The Exeter Times, 1878-8-15, Page 22
ON =LON 80,&00L
ever came across Ilia a feartul
,1 for rune, teed eaMe to grief that way.
!We3 ons the "Kitty B." as a temper.
lance craft."
"Krww anrthing aboutulelunbr "Well," I thought to mvself,"if that
Y"Y e'rt1`141Y'W not -"a 1."681. "ti is all the trouble there is about the
n't leit'us.,ana�f Pin". "
" at! Ordeals, I mtt
ay onsider myself see."
enow about weL,ons,„,I was disturbed for a nionl(ut about
14t)"11:,1 h°1". t° "t' tlictat" v?" 111,Y 1.°>" the kinship, :tad. the aptestioult I might
, tee aseed Let reeved to the entire Au
"Weil. that is better than 1.1204.!ag 7 Injuily_t% knowledge. 013 me pee 1,1
Low te, ected them. and mitre are geattet ii
(ad; isn,c
that waya'aelaty fast. et hi' yetatee ,
vet Vezipiltat'lleg!, Stith Mr. Allred
Wt tat a job?
Here wee at uneeeeeted propeset • le
true. on tee B.? ' It %%amid be this is the young mau that tielatel yowl
• "Seniethiug for your vine to grow
on. 1 eau whittle. you oue out. in uo.
safe.. •
"1 de not mole oue. though, and
ohlieed to Yon. I shall send the•phufl
ou shore te-day, Sea air will kill it."
EVideutly I had mollified Miele Kitty
a.Well, Enoch, you are a preeieuee
!ong time fluding out the time of
4.:tiksil the skipper from the &cite' • - • I
"Youeguitua," chinned iu a voice be.,
hied me. which I recegnized ae belong
' iv .'7VV-7,otot hitt tO Om captain's • if 'If • you Neill
See:aid 1 etaroli lapse. a-, a melon let me pass, 1 will fled out. Kitty. •
WitietreA. the t„,f:ast Of :cenunitthee
It:epee:le I iteeeleea,
or tout dtiys before the yaciet , eleivt out. of the water." Here Miee
31041 MO SC.1 aii$ lead of Itte.1-ens..• •
itna apE t.1. little New Kety, tor the first time, deigned to
wect:t1 r., matter ttf three or fo.,:r
t,Ir„ iths g4,i.tte to,
vee• v. ,r.c, .4: V etaZi.7-,',7 trt. y 'WW1 110111- , the tlest tuertiont I wave ignored. "..e aw,
the t P. ri- re, aheet. thee bring hen: r %wing luau," sahl ca.iittaitt.s
run ef thitage. 'e.,.17 wile she peilattel '111 13Y t "t b"ce (If b3e4" "e tA'w
It 'le 1 t all return flow leek at me and Ilushed crimeou
tat S6 t -t-11.41 % t
1:41AR1.4 V011 SALE. ---The subscriber offers
for sale, lov 13. eoeetesion 5, Stephea,
four wiles autl shall from Exeter, eouipti,iug
100 acres. 90 acres (geared. beam,
anti frame Welt, spleutli.1 water, salitit for
dairy or Fain, also u spleutli.1 sitrk4 ou
the premises„ Per farther isartieuhrs oppi.y
to ItzercArto on the premises,er to Esc: -
CHISHOL SuLet ae. et)
• le 0 'DON
1 .11.LL\ ELY S: 7,\I AN TLES.
of mum 1116,e, i,t1Wgg. Ot: 't tit:k haRka On deck. Yon will) olio! BEADY -NIDE.
is mon. tha,.. e3r1 tel eematete a, tear, ltv notteet e1ir.. toil, fl, taw tisit ia; seethe wee eleetet
t tt • •
A 'MUST 15, 1s7q
. venom
LL -
A s4imitt,;$: cow:
biomers,1). IL me.
Att sec—Ilgaruzes BK.ocu, NVatel troet.
it/14:4 142 1:
I AmsoN eADass:)
X r B.A.,
1 *
t emeeetter A wit:, 4 'ON 3W
farce ee:eer.
