The Exeter Times, 1878-8-15, Page 88
l;.&LL SHOWS FOR 1$78.
Fall shows will be held during 1878 as fol-
lows :
South Hume. Exeter, October 6 and 7.
Western Fair, at Loudon, September 39 to
October 4.
Mitchell fall exhibition, at Mitchell, Septem-
ber 19 anti 2G.
i itldulph Agricultural Society. a wanton
tat September 18.
West Huron, at Galdt:rick, September 18anil.
Centrai, at Ouelpb, September 16 to 20.
Provincial. at Toronto, tleptensber 93 to 27.
i.4w:1AN S• Ut,t.' E X,
.va trss,trtDllr :1, E"3
CL ty'1t US,
`l" tl,' I . ED ,
FAN ("li t*1aA'11ft�4 !nae
at 1 a,5. tl <)e 41 t4 t ,1c.a° tt 4'..0 7,ytt:th
t411.t. ltd i11t➢ @. -b-1,... e " t4 ...•:$} -.
S in i. e.
A CALL.—OnThursday last Rev. Mr. Derain
Principal of the Benda Lady College, Oshawa*
the institution which two of our town young
ladies, Misses Butcher and Pickard, bare been
attending for some time past. was in town.
and gage us s call. This college is
only two years old, but owing to the caref;al
hands which have beeu'guidirg it, its success
has been of the most gratifying nature, Un-
like many ladies' colleges, they do not confine
themselves to teaching the ornamental bn'anch-
es ut a lady's education, but domestic economy
rt`caivrs cousithrable attention. There are
Ito., we believe, iu the neighborhood of ninety
young ladies in ,attendance et the college.
1E3.11:52LER the (irewt Pacific Circus whish
is to visit Exeter on Monday next, the 19th
hast, Admission 50 cents; children under 9
a➢520 cents. P.
Mn. G. Iteutp is agent fur the Allan Line.
Ile leets at tow ratrs.
1 1.i,ro,rors Se.,,tn4'I:a.--Thr distret m *eziul
4 dr:- Ieerad••a' District 1 p the Methodist[ latarcll
le held in k::o.ttr ou Friday Oe -metro ut D.
pal Die '• kt:Eng will kolz,II in tale9it'rhud;ist
tt"latart•ID this evening. ut anD 44,1 6r4�, s »lilt lee
;a'li arta l,:y .: f tr sf dee tlnink•ei's. To-Dator
.,.'s,.Tt r,➢I a'.la:F... ^."S. of 1 Atren mite-
rilit";6.rc 0. 1 4T:1 L•Laa*1 4nf t14e-
est 2..,-112,...1s. Vitt•r.,• dill Lot 4!t'?,rNt@•i•ta
--t.pDd svaz,,,13:„' DB➢,,n'rDnD.....u�nQ 41,c ,i;: °7° +,^t tlo
Via.,... Chalet. c, i:..' D::.aIy 1:—.v.
,f th. 1Ssto-,:.:,"B 'al.:
hr•i,;,, ..e, . :.3 1i:.:ar tt
•. t:.. f '1�t1 114 x •,r 4.44` t .a -.v V
bit ; 241
{•, t1 41.64,:ata'-r„.1.:.:,d"l+' aeia,,a4la
,1.., tttla.r m24—, . + D,i v.11 • *%.,t!,..!
6 i int,: Lsa tl 1C,a:. zawir,a prier 11:;s
:31'4)» 3, i . l•l+l i:. is ,a:liieult, v >.:; 1...w r
la, al+" 2 S4 r iai:a;' l,,• l,, €'i,• Ilte t,: ,1: iw
t:.2 iia t �.
=i. S t t ..aa'aai 5:41: L r ai t1Y'st `aR
▪ ,:a 11..,,.I »•lit: lti ty :1tt::,<t t:a- lit lila,+lt; 14 ft,.
4'1, lif•.
