HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-8-29, Page 5. IJGUST 29, 187' 1,==1,SMOCCOSCM1212%. THE TIMES THORNE cSt FATCNIER, WHOLESALE AND, RETAIL DEALERS FN WINES, LIQUORS,, CIGARS„ Sec , &a. GENERAL DEALERS INEGROCERIES,, FLOUR AND FEED. Ca-elin.g's ale, lager and porter. in bottles and quarter casks, Labatt's ale and stout in bottie6 and quarter casks. U40 1v113.IN" STITMET, M=ETE2?.. al. Ali .0 PALL V7IMAT.. C 'YE S 11878) SP t!vt-* EMIG (1878 ••••*.Tr...1"!..•••••7!""rrnt!"......Y. URO White wheat --- -0-- Scott • THE OLD BELLA-1314E4 1.:-Iou-sil r !At all times, and particalartv at averted when Trada isozniversally depressed and money scarce, It LS in the auterzst of every buyer to purchase where he CA» 1.ft:tithe article lie wants at thelowest rat 3. Il: meahig your attention to my preeeo nt stock, I do sw7 ith eveconfid- ence; it being mere earefaly ass irten a.ol tolewdi than that of ary pro -1(416 seasf...na t In the Dry Goods C.rx.rt.P-mr.N.-The following, statement dOes not, by an7 exhaust the subject 01 our flke position in relatior Evet7denartmentis-replete the mcit seasonable and fashionable 'Atka, roa&cd at priecwInch dwell cometand tleattention ofthe verr closer -6 buyers. VIE ORDEltill) With :0C.- United ..!thtest, but deart4ouly mith subjects that are Ims MR. W. IVES. at !A./teal. ,your immediate knowledge, and directly concern you. no -BERT POUTEtt,.. Lib. Con, C."and:date, Akarust, 1878. Our Trzle. with •tonr cusPrters," (xce R. Carioright) and z,.,,tat N anat. a I . In Millinery ',Worths talmagenymtor Nlies-Moalogliluu, we can suit the most fastidious. .Our stock o 4.1loceties,.13oots and Shoes, Canadian.,.Englisli and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best assorted in the C.:quity, intmuling purchasers vill .thei I • C : rni Ts bestiuterests by esamiuing my stook before going elsewhere. .11,,FM.01111.4.01. JAMES PICKARD Returns for tho year ended 30th Jinue, POUTS F401 CANADA TO mrs D. STA Ens. Amount of Wee S Tariff Duty ptLlen eutvtiug17 S 986,451.95 75,948 20 75,2413.40 84.797.80 11,991.00 483.589.40 039,994 00 07,494 00 trlel.„ 0,21%033 1.t,h. 4,503,117 1)-1.4 ...... 4741..1172 " 379.811 Who. ,,„ 44 870,019 Wil..at 1.1.or 173.11b9 attmeal 11,911 b 44,713 lk4th. 1,29'3%567 SAwar..nober 319,9.17 mit. 8,212,734 Firotrocd 337,473 Wool Us G21,798 ..... lbs g2.979 1)49t)110s •O('•167 raell Cattle 13.851 4 208,317 'Shop- 19e,820 530.0'8 15.3. hush t!t3 20 20 p.e. le. Ilk 15u bush. 2.00 in. ft. 20 p.c. 100.14, & 31:t.700.78 v.k1 2 c Ib 52.3100.00 13'4:3303.10 k orA'17 eel 50,(103 40 t vr:71.9 87 etchi I 107.823.110 t or 53o each j 20 p. e. 20 p. a. 20P. 0. Import of Inkliato corn from the 17. S. Less export to f Jreign emmt " Canadian Tariff. Free. Free._ Free. , Free. I?ree. 10 p.c.: Free.' Free. l Vee. Free. 10 10 p. o. 10 p.o. 4.178,427 ho -,111.14. ThAt \Waif vonsumption,free ot duty, ill distilleries and Alierwise, to replace Canadian barley exported, as above, at a ,lifference `We. per bushel against us. tet e te if from tit raava Stats'-, iu e nnreto with our own large supply (d futi, 70.604 tons, rah eiin.os,•2,119. Eport of coal to the U. t.1..1S7.771 tuts,. payim; A day. id 75e, per Import. free ,tf duty. al ,'$t apia tons isig iron Ilsports, subject to P.; per ton 3,th,1 tons pig iron. aport ibutr to untolet, 110,261 free 44 tiltny. wlillq Lit' lIaniteban cannot send bud: a 1in-11.4 et wit .s.t hi oodumge, except at a difference of ttlY per cent. Havieg made our best offset, with such odds against us, we have to make good to "our best customers" about $25,000,000 in cash, for 111.10.0130tUred goods on which they have all the profit. Is it a wonder that we are growing poor day by day and rolling up deficiencies iu our balance sheet. There is an item tz be considered that is not in the trach returns, but you can supply it from memory : How many sons and brothers, have left your homes, how many neighbors and. acquaintances have left your riding to find employment in the United States `.). And have they gone thither