The Exeter Times, 1878-8-8, Page 6• 6 THE TIMES AUGUST 8,18 T8 THE WEDDING DAY. Bk L'DlXCND C. ETADad4•R. I. itweetheart, name the day for me iChen we two shall wedded be, 9fake it ere another moon, While the meadows are in tune, And the trees are blossoming, And tate robins mate and sing. Whisper, lite, and name the day In this merry mouth of Max. No, no. no, 'You shall not escape me so t Love will not forever wait; liozes fade when gathered late. II. Pie, for shame, Sir Malcontent l How van time be better spent Man iu wooing? 1 wuntta well When the caner blossom a red, ZS'laeu the air is full rf bliss, And the suushiue like a kiss, If you're good 1'11 grant a boon ; You shalt have we, sir, itt Junta. Nay, nay-, agcy. imirfls for roue:* Okuda have their way It you love nae wait t.11 Juno' ; ltoaebuds wither picbe.l too soon. OILING THE lI IN+,:b.S, THE LIME KILN CLUB,. A e'en:MG SPEECH. A shade of melancholy settled on Brother Gardiner's face. as he winked to Sir Isaao 'Walpole to disappear, The old dean went to the ante -room, the sounds of a brief struggle were ' heard, and he returned leading by the baud Major General Drawback, of Lex- ugton, By., who had arranged to de- liver a spool] before the club. He was tseorted to the platform, introduced to elle audience, and after feeling in his pocket to see if the check for his um- brella wee safe, be aunonnced that he would stay a few words an vie belbSTEA') OP OTEEN DAYS. "ally frena," began the orator, "life am peseta' away. It alp slippin' from ender each ails o' us like de disla-pan • falfiu' dowu "ie cellar sta'rs. Odder n zings am paesin' away. De last score # o' yeare leez inflated a great change in all nogg, au' nntliin' liez ehanged so touch as the bedstead of odder days. Foga remember dat bedstead, De" tear of regret am' sorrow spring unbid- den to de eye" as you remember de fine pints, de 11138.-ivelless, de up -an' down - nos', de brotaad:tese, de bed-eerdueits tsf elna cele f:aehialiied bedstead. Our obit"- inied; days were fall o' l+edposts. Onr youth war 'hiked out wind bell -cords. Now when the ;Wes o' manhood .,weep amine our forms, t)aidu' up the soh"- i Oleztiat an' changitl' de color o' cie ilii: we fie' tie ole bed+tead displaced by a The old roan wa oiling the hiugee of the stave door, and c.arele::aly tliugiing one of 13ethoven's beet, wllea a middle- aged woman entered the station and e,tirtavat+ tall as a. lacuna au' big 'alias Legal) "Mr. Jay. are you a good turn ?" to hale + a bele family, an' rigged out "Wall, tolerable-mteleraablc," lie re -1 "vitt "hats. e,prifagh, cranks, pulley,;, ctrl plied, "I never dropped at, brad nickel °t14 sunt -offs. an' wa anted to move in into the street - 1 I don't i 'tie• liiehest• Rneiet.y. Goin'len, wtey are, fishing ou gee Car o7c, and r'' die vRo ? What was 11e matter wid drat un di: "Mr. day, 1 ani canvassing for pod ole bedsead of odder clays ?.. money to buv babies, and so forth, for The orator petaled iantl looked the African heathen," she continued, as eke exhibited a pass -book. "Are, ell; I)oe‘t lieeeelae to want , a Part uFtrteua.1vAlucev:atialuaysI,e ,.ie.t a bible ?•, iiia"g- t !" eta+a at tag. G "a•. t r .ie lu"t mil 1.t fezato» at #rtv �.t lura to) A M lin Stt'+t g Fv.eter� Which will be sobl it Brother fiardiee_rra-e Ilk_ The bee +'�t.roauaateratemaa4a,. u:dereG•+..a.a+.laet:aa:CPI "Ile does. Ile Fits on the sofas of Pravnatiu fnitoawed suit The secr.� t"rnnaop"tty ;Mewled to. Shingles for Sale PROM 51 TO 51.64 PER SQUARE, At C'. 