11, ,•,ZONES
4,1.; •
16.66,66-6666064,..66.6.6es. 4664,••••1.11.761.
i'lltetateer of
ten- Inv tree -stave r, lete tiptoe farad,. the five %elide in tete ettheose e4r,Zere BENBEI::tiON
vea eut to me lade night tee a Iii,elv •
01A:ilea to y‘gzi fee riektlIg taut„ 1 ite-i„ tee -D..2,1 zeto tee:regale,. t .tp%ttatil ri.a.ys, your 11,t1Iltw is Levee,et _er. te. • ttot
7tfCt.:4.1"; i1/4113:ti lig-Cfg4 t1tE tt.g' St4.1114.1. 1"..IttV.,11i. 1 In spe geol 7 .•• y.
CO..1 111-:: tee-A/fele ter
lasa„ 1 1 $ay, sTL.4i wry , e tiltt V.4!)Eat.11 Cc: a prim fry Pee eat seam ba.. Doti% ;ea yet.
tho. .:66#.g.ti
1t1eld 4. t. :WEE
ea... 'eel le la, 4 :. Ccetiathi.e,ot 164oursvilt. LAivti tut It. ;eel, t.‘" teeth w...kariusiN(i,
474 ittt.gtt :le
aoy, eeeeteett
aIf, ler 21.I4 -At' mtte:le. Wout ea 1. : eegrte•
r r
I I)
11NE 1
tejt44 4111 t4 4 , e „„hip :i. a yaiut. too
4kle the 47 ee ;jawit tt meal-inte, ” .
44ke6"'""rC`34' bet seI0NSrcES
14.; v. '; • • • T -•dier•a•ej itee leltrietiansre14 .
V. : b. . ;L..; ee.ter L. ,
te 4.. 1 t 131 \4-13 V.'" 314'3 14h V 17. t," 't^ It 1 147
1t,,,t11 a 1it .L••1;74 tt
tVittd tAvii '7' tt:ia. year 4,11430. my 4 a I
, • ... 461•;.1.' 4,r„, y, ,, ,.g 4, , g -,, agi 1 iiiii,..A.,e Ate urea little 174.4-1t.4.44ee tatuat "etch" Ikea. eee, a --s,,!pa# #:7r v#7. NiTelo.,;..cif i 6,..t., • r - • . .
odheect kuivee, met doe% help to Latter
vet eueer aith 11.14.; eqii1441 etteto. WV ::
i 414-0 titAt tiLg• 17::4,P6 lariiieit •IVs.
i °11:07 ie yeur fleet leateen. Yea ate net i ------
vi7443i1g,4 LI pa iit.,444.114 ; 1 141,:v tia.0 '.16,ei,
., t.'3" -IV. Novi', 1:114, 011 aVe, .3140 -,
TO t136 Le
, V ..11.1.41SP 1 Wt It:, 411- .3 :
4 ; -AI, I, 16. 3384 my l..PeL.....1-11t14:41 1-g '
1 EVI'Vt• t;it? t.. „lk 11,0: ; 3 78••••°1t33°° .14013-4! It with re tee t ca, „, e Loat y
111.1 1 4:-`1/4 6. 1,7
,, 1 bite gig* %%Vt.
1 •;;;-'g', 1 %;' gt":"i,*7 Mu :114
4. 437;741;3 1,14.. 7, •, g
4.t-'4.'t.3'leiale oat eeeteee- tet.a 41' "t.'41 4" '"11't'i
" - " .* • • :4.6 Ir Irk" 6.‘i.666 t4:1-'14 tg4'." 100:11.114'..
, et a te
6.-cmot. vn1144.
tag:g 14 Ili, -lit -
1 0, Darelaa Street,
L N (1
eke.% - roc,. zatal tFs fie '41
•et • • • tee :re 614744 '.erettle r 1at-1 eeteteco.
