The Exeter Times, 1878-8-8, Page 3AUGUST 8, 1878, UP A TREE. One day Inst fall, Peter Lamb was walking by Kevser's orchard, and the [apples looked so tempting that he con- cluded to get over the fence and go up a tree after aortic. kis leas just fairly tip the tree when Keyser cue along 1 with his doe, and as he had had a great many apples stolen, he was pretty toed at finding Lamb in the act of taking some without leave. So after expre:s- sing his bent -intents in very vigorous language, he told Peter that as he was HO a'ery fond of apples be might stay up titers all night eajuyiug theta. Theo. be celled tete attention of the dog to Peter, told the attiaual to tvaleh hien, atnd walked into the horse. Ae► the brute lay down beneath the tree, Peter thought he heel never seen such au aw- ful looking dog;, and he palled to Key - set. to take it away and let Riau pay fur tine fruit. Lint Keyser pretended not to hear trim. Tben Peter t• ied to Kcal* the dog off by pelting lino lith apples, flat every time he bit the auhnal it. to euled to become more feroeiuuasly de— termined to eat a piece of Mr. Lamb before he abauttuuetl him. Peter then tried eoaxin; the dog, but the more blaandieetueuts he offered the hitogrier , the dug seemed to get. Then Peter waited until the deg became Woolner and lay down, and thea be tried to steal Itotlil the other taints of the tree, but bef:re he reached the ground the dog was flu the alert, marl ready to pip :11r, Lantb'd calf. At fact !iter detern:;ined to resort to strategy. Ile went up tea+ high as floe. alible in the trete, took off hie boots, his oulat, his trousers anti Itis haat-, and fix- ing u them together by the cid of pier and hie saapeudore, so that they would res eiuhis the figure of as luau,. Ile stunted thein with leaves. Then he carried the effigy dealt acid 8t=t it astride flue of the lower litllbn, Iaroppitlt; it up till tilt it 'vt)ultt be within plain vitt; of the deg. Then tee stepped softly away frotu it mad waited Ilia chalice to slide down the trens. Ile mode two or three Mots, and wase deli iced to ace that whoa the dog heads the noise it untidy glanced tit the haute, seemed memorial and a eat to sleep again. At last he got clear down. to the ground, and when Ile was a few yards front the ace be ran as fast as his legs would carry him. It was then late in the !afternoon and he succeeded in getting; over to Deacon .Jones's without beim; ubeorved. Ile found the tl&Acton sitting un t1* fence, and [explained his appearenee in a simple hurt's end drawers, by sayiug that be hued been swimming in the creek awl that dutnebudy bad stolen hie clothe,. The deacau lent Mtn tonne raiment, and ,1r. Ii:ttnit went house bent upon revenge. Re -dressing biotech, be got a club, called hitt owls /tog; ---a bieee animal thou Ieysers--anti started for the orcitard. When he reached it, hie old enemy lay beneath the tree wat,h- ing the effigy. Then .1Ir. Latub oou$- dou Iy climbed over the felioe anti not hie dog at Keyser's. A fierce eotnl.at ensued and while it wall in progress Pater crept ftp and knocked Keyser'' dug ou the heed, killing it outright. It was then about dusk and Peter order- ed his dog to he under the tree aud “watch" the effigy, white he hid behind a neighboring tree. After a htt'ewhile Kayser caste out for the purpose of let - time Peter go if he felt penitent. He came up to the tree without recognizing; the change of dogs, and addressed the effigy: 4. Well, how do you feel by this time ?" No answer. "Want to come dowu ?" No reply. "if you'll promise never to steal my apples any more I'll let yon off." Still no enswor. "Oh, you're too mad to taut, are you ? Well, you just comp down any- how." ti Silence from the effigy. "Look here, I don't want any more -nonsense from you. Come down or I'11. pull you down." Then Mr.. Keyser jumped into the tree and grabbed [Sit. Lamb's stuffed coat by the arm. He was just about to utter an exclamation . of surprise when Peter carne otit and said : "Well, now,, you jest pull away. 