to a field more depressed and suffering than exists in Canada, as the organs of Uovernment pretend to tell you ? You knowbetter, these nen know better, and:the Government might to know better. cp1t to1 of: NEW and CEEAP FURITURE at 3. DREWS. • ••=4881 DEG LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to my new stock of Parlor and Bedroom r•r1,-z.v.4z1 tura, Sprtug:Bods and :Mattresses, Pillows and Bol stets. : I have made a very great reduction in my piece, and still being resolved to supply goods of the first quality, 1 confide»tly hope to give you every sat. , a- • 44fautiontlxystock. of Bels,..Chairs, (anein ' • 71, fact everything in the Furniture Lino is beingAidis- posed of at a discount of 10 pt.ir cent. foreash. TheDndertaking a,speciabli,v, at tn.. cheapest • pos. rates. FEATRERS FOR SALE.. J. DREW. C. .1:In.dertak.)r .; aitd OILED SA.Y TO) those w he lot( t aiing to do so from Xximtuftteturer. who buys trii Must neees.scrity a. profit. We claim e the purchasers use t, which cannot fail cot the views of thr gars. Our ex»tnses ess than tbose of (arm u Nettirers ennsecv ent- en eel/ thearer. S.,,GIDLEY F-weniteee GREAT i ; ) ••• 1 fi: ISCOUNT SALE FLUOR. T() REMOVAL ItAgaarcoN FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. NE W PUMP FACTORY At Woodham. A 1311AY & 1iSAVAR1) has e, at con. siderale eeu xpense mortal the Best ma. cubism And Augur In tbe Dominiom, stud have on hand a target:noes of First -Class Pumps And are prepared to make to order on the short- est notice Well or Cistern rumps- Wells and (Ashanti contrActed for. nr.lavy he mail nth-m.1nd tn. REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! .M.n.ntlfa, our Onif, "4'18. *t • , 4! t • t 141 Emblems af all k, 6.ae Different TNTE WOULD 1. r cab specialattentioi, ...o our u oderta king deport. ment, wbieli le more coni islets than ever, as we have .1c1cled several now designs of late The best cofflum. enskets Ono rds,and every unerel requisite at the est Our new (^8.2'1 e se pronounced by competent Judges to bo second to tote in the Itnyinees Saoutties. REMOVAL! BEI:OVAL! REMOVAL! P. FR A.Y1\1.th has remove to his new shop, lately occluded by Perkins & o -two doors north of .f., Grigg's book stare, where you wi:1 ft F.11 everything 118.1811y 'script in . first-class harness estaldishinent, w:neli for 4.utlity of mate:lul and style ot worlananshili IS NoT EASILY SURPASSED! Call and examine my stock before purehashig elsewhere. I ' PETER FRATNE. i "".Yitr'••••-•;!".71r"•'"'"'"•"'""'"'""!•"'"'"...".7.•! Solid Reductions h. t C (successors to G. 33. Smith) Ib lour lita lit.) ... ... Via:stases, ger haw,- ... App/iss. per lined Applespr. b.:- a,e...drtni. t....r NO ... rivet ... ... sh.!vpsittns, each ... °mous per !Men ... ... lot zit 'o,pr lb. .... ... ST. MARI."8 (Reported regularly by A. (ialbritith.Clork) Cluslf " .- Oat 8 Peas autt er .•,, 95 to 0 08 to 0 95 1 GO tia 1(2 0 85 hi 90 0 69. to 1 75 0 08 to. 0 52 0 55 to C 60 0 08 to( as.. 0 to 9 11 5 00 t0 8 99 08.) to. 0 `Ali Esi to ) 75 1 •s5 to t 75 4 Os tf., 4 SO Iv ;Ai ei to sso i5 to is 59 is 90 to 0 0 75 to 1 99 0.98 to 0 10 0 00 to 0 21 voila wheat, ver buebet . ... ... ..... :111 1S. 0 ft Sexing wheat Harley .. ... , ................ ...... Peas ..... .... ..... ...... ..... Votat8(16 por Lag ft.‘,1 tot ......... ..... ......... 5.;410ti ttt:C: 0'4. 1 1 77; ........... ..„. ............ n ........ ........ .... ........0 ...... . 0 115 ,15tt8 8 0t. 0(1,17 ewt 4 70 to 4 el 1:044. per dozen . si per 0 4.;) *0 0 PO to 0 VS Hay 7.8e to is tio Wis ..... ........... 0 :3 to 0 27 to 0 o9. EATTIE & CO,'S BILE VT A aLitaig.ta LONDON:, You willifinitthe Largest as- fsorrtment of. Silks, Millinery '.‘1antlies, Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Laces., and all kinds of Yaeev Dr; Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking miler the inanvement of a Lady of long -experience. Lad - can depend, on getting the ,lateet and most Fashionable Styles of the Season; at 1%lod- !kw rate Priees. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shorte.st No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. BEfl TTIE 140 Dundas t. London Before Stock.- Taking. R 0- A N 25e. Colored Lustros for Idle. 19.1c. Colored Lus- tres for 71e. s1.59 Farasids. all silk,. for 75c., D just halt price. urk Linen Dress Goods, all pure linen, for 111.121,imi1 *Sc. Shirtin0s, and Blenched Cottons. at starulitm p.d.:es. Metes Vine Straw Rats, worth 75. and 01, for 241e. Hosiery of ell kinds Wonderfully Cheap. Ladies' Circular Stripe Heavy Colored. Cotton Hose for 10c. per pair. oilk and Cashmere Mau- , des et about hall once. All Wool Tweeds, doubled and:Twisted, both 'toy, for 25c. per yard -extra t value for 50u. Suits made to order to please the tastes of all, Wady -made Suits at prices which will perplex some, astonish others, and bo the wonder of all. hope no customer will leave St. Marys without visiting us and ]utleity for thmuseives, aud seeing with their own oyes the complete of our stook, and the enormous value we are giv- ing tom. All forms.of Kidney and Urinary diseases, Pains in the Back, Sides, and Loins are peal- ively cured bys GRANT'S REMEDY, - its effects :two truly: Marvelous in Drolsy, Glavel, 13righit's diseana, Seminal losses, Len- ohorrliosa, and lost rig)); no matter of how long standing the case may be, positive relief is hail in frotn one to three day 9.4 Do not de- spair, hesitate or donbtifor it isreally a specific and never fails. It is purely a vegetable prep- aration, by its timely use thousands of cases that have been cousidere.il inestrabie by the inost 'eminent Physicians, , have been Terms, ueutly cured. It is also indorsed by tine regu- lar Physicians aud Medical Societies -through- out the country, sold in bottles at Tito dollen each or three'bottles which is onougli,te. euro the most aggravated case, sent to auy address on receip, of Viva dollars. Small trial bottibs One dollar etich, all orderv, to be, addressed to Grant's Remedy Manufacturing Co., '54.1tiain st.4 - - Wo'reester, MAN. WHITE & Cu successors to G 33.1.Smith. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDLRRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LIRE OF THE Bc8T IN IHE MARKET. and very clamp. Sidi]. by H. KINSMAN. Cad aud set th .m. E xeter, Out. ITW' SPRING CICOLS A. IC.E ELY - hits ijust received:a large stock of Fralchrs,Clocks,..Fvilery,,Irio. • linSirings,Speclacies, Ladies, and GelitS Pockg:24Wooris. A. large stock of Fancy Geode coti- s(ar) tly on hand. CoNSUMPTION A N OLD PHYSICIA.N, retired from active practice, having had, 'show' in tlifi hands by an Mast India Missionary aheiformuia ofid Vegetable Remedy for the speedy and pci- meneneaere of CONSVMMON ASTHMA BliONCEHTIS 'OPTABEE and all Throest'andLungalfections; also a positive soul radical 411TO for nervous dability and all ner- vous complaints, after having thoroughlv tested.: its wonderfolicurative powers in thousands of Bests: sls it his•dfity to make itknown to him suf- , tering.(ellovvr. Actuated b3 this motive, and a :t011.101011t1011R desire to relieve human suffering and will send.lfree o.ffcharge, to all who desire it, thierech e, with folly directions for provenly and tuccessfully using. 6Tut by return mail by ati- teelr,g„witli starnpoiaming this paper DR, C STE YENS, Box 86 .Brockville Out. foal Sleamships.i THE POI.,YNESI.A.N to-itil=,ptoli'iber 7. Sharestsea passage. For - speed, comfort; economy mod safety are equal to any other Atlantic Lino, and being it Cur-ailian Llue,silMuld be preteunized.by all Canadians. For particulars as to passage or 'parties sendingfor their Irie ds, 11.1,1101.- r,0 • CAP?. G. 'IMIP,1Eseter, WE HAVE A List of a Tbounani • . .' g, ,0ountry Weeklies, in which the can insert it, oue inch adVertisement. one year for two dollars and kquartor a paper, or for the same price we can i9surt fifty -tor° reading notices (st now oue evi ry week), averaging seven lines each. For list of papers and other particulars, 8 Cial'eaS GS O. P. ROWELL & C9„ 10.Spruc5Straiit, New York.