The Exeter Times, 1878-8-8, Page 414.
AtiatTR`t"• 8, 1871
te ---...- ., -e-et,.., j" oent on the transaction." Now who
e ;E.?' cr Tin 4.
it/ .„.
pays the duty in that Caise ? Olearly
-- ,,
THLIESDAT, AveusT 8,1878, the Pre(laear° tbe °444(11.44To lave
— twill% at %price to have enabled the par -
PAYS THE Dial% !chaser to pay the duty and 8611 sell *A
garia has been etripped of the 'moat
valuable %oratory and of two-thirds of
her population, aid thus her hostility
rendered nugatory. 'The Provinces
contiguous to .A.ustria will be subject
to occupation by Austrian troops until
1868 and 1870 by Hon. John Qv hug, NEW ADVEMISENIENTS.
=via in the other byllon, McKellar iu
1872, that the salaries etitud es follows : Pump WORKS
in 1808, $0,800-1870, $9,005 ; the
Year 1872, under Air. MeXellar, it i*1
raised to $15,t'79, although Ur, Ct.rliug I O. BOLTON "
Our esteemed contemporary, the laid out in the building of publie iusti FROrRIETOR
a profit, the twitter, or the person wine
. Purchased from the Canadian farmer, certain reforms he the Government are tutieue in 1870 $407,784, while ;Mr.
hvt1FV.M,. would have b it dd * el k Th' 1 MeKellur 10 1872 had onlY $'20•704 IlnYlvti aront'ruellitieiiter uptu
via$ ;Is; iriarte a proaouncea pretee. eeu canape et e 110 carrie on sett ement of a great a.t
iiO U114,8 ,UPuultV tetor • •
cre i or the seine purpose. The :eel,. d lila :‘l tun
ti0laiSt* hilt mouy of ite folio
', the total amount of duty ou the teemed question. has been reached without the Act ter the eetteeneent of the Muilicipal °""'"ve41A°114°,', &%-re7A:11,,,,t.w`31:""
emboaced the viows a free tradere when ,
the exagetemes at hts party denten e r
PaYs all expenses, duty, transport, &C.,
eiderrable space iu laet issue to what
frew the time it leaves his hands until
ete,e teeer, the
sleha from the price paid the farmer, so ebedding of a drop of Billie)]. Wood, in Loau Fund was uot passed 111xtil the „
s„.tin,t tual‘v emapetitvre. I ear rtvcrsuit t 41
how, ema by takiug hew etwo. which effect until eit174 (vide Statilo,Ls Wealielllar•Va ate \ill :MN. 4%. ea lid 1..,c t; 1:4a
Saul il"Sia* " Thee for 441, thou Ityle '
go end uo farther." that thpie$1141/3130/1: 't'Atu„:31114.,:je°e,t,t,,.,,u,eurgwit,71 N.rai : 17:8 1)71.1
patty ja eitie8 have lextg ouce o_eu , tirens;ectioni.s faTtrhtetig=palboovtvatequttostNe'aei, sway, wher4 the bevy Goveruer,Genend unatieipal'it:een:sibitiet"tlYelt;crt:ttlit:11): L;;"145"1:0;:T111-:
oya..y Will veConle 114 very interesting 130,• -ides, the payment, to the verieu„ yocet eeeei, loee.
Cr': -,,he wail all the leading organs of the - • ti 6,
sifrut acqUief•Celtee 4? the conteutton ef -
.1-.111s1' PRIZE AT 4,11
that it is perfectly elem. even to the spite of the oppnon of a faction at year o 1613, anti was not to come into . • • 4
plod obtuse intellect that the producer
the 8:wawa of principle, devotee on.
that act the Comae. of Iltiron was en-
', nutil it retteltes the consumer. It is titled to the sum $1.19,112, lite the
eve ewe -vier dteenseton of the (pee -
tion, •. "Who Poye the Ditty ?" The
Tun New "York Sun ears :-Canadiou inagoineei t
the some iu evert? legitimate bueitiees
f . t te artuett reven„,e, but 1144 of the ac, 7
:be .e. ,fort. v...s.ta,i t tretttre.b10 4. ttt” ovd 1r • r".1 • 1
ihe fitiestioar at issue. the other has rip f I wi " aneeb*e -1-`eteiment of 8 11 11 NI a i 1 I I'
e t. .... e_oill,. _ anr. tieei • • & r i • • 1 , i.