1 i a W1, 4t t* i t n'. '?.ta E. Shat•!:.
at , , ,t0,1 Las happy belle after I'c n4'* iii::r:it't
1, ,a,i.'li 4'24 3':44• - 952' ley- Lee. :sir, Arlin. of
toy. lei, foray vast t++ 1Ir. til,:avltunti ”, reltl-
tJt.-«• 1°:rsa t, :I.• at 'Minnesota, 'fit, Ilapm,
e•i.<11a. 1'::iy :after svelte.; the neNl,Y mar -
• 1 e , .Spa t :644 1y an Luttrd the train ani wish -
• them a I.1, .'.-nut jortru' y, return. tar
:5, tea in the evening. 31r. mail 31rs. Speck -
then will return in the comet: of a collide of
1 Ni'i'B u 1t•uooI. Itomso, %. meeting tel tlr,•
.''1,:• Board v;:4a held in the Seeratary`s o*lire.
the t tL inst.. at $ o'clock p.m. The vain-
of the prelims meeting havirrg'been rend
4t..1 lgpapltal'ed, it wa4 1„101:4,1 and resolved that
die !live Pr s C.i."l, aesonut of $1.20 and ;i41-
atio'rrof $I.f0 for advertising for teachers.
paid. Appliemione from variolas teachers
t re Men read by the Secretary, when it was
olvetl to engage Miss A. Henderson at as
s.tiary of $till and Miss H. St:hratlt 585 to 1111
ur•1ulcic s in staff of teachers till en,l of p' es
•rat year al, was arranged that the la *.y teach-
ers should occupy rooms as f( ]lows : Nu. 2,
:dins Elston; No. 3, Miss Spicer; tie. 4, Miss
maks: No. 5, Jllss Henderson; No. 6, Miss
trahraiu. Jolts li._tsro.r, Secretary.
They gymnasts in Hiiliard d Hunting'=
great Pat 611 Circus are the best in the woild.
They,exhibit iu Exu4ar nest Monday. Don't
.ail to Sue it.
To Covsu,lrprxves.---'1'he advertiser. a retired
physician, hating providentially (liscavo,ed.
t, He a medical rniestutaaa;y in &alth.arn Asia.
a very si'up1' vegetable remedy for the -peedc
end permanent (:iPB of consumption, asthma,
hrulnenit,s, ea aril( and all throat and lung af-
iootion,, also a: positive and radical specific for
nervous debility, premature decay, and all ner-
vous complaints, feels it his duty to make it
ik'u,tvii to his suffering fellows. Actuated by
this motive, he will cheerfully seed, (free of
el trgei to ;.11 Pli 1 ale ire it, the r, c pe for pre-
paring, illg, and fullduu,tiou'a for successfully tieing
this providentially discovered remedy. Those
who wish to avail themselves of the benefits of
this discoeiy without cost,can do 4•) by return
,,fail, by addressing, with stamp, ]ht. CnIdiu s
33 \iagaia St.,73ut:alu N.Y.
(soon P)Ifl(rixo.—The colored pasters which
were printed at this office for the last meeting
01 the'Exetur ])iiting Park Association have
;,leu highly spoken of by (iuwpetc'ut judges of
printing., and the. member's of the L ucatu Driv
lag Park Association are so well pleased with
the iiusignn that they have ordered oue hun-
dred similar posters, announcing their fall
4'u ,)ting to take )lac: on the 6th, of September
lest. We are now bettor: prepared than ever
1 1
t) do every description of :printing on the
Boort. st notice mut at low prices. 'Merchants
and others requiring fall'priuting can have it
ilea.!;. , cheaply and satisfactorily executed by
▪ orders.. at the Tr;.tre office.
. r a
,'.iy t w tc 1 ni 1D t a
I Its
!4):4)4)3 a ...
,!,i2" .•
tr v x •a 1 °Si i.� 1-••
1 , �. , DII. ` • • t . •eau- ,+,
,,l a.,.... ,tri'
a ( 4 3.'9;9
.sig 1 I 4'.t t. t, 24 `'"•
5, t.... is 4
t, * i= 1 ,:p t• »'.4)411
a 33».46 1. '6 *• t !vett,
At Ca. t4
At i ,•'r
:i" , r
t . ,
ii r
t..2 }i,.$t.
t at ;eta ll it rat";lt.
t 01 `14.11 1 1 14. ""tt,
tIu Mole! 1.+•21.
