A paper pitblislied Ant:flails Oyes 131 1b76 tylia $.13.27 Per f4railY, afraid of being called 'turncoats,' but this fueident of a diver's : Mr, ••:$4"t:iteit in hid thlagel specch for step holdb oat aud support the meas.. 6loole had tired off a char4e a ntRa.:•:(1 it to bo now tiu, per urea best erdeulated to ensure the pros- xatte and displaced 4k, largo quently r;-7'2'.`3-10 l'er increase perity of the country. In my judgment 6tones at the btu E. of i'1--(;4))1) nearly $1. family arum- the Policy of the Conservatives is the .le cost, of the Fe*Icral Govern- t one for Canada at the present time. went dtwit to prepare for ;Hung the::e tki• fr ezones by the aid. of chains into thc) Lut tx*tl`e 1;"ited the eon- ' intend doing so myself, and would ad- „zzal, whi!e 1.4,1flag os,..,r sat,i_prrioil 1. -,At per head friands to vote for Rufus tiOaietilit4464 Wil94th *12445 per f"Luill:'7' in the consus &evensou,” • ,1 at u1,3 tiale wae a 1'.'.W of 'period of lsii); it was i?2,,42 per heal, :0.1••••••• •••••••• alt.,ving about, in .4" a "143' 17 t. Ls Pev head It i8 1)3"3 rmw• w,,ria„gn in a or s5 ets et' lanky ; ht is anirj ha. C!, etonazt crt.'."3 °1 les4 tha3 c"t8 3ann'kUY' 110,2it whte athe inercfse uuda Govern. c v ta,,lit which eammenced with $1.1C" wiz:a• of ectmomy LI at the rate ot nittai h.. 2,e,.ine t ll"ItY ‘•*-$1.*r fi4u4ilY am4willtY. WWI The tud of man—His feet. No bird ie actually on the wing. The wings are on the bird. The rnest unpopular petty officer in au army—Corporal punishment. A good lawyer is not A necessity, far iins p t -p ifi.trieateof t .necessity knows no law. .4at 4%.,1 it a in national, as. What is that which makes every. 0e.t.ii/th lit the rate of $10 per; thing visible, but is itself unseen ?„--1 Lo•itItctily inattnaily during those sixty Light, L7i1 • i„ will Mr.- .%1.tekencie txplaiu Why is a ben sitting on a fence Ike , . - h a penny ?-13ecause she bas a head on , SW flr1114, Lr." • t4tiero. a ...,tr - WIC ra.taa,t,:tt ;71.ta ..* per one side and a tail on the other. t ,t7.7.ant its liteid of r. v.i't,:a.att ..y Zt United missmoof RINSMAN. L. D. S., HAS, OC- - ttatect I'lleO,Aat'441 4,1' in le CALL AT SAMWEIJL eo PICIK1ARD'S and see taeir ThiT 03. vis zeltmL, etzlocis Now Opening. NEW PRINTS, NEW MANTLES, and NE W MILLINERY A SPECIALITY IN Ordered & Ready -m1,15 1, thing, IILTS CAPS /100TS, • SHOES GIO(ERIES, Nw W.11 Parer iaitb 1; 10 4.4r FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Tarr.4). Mau,1 l ez:zat.,1:3r,..-..0:,)--;;.t. 041 Tiii-x.-4.1;17. the iirii:Yin^ ? ' :4, 11 ;•7 _- et,i!,arz• w =1,11 • 1 - .1;;;t441T 4/Cr rl/ 44ti ,l(uF, et, for *ott.le At, t... 1,C/intik, 1.1.1 ha-tst ehint Itaid or p.wir loi orevI-1,3,0y soil, oray statesman „ moue 0,51 tZek r 094ilt 1:4141 OS 04 On., 441; cued itia.if fr4ov41h ,*J1 -c .4,..•1:1 bony tio,f) ve,:,,,q,,..etioy-4 a the 1.11t1114,1C14j ,r nr PIMA I& t Mr. Ma4zetizie tno1. ittgi1 1 1 Itt 1 1/1., unnt.006,..i3g-1412.,:mtq:;,tr v.xetvr ti1811 .4,1‘...z._,;tssLik-1424,401gftt ttoe bett. tittititIV int Lint, ra 4Af whout thir4 )t. Litz 11,4 414.4 $1.1¢43,t fe, ro,A p,y0 r;tr224.72.1. that 4:44.114,1 now he indy nioic tia 111,.1 1;1144 proportion b Wstatein,nit. To kwi:Ig (moots data „ evrtitinly curimailwiii eh sw it is tery tbr. Be- it 7,•i-,,Vto• r4rne e tot the Li er,2,,4siti, the oenzra. Mt. trt.e.ic. $.,,t° liw -1-1,;eirr tinkIll reNete-'5 of Itte,,-.,s," Lbw iking is certain that!, jr,,:tt ate kt,A,:,:i, ....f tuv plait, to t.;b$*in a tik.,ri,, :4011161 IKA trio h rifultioe'ii YORIIIIR TH of the peolle trt,re ai 1011-xeki 1 Ta E D.T S A..E. T Dry 44i4a; 4444';44444; tam Iztienitinre per coat. 7.41 44 G j PE ITT. 1"'t .