3• Brooks' Sawmill, TWO MILES WEST OE TES. LONDON ROAD, T'11 OF HAY, A good supply of ldemleek Lumber and Cede. Poateconstantl- on hand, DO NOT BEAD THIS. Li -Wring receiver a lot of new maehtnery,1 L would inform the farmers of the sur. rounding country that I am prepared to )manu- facture alt kinds of Horse Bakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Suait,tas, etc, and la:tving secured the services of a first-elass Turner, I am prepared to do ALL Iii,ND 1 of TURNING on the Fiuirtest notice, and for stile and uri::e 1 defy- eompt'tition. Always on Land a first- r1aFs Fleck of Fork and fihovel Flan,lles. 911.1 half at mite tooth of Lxrtt r. A, COTTErL.t/f Groceries G`e r, eetw i mry Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per ib 1 Owing to tats, us' a*) ,vn.r3-egsF,na .>t trail:, we S1=110/frit 101* CALL AT :j SAMWELL & PICKA. ' S and see their New Spring Goods Now Opening. NEW PRINTS, NEW 1I..NTIAES, an.l NEW MILLINERY 1 SPECIALITY IN Ordered. & Ready-made Clothing, 11 %.TS, CAPS BOOTS, SIIO!' :# V1)(flit )C1 JJIES, New WA t Pal er,jzast t , ;: !n-1; also jtast:reeeire 1, o. r hew FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Turnip, Mangold, Carrot Rape O ave•rgum'simothy. ea Posit new mkt t 1 i . e 6 t •. +Os at ie •tar prices tiautvi.a Job or nontireu t ♦ .+ '� an . • i44,1 t4 • S.Ul i1 EL,e & PICKARD. CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGAR, it sways in stock, SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. a,a`" cllao113oa)kr, 'St;ttinalers, altt;;a�iilete t IMI A RKET QU`T N 1'l l'!,ll ALL 'IIIc #A`I'Et T zlesws N.B.—•fiewing 3taek.ta. Needles of every tonal. ?t. nulla, ST. 'd WY'S LlillaWUIiKS. rdrawn kilns beingnow infill operatiouanal turnangout duels a targe ipmutit) at !Dry Goods, Groceries, res, '. es and ISAAC CARLING Beene, now in receipt of alaarge stock of Ow beak ewe of "lin hall carni a soft I cannot be surpassed iu the I)autlu • Liquors, Orocker, ;etc., lend long drown reply • iota. around as if expecting a. reply. From that foraall p.urf•oec+ eati`ve chore, andgooks loliginely' ta•r sand • treasurer anal libraari:ta Ilitcll _ 11 IIITSON & SC1,ATl*1t. life LO 7 .a.,�e s +i4 +�iR•�..4+}.Rk.Al ..M+#. O- * COST ".Ltae1, eb e Sitting right there aria morning. I suppose? "Ile is. How luuch do you sub- scribe Mr. Jet ?" ed around in en enemy manner, The orator reached out fur Lie subject anl asci<l : " frens—gem'len•--dc olp.—.de ole NILLIATERY The inhabitants of Exeter anti vicinity ne.+ell not feed troubled .MISS f ARLICK, at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but ";41tabttll, i've got to lift tl mortgage. batthe beast'eatl hast Il ttaway lfasnntrldstncItaennapf.'to1naoot call at the store off the subscriber and ole unnna-titt�, rant-.- before t ; " from his gratin. Remarking ng that hi had heen sub "et to rile tiro for yes • SIRI:� G I ��'`i""', I'D` NETS, "You will certainly give something," j`' ria 1 ' - she interrupted. eral yearn, lie descended from iris perch FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and retired, and niter a long sticlna:e the Latest StyIcyttfltl LO 0St Prices dictates," she said, as she handed him pint out till mall illi broke down ria or - pint t4 cola", Ilntuttan l,tace, Iiratde Doe Skills, Silks, 4� ill(. e s, 1�t."1.t111es, and ' 'i?lJ 1 ill, the book ator, tan I shan't hunt for him. Hie Ho reflected for a moment and then asked: "!Fill fives dollars convert a heathen —a great big, two -Elated heathen, with tt stili knee ?" "I --I think so ?" He figured with a pencil on the bot- tom of a chair, and said "Five dollars into two hundred pounds of heathen is forty p.:unda fora dollar. That is, less see—um—ten Plaint&s far twenty'five cents, and none to carry. Divide the dividend by ti e divisor, cut oft the cube root, carry no- thing, and, madam, yet take thin. elliarter and convert tea pounds of heathen for me. That's all I can spare --no use talking—ten pounds --dere comes his honor." She went away puzzled and amazed at his figures, and Bijah looked after her and mused: "I ought to have taken a mortgage ou my ellen) of that heathen, but l'in One of the lads passed over the just that careless in busines affairs." change and took the kit, and Tim .e.