HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-8-22, Page 1loollasiessmassicipeseatu;srostotreaseesoweeisexteroassig e,s Vol V. X1LTEB, ONTARIO, THUISDAY,AUG-USk`22, 18178. Il1l't1ItTA\ T NOTICE8. Ht?I?GSora , eG J. OKE , CU. e Auetwnet?rs. Sates roua),tly attended to. l)eys of sales alr•en1etl at tt:in uitie.e . __ ,_,.. Evidently the leading grit organ has a N. J. CLARK, Agent for the U8- friend in (lubourg whe has sufficient interest In the Marty to keep it posted on ptiltttckl matters In this locality. Last \fouday it's readers are told, pre - emu tbly upon tale authority of it disin- ter ()Steil friend, that the Sentinel wit& ler Dom accurate in the realalks which it " lately 'rade on the woollen factor - las of Celled% in general, anti on those of t;oboul'g in pertioular. The °stab. lielltnents in questi;n, we are infor.med" Kaye the (nabs, " ;vete never on a more stcuie nod satisfactory footing than at Celt. piebent. Their proprietors' never lied IVTORI'(T .GES IiOU(,li'J', the slit;lttest iuteatiou of 4 31101411g aionoy house on good AOTI�S, down,' exc. pt for a few days, for re, pairs." \\'e meet this barefaced ftalee rtsst:rtion by etatit g that we did not �SO1�\r1'.NT A„T OF 1t375 AND un.ke a Htaii went ill the ahticle publidh- � . II:\1111G, ACTS. a'd iu the Seetieel of the 3rd instant but what was, n.iitl is, substantially scar- red, and the mallet we bane for those etaitemeet;1 is from the lips of the owuere of the untie. Mr, Withy di8- tiaetly stated to us that 110 was abt•ut tri close his mills here, as he could not tllskae Kale Of the t;t1t'ds lle ti,anuftlettired t,wing to the mat ket being overetoeked, bud that 11e c.-uld not bee how they o',utd t;o nth huatnefecturing in the face , 1 ,aG '� r Q) � � of the coinpetition they had to contend tsitlh,and thatu.uless there salsa change in the tariff, which be did not expect nutil these was a change of goverument, he would let hie mill stand idle and rat ratuer than run it whilst be gas lusiug every day by doing sc , Mr. Routh is equally as e►uplhatio in his statomeut.t, and lir. \'4 ilhy and. Mr, Routh are well known as reliable gentlemen, and are hesid.es sues good baguette %leu, and so very enterpribin f;, that no person, ex- cept a 1•eoklose free trailer, would thick of charging tbeut with" shutting down" their mills for the purpose of malting political capital Millet it would be a I decidedly losing game to, themselves. • No 51 THE COBOURG WOOLLEN FAC- TORY. (Froin the Cobourg Sentinel.) ]orae and ltebbert 5Iutuai Fire Ineuranee t'''lupuny, Residence — Fareuuar. Orders by urni1 promptly attended to. if .R. A13Lt0T'11L, D,S.,51::.1t.C.Ja,6.. Qre euatel of Royal College or DENTAL,. SURGEONS. tiflice a Fanson's Sleek—Ellis' oke stand, Exeter. .AK1:, Cotnauistiiuner, bestir - mem ]land and Loan Agent. Office— ne xt door noitil loyal lintel. 14 xet,'r. Wilsons Iatel. itenentti every !slouchy. ".)RIVAT1i FUNDS to loan at 8 per CtONV1elYe1.Nt, INtx .-.. Di ds, Mort - N.,/ gages, Willa. S,e,dritivn on reaseuabie tome IN THE /LITTER OF JAMES McNABB, AN INSOLVENT. tel tee virtuetof ahai tie c i,�c t toe attuv 4 uned�lu. euivont,Mier for rifle by nit 1140 Premises, ;ti, on Wednesday, Aug. 28th A.I1.1t?7's,ntONE O'CLOCK in the AFTERNOON, MI and interest or thesansInsoleeat in and to the foible mg property, namely: j I. All mot si *4laelear ti0tt certain parcel or tract f of land met prend,ee s mote and being in the Villego or Exeter, in the Cuuutc of Huron and Wu Ville.. of t?ntariu, composed of part of W11111114. tier twenty-four in the 1st concession of the Toss()• at11p of atephe'n, cumtaiuino by mimeasnrehlmut. t3airty.two perches of 141111, 110 the Pans more or less, and \1'llwh piece °steed is shown by the reg. Altered plait of that part of the said Village of lbotes 1 formerly collet:Frnncostown and hew been said is known as anis called Lot n.uul'rr ime hundred irate 8 14 •.