The Exeter Times, 1878-8-29, Page 62
AUGUST 29,1878
ON A MELON SCHOONER. or other, Miss Kitt's handsome face Desert ?
and, impetuous ways had made au im- "Good. This venture has paid eo
preselou on me. I commenced Go think well that we want to try it over—not
„..: that I was making a dunce of myself here, bat at a port further north.. My
tinder the guise of an Arden, and that wife's idea ie that I ought to take the
Hero were euigmas for me. Why I might come to grief in the comedy. railroad to -night, make a laud trip for!
was1 a melon man? :NIT pretty ex- On deck, matters, if not exactly in the °apes of ;Virginia, and for you to 1
anis looked me divaurdy in the trace, confasion, certainly required unravel- sail the "Kitty 13." and to meet me
routed, plump heed. The question business you be brains, and I will be got the cargo ready. Nie can manage S
was embarrassieg. Mies Kitty saw nay hali&1e. am more lusty tau you, and it all within ten days, and be beck with
trouble, and condoned, "De you think eau pass the up faeter. Oh 1. I for- the first cantelopes and a. eaches. It is i
/11Q t;i ly enough to believe all this stuff got to WI you ; under the last tier of boand to pay. Now,. Enoch, it will be
about the JaerOse 2 There is no re- melons there are ten barrels of apples for you high wages--tweuty-five
stauldauce in yuu to any Arden I ever —prime kie apples 1 If you an get a tars a month, and a share iu the lay."
heew. you are uot geeel-loakrug en. ! &wilt price for them, sell them, It is The proposition staggered mo.
Lay wife and Kitty's venture. These "Rube and Wash are good hands.
a of
eha 'Hog her handsome eyed with her. ing. "See here Enoch iu tills melon there. I ani to buy the melons and ;Is prepared to do ail kfa•i
Vas last sentence gapped the cli. women, have been plauning what they Bube will be beak to -morrow, and you
masa are going to do .wito the money. it's • can get along without me. Only one,
"I give you Any word and honor as a ; dresses and !beery, and books for Kit- • t)4ng—you must awear not to put a
gentleutan''-el was foxing my temper ty, alai I don't doubt but that some drop of liquor on board, and sign the
DOW—"tbat.—" poor folks arouud our neighborhood pledge before you start."
',stop, SLr, interrupted "Olies Kitty. will be all the better for eoine of the "Captain," I aenlleds "I thauk you
"Why, you are a Bea -faring ause. tuouey those apples fetch. Let us put , for theconfidence you place, in me.
Gentlemen do aot hire at a dollar a them ou deck. damp below, reeve a There would be no trouble about my
day." taeble, anl we wilt have then ou deck." .4 finding the Capes, but I can'ttake bola
1 was, though, -wises on the yacht Melone had glotted the market for lof a serious matter like thie all of a
that lauded me here a few days . ago." the nonee. Woald there be a dennual 3 midden. Give mo time to sleep over it.
egaybe steward, cook, or barber," 1 for applee I been Ilotheoltildd You 041 get off auybow before to-
etti,1 Ilia Kitty, disdeiniully, "and you with the Prinea of nease'S etApit41, I morrow noon. Will give you an an-
aee the manuers of your masters. eeuld not have been more noxious !ewer iu the morniug."
Theo yea did net beloeg to the lumber about the tru't. Aa od'ar ef roar dole 1: It was all I :could do to put a stop.
craft '1" lure a barrel. 1 refusal wit eeon, and I per on my tongue, and to avoid accept -
"Ne ; and I told your father so. ro.poitea a bid of four dupers mulling the otter at onus. A sail in the
Nv v. ht ou earth is the matter with aeventY-ara centa. "Captain, ' I said craft of a week or so, a#1 tier captain,
ou *.its miss 2 Can't an honest 'fellOw! to In. :shinier, .1:cep this man who 1 would have been delightful, a thousand
%nue betkra this craft, not a-foroieg : Nantii tbe hOuging rouna for a, times mare pleastrat than on the yecht.
Itieeelf, brit fix,..,1.-1„xed to came—with. iniente, while i tea on the deek. • r Then, 1 must confess, 1 hatl vinous of
out year trying to got the windward of "You, abet after a driak, are you a"•i Illbatiallt times with ;t1ise Kitty 119.