( ata Mi'u'Yaa1• 1221.1.
(1n 112^ntt1rat'\t.
Heini41.2..—The gator of bit -e resit lu'ttiP' n
t °rcaiion 441111 ]';:a't* 1' 1% 111i41 ur,•s lIits t1 i.I't .4 to.
itt• rain a fats days Imo was fiiuis11.4l a}2 'Sift.
'int.*. last, erudit 4n boys winning by two runs.
The score is btk,w' 1
J. Hvndmau 1
L. 111:}kt.................. .•,2
J. Orr .. 2
L. 114orue 4)`
11. Elliot 5l
R. iti4•*ctt 3
W. Iiyudtl9au...... • 30
C.:afc1),utlll ....1
J. (211 2
Total I1�
H. Either
W. Wiutzel 1
A. Adam. 2
S. Brown
C. Rau ...8
H. Sieltou 0
M. liegster 2
It. Haall, 1
T. Adams 1
Total 14
1tcs away --A SPLENDID Lrer.--O21 TIIIITSday
morning last a horse belauging to Mr. Wm.
Fenwick, of Exekr, performed a feat which a herdic racer might be unable to do.
1� hile4 cue of Mr. F'ouwick's sons WAS driving
down tuuu from the Mill, the horse becauie.
frightened and started to ram away. The pace
was as iiuiutts nue, but the horse kept to the
middle of the track and the boy fell down into
tho Luttoni of tate box ou the light wagon.
When tits horse had got to Mr. Fellwick's gate
the lac!, for he was uuly about 12 ,>(caars of (ago,
pulled the lines and turned hila iu, thinking to
stop tier, annual in his career. L'ut he misjud-
ged his metal, for when he got upon the siite-
walkc which rums paist the gate, he stopped for
one instant only, and then with a bound clear-
ed the gate like a dour. The crossbar of the
shafts caught against the pickets and prevented
the liwsu going any further, and the fruit para
of the wagon was held suspended iu the air.
The box calve off and. fell to the ground, aril
in it the boy was sitting. without, having sus -
11111,110. the slightest 'injury., though he was
pretty badly frightened, and well anyone might
be at the idea of sailing through the air over
a High. gate and behind a runaway house. He
is a brother of the buy who was so badly
jurtid by a luck as reported in last week's'1'lnlrs,
The j,'aiattl.ev steed, tun, l410ai)ee uhllurt.
FutED.-Qu Wednesday evening 144. az: at- to many here from, the Fatherland.
fair occurred in l✓xeter, the like of titihicb WO Ssltaotoe Acettaa (r,-- An accident of
xtope never to be celled upon to ebrouiele n serious nature occurred her last
agafatl ludeed, we feel certain that the we11• Friday everting. `Tro boys lamed l
known good sense of the person chiefly inter !Kota Ant Holtzman aged about 10 or
ested in this little ftaeaa will tell him that be 12 }sure 4rere worltlt2g its i`1#cllnarr
c id wrong, and will prevent a recurrence of Telkeeu fax will. when one of them
such an affair:. It appears that Dr. Moore, placed hie hand on a large horizontal
while under the influence of ligttox, on the shaft that was Ievolvin•,t with fee,rflti
evening fat gnestiou went into the. Central
tel and commenced to cuntlect himself iu a
manner offensive to Mr. Oke, the landlord,
who, after some little thue, ordered him out.
The Br. refused to go and applied some offens-
ive epithet to Mr. Oke, who angrily bit the 1)r.
