The Exeter Times, 1878-8-1, Page 7A TJ&UST 1,1875
One night as .Count Oliffe was riding
'through the woods, he, wasastonished
to see a great light among the troes,
tkhele there was no house. Stopping
Iris horse lie saw the ground open iu a
vacant opt between two great o k
tree;. Steps of stone led d"wil to the
great It•''n doors through which stream-
ed the light which Crecy first attl eted
hide, ;Se he looked, a woman cod a
U1IU, dressed in elate chane np the
stele;, isultli .1 bas! e , which they krltt
C"ti's fltlil' a vtared. 'this lit Lu anal WO-
7:taali Junked neither to the right nut the
left, N.'iaher slid they seem to lift their
feet ; hilt came toward Count Wife
with a slow pant gliding trotlof.
Count O:iffe wae terribly frightened.
A cold perspiraticm started out el Wu, ;
bis knees bent neder him, anal li.a:dly
.knttw•ing what he (tied, he eadeel out 111
a loud yoke, t'lcho are yen and chat
are you (doing lwre ?
Instantly the ti.;nrteai vanished ; da)
(list the steps, the tll•eflnt , and the
Blgitt, tuuft Utitte rode around and
around the tun great oaks; bat the
ground sbtswetl 110 trace of Eli openil'l,!.
O:1 tills next (lay lie carne agaiu ; bit
stat nothing. IIt, tvatll:ed Eabont the
r tau,. but could. 6t':r 110 1.1aea where
coincl be hidden steps or iron d;,are.
The birtl•i, i i nl!; hull so billy, began
to :flip er and twi'ter about bin1.
"11'uttt do you nein!, t'annt Oliffe ?"
said ra satiny youth; blackbird.
"Be'esson these trees," aneweretl
"is a alight of steps 1cadisse
slime token door,.'
"Ne, that ie ilnp)ssible," said the
blackbird. "1 11aVt) lived here ever
eince 1 :wad oat of the egg, and I desats
never t;t',41any steps ordowses
"Yes, it ie (111tae iltl.)ltaathlt',"' s'ai.t
awl ttiebir1s. Thee t)i'(+ Or heel
tri the knit has never beard of such :-
0:1114 went laeell1 tt:atl att.d
feel, II.. (sett"tl think ref nothing hitt
whet he had titin ; and he west te,
lvealoi &w. rw; et:ay tiiitl t'1r1t1 t',ve'•ry night.
tlirof1h the forest h )twin,; t(i see tlir
tran•l(safitl »i.tht again.
0,:e night, riding htene unsuee8s.4trI
its asn,tt, 11t' 'tu-;t tad owl las late as him-
'•I1.tPs , eanu•aele!" cried the owl. ''I
meet von every night. What aro you.
lnluting —mice or frogs
ortton,e stella and iron tt :ore," an-
swerte.1 ll;iti4',leashing, "are Inv Wee
(pal fr•);,ri.' A'ad he tohl the owl what
! he hail eieen.
The�,•owl listened,l )c Icing very wise.
",heel, I know,," said ho. Walt yon
Iltavt+ seen is the palace of time. In it
are all the tremsnree of the earth. Thi
lean end waetnitnwho candle ont are Day
end Night, bringing;,iift:s to leen."
'e;i hey 119W t+lttall 1 See it again ?"
tented i'eltnt. O:iine "1 lust determined
to find and enter
The 'pw1 slltu)1; his bead.
"Tu find it, 0 rout Oliffe, you need
only wait by the great oak tree till tie
ground opens. Then you must wait
tt11 flay and \inlet time forth, and be
carefnl to lead• nothing. After that, go
down the stype boldly ; but at the iron
doors there sits e. giant with the keys.
beware that yon listen to nothing and
do nothing bef ire seizing the keys."
"1f that is all, that is easy euough,"
answered Oliffel.
"Nat set easy as you think," said the
owl, flying away.
Count Oliffe rode to the two oaks and
dismounted. There he waited many
hours till the ground opened, and the
man and woman name as before. Re
watched them in silence, and went
boldly down the steps. Al the foot of
the steps sat a fat, jolly giant, shaking
a pipe, while the keys of the palace
bung loosely in his girdle.