t 0.1`. 1.1^t) 1 eaitee111.....Vor,-x.
va.:Fs the duty on all articles of cemmon the d te
x e a
is tutflie The one bears directly on ,'? the -New 13--'011111''ut, the 11011116 a .
bearing on it wbatewer. au,„hter a 11...),Ieea Vettorie, take sale of cortutv debest - • 1 " . • ' AA ,-leints..Ailtit :44 the s.31-1 part: er....:i 4 mo• t .1....
trteak* ; bl'It thritig the vat few wet;,,v" i" th,,' fAr61:‘,1431 ‘7..ei,1111,,It fr: ,:i,t Ai ti -o ; b ' ) ' ' 4t i 1 . I " 1' ''' '. "4 ""h". -
t . the n. ta btu elem., hut one %mug Is 1 et
tset.tie, Le• vee
eeveral hes important pacers have 1',. '11' "*" .4e -F ac- e'. Pr' '.6`.1**1' ''''14*. 4E"'"' I ei' ,,%. 0191:„t! .,,11,,t ic litr i! ..e.,4.11. '41'4". TetrIgutor. that Duo and a halt million. of ittor ..1 Jr:. 'lir, Kt,
tuiriotathe implement one uteutiened above, 'f ;7 •••°'.° •••.°, 40,r 40141 it mit ilebsuturvs', thawing 5 per cent, later- - " --
the hotectete, that the producer Lorne. ana p CaallidatW WIWP1114 saved by the Oren tiuzr 111v, 64:1,tr2-9.6
up their tprerierd at Ottawa, v311E1,1401 matter opon with reeetia to the varzin,r5Lio to.h. • ' y n
• T1Va'nE 116. a, frumber of utile exam de-
nir4o t ls 4 ilk."' trial t Mt. 1111
trice seltiell ettjey intercliatige of' li-lty is of a very deeided cletrecter tit • 1-1n11'4131 4111 411aldaved by Mr. Mow- • 41! a.".°3 1'.' r,511 ract,,,s
; ' - ..4".
Pri.41101fitl14 treta.1%.9.14 two .4..11 more WiSd
dirse',0V:red a number ef inetancee it, den% thit-4. it neee-eary to refer to T rinee1;$ 14 in t1W ea. NI ere 0.1111 in OW OM 041111.1V Ptt
e intenetteed. .)
r tihey jai thirt,y-tirst year of lter life, Alia Der l'iscourit of two lintoind ark( ruly
far, io,firo ulwr. 0.6 otiter, hat as-,erted. in his financial opteel; of 1874.
le the ear( itt; reit ii•r c;timot bi; T „
tteteal trade iu which the efq,„tra,„wr La, r,'re1.1 11mo-baud le tlivee veare older - thousand dollar., although Mt. Croolis
paid ihQ mid these they lay
ty4aet,, eeliter.ti ,5nti4 Ile .had ettrplits of five 14-4411 three trust •
44-414 bre lite pitblie to prove that the tifina: tor in the rttiN "rrettsray.
t ; being' retail ' robtlit Qf fitelatitgi it,ertm.40 %IF:, • -4
109,, 101 itrticlee protected. la this by 70,11titt Insing ilAchilleti in the anc•
• bo net, ive 5 it143 to ear our ettint .e o to tea )
vetal even ttli s.444e,Pils tttiption
rerdlit ill 1111 CtiseS. Balt - bet my fee Tin& optunient ioemie
u kit eur Seal' t tit tailed, 1,ro-
11 1 1 t 11;57'2 I • it deficits of
Calf, CJI14 under the •
e•iit ritl e es se c overa
notaelv, that Pretectiemetts et>1.Ateli.1 : tUt "tC n raliforth coteni. explain how it i$ that 1670. is not appurent. 1 itui afeitid it
• °. v re weir without -•
I r ,
I it t [lotion-
IL -ands
Near tho Village or lexe-
t er,int rie County
of Mixon.
