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The Exeter Times, 1878-8-1, Page 6
THE TIMES AUGUST 1, 187f FARM ACCOUNTS. "Young, Farmer.'" It is as uaeces- eery for a tanner to keep accouute as for any other business man. Not one f: x rn r in a hundred, or r.'rhaps in a thousand, knows how he stands with the world, said. Ste C.tl hew teach he owes, how , 4aa ell , '!lough Iris &Tees cert ilia:%, s dtoeh of them are pr ettablo, wiaicia grown at a loss, lasaw leuei@ they yiel d, or ti;i at a proper 1.17 d i' "'.► tat nova ice FNw can tell how avaataa aesda :i :shill a: eat, ©P edataalil,l t.tt;aela he a alta•, or ..1,:e tie aaey such a eau :at 7 1 .. l:tra ; :aQa:t the n19. - 144.e of a: -d 3 e : res :rive event their iivesn;ea ,$c reae. , „+a' eerd@a)eS rtt.)t even e, ° hen t :e,* I. yet. To Sale- .--1 j", y aatteeteehin an one hetet ha 1: O;:e. I:e sal talk i• eery , ey. tete: 53 ee:ea, heate, taus have eatoe l"'a: e a C t V cep :tea t'ea`ry -Leal •:'s' , tece.. Faleve ,riot. . pid: ".oilittkC@ e.. 4' a.•(' +:L 3 9•. u?',n!`.6 .,..t .G7iwt. '•� -( .rias«. every eice 1 .ersiteee eve -ay •...•,? it dofI. ▪ , out`:: 1, L�- 4. .'`F:a 41 ,@9a�- .t ,. ±iQ,e tae i4!:11,h 11.' -.�:.4 16 a..-.11 ter.' i, -L%10.1 tl t4e� Irl ::rat' a.:•,oil :t^ :t1'iU. a" a,,.:.'.. :. , at'i,9iG a•',ira:a d.9_:. ,}.,n ti.. t a "n tae a1 the tate. et the _iii . lie, 03 @ l �,a.c�',. °.i:' v e s mei . eat li:', eeee, .4. t a ;e e i as e 'tiae :eel tor teeth e'4",cp. . I.e•'a'-a is „l., see I t n d.a:e A tie; ae,e.at.a, iia .a$ t,atsl�li^+stet it 1} ni8te is ,^r, 1lY.d a'1aI p. ad:l tart's the l e-'«te , CINAnet - J. L M I D.," aux al ;Al( IS tr a" a ,Aye,,, tJ Fee- t ,° A ?'3 t - !r. i, :VI l hie- -.that i'..eif r•:'c '':dG ir¢r.... '.t@NA'. ,,'.here ie @ t y:,, .:Ca �'4"' a.!,4 '+1'i F* l i.;9 dee a:a "e�h Cite" k, ? u". t4@ " to `e ¢" jail 2- Fl i' moose. t't •tis ti^tai illy 2 to }} d .a :-' 2 m d« "., 1_ A Vd4 Gari `l,.c 1,0 Sia'^4 iE"a IC i ,..j,", :,i' • ;;y"a ; i.. 1@ 'Uwe^ a;9 "1 basin« 1f lit t•11fCdEi 4e i¢«' 'i -;r r t«,4, rnl A'Adal;tt tai ",1 (e.�:a1t... "I,u l,4 R7yu* @l, >'i It .k -i :t lit441- tti,lt rvq"',..,Ai➢. #tz t *@'f:i9-+na 1 'ai?xi fee at. =ow,..�22t♦♦diad la1`eeta meat he; j s I4e^$dt' u@'4 1$ ir- ein i..W ka' 4 ii.:^IY' teat it. lay LA" a 11.. et at It, yen eau eta, :same it, het 1¢ yen 1'ai4. !DP' al.'-aln,:1 p''�cad.-tea:tee. ¢t t"s¢dti °„',t the latter e�f a" n. Miele the ti@ietle al l e iia':; ala ent`ill pate:he•a, we lekee+ Hessen it ai 6t•; SO 14.4 by tatto4reet titeee this r e:liar elates fir tv.44i41 . ;lot. �� tlk9."I' la"rt ,'i.N d-.I1A .1 lAllca Au editor is ;a untie witese ltie.ai5•°„i t� t'1 ilea -edge -a! at tlnt4paItftr. ll,i ti'eQ$i4 a alias«Ar$:tl+• eet'i' alp, tint li.tetS'y, lateen-, dole anal atetittlehh starts imain-e.iet, 'wipe :; waste: hcaekt', !dews nil the "devil,- shallot matter, 'dies e?Liha"d a1Ew l•lo's beatate-»• tie+lla Ilk vapor tear a d.