HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-8-22, Page 7A7GUST 22, 188,
PROM EXETER TO MONTREAL. Royal, (a flue hill which overlooks the
city), iu the side of which are situate)
the new waterworks, which we inspect-
ed. The reservoirs consist of two deep
basins hewn out of the side of the
mount, the larger one yhaviitg a super-
fieial surface of about two acre![, end a
mean depth of thirty feet. The other
is much smaller but at a !higher °lava
poet six yearn, without one grave cause tion, and I think I cloth be safe iu s:av-
to mariner et tho treaattneitt I have bug that from the altitude thus attain.
received from it or its ihalethitants, end , el the pressure would be sufficient to
I titbitn cercy aim nae to the land of tray ! send a jet of water over the highest
spire in Ventres!, The water is
pumped into them out of tee St. Law-
rence by steam power. Unfortunately
my guide neither kuaw the holding ca-
pacity, the enema of daily cousuwp.
tam, nor the east of construction, and
as I had not time to visit tine head oiil.-
eel, I could not learn. Sir Hugh Al-
lan's Iuaagiti€.tcent reeidenco is situated
on the crest of the sauce hill, and coin -
mends au extensive view of the city and
its euviaous. T;;uly the Great Steam -
Alit) Bing bath !tern a pel,ttiva ueaiue
of Iiia ow"A, nb:a•leedalike from einniner'e
fun or winter's stento. My ittfurimaut
thoti sit 1113 Si:t,J1:a,ih j tette not so pop.
altar as clnlituq Ser Jolla Mactlouatti's
regime. l lift Montreal welt pleased
wzth the birclsoye view 1 got of it, anti
convinced that with good goverumout
and the feeilities aafturd."d nlerclhathts,
shippers and menufaoturoera, it angst
become a yet greater place of ihupurt•
anew, laud fully tunnel.' its name as 14
commercial oinporintu. Our trail) left
at 9:13 pan., aud we arrived in Qaebec
oat tali:) IMO., so we :Aimee(' the sight be
the way, bit% I was t d4 by a fellow-
traveller that there is in-Atli:1g worth
tleeiur from the train as toe line runs
tlhrouah a very barrau part of the couu,
try. Tai, vouch 1 tnaay lath that snail
of it ae we did sea whoa tiarii lht Cann
proetjhmet the Sallie int"gaeetett aplyear-
ettee sy Hiatt t1b:,vc MMontlee:ti. We gat
a goad view of the ,plaius of Abraham
and the !heights where gallant \Vu1tt
two nu either ode of the hue, continuing futtebt anti fell, but the star of prosper-
ity seems to have set eau tlautb.•c.
There is nothing lively or eueouragit g
about its narrow, dingy streets, or di.
1)hpidatoa walla, anti the social element
being too foreign to charm the ear of
at uuiuitiatetl, 1 soou 114x1 its tuerough-
fared au.' hhhaatia far Poiut Levi, late
place where the furry b at taken pees.
8engera anal baggage outward berm[[ to
the vessel). Jaid: Bili:utxu.
\Witte:11er the Tzues,
'When I look around nue ou the
beauty 1 leave behind 1 feel pleased
that 1 have beeu a sharer of its toilet
ant a,I)artaker of its bounties for the
L•trth load reunhliscsuces of that of my
adoption ---its free and happy people,
aud its rata ly fertile fields. Never,
perhaps, eiutee ti;te first t:ettler's aria
rung in its mighty forests was there a
more prului slug haat vest Wedding co the
bosom of the couutry, titan nue,. Tue
wheat, the oats, the peas, the barley,
g •a, taut rout craps wash[, freni ltre's-
apetetratrce, seem to unite in syni-
pLerni us accord to cheer and remuner-
ate inns hardy tiller of the sail, dead re.
cu vt"set: tht' doubting that there iy no
btat :, filo. the earth to dello-at our labor.
> c:zltut,t .stay that the prospect from
eat, eael, d to Toroutto is as et„:A:ragint
as that in Muton c iuu'y, ae tiw laud
is ):t)` au good, u..,r se Well eultivatteti.