"Give me the keys of the palace,"
said Oliffe.
"Yes, my son," said the giant, if yru
will first smoke a pipe with me. It
has been a groat many hundaed years
since any one has smoked it with me."
"There is no harm in that," thought
Oliffe, who thought beside, that he
should like to smoke ont of such a pipe
as the giant handed—a pipe with a
bowl of amber and a stem of gold.
At first when he saw the doors of
the palace open, he did not Waik in,
and yet he seemed to enter. He saw
splendid halls and wonderful treasures,
and said to himself that he world not
tike them jest yet, but when he had
finished smokin:r his pipe.
He spooked, and smoked down to the
very last bit of tobacco in the pipe.
With the last whiff the pipe fell from
his pipe: and broke. The iron door
swung to with a bang. The light, the
teps, the giant vanished. Oliffe start-
ed to his feet. He was standing alone
in the forest, end the day was just
breaking. Something' seemed odd
about himself; and looki•)g `down, he
.saw that lie had a long gray beard, and
that his clothes looked warn. He
went slowly back to his castle ; but he
knew. nobody there, and nobody knew
flim. Ho was all old, " old man. He
had smoked the hest years of hie life
-away in idle dreams, and the cunning
giant had cheated him out of entering
the palace of time, after all. • Poor
Count Oliffe l
I{;ll. CALL AT
• The day was warm and sultry, and
as usual sundry person, were lounging]
nb •ut the bar cif a leading restaurant,
discussing the topics of the day. Pres-
ently a Klan entered, and greeted .scene
of the parties present who were aa-
flnaietances. Lifting his hat he earn-
uieneted m'lptting bis forehead witty !lis
tial dircrotiief. at the scale time exclaim -
" 0 i how I transpire r
(Itis :)f the gentlemen present raid,
" Yen will Please excuse due, but you
sail tran-l'irtn. (Jai ss you made a mis-
take. 1 .n meant perspire."
jai.; whet I mean, When I
felt trattll I tail'•°t1 lily fico because I
trftta�,•1.t•d, rl::tt' 1a'1.
" t1,i, i►-tl.a;;"' lend another, i1 It's
peerepire. I know whet it ie. Why
any fuel ini:'tit know Lhnt tiarttpire
stirl'VEit ta1:11t'tlilel$„ tll'tt ht to take place.
i Ile<i pil'N eta°•:alis to sweat. 1 lia,seA't
beer. to ',ennnu it for middles,"
ti;,c •sal o tact. aavx.t•ri•ai that if the
lean '+11101 1:p. fade" 1111N1 lie wag sweat•
lug, and s'titt tie tra,a. plrt'd, il'1 wa.s
wru11':, ih tilo'tttitig of swo.atirlg was
tt t'.'ra'.>iIkt,
dela• ln'leh money do you wish to
put nl' 011 it, gentlemen ?" eskeil the
"-Pet up." sail one. '=111 pot ter'
two d "b1r :."
"Dane,'" slai•l the trill r,
A ditti•elealy was e',ni'.uttt'd, and sure
aPnllt'11 till-" man w.ty found to b.x ri'rht.
:1.µ 118 di•t Lot WW1 t•1 tatice tine l,yn)1e.y
110 t-aa'etitl{vl ii i.t or -ter:: for the party,
bet ho w la the 11. t ftairly. It is a,
t�aiieh that Inilae perl.nns tat of toe
%rtoeliil p'at alts looney illi if they. t'eh,
tlus ell to risk morel o}} Cll+aaca.
111.8IN1; 4S jr't31i LADIES.
Our attention has been called in It
new article for the use of bullet:. the
invention of which has conferred an
see -irk -Mpg blessing fee every lady, We
rr•ft•r to tete Queen City '+dtirt reu.petld
, r4 for eupalnrtinu Iiuliea' skirts, the
most desirable and beneficial article
eve invented ler the use of women,
twiny of whom have 'antrered yews' of
mi•:orabin health entitled solely by ear -
seine la nlllnher of heavy skirts, cnm-
ple'tely dra'rging trent (1'IWIl i tnilR-
tli;ng til ,wuPport lair's'' clothing is eh.
aoirnely necessary. 'These tat spe'nlore
err= reeointnended 11y ons 11'adi')j; phv.
ieians to all lasliee and yeenng girlei.