thet their therriee tt) rcetil ffS "4 Lace .1-1414'°g a4 with the we the Pun:flies former it epeales of pur- 14 0 011h, et41""P4litt.1 1)tiT,441..A.,.CT TO AN (11:1)1:1:
oite-tion " Alto Pass Usk- •
Lo^1.1, of the Mee. t:po • Me 1111 1441. tf t 44 44trti. 1 i tha
tth CAli 130 6411114 in tit() accounts '.h-. 4444 a .4 .9 4 e 4 I '4
• .1 • *
well 1e3 4114)1." *k trane-tcti 413b. Tire-Av 1 Outset' it tea! cr tat tito ottcd Matte, , ,„1liltcuukra, - . I wa•I ' th4^ "" 1
) I rule " WI 14 t4t11 " 40 e. 4.4 4
• - ,
itatc ? idea, most pr elected tnntry, f
f 1 1'
Tfi•ti ft -
e oettevey they eiteef:44 Nfor $7,,, eet are 4,11.Ze or ;5,:f,-4 IeSs thAll 1141 anonynteue steviiettaleut,r+,1
1 I "
vity reaper Can ruteltaeed fer ',1•4144'vvr 110 0404 f•nr 1°11 e"1114'"" et!. ttl...3.VS. MUltRAY,
twi) vox -411'1v
b, zcieeu tho two lite of truth-.
444 U0
rho?tiz uv1Antil ttar frve trod." Clawlt. tlitelihase inne4 thtvfy!e4r r s.3.e,,e,ttttz
it, a a, ike7e i: a ttE'dX
ea.4114101iS 110 IV V.
1 14
▪ E OF
4-44,30j,44 444 !t .4.4444-Uear atin 1
1 two 122 4' e 411''° "ofl 4" 4-14 th;myotte, AItAil
mote 9,a art .10 FtrIlit,re 8b011fd
feattee thkir tier et'IUl44 ft ;:le 441.44,11 t ihiu,k taiv
1111.lti‘ 1.44tte 4
4241. 1114:w1A14.1,05 14411 4,.,,,04,4wrtms elooti
country Iw free Cfnat-4.1 isolation nuloiati 101,44t, Lacy.; 1.001o41, i•44
ueeee hien hate tioti,,tiog t.; do COIL this Orpr,iti,411, d41..1444*
Cm; ti sy!,tein 4421 Ply , la. * lei" T A., t Tiop el,,,cervut whivh mat, t, tueetette eel," /tee 4140 44
0 - e Veal Pi 0 1044, 1."434..491%. aie4 %two, d.0 .163,0m,
8%'t d Leto -4,1;0 t4‘0 e"011trios '11°41 1111"1. 1214 policy lenenea by Loral fl attene• app%red in the lia4 41 1:47s::444 of lama, 1!421 IL '4'1"`"4"-
1e344*.r i'1-1'1-Yrr.it44Yf- t Tlt'Y ;taledern ti";-1
3$ee4 atte rtCon
a1., aettin
„,. ; t141-i4t"t4 Piel, 1all e"l'a laa"
ail2t-( rt tie Arsine:it vaie 404 at
*11i$4'11--41. The *w' -t Tyo cm;
14'.4 4,l44--4,( the faltey of their ateen,itie,barf .4 t ow rtoia,,,,xv,, counapaa ----- 4 M11i4;4lM't oli10
14•.(nv3'01311""111t e9144'14hnandhi, cevagnee with ttet tel nel: ehowe the wrter, Mr. (1„ EJock ; ritog nUT ie CO
tilettotbeteteeErlruthi;t4,,ilo ; iii.--
ales Lila opuler feelin.
g ,
dor v.at1:41.i4IL
4 ,•44,4
I -41ot,t
ea,. ,,3‘041441
eat 4114 Ave:: t0tlitand llbt4 be ieferinedou 11 141 `"""'"
de- :eutilaet fit:. th'et Legietatne
e1 -,01100 It
3 elf t91494 r th91, Lida "" "g", atrktft:' II/044 the letter to the earnest purtlrial. of those •
2..4•1443. IVO eleall now bad • u ;
S uroce, y
k of them used by our S duct)„ tee country reeepiee toed eeknow. ftefottiters 'elm At the 1114 gelollti
1.11” its
44 lnelz. eiidltd ,{aunt' 1'RV • it"
. tne 4.u*. that Ewwoatnei heas re)iitted eleel ea, unwisely is our vetmttou
gesso the 1 o that the wther 00(44 ,,,141111,1Y4ttigvh, beet; rlived og Ise the Meant Admistietraien 44, re
Ixr the deetinitte of a hucter ,,t3,,,l2m;menace to her buton po$ietir.wal of their tnwidi III 044- tiJoe.