•. e•••••• ort *Is ra44 44 - '41/4 4441-4 1,14,:.4 ';‘:" 111111illtita ... *A ;to._ vattlai arrt „pm /47,1, r4 U.N7 64. „i" 41„,,. IN,14 e!4'1i4;k14444.444 44414417 44 It ie. time ovidklit that not ono hair tbr) r4,tegoti At Of C11,1113141 are farm. 2 ;ItJ d81 lama) alAnioento imtsed 111p,41 , at I -4* **t 404:46 14 t.44',634i11:,;4 . 4 ' tito PrenaT 1`' . ,„ ;,;;, 414 141h&4 8i11e -s *f : : ".1/ r. olit) — A !••1•11,411141.1, 11r II, IOjai ion.' ••••••••••..„;,•• lyii 1., 'f -II otj r .44.144r44. 3 INN ISAAC cEaLin.G Deing now. in receipt of alarge stock of Goods, Grocepies, Wines anr, Liquors, Crockery, to, At his Store, Main Street, Es.c1r, which C11 leC-. 5401d fit • LOWEST MARGIN ON COST The inhabihnts f F,'...ga?ter and vis,haity need Lot feel troubli,.1 tit the witht ;A' IffAit,4: WirlONWitil to make money, haft su call at the store of the bscriber and • Any quantity of urvd Mt- it , ": • tt 7+11.1, -:an t tily iglaorant, 0011StalltIV i/I St(Wh„ .1Z) la 41J4i. "r".1 wzam 2,Aiar L.,- .2tet 4t th4:' ar04441$ Of (*.mat 13. A T-fte g ga the raw thatttrial tc_•eil, Hams, stuol.011 sugtx- tretl, tf) Oveleord.;n4. Fall -cloths, Witteey,, Dttloines, anti everytnitig CUTNNG.;„ hi the Dry (looli line. The Grocery Cowplate, t juspection invited f 01) .-- '',' ti ;.$6•1'. illa tha countr9. and et r '1 !'l t ' c c;*10. "I kr ti -3 t?o-..t of gAosh. „ . I -) i • ' . < - . 1 . • , • , „- • 0/ "4 *'d'r'' 4' '1:“3"; 1.444Vri ‘44::1 the pro- Any quantity of A 14. 1. ,,00 %v., r;,„,,„ - ... f mo f4fr-ter 1, Mid t81t Mull Dr% r3 fur ..• ... ..,.".. . :vzi 4.f juli.,11;c1,,,,„, .1.,. , ray , , i ti , ;IP- ,".ii. 11 8;1, li i.'" '.t, in filid rnill ,. 4 ' . , ,,,.,,,,,..;, I, ....., ..,.i, ......„ 4,8 Iiii tr., 1 `S...: ;.; Uri., Jr.* iiii..: the *American eoustantly on hand ' .:, aa . 1,,,, ,/.,,,1:, r.• Ia..l• r'4, fik TT OM ,E1 r-ri'l , r -47.7; ihigg4 ‘giw.pk. .4,74ti, ..ic ,,,,..,„.„. t.1.1 .,':: In tit• it.• ••..itt e tstutrv. I. or ex- 444' •`-‘1.^)- -ublir 10...te I.:a.), - 4.0.a :..,-.7. ,, td,L,t1 1St t:go 41„Ilt„,; ::,,i L, foic ti.1, it .,,i ,t„ , ',IOW ; th tt hi .1,`,1 tit, ft'A •hats !ha are Tcrh.olesalc,, and Retail. , putt:tar-• uilien ear Anti- NO t rouble to i.!:.rAir goe,fsi WM" --•••••srra...,••••.• . i.crea....,ttaii 4..e,alt ;14i1."" la- '" ' l` t*"""u'Vl'' • 341,. „L, tuu utex, l _la were inattrifactur- utrikti ary 114 1,, tht• 14 0141,11.1411 Man 11%,01114 vivo Al _ 1 _ nre••4 •••••:., lors- I'm trim') int fit 141,0 .'ti j'1% iu*; tqlti'10:1113111Olt t,11 kib•Mt 5,010 anterH, promptly at budoil to, 9.4d said :Alva ornaufenn,, c‘iitt3 ghtss, w`..a9h1 62' "Itttv31:"" - CIO I at, P.. t":17$ ipwr, „„th. mtuin (If iit),i/tb) for a /rune markot for , the farmers of the aurrnaudin4 21 -mu. c,1.7 treuoircs Hiatt QUO; those, eititm, but two , trY for their wood, and hay, and straw, tlxy aore uot utunquaiuted with