Every lady slfolld haw theta. 'They.
ere gold only 1hroneh lady anent':. A
-allIPntlei opportunity is nffer(tl to some
reliable lade caliva5ser of this county
tr1 Reelra the agency of a plt'asaut and
nrnfitahle 11114110Rn. For terms and
forrit'uy write rat once to fhe (lateen
vi a1.81pplller tlnmpanj, 278 C'1ar1r
Street, Cincinnati, 0.
People who have been hung and
have not died Fav they were overenmce
with striper the instant the rope ti. ht.
enn•i, and felt nothing.
British artists of fifty years ago
would have opened their eyes in won-
der at the It snriant homes of British
artiste of thin day. They used to live
in the simplest fashion. Indeed it is
related that when Cox wan at one time
staving. at an inn, and annther artist
Arrived brinuing his own silver forks
with him for his own nse, the pend
C'x was amayel, for he had not arriv-
ed at the luxury of plated ware.
A Baton Rouse paper mentions that
e gentleman residing in Livingston
Perish, Lnuisinna, had o very sins talar
nlent in his garden, which seems to be
a connecting link between the animal
and vegetable worlds. Tdo plant is
abort three feet high, and its stamen
reaches the ground. At the end, it is
armed with a small, sharp substance,
with which it pierces insects, and lifts
them to the calyx, where they are
grasped by the plant and appropriated
to its support.
Ronson in Terrill, the patellar
author, who died recently in Paris, was
in the habit of writing several stories at
once, which appeared simnitonenusly
in several different papers. He used
to dress np little wonders dolls to repre-
sent bis characters, and to prevent
oenfiiyinn place each set of fi •ures in
positinn on its own stage, so that
whenever a new instalment of the ro-
nin,nee war, called for, lie could tell at a
glance how his characters stood. Once
he drilled off a here without removing
the errreaponding dell, and subsequent-
ly the young man appeared iu the
story, much to everybody's astonish
"Habit" is hard to overcome. If
'you take of the first letter it does not
change "a bit." .ff yrne take off an-
other yen have still a "bit" left, if
you takeoff still another you„have still
the whole of "it" remaining. If you
take off stilt another, it is -not "t" to-
tally used up. All of which goes to
phew that if yon wisil to be rid of a
,"Habit" you mut throw it .off al.
i together.
and see their
New Spring Goods
Now Qpeuiug.
1`# Y Y MIL L..111,L�t ERY
Ordered. Ready-made °lathing,.
BOOTS, SHOES A YeD GilorT`T:_1 J1t 3,
New Wall PEtper just to heed; also just receive ),
our bow
Turnip. ytt*ui,1;.i, care lt, Rapp, Clover e1n 1 Timothy.
tlwltt•t to the tETY4.1.pressiet of tt ot.', we shall niter for
t' IOW a') 1 t l.-)tioa'114e1 }a;tt'•r 1e'1e(?s tbilnttiej
int, or Hansa 14 , >r.' •< a at} > ..oi,l fu.,
c. stir,: `1`L,i, tG PIOKAPD.
Being now in receipt of alarge stock of
£dry Goods, Groceries, Wines
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at
The inhabitants of Exeter au(t vicinity need not feel troubled
at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but
call at the store of the subscriber and
there to be had in Overooauiug, Fllll_c�Iotlas, Broad -cloth
Doe skiers, Silks, \'i inceys, 1)elaiues, and everything
nae led in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery
Department is Complete. Au inspection incited
No trouble to show goods
Grocery and Liauor Store
A large stook of
Green, Japan, Young Ilyson and
Black Teas,
Raisins. Cu'rra'nts, Prunes
=am) ,Apples , Canna 11.'U'IT,
Sardiiies, Lobsters, Sa1moi
Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup
Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, '12o1utc;cos
and Cigars,
Wholosa: e and Retail.
Main Street, Exeter.
