The Exeter Times, 1878-8-8, Page 88.
TRE TIMES AIIGtJ r 8,t8i .;
Fall shows will be held during 1878 as fol-
South Enron, Exeter, October 5 and 6.
Western Fair, at London, September 30 to
October 4.
Mitchell fall exhibition, at Mitchell, Septem-
1•er I9etud 20.
Biddulph Agricultural Seeiety, at Granton
eau September 10,
West Huron, at Godetzth, September 18 and
Central, at Guelph, September. 16 to 20.
Provincial. at Toronto, September :33 to 27.
. n----- -
A choice assortment of
entitled "Church Hoslitality," which was a
credit to the contributor. It also contained an
interesting article on the "Power of gnaw"
ledge" contributed by the editor.
ON A Visit,-Rev Mr. Steele,' from the
Methodist Conference of Prince Edward Isl-
and, is at present ou a visit to•Exeter. He is
the guest of Bev. J, W. Butcher, pastor of
Exeter B. C. Church. Dir. Steele preached in
the C. M, Church on Sabbath morning, and
addressed the Sabbath, School le eottue:doe
with the Bible Christian Church iu the after-
lio r A lo. Wt:r, nage received a eolnTuuuica-
tion signed " A Geuu'ne German," but the
writer has failed to send along his real name.
We have repeatedly informed. our readers that
we rennet publish «eommunieations that are
not accompanied by the real name of the
writer. Auy naive will answer for publication.
We may as well inform the writer, however,
.hat the part grapit to whish he hes reference
was merely itatended a. a joke and not as an
insult or a reilectou on anybody.
Ax OrrNio .-"The Exeter TIMES is improv -
ng* greatly of late."
The above i$ from the Parkhill Garette. c
et prices that will campare favorably with batis-e beea repeatedly told by subscribers that
other Dealers.
the Times, of late, is mare interesting and cnn-
tltR MOTTO-" Permanent Satisfaction," tains more news than at any previous period of
s' r I,ialtirs s a s'ecitllitw its existence. We are glad to know that nor
Lee- (,Olt Fr r fi 1 efforts to get up a tir;t•elans local journal are
w.. bt broth.
Maw. eitur,i by our res+lora as well ate ,
. r journalists. It. ie the intention of the pro.
prietor of this pttbhcstittn to keep it up to it:;
TRt RSI>AY, AL i11r L T t. 178. present lei; h standard. Now is the time to
- _ •ubccril,c.
Nair. Wine Vit:e;'ar, for u'athing lfatpberry
To ("nN r,t-urEs.T-Tile advertiser. a retired
linear. at livinVe Chip (lrect ry, physician, heaving providentially .discovered.
Hrarn rums. -etc have reeaived from Mr. 3 while a medienl missionary in Southern Asia.
.tams &itching, now in England, enpit•s of :a very si•nplc lapsable remedy for the speedy
Wish papers.end 1•er)nau,nt Cure of consumption. asthma.
4 IN Tnver.-\Ir, Jfalc:dtnqen barri++trr.ef the nrouchitn;. ea ar:h anti all throat nail lung af-
' $ &renal, also a rosier,. aunt relied sorei>ic for
tree 44 Male.Imee'n da Cantly. of Goderich and nereoul dtehiliv premature els ewe, and all iter•
tee`!•, stent 'la nae Pete it his duty to make it
F:x•`tf T. aces in town nn Tanc;3;y, 1
I1nRIltelllrR,.ItII)mt. f' t i t t t,
Tnh:rec,, Store. ohar„t•r t" all nha desire It, the recipe for pre•
Virile:. and full.t n-etious fs•rwacee,sfully alstu^,
this pro\itlentittily diseovenal renteay. Those
Lenuais. lags, s, Pat, s, luta, etc., at Tamp'; ; i + ' f 11 is s. ` 1 let tt 1 by
_let' maice Ire will cheerfully scud. d4CC at'
P.xerrst,ex.--Srveral of the resident Minis• y
t• rs ani Rev. Mr. Seale. of t`ItarloPetown.
l'r.irce Fselw;tr:l. drove bacl, to Lake Haran oral :whet wi.i► it avail thtwist'lt14 of the beuedte ut
Soralay grad -Tent Ott a very o'nj:tytiblY' time 1, this tli•t not ty witleout eo.t.e:tu do s-, b; rretina.