the 4,"Iluwat' and oats, turnip:4, cabbage, In some cam's it would svcw mitts, mut other nnexportahlo farm nruducts fur which they now complain there is neither market nor money. iihIntifitantzii1id to tscapti time, fur their :3keleteris have been fotfol iu uttoartitod ifoltaes wLJi their al:pl.:of and furnitart) iutact and unit:- ittrod. The i•daos" formed by the ilrafti..g etre to plaints more than out.i unoilred feet in ht.iglit, and the AN OLD REFORMER. Ur. Christopher 'Macon, of the town- ship of Chatham, thus shows cause for abtonlynit g the Party with which be 1a.81* re still moving onward to maku irksti nllectS. 1111,-3 hitherto worked, and supporting COo.i Ruphus Stephenson CAUSE CII? INI!...1%.1T DEFORMI- TIES. HollowaysPills &Ointment heretofore for the Reform. party and Manchester (Eng.) physician, Dr. the givob a.ane ia forma_ against 114. Stephenson, I deep!' it my ofTtigritvicIrrtritrytn?Blood.eorrectalltilso•ders Crompton, wito has made a study 01 • NTLRIIIEN, —Al.; I am supporting Mr. Balthus Stephenson in the present contest against Mr. MacMahon, of Lon- don, and as 1 have norlred stud voted THE GREATEST Wonders of Modern Times duty as your old representative in the are invtausiasti V2iTilliZaTivellifititiTcit Mat of great impunities to limners, in Females. To viiship and County Councils, to state Tho Ointment is the only reliable roinedv for regard to tue cunamon deformities k as bow -logs ud trte y my feasons 19r so doing. no n akuock-tnees. ▪ find the loaders of the Reform t atttibutes the first mentioned dis- party in power quite a differerit set of urtiou to habit some youngsters tie - moil to what they were iu Opposition light in of rubbing the sole of eue foot agaiwit that of the otker_8owo, as is I find. that they have aband owed all the well !mown, will go to sleep with the great PrilmiPles s° loudly' boasted of ,suies pressed together ; ttre-7,, 4t.),) L,.ar to sinceobtaining office; I find that they ,enjoy tbo cautaet wily 1,2.aa theLfeet have increased the public ;debt unnec- re naked, uaattemptinto make essarily, and that they art1 more ex - Litt g it travagant than the old Government; I -when they aro socked or alippered. find that they are enriching ninny of The tetnetly, therefore, is simply t keep the soles eovered. Iinucku- their supporters at the expans.e of the eountry ; I find that, insteat I or curtail. knees the doctor ascribes to a different nig the expenses and expenditure of the childish habit, namely, that of eleepiug Doluinion during the present depres- on ate tiLie, wink cane knee tucked into sion and hard tittles (when taints good the hollow behind the other—a c ustom lathiiiai, to the oberwatioo of most par- and true men are striving hard t.,2 make ,ents. Here the preventive prescribed is to pad the inside of the knees, so as to keep them apart, said let the limbs grow freely their own way. Mere is 812 umbrella 108 pairs old. Bad Legs, obi Wounds, Soves and Ulcer , of now - over long standing. For Broucbitis,7)iphtbella Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all kin <WM,' basil° equal. BEWARE OF New York Counterfeits. Spurious Imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," are nutnufs.ctnred and sold under the mane of " Holloway it Co.," by ,LF- Houry, 4.t Company, Dreg by tb tr • eine company o; itn assumed trade one of New Yorkalke- counterfeltsof hitt own make undor the name of Hot I owav 30o.,havingforatrode mark a Croseni and Serpent; ttoNessou it. Robbins of New York are agents for the same. Those persons. the better to deceive you, nr- blusbiugly eau .ion the public in the small book, of directions aid nod to their mediolues, which roaly thespurious imitations, to Beware 0 s s, 1..so p ol it an Medi - New York, with mark, thus--- Joseph Baydoci wise 1)81808 Off a.scanty living for themselves a1111 ram- Counterfeits. tilos), they have increased NIA o:tpendi- 1 Ifuscvupu tons 13o:tiers obtain them at,vcry deowigtmlovo s,,oatt;ittle,iieelliMistriaticcIt 1(.1 iehnliboni (Its !in Galli. ture, increa-ied the offices of t}teir needy friends. and increased their kix.ls ries ; 1 0,I al. Dirt 01,mattly a.id respectfully appealto•Ve , .ie volley of the Oliva ument, au.....siryis,)to, mnhors of families and other ladies find that 11 • ' i __ l. pl.u. 1..nblic. generally of British 2, oirtl I Aillor' in allowing wheat, oats, corn, am gar- Oa, 011t11 they may be i'luased to 1. denou mo to spa,rinVy those filvails dell produce to 001116 into Ottmada from It wati 112.9,(10 in the re/gh (xeurge the States, free of duty, is aa Injury to afsi has pa:)sed through tuany every farmer in the lancl—the ,A.tneri- r640",1'13.1.°?e• bull , „ , cans have a free market with us, while W111:•••11 16 a. barKi as ooleetlon4:Ple e me kept out of their :nittelit-t by us an absent husband 2 ----when it, is gut- heavy duties. Does any On o suppose °u kward one. for a noment that the ca ve Yankee N...ung fellow who Wats P1111400)11 doss not know what he is 4,bout when ,fty As girl, -.N.lary, !,b,a.Trypdi tpd,tt proteoting a22d enriching his, Harmer 813 ;Vt:. • Parc users should look bathe label on the pots and boxes, If the audress Is not US, Oxforo Stre.,t, London, they are tha counterfeits, Eel. pot mailbox of tho (towline igeclicines, bears iliti British Government stamp, with the 1V01.1.- HOLLOWAYS Prrt,s .&`141; orx,:itrovr, Lo engraved thereon; blto label 'e the t dil,.es, , 13:3 Oviord &root, Lona oh, w hero alone tllyy I BLIttuftottired. Parties who Imy tua rain.1/.1, byVondors selling spurion s '`Holloways 1. :Pill L.. Ointment as my genuine wake al, 00 con' mimics:6111g the particulars to mbe, at ivo I y u rat nora ted,a ml their r ouie noviir divuh,cd. !ke ,is ?lc I am a THOMAS HOL u0 WA Y 030 11010 SI,, NV.C., Loudon, England: • ISAAC CARLIN( -F,f,pervivirir? AT TUI E rri ETE R Grocery and Li u4rT A krge stock of G-reer, Japan, Young Hyson aid Black Teas, raisins. Cuz3rants, PruneE3 LI B.pples , Canned.UIT, Sardin es, Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Totmccos and Cigars, e and ReLail. G. A. MACE,, Main Street, Exeter. FIRE! En ••••••••• v .7 R rait • The subscriber' S. E ;roues, wishes to thank the people of Bxetor'd ansurrounding ?orthe 131, oral patronage which 120 has received since among you, as c.I'Vtitchmaker and aeweler, atso iu- form you that I have a largo guantity of goods M dispose of, some of which are SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY FIBt. Jewell ry! JewelIer‘hr jew Beryl CHEAP AND G GIVE ME AOALi S. E. JON