HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-8-1, Page 8W. GRIGG, MERCHANT TAILOR, aracrrnzmxt, AlAIN STREET, • EXETI.E. 0 A. choice as-the:mem of CLOTHS, TWLEDS., FANCY COATINGS and VESTINGS at, priees that will compare favorably with other Dealer& Otat MOTTO-" Permanent Satisfaction.". 'rhea Gouts" Turuishiregs a ettecielIty. FALL Si-haat:re IOU IOC'S. Senth Huron. Exeter. October 5 mei 0, siko-As 1,1%.• hell during 1678 us fel- low; Weetern Fair. at Loudon, September 30 to Oetobee 1. hineittaa fall eelabitieu. at Mit11. Seleeres ler 19 elial Went Damen, at tivao:101, tet ler Viand 19. Central. at thaelpit. Septoulter tA4 29). It9,Vineki). 1919-0119'9 S'T9t 341''.T '33 US .279 :yielding the "hammer" iu his usual humor- ous manner. The bidding was not very lively, and the building was sold for a30 to Mrs. Flitliard. The cedar posts and fence rails were fah to do o very short timo THE TRIMS e y, an ancone a g A desire to purchase retOPENENT BXTRAOltDINART. near the market should do so at once, before the prices rise beyond their reachothich„ as the result of the activity of a market they cannot purchased by Mr. Isaac Carling for $4,75, and QVOIT taemen.--Oo Saturday afternoon last a eertain unmentionable but awes:try ad-a.game of quoits was played between Messrs. hunt to a well-appointea premises brought Wharton Hodgson and Thomas Horn on the tifty-five ceuts from Captain. Howerd after a side of Exeter and Aftssrs J. D. Ellis and J. -Tithed and interesting competition. IdeLean on the side of Heneall. The match TBa Hoo Pres IN TEE V22.1,401.1. -We do was play01. 022 the vacant lot in the rear of Dr. not loom whether it is necessary or not, but Cowen's buildiug, formerly owned by Mr. D. since no action taken ut the matter, we deem Joints. The liret game was won by Exeter, • er came to our leuowl. deo. rivalling anything ht it advisable to call the aenteu of the Village but lu the rentaiulug two Ifeusall carried, off • soug or story, occurred it: this neighborboue authorities to the horrible stench arising from the laurels. Some el the hitchiug was rely Tuesday of this week. It wes tut elopetueut of the hog peue itt different parte of the viehtge. • good, and some of it very intlifiereut„ Messrs. au extramelluary texture. th. etors of which Between the C. M. church 014 the Station Hodgson and Horu made excellent work inthe own allegiance to the etiery ette that to in Beall the stench is almost unbearable. Tile lest game. 'When they Itad 7 wane their op- the land of frlt/1u. odor ie.eMattniug. Other parts of the village temente. hall 15, but by careful playing •they WEL' P.W are just asbad, anti we hear couhtlainte of the . ran up to 17, when the star of the liensall so far as gleated by eur neeoter. ere as follows: wee:sauce on ail sides. ruless eemethingjs pleyers again aseended anti by very neat pitch- Atrout the month of Nee- lee et< a man wee, VANREZ twos ewenoes muv LAND OF LIE - RIM VITA ANOTHER '?Nt'S. WIFE.