a mail. by :elates -bag. with startup, Dn. outman:
AT. Weems A. AMN.--- 'f' are Plat. to sire that a L, 33,Nia.•ara st.. pneeeo °Neat
MI' J.`I`n Oran".'. the obliging baageman at ; !t!:orNn AGAIN. --Mr. Thos. l issett, of the
the > tatinn, who lied hi: hall 1 sit seve'rel.v firm of Bissell Brothers, whet) nut on a sbrot-
injurea a sh .rt time aP;n. is able to be at were i ib eexp,'dition sons' iourit'cn years ago had a
gain at bis hared 0eenpat'.'n. ; a grain of tine slue accidently shot into one of
Ben heat:, --The Exeter hall players bawl its finger-. Dfr. Iii: crit experience(' no pnil) in
had very little practice this season, bei they the huger until a rhrnt time ago. He was
are now eippsre•utly waking up. A gam° vias shaking hands with a friend at the station
playe.1 between two ideate" nine: on Tuesday which eause,t'the ring whicll he wore on the
when some good playing was done, finger he press o1 the spot ahem the shot was
Orr nN A 1'Istr. -•:air. George Willis, and imbedded, causing intense rein. Mr. Bissett
airs. Willis left am Tuesday mamma for the
pupae arf paying a short visit to their rola•
fives iu ('nbaure. They will be absent about
a 4021111gbt. We wish them a pleasant visit.
Hui l'ruI' W+eons.--Mr. Dolton, whose shop
is situate" a -bort distanee north of Exeter, is
prepared to dig wells and lett; in pumps on the
e•hnrtest notice and at reasonable rates. See
advt'rtirement in another column.
New FANx.-The buihling sonth of Thorne
& Farmer's Star Grocers, lately occupied as a
store by Mr. Thomas Greenway, is being fitted
up for a ionic, the Exehange Bank of ('anada
having determined to open a branch here. Mr.
Hastings, late of Telford, in the Manager.
Ma. G. Kemp is agent for the Allan Line.
Tickets at low rates.
1)Iaa•Iuvr Mstrzxe.-The District lfeethig
in connexion with the C. M. Chinch will be
held in Exet• r on Friday, the 16th inst. A
number of Ministers from different parts of the
.district will be present, and there toil be a
public meeting at which addresses will be &
is seentling his holide s at Hamilton. He
atilt return in about a weak.
-Mr, W. H. Verity is at present in Port-
land, Maine, where he went a week or two ago
for the benefit of his health and to have a
.bort , espite from business.
TEE MARKET BCILDING.-Tbe contract for
the erection of the market building has been
awarded to Mr. John Fuke, his tender being
'- the lowest. Mr. Fuke has some of the materi-
al on theground, and it will not be long be-
fore the building will be completed.
Wire Srohn Tnn MAIL: -We have been in-
formed that the two persons who pickedup the
mail bug which they found lying on the plat-
form at the station here ware two young men
omit for a spree. They threat/ it iuto the smok-
ing car, and then went into the passenger car.
At Centralia they skipped the train.
NEW' CABBAGE. GE. - On. Monday last Mrs. C,
Hahn camp into this office and presented us
with a larges head of cabbage, the first of the
season. The .egetable was grown on Mr. Jas.
Airtis's farm, Thames Road, Usborne. Mrs.
Hahti evidently understands gardening, The
weight of the cabbage was 4 lbs., 12 oz.
CnsniranL11.-At the recent examination for
third-class certificates five candidates out of
sever from the Exeter School passed success-
ful exauiinntione, one of them obtaining the
second highest number of marks that was ob-
tabled iu the county, and all the others passed
very creditable examinations: This is very
er.iditable to Mr. Gregory, the teacher who
trained them for the work, and shows that un-
der that gentleman's care the school has at-
tained -a high state of "proficiency.
1:, P. C. A. -The regular meeting of the B. C.
'Young People's Christian Association was hekt
en Tuesday evening. As usual, the pro
gra:nn .e was interesting. The first number of
CouscxL,-Council met pursuant to adjourn.
ment at the School House, on July the 5th.
Present the Reeve and Councillors Howard and
Samwell. The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were read and confirmed. Moved by 0, Nt
Howard, seconded by G. samwell, that the
clause' in reference to price of building on
Market Square in motion passed the 22nd of
July be rescinded, Carried, Tenders for
building were received from Dyer Oke & How.
aril, John Puke, Thomas & Richard. Terry,
and Ross Bros. dt Taylor as follows :---Dyer
Oke & Howard, 11299 ; john Fuke, 5285 ;
Thomas & Richard Terry, X345; Ross Bros. &
Taylor, 538+3: dosed by G. Samwell, second-
ed by J. N. }Toward, that Mr. Fuke's tender be
accepted, provided satisfactory security be giv-
en, contract to be made before 12 o'clock to.
morrow, -•-•Carried. A communication from
Mr. Fake asking the attention of the Council
to a diteh on Carling Street was referred to
the Road Inspector, who is also to see to cross-
ing at Mr. McInnis'. Moved by (i•, Samwell,
seconded by J. N. Howard, that this Council
eatimrn until call of the Reeve. -•Carried. M.