Sty:1 kale atltunimd yield will, I thiltk,
he at, paying oue. From . '.reroute to
Pre :e ,tt Junction 1 yaw but latus of the
con=[try, as my journey was scala
through the night, and wlheu tit.' grey
da.wu of day agititl re:loved ':e:: ateiou
lye found oureolvea avltirri.: along:
parallel w`:h the St. Lawns ,e-. now,
Si'In114 r,:.•thtea,,1 a splett.lid roar of
C'atlaelp•.: ][torch's emitting, stream, las it
Winds Iia ,vsai a mint! Weed and caetVts
to the : ,[!anti,;. Atlti row we pass
through, to poor eeetiou of ilio st .tt' le. v
snob as .arta cleared, emu to
be exhausted tiirou h beet culture and
negl•et, Wild mustard is the prevail-
iug erop to the raiaatieu of all others,
ratio that, toe, nut a rttn:alL patch hare'
;tars there, hilt as far tis the Uya can
far feared of tailed as wet ), 1u [[testi
two kinds of forest tri oat didatul;; from
time in llaYttat'i f, the u:dame of welch
11 'could not make oat. 1 also 06601.V01t,ue) ert'statta fern la spt:Cieti 1 had not.
Flood before hi nay rambled on tlw
American* centineUt1 growing very lux-
uriantly by the el h• of the road, adding
a Melt appearance to the stunted pine,
cellara.ad henget:it that here eh maid.
As in Ce.e;als mai rout crop, so iu gra.
eine ; 1 catluot e nlitn' ld our F enell
hre'd Itren cit the lower Province" They
eehow some miserable ui,na,;rel repro
sent.ativea off cattle, horses, sheep and
pigs. tie Inst named animal being more
Ills. the peccary of A,tdobun`e time
then a I1110.0 tloscentiaaut of European
ether. ih tween Vantiorule ,and St.
John, wheve the G. T, Railway crowao.
the O,t,aw:t Ityvttr, th.i rq.etleel'y ii very
grand, prealeeftiug a: viltt ru:uaeltte fieri
for the artist's sltcetcli book and pen,
a 8!'t:oL1, IN 11L1 :MUM rs 0!' :nommen
Our train arrived iu Montreal at 9:03
cam., and having to wait until 9:43
p.m., 1 :h:t.1 a got)at opportunity to visit
the priueipaal bu,iuei., places of interest
in tl1if city, tlO leaving hly baggage at
the depot, 1 took to the streets. They
are very narrow art do not sh:)w'off to
advaautege lik:, those iu the towns of
O.,tarie. T lore are, however, som
ft ht3 b iihlina i in 1I ,nd.real ; n tab v
the Windsor Motel, Pretbyt•'riLau
O lurch, English Cathedral, T men H
and R. U. Ila.•spice—places than wit,'
via with anything, of the kind on the:
Continent. As Sunday, the 23rd of
rune, is what I3 kt13whl as Pruca•tsinu
S uiday Isere, 1 saw the prelilnivaary
parade of the bands that are going to
o )mpete in the matttic,tl entertaiumeats,
They marched through the principal
IIO'V HE $ OJI) (» I11S EAR.
Oollin8 went htnuo one afteruooi
[daring the heated term with about half
a keg of cool lager al,ulard, and fouutt
his wife L the kitehau ironing, "Oil,
you vii come, have your she saitt, a•,
thhh WAS pulling off lns boots, propera.
tory to taking, a quiet $tiouze on the
lounge in theadj smug room. ""Ye;lh,'
1ho lullelly ensssered, "been buying as
uosu for a friend of mine to take la=
Iiauatas ; awful tired." ""Suppose you
tliiuk I'm not, with all this wash ; dune
here duel stoutly this chtur ; 1'ut bather.
ed anost to death with its continual tip
ping." She had the irouiug buartl
stretched on the baok of two chairs,
ono of which seemed to take special de-
light in staudiu; on ltd hind legs. Ot
course Collins submitted, aud, nt izin„
:a loue-lisbertnau fau, pleated himseli
on the contrary chair, just betsvetin the
range and the water boiler.
exclaimed firs. C., "1 believe this is,
the wannest day we over had," "Ter
tibia," muttered Collins; "119 [lel,*row..
Ferran—titin the ice -wagons." "What!"