+iho, Saudi tifty cent i a year, native whit, beaus and dal la;eo liatse for posy wtit'u h• ean get it, mete a large family, work,. nineteen h'tnrs out of ttvtsuty•fonr, nee i 219 Sasldtly, gets daunted lay every baldly, levee poor, dies luilllica aged, find oftee Inellfeeta• Itetartteri, leaves U.1 Muir hey. is rewarded for a hfe of toil by a Maw but free thituarc puff in the nusp apart, - do:et l tfid.avi:a3. MURDER ANI) SUICIDE. J;arvie, Jlaly 24.-A horrible double tiil;;in;1ly occurred early this i erniin;,. Hear 411.5 yidlaaii of R editors', bb ant five uiilee west from here, in the eonnty 414 Ntrrf o1l:, Geo. Smith, a farmer, am, James Smith, his eldest son, a yoaht man abi;ul; 21 vara of age, went fret'', the house between two and three o'clock this m ening to attend their farm du ties. They had been abacus but • short time, when the young man re; turned to the house and called on th re,t 111 the (5101-ly to get up. He the went to the b droom occupied by hi two sister,. (young women), and anile. ed one with a wo ,den pump (Andira which he brought in with hon, enttilt, frightful goalies on her :lead and hurt lug her arulsl b'.1dly, which she pn al to shield herself with. He then etruc his other sister a few blows, and sit fell or ttlrew herself ou the floor nes the door, exclaiming tt at he had kill,, her. Probably thinking he had doll so, he turned his attention to a your bcuther, who fl'd to the kitohen, an., pie ing up a brass kettle, threw it a .f•ui;es, who, getting p.nsessioo of a t•'s sol, held the murderer at bay, tonin him he would shoot him if he o'sm near hitt. Jamas thea left the hong • a id for soma time it was supposed 11 It td .fled, bell h'1 hoe singe bleu 'feral is the hard Il,inging by the neck - dead. The old Malin was found behind th- baro, diad, with his sk1111 bmaihsd iu The inference is tliat he had been kil' led by his ion before the attack wa' male on the rest of the family. holy hard been dragged some distaoer t !wards a straw stack, the murdere. pmb ably eoutempleting hidingtai b iaty, or bni:uieget in 'the atack, bu. whando It's intention; The girl fi et at a el is daeeruualy hurt, her i,.;;uriei . suing oaused. tier to 'vomit b;o d. Th re lead been a gnerrel about sums of ing ,'4 wiii411 Ja.u.:o Ullt, ituleu !tow the old 'man oat differeut occasions, end Ino had stolen 'money to go with the Odtlfellows' excursion to Hamilton, which comes off to -day, and ins father had di• ecocered this. The patine -handle had been sawn of . leaving a square end on purpose to tee- 1. ! o t:J 1. l his murderous u_I t111alIdEr is lzitentions. Jarvis, July 21, 11:-.) a. an. -a later and mere explicit account of the Reek - ford tragedy ie that yalmg Smith went to 1,1is eietf'r'd room scene -time in the night ,.egad ,.tele the l:eesof his father's 11$4; may bile, from a rtt'.ing of bed's wliaah were eara9uan 1 the oldest girl's beery. Ile rti4O tate motacy and Flat the key back in the bead, and upon the girl turning .;,4"k'r i/n the bed shtrtiy aftersvaards b!