The Exeter Times, 1878-8-8, Page 22 THE TIMES AtTGUST 8, 1878 LAUGHING 'GAS. A matter of interest—A coupon. Au iuntelnperate printer is a typo. graphical err-er. Captured battle flags should be of subdued colors.. There isn't a vegetable that can ketch -up with the tomato. Indians are not al contagious. They j things have conspired too mieiuterpret are very aif enit to catch. its attendant phenomena. "One of A three -headed chicken l A Jersey toe most common errors," says Dr. hen is accused of doing it with her little (nitrile, "is that pain and death are in - hatchet, separable conipautons. The truth is Pope Leo used to write poetry. One they ]seldom go together. Occasionally, of his first acts as Pope was to grant the act of dissolution is a. painful one, himself absolution for the offence. but this is ani exception. to the general Ile is the richest lnaa who knows rule, The rule is that uncon when he has enough.—Ex. Then we eoioueness, not pain, attends the Anal are that 11,1311---iniuiediately after din- act. Conclusive twitohiugs, livid ` R' L A D Y - 117 A D E. ner. features, t;nrgtiug mthe throat, and A Cincinnati lady has a lees tie ehnilar gh: stly symptoms which mark worth $1,200. Stitch an extravagant then last moment, etre only exhibitionsH.J NDERSON & LLdli NNAN woulan'wouldn't do for a poor man to of unconscious automatic action. The " tie" to. testimony of the dying, so long asithey They are very particular they are able to give any tes;imouy, is that 'vou6dun't allow a " mail" wagon to their sufferings do not increase as the +top oppo=ite the iii oman's Hotel in tennlinatwu of Rio approechee, hut, on N��w •)r++, contrary, grow less. A Wisconsin man ease Una Ile ...'sun's The hallowing incident illustrates fund a Miran in the dictionary. because the truth of MIS tenlark, and so far as "thee hi:eared ba;tk hasn't got an inti tx." a beagle ne,,ne ace is of value, eontirsub An Iowa woman pint starch into lien•, what, awe lit at. bald as to the P(lifileae- �t'ellicritlter- —Sign of the StrikingStrikinghu;baud'e beer, thlulting it wa arsenic, net/' Qt diesoietw:,, A medical irieud. a Street, and was supribed because it didn't stif- whom 1 atteudati professionally in his ld.e,) , Duud sk fon him. Istat. illness, Was a vletu'i ei its inane- I, 0 N D 0 N. Aero men are offered three neckties abtlj oharacoe:'r, Supported by an iu-,. 1.4 a quarter of a dollar, and still they wiligeut Snafu 3a nidi and iwluortality, refuse to be cflarlfortea, but give the tile pioseuted nhoself with admirable preference to three eigare. e urdgo Stet uuialteriug trust fur the .r u tle tl Ge 4 con- aud wt •u u u In co a m u f las v a to I tlnuat severe pain, Ito was obliged. durtug the last few 'mouths of his life PAINLESS DEATH.. Perhaps one of the most interesting chapters in Dr. Glarke's new book Is that which treats of the visions of the dying. The phenomenon of death is only little understood, The mystery which shrouds birth, or thought or vol. itou ; yet religion and various other FARM FOR SALE—RAST HALF ., Ln.Nort90,N. B. Stephen, containing 50 acres Abend Abowires cleared, and an a good. state of cul Ovation. Good log house and stable on the tare - raises. Three acres orchard planted last spring Auy quantity of fence rails on the lot. split and piled. For .terms apply to OTTO SOLDAN P. 0 Dashwood. 