"Nothing, my dear. Phew ! Turkish
bath's a luxury." A fly tit on his
head, was ilnmedettely drowued, float -
hag auwu behind his shirt -collar, and
thorouttbfares in good order, making rested iu the smolt of his bac:[. For a
the old town ring with their music and few minutes by struggled heroically to
calling forth cheer after cheer from the brace his oye open, but it was no use •
citizens. I counted 22 diff'ereut band,
andiny ane of them 45 members, so
you offn see the procession was a large
one. On inquiry I find business very
dull here as eleewhere in Canada. The
people are apprehensive there will be
some rioting on the twelfth, should the
Orangemen persist in walking on that
day, which it is currently believed they
will, If there is one thing that arrests
the eye of a visitor to this city froin
Western Ontario more than another, it
is the oumbersono, heavy vehicles in
the streets, most of"them having only
two wheels like thus) in England, T
noticed, too, the Eugli.th sparrow in
great numbers, hoppiug about quite
cozily and contented in this itsexile
state. O•,e gentleman inf'tined me
that they grow very tame itt winter,
often eutoriug into the diuiug room
and gathering up crumbs from around
the table. He also added that pestifer-
ous flies and insects are not so numer-
ous in the eutniner time as before the
advent of the sparrow amongst Siem.
Tin seems to take the plaice of shiuglee IIENbALL 000PEl1, SIIOP,
fair roofing purposes, some of the o
horses having the sides ,sheeted with w, VANVALKENBURGE,
I have ever found. ttaeQCanadian adult- COOPER WORK Oh ALL TiIND
ted by a spirit of kindness toward:[ INCLUDING CIr9TERNS.
strangers. Dnrieg a conversation of which he makes a s'I
peciality- BUTTER
oueauor than ever,' Repairing promosly and
which took plane at the dinner table a I neatly done. Shop—Brock Street, Hansa 11, du•,1ot-
gentlemen present kindly proffered�?to I iv west of` the staton [rival !gin a call.
tftke me for a drive to. the. top of ll'1ount I Erengall; tray. 8,187§,VH. TANVALIC NBU3m;
he nodded. His wife was just making
some remark about the eclipse, wheu
there was a crash. Collins had slid off
his pertly, cut his oar open ou the edge
of a wash -tub, the flat-irou slid down
the ironiug-board and struck him. in
1)8 jaw, and the clean skirt fell into a
tub of suds. There was a flash of
sumothing white going out the door,
and Collies fouud himself in a beer sa-
loon half a block away, telling some
friends how his wife tried to murder
him with an ase, and struck hila on the
head with a brick. Ou investigation
the truth came out, and 0 ,dins sneak-
ed house about midnight with au star
on him like a twiu banana, 'conteut to
sleep on two chairs in the dining room
and go off very early to his business
the next morning. The boys gaze at
tits afflicted ear and smile, but say
nothing. Auyageut having a patent
self -holding iron -board will fin] a good
customer in Collins.
SAM VY���7- 1LL 8c PIC ARD'S
and ace tb.eir
PI VW SP g Go o
N o 1rY Opening.
Mend ere i 4 Ready -ma .tr Clothing,
7'S, Sllfrl:. .IV1) (xlt'a't'1s'Ill ES,
New ]valise aIle[ ,Laws t, i, xn,1; vlSo jelot re'c 1ve 1,
o.tr its t
Ttic:oup,u3)a'f�1t.C.ei at,P,.olte;013 ,1'a%1l'ku'tiny,
Flet:, 01 the t4 (t t [sees,• ,t1 .iE tt t.t cvr �, eft u `t r Ear
. an ! t.:•coo )t a^"• ,.i, tet 0 ,tar l..,i t, til :it ot(1
t„b or13an.auntter,...:.1.1). 1,1'nu1.tY,L
S:'1,:'1l�`'ELI.h & P1C;KA.RD.
e. to . ed has Diploma aadl,icense to prat,
[ice De, t F
try and will �«
!,eon l.':oi
.s of old, on
",ion lay n,
l u •.([lays.
tt la5 and
t relay R.
f3 kit, a :^,t
,.1 Street. l''$eter Ont.
Being now in receipt of a large stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines sand
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
A.t his Store, Mao Street, Exeter, which will be sole! at
The inhabitants of Exeter mut vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but
call at the store of the s'lbscriber .and
SMclitlf4H krir E
there to be had iu Cti-artl(rit,ith;, l'Ull_ciotl1 , ])road -cloth
Doe skills, Silks, \V iticeys, i)elaines, and everytuizi
welts d iii the Dry Goods line, Tlw Grocery
i),rpart:n.'Ilt is Coulplote. Au inspeciion invited
No trouble to show goods ISAAC C ARLING
Grocery and Licnwr Store
A1•.tr1;e stock of
GreeD, ,japan, Young 1-1 sate]. and
Man.- Teas
Raisins. Orr,,
Sardhi es,
Sal ons
Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup
Rye, !Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccos
and Cigars,
Wholesale and ReLail.