+* walked straight to the cnuntin.;-rontr THE EARLY RISING DELUSION. of a daily paper, put down his money. and said For farmers and those who live in "1 guess I kin write it if you'll give localities where people can retire at me a pencil.' eight or nine c elock in the evening, the With slow mnving finers be wrote old notion about early rising is still ap- z death notice. It went into the paper dropriate. But he who is kept up till almost as he wrote it, but you might Sewing Machines, Watches ten or eleven or twelve o'clock, and not have sewn it. He wrote : Clocks, Guns, &c., than any then rises at five or six, because of the teachings of some old ditty Mina" early to rise," Is committing a sin against his owu soul. There is not one man in ten thousand who can afford to do without *'even or eight hours sleep. All the stuff written about great men who slept only three or fonr hours a night is apoc- ryphal. They have been put upon such small allowance occasionally, and pros- pered ; but no man ever kept healthy in body and mind for a number of years with less than aevenh tiers sleep. If yon can get to best early, then rise early. If you cannot get to bed till hate, then rise late. It fnay be as pro- per for one man to rise at eight as it is for another to rise at five. Let the rousing bell be rung at least thirty min- utes before your public appearance. Physicians say that a sudden jump•.out of bed gives irregular emotion to the pulses. It is beabierons to expect chil- dren to laud on the Centre of. the 'floor et the call of their nurses, with the thermometer below zero. Give thein "And f.'ve got to meet fere and life "trance, pew -rents, tubo, and "Gem len, ere will go home. Ican't there to lin? had ill fitert;;t7'tiaall ., l''illl.t'ltatlls, Bernal -cloth "Tilt down nitfat your tsoblta heart in d ,• President said 4 fell 1'tnek . �f Pulley thiols, Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &c. 213efifatl in the Dry 0°o.14 hale. The Grocery eseeearkct„•ut Anil made to or.ter. 1)t pt3l'tllltlllt is Complete. An inspection invited, MISS GARLTC'`K, rc• a , r Main tit.. 11 toter. No trouble to show goods and Trinu,,bga of Every I►in,l, in SECUllE 113ENS own gitilty eonscienee will be punish ment enuff. Let tee go out in de bra - sin' atnr.&pltere au' jine in the pop liar demautl for cheaper gas." TAI'S KIT. It aurpria'ri the shiners and news- boys around the post office the (Abet day to see "Litnpv Tine" cline emone themin a quiet way, atnd beer him say "Boys, I want to sell env kit. Here's two brushes,nl1u11 box of black- ing, a goof" stout box, and the outfi for two shillings !" "Goin' away, Tim ?" queried (MP, "Not 'natty, boys, but I want it quarter the awfnllest kind just now. "Goin' on a 'sursion ?" asked an- other. 'Not to -day but I must have a quar- ter,' he answered. C O TO R. &E. SPICER'S —FOR— GROCERIES --FOR--- G .00 RIES Always New and Fresh. MOUE, FEED, AND PNIO'VISTONS`1, EARTHENWARE, COAL OIL Soap Given Away —21 Ears for One Dolls" e.— Good 'Vinegar. 20e. per Gallon. Choice Syrups. Market Baskets—cheap. N. 13. Don't forget the plaice—R. at: E. Spi. ter's,opposite lir. E. Christie's Hotel. Produce taken in exchangefor goods. R. &E SPICER. NTEW MACHINE SHOP. William. Kitching Wishes toinform the public that he ia.