'That's my dog under that tree; your dog's dead, and my dogg'll eat you up quieker'n a wiaek if you get off that limb before 1 tell you. Thought you bad me, did you, ? If this jury knows itself, you'll roost among that foliage until moruiug. Sick him, Bull t Sick hind" Then Mr. Lamb knocked an apple e pP • off another tree and satdown. .Keyser first began to study up a plan for mur- dering him, then he thought he would swear; theuhe had a notion to cry for help. But at' last he oonoluded to ac- 'cept the situation gracefully, cud' after some conversation, Peter agreed to let hitt go if.lie would swear to send hint aronnd•four bushels of—apples—in 'the' morning. He registered a alolemn 'oath to that effect; and Mr. Latch Lehi the dog while Keyser one dean. rltheu .Keyser went as, near Peter as ho dared THE TIMES and shaking his list at him, said, with bitterness "You, low -lived, mutton-headed,bow- legged thief! If that dog Wasn't here Id kllook you down and sit on yon till l squashed: the breath out of you, you wall -eyed ecoandrel, you t" Then be went upp to the house. Peter clluokled, shoo tiered his clothes and use just water enough to cover. Mix started for home.. Those apples have. Due half pouted of ground English tons. not yet arrived but Ur. Lamb bas not tard with vinegar, as for table use, and yet beets out to inquire for them. boil five iuinute:I; then add two bottles ._, of best French mustard (or one pint of German mustard) and boil five minutes longer, adding vinagar enough to cover. your gdt:.ele', and one tablespoonful of i brow; sugar. If not salt enough add 'WILD, UNEARTHLY SCREAMS FROU AHAUNT- to your n ite. Pour over the pickles au HOUati•'.,--STARTLiNt: DIsCo.osL•aa op boiling but. As the pickles are used Sttt.LAL LIM E AT THE/ ANCIENT CANTU,. utero will be to good deal of the roust- ard vinegar left, and. small cucumbers can thee be put in, or smell onions ;/ I\SF1 ST1 l?e vT SOCIETY. the latter boiled a fere minutes iu salt, The whole city of Quebec is in a water. This pickle keeps a long time DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. MUSTARD PIL'IfLER.. Two large 'breads of .cauliflower,: six heads celery, six carrots(, Clean them and boil separately in ,salt and water until tender. The tender part of the celery is not to be boiled, batt out fine ; THE QUEBEC MYSTERY. N.B W BUTCHER SHOP Mie undersigned wonldinforla the bababi- tantsof)r tteterand v eitlit rUzat hektas OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP one door south of his Blaoastnithshop andhopes thesame liberal patronage teat has been as corned to hint in the 1BL4e1C01UTH ANA WAGON at/mina line wfllbeestendsdtobim f7this newbrancboi oueiness, Ilii meat wagon srillttan attire resi- dents of the tviiIi Icgetbreetizr�tes e�a n acia weebd Siv1 -4=,i A T of all kiudfi";kexet coustttutil• an nand at his butcher shote. Blackswithtng and'van u riakingearried yp ski toat stn allots branches R. DAVIS. THE LONDON ata ONTARIO bate of eacltt:meut over as mystery and le very fine. Any vegetables liked .� which bttilee hooky. Far daay, and eau, be snbatitutetl for eanlilower and GaXalifai - nights past: shriek, of sgouy, plalletly carrots, the cries of a tvoltt.t'u in flail or dlntrees, EAGAN' PICHLcs. .,, g•. , ltaave lirut.kt.tletl tool a reslde.ttcea oat Two gaaliutts finely out cabbage : one 1t.,lp.ar.• street. The te+ tdetlts of the galtnn elioppett green pnttatoed, no'el's Grand battery, an arieteerat a quarter, /lists ollloll+, alae Batton hest vinegar, a uaase been thrown luta consteruatiuu. by the sounds, which at uigk' are ale- torment; L'oa'der, ono tablespoonful patting. The residence in qute tioti pros gm uftl ;allspict', one tablespoonful been netdrl.tuly Yuma !,forte .