;tea 0iu' a sinerrel with lziw, inquired the captaiu, aurtiously.loriava over the annatner seas, and
ausi abaerug of ttim r :U)$° Ardeu's never cauld work bug even entertained the hope that Mies
"1 never did it. Sir. 1 eau uot stoop without it. !Kitty arta the captein wouni far the
to qeareel with you. Here is my fah- "Non:sans°, captain. Dant you noneo hoceme hater frieulo. There
er aud =ether loading you up to the 1 know that, this i$ temperance town, '*ht he, 1 thortaht, port a little nit of
glee netii 1i4L-; of 4 aatiag of yaa, and livor-Solling is not allOWei• romanee in it, if owliiii5,; nor,.
y.i4 not aloari 11,X a Ilty 4*zio It is celled, dilly there ain't rt. "Wed," said Ceptain Reotearn. "it itt
has same ilea. tiitttitie her what' ite where battles uf eettie kind are a rnetter worth your thinking over. I
duty to reelaim denteletrie, and tiro rero uot put en sLow. So:1m to me' kind of like sena lanoelo My wife told
deosio persiterlar, arra you are tole ;at ha:Iberia; after bottles mast be about our bey. If he had bt.•en
Ler r*..i n' 1 all ftf letr dor, up. Statiooers otiow arta bottles wauld have been ab year age.
LAS vary a.; fee, of ark, arra eatiag-4 mael hattlei Dissipation killed him. That is wiry 1
dare ern- it will be in y.* *r ease. Yatt jail tatia,1 »i aoti beet Malt vinegar get sa sheered when I Eee a likely
cite iteeeeetaea, or at eatot yon oueot eot1 resta t d Juin; but that other yonngfeUtw, whe 1* t- pone, not sign -
to, that sato* soape-oraces. snather, thing;4* Witten rout 111,41 sonle, are for ing the olelge, more oepeeially whorl
wine ileabt the beet of kuet,v," are4 the, he hoe the Arden. bitted in hitn. Well,
1i -i' upeu, have net been ,ora,e era. 1 oelatttin ei.oalc his heed dote eattiu.ny. id ne g' below. Work h done ter the
co&treo, ge nu.taxing you porde el NA tooeltue the admetutiae, 1 rote ; day. l'he women are in far a show,
Sir.' Why Jan% you taco Your bend- to the 1.earost orovisteu stare, at tat• t e fandango of eonie laud tootioist."
to Itel) up the character •.''nd sit tire witarf, rue'Lniet thera w:ta Ea the cabin the evening :meet
It was imp:tette:at on iny part to no:, pio az,11.1., or oy other tip- laid tont. MieQ Kitty woe daintily at
sa;:, "rki. I will, Inks, 1 wird nave n p.. iu the 14w4. U Iv roams I veto .. and looked prettier than ever. 1
Lever't, loot, u ta reutitt. t.titer' *Mite, natal to place els. tialatre a barrel n- *Vag groote.1, it Nast s ith toyenen, at
the 1)•oltcatrea Indeperaleoce, aty i 1.5%.06 /lend s 1.1 thui Pla GM • 1144 with reopot. itvv.aving. the trip::
C Itv ) uty true love, ottee.1itceptem woe - to the Coves in my mina, 1 wItsi silent.
twl dzirt ilete,„11 the te,„4„,,ftwe,„ ; eat's nit forty &nevi they are arroad Preseotly the oupper wee finished.
tad nix As itttlritle ; 00 prat. Entano 1 do ih.d*,..ray,q ".11 is 4,1 minstrel show io-night,1
if y. pis, ani the illustri- du t drink—at lettot tea every sato,: ettiti MN. itt,t9n1. "Sail .IOU't
C,,13M rtiu lit,krbrandt, the only Huish / though yea tut.pti. by, D i try . -tiecpy, Captain 11taom '
den..a.ster of 0 sk Stsoet, New York, ka9 Lit' the 11t. "If you ha 1 worked •t4 keel .oz, Enoch t
else:. a it It on. 1 will no longer, te : stick to it like a, meta aul i ruay mil 1 liolat tI II4. y .it weal feel tired
.3 MOT Of no matt tuts meerae tlf yen yet," orid :vita.' this. ote. lireetto 1 O., •N4-11 y or would
agar " the sinalter went balaw. Vo'y poai. take then., Ivemen-rellts t tile birth's, fur
lino, Kitty fj.•Mlit,i her oyes et this . tively Certain latse-ita. wad uis wifo had mt."
tirtele. .:turt.its uti tu.eir 111ad., tityn, that 1waa, :Naas Kitty looked at ma.