ba). It ti tUI-T-AN:S0-
lease -ten ug a fitv1111. ill Nvw I.orit Stato. Its, ; ont'd t410 14(1100 of Eutope. There is thet the Mowitt flovernment is as Peon- 1.‘'LOCI.;„
"t t
- ltl
!o1.•y '
. roetonm04010441 vlleinaugsTttwtitafhsJ
t.haftt Wtof owth4etalrtateimhparneedrthieoltd
the lidal11010 ba0,1 0i441000 tnt*he gelltiOrant)$ 'otter eigned
uly lnii, contains a nems. ---------------------------and h.ta 14411441 for moue tme 8 *U'$ 11001 040t 1314th.; ellct of
lltl htehadt ecbotanteteinWuoarh da ig
1l4 . f4"oe,4ri4 I t"ehi1e Id
f", ai.
t,..1411,1 +.111 great.41..7.111,4'l'ittlA4 4443* 414(1414'
Ilatt-uthwthe hal-enent 44-1,44-1,14-4 143 41t fu.1tIJ1SitMrda0131111M13vUlbUrfi,111001MR C1110`ItiS,
pnoltae .1 MOtor -5, the reetOur retail prick T .
et 141* ra,,,y,,iai,triet..1 424*' inannfacturtr .1wan" h
t.1 ship i 134 Valle stetillu„ \Veen *I- farmer oposed to the domestio pulley of the(yFeFoteed tu
euppored P'taCulb
ber of illaCCuratlins, 110 11.4.1141 111titittni-
N lw wiry pait the witity 114 11.114; imbt, 7." 1
Now dile has not the remoteet bear. 1
ing on the on ste.u. No ene 411 veb.
titre to aispilte411at U2 thi* in vtaneu the
Canadian fanner paid the duty. But,
we would ask our cotem., is that *ra41d-
/18410u Within the regular 01.414.149 ol
business ? 1)o 4peaple generally pur-
e:Atm in that way? it Ise retail traus-
tteti,m, and one of a kird which the
National Policy was never iuteuded te
cover, and ou which no policy, howevet
eatefully faehioued, could have the irish,and they have taken their present
sughtest effect one way or another. It stand to shoo their appteciatiou of a
uoid fereign policy that has restored to
nortely 113 OVA 0.10 manufacturer
charged au American $75 for the reap- Blituali her fast declining prestige.
Lig machine. 'Nothing more. Its The Treaty of Berlin is perhaps the
value as to showing who paye the daty most honorable ever accepted by Eu
may be es I halt ted aceordiugly, By gh. nil. .E very point coot ell ded for was Immigration, nothing 1'28,010
going to the States and purchiteitig a coucetled to her. Turkey Was reolgati.
sin_le machine, the Colladiau, so far as ized and strengtheeed, thou:eh deprived
this transaction was concerned, made of a 8011111 territory mid soint.thing less
himself au A.mcrictu to all intents and than two millions uf the most turbulent
purpose..., and could not rea onabty element of hilz- population. Au lin-
Lo be treated in any other way pregnable 'hie of defence along the
than au Aznerical would be- But the Balkans has bowl ed, and the
case would 1111V0 been entirety different weakest fortresses, Kars and Botouin,
1( 110 had gone into any factory in the
IStates aa a wholesale dealer. Let uo
Fee whet hie course would be. But no.