\lay hist. ground cloves, quarter pound white it etttilittlltllciate'4 by !a garden with the mustard semi, one ounce celery seen!, house of Madame Wavier, Who ishae, nue 4111 salt tants the whole until ten - beg had the teputaatiou of keepistg; is 'ter, thee aa.l.l apicse just before putting private I lug•ill-Itostaital, and practising lit ,grirti, stirring :all thoroughly. abortion. In several Laces dlaughterr, of weeittty faah'1lN+Y, ctoactruing whom CC's C?tt;lilt mimes. it was whispered that they were abont Gather the enenlabere before the to unnecessarily become tunthers. load seeeis are very 1>u' e ; pare and throw boon traced Lo methane Vetiver'; wbeuet• itttu tee -cold water for one hour ; then ar free 'as thin ~f possible, ) they ut,vt;r emerged, at leaa:t to too t+ t 1 a p 1 .ell a cabbage ti 1 Wee - bgr i sto well with t salt. t} e upkutcltttgaou,u. Several lyatati,tct di:saappearaneus of locules ill society in the pas it tett years were talked .ata•trt here, but the leaeaat press lower dared wealthy anti Lucus Itnrclla,iejtturttaalistie coni seed ; pack in oradi and cover welt silence, and, being induenti.tl polittetally ` Illt cola cidter vinegar. PIL in cul and otherwise, could. enforce the o'taa>tetg; of the menthe of the common peot+le. The fawilies whose members have [line dieoppt cared are never ngnl-I.iltleett1whem the miming are spoken or. The state - men; ie uainalLv made that they are in e,nvente in France or Belgium. !',eight or ten years ago a young lady, dough ter of a Fromm gotitionian, who had been engaged in a long and deeperet►e . , •t t''. 11irGlatl at , a,itil an officer el the gond- am, [tau, gave trvitleuetts of apl`roaelr,ug I maternity. She danced one flight at a ball id the 1llttfio!tall, and where it wow 1 over entered her (tentage sod was theta nu away.but she drd notget home that looming, nor was she over %iet`u its t,lneb� e. aaftterwarde. !Leer plarautll mole tto ingttiriea, though her lover was frentio. Seine yeatrs later, ill a, eecl� lltl- Englielh uolitiolat prisoners were sold 1 !hurl clothing -store kept* key nue (late, into slavery ou three osoashms--by 1a dress :at.d some under lil'!!, marked Crolnwell, after the battle of 1\Voreeeter; with the darnel of the tnisniug laity. by Chartem II, after that of Bothwell were found, which Madame Metiver Bridge ; iaand by Jalnes 11. after Sedge - claimed to have been stl lett from her moor, wen Jeffreys •entetteed iit1, to by dishono it teervatuts. The poets art- be transported to the Woet Indies .and tlm,'itites, at the request of the father of Bold. He estimated that they w.•ultl the girl dropped the cavo. A reporter. fetch from 850 to +t a apiece, aa. t,ntu who pati got hold of it, t)rel•arott a equivalent to above thrice as much statement for the press, but it tuever now. sate the light, end. all eugniry was stifle,[.Maadettne Vetiver bought the linen and dress back agate fr'nm Gale, and resolutely kept her month slant. Quebec lives in pretty mnoh the battle co'ttrul of the leading; families now art it did two ceutari es ago. one potutit brown augur, half ounce in a ce`aarele cloth and lay in a colander under a Heavy weight to drain ever melbt. Nest worsting mix thr Ingle mention the facts, far the femiliee eat+reg thew plenty of brown ;curl white sutra-, plaza. Should a w (hits yenta dee nu the: vinegar, draw ir. off and boil told I -ki)u wolf. or dllllylttnrd other vine:att'. Pour over them old. This retains the 11 tvur of the encumber. 13w1•FT PEACH Pit 'IM S. Peel tiro peaclie:a emelt two or three el -Yes ill each of them, then tett thorn in ae nettle with one fourth pound of sng'Ir to Mil petted of fruit ; three or t I 1 / f .t stick., a t t r 1 vt a c f o i tl , a t, ; t i.l tocover thefruit.tet it t to a buil, and for roue mornings pour the viutegar from the ft nit ; b'il it, Ants punt it btniiiug; nLsuit Lhe foeacllun. INTERESTING ITEMS. Madame Metiver leas always enjoyed a complete immunity from police a .n• pervision. She is a licen..ed midwife, and is veru wealthy. She is never scall out of her own hoose except at early mass ou Sunday. The theory of the reporters. whose attention has been called to the hideous noises above de scribed, is, that one of Madame Metiv- er's abortion patients hers been