$1x. Ott the abieve is erected a large BEItinlitGAND TURNING. FACTDRY, ftrrnislied with first -cutis ulaci1111ery in all its de- partments, worked by it steam engine nt eighteen. horse power, Tins affords nn excellent upper.. teaeity for embarking in a profitable business. All nudtane;ulttr that certain pnrcel or tract of land and premises situate laud "thug in the Village of ]Exeter alorestti'1 coutaitliug by atdm en:- ur.einellt two'fltth...44 nu acro, be the sante Moro at 108%, cnusistin; of village Iota numbers 1415 and $,s0 as shown on the registered pian before mem tioned. There is a comfortable frame dwelling ]house thereon with other iluerovemteots. 3. All and singular that certain parcel or tract Of land and premia08 situate and being in the Vil- lage of Exeter aforesaid nontaining b' adlneas moment 4111e -fifth of an acre, he the Sa111e more 0r loss, comprising tillage Lot number 318 as shown tiri the registered plus berme mOatinned. 4. Also all the stock to trade of the ,aidlnsoi- vent, comprising a large qutuitity of finished and unfinished stuff, consisting of carriage and heavy Work, including spokes, hubs, &c. Particulars of incumbrances, and oonditf.in made know ou day of sale. For further particulars apply to aMTR.13. V. ELLIOT, ISAAC CARLING, Solicitor. I:zeter. Assignee. Exeter, 3rd August, t -d ?UTASON & HUDSON, Hensail, Out. .,Lvi. ACCOUNTANTS, AUCTIONEEISS. Fire and Life Insurenc- •nd Gensral Commission Agents, Insurance tern -thistly cheaper then cr- tlinary cost. Also money to loan on reasonable terms. Prompt attention to orders per mail or otherwise. berm and Village property for sale or to lease, Also sou a goon business stands said resid, laces in Hensall. ,T011N MASON, JOSEPH 24441804(,. Commissioner Conveyancer. Lion. GALE IN WINCH.E LSEA— L Rouse and Lot. Good stand fora shoema- ker, A corner lot. For particulars, apply by letter or personally to HARRY 1IROWN, Wiuchelst.aP.O Fj Alt1i FOR SALE OR TO RENT. —U —South k lot ]8, on 8th eau., and N f lot 15, oon(9,11sborne, each farm containing 50 acre.. Lot15 is well cleared, with good buildings, and in good cultivation. Frame barn and stable on lot 18. For particulars apply to WVM. CLARE, Winchelsea P. 0. TRA.YED FROM LOT 8, CON - 1K..7, CESSION 4, Ueborno, about the 20th of July last, 2 yearling colts one a mars and the other 1a horse; both bays; the mare colt bas a small white spot on her face. Any person giving ill lor- =aim that will lead to their recovery to the un. dersigned w111 be suitably rewarded. NICHOLAS SPRAGUE. LIVERPOOL, LON DONDLRRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE OF Royal mail Steamships. THE ` SA BDINTIAN will sail ou August 31. fib wtestaea'passage. For Speed, comfort; economy mud sudaty ,sire equal to any other Ai/antic Lino, and lbekug a Ca..adien Line,sbo111C' she patronized by Mil £bwaadiens. For particulars as to passage 01 ipaat<ies sensing for, their Erie.. ds, apply to CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. TIIE PRACTIOAL MAN. (From the .lfaif.) "For a "practical" 11inister of Pub- lic works, Mr. Mackenzie has cornteit• ed the greatest errors of judgment Pilo money speut or to be sprout on the Pacific Railway within the current & Kco.1 year amounts to nearly $14,000,- 000 as follows t. Total expenditure on Pacific Baihvay as per Public Ac- counts, to 90th,une, 1877 Estimates voted for the finan- cial year ending du the 30th June, 1878 Snpplcmeutaay Estimates vot'd for the financial year end- ing on 30th June, 1878.. Total Expenditureto 30th June, 1878, may be assumed at Estimates voted for this work for' the year 1878-9 Total amount voted by Parlia- ment $ 7,975,578 1,814,000 823,900 U0,613,478 2,949,700 $13,563,178 What shall we have for this vast outlay ? Two sections of the main road are being built, one of 114 miles from Lake Superior westward to Eng- lish River and the other of 114 miles from the Red River eastward to Rat Portage. But Rat Portage is 180 miles distat from English River, and this intermediate section has not been placed under contract nor does the Premier propose to take it up for five years yet. Hence_whea the $18,563,- 000 shall have been spent. we shall be practically as far from having all rail eommunieatiou with 1\'Iauitoba as we are to -day. The Pembina branch will be open, bat our Canadian road will still be "among the clouds." Mor: - ever, the sections from Superior -to English River and from Red River to Rat Portage will be decaying and going to wreck while the gap of 180 miles is being built. The cost of those two sections is estimated at $5,750,000. In other words this money on which we pay Lombard street nearly $300,000, interest a year will lie stunk 1n the un- connected links for five years.; The. Premier has a faculty for locking• uuouey up. Three millions have beet.) invested in steel rail piles since 1874, and the rads areuot needed yet. +.