'‘e" 1,-e.
t'gt .2.- • t , . , •'g7'i :
A-•.: 1:
..Ke3:,44,3:,44,4:4-.'a".,.9L1' e *.
H. - ,., N3
,4fW.... 24;I.r e'°'1 ,. '„,l.,i11 i ,,." ';.., ....' , '. .1 '. ,',.'.....`..:...#...,` '. 1l'. ", 134,•.% :"4• . . 4.1,1 t4 1*...V, *.'I4t ''1i^„qt'o'i:''''t't
at .g1ilio ",.; ” ,I • ",:3:igA.,',
...g. eit J"'g..":';0-1..' • s- .1" ,.:.4- . ...I„v . :-, ' ,'Z7 ;4 l,.t,• .au• ;:,' 'y,er7e; l•.'a
f ,
.e.4L.11:i;.,v',d:„,- ;' 4.4)- 4 1,r7...," l.,;e' .4,,1 ,,,.y.'',:,,,,'.t",..4t,,'•1.t'.:a,,i.,;i1'1,, „:.;•..ia,,.1;%.lW.t,:.,,
t t 4, !: 1tr-,i ,:gg:v.
1"' ” . ,./.1 .4,,,:„1 ,,„A 1..,r•`••‘i•Ai'1,.''i47", ,,
'i4lV44I431 116 I331.Are.
444..4 . .. 4Pi1111ii111t,1474
t1.0CC,1e'1 ;"1. ,. 1 go 4 1N0 4 1 I . ,
1 1 l el'oc,,Z1atII ,1 74 4 14. i 3.744. ° 1
k 1.1 i %"1 glig 4,1 ::111 111L:vt.4i.. try 34 4, le eed 1.w re
101tYttri 1114-4-1g1 41,.i,444
441tt 4.4..1:tait u 13 11 ov:1 it:g•g131
11,ViII' 141071.1treettteetl-.
e.lIt : f 46 1' It 4.1' g :ti41,, thee i te ..e44 11 414134. by alitlael.t1
.it, 1 , t,,-,,, -h,
l• A. .1 • I. •••
eeee, tee 1.. !
V7"I 1.. 1414 461,4 •
144'16%, 34,4 g ot t• 1.0m 0011444
1 8441
4.„'Av. ,•,,e, , t7,1, ..4' 4r' -Ira l''yEJi,tih.•.1lar.144 ' 11 4 a "'4,”1 '0#47tx•341nIn Nil1010 T. 4. 74 111‘ 11rn t1 41111•*1 , 4
"".t. 1f•
ig0 03ig:31kt eti• ; 144, ;t
A t;l•ia
11 10...
ill el:the
7 . .
' t ;
N:0• #
%Wit 11 IN•A treade
iatery ittAUT. 114.i3tf New yott bac .r. y Sutolaiteieka1 !814-34t1ale.I t;14, .1 I1Is11 sare
rowedoatlut4,94.3 etett:alums 44 1-entire,
ee! ,,,leethreel/ere;tea.Y ve.?Lee, itVC. I,111 *-.h"3'17$.
g Vi'V'tg Tet 11111tV.. S0"''t13-3 14'. 3(4. t'..'ry 1 eves' oeae• ut, .1 *44 /%6•-rn,. L3 '1
1 3UOn ItVa/AIL'
'111- Itito i:ez. ihes/ •734W'(.. If yeti Ot ver th-l-l.».4. he
wsal riviwt td .1:teed t. etzehN4'- Fc1 E
4144 314,'oee/1elite 1441theeiewie01.„ et. op
744 eeteeteer 1inel ntet al a elect) 44 744141 e'*'i,,4., her etil‘ 1.3.4-4. 111-0 s two the aetee tee,
;141. V1/4
t- tv•
TT N1.