trans - tarred from her house to the vacant one on account of her screams. There is a chance of a large sized scandal coming to light now, as it is impos- sible that the truth can be Luau long- er concealed. BUSINESS FOR LADIES. Oer attention has been called to a new article for the uee of ladiies, the invention of which has oouferred an everlasting blessing for every lady. We refer to the Queen City skirt suspeud• ere for supporting ladies' skirts, the most desirable and beuefioiel article ever inveuted for the use of women, many of whom have suffered yeas/ of raiser,able health caused solely by car- rying a number' of 'heavy skirts, coni-' A. correspondent of the .Rnrctl Hone pletely dragging them down Some- speakitlg of the benefit which birds thing to support ladies' clothing is ab- render, the farmers, says: "Recently solutely necessary. These suspenders while at work near a Wheat field my tat• are reeolnlnended by, oar leading ph•y teution was called to tbefectthaat swift). Nichols to all ladies and young girls. of the wheat had been picked from the Every lady should have them. They heads hi certain parts of the field. Aa are sold only'throtigb lady agents. A. my neighbors seemed to think that, the epleudul opportunity is, offered to softs mischief • waas done' by yellow birds, I` reliable lad' canvasser of this county obtainsd a gen and killed one of the to secure the agoney of fL pleasant and snpposetl offenders. Although inter= profitable business, For terms and Meted while tailtlug his breaktaast;' we territol write at once to the Qneen found in his' etottlttCli three ams° of Y g. City Sutependor Uoaxiila,ty, 278 Charlt wheat, and by actual count three hsin• St..Ciuciunati.• died and fifty ta'eevile." From the beginning of the reign of Gelhrge III. to that of Victoria, Upward,: of 200 duels were fought in a:nglaand. En thr 0, both so neatants were tilled ; iu eighty, one; and in all, 120 were wouuded. Upward of twenty trials connected with duels occurred, in which four duelists were found guilty and two hanged. In the Iiet of duellists occur the names of Y -irk, Norfolk, L'its- ttereagh, Pitt, Fox, Sheridan, Grattan, Burdett, thawing, Peel and Welling. ton. There is iu t is County of Devon, the garden of Englatnd, a faintly at this moment who are rightly described a- savages. l hey have lived for about twenty-five years on their owu farm nt forty acres, worth about $200 a year, in a deplorably miserable tumbledown hovel, consisting of a single room, in which the whole falnily of eleven per- sons eat, drink and sleep. No decent looking person eau appro.acli the place without being assailed by volleys of filthy abuse, often acoompsuied by mud, sticks and stones, !ted they hold n ' commueication with the rest of tier parish. They pilfer and rob in all di reetions, and are the terror of the ueighborhood. There have been nt. fewer than 'fifty con victi:Its 1eoortled against tbetn, but when they return frotn jail they recommeuee operations. All attempts to induce thein to sell out have failed. Parties requiring nitmey eau (Att'!1n advances lances en approved town or farm Ia¢olreatY , .)L l�aA.Ft rate*. Theoleove is a I.r.e:ler, , I -:4a,1171::1 t.t•Itf• pail,-, For Iacttloroiattzeatlaars,Fagepbgto Ittllil l+T 1'I('K.tltl), Anent. hftty 17, tf, 11'.,•te,'Oe)t. i')EAL1;It 1ti GROCERIES, CANNED SALMON, LOBSTERS, MU. loI I ES.. CON l''1?;C P1O\Fiti", 1l�. ; .S ' ti Gi f 1. tart. • 4 , Idray always n good it MI fresh supply o Maned. tt; Alis, in tl1 A c tr. , 14 a /11.13,t"IBtult t itr.at:� f rt ii tart t ie •: nli 1 it ? t b. a i,l.-. ate [r l.t3tt a Viii uta 1, , :t :t4iy tat Yale' t, „tt otici-,3.att3.+:i. Ttlit.t('t'oS axn c•ira.#r , 1FHi)l.fe+.#Irl AND f#:TAtie. Agent for rrf•:tt Weettteru Steamship Line, :New V rlt au41 Briet:at,. 