+. Two young men about 15 years of age, and a son of Mr. Grindley, mane, *ger of the Bank of British North America, and the other a son of Mr. Porteous, of Montreal, went boating on the river last Saturday and have not since been heard of. It is feared •that the boat wee upset iu a squall and they were drowned. HORRIBLE TRAGEDY Information leaches this city to night of a portible tragedy which occurred yesterday in Rutherford County, i11 the western part of North Carolina, in whish the Bev. 1?r. Wade Hill shot and killed lits son -ill -law, Maj. Andrew Scroggina. It appears that Seroggins, while in a passim, .shoat a week ago, stripped and whipped Dr, Jfi11's young - eat daughter.. Scroggina' wife was lf're- seut, and begged her hu'ibeud not to hurt her sister, but he paid no attention, and inflicted palmus chastisement ou the girl. is sn0t1 as 1110 father heard of his sou-in.Jaw'e conduct, he wont to him atm demanded an explanation. Scroggii s salt] he had acted 011 the im- pulee of the ruminant, but .Dr, Hill re. plied that he had no right to lay hie hands ou the child ; and the gentleman, becoming involved in a quarrel over the clatter, got to blows, and had it rough- aud•tuwble, the father-in-law coming oat hest. 'Phis so eurat.ed. Maj. Sorog- gins that 1,e weut home, and after eou- suttiug fhieuds, sent a challenge to the reverend geutteinan, whish was prompt- ly declined by the said geutlehntau, Tue Major theu vowed to lass friends that he would get the beat of the old man, even if he had to throw poison in his coffee. He armed himself with a uavy revolver and a dirk, 80 as to be fully prepared to lay hie antagonist out on eight. The Reverend Doctor also arm- ed himself to the teeth, tt case of an emergeucy, and went about his spiritu- al work as usual. 'Yesterday the two met, ahauoed to meet on horseback in the road near the Doctor's house. Ma- jor Soroggius exclaimed, with . slicer, "Abe! I've got you nowt" 'Poe Doc- tor replied, " Keep cool!" The Major replied, " Ten minutes to say your prayers." By this time they were tau paces apart,, an i the impromptu duel wee soon to taste place. Dr. Bill said, "• Well, sir, Ian ready," at the same titre drawing a Derringer. Major 3oreggins said, " Aug BO am I. May the Lord. Have mercy en us both!" With that be fired twice in rapid suc- cession,neither 'diet taking effect. The Dootor fired once, killing his antagoa- ist instantly. Ile then rode bank tiome and told the awful news. Itrieuds car- ried the Maj( rs remains off for burial, and the Doctor gave himself np. The greatest excitement prevails, though 1.)r. Hill is justified in the opinion of the pulite. COUNTY I'T'EMS, Mr. Thos. Vine bound two and a half acres of heavy wheat on his farm on the 2nd concession of Stanley, in half a day. Mr. Horace Horton, M.P. for Centre Hurou, has presented the tieaforth Mechanios' Institute with bound copies of .Hafrrsard. Mr. David Reid, of fetanley, had six hundred and forty-three shocks of wheat of twelve sheaves each, on a sev- en acre field, A young man named Bell, from God- erich, was Arrested in Montreal recently for obtaining clothes and other goods on false pretences. Mr. P. J. Foy, of Blyth, left for New York city a few weeks ago for the good of his health, 'and has returned lookiug much better after his trip. The fine imported carriage stallion "Pride of Eugland," the property of Mr. Johnathan Carter, of Tuckerslnith, dies] last week of paralysis. All unknown thief stole from the Queen's Hotel, Winghatn, $82.75 in bills and silver, a seven -shot revolver, and a silver watch valued at $26. The return base ball match between the hardware mad dry goods clerks, of Seaforth, was played on Monday of last week, resulting iu a second viotory for the former. A few days ago a youug lad about 8 years of age, son of Mr. Thomas Hol- land, of