111.74 tf CHISIIOLM'SOL1) STAND LONDON THE OLID RELIABLE xousE FOR GENERAL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & MANTLES. MEN'S CLOTHING TO ORDER, OR Late rl, Chisholm & Co. A COMPLETE STOOK OP HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PRICES. • Clock, During the past winter a New Ramp - shire woltaan has out and piled twenty- three eor1s of wood. She wishes to be !shown by her ax. Ito tune upiuut daily. Ile seat Sur sue eine ,in to railway carriage•- -Lott ,,no n gig, soya u ter miditlaut. A wife "` Let Me sour paper loo• thief u:tullliutatiou SIM to YORKSHIRE wi sous¢! 1 1 11 f . i N SA LE wout, dear, iielyband : " Yes, as soon *LBW titin the end was near, �j'PETTY we get to the tunnel." (`,the these syrutttuws mean perft,ra- (J4 V . PE •��1 T -� How melancholy the moon mist feel tion ler asked when it h;as etaj'eyeli tin fulness of jrelate:,du," nue the reply prosperity and got reduced to the lasts "• l nen 1 have reaefird the end of quarter. theeuapter," !lequit;.t t•ahie 1, how She broke the (nipper over his heart wag oliiaiY 1 Itruilal/)y ;"" las he wits backing out of the kiteiien.1 •. Diet you teem," 1 mad, "as arefl and it is th•lught he saw stars. At ' as auyuue vernal:4 tawny -four hours least he saw the constellation of the or heart}•ois fi(aula." t Dipper. , Little 1)Il'1 t.r. 5curat.i} heeding the reply he cull - donee tua:atdily remarks that he al- tinned : ways keep lade ward. To ivliich smith `"1 awl Shady ; but promise rue this ; Any q uautlt ' of Cured Meat star;+astieally replies: "' Of course yea' that 1 shalt But suffer Manu if you cat. . 3 s Rolls, keep your 'word, because no one false " Go1lStttll$lj ill stook. [Spin. , a P . prevent it. Will take it." Too pruwiau was given, of coarse, Bacon, Hams, smoked, sugar- . religie ue contemporary tylia ,t 11(1"' and 1 esgreetl to sue Into every it sur or ellrcd, Lard, ate. to make a congregation sin;." This is two Its tutu; ua hat laud. This mug Any quantity O rain to be a difficult foal:, unless a dont., 1 b;uti to Mitt -anal tl3iug •.r'i:• crooked pin is placed on each sett its mums ; liuw emelt 1 euwuruuicate PORK CUTTINGS the home. eau you when at two very clue, the Fiat urchin--" '(When the Juetorh I tune t:utut alum you entinut indicate constantly on land whether you sutler or not Atter a itttie, bilk the fullowing sig- nate'aeae tweed. upon. lie Wad to in- dtuatu tt tiegetive uua"er, er nu, by talelug nue forefinger ; fault au aliiillla• sive answer, or yes by raising the fore' linger acid the nue next it also. Oue livor was no ; Twu iitlgere, yes. Hav- ing arraugod tura n1'attt:l, he took rath- er More titian his h.•bitu.tl dose of opi thin, awl twit. Stant cuullnarativoly quint. Mier pans diel oat return. Per twelve tar lyftvetI washy ills appeared much a•. usual ; eouvursed witu a,is fatuity and tcieutts, and ams cheerful and serene .teen as nature's auest1i3t10 begun to to act, he became dull a:.d heavy, In ituswer to repeated engniriet as to pain, he coitst•lutly replied iu two .negative. At seugth he answered less readily. are t;iek do they gent other doctors to give thew Medicine 2" Sec,atld ur„hie �-" Yi)rl, of eonrso ; they ruvor take their own wediciue; they give that t' other funis. At a christening, whin.