--AFTEA EINE MONTHS TREY ARE Wit.T.owED---ANDTna 1LovINO earn iteerrees wrru 11JU LIEGE lotto ANA MASTER. CHAPTER I. One of the meet extra. nlinery cases that ev- 11..'tuattcr. will be bred 10 g, which aid uot admit of any improvement. iug front Iruele Saute: Ie.:ea:ea Ole., Unit 8Ceeeelil- the place. Lind death may result. one huzaau they SCOFe.1 21, and thus woo the match. v a fuevinetlete co zee; , • witolli . Exeter beat Ileneall some two weeks ago, so blintteeSeel was, his wile toe2.1,0 she ee, ever in Exeter. We hope some steps led that the two pleoes are now (Neu. A good stoma to his:none. arho, or a - takeu to remedy the meeement auel Fleet /et 4.Jof interest was apparently team in the tail employment in oleseere Avery etalit',.! et:etagere r.m :VS* with the idea the; vieitore ganws, aua quite A moutor of people were where he retattitie were..... for a ftrr'', •aths. In the- . '• life is starlit mere than all the hogs that were to Exeter uniet qt.:ley de-itifv‘etaatS. prti,ent, among them a few from Ihmeall. The winter tiortien. Ilea lear : it att.ske, wk.44-4f tat •,‘ Diatehe ov .41. Pi.-anWeille.AA'y Of Inst folwaiii, is the $04-e mr. E. tiossm,a, or the faro of Dyer. take Ettoriat E Howard, io i.1v2V40.422y WWI SWAN Other Wink.' :Wit wee etegegel remixing the Itunteo Cathe. iihagshh......10. it.Church in Lia.lelph, and be was goalie nahl 11 ......... . _ ;nto the peetuiet eoli a Mr. Robbie:in who itvee LOCAL NEWS. etaeoo tl.t• elaitelt• fit haat juet got threugh t 21. it g alien In ceite.1 the dog. whielt ego,'1. 344 the ler& :Mined ce 43.••• if OtIp3022.... 3. TIIITSDAY. ArtiVNT 1, 1s78. youe 141 z.aLing fteilitvrty r-Ltip 3A-53154, oat for pneeitee 4114 110,144".Sy takilt tht? 0124 234.40 A 2'3'1 on thq Werthzteds.mciy Tanostireheette. joree Pie:Lard eyeetteeeett throleeeidI:tithe,: ou Ilea -A.4 Lot. IL. eel t uers aletta .to lee:tee, oetia- ette et. the ter nem ettitt ),I.E.FVi 9". 990iFFIV lee: eel V.7‘,/ee 19, 1199 1.1;4^VI:i111. el; E.2::,rt Let L.na thee leatee. teeth tete, "lel wee "thee. ts.-.,!4h4 .ittrinee paet vie. it lee tote: e . 1larete:•.t.in 1.14i4a41 ttreezifiLie,t' 14 two tm tic.e.. e..%eee 241fikt TNT: l11,21 .L.---113,", of 'Ow ma to-, leleuelay wee mote thatt rteeeeeefal here. W. 4.1a:v p4%3,4A 21.1 teeipte, tool the. fer a short fame lot the elende mareae.1 te ell Sot eutio le low utortairet Uah le Pearesetee- The P.eet. r letral ail, oat f r practice *'u 1rila tsieht intenaparty with •olal) 44 tla.,-firt EWA , who laUrciall with Litt. 51 toteitt The lettel oluee,1 well. aria evil 0 4 ti.toe aey taloa:eat ou the elate! whet. in • ' .1 I, 1 a.. Stateeroee-The ellientent tf one rior sheep otatit we rehired t,t u tmple-Ad weele. ta wee meat- fan Mitchell ou Triasty la -t by hi hrs. tuts mid Ih al. They weed to. Live:Teel, lvltit5 4.50 ehu-p there were ee heed +4 fat cattle. m -vote-11h ,Well MIS leg petrel:as:el frem Mr. D. Jeltus the beading opataite the Cen- tel 11,4,1, end fitted it up hatithenuely, has remov. 4 hie wilier to the uppiet fiat. T5,1, l'tti- Vitlatt' iSikil tie, street leading to the tutee Utrietitut eimeou. Me. It. Kamm h4 ageat for the Allan Lille. lichees at low tette, Beeetimo..-What proud:tea to be a 1.1.1y in- let -testing baee bai math between Grelituu eub ateel a Mete hastily eel:Acted for the octets - hot in let.er, was luterrupted Tilltrrally at IT it 1.1tHlti tiuwuponr of raiu, ADA the C412. tee tutu, had 0) separate without knowing which billo was the Lest. tehon T1:flown:to-Cu Fziday evening last Exeter Fire cozupauy leo. 2 had their engine onr fur a trial of her projecting powers. The buctiou holm was placed iu the tank by the B. C. Chu en, and the nozzle on elain Street iu front of Mr. S. E. Jones' jewelery establish- ment. The water was thrown over lettuson's Bock quite easily, a long distance for a hand engine. 