Seaforth, had his foot badly crushed by the cogs of a horse power on which he was driving, massing over it. Mr. Alexander Davidson,' of the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, has gene off for a trip to the Old Country for the benefit of his health. Ho is acenmphu- ied by Mr. John McConnell of Hibbert, and other gtlutletnen. A yonng 1efl4,p .ecJ;Arthur Thomp- son, ' Wili'g`fYil`ilri, aged 16, set fire to a tin of coal oil Friday morning while playing' with it. The tin contained about three gallon's of oil. He tens so terribly burnt: that he diad the follow- ing mernieg, DOMINION NEWS. Barley weighing over fifty pounds to the bushel was shown at Belleville on Saturday. lGlr. Simon Powell, one of Seeforth's oldest residents, died very suddenly on Thursday morning of last week.. A man named Gilbert Ramsay, while eating his diener at the Marshal House, Wardsville, Ives spoked to dee,th with a piece of meat at noon on Monday. At a meeting'of the Executive Com- inittee at Toronto of Tuesday last, a con tunuieation was read announcing Lord Dufforiu'a willinguess to receive a joint address from the muuicip'llities of Ontario, and appointing September 5th, at Quehec, as the date and phase. It was proposed that the Governors General sbonli be invited to visit To - route send receive the address there. A diabolical trap to blow up the Hamilton & Northwestern Railway has been unearthed. About a month ago a letter threatet:in3 to destroy the core - palsy was written to an ezuployee, The ease was placed in the hands of n de- tective and one Corey has been arreet- ed, and committed to stand his trial at the A sizes. Dynamite was to have been used to accomplish his horrible pllxhase. Some sensation has been causes in Toronto lately by the disappearance of a prominent tenor, who was the loaner of one church choir and teacher in ens other. n- other. It is said that while here he ruined at least half a dozen young la- dies, his pupils, one of whom is a daugla ter of a leading wholesale merchant, 11Ir. Lawrence Hartman, an old and respected resident of the Township of c'rnehtown, near Odessa, died very suddenly of heart disease while attend- ing a revival meeting in the Episcopal Methodist Church at Odessa on u'un• day evening. Deceased was at the time of his death addressing an audi- ence, and was about concluding his dis- course when he was seen to sit down, breathe heavily for about a minute and expire. A very painful accident happened to John. A, MoCuteheor, son of John Mc• Cutobeon,. a wealthy farmer living Hear Rosemont. While driving into the barn with a load of sheaves, be got on the lintel of the barn and drove the horses 011. %When the load got through the sheaves sprung up and knocked him backwards, falling on his shoulders, which doubled hini up so as to cause Ieerious iujrry to his spine. The doc- tors have slight hopes of his recovery. The body of an unknown man was found in the bay at Toronto on Tues- day afternoon, and an inquest held in the evening, at which a verdict of found dead was returned. The body was dressed in a black cloth coat, check shirt, drab tweed pantaloons, and low cut shoes, with white socks, and wee apparently a man of about 25 years of age, having bro vn hair, dark eyes, five feet six inobes high, and was a very heavy man, weighing at least 180 pounds. It has leaked out that the Govern- meut has signed a lease of the Pem- bina branch of the Canada Pacific Railway, giving the St. Paul & Pacific Railroad the exclusive monopoly of that branch for ten yearn, the Government retaining the privilege of terminating thelease at the end of five years by paying the lit. Paul and Pacific an 'amount to be decided by arbitration. A bill to sanction such an arrangement was thrown out by the Senate at the last session, and the Government has assumed the entire responsibility for the step. The fact that D. &. Smith, M. P. for Selkirk, Manitoba, a wealthy supporter of the Government, is one of the principal shareholders in the St. Paul & Pacific, causes the transaction to be looked upon with suspicion. FAT PEOPLE MADE LEAN. Physicians and physioligists have long "scratched their' heads" and "hurried the midnight oil, seeking