¢•' -felt the hey, withal at'.':alienned her, and enep, etlalg, a hat had here a dame teas they and exlkkcte3 be wont l attempt the hat er, elite then got up :au.l tell her f:a- tdaG'ff5aatla'ilsln? CS:3 i Ire rag_,, aa'* the st -favi ofways brad been cast front her be:ly. Her fattier the got. up and eat tea site SOWS ram earl 4aesenee Ba1@:i a;t taihiog th money. ey. °d'at,:,w bath i h.11 4`dtme al awn etaire anal heat :tome weed* ala gait it, the a lF4t :�raisen' t11rd''«itel7- • hag. t,a have Man :antic , ted if he did Haat nee., zl� �.�.,1 014'. uey. i1¢`? nr'n titeat gaavtt etp r: art alae rulings -y, -the father then , greet red at atelter met etaarteed fair the :tete to •;.,.,.r �:� noree to go to Sime eel -elenittat Ie;� \Tnsh:a put at rK al! t:1 tills ki^alt '4 case,. The eon f.:l.a,�..1 Nissl alp e hoe. e;w fat tete been,: and them ¢lt'1r�i'ct-:. tt eau: with i ti'%b alatiitt twt, feet l+t� k eel^ s !wee, Si t:i:ei1 ht hail nye, pi -TL tee t've: intg betaare Loan an tial p salts Handle. auk: uliidb alio :tall sew :reit e-ttti➢at,�, net lwltuaw'iti� for It hat: hair 4 '. It wee retied to the ete:l, not quare .' n l➢a °e» et-ate':1. tide setae. . • t batt :aa°".0<.l1si t3:a' ee r,e to tial.^,tn•t l 0n: !hit"'saris r, l ?r«, ji he at l( meat tett ll�^r'lft n,j ee years elk' l.;^w tatiuit qp a'¢e„ii. VV g. x'12':. ,Taievit, x.a-ct., 3i Iv `-'i.•'^�'t4."1 ii0',IA1i, si"•, Va.. 1aw1.1� tini.i tette'l"i'i9.dae call tai ba Yla•'+ - t swan e'ree, and -d :i11a"'i Saiital@, they tete- a.o^sae Ui f date I'. ea?,i'.ar�d tree:, by Dr. I t1"i�et'.1, ad '.''1aa11a eel at ar:.al:et a to,*FF^4 2 14y ilk,. Rowell well teen Leta tail, art Chia vdd- lal•iy"pe. Yat tri' Cae9•ae r4 a_ta'11 aa+ �•Q1"11t 1t t. 4ra'l'ithei S'*a1^a rtitaart.C'.1 401 ta4°a' "lait¢liee:o Wit ¢hes fasts �easiad t baa"¢h, .a" e$ tba . <ltinnla°.- ; aieial4 e'ta¢t:8aitte'tt tathi4 t•' lite let.tialan:.x. dt k Hawsnetst the tiled. girl will re - tardier+ll;lade •»t ti,o lac»rlilllas rlitaei $a,tttlll a)k alae Ofit l¢i'td' Stmt ttlehionliag« .4ttiit Illahted thio dellornatiee eittattreeletl- ' die Aare!. its charterer thrht 1 vier was . to men d itl thIS t.cetblh. The thotiw. 14111 tlie'at 311 tett cue year suttee. Sate • was thea :e equal wife, bait, left ou1P ent- ehild. a bey. Tho newt now intim. tsctl ,;sal•, aliel 11 hey, awe the eleiltlecaat of tiae" 'dr,t %Vito. Jeltlta1 W.a3 to 104 0. bent lu aruc"ti to-adety. peace and put a stop to the disturb -1 ante. Ile rushed up to the great pu- gilist,.who was none other than :',Tike McCoole, and taking him by the arm told him he.was uuder arrest and to go with bills.filie eyed tlla� doctor with contempt, then lot zgy a. rijgbt-bander a. • sand knocked hint over. The doctor easy stars fir a moment, but picked himself up and clinched Mc ;Cooke They went to the grass tone - ;her with alae on top, and hand sell' feeteneel is the dectc,r's tod�knet. See - hag the opportunity the doctor let drivel bis feet, hitting Mae in the it of the stomach a violent Niels Anal /mooring, bilis ele[lr away trete him, bait MIeOocale took a !iwt:altalj of the al.,�ttor'a hair wide?, 31i,trucole felt a weakness in the w torn 4th fca a l@a•,raaelut frost the due- t�er'a fatal bless, stearin; which tithe the aleetarr