'When the hose are ail attached to the engine the water eau be thrown on the Post Oillee Block, with the suction Doze in the stone tank as it was in. on Friday evening. The pumps worked. easily. AcUDENT.-On Monday last a painful acci- dent oocurred at Crediton to Mr, Edmund At- kineou, of Exeter. He was puttee- the theet- ing boards on ihe roof of a building for Mr. Samuel Woods when he unfortunately stepped on the edge of n boom' which not been nailed to the raftere, and. fel to the ground, a die. tance of about 14 feet. He fell amongst a quautity of lomber, breaking his left arm near the elbow and.stunning hint. He taken to 1)r. Lthlinse where the broken limb was set. He was bre light home the same day, and is now ' under the care of Di. Cloweu, and progressing Loot atete. NAWAT.- It Sit laity .evening about six o'clock a furious runaway °muted in the vil- lage. A horse belt:tieing to Mr. John Willis by some means escaped from the field where he: bad been working, and with a new sulky hay ake at his heels dashed wildly up street. hle, close to the sidewalk in passing Jones's jewelry store, and the rake striking against a hitehing post one of the' wheels was torn off the axle. The horse was stopped. near Bevis's blacksmith, Lop by a farmer's wage n which happenect be standing crosswise on the street. Peneen.-The liteenen in full dress, accome 1 read by the Lana, landed the streets last 2. Tliy1ookodwel1., SALE el' ALEUT }ma extee.e- 1 he smell- 'buntling widch the village acquired with the market property was as per atieettipeinenteot rvld by publet 51 aeon on Monday evening last, VL o 11 Rodeo; u, ti 0 (lpelar 500 ioneee, t 5,15 )15154. 111{01 55.445..1 4111th...1;00A itaturtel. bit s eet ea itairsi Mr, Howard Ity dee calf of the fiurn' • 11' tii.4 .1,..51„ need eltmg kis with ;omit tenacity 14. et ei neho. hat teeth meet. nor diel the eaveete • • iteute reare his lt.la till Lis jets were oalit•I . lbeleson ...10. ettre. its. Howard W' 414 )4.4,eteitt to ee home /halt 'a ... A. 45 11V1; r. Tito r.1.114.44: Vivi. 24.4 : ramitki Q./ 1 --- 1 ..,:.. or t.r.), tem :i•fta. rrUlv '.!+14-. Ileveata -wee • 17. tee:. tha it,1:'-' lb4 . tire tem, ot 14 a. t4. Ca eteo- to• t7{40 to lc1, nasw,reke,. 0.1 litafte yotee ele toe a L'r:.s•ii e r tehetee wet, Its Lig ”4,4e• t'Ai-sr144.,99 t449i. .9.*Nre-lti 1144iL14.041.), l"" 5 boilesert;.u.! 14ve h ii'-ill,ti,t. Ville.' 5 f,224tir, eeeittire Ileaseee. 111 tilee.tslee455, 714 51 d• hiterleealholl in the serino he Lena . s arra Italtortm 4.110 StAlt01, 5 f.a tamr si 1.5 eeeille. avillaee :dem 3*515' miles ,.ash ihteter. All the fee the leek were very alesteenate toweed 41114 Weso rt ,!,14541 212,do!N 14 1.4 • ft,lliolk in AtAtrilla,Ally. 1.7A,Tphi5:4 Wout With thttil, Esir A 4.2,0114: liALEEKt:p 11524551‘ el'Snes% ev envoi 1 tet.4. reel not II whater .4 tee tree...Ode id aff,arhe. waA zaraie 5nlbe ravel VA,,,13,V ast. fly the' t14511 thl• tite 1/1311 e . .. eittuo. los le walas Ak. il, ael. e.oaitot fr..0, Ema...... 8. .-42i5.. Nos- 1.-iotri..., dl..... :to ri iiki 5i*,.kita, i5 d 1 ,3104..'4511 leo A et tee 1.'414rii li,:.5, 1. ii‘,• Ivo Vta. A 5 5,,, : 144 ott.,:niapi4 off a va,,m,ivi, aroi ..,L,A, 5 a -,,, .i ,ii„ ,_,..... . 1 4-1:411 la. -1% :a; 5344-8 teent r..