I:1011 TT, Clerk.
Tis WEATHER. --The last week has devel-
oped a good deal . of weather in these parts.
There has been warm weather and enol wea-
ther, dry weather and wet weather, and thor.
tiut,hbred weather and mongrel weather. Itt
feet them has weather to suit all ages, classes
aa-ul conditions of the human family. It
has . been distributed ,with the nicest
impartiality. The most eleeided portion of it,
however, was the thunder, tart" the most strik-
in the lightning, On Sunday evening, just
Ona warship was concluded in several of the
ehurrhes, the most violent storm of the season
burst over the town. The crash of the thun-
der sounded awful, and the hashing of the
lightning was fearfully sharp and close. The
streets, were soon converted into small rivers.
and the sidewalks were cleared of pedestrians.
The storm lasted. about half -an -hour. At that t
had the shot extracted, but infiamation set in,
and heves confined to alehouse for sari many,
The pniu wan so preat that Mr. Bissell spent
three days and three eights without sleeping,
and wlton he ventured nut last neek he wee
quite weak, bat is now gradually gaining
MIMED nr A H)ns .1iItxly nn Monday
morning Thomas Feuwick, a lad of about 1.4
years of age, son of Mr. William Feuwick. of
Exeter, vent out to feed and <lean the horses,
ami while dein; something behind one of the
animals it Ideked the boy in the faee and
knocked hint down. Wheelie was picked up
be was uncousoious. The bay was taken to
the house, and on the arrival of Dr. Browning
it was found that the wounds which the lad
had received were very severe. His jaw bone
was badly Waled in two places, his teeth
ware nearly alt loosened, and Itis face was very
severely mangled. His face will be scarred in
two or three different places from the effects of
the Kick. ' Although the patient remained un-
conscious the greater part of Monday he is
now progressing favorably,
C. M. Fxsrt'v a. -An ice cream festival in
connexion with the 0. M. Church was held on
Thursday last. That day being observed as a
civic holiday in this town a great many avail-
e•l themselves of this opportunity to spend a
pleasant and sociable time. The Pastor, Rev. when they re-formed into procession and
Mr. Mitchell, and those who assisted in pro- marched through the principal streets, the
paring the various amusemeuts spared no ef- bands, and some of them the best in the Prov -
fort to make the affair a success. Quelling trice, playing choice selections of music. ,The
coquet, base ball, etc., were indulged in, and sight of over a thousand firemen, with their
a pleasant time was had, At 5 o'clock the 'handsome uniforms and their banners waving
children of the school were served with ice above them, formed an imposing sight. Exeter
cream and other delicaces in the basement of has good reason to feel proud of the tarn -out.
better then
well s Y not be er
• was Our brigade looked as E a !
the clhtiroh, after which the public served g
After all had partaken of the excellent viands that of any other town, and many a well -
they repaired to the body of the church, where deserved compliment was paid them by Mein -
addresses were delivered by Revs. Messrs. By. gers. Dinner was served iu the skating rink,
an Butcher, Hartley and Mitchell. At the and about twelve hundred partook thereof.
close of the speeches tin( audience dispersed, i'here were seven long tables extending the
all being satisfied with the day's proceedings. entire length of the building, These were well
"Dni'T Tees A Bzaoes BITE 'CIrAx you .adeu with the necessaries of life. The middle
cAN Casty -&Tr J. W. Bi•essey, lately publish- table was fined off in the highest style of the
er of the Forest Mercury, has taken very hasty decorative art. It was for the ilfayors, Beeves,
leave of his friends in forest, and is supposed
to be "over the border." Once upon a time
this gentlannai. was doing a very thriving book
and stationery trade, but upon a newspaper be-
ing started there, it entered his head that it
was too bad to allow one man to monopolize
the printing business of a town like Forest,
and shortly after started a rival paper. He
was a deterrnined. fellow, and his previous
earnings enabled him to wrestle with a news-
paper business for about a year. The result
has been that the newspaper business in For-
est has been wrecked, and the fortunes of the
once well to•do bookseller brought to the Low-
est ebb. The fact is ho took a "bigger bite
than lee, oonld chew," and his case might prove
a warning to greedy penple,-Parkhill Gazette.