tabs tined a rd'rp#eti:hli:nier. In the me aeatinted, the 1�1`eetatere, who h wake meets cc?eal-beat men lla4i fnlrani.'td an. ring :awl ceded for fair limits. liar- . @nn`;, had 91 Windt et Ma:C^ :gee Bina t ,:: the aleetor 'l7<ae a little t.lapv coming tet ' atilt) Via tine thin' ream& and while Mae. was ,dein g teat:ade Hine, the sweaty metaled. Jelin alai."agate. raaeel.ing in the rata; a9ith revoker in lewd an -t eel:hot':: 11 0 w ..E4 playing the attereele tit :tietteele'n ear, krill the 14:1 atliet to g -a with him, 9 lie'ki s alas:z aaaal her went, dra'mbag iii :creti:otn deal 142, Dat as Street, better part of Valor, tanl greatly to the! TJORSE LOST. ---Strayed from the Paemfsee of the subscriber, lot 10, Lal e Road, Stephen. about the ilea( of filmy, a ,tail' brown mare. w:lite spotou fonds ad, and (meUDINU 11:11i111N�z, A WE;iTF, white hind feet, no mule where collar rests. ln- formutiou leaa:ng to the ce:•voerj a>f the uuiwul lilrbders, eittoruoy e, Solioitors, Cone« will beliberall,}reararrled. war. b'l:tli:il). bdaurrs,i3. la.,tvc. . liesicu--lltrrox'S Btoes; .il�ater trout, Ft 0II, ISH01. M'S0LD STAND Mary's. dinar I:.li.eant:G, E. \v. linrrnixr;. li.A.L.1Yill.r. e OMSON ,a DOY -,. Myrei;tc.a •,.'lass tzst. s..;ia'ieitors it 1 4r ev e. 1.w.n oda I,r al ]:bt;te. l'a11Y:oteti Y.uek. E Actor LEGAL TUE OLD IILLIADLE HOUSE I?01i GENERAL DRY GOODS MILLINERY :i: MANTLES, MEN'S CL OTIIING TO ORDER, u.t READY-MADE. I.ENDERSON & R1'CUI.tNN 1N '«aal'a' .1. I1 la N 17. sT SF 4D 0 AT :'"1.lt_". t tea %' a 4,,,,1 hTER,N(4't'.411]" ("(9NYETANf'e:pi , aye., E$S}et•» ;OM- ti & eta' ..teeeteee Ateee.y. :ea sat.,„4t ,•cr ';. , se- < ::saws - t..'4:45 ...hi.t.n ease°, 1 \ 4• Il"ei c}d_4'. Q. :saw C. ..aa�ea. SV.l.MOScIOP. itc .'Ya;C-$Laaa.,.:R i-:c.k, t••L+'l,-"aalNSON, 3,1f-nJst"r of fid _.=r.• i i'.alaaas nt:,i.tilY, ..... nt lie° 1. H lA .-t OPO ER Itteat 09'.. atlY.th tart, a. le .1, C" .a f ... . wawa . ,�...a- C'. aftA. D C. M. $1 i ae lav, i n. 1 t „71:6,:i2,,, ar. ,t . ,..,. _ .. ._.~.a. a. ,. t «.. .,...i,.. rt Ref Ref of the divan., who turned white: L 0 ' le $1 N. at. 1.::, i'•,t.i, t e Alit .i':'l UNI. f 41:t.1.3 Wforiilcat whohiaa entire'0$t tante- • _• .m ,,,,,:., ;.i:,.. /-V ,.. t Y .., ;c'.:a e. a : i•t rut.: le _ . .,Sa.fa31•riet wee, 1'r `It%-eraolo woe them not- eel sae ab ant the best man in Aaall°riC 'Jae a i u;.'iliet, , ■ _ The emacs he was with were meetly Ph ii li strang4`-'rs in dee Lite, and dad not know j - l t a tin. Y� a teeter than hei' el eta r The l .t, r «1 aaa{1 knew , 14� � t ��r`;j s,d W ti Miel'arstlb'. Thai 14Ct,;lliet lett ta:,@i d+:lhYrsI in the city tr.-teeny. and gave M oalanal " t City aY wide :teeth ever e r aft, . i ,w1- •1 s , �.t ° a to ca a d.,' • . . tat. aa"a d _ -� (Lion , �} p �a `d'aSa;:.►f; t Y.A "rt it n.a;tis - T"f rat "WON'. Ga PE ] 3 g %3_ 7 ,al 4.u. ail 7,i.., Id y" ` s t .ale i t. MILLS glee, ttateant„ taitelell hntelt.' it* littive heed weithen by 4."iitee'le"+ I are OS fa''ihriea 1, L'r:7a' ha Ione:titles. 1. Profane has divine or„tlnalaalaeea. r . '-»41teh no