• .5 i'• i 11 ni tieroent of the difficulty. Afr. Goo. u wanted five dollars to abenamn. his cheitu. Ana Mr. Ardell was willing to pay two. After some time they effeeted A CoMmumf•- Mr. (Sion1041 agreeinc to ery quits mid t•aritter hig tudewfully acquired property for four (halms of the lawful money of the realm. The: 'sr et Odd, and (attestable etill„ who by the wry. had not 1i:eating: to prOVATE' A warrant. twis nifotrucd I that he might let the Woman goe 'ME FINALE. then hal his eleteeteee eheehot ;! for Tnhe," end ells. A. iv :elver -owe of his 15co32PEr;try el,een•t. from hee sele ol dot:totem leernis nreloal Gerd:met meat unit hies aim he I the most an fashion. Then Gloat% preeeed tome:Mee into her keel, end she lowhisperol a few wohie in hie :ter. eaaell returned. the whietie semelet, they fon aeosrd. ; the cars. the treat started, a sweet 'eel -Li was ttemit.rast:tho Jatine.theta joie velsesitie•ka trituno, to the kael where free lime otetaine. HAY. • On Friazty C4,144,1slirt bops., of Stephen. siarikkveti from liclo;o11 and l.Rirteetiet,i Lange Itmolu.r fieet-elase ; hogs pneeltit-.A et the Dratrefo )0 11' pee. fes, ter with in duo.. 1,4, to lay ..rpo4.1. ••••••/01.11...er,01. • YE If 9 A -1)91,094.94 94 4 i:AIS NkkTic*i; in.: ok (ay pty., k, a-1515, ,rvitzts. 1.5.CV 5.44. 5• 5, '55". •Ii." to -en the %tt,t,t.i kI4sori: to 51 .54 15 I 51 Re „ e,,e..ki.44,41412.i4ey- noir t, t ti ; • C.te er. !1,12,1„ r 0 2, Y{ UM, AV. o4,1:42. rote e; Dalt 4 Jute j,, 5.Oi. ehe t.reeth 0P& READ tee fteree .4 lee Ley aue letee • eeteeete. at the Ittoto14,1:7.831 .en. al I y GRANT'S REEDY thin 0 kck.54.1i.iik;4 11.t, • otetto coo 11485110115 f;,41 -e An 2,, emoteit e tit. e , I t A V.11 r ath ritzs tit,tt thhah 18,_ tee tar et of elt o este1 71 et ill 45 5, Ed144 1.,412:a I 44 wv,t. 5.54. .0, i **I .15.5 .4 An 1! I ate Ore' tise het eet cl41nt4 e 8 the, hat " 5 2' 4 a: ,e4 t ete 244i Ad Likd ala id • Wit t thic 2 4+4.4, S,71.528114 1.1.:` ad 5 a e I itt John ta. ;2 5 25 A. ,1 4 „ e. e 1. "'434'! 14,s 5 I.n V**44-il3a 74)14 Vkt ki4va 5 ri; ';5 .45 ea :644 I 47,,555 he, ete.to 1 e vete331 tIl t 114 bet: tft r. eel. 4:Pdi s L i,T7 1 ;2 t+ 4542135 23 e T57e.ter 1.4k n. Et.(11 for .); 31. A13 4- 1.440, - 4 5nakr? . kr, . 7,714, 1785 all,'1 554:4t tetra, t. 11 13.51140 nz to,Wilere. 1,141 15ttli t.to tiggo 1343," 12 7 40-* 30 .no «5i4544651 5 toene 5 gide ret1,11. 0 ef 3:40,4'4 5. 55 „ev.,.. 08 t1t5. 1544.4. •• °4 544,, 1.15'ik l8INA' 49,5 47344 5170 o4 fortnte• , vieit the pew.. the itatert teito: thet Eeeter a I 4-.15 1411,!. 1aiis5 5 or wat.--iie "Mese, I ','23e+, mg of i I. -,v':13& 1444,t,'7. '.31554 here 811*!"h"ry OVA 4; itio... tq,iikith 150.1 Aitteet :here other pee:, 14 the fie.: gives ite priuelpal thoroughfare 54.1545'Leh-holt:ail* moue, ll114 1.Vt. r .45.4314! it. t144.: saw.: thing. . 5 sag:, st the; titt* UAW. 44 tom 1,5 tor eerti. I e iet Ret51•Wri 1..tiiva it. Whet tete- limpet:pie e a r, . 4.5 444 4"4. 15 , ee 49, ., eeele, t me 54 51155!lill'' .1)5 4 „ , • t4:31 11- • : ; te A • 1 .4 9411111.9 -FA) 55 .11 9 4;44- ff. tra let ...mak 44 elk •,,st.ft".-f01, 5" id1,511,5 71 At• • if .1 155,156.4 04 l'.”9.10.11:17: gig VT ur AA !AA', tilo. `9E,190i ...144-19". 5545.24 35415 6010'. 09 ale, eve tee eel he 1, ia lee,. 