I3nonyass....-Since nary eat commenc-
ed business has been very dull, but at -
ter the present busy season is over, no
doubt our village will again assume ire
astral lively, business -like appearance,
Ham, --Although almost every'kind
of business is dal:, building operatious
in Beneall are being extensively carried
on, About, twenty buildings, have been
erected this season. One of our batche-
lor citizens has just cum', 'Wed a hand -
Borne residence, and it is expected that
he will soon take unto himseli a part-
ner in life,
A Goon YIain.---Ian+t fall fall 2tfr.
Thos. Shute, of lot 14. con, 5, Ushortre,
obtained seed wheat of the gold medal
and Klanssen varieties from the United
States. The crop was threshed o')
Tuesday of last week, ,end yielded over
40 bushels to the acre. This is good,
considering tette shrinkage in the wheat
crop throughout this sectit'n this year.
EXTRAORDINARY Y1i,r,x). - The best
yield of fall wheat we have yet heard of
this year hi that of ;ter, James Hoag.
sou, lot 18, con. t3, U+.borne. 1I
threshed Treadwell wheat on Monday
last, and had a yield of 58 bushels to
Beat this at
the acre, I3e t -I who can.
uta a e, a .
time church people were allowed to go Meme,
tihortly le fore three o'clock ou Tuesday merit-
ing we were visited liy another etorua, even
more severe than its predecessor. While it
lae;ted the ligntt)ing was alum at bwesshtllt, and
fears were entertained that serious damage
w"ul,l be done, Tbie vicini'y, however, so far
as we have heard, esrnpetl unscathed.
Ca,rsuntsi:tr.----We aro just in receipt of the
eutreut number of "Petl'taur's CunuterfeitDe-
aeeetor" apulltieation that is taken. preserved,
and daily consnited by btntlters, brokers, hotel
x.•t'pera, manufacturers, merchants, and store.
ke'•pel•.a. The Detector is. as is well known, au
infallible safeguard agaiest loss from :owner -
Mt money, of which there ere enormous quoin.
titles now in eirenlatiun. All bogus hills and
coins are immediately deseribed in the Detector
as soon see they make their appearance. In
its pager are also given valuable news concern -
Money, stock'., bonds. national tn,l State
banks. and other information of great value to
Business men, &c., and is, in short. a very val.
unble publication, turd no bushiest; man in the
eunutry should b1. without it. Tito rats' of sub.
seriptiou for the Monthly issue is only $1.50 a
.sear; Semi-monthly, ft3.(X) a year. Subsetip-
voue may committee with any tuenth, and aro
payable in advance, A canvasser ennld get up
a list of subsribers in this neighborhood. An-
dress all communications to the publisher, T.
I3. Peterson & llrothers,No.ZOt'i Chestunt Street,
1•hiladellahia, l'n,, for specimen copy and adver-
tising rates.
As there is a great furore now about Old
('pins, we would advise all to get a copy of Pe.
tersons' (bin iBook, eont tieing perfect Vic -
Finale impressions of the (Joins of the World.
It will be sent by mail, postage paid; on re
MO of 81. -by T. B. Peterson & Brothers,
1'niladelpltia, Pa.
Tie Fraeuas's DEMONSTRATION. -The Fire-
men's demonstration in Woodstock on Thurs-
day last was the grandest and most successful
affair of the kind ever held in Western Ontario.
The most complete preparations had beenmade
for the reception of the visitors, and citizens
of all classes appeared to vie with each other
in their efforts to make the day pass away
agreeably. The town was gaily decorated, and
no expense was spared in the extensive prepar-
ations. The various brigades, whicb numbered
about twenty, were met at the railway stations
by the Committee, accompanied by the excel-
lent town band, and escorted to the market
square, where they disbanded until 1 o'clock,
If, the above is true concerning Forest, what,
can be said of Exeter, a much smaller town.