1;1:111M1:It TU OMENS: SHIP GROCERY and TOBACCO STORE :►f:t11i $TUEI:T, 1:1F Tl:L:. hc HE P;i: f T1tr dues not street the low p110013at tvlaie)a .. ac T. BIS SETT a ireuffea'ing their •tori; of TINWARE, ;,el'OVES, i'tc., at Exeter & Hensall which cont-ilds of 1111 the latest and improved ,tylcsof Iiftellen. Cook and Parlor stoves.31ilk ',rine, pans, stud Ionil' of tire utast appreeed patter n, Mil everything in the line ; Also, a veil select laic of hand:A ne ls.re troti<'rItit 1g to u.nal, receiveq every.Lttetttzou, and done ,tt the lowest figures. Having opened outit branch .?stablii))*.ten t IIetvot 0, our friends in dant aeighlodiv ud an be au)+)ilird nu the shortest notice, Ail forms of Kidney and Urinary diseases. Pains in the 13ack, Sides, and Lidos are pe'si- tively mod by GRANT'S REMEDY, its effects are truly marvelous in Dropsy, (aracel, 13rigltt's disease, Seminal losses, Len- eborrhrea, and lost vigor, no )natter of how long standing the [•.use may lin, .positive relief is had i11 front thio to three days. 1)o not de- spair, hesitate or donbt For it is really a speoiflc and never fails. It is purely a vegetable prep - oration, by its timely use thousands of cases that have been considered iucnrabie by the most eminent Physicians, have been perma- nently clued. It is also indorsed hy the regu- lar Pllyaielali9 and. Medical Soeietiee 41310llgh out the country, sold in bottles at Two dollars each or three bottles which is enough to cure the roost aggravated case, sent to any address on rec'•ip' of lzvn dollars. Small trial bottles ONE dollar each, all orders to bo addressed to Grant's Remedy Manufacturing Co., sial Hain St., - Worcester, Nes:, y�t(RST-CL• ASS FAlt?f FOB SALE LLQ' BY AUt)TION,-The undersigned has heel. instructed by err.. Sohn Slunllacombe to soli b+ public auction on the premises of Tnesday, Jule 30, 1/78, at two o'clockfarm la. m., that sp'endid' fau 1)0010 301 18, Concession 7, Usbornc, uuutaiuin. 100 tLerea—firstolase brick house end good fa',au , buildings -30 ac •es cleared and wolf, fenced, goer, orchard and "plenty of water,. uenvenieub 1t, rllutchesand sehools,4 miles from Exeter 1:o bettor iluproVOdfarm, 111111 110 better.f:trati iu the Township Of U.,horne. .Positiyely no reserve T1411,121.—Teu per cent of the purchase money On the day of bald 1;3,000 in 8 a10ut111, and the tJbhruiteell'ymyeaptc1ta0reo cusuJaaOitr4sl,urchuser, the7 per mrle1y1Lpo 3BetPfloe fih ric3 8p84wOpruetuere- 8 ilagren PlgReerS .rcro e. G, "111 -'—� eitttEsD EfLStSef7'Lpq+ n. ft ►n the wontteriieL tnctttcire to w•h eh the Oltetest torr' !have hire e,t fele reltet,11;e ttiscoverer be• neves he has r,rtnbtne,t in hrorr.Irnt?i p)o¢e cat 4a- ture s , ee)eagat eteraittcc l,rsalct 't&es rrt)1c L t,gw1 fiats testiteat tate the vegetable kingdom I r I.erl- • ingt tag stek,tt/an were ever telrre scants I0tt in one rle,1trice. `he evidence etf;his tact i,fma•i the great variety r t nags. obstincte diseases which it has ta'en tnurd to conquer. In Me ..ore of Brune•tI)$ln, $e'vera Cort .la,v, •tr:i tt'e early bid •eg+,t #'Ot1lsnrtatpfintt, n *.a' a t•,ni�1-C=1 1110 me sari% f gutta and eminent ppt145 ria►rs t,m. tonne a it the gttale$Z Inc to at t1t6r,•ve t;= of the age as i.ne It Cure -3 the ewers L htren,7urnn itr hratefn and laltr111514 the ttlotefl Ih t great airs tt orOna.n 1 ,.•,'l i ttrtfp. Irg tt g.rrz:ts. a rr:rc9 n'4 illnmere, f ••e.3 the t) 3).•1 iCrte1U1a tea 11 reunan•.n ltftoU Is.1i'iraA1 Ple.e a k. ruplion. MCrcu)•?a. • .a t M*oer7* 1`,.1 t, ::,1 tt:e.r effect-. arc et t i c,ec'1, an't 'I4)/'4t4 free )i'h er.,1 eo h•utr.<a r• n let e•.ta4- 4a.t,.+; l ra'esipeln., Sa>11R.riteiiw, fever sorest, seats, or Bough Sk*te, a1: r ••rt, an Inc a, n,,-r..II, ebv,ea-e, r:ui+etl li had W..ne,4, are c nt , ac e l t tt s to e eve 1/eJ •93F i a a . g l i r 7r11 tC• ccs; raeuag ere t,e Te . cf• 4 1 R tlrntrFc ,let f •tit 1 4 ate.lt:nty e,.u raa, S t'• fFt ! e•re t t , 1 .r a ar fi e, r'e , ^ :1^15 ,B at^1 eta r>t .1.) 01.1 "7' c r :rih• ,, , 1 t ,�zt• e- a. r t•:,�t � a iF', Ttaarj►it! tt.ltel• "' fifltiop>R• treats,► Y.i t -,at rat 6,1 1,'t Iver Coot* plaint t* :raS 11)g44 tet t As it rem !,•1 34 } r ,iter ext. t. ', i ten \A-'1ii l lea +' +':, ta- it 41l ,-,+ ir.rte4.ter eta, 1 r u t x,1 Rod tro.1:94 1 t',sv CAILEC:STi1 AT • ; INVAI..IDS' HOTEL. 