-Neueense, Sir. Any more duff ?" AU inebriate, bang itu oi; but 'Who is to keen eitip, dim, Captain,'
'•Xt,lhaitie. It is timeI.r me to
Le eis daek." other queetion. . "Wiry. that boy Weelt eon stay ou
sheald thick so. Do you want a
.edietuer ?thee leitty theught sa W.1$ au- : I asked.
Wiese suudown came, having feiriv dock a while," sai,l Mre. Basctuu.
mete's?" earntei any tett eitillinae—four-iMits ti "The captain is .tirel. aud I !*wiw he
e..aa., I ion oldiseel to y tn.". That the %thole eargo Wenn Imo solti-1." would consider it rte a favor if you
at.fortutiate box of laity-, had meat • errs tired to death, I Was throwing WitUItI tithe 114," all:ha 'MN. Daewoo.
o.; tee :Mel oli .4411 ee, tae rbaard. .y final backet of waster ou dock, elms- • :Vise Kitty lrewned.
oB t 1 ht.t not
y good cbthos
go in," I atria.
"Why plant you go to yntir haartlinn
house and g a your traps?" stiggesterl
.the skipper. oThereis plenty of time.'
"Yan. *41.1,,i thesi. tiig. away tho loot ineZon seed, mid mak
matetao, it they are t', lung, mid put Ion wings look Clean mid tidy, when
tkt.ia your h the captain came forward, and seating
"My i4d. pewter b is full." eituself uu toe aatchway, beckoned to'
ofti nut pewter ; it is div*. Pew- tne.
tar is stever gik iuside. I repeat t., °Euneh"—here he drew out his pipe "So I imeht," I said, hesitatingly.
yo:., I. do A believe a .vord yott sar. Anti lit it, and, said, th ,ughtfully--eEuforgetting Miss Kitty's request that I
Ly -the -way, uty mother and father are oen, you have dew a square day's should hold myself aloof from any the -
to testa inc te a place !.if aninssmetst to- ' work Lite "Kitty 13." never looked 'Arical performances, at least in her
Lig Theo moy oropoee that you ' fleeter thou she does to -night. 1 dont lamellate compauy,
aCContuanv us.'' colieve you have hal a drink. to -lay "I do not believe OM you have any
••I thenal like to go, above all Ssat here, my matt, cau yott sail a craft boarding-house, nor any clothes," said
things." like this ? My wife has an idea. 1 i., Mies Kitty, iu a hissiug whisper to
"I do not want your company," was aied of risky. If do mit know yuu iu me.
the curt reply-. oe a sailor, 1 have proof that yon are "If I had none, miss," I answered,
T..e conversation was certainly tak acmes', for there never was an Arden "tny poverty should uot be thrown up
aa actrimonione tone, wheu the teas wasn't. See hare ; though we are at me, though I might go no shore and
skipper's wife came below. "Oa dock mortal afraid of thole Ardente still we lay out soma sixty odd dollars in a
with you, Enoch. Tile captain is ah hang to them somehow. The boat claw -hammer coat. Here is a quantity
at bixepaid sevens, and wants straight. .frieud I ever Lad was an Arden. 0 co of money which don't belong to me,
ening oat. Well, Kitty, von look 1 wad a pour, tied fereakeu boy, and It is yours, Miss Kitty, and your moth-
er'tt. Prieo of apples ; " aud I placed
the roll of bills on the table. Miss
Kitty eyed the money for a toonleut,
hold oi ma, and cared for me, and sav- and than pushed it over to her mother,
el ta I from taa,ery. That is why .1 with somewhat an air of contempt.
itemiser after Amiens ; and both of us— Then in a low voice, nut the less iu-
:fly wile aud -waett we come aeruss tense bocanse it was in a whisper, she
atie of them, try tel save him from him- .atiti to me: "You are not the least
elf. Tois feeling, on my stiles part, eonsiderate. Can't you understand
that it young woman is placed in
most unfavorable position when tape is
beholden to a straitger, eveu if he is a
deck hand net a melon schooner ?"