Places like Forest and Exeter which have one
good paper to represent thorn iu the world,
tho Rising Sins wader the management of Mr. before supporting a anon(' ,-paper sho"ld wait
John Grigg, the newiy appointed editor, was l until the town has sufficient population to al-
:•eul. The pager. ountaiued 9 oommutiicution 1, low two journals to live respectably.
members of the press and other distinguished
guests. After this important part of the, pro-
gramme had been filled, the firemen resumed
their march, and proceeded to the race course,
where games of several - kinds were being con-
tested. After lunch the torchlight procession
started from the, market square. Nearly all
the firemen took part. The windows of all the
houses and the arches were illuminated, and
with the firemen discharging Roman candles
in the air the spec;acle was avortb going a long
distanceto see. There was not a single bitch
in the demonstration throughout. The arralege-.
nients were complete, and harm ouized perfectly
with one another. Everything was like clock-
work. The right. men were evidently in the
right place. The western brigades Left by G.
W. R: about ten o'clock, ;and the Exeter excur-
sionists arrived• home abont two o'clock' the
next morning, after having 'passed an exceed-
ingly pleasant dsy.
Farr. Snow.---'('I'e fall exhibition
soder the auspices of the Iiidtlitlpb
Agricultural Society will ho held in
Grantor. on the 18th of September
ini '
s - e 'armors h'
ltd.- h a tla i
TtrnF F] Z'
vicinity are threshing nut their full
wheat. It, yields very well, the t -v,
erage yield being shunt. thirty-five
bushels per acre,
Wrepow SawAsurD.--In one of our us
nal Donnybrook rows a few days ago,
Mr. Webb, One or our merchants, tun-.
fnrtnnately got one of Itis etore win-
dews badly mashed,
Cnrertrr.-•This pleasant game is
vers dull jest now, \\'e never got
ri::Iatly over the check of last defeat.
Think we could shake up Exeter team',
y7t, Don't bo mad, Calouel, wer e
naly, joking,
ATTrilIx'TFn Sr•1(^IDE.•--Or1 Friday of- i
ternoon of last week our usually quiet
'Mao was startled by the .report that
the rife of one of our viilegera beta
matte an attempt at self-iiestrut :inn by
swallowing n quantity of r'trychnir,e.
Amessenger Was immediately despatch -
ad to Zurich, and Dr. Donee hastened
here with .all speed ; but before he ar-
rived,the poison began to take terrible
effect, throwing her whole body into
violent sl,aFlns, busking her fairs, and
rendering ber incapable J'f swallowing
anything, so that all bops of saving
her life was lost. The doctor's ingenn
ity, however, was oval to the occasion,
and he succeeded iri injecting sufficient
medicine into one of her army 0 coun-
teract the effect of Lite poison. In a
short while she was again able to swal-
low, and from this time she gradually
recovered. It appears that her bus -1
band had procured the strychnine some I
time ago for the purpose of poisoning!
foxes. We have not learned the cause 1
of the rash net which canto so near
being fatal, but we t,n,jeratand she has
since attempted to hang her -elf. She
is a middle-aged woman, and the moth-
er of five children.
mops. -The fall wheat, which in
now harvested and partly threshed, is
one of the best yields known in this
neighborhood for many years. The
spring wheat, however, doeb not look
so well. Noma of it is badly (damaged
by the midge, ,ante will scarcely be an
average crop- Oats end peas look well,
so that upon the whole farmers have
reainn to be thankful.
MEnxost.-Drs. Buchanan & Donpe.
of Zurich, bavi eft opened a branch
office in this village, one of them will
he hero at 9 a. m. every Tuesday and
Friday, for th3 purpose of receiving
patients and attending calls.
rage and those 'who are to receive as-
sistant's certificates, •
*Female candidates are permitted to
write when 16yearsof age, but not en-
titled to a certificate until the full age
of17. The same rule: r4iplies to raalN
versity of Toronto,. Atanding second candiilatys who aro 17 ; they are nut'"
in the first plass in Classics, third in entitled. to cert.ifieate'nntil 18.
the first class in English, first it. the
second class tel French, and. also ob-
taining second clotty honors in History
and Geography. Miss Kate A. Hardy,
also a pupil of the Goderich High
School. has just passed ;a 'successful
professional examination at the Toron-
to Normal School.