'rhe tiers tarda• ftMiler of invalid e,, , 0' who day r1d3 riuli.do. trans etcry gnarl. -r of the oiled t4tltee and t'an1.i1, that they may tr,u.sttt tar. ]t.'•. t`in,o-i., and the wvide•iv et It heated 1•46t11) r f Srweialleti 1n Medicine and Mowery ametel aced with hut, r. uet.•rad It to cessary that tlmef.'utdere•f ihiv ineallnti.+n t 13431 ) provide al place on tt grand and cf.mntuditits static for their entertainment :nal eomtort. A1)VA1CTAntfi UtrPERED,--The nlraatd,' rrf,tel 1p 011111' complete It Itr , hdnttnenta grin 1611} Ana. far Iteditugen in the world, The Mincing it lernteil 4(5 0)44' ('33)44' most healthful and desirable purtinllc of 1)1,' ('137 ofMade, and rete :tarlsa:Mcvieworlake, Erh'. Niagara River, and the anrrotin,lIi gR e. ul,try, being situated In the 1n1.1.1 of net e•atem,fve e) -Int of bcauttfOl parks. The 1140t1 fs furnished tt'itle 1. patent safety passenger tlevan.e to convey pathllt0 to and n'0nl thed11ferent floors; is provided with all Hints of approved hauls, and has also connected with. it a well-appointed gymnasium and bowling alley to affor.1 proper means of exercise Crit(ONIC utaEASES oral) Annul, 'whether requir- ing medical, surgical, or mechanical. treat nlcnt, 0owe within the province or our several specialties. DISEASES HP WOMEN.—Esp, Tally are the refill. ties of this infirmary of a superior order as regards the remedial means 104.) app latices for the cure of all those chronic diseases 1aculiar to females. The employment, In moderation, of tonic, olwust al, electro -thermal. and otter approved baths, is la many cases an invaluable auk 1 •ary to the re111r+ilat means to which we resort in such cases. Dry friction to the surahce, general shampooing, Stae.lisli move•-, meats, and light e:dtsthcnic exerehses, to enliven and equalize the eirculatlan of the blood in the system relieve congested parts, improve drgtebtlnn,. Una strengthen the muscles. pnrruluce important beneficial results In all cases to wh1e11 these means are applica- ble. No expethneuting is resorted to an the treat- ment. The most approver] medicines are carefully employed, and the Judicious regulation of the diet, to suit the condition of the patient, the thorough ven- tilation of the sleeping apartment, the cheering In- fluence of music. social intercourse, innocent mums for amusement, and all those ugencles which tend to arouse the mind of the patient from despondency, and thus promote recovery, are net neglected. NERVOUS DISEASES.—Paralysis, Epilepsy (Fits), Chorea (St. Vitus's Dance), and other nervous affec- tions, receive the attention of an expert h1 this spe- cialty, by which the greatest skill Is attained and the host happy results 'scared. LIIN/l D-SEASE4 —Tlds division of the practice in the Invalids' Hotel Is very ably managed by a gen- tleman of mature Judgment and Okiigi. xirunchlal Throat, and Lung Diseases are very largely treated in this department, and with results which have been highly gratifying to both physician and patient'. EYE AND FAIL—Special attention is given to the delicate operations on the eye and eau, a distin- guished oculist and aurlst being under engagement to conduct this branch of the practice. Invalids arriving in the city and desirle to con- sult us, should come direcdvtothe Hotel. 11 is easily accessible by carriage, omnibus, or street can's. J1im- LEn's Omnibus Agents, on all Incoming tr111ns, can be relied upon to deliver passengers and baggage with security and dispatch. f arAddress It. V. Unseen. M. D. World's Dispen- sary and lavaltda' Hotel, Buffalo, Iv. Y. LLAN'S FLY BRICK 7heLitltebrantFl Kilter: KILLS all the ,f,t ,,a . FLIES in a' "' ' yst� e room in TWO ^�, Se, ( CO HOURS. a v to c. worth ` ., \'ra.;' ti1.. i. S favi[! kill � . ,.�. . more hies ^��t� t :i than ten worth of Fly Paper.' No dirt, no trouble, Sold by ilnpcnisas 1y _ ;,; 44 3(110411.."',.-aqy, `%""a,0`.l'. . , Botan.c Medicine Co:, 33uffalo,N, Y.