"Woittever is the matter ?" inquired
Mrs. Bast:out, noticing my confusion.
-It is a pity that, after such. a good
day's basniess, any of us should feel
uncomfortable. We won't go to the'diow,
show, after all. Finigh yaur suppGr,
Enoch. you go 011 deck. I
have smile private busines with En-
och ?" Miss Kitty obediently rose,
took a bo k from the rack, and .left
LU, tny uwil• 1 didn't do their tradlog, commeticed to feel uneasy ; a tete-a
nor said a word :thou ' it. Y can f ete WI- h Mrs. 13abcom I had no .desire
surprise them. N tw Elwell.. to risk.
Mrs. Bascom has, a notion of her uwn. .
Can you navigate this craft ?" (To be continued.)
• , "Yes, Isuppuse coald." fla ln't
of mill ad. Hoped you. would ba one of the wudest of all til Ardeus—
frienta. Enoch, she is out of teinue• tueel when he was debar, stud a you have uot praised her duff.- fearful: mau when he k
e wad drunk --too
"It was splendid." I said, though I
remembered that in oar qua'rrel I had
not tasted it. Miss Kitty now sought
refoge behind her curtain.
"Eaoch, the captain is well pleased
with you. Y m are the straightest, As,
den E Joust ever saw. Hutgive up ar- has kind of evendod. &tilts at home
dent sairits, and it will be the making laugh at us, eatd eall the "Kitty B." a
of von.- sailing reformatory, from the fact that
"I never was drunk in my life, we `low preach temper:aloe whenever
ma'am." we get a chance, especially with our
"Then you are for temperance. Will owtt oeorte.''
you sigta the plettae ?" Wimp was the captain driving at,
"I will think over it. The vices of thoneht to myself. "Captain," I said,
my family .have, it is true, been a toeley't business is 'most ulosel out.
warning to me." Vliere is a in ttier of some forty dollars
"A warding! shonld think so. more coming to you froiu sales this ef-
wailaro..1rdeo t dd ine lniCel he would lertioun, and the money for the ladies'
take aarning, ju4t as you have done, apples
aud that was t, woaty-five years ...go, aud "Oh, b)iher their money I just hand
he died crazy ra t 1 of Ihiu n. two years
afteraerd. There was ,thlways a mix-
ture of good and bad ie. those A.rdens.
We olive oaly the good in yott so
far ; the bad.m iy come out liter."
it witi' appa,e:it to me that, if I was
Rouse witting, Paper -hanging
at reasonable
J. Maur at
WiUiai Zitching-
prepwred toeera a all km& 01
Sewing Ilachines, Wat (le
Clocks, Guns., eke., than any
other person in the country, as
his charges are moJeratP,„ and
he guarantees to give Satisfac-
and Reapevs.
ereer :AA a...A,. 61
e Mo
_ . .
1 Bite, Attorneys. Solicitor, Com.
sitniers,13. S.. &c.
its Jo xcit-IIrcrros'S Br:ors, Water treet, Pt
11.11onci, E, W, R ttr'4t. R.A.L.VanIk.:
VES Z:6 xet er
Atunneys-ut-Insv. Solicitors
:fmat...cety„. 1-Py.11100114,, 0711.111115Si0ParkA
••• s..frtn "aigie• t4M•rieS
s• S. •th&I.74,
or erea-itattea's Wutkast.,t, Mary
11. nt:TatitssoN, 'Member or
nu. IIYNPM..--coll()NER rove
rOnn Olt Oface.laext door U.
T W. ilizowNING, :q. C.
• ,t0. ••••r.! 1":15verety Oftee
44.0tT. •••14 • ; •IA,01,14.1 EX5td.1
„A C. :\tit.)Oit P. M. I). C. 'AI.