TIde enraged the 1)r. stilt more. He went
hone and pruenred his revolver, when be re-
turned, And, taping up a position near the Celt
tral, threatened to sheet qtr. Oke, Tun re-
volvt.r was discharged time times. After' made 200 revolutions per minute and
some parley, a triemi persuaded the Dr. W go , each revo10tiatt the feet or beth boys..
bene. The nest morning, 31r. Otie laid in. paaaudetl the floor beneath. ll otz be-
fa:aa.:alien pa,'aintt bin. for t'a.rr!ing tiro::443 e3 inn• tallest his feet were !)eaten at.
with latent to do. injury. lite case was tried most raw, while the (ether wasn't quite
teem: Squire G1(iley, what: the dt.'fetatlYlalt dura el • bell. Dr. Rollin tyta' nllala0 ltkatelr
t D-tdl r%ttl and e.,',.'. `!flier:text day Dr. :goer,- -., cal7wereled, when the were eortvej'ed t4}
full Information against Mr. k....• for stril'iinh : their 1}otnee, anal the: brolit".0 limbal mi.
Lino, g1D1+cis was alio tt:cd 'lr4 facto 74ptirc i114(a1 anal ttt U i1.41ree+va<41. ,lloth boys
t4!ley, at'•i alt, tgie tee, fete e 1 4)44e1 e,!a::. ere ntolT 11r4)j:°r eeeit",•.°, \t rt' f2av5Drttlrly.
s•L'i:+ tat ,.... at ht'niten.
11 l: � • I..,,
Aliment 15. 1871
On and after MONDAY,
d i,ath inst., 14 O 1�'ill .keels Ville
Beacllville Lime for sale t
Special rates to parties using
large quantities.
.1lortga;e$ Bought and 11arr-icrve'
Lick:zsfs issret°td.
rapidity. The other boy 1•layfulty
placed his band on top of the other,
when immediately both Anne were
drawn around the shaft followed by;
their bodies. Mote's ern] tt'as broken
above end below the elbow, and badly
t(1rn. Holtzman had his arm broken
above the elbow, while below it wee
bent ehnost in a semi circle. The
shaft was abe,llt three feet high and
TILI2:115'4 16•.11 t trim M30;1.t i $ j #.
11-444,ui1?, 1➢a,°OD1 14'4 2,1i,l I.•t)� 144. r, -cu Btl 41,1
• a r:1Y_, 1,,.44 .:.,I',rti s:11J,'..,21. ;La' 1:4 -; r. v: t•..:.:ya-. i
.42., 4h'611iItio:,'.'tt•otater 4o'te,itilw' unt4e1d
~ t
:(a sll .. f• 11,.4,: ;-, ,9t,": t ie.l 4)333 1 Y :vias a 11ay1'l it„lt' n,, Sat met tY feet i,..
...a4. Ir 4411 1: -
• ,ae ea I l4•ti,^ta„t ;atD.1 :1,.•02ter, aal,.ir te-42'1('',1
, 1. a. a„ .4 ... .14 1 Y 1 • ;:t'ra'it: t`1 :.++?�t.'.4'4' 1•? .s''} 1r;41 Lit E4.
n 334)4).•, 3 . r - •.
' 2 . ➢-;. •. • 4.4'.
4 :v.:,
4)a2.2 of i1, •'ai;' 444,=i 14-, , ii.
.x YI44 4, .436'^. 1i,'” ad.':, :41.,424,1a,,, 2i,t,t:.
;. r.1y 2:22%, e .'a 4 1,1 :tf
'j. (i•. ;2;1 aY;,, n i . 11..1 I' ,i,t t,. t1,4'
:et ia4 t, .tl Ott 211'..2' ;1 14•-r... itt.`..Y. t;,••. 11,.1,a,e �',
'..l,d», t,. 52 1 tite6, at'a'+1}. t(;,
id• t,.. t',^ 2:a:a• 5t »lieu,+. *0 •l'p6'a Lot int, 1i;-°'
at l,ataf ,t11,431,W4t (4) 2.4; 11.a'41i4 411.14.°
1t,:q 114.3:114 ta. 4.t°n• stat »141,..,-1 art` tit...ant: 4 .
•; 1,'4' tl•tt:i 12',' la rill. 11(4 144't4 44'4141 *4.
the i i;.. It:aaati, lit anti tore it, lu;41,111; tit,.
240.141 ;Mill frtt2ti every '%,*ttttlt. Wa)!t gal,:i,it-
ry tor ailielt the me ,niters of 412.' liter 2, 241•»' neat.