• the mtinister. was giving the certificate, he happened to say, "Let me see, thin is the 80th." " The thirtieth exclaimed the indig- nant mother, " indeed it is only the eleventh."' A 1lissiseilmi judge WAS ju4t saying' that no one but a coward would carry u 1.ietol, when his own fell from his paten:• et and was ditieharged, and the bullet hit a lawyer it, the lel;. It was on the train, and the li hth burned ditnly. Said he : " lis, I ubs 00." S:tial a vulgar fellow on a seat behind them : What are yer giving us, taffy ?" ' J+'ur ar. hour or su before death he an - Two hundred and fifty raw doctors s wired only by the t.igual of his lingers stepped across the threshold iu Philia. which had been agreed upon, and by delphia, a few days ago, and are calmly. that ungual readied quickly and intelli- patieutly, eveu cbeerfuIly, wailing fol' g,uEly. Fifteen minutes before dtsso the first green apples to open business. lutiuu 1 asked him "do you suffer A. German farmer disputed his tax pain i. lie instantly made the nege- t ill. ILe said : "1 pays the State tax, tive signal by raising the fou efinger. the county tax, and the school tax; Atter tins he made uo sign, but slept but, by tam 1 I pays no total tax. I's peacefully to the end. got no total, and never had any." _ " Well, 1 swan, Billy," said an old f trmer to an undersized nephew who THE LANGUAGE OF GLOVE S AIDACE Wholesale and Retail. All orders for eared meat promptly attended. to. LEGAL 1. ARDING HARDING, & WHITE. II.Banisters, Attorneys, Solicitors, Com - ;donors, B. It., &a. OEI 10E—Rvwro is BLocs, Water treat, St Mary's. /OTIN k.'..HA,nDn e, E. W. etARDIN(r. H.A,L311111TB 1UTALCOMSOb1 i3ar r Istel S, Attor)1Pya, Solicitors &e. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Fanson'sBlock. Exeter j 1 • a Ir MoDIARMID, B.A., 0 t IU USTER,NOT tRY, CONVEYANCER elf'., LUCAN,ONT. M E38115. JONES SI M(,SCRIP • Barristers. Attorneys -at -law, Solteitoru lul'leery, Conveyancers, Commissioners iatl3.lt til 'Notaries Public, t. Mary's C. S. JONES. W.O. SIOSC'RIP• Oa x'1cE-1-1utton'' Block, Watez:,t,t Mary's. MEDICAL It. HUTOIIINSON, Member of AL" the College of Physiciane anti Surgeonaof ()Matto, ike., &.e.. Mont Street, Meter. FIR. HYNIJMAN.--CORONER FOR • the County of Baron. t'fhce,next door to • Carliug's store, Exeter, W._•1.0WN1;(i, M. 1), M.O. a . S. Graduate Vieu•r,e University ni ice anal resilt•ttet•, hell :,it.a• i,tlnt'rat"t C. :1100111E, M. 1) O. M. . Graduate of 1ellafl 1' nevtrsity, 3iontreal 011icoand resideuce, t.xuter,t)ut. Oilive 1 ours-- 8to I0 a. in nail 7 to 11' u, m 1 R. I RVI N G , dr, 31) L';YT l'', UNI. V1:I1SITY Tri nit) College Sic,"l,erColtago l'uvetoians anti surgeons Ont.. (,it.ee 1e;frkton. ----. -" It&solvates tee fine histerieatl era!Luvlegs ami HOTELS 4 TMT• EINSMAN, L. D. S., HAS OI3e 1,1. tented his Diploma and License to prae tioe, Dentis- try and will be on hand as of old, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Sato rd a y s. Oflleo next Bell's Bakery Main Street, Exeter Ont. IIENSALL COOPER SHOP. O W, VAN-VALKENBURGE:, COOPER WORK OF ALL KINDS, • INCLUDING CISTERNS. of which he makes a speciality. 11UTTER 1 13S cheaper than ever. Repairing promptly mul neatly done. Shop --Brock Street, Hensa 1, direct- ly west of the station. Giro lam a call. • VANVAIdU NBURG. Hensali May 8,1878. 3m. i LTCKINGILOI'S 014).13LACKSMITII 1a =OPis stili going, Mr. S.13aekinplznm desireeto return hie sincere thanks to his naxnleruus put-ons, w 11 o navesnppers ed pian in the Ta:t ` past a .i ti eeottht intimate tixat. past, recovered__ from + -:� his lone ill- ness, he tratez:ds in future. to to take elxarr a of the horse -shoeing depaitn,exxt himself. Ail other work done in the very best style and at the lowest raft's. S. IlUCI�I:�GRAJI. Exeter, Ileo. la, ltd? i . MEN E Id I'S a, rata 1 Lar t '- 4 1 at Xc°.sj, n..