Nll re.•43‘i1 la -.g03/lilt:tilt/Atilt 144.4441
i,v1.1 titt,7 yidt1IO,
en',etAt11- at.ep..protedeelettt 1111111tit*tile-ftn teeehtt .
ee• a
ett teeeae,ne.." Ili , m•tl'
'i4 -41t' ;to. 1I"4'I;1i, or.eacmr it1teed tie
lett calen e. teutei it. %Na7 i"s3TI""
ef lttnethetils.eed wle matoty end teteiaetr ten, 44.311 there 'Will' ftiile t1-14.' telt:theta, if ye4414.141,1'1ItoIttt.,:ha1.toftauttnete a''“'4"IS1tth3313,4-,',4.4-'4.' etteete tattle. 111:t.., ilt n,i.%.I
el. title wet/tent, 4.74,1.74(1,l, ha1131.4441 iu. wel'i.)14.4*4,4444, w ote"
61 46,11441 4.3.7444
(1stay, "dm 414111 1141"t tit411'04' *14,t 141' 1.4.113111 11141rt 011 111.
141141 ,
Ir. er l'a•i-------------------3. .
itirift. tnliO i:siUt ZiOlig that
Ittl}thtn, 1.:130214 MI0.'34 11.'1'
Where lioets she hve ? dell't 11,.1%
11,10):It vont father. Tutt that. fish."
Bore wee rut avid:mom queetietts.
',rest 1 mey he patritneel when I Iv-
*-Ne'V York. 1,1-ter.lingeetatee
keeper." I felt it was at +pile teliee'
elate: Ihtteenn eartirely teetered the
paternal Arden.
"A id:111,g fOr 0 W01111114
With 11,1 It 117441.1 a 10 belp her. II you:
0 a young lvenote. Site tt, 'wee., father was 131 Arden, be tenet have lett
'Sr IllstIr w A 0
wholosak; and Retnil.
All or4er$ for otrotl nwo
(lettere. At htet, :titer eametteleag promptly attemiloil to
.yree all al frt. ell and 1/ tight as paito
I irtulv'tte• "4'1 lig 1%ilb 14' ais1443.411114: emild. Make it. A calico curtaio leve
:.2111, it 10.0A., MAI 11111.1.
, 011 r, (3344, (di a rb'''"4-' o
tf the
a, eeeebe iknm itt the seater of tire 001,corner uf Lilo 004,,
deck, Theta at stout, nettroulet leolaing
;here 1.73d a rack tight leehed to the
pereou had melted ou deck, awl 114363 of the. vese,31. 374141 ou this Wert
it'ating garniunt '" tpluntb. tette vine, weedy of iocarcera-
agouiteeng termsbole barrelled 1,8 eke., bee '11174)1 (4141 teudrils, 14.4 if lee:t-
ile it 4.1441 Hilitrg aral jtunpiug into it, 1
lag to zO through the skv-light. Oe
easily reecatd the beirt from 0.watere ,
eat:eerie eirelf were quite it number 18.
geay.. Tee hetet woman, to wboan 1 books. :Iv intrusions seemed to start-
net/et:eel IL wbatever it was called, wee.
preheat iu itee tintukb, teed had 6 -aid.
11.a:tree yunug men, that vete
tiewn g474 (1 of you, and, itat Wi-
tted tel V.911. it belOttgeti to 111y daugh-
ter. Take at melee ?" and a Ltuge mel-
ee was tucked ihte my arms as 11 44. had
been a baby.
*.ely wife," contiuued the skipper,
is in town, tratliug, collide% art autte
thines posietvely about yam witheto
coneultiug her. But if y. u ain't me
verde, you can buckle to right, now."
"What's to do, exactly ?" I lather
incautiously iequired.
-Teed the (Irate Clean her deele,
off mornings, help to eass melons, mid
hand ins the money for 1110M if you
bell auy. What's your uaine ?"
My mane 1 Tbe capteit, had a dread.
fully direct manner of putting things.
I trust the Poet Leureete will forgive
1110 whet], after a tuorneut's hesitation,
I told tay confiding skipper I was celled
4-1u.00ll Aided.
Ardeu 1 Ardeu !" said the oaptein.
eyeletg me closely. "Lurd blessinc !
yen don' say so !"