1 s- u. 1.40^. l65141. uteil feteet thetreetit tea Wei- 1 113 the eft. 1,, :4n oh .OReeo 1 04F IA I '1 99 ',Illy Wu, "oht lis till.'114Cla511 ileriqqa` 8.115 tem: 510243 toe Ir. ,'474,'. :i.e. int Ne -175 45 01. ;1.4.04 A. 251., aka Ilt r 12151.rt fk.tre.1 wiz,5454545" '0 '5125 54 12.2'.' 50+ 9.A ter :tea to e r tare :veto e. ee .ot the vete., Leilere eht teeloellt en the. et le he.stheeee, h tee ,e,,,taataeh ;he tl.e None doe • '.5541' tame time 5 boohoo fie • *it en. ea, 94.9, .4 444 .425,.t.., t,, te, tea,,,•e tete ltillipit• tor .14111litt4 titeto to tut it: -1 "*.elea tat flee teel tle. dee: ear. A .65d, a.a„aach tea t,o uthat,14.'5* ee.,„ .1 et I/5. twehateaeho1ethot 733 0 r'n0ik4'„.::4a l45'sit• k•.I ls -k1•ikkne-e4-g,-.e.5le, i :o.• `o'et.e 1 s tito1; •,ta*1/h"-:e11! ev,. 35. 4re15e.4lete : 3.-k 5, 1 P1007,ilaPibra7 -4 V,oa v4„, ee- tel the eatelilatte :Ilea at al, vete t • noi le Meet melee tee dein ''5 o elle :New n . i" 4 t / 0 N 118'! IL, to t: reams teepee lot eu A ti 0 te' I I to 5.0 544*' 1444 1 W 51445 4 Mill, U. eelt sr:. Lis e',:otti :Met II 15 f5l4111 the kr dem 4'. awl had left it at hie leeeee 45 OW :of his' t.t:rte. A nethe r wi.e4 se: 1 that ono of lae Corieese Meter:lee Tito Cenneil met pumas r• aet to it ljettrument at the leaped ease 054 e 2542h h*,,t. An the • pr. sem ceeept Mr. Verity. The minutia of 2 tee hr. vions uteteiug Wilt* Vcati aud eeatirtat I.FI7A,11.7 intr'. lab, %54I1; 521::i 1 251 0151, O.5.‘ili.E After tleot, eselootat tool 1 Itheitet tionoto t Xhmen_iv...- et:leiter:, of be- le 1.e.1 seloaltd. a hot t met ; - ,arials • ;P;t14; lets heel taaett 0 vettitieete, Tot that th.745)$554'5'455':4' "tifi'" ;''' r' 455)551,',, 1.4' 141""g 1' ta^ hot t'"WO-311.14t to ,101.% him, atia 4',) osi , .4,7",1'. 90° 991'1 Near the "S '].I135' of ,1i e- 1214185415 tieit ma, 5 0":41.1k.a.cei wiXtli Igkedvd,1 t 6 I 59419, 11'30.A:ei :9tist9F0'4 aoity in tuo lel - t 1 intetelt nu veer vereirg, eseeote DM t400tee • eoneee tel • • . - .-- -'- -" .,,teran le t.ioun. y i of Ituroli. e :ay. the tattlerieh aml the Sete:4th peeves, e"'" "f Mr. Arlt '1r" "5.54.°'"15°' l'"eliPts• %% but Lee tee,11:4 t5i-ree=1" of 14i-4 14254 51,24,1, 1550 eriett a twit devil latt. r then the Teudere for the 4 livere• g1'44Vi,1 OA tilt' mar- 1 ket wen, Tete -heel from Neeters, E. me. 1 ot ilatrolay the :A:tinkers 11.5,1 mit finished '1 au Thie sett and Tito:tete Mingall, felk,ws: $1.4:9 per eseed; .'r,..rgart, $1.70 per t eon!. ahead ley 11. itheeet, wheeled by .T. N. : *7Carriea. Movol by le Rio et. toetnellea .T. Howard, tied the lovaat tider be rteeepted..- ec, Howard, that tle• Iteet\te procure plan and t specifications of latii.uag, ata that he give b notice that teuders for bnilding will be received up to alontley, the ath day of August, at 7.30 pau.-Carried. The clerk reported. the sale of tea belittling, poste. tee., for 535.30. Moved by R. Biesett, seettuded by G. Satui:ell, that the Cuuncil aajourn until :Vol:day, the Sth.of August,. at 7.30 p,m.- Carriea. M. EAVICETT. C:erk. awav thee, eh.. eel tut heetettielee et her eileleution hivit Oda the felerbood, came to elothilia wit el, e. ineetieley melee use 49 iatia eitlient the lea, Hate jeettiir: Hutt even for email totret, 41.-e:oeis of avoeling tto Yr:Itit" ANT 'I AN 11 01.1 .1 t.,4544.ty of 440.242 In a 1.4% *141;1 111.1431.l."i /47 r:Ire I telt 11 ,1. 