I I'N L ;:°'' BORAT
Q Q 0
Or Sugar -Coated, Concentrated, Moot
end Herbal - Juices AatthrRiiliotta
Grunules, THE "LtTTX.R GIANT"
C.#TXkARdXC, or Itiultutn • in Yearvo
The nose:tynf modern atediral, Chemical. and
1'hatena,u,ni,'at science,, Nal use .of any tenger
takh g l,1.r la'ae.• reptla.sie•e..en•I naaseons pa?,s,
, a l.;f cheap. crude, and bulky iogre'' e o- :
wlic see can. .I r a careful itppitcation of eliem eh
'ven.u, extract alt the.cattaireic and other -r-1e h.
. i 1:11 ltd neatiea from the most t E do:e rush- 0o'l
;setts:. and e•,• a t•1tiate them onto a manta lir:n -
":e'. scarcely larger than a mustard
'.cell, !Sat at ran be readily sw:l'itoaletl by those '1t
:tiem,..t •,, a:;lttt'e'Dt.Rna_nsand to .:lien+t., .t-..
t ,, t tree Porgati i'e Pellet re +reaean , at a
twist ea 1.-t.,ttra±est form, as ):tach cathartic rover
a• ,.' embodied in naval the large phis fond for
stile 1n drug -shows?. From their W 80lerftttealtaar-
ter. power, In comparison to their size. potpie who
1101E nut mei Went are apt to t,trpi'u a that dim:
die harsh or:Ira- ate in effect: but such isnot At :IL
tin a a'e, ake.tlarerertt Mptt a Medicinal praneirea
of widen they are enni)n.' . 1 being so Harm .ore 1
:ttet ea..;hi:e'!, one br it,e o.t.t: r, 41' 10 j.rodiice
a Most searching 1a1..i thorough, e -et
gently and kindly operating, cathar-
i.k:100 Reward is berelay neereit be ft;e Ka. 11 of ane-, Pellets. to wv chemist i''.t weal, ii a.:
anal. 1 wt.:* loci in them any mouse, or go :or
lernr, or mercury,. 10111erat poison, or injurious
tieing entirely vegetable, no partirit)ar
tare i te. gt 6 tel 1 loft te,11 ,r themTits. tajti l.rte
U•t, i .1,-:....i_t` t., meeta):,tint •'. (1.01, tar
e , ret J!,,,.., 1 1 Jaundice, Ilt0ttat tvlte,
t olistipluiau Itupnro Ifluod, PAWS in
Ude !lieuidtera+,'.t'ii;tllne s of lige ('best,
i)izziticn,., sour Eructations. from the
stomach. Iliad tate in the mouth.1511-
Ions ;atttclus, Pain in region of hid•
ne)x, Internal Inter, 111o:tied feeling,
about Stt►utach, flush of XRluud to
Bead, II igit a afore d trittt IT using:1 t.
bUittl nod (+loottty Eurebodittp;s, rare
Ile. Pleree'e. Pie:a :tut X'uriitote *Pel.
lets to p a e:1 :. ei h e :creat) 11 !Whet- "1
a1- 1 nri.a`lss' t'e..t , teteT ra' siren is eu1't, • of
:4-eat-. 1 w l V. .:1x 11,..1 their action
upon the suintni ceoueu»Y Is Waiver.
.tai. *pall a gland or tissue escaping
beta ••att.tltte iutprens age row. 1:o/
ry.0r"::,'' ,:,"1,e41/4 -,tet ii.eerr a Toa are
,,,t a ,rear I aft : , n t -fie :s
Balt t ''1tre,vpati a fieatananpare-afar
,t.•, ie n a :.ti ai . 10 gray o.ib:1 a ,i that u t•,^.