to devise some mete.ns whereby exceesivo oori;uleucy might be either prevented or controlled. Until recently all "the- ories," "speoial di.rectiona," and "rem - dies," have failed- But atlast the problen3 is solved. Allan's Anti Fat will surely and positively reduceflesh at from three to six pounds p r week. No mediciue'or combination of medi- cines has ever been discovered that would produce each wonderful results, and at the same time improve the gen- el a1 health: Sold by druggist's. GENE 11AL NEWS. The Secretary of the State, Waslh- ington, has addressed a letter to the British Governruent, setting forth the reasons why the Canadian fisheries award of $5,500,000 is cousidered ex- cessive, x-cess ve, and asking for review of the case in order that the same may be re. duced. John A. Leete, a recent witness bo. fore the Potter Copamitte, gamed a sensation Sunday night last, at the Ass for house, New York, where he is reg- ietereed. A pistol report and load asitia were beard iu his room. The officers orcin entrance were g au tr, c fired at twice, but no 000 was injured. Leete said there was a conspiracy on foot to trill him. He stated be had a private mem- orandum book uouta%uiui stertlilig:tea. timouy, whish he alleged the conspire - tore desire,] to possess. Leete a,ppeer- ed rational but great.y excited. A. 0. Clarke, a well to-do younC farmer at La: Grange, near Chicago, was awakened on \\'edneeday night last by an untwist wise in his bait!. He hastened out to see what was the mate ter, and as he approached the stable (door he was struck by a p14itol.ehot ill the right breast, the ball glauciug to the left and downward. The wounded Ulan tied toward the house, au l sue- ceetded iu reaching the beltway iu a dying condition, Before hie wife could reach lhiw, he was dead, Tue alarm was given to the neighbors, but no clue to the murderer could be gained. One of (larll's horses eras felted in the beta partially harnessed. For 'leveret days past there sae been a number of tramps hanging shout the village, and the , night before this tragedy some of them. visited the residence of another fterraer, but were driven off. Michael Harriugton, yardman in the employ of the G. W, B., at Clifton, miss sod his Lusting in attempting t0 get on a pilot engine while in hnutiun on Mon- day, and wasru.l over, cutting off ,aleg ate] arm. .It is feared the accident will result fatally. * t•- 4 GODERICH.. ExcunsroN,—The Oddfellowe' excuse lion ou the steamer Ontario, floral Oedemata on Tuesday, arrival at Port Huron about two o'clock in the after - peon. The boat was crowded, there being about 11000 people on b•ward. After those iu lusiiurm had b. en ra'Ige:d in line on the Butler etreeet wharf, an address of welcome was lead by Mr. W D. Wright, one of the Port Huron Oddtellows, after which a procession was formed, beaded by the Goderich and Port Huron bands, and mltrcbed up Butler street and down Hurou ave ence through one of two magnificent arches, and ovt r Black River Bridge, where a triumphant arch was erected, composed of flags and evergreous, bear- ing 111e inscription, "Port Huron an Goderich," over a pair of hands, On arriving at the Hall, where they had be dinner, the deooratioes cent,. the walls being fe ergreeus and flowers, mottoes. The prones formed, and marche streets to the Oddfeilo was also decorated, e the decorations of the R Over the chair occupied Grand a canopy was ete of running vines and the era. At the Oddfellows. Toms, of Goderich, made in response to the One ma Wright. The reception of t Templars at Goderich a wee ago was not forgotten by the on people, and no pains were sp the part of Pert Huron to fully manta the ltind::eess and honor had received on their excursion, LUCIAN. CIVIC HOLIDAY. --L110511 1s 10 ]lave a civic holiday on Monday the 26th ;net., Most of our citizens are going to enjoy a' cheap trip to Detroit. ENTERPRISE.—Our enterprising towns- man, Mr. Goodacre, has just completed a very handsome store wshi 111 he has let to Mrs.- C. Mearns of this place. THE RACES-Llftan Riding Dllving Palk is now ie :first -cls &;tion and is second to no h track ie Ontario. ..X numb horses ars 111 C.' Messrs. Berry cessfel meet' 61,11 of Sep