� ,.,t :�. , ext 1J T6RYal; W LD Entlestring full and authentic tweouul s of even - nation tau• an•+ie•ut caulmodern tienee,cad inter ling - a history of the rinonod fall otthe (tree!: an 1 Ito - limn T:nileire, .the growth of the matins of mut- ern l:ulupe•, the middle ages, the Fru• ale.,, the te" jiel ss ~fetal. the nebl tuition, tine discovery A^•1 settlement or the. New 'World, ete., ete. UP) P) law tiuul,tlm,'t1111tta pages, mei is the most complete Iii. torn of alae world ever patbli+lia, . •It sell; at sight. Fend for speeirpele pages 110 41 extra a terms to agents, �turd bee Win' it its f tit 1 Ham r tiny 1n , a , l .; \a1 \Al , PtxlntisNti l hil rie l lata t Co. Ia i 1,13ZiiCISMITELIN ! ., '(i('rhSTAlt'� IIO.Ph.G, t:1.1NI1 I3L�11 Y This lintel has been leased for aterm of years and has been ni.'lytitt,,tup. Every con - widows fur eetuatlereatel traveller.:. Ilse best breads of litt t the b Good hustler in ante a ll ar ct t'1it i�TL N 1i =LEIil.Prtgp. Grand Bend, t! ae ret ts7s. 0.11, IltNTRtAL HOTEL, t'itE1)Il'ON 1 aS ate. Baker proprrh ti r, This Betel heel bee a mealy tarnished and fitted up In tlr t e 1a;-, st'la Largo nail e'onvertletat 'trues. Irt,.ixo for l7 (•urs mercmt 7. n Seeders ;10 'at of holler, suer Lit at:+ at the Bar. Atte ntave lite -tiers galls t s on hand, M '1 --inn. WILL.; BAKER. �.1�a31(ON H()l7,$ol:; I iNes8I LL, + 17x77 t spat Fiero of (tie rtits,ae. Titin lido, leis i''et' x3ly chant e.1 Maui', taut well fur- ,isl-+ d throughout. 1,'teelh tit table . Every at - imitate leant to 'carollers (food stabile The veru baja brands of tattier tit the bar. 1 It irAUB it 'S )LI)s,1'rop. M. 13.3m. ` yll a.NUED II 1N1);1. ---,The under- sigueetlntvine" rot tell t1ze Duffer it Iltause,C'oa. mita. tor a term. it will befound a tl-et-slaws fru L•1 With every arnoaxatuodati=tet for the travelling albhe, ('ouvtnuetittotlao Stat am. liuuetl,igttur ttitl a:hau :at the bar. A.ttuntive izeetlers, Mt Iv. itian+ Sita, el, try at a ar. THE GR ATEST Wonders of Modern 'Mmes Kollowaya Pills &Ointment The Pills Purify the Blood. correct all Meanders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys ant' Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to was visiting him,"" when you take off Fatuities. The The Ufntmeut is the only roliableremedp for that 'ere plug hat and spit two or three The English girls have improved up- BadLegs,Old wounds, Sores aadreere ,of now - tunes, there ain't lunch of you left, is on the leuguage of the fan and the heed• ever tong Mantling. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, thar ?" keiehiel by devising a very copious Vo- nuaxio a luulR.henmatism, and all kin eases The editor of a religious Paper -which es bulary of the gloves, which for the BEWARE OF had one month's precarious existence benefit of Canadian woolen, we beg to in Chicago, says that it is a good city "pirate from an English cootempor- 1 CW York Counterfeits.for a religious paper, provided Satan ary. It runs thus : Spurione imitations of "Holloway's Pills are manufactured and mold Ointment; " 11ss three pages aud the other page is Drop a glove—Yes, an under the patine of ieHolloway& Co.;' by J.F- mised. ()rumple the gloves iu the right hand Hgists, enry, and curia s84 o osmosity, Drug - 0 tba Metro 001)801atlon—Inebriate :