4•.4, 141' rt lruiln d fr,41a Law; back, and W2a, a:
a.4,t lunch ag:uu::t 11:411111 furred to 1;uec;uuh Lr•
21,14 mins!!!l nrt.(l1 of %!:arrow, anal the moult 11
got tb1 wagon inside Mts. I'ipt:r's tate, This
petty tbiesiugshoold be Still ell. 54' one in,tho
ut•iklriinl•lt,awl Iain 1Ue1 aecare if it be not pun.
i ht.d. 11 corporation property will be stolen
-u will private prole}ty.
ChN rIL\ LI A.
VILL1GL 110GPESS--This pretty and
well laid out village continuos to liltalo
a pleasing ttucl healthy progress. Con-
siderable improvements have been
made iu the sidewalks laud streets, and
nItiiuet every house has been made to
lone gay by the 'application of the
painters' brush, No less that, ten new
dwelling bougies have already boon
eat*ett'.1 this bummer, with severa4l more
to be built before winter.
Two men named James Iieefe and
John Cavanagh were before Squire Pe -
tet s, Art1)1 troug 44iid Crueieatl the oth'
er day, charged with the ulolielois and
wiling destruction of properly belonging
to 1Ir. M Falls, of this village. The
complainant was a4 young man named
John Flyuu, who had hired the horse
a,ud buggy from Mo1l')1,IIs, which they
were alleged to have driven orf and
abased. Alter hearing the evidence a4'
majority of the i1Irgi(prattes committed
the paietluers fur trial, Mail being 41(1-
0(9pted in $800 each.
POLITICS here a11) it little more lively
since the announcement of election
tul(ing place next 1110011).
SoiaNc:—The Orange Young Britons
of time 1214106 intend :laving to grand
noire; in the course of a.1 few weel:l.
!!.!,Tense 'illessre. Charles Eiiber
and 0. `u'witzer, who have b;:a'n to Ger-
many. and visitiut;. the Great Paris Ex-
position returned last Friday. Both
look hale and < hearty after their trip
flub report having had an tltu)4zilai ly
good time. They bring l•elneulbrlaeces
a” 2:•--.1
1 ^ n
U .Y1.
11 1:p 0 1i ..'ai . ",4°' __' `.u. •4'n
: ,;,1 t+ d flu ;%54 i «.1 "a Dt•
1xt'-r t l `1D+" ,'Y 2:..14534 .it'aa,i n.t':
a.^:tri ,34)..11 :.". 1" 114)4)'1., 41 n.',•» 1 - 25 �: r 211, c",a..
.1, tn11*t &iOt'' 4,2 a at2112 '-2
2`'; stat l'}sllry,.5➢"4'25 1t. -,:4t latae
4^'4 laaltt '•2.452*',
64:0reg2411warn1't. l t4 *tl=4et,::os't 1,',,'4'4` •°4.
tali➢t l:dD* lat't It 1
151 Iit1-' t"eri alt el 1'" 144, t41' tray'' leei ,.
•.t11 -t 'a velhe!, t,4 144„ et•c44i 114) t', Sri$•.
2-'v.11"ib1ll. 11 Int..tall• 41 ;t>>i18w t ,
ta''4n, attatl nits 114a;aitl t^6 r.^10,4;
1.211 if he 'was tad 1}io•t there' 1;46 '.,'.!91
0244 it* 4 1' .Y, *ta;6;at11142, 115't''.,t,1,.•l 1e.•
1r;zt3/4-*1 €Bitth''r tim.n. ht. "10.2411^, 4''„11
t,Bt 'that t1;iy there '.201• 1l tiv 41;44' 1 11 1
41444.44).:4.41 1*'1l111 St. Thomas t;4 Let 1'422, p
mid11 1 l
11,»2311 ran t IL--
t ., 1,111» 1
, !Alt en Lester and ::itrl(`li the, e 1•i :6
¢ nh'i111144 54:y4 Tut 111Ut'n 14,12*: 1.412
i4'.U4i till 1,1142 ltl1l14t 1141.1'„' 1w1111 Il1•11 i)1
(111,4 1121111411., T1152 stiaain:AAA thing 1
that no trace 'll4atl be I`4rutl1 of hie trunk.
if 112 rtat t5tilrunl Exeter to le elk, it 144.1
)1„t. ler» (,ll)h' 11111/ 124 t,24.4 Uhl 111415` »111»,•1•
hie trunk aluug with 11i111, yet the
el.i est inquiry amongst tllu railway tef.
li*iule fails to elicit any iufortnatil)n re
4pectiug his baggage, and the whole alt.
flair '1'e111151ns KtVeI()pea 111 mytitery.