Main Street, Exeter.
.I+W ',u ,.. N LL.21 Ly]I tt3ti1 wil4i�'J�
The subscriber, S. B. Jones, 'wishes to thank t110 people Or OxOtf)1', and. s11rrountb 1 ;doll[ .-_ 'or the lib
eralpatrouage which ho has received siucc among you, as a Watch inn lour and Tow ler, and also in-
form you.that I have a largo quantity of geode to dispose of, some of which ale
ratty I. !
' ..
Zia a ^^Ilii �tq.
r.9. ,�„
CHEAP Aaa,a, D
�T �^^,, 11,,,, �L !A1T ',� r r
II O N E S .4 11 Ii .1. C E i4.
oenhemb. r- Siftat if the Striking
142, Duudaa Street,
aR QRal34ZRIR3,1uF,
?akin! douse!
E N .
& J. PP pry
Any quantity of C'tirt.d 1TNtt
s•.ehtt;,talitly in stock. !lolls,
I.lac•mt, Hams, smoked, sugar-
cured, Lard, ate.
Any quantity of
collet:natty on hand
Au 13 AGMS
Wholesale and Retail.
All orders for cured meat
pro riiptly attended to
Wonders of liodern Times
' e'lowa,y� i s &O ntment
The Pills Pu ifytheIlloodcorrectalltli.or(tore
tas Liver. ito)nacit, Rita(.[ 5 11•n0 Bowels, and
no invaluable !u all complaints incidentultr
Tim Ointment is the only reliablereuledv tor
Bag Logs, ()Id Wounds, Servs and Meer , of !sow-
'ver long standing. For lirourlti;ix. nf;iL�tlleria
. oldis,(r(rat, law= raisin, an,: all kin eases
hasno equal.
New York Counterfeits.
Spurious imitations ar "Holloway's Pills
till Ointment,” aro manufactured ttlitlso:a1
ander the n.uue of " Holloway f- Co.," by J..F-
11 uly, Garrott (1; . ('ompauy, Drug-
. t• au(1 ul.o , by tha Metro'
rot titin M((i, ;tcil1e company of
vow \ork wit!, a o p� aua8suun•d trade
!lark . thus ,pt` '"�'r.,,9, p, --Again one
fo eph li tr(locl k�Y•1"' of Now York,like-
)vise nn•. es off \. cotluttrieitxofhis
)tan flake 0ndnr. the name of Rol -
ow tt 4 Co., havtug for a t 'ane mark a Croselit
'1ud Serpent: lmKessen 4 Itollbins of New York
Lie :;eats for the salve,
I hose persons, the ()otter to deceive you, 00-
11111 :ngly caution the publiciu the shall beeps
l i dri (.etions a illxe41 to their medicines, which
110 tea llv thospurious iulitutione, to beware o
JoU uterfeits.
Uuscrnpuions .Donlon o btain them at very
'ow )]rices*) id sell them to the 001,10 in. Can a.
la asmygenuine i''illsa1.11(l Clhtmouts.
I moat earnestly and respectfully apl'oalbe the
"Teres*, to -mot era of families and OMar Iadies
.ria the public: g,inatally of'tiritishh:m•tl1 Antet'i-
,a, that they may be pleased to. denounce nn -
ma ri))glythese frauds. '
Pnrahasers should look to the label ou the pots
and boxes. If the address 1s not 933, Oxford
,t1, 't, London, tuoy are the counterfeits, Each
,et au Ibex of the (lcanine Medicines, boars the
3r 'tis b. Government stamp with the wnrct'
R.,,, .owAY's l'iLLs A11) OINT11rLNT, London,"
0ngravod thereon: 111) the label is the address,
133 (lclordStrout, f,onnoll where alone thoy ore
,fenufaoturud:. Parties who may be defrauded
)yVoltdols selling spt1riou s"Renewa :3 Pills and
Ointment as toy 00unlne make 811, on com-
nunioating the nartioulars to me, be aluplyy're-
nt aerated, and their 0time neverdivulged.
030 xford St., W.C., London, England