•betteP prepared toropain all kinds of time after you call them to roll over, gaze at tbe'worid full in the face, and look before they leap. German experitneuters. assert ,that a silver spoon wears ant in 248 years. Now, we never could keels pay of outs half that time. "Died Litu1 Ted—of !Iscariot fever ; aged three. Funeral to-morrer gon :up to Hevin ; left won brother. . .Was it your brother ?' asked the cashier. Tiro tried to Urate up, but he couldn't. The big tears came up, his chin quivered, and he pointed to the notice on the ennnterand gasped : had to sell my kit to do it b— but be had his arms aroun' my neck when lie d -died !' He hurried away home, but the news went to the boys, and they gathered in a glome and tallied. Tim had not been home an hour before a barefooted boy left the kit on the doorstep, and in the box was a briquet of flowers which had been purchased in the market by pennies contributed by the crowd of ragged but big hearted -urchins. Did God ever irotika a heart which would not reapoud if the right chord was touched. There is no doubt but the dollar of our fathers would be useful, in a pay - rental sense. If your landlady's daughter is pretty. you must say, "Please pass pie that honey:" The surest way to interest the Indi- an in agriculture is to show him whis- key is made out of corn. ether person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. " A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a sealed Envelope. Price six cents. &lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and ltr.th- 0,11 euro of SewivalWeakne-s,orSper. ator-haen, induced by Self -Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, aIud Imnetlinlents to marriage generally; Consumption Epilepsy, tine Fits; Mental and Physical Incal`acity, &a.— BY 11OBNRT J. t1III.VERWELL, AI. D., author of the "Green Hoek," &e. The aoaid renowned author. in this admtrable 11 =LNG JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER Grocery and Liuuor Store A.lugs stock of Green, Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, Raisins. Currants, Prunes DRIFD .app]®s , Cao Caxmod. FIVZTIT, Sardines,. Lobsters, Salmon Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup' Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccos and Cigars, Wholcsa" e and Retail . G. Aw MACE, Main Street, Exeter. Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self -Abuse may be effectuallyremoved,medicine, ono with. outdangerous surgical operations, bongios,instiui la Y manta, dugs, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every aufierer, uo matter whet his condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. " .This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thoassands. Sent, uudur sena, in a plain envelope, toany ad- dress, on receipt of siX coats, or two postage stamps. Addres THE OULwzrr4 arDIOAL{O. 41 nest. New York. P. 0.13ex 4535 TIARM•L'OB SAL 81. --The subseribor offers 1.` for sale, los 13, concession 5, Stephe.a, four miles•and a half from Exeter, comprising 100 acres, 80 acres cleared. Good log house and frame barn, splendid water, s.il 'fit for dairy or; grain,, also a splendid brick yard on the premises. For further particulars apply to,•RIOirARD YOUNG on the protuisest or 10 Exe , , CAT,' ter,>P 0 Cir IVLt'Tl� A C� AL ice. I FIRE: The subscriber, S. E. Jones, wishes to thank the people of Exeter, and surrounding caul..,,}, foTtra3 kh' eral patronage which Ile has received since among you, as a Watch ranker and Jeweler, and alsolav form you that I have a large quantity of goods to dispose of, some of wllaoh are SLIGHTLY 1) AM.AAG•ED BY FILE 1 Jcwc11ery Jew <r`;' 1Ier r Lif %� c 'eller ! ,CHEAP AND GOOD. S. E. JONES: ot