I euppobe I looked confused. Was
there a scepe,goet by the name of Ai. -
den that honest skipper kuew ? Wes
there a line and. cry Weer any Arden 9
"Anis() 1" repeated the captaia,
"and &mob 1 Well, dela is strenge.
Yo ti need not,be aeintmed, though, or
the tonne. I have known lots of 'ere.
Ite.ated to any of . the people 'reund
Bootle Bay or Narticutt's Ledge ?
They were sea-fariug mem, 'most every
mother's son of 'em. My wife hes
some of the Arden blood in her-. Teilla.
1V11.811 ' Kitty—that's our daughter—
' :pule oe high awl lofty airs, we day that
comes from the Arden stock: • Strong
poiute in the Ardens, but no end of
..vith a broken *poutin tor heed and
W0.$ weee-ing her plants,
"There how, petitg man," exclaim ea
the youele persota, rather elteepiy,
.itIO whet you have made me (10—Ii
this water on the floor 1 It it, aim .it
germ), tell father. You ere Vie /lee
man ? Yon maid your name mu_
"Atelen, miss." I commented to
mietrnst the Ardeus again.
..Arjell—Arael) Willtt
your mother lung nee., ttleaye
did it." Here 1 *hook lay head grey.,
ly. c manned the eitpteiti,,
wife, 1.1 did not meet to lime you,
thelings, De you ever write to 51'u
mother ? Sakee! your lieu will born !
Do it once at month. If you want ide-
te or morel precepts, ils a eon ehottl.1
write, emue to me. tit:a-faxing Mei:
have flugers like umeliee-epikes and
moetly 1)0 more braille: than at ettpatuti.
letioell, I do like yeur looks. You
"Enoch, miss," I replied.
"Eurieli 1 Well, it, does not sigay. leein 10 take hold Den% tonell War,
I supBasuoltl'u aotruts tiev.
poee mother settled your comlig
444' was inade by any !lunette b• -lug but
last Melo. Breakfast will be ream,:
when you. cook it. W e de not alio;
wet boute down here. See the track,
you have made?"
I did Wok, and found I had indeed
made tracks, and I felt very cotnable -
orma. Dted there unserabiy. 'El e
Seen a reception, on the eve of er-liat I fArden blued 6310133 out io him. I nee -
heel taken to be a. romance; was cer-
, er, tnough, call 1011.101 111311. I ring! t
teeth, uot agreeable. Evideutiv eel
1110. D.111.1 prond and lofty, ,Iii .1114714,
1 lettl it sou ouce, Euuoli, fietleepised
our calling. lie lett mt. it EV/1.0 a,
Ardeo, a wild outlived.) of his, wee) led
Ithn into vioe. My boy 4.11(31114 410
Kitty B. (for the craft must heve been
rimmed utter the Young lady) was not
frieuuly. She rather seemed imoliued
to bate the head uil of the unfortunate
new comer. She eveu deprived me of
the sight of her pretty person, fur she
disappeared bellied the eurtaie. I was
not quite certain whether I. would se-
oe()t tbe time of day she bad given me,
se I exaniieed the'faou of a Lig silver
watch. One of 1110 viues—a L outhere
paesion-flu Wer, with its tendrile---bad
dent tt. tiny coil ciente round the rusty
nail ori which the time -keeper lame.
"Somebody, iu taking. down this
watch, will be sure to break your pretty
',lent. Would you mind, provided
have the time, if I made a trellis for
yon ?"
"A trellis W1*at is a trelle. 2" said
tteak uues. Elwell, 1 hope it Leet so tire ynung lady, eetuitig !rum bellied
111 year ease, but meettvery Artier! I the curtaie.