EXAtsINATION.-The following is the
'Rosie. otira,iye poweis iu thnusataes of en -
result of the lehlyd-Class e?f'amination. ttosf lsitlSisdntyt0makeitknowu itltlis lnf
The palls mark uvea 650. In•neatness tering fellows.. Actuated by. tbia motive, and a
tonne felltous desire to retial 0 hmnau "eulfortna,
of,t etara,uie the aero ware dPCt(d•'tdwi17send.freeofeharge',toalt wholes
pp p 1 isree, a evtthfttll direutionsforpiupar,ut,uutt
Baker Belfn ..884
13nteber Jennie.,.....1,088
Black ,Tawe,.,... • 847
.l3rowt Jessio..........,988nuder age
(/Corbett Martha 1,027 "t
Ounninginun Ci. J„.790 c" e..*
'joIdwall Sxrab....,,.,$8•i
I)rot Mary
Eadie Julia..............• 780
Eliza...-. ,,,,,966
Foxton Mary A,..,,...,78`•)
Iit rriv t tlelintt.........t3>1uttder agra*
H l hip Alalic (3..«......7011
Hogarth Emma.. 786
Ittll•liiltu)> Minnie 782
Higgins Alice b; ▪ under age*
ltamiOti0 rite., 805
Kinsman kisunaul.,..,.93(3
Dirk 31iron da.-... 796
L•.gie Urpice...... S>3
M tibee ilitttni^^., l(t1
Mel adv (lnthwt^ins..,«ti@tl
Murray Jane, .8i7
O'Ijrtra liatie..., 886
Patterson Isabella :832underage*
lteinheart 4lenrieta 885
Rowe .troll da ..., 700tluder agee
Richardson Enpltenaitt 7:3:3
Rogers lariat A.,..,826
Riley Elizabeth. , gat)
Richardson C• L..,r 11
liadpit kala ,,.,, 7?''
lt.-iclllnit,•sta,.., 7 +7
S haw Elizabeth,
'\on1011 Hannah 0'.....Htl3undera e'1
Alton Thomas
Aealstreing V`illuaM J.9.14
:' t'tustrump; J,ise'ph,,,,1 1at
I3ncnanala (toot'. e• ,6112
Barbour ilntiert.,........878
(it•wn11 Edwla d b.., lirdlunder age4
Crest:W.11er C. L•..,,.1.101
'rnnniean M.
Clutton \\ri:litam II.....915
I)tost Joseph H.........854
eabie avis ......,...«.. -till
Dever 'William
Evans E dwaad«.
k;eltlin lleorge W
Evans William
Fee Edward.............f189
1`.111lser 1)upgla.a. «,,..,,f?tt,i
Ferguson James A..,.«,.Irl+"sunder ago4
Gibson Joseph...-.
Henderson Tltnmes.,..79d
Harknnse Robert,«.....Si',r. )
Ilays Adam
Harrison George \V...9l6nnder ages
Ha tie
Hawkins John C..,...« i7
Jack. on Alfrt d......,..,7 7 C.
Johnston \\'t'lianl 11.1,928
King William
L, ishman Thomas .....720
MMMc1ienzie Donald .....991,
McNaughton Donald -797
McLean John..,, 854
3lcKay\William %Winder age
Miller Richard 7R5
McDonald James.,.,788
Miller lfiarsl)tal.,..... 795
Parkinson Mathew8111
Runiball Mtark........ .,834
IRnse. Donald .(l. ...1,018
Scutt George W762
Shannon John.. ....775
Sage George 7e21
Weatherhead )oho.., 711
Whittingham F 705
Walker Wiliiam878
Certificates •tts assistant teachers
were awarded to the following on 80
per cent. in arithmetic, and the ns -
nal requirements in other respects :--
Bastard Grace Mary758
Dickson 1+'.liz%812
Hislop Mary J ..... 669
Miskimings Marthn,661under age*
O'Neil Mary ....748
R'sa Joan....... ...ft97nnder age*
Sanderson Jennte....,.737
Taylor Maggie . 756
The following resolutions were ad-
This Beard is decidedly of the opin-
ion that the algebra paper for 8r. 1 class
candidates was entirely out of keeping
with the regntremonts laid down in the
That the Secretary notify the can-
didates as to which Model School they
shall attend, preference to be given to
those receiving the highest marks, ex-
cept in ease of tb•,se who are under.
HIGH HONOBS.-ire are pleased io
see that Mr. Donald McGillivray, a
pupil of the Goderioll High School, has
carried off high honors at the recant
matriculation examination of the Uni•'
N OLD PHYSICIAN, retired front'
active practice havingbad laced in .'tis-
band's by an practice,
India Misionary the formnia
of a Vegetable }remedy fur the speedy and per-
manent Ohre of •
and all Throat'andLung Affections; also aposibivo
and radical cure for nervous lability and all ner-
vous complaints, after having thoroughly testod
ire it,
ell in advance 'of those of Frei/tons rnecessfully using. Heat by return mail .bY ,Bad-
e f e. / :: = ,7w+g, with steamp. naming this paper I)tt:. ('•
9 FTE Y1 N6, Boi.A5 Sioc$xllle ,Ont.