-re mum. -. fr 1 and reaae. This is tot :se
0-(1 WW1 ala'. -(t 1 15 t%ia t are p, lit. to 01.00p
y m.eit t. or 1,041eispaci 1. SE. Ile . e o': two f .r
Ali ei a'�aa', seine a Laxative,, alterative.
or I'tira'atlt•e, an a1:at. •:.i0-1. enc -e ,:tax 1 a'.•etn,
evt;l inst. tl:e haw.,: !WOW. ^.:1:1^,f 1(04,10 to :al wale
They are said by all Druggists itt 25
coats a bottle,
A.17. . P.,•a,•i.. l In 4. , :...f.,
I:t"FF:ttee s. Is
esv an immense practice. c0ten fins^ ntrritleit
I•r'rind of years, having within that time treated
T my thousand cases of cin, -e diseases peetui:lr ul
woman, I have been enabled to perfect a most
potent anti agreeable medicine that meets the in-
dications pre -clued by that (lass of di -eases Waifs
positive certainty ami exactne-e.
To designate thea natural specific compound. i
haven:tined it
Drs Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
The term, however, is but a feeble expression of
my high appreciation of its value. 1.9.141 upon
my own ter -anal observation. As tt 0to.e ob-
server. 1 have, while witnessing its pnsltive re-
sults iia the few special diseases' ine'i'ieat to the
separate organism of 'Ewtnpan, sincled 11 alt 01
the climax or crowning gem of my
medical career. On its merits. its a po-hive,
safe, and effectual remedy for this ens, of dis-
eases, and one that %val. at all times and tinder all
circumstances, act kindly heti in harmony with
the laws which govern the female systt'ni. I aa:
willing to stake any reputation •ta n l'm'sioimt.
Nay, even more, so confident inn I that it is d1 1110
disattp'Iint Inc insist sanguine expectations 01 a
single invalids lady who a -es it for any of til+
ailments fur which 1 reenmmand 11, cleat 1 n(fer
ami sell it under . POSITIVE G:t'.ltt.nti-
'lEE. If a beneficial erect to not experienced
by the time two-thirds of 11)e 00150016 '.1 1lac tot -
are used, I win, en rattan of the 1.ou:E',
thirds of the medicine baring been taken a.•'•+' •
ing to directions, and the case heing one for it cult
Irecommend. it, promptly refund the lm1" 0'• 1.:::.1
for it. Iiad I not the most perfect aonti.IM,ce nl
its virtues, I cordal not offer tt its Ido )coder 1110-e
conditions; but having witnessed its cru v ui;t;artt-
ports cure; in thousands of cases, I feel svar.
ranted and perfectly safe in risking
both any reputation and rely money on
Its merits.
The following ere among thnae diseases 10
wluell my Favorite Prescription has work
ed enres, as it hr magic, and With a Certainly
never before attained by any me,lirine: Len-
enrrh'ea, Excessive Flowing Painful Monthic
Period., Suppressions when from unnatural
01114-05, Irregularities, weak Back, Protapsas, or
fulling of the Uterus, .Anteversion and ltd 101.9'),-
51.111. irDorttensan:;, a1a1 Ileacs
Nervnna )engpt •esslnnn, I)cbptinlity, DCIntel•pondraey,
Threatcnee. Miscarriage, (:hro le, Gunge,' ion, fn-
Iamm:ttion and Ulceration of the Uterus, Impo-
tency, Barrenness or Sterility. Femme 1Pea mess,
and ver: many other chronic diseases incident to
woman not n)entpnnod here in all affections of
this nature. my Favorite 1're.rrip1ion works
cures—the marvel of the world. This
medicine I do not extol as a cure -ail, but it
admirably Minns a singleness of put,
Rose, being a most perfect specific in ail chronic
diseases of the sexual system of 1+'nnan. It 1.0111
not disappoint, nor will it do harm, iu any state
or condition.
Those who desire further information on these
subjects can obtain it pet 'ruse su et.t(•ll C,:E1.310:
d&: st: MEDICAL, A1V1$ait. a book of over 000
pages, sent, post-paid, on receipt of 51.11. It.
treats 0)inulely of those desea•cs peculiar te:
Females. and gives much valuable :oirioe in re-
gard to she management of those affections.
R1 Y. PIERCE, t D., Proptr,
KILLS all the
FLIES in a
room in TWO
xo c. worth
will kill
more flies
than $ro
worth of
Fly Paper. t
No dirt,
no trouble.
Sold by
WHRRR 1,.. -� 4441,
,L t _yFgt
Botanic Medicine Co.,, Bufff alo,N. Y.
7lreliti teGtant RyKtller.