41,N; 12. tkt1,41 KI7111Z.:1:17 v.. N. 17 It RAY, t1leIe' tal ro tor eel by Pt Mat* BY wtiAirros vi;lirti.tr,.., At t TbiNEE11. heir labors. Title emelt:et on the part 5,1 the 5,15,31.5 tfte 1:14'11)1` 55,40 ;It ","1:4* .ahop of the shect $hroutitil, aud people eau Mur."A.,f :tve.iii!llevh%::::-.5.11:4e.-itsle ally look with leallaug :ma hewn upon men lter pretty tillrti's they left, a teed deal vi" s*ool,t lo hiPtittY " "lug wn' sauls away." tptibie, petty lie. lett eteue prople have They (trove to leseter. Here Mr. 044141 uch habit lying, ft:gelled upon them tlutt hail Nome time ago feft a wealth to be fixed. by tl t toll tlas h. stupid he um. at that. the 5.3115412 things of tide 4441'114,M35. .15,.. got pos. Mr, Jonee. mut, '52521 the epirit that metros net seseem 42f the watelo and *awned it amour ON. other thingoin the beet= of her these. Thus 0114lt chapter'. ATTEMPTED norSEEREAEING.-On Monday morning last, All attempt was made to gain an entrance into the residence of Mr. William Horne, about half a utile soutb of the village. The family retired to bea early, and about ten o'clock Mr. Horne heard some one at- tempting to open the Venetiau blinds on his bedroom whitlow. Mr. Horne enquired teveral times as to what was wauted, and at last a voice which he failed to recognize growlel out that he -wanted in. While this was goiug on, Mr. Plorne'a two daughters heard another par sou attempting to force open the front deer. They raised a window and alarmed aneignbor, when the two parsons, ending their efforts of no avail, took a sadden departure, one of them staring "they would show them yet," or some- thing to that effect. Mr. Horne in the mean- time procured his revolver and went outside, but could not and trace of anyone. It is well for the rascals that the revolter iviLS not iii ItIr. Horutes room,else that gentleman says he would not have hesitated to nse it, PEoPEETT ONANOIN Ils.34148.-. Sow that; the peoele of Exeter know where tim minket is to be situated, there is a revival iu the sale of property. Withiu the Jost few days Mr. I. Carling ha.s sold several lots on the Station Road and other streets in the neighborhood of the market, among the sales being two lots to Richard Herren, lsud two to a Mr, Murdoch, of Brampton, Who, we learit intend s erecting a groen house thereon. ,A. Mrs, who purchased the old building on the Market Square, has also bought a lot. In polling his lots, Mr. Oarliug gives plenty of thnethe pay fot: them alai asks a low ;ate of interest, thus making it at. easy matter for. people to iuvest: .A. smell market house sufficient fur all vreaelit Bi want**, together with weigh imales will be erect- ; el on the market inunediately, and a better tu grain trade thalieV.er is eihattlently entiehott :et ENTED.Pang.-Mr. Sir oebottom, the CHAPTER II. nootrietor of the Eirkton hotel, ha.% re,- FOLLOWING THE FVOITIVES-AN AMIVAIILE see- eently erected a large addition to his building, which will give him more con vonience, hlr. Bohner, blitoketnith, hos erected a new dwelling house. Mr. Anderson ha-, started a new shoe shop here. 15 was long needed. l. STEPHEN. IiicxmrG 14?IttnaPUS.