Ve shall cite a case which came under
our own of),,ervation a very few days 'itreats of Sao Stefan°, winch treaty
ago. It will to ye the same purpose AR Congress met to coueicier,
the Canadian fa tflt becoming 44, W11010- WAS erecte,d into an independent
bale purchaser in the (hilted Stateseipality, embraeing tho moat amide soil
141 a certain est sblishmeut lett 1434' of all
kinds is sold. A. speculat'or d leather
(811 puiclissers who intend to s611. again
*4-41 speculators) came hit° this place
itial asked the price..per dozen of a cer. subjects, but with a p •
(Ain kind of t mimed The price themes hoetile to Turkey *•e 'doe'.
Wi4,. told him. " Well," said he, I gerOus to the' peace of Southeastern
" 0411 t 1)1g.Y 10 that, fignre, fer have to Ktirope would liittt been 'built • nit it the 4)14- 432,8814 01 44 p.trticalar branch
w thole could not be au tu-rease
" allow tin+ porchaser in the United the heart of Turkey. But- thii''iltiter: • '
of labor 'hut rather the reverse. We
Om a Alt to luau on this questi•m, one 4
. as 1 presume he144414 uot the of. &c.
if them xelaituing that the ()pond ion ficial docunieute ovailitble, and received ALL 3Pe.NDS OF iltUIT IN SEASON:
timi not, a rag of fur,ign policy, This !iis lamination 444 (24)14(1 1111.11 a 130 thtti. 11 I...$..00,4 doir,nd 1,,014n Quulity UndU
11 * uld b orrected Pavt.ed.
La remove to a certain extent the un -
aro tkettilstni in that letter of garbliug
.11 which exists Aitliout substan- the public moonlit?' elf Ontario to suit
that etuon- 01+ flaanY CO1411611 minds tau% my views, which would he a censurable T N SOLV ENT ACT OF 1875 AN
Home Rulere are disloyal to the B itieh proceeding, but I am happy to see, he AzIENDINti, Acerb.
empire. They are proud of Benoit), fails to eiipport his accusalion by a
f TI 1 t i
R• EMU..
S•1• . rat4n,'oAt9tt'lu1t,.ri1-da4y,1r2:.44th,l
t oec,;‘it. MI, 3044 *14-191*. 4413'• ;i.
14 .11., 1.411Q, 4l344 cot*. .
PAW1l24.4 lia 44'
*f 44, 44444441440441144). lit 4W '.tilat; tot
vont3sittit.• 444 4444 4 4,1 14
041,14101 414•4140":en 4.1 ilatamsare 42, i4
414..444.4, 1111/• 11111•‘U24414.401041 1114ictEr,lttio
4: 114 444: 14:4:41Aiil1: 111414
entrilt 14 1e10 oi4et41410 ,1 ihi,
14E11 1,11'4,11 Lal .4;44 i iea/4 4441 141.4 it
,4; of 111?.4at tt.oativs,
.4:1. Io, -,1.e1 NA991%04 fin' 29444 e,454,,Fitu of
114. s 44 t4•4414,1,t1 It , Tilt. 12, 4, 14001 1,4 .' ,-
44;' 442,t4t iio tallt. 11i,' 1.1.3loo Tit , lam 111.1134-
4IOati4to6401r1,161.0141u.',r.0u1t,,16,I7, t4e1-tt 1440 r
o-Ittof 611 . lid e 1:. 1..64 •' 03
.44 4
14:4 wta (I41 44444 %mat. 1149 .1,44.. ..,44.'
,6 4i0
04.101V, Ito 99e4hy941 99190,1,Ild,t•• int ttt141k «o
to4141144 44114‘4e 164441 0'4010 1i114 11 al 1_1
V. 410tt 101440li4 tivIt ii11tV
11.4141 I .4 ;I'' comer lin. intlo. 1.4414.1* 44I1..
101.12.1441 44 41 l'. 14C1 r,417• 11441",,11.1" ro ur I: thetn fr.