A o tr, s,!ef1:41 1•1:1Yer,ity. ItIontrea!,
1 r, int. °lice 4tAilrd-,,
414 tts.i 7 t 101.41
Trf lere Mtriol, er eallowt
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110 1, totoer, up -stain-, OPP
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•d'l .11'4on04 'SAW.% V.1 IF -
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t434.4.41.9N ri*etozene,
cam 1:121411.1)1MY141.1, ..1o1"ft.
wers (liEi)rroN
Single Reapers
“14l.;,1).2,1104 nIl
tVil WWI oiler a T111 rems,4te Ito.
• • •
.4... 4 4
4 ,
Two Wag -bare,
Two Finaer-bare.
Four Ell ivon,
Forked at ti Koyetl.
ete., te
N Vitri311
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1 • te fr.' 411.1.1%5.• of 11', hi r,4 '414* ,l.11-1° ikrilliF.iiiit
11114”Itit, .'id ”111,,r 1-:', rt; .P.m- (hi 114., s..:ri t.o.t
it ti.14, U44**la Ole hiVo.,1 1:41,
ii. ut.7CIZINialiaM.
an b: changed. frcna :Mower-.
CO ile.atar
nerenroviatatourteere el,orersou 444:mown,
Please call :at err asoflte and in spee
our Machines beforo percheeing
Send for 0 ttalognoe.
Manufaetnring Co.. Stretford.
S tandard E;ah Door
is consi antic brit on Loll. ,ill kituis of 1 tlHa'SC
Intltell:A 4. .if.Corai; 1..t2,. • Mriuld•
ug-, . 41 mid £.n ting
promptly tt4A4114ttekt t0.
and satisfaction 41jayurte0.1. As we have on
hand a largo s t.eki we feel sure of
satisfying too -se Wiw may give us a call.
Working apital, $2,100,,000
Resery Fundy $144,000
Largest working capital of any Company west
of Toronto.
Money loaned on first-classRonlBstn.te,socurities
either in straight Loans, vt Spey (tent, or on the
Iustalment system, at the option of the borrower.
Apply to W.P. BULLER,
o tO MS. Alinrover LA Till, VbCOte^',
MASON HUDSON', 1101141441,
Joss Pessoss, Crethton,
January -31.
3 -at
JL/ • Laud Sur, veyer, &c., will to at the
R ys.1 Rotel, Ithteter, en the first Tuesday in each
mouth. Orders for work loft rith Bfr, :Tan
Sp ackman will receive prompt attention.
JOHN SOLDAN just commenced business one half mile
West of Deshwood, 140(1 18 prepared to clean
locks,Watches and Sewing _Machines. Um.
rats repaired and Organs and Xelodians at.
ended to. Tnose in want of his services
honld give him a call before goit.g away from
ome. Charges moderate and entire satiates -
100 guarutted.
not in 2iiiss Kitty's good graCeq. I had more than once taken a yacht clean Bay windows make good harbors for ti
propetated Mrs. B4:oona. S.naehow fhrough from 6autly Hook to 21 mot little enn.cks.
Planing Mill, Sasb,
Done to order.
itemember thepInee
D7or 01To I-Iowan:1
Has now in stock a complete line of
and Trimmings al.:very Rind, in
Latest Style and Lowest Prices
A full Stock of Fancy Goods,
Beirn Wools ficOton Lace, Braids
Plutons, &aboard Mottoes, cii4,
4-7,2.AI:1(ots cut and made to order.
Main St., El toter,
Having my now shop 110'W in full blast, I 1701011 in-
form toe public I 0.111.Drup1ri.d. to (10 ell klutts
of Blallisinitliing, iticludnig repairing of ull kinds
of Agrioultarta .1%Act,tuery, such as Leapers,
ors, Turesniug 4041 01441481, ard gorse Shoeing mill
receive nty ca. elm atteptimi. F4oraehorses that inter-
fere, 44(1(1 111,14-1115 tender feet treated iii the most
aiwroved 11114111101*, 44140 satisfaction given.
Charges Moderate.
have on hand all kb -ds of Agricultural Imp.e.
meats from the Al assay alafaufacturing Oo., 1,1 OW -
1-•"1*o1i • mbor tlio place -First shop west of the
Post 0,11co, Bonsai. ,
Ilensall, June 9,0t1a,1678.