'I'lle friehd4 of the 11usei11g crane in Aid-'
bora, and also itt this 1)is new station, I
aro neeessaatily very anxious, tun: any
10forn iatiun concerning 111111 will be
gladly received by Rev. 0.6teuurnaget,
of Aldboro.—P')- e Press.
When, in 1870, Benjamin Disraeli
was advocating the passage of the bill
9utakill� Queen 'Victoria Empress of Ju-
die, lie spoke of the day when a chain
of fortresses would bind! the Gauges to
the Thames. A. little while ago Uy-
prue was added to that chain,' and now
the Islland of Socotra in tiro Indian
Ocean, has become an integral portion
or the Empire uuon which the snn nev-
er sets. Socotra is 0 bold, picturesque
island, and containing mountains
12hich tower to the height of 5,000
feet above the tropical seats which sur-
round it. It lies one hundred miles to
the eastward or A4,elt, another British
:station at the mouth. of the lied Sea,
and, like the latter, occupies as teen
mending- position in the track of the
vessele going froth Bombay to Suez.
It contains but a few tliuui480(1 iul�abi-
talats, and is Ciil(-fly celebrated for Its
aloes and the gntxt of the dragon's
blood tree, mentioned by Sin bail the
le 't1veronlent con-
templated its occupation as ei4,r y as
188 4,. and even went so far I5$ to laud
droops there, but bubsequeofly ,.aabau
cloned' it for. Aden. Now, however,.
they have taken posseeSiou i11.etarnesi•
Situotl as was originally colonize:I by the
soldiers of Alex tattler the Great,' and is
gained 4a41 haViud been the scene of
Francis X Bier's missionary labors ill
„Lanny 11`1: r,r;.11".hi -:,
r .at a°, 44 1 %"'1t21824)4.4 4,) 9 , 4 ', 4'4 »'4,414,'
,tit an 44 1” ' '144 D- a .141 44 1 8),...t42,.•,_n'
a t 142 1 t 4 D .n.42.3 -rt,,. 5 al ' ttt'(4
D' n., t.-e.t•*' 2,.1•..4'
.t-.1 , a.• r: ..-.f. -44:4'.
423 ,,( )Nl'
t• ear 1. a 1r
..,t, sYi t« r
..i�� a 6"_,a a• ,i •.^ A 1. ,..
.'.?7`.1,C , ;A
, 51 t,, P, , 4ys9Y,'
w rii a.,$w..,,, a .
0 T/ til' A 8 A f L.
(14; V M.{ Al't«.
,t i.aa r t Viiin:'at'i -7" lli`Wif
t `tic: Ctrl"zuit
of on.
)1 1:;;1 'tN"1t "111 N t114ia1 it OF'
4444, .414.1 1 t! it ,, t1 , 1 :,4 I n, (48 i
9 a i a t
24.0 ,1)t 11(11 * 1 11.4 ('444 a 21 4'•,l a t of 7nr
D. 1244 10 11114#•14, :li a 6ct t.z.,4 scuta 4,1 Dar
tat 1,
.\a 1TRRA . vs. ,Li l a liAY,
1128212 ill lac otrell•41 for :(l.' 1*5 /Titbit' src-
t.t)N'N, 1' 11144.iSt. IN. ,1.i('t''11t4Nl'.L1i,
-AT 1'311
tho (',.8455)' at 1I 1.111, 4n1
S turd'yR 24th clay August
at (.WI, t4'.'here 1)4 tht u#i(rnaoll ui t1t o .4,pa+rata
p) l i la•tal4' fo11*ou42r 2 al rt,it 1U'0i*a r1)e 8
I AI t 1:7 No, 1. Lot 1a.3,in 1212.91111,2 C it Cession
a). tie. tuwu'11i1( 01 :fay,in the l'4,4ut801
celataainani4 1(111 ae14.•b,tttare to"
Montt, 1e1 e. nty-tllr, ( ta(•r,'s of t his farm are well
cleared, :and mato. cult t a tion. and the remainder
of the rat i5 tunhert,1 Whit a gaud hard wood hush.