4914alaet! Is:itaunirt0%, itpus tit1„,, 141.1*
44 4;1 Mimi li44414*" of 11metill.,qo 1.4 I , %, tolttoot
444 044 1464446161 t$44 111,1 tutMole: 6'44.4111, 6 414 lie.
tare.. '110 sell 4.4 there lands 1.- uw,4,4...e.l 4. 4
lastainn quaities* a voisi 41.41 II taw. to4eulis
1...1lets. 141141tile Md494 Wel4-4-44141414,3,9aMurat ad also a 444.10..n rfole.t 166
MO 401144414W4611iiolitnn400of lin. 14.'1,114
Thetisle NI tilt, 1'4"L''4'1'4"L''4'4-2 s p. hut owl fr. cIt
TVIiiI$ oFser,eist1;01%7oeAirtsstuf.vir
Tee enrellawr 114 /wit 061,140 4-4412 pay down it
doeir-it id tru per vent, of the 14101 Cit4V.4‘, toothey st
tho, tint, of sale, to the Vvolottor%, 44u 4-'. .4214.1
will ray into Coutt within 2014 (001‘14 tltultel, it Cr, 4 tli-
ffrelit 1.•.110. %hit dol,..,.11. 0. rht1te up eta -halt of
the purehwe 4441)414* , :Ma 14t1' ek4.9414V• 44 In, rtgage
fur a lethineto ther1 of to the Real Itehret.. tit .tti v
of the Votests' id II arou, 4.44410,41.4 44 tint Ir Ulipt
114,41131,11ea• 111 OLP, tIV11., arld tIll'Oe VPILN 111160 tar
r. day of owe 444-41* interest Id '64,VI 10 ier 6.044131,.. 4146..
ttloo yearly. nod upon implant of half such 2'1'4"'
4!2144S1, money and evootition of Illorigi14444, 41:0,010
1411r baser it ill la, en titled to a nouveyaneu tool to
beiet 'into p ssesslou.
.4-., A% t.• reueili. No. Iasonsranion only NOUS to 440.
4) 11.101.0 Cbt• V1111.1101:04417 to do nista!" ploughing eau 1'.'
given immediately upon paymet t'of the cleposi ,
but possegAmt of the (lweiliog, matt of the preute.e4
ethertvise than afm.4-aiti will not lot* given mail.
the nuoint 1.4 Mandl mita, when a ItatA. now sub,
uistimo, thereon expins.
1 The Real litopr •soutative reserve; to himself
4 power to adjourn the sale if in his juagment are
adequate prier is not hid for said parcels, and al -
so in that event should he heo lit to Cause. HO,/
bush lot to Ito offered for 411111 111 two or more par -
cols en similar term&
Iu all other respects tho conditions of Salo will
end ut her cemtuaudiug p adieux, Irver ug.e "L' PruVer me ha " 13*
4411 other nations a 4" weal' N" oTosa expenditure but to deduct the JAMES McNA,BB,
abtiortriol outloye, or monies Spent
must vary in each year. I give AN INSOLVENT.
Vise items hereunder, d rived not from
a hostile source, but from the record.
signed by lion. Mr. Mackenzie and
Hon. Mr. Crooks, which are 148 follows :
Gross amount expended in year -1838-111,183,852
Deduct amount expended
on public works- 4123,010
Municipalities fund, nothing
castigate this matter 114it to take the
heart is mole susceptible to sentiments
of loyalty trod to etittInsinsin thah the
.. ...
Gross amount expended in )1:az 1870,..%,580,66
Deduct ammult expended '
on, public works.. 407,784
Muincipaties fund.-- 80,313
Isumigration ..............82,087
Land improvementld, nothing,— 520,131
Net „ _81,060,539
Gross amount expendedinyear1872.41,847,956
which have thrice been captured by the amount expended.
on public works ..... ..$206,764
itussians, and have always been a munieipalities fund . 71,79g .,
eon roe of annoyance to Turkey, itave ieumiffration 57 a5o
Laud unproven:rout fund-- 24,195
been ceded to Russia. Bulgaria by the — 420,41,2
This shows that the cost of miming
the Government had not incr. ased dur-
ing the Sandfield MecclOurild regime,
'13y virtue of the powers vested in me as Assignee
of the estate and effects LI the abovo-named In-
solvent, I will otter for sa/o by
Public Auction
Ou the Premises, on
Wednesday, Aug. 28th
.&,D.3878,t ONE O'CLOCK in tLeAFTP,A140011,
all the right, title and interest of the said Insolvent
in anti to the following property, natuulY 4
3. All and singular that certain parcel or tract
of laud and promises situate and being in the
Village of It:xeter,., in the county of Huron and
Provo:Ice of Ontario, composettol part of lot num,
ber twenty -roar in the loteoucession of the Town-
ship of Stephen, containing by adrneasorement
thirty-two perches of laud, -be rho same wore or
less, and which piece of land is shown by the reg.
istered plait of that part of the said
forinerly callee.Francestown and has been and is
known as mod called Lot number one hundred
and eighty.six.