-One day last week, while Mr. and Mrs. 1-1)1t, who keep hotel in the back part of Stephen, were in Exeter, three young 15101) of the neighborhood, named Barry and Rolnick, entered the bar -room and rafter drinking sill the liquor they could btow away, gave.a lot away and threw 34 qnautity on the floor. .A. young lad w110 was left in charge, attempted to iuLerler* but to cool Lim id the young knell poured a pail of cold water over 124*41. frIrs. B. di. laid information of malicious destruction of property, but the case, on being tiled in Exete.• 011 Monday lain, NI as flismissed. Another little iiioident „ocenried 011 that dav w hieli is wierlity of notice. While they were holding "high jinits" at the tav- ern, a farnier drove along. A sucking colt accompanied his team, and tlie colt started bid witle the strange horses. The farmer got out to follow and bring heck the eon, leaving his horses stand- ing ontbe Hold. These young men got into his wagon and drove about a wile end at full ;speed, *They tit! n-, pad at nothing: They drove, throtn.h a set of bars and into '13, field, upsetting the wagon. The owner of the horsee 00.21:0 11 1.1 And remonetrated, when, it is tot, by way (.f diversion, they gave im houtol thrashirig. Mete had on up yteterday before. the magi - rates, ou a charge of trespass. The (*5'A WomAN-A AT I"2; 110X .1011k." m In themeantime Mr. Gordon, 1410 borne.- hautled son of toil, was., like Muth of old, gleaning away in the harvest held. The birds were singing merrily as they hopped front branch to braneh. The goltten grain was wav- ing as fanned by the gentle zephyrs. The little lambkins were skipping 111 the and all :Nature was dressed. iu her most euelmitting robes. The Intl of Gordon was serene in peace. There was sunlight in his heart. No thought of impending sorrow evembed upon his 81104but ho felt as happy and gay as the songsters of the fields which earrolled around lnen. °I3ut his home was despoiled of all that made earth dear to him. After finishing his Smell day's work, he went home, expecting to have tea, prepared for him, and smiling, no doubt, as he thought of the . AOCIISTOMED ETES that would. welcome him at the door. But what was his a.stonishment and grief when he gazed upon the desolation of his once happy home. The sunlight of his life had faded away. In the words of the poet he might have said, if ho didn't, "Who's been here since I've been gone?" or, adapting another well-kuown line to the cir- eurnstaue,es, " Oh, where, oh, where, is my little wife gone?" Whether he naked either of these momentous us or not, there is no record, but if he dal only the mocking veto of his own words would. answer him. 13ut he diduh sit down and wait for the tide of events to turn some- thing up to sleeve The ornettenmaer which his desolated home suggested. He ilia - mediately hied hini• to Exeter, where he soon learned what had tak n place. He employed Constable Gill to assist him in recovering his property: They hurried to the station expect - Mg to meet the fugitives there, They met them. Tho officer of Iler Majesty's law accosted the lady and asked hei• to prod.uoe the watc,IL She thrust her haled into where it was hiddeu, ana turning him she was deserting, said, "014 yes, doM, l've got your watch here." ' • ". Pena 0111514,"demanded the countable. She complied with this polite request, and :Messrs. Ardell and Gordon; .the rivals. for Mrs. Ardell's affections we is :leder, ouneitlehath tiuas We gu t0. then went outside of the 'station liou.e and en So - WM.. • Sett into arrauocuients fot• tiutt amicable set ed duritig the coming fall, This will ha:e oft he • ffec of ieeteasiee the talue et the mt..