.rlia'ily beech and utaa'2c, 1'11415' 1444' Stlela 41 dw 1-
1ina1 Ilou, e, and a;;outl brult,na this lot, aril ,t goad
81:((•.1 orchard of about tee acres.
No;,2,1,ot 144. u,in the Sud concession of
the said township of Hay. This is a bush lot.—
From the front zu acres 1110 tirnberhas been part-
ra1y cuile4, but the reit of Wu Jut is lresrvily wooded,
vhi'ity wit L6 gout' hard hood. The suds of this lot
alaorda .1 i1 excellent opportunity to the farmers of
till'- laleltdity, taut others vow.rat24Iy 11105 With or
acquiring wood lands in that vicinity,
Both lots aro corner lots - on the corner of the
3n(1and 3t 11 concession 1i11e114, the rear 4,2 thcul be -
log al,ontteli a mile hues from the London Rea
ruin within :l;utiles of thevilluge of iixete ,441'
in the midst .,f tho best farming country in 04
tarso. The soil of t1ese lands is unsllrpassed.foi
farming quaalities; a good creole rums through
both lots, and the laird is well watered.
There is a Church and also a Scl1,01 Horse Hi
the iruuradiatencigllburhood.ofthe pzOperty:
Tiro tittle to this property ir4 porneet and free from
all a L•tuulbratm005.
The nurclratser o4 each parcel will per ktown tt
deposit of tou per cent. of tho, pnroluts0 money rat:
the tiu.o of sale, to the 'Veireiol•'s Solicitor, and
will pay into Gault within 110 nays theunfter, suf-
Ilcent with such deposit to 1041450 up uoo-half of
the purchase money, and 1'i11 execute a 111 •rt,;uge
for a• balance there ant to the Erne Boprelsoutative
et the County 01 Buren, payable in three equal'
in(tatb11e11ts 111 (idle, t2vp, a ,d'thi•ec years from! the
day of suis witllilrt0rCst alt sc1 om per cern., pay-
11.b.e yeaarly, and upon pa in out of half aitch pur-.
chase money clan.) exceutIum of rnortgags. each
pul':laaacr ,rill 1)11 drrrtiticu 10 a 0011V0)03100„,,,11(1 to
helot into p ssutsie11,
As t' • PAIICEJ No. l pass04sian only sorts to en-
able the p111.4t11440r to do ,its fall p1oug111115 eau he,
given iutln0diatartyc neon pety}nemt of the 44po81 ,.
but pusr;ussiolr of'tbo clwollrug and of the pralu1108
othertvlse than aforosatil trxll 104 be given until
the month of IVaru1 44,4»,121101 11 101286110182 sub-
sisting thereon citplres.
The Real Itepreseubtitiv6 reserves to himself
power to adjourn the Bala if in his judgment an
adequate.price isi not Maim Bald puree's, andel-
so in that event should be see flan causer said
bush lotto be ofi'ureal far sato iutwo or lnorePar-•
(Sots 041 similar t08210 .
In all other respects the conditions of Sale will
bo the.standing conditions o4 41a10 of the donrt of
For furthorparticularrs apply to tressrs,GA1'ROV
1,4844&; 14A131.45u03rs'r, 004>r1 >11 and Winohant ;,
Mosses. Tiadal.l4 Ss ZBA8111'., Lomdou; and to the
Vendor's Sohci'to', Exeter.
Dated fltis iltlt day of July, 1878.
S tgned, W. 11. SQUIRES,
Real hep. 00; of Huron.
83. V. L"LT,IoT,
Vendor's. Solicitor,
• .Exeter,