Is well tell yon, plump aid plan), no
fooling 1 aVonufl Kitty. Civility I do
211*1 01.);.ot to, but cothiug it too, heavy
8 :Mt llowed. Now, Enoch, I guess
ve the ship's regUistious. Dish
A.Dcl now we are acquaint.
ife," cried out 'the eaptaie just
teeu "It is ee end of talk there, Ha
no akfaiit. r vill mutiey."
him 1 13 less Ins ola 801311
bet r man never lived. We never had
be ue grief, and that was ever our
he who went aetray. Here, you;
slecarry tithe breakfast demi below.
ooh, forward ie the hatch ; you can.
up amen. Always tidy up 13 bit be -
131013124." •
(To be.continned.)
nodal," said the op'u's wife
A dog's bark may be worse than his
ite, but we prefer the bark.
THE Gail ATE:41.!
Wonders of Modern Times
TIolloway.1 Pills &Ointment
Tee ten,- enetry the Mood.correetall,ligordere
Z1711271;1 leiLl =I:34.0;11101 titsiv.,t11, re
8431 •.{ 213K,
Tee Oteeneet is the only reliable remedy for
13a.i begs, Old 'Wounds. Sores a lel 'li•er , of 001.
311741 long Rt., hdi414.4. For Brom.171 Us. Diphtheria,
Colds, Gout. Rheumatism, and all kin. 043(314
New Tork Counterfeits.
Spurious imita.tions (13 "Holloway's
and Ointment," are manufactured anu held
under the ulnae of " 'Holloway & Co.," by 3.
Fleury, Curreen 41
l)allY'l; 1 zgr-
gists, and 4,0 by he llorc
politan IIdi- eoinlau.of
Now York, with alti.SlitilOgi(1 trade
mark, multi---
,Tosevii litt.setoc) of --Again one
wis0 misses off New York,like-
own. make under coonterfeitsof his
the Immo 03 1301.
loway ez Go., having fora trade mark Crosent
mud Snrpeut moKessen 33 1tobbin s of New York
are agents for the 24411110.
'Phase persons, tho better to deceive you, "US-
blitshiugly eautienthe public:ill the small beaks
of directions %nixed to theh• medicines, whieb
(4.170 1(33,119' thespurious imitations, to Beware o
ITascrupnious Dealers o Ptain them at vory
low prices and sell them to tho onbm in Calla-
o, as my genuine Pills and ()Altman ts.
I most earnestly a.oclreSpeetfully appeal to the
Glerg,v, to 'mothers of families mud other ladies
and the public generally of British Nortli A m uri-
ea, that tlu3y 419143. 3.0 pleased to depoinize uu-
spariugly those irmuds.
Purchasers 341)019143 10031 to the label on the pots
and. boxes. If the audross 18 not 539, Oxford
Stre Loudon, they are the counterfeits, Each
pot naidbox of the.Genuine Medicines, (40(119 33)0
British Government stamp, with the worcl.
engraved. thereon: On the label is
HOLLOWAY'S P123194 14144) 0INTAINN1`,elitiockiitlrOeisis,",
533 Oxiord Street, honuoh,where alone they are
Mn,utifttaturtitl, Parties who may be defrauded
byVe actors selling apiaries s "Holloways Pills and
Ointment as ley goun 11113 91'1.k6 7411,' on com-
municating the pnaticulats to me, be amply 110-
mtuera bed, a ud tbeir n me never divulged.
THOMA.8 uouowAY
5330 :ford. St., W.O., 33‘01133011.,13ngland
THE Bar IN ME Mil1iKET.1
"1.1 tee tie el.'s
t" -1 3 1 %
Lund Roaper.3.
WE WM A. 1: lei
et our 434114311116*171
Single Mowers
Oin-g le Reapers
in all kinusof Grass and G 11, on all euu
itiont, of soil mud
Wo also offer a Trial of our 'Wrought bon
wo Dm,
Maebines supplied Ntitil
1.'WO P1111343118,
'Two Drug -bars,
Two Finger -bars.
Four Knives,
Forked and Keyed.
Self -oilers,
etc., te.
can be changed. from Mower
Lc) Reaper
yrom oval of lour bolts, ansiniess bliantifteen
minutes' time.
Please call at our walks and inspe
our•Machines before purchasieT
• elsewhere,
Send for Catalogues.
Manufacturing 0o., Stretford.