= pr : -AT run - i CNTRAL II07 EL, IN l'hE VILLA.9E OF EXETER, 1 til the emrkty of 11 won. on 1.1 Satarda.yv Aug4th day t August a511,. „ , a tWO4144413., in the afterneonw, i t twe overate ipart els.the follow/di-. '1 thl he theept.r.h.:4 ...- I'Alteitli. No. 1, toin t NO. :i. 2141, :lad CoEuPslicat of tife township et Ilay, in the count:. or Huron, 1 eontaitting 100 Races. more 04.1,1,N About s, voitv-tlivet.iiicrok (.1 15245. farm an. weil 51gkii4,141, 411/(1 illideelliteNtitIvlieund tlie rem twilitivr of titt.44,t is ti)11bertil witILA,t,00ll bard wood bash. ellkellv bectIll Ulla maple. Tete., nit. 0180 11. 151103- 14124 tummy and a good barn on this lot, and a good sized eicharst of about two acres. PA11,0fil. 110,2„Lot0„in the 2nd concession of the sant townnhip of y. Thin is a. bush hit.- lorOm the fronted aeres lhe tiutherhas been part. ly culled, but the rest of toe lot 1H beitilly wooded, chiefly with good tetra wood,. 't'he halo of this lot affords tn excellent oppertunitl to the farmers of the locality, and ethers now rarely met with of acquiring wood holds in that vicinity. iletit 1018 aro (tomer lots -on the COVItel` of the tli141g3c. ie°1'0beTYt:itI tft1.=1%tltLAf 11 and withio miles of the villsgo of r;xeteF, am; iu the udast of the best farming country in On- tario. The soil of these lauds is unsurpassed for fanning qualities; a good creek runs through both lots, and the laud is well watered. There is a Church ancl also n School Nouse in the immediate neighborhood of the property. The title to this property is perfect and free f.rezn all inctuabrances. TERMS OF fiALR The purchaser of 'each parcel will pay down s, deposit of ten per cont, of the purchase money at the time of sale, to the Vendor's Solicitor, and. payinto Court within 110 days. thenal ter, suf- fi.nent, ivith such (10505154 to make one-half of xlia iorehese money, and will exocu to a, mortgage for a balance thereof to the . Real ItenresentatiVe of the ()aunty of Duren, payable in three equal. instahnents in one, two, end tlir^e years from rho day of sale with interest at seven per cont., pay. 13.be yearly, 5118 545)012 payment of half such pin? chase ey and execution of mortgage. each DIV baser witlbe entitled to a couvayauce 5751 540 Inlet Into ssession. As t. PADDED No. ',possession only spas to en- able the purchaser to do 'its fall ploughing can be given immediately upon payment of the deposi but possession of the dwelling and of the premises otherwise than aforesaid will not be given 'until the invnth of Mach next, wheu a lease 11011117.111- sisting thereon expires. The Reel Representative reservesto lihrtsolf power to adjourn the snie if in' his judgment a11 adequate priee is not hid for said parcels, andel. ao in that event should he see Op to cause, said bush lot to be offered for sale in tAro or more 1i/id- eals au similar termd. In all otber respects the conditions of Bale will bo the standing conditions of stile of the Court of Chancery, fartlaerparticillars apply to 1Viessrs.G.Annow* . MizZuld:Rennzilltins‘r, Goderich and Wingliam; Messrs.ffikeinn Emisrat, London; and to the Vendor,e Solicitco, Exeter. Dated thie 11t12 day of July, 1818. feigned,W. B. SQUIRES, "teal Rep. Co. of llnren.. B. .tilLLIOT, • *ardor's Solicitor, Exciter.