On the above is ereetes.1 a large
furnished with tirst.class machinery in all its do.
purtments, worked by a steam engine of eighteen.
horse power. This affords an excellent oppor-
tunity for embarking in a profitable business.
2. All and singular that feertatu parcel or tract
of land and premises situate and being in the
Village of Exeter atorosaiot containing by udinetts-
urement two4ifthe of an acre, bo the setae more
in Trtriiey, and having a population I t •
ia immediately 00 the .itefor in gentle- or leas. consisting of village lots numbers 355. and
. . . 880 us shown on the registered plan before men-
grettter than , that Of the Dommion of tneu cunning into office, the expenses tioned.
There is a comfortable frame dwelling house
Canada, Man) of the inhabitants bad lir wilt *41'o
nicarly $400,00.0, thereon with other improvements.
been atnotii/st the Prirte's most loyal . .414444 241( friend has. u. All, and singular that certain parcel or treat
made *4 *494.10118 error, ' unfavorably 'to 100.16,itto.utt,tt, gaexaerreetuleioete.eassitcluate tan? beging:siu ow Irp,
• la owl) a*ntuent,of over half a million tirou"'wt°"-ItIgh°/aani"oe:11164tuuLt'e'tanb"'"' ftinamore°ad9;
repoudetatitig ite Le -
of ,,,,,ar_ ..,..e ex ,.. , ,___. 'egg, eompristng village Lott number 358 e.a ahown
ft I k ..d 1U 14111 p..110111111'0 of iti't :d. ou the registered Mau before mentioned.
tl'i) inttitiPa' still' fairer 00.1.npAI:i6011,
. - - wait. oom prising a. large 'iluntittly of tluitliect Alla
„ .„, , . . . o to itt, *I of the t*id rtillb1-
t i. I. .A1,30 on tbo fit elt ' ' t . d
unfinished stuff, consisting of carriage and heavy
work, including spokes, bobs, &c.
Pttrticulars of iootitobrancds, and conditi.ons
made known on day of sato. , '
" States 25 eer oeut. for the duty, so mined spirits id T.Jurds lietteiinsfield slid find in the Public WoekseD4partniente ME. B. -v. ELLIOT/ diSaAO.C&ItLING,
. ,
" bict. weeld uut be ahle' kwilixe 44 'Soli. y hare chauged preoided oleo it+ the one Case (144 11 A61.ur,*,
be the standing 'conditions of sale of the -Court ot
For furtherparticvlars apjily to bleasre.Gaitnow•
Messrs. Emma tt FitAsErr,. Loodoa; and to tho
Vendor's Solivitot, Exeter.
Dated this llth day of July, 181S.
Signed,W. It. SQUIRES,
Real Rop. 00. of Huron..
13„ .61140'1',
Vendor's Solicitor,
3,1arguitallanctonntsp, cto °rich and Wingitam.;
Shingles for Sale
At G. & T. Brooks' oawmill,„
T'P 04' RAY,
A good supply of HerutoikLanalaexttud °cola
Postsconstantly.on hand, •
Ljaving received a lot of new' mael.gnery,
LI would Adrian the farmers of the fall'-
rouudilteg country that 1 tun prepared to manu-
facture all kinds of Horse Bakes, Barley
Forks, Grain. Cradles'Suaiths, ate, and. having
secured the services *>(f first'01u168 Turner, t
=twinned. to do
on the shortest notice, and. for style and mice -
I defy competition. Always on hand 44 Ant--
class 31001: of Fork and Shovel Handles. Mill •
hull a mile south of Exeter.
• •
TIME TABLE, L. H. t.t B.
' • GOING ttu11411.
Mixed .. . &OS a..
Mail; . 3140 p„,111.
Expresfc ' ' 7.35p, wu.
Mnd8.40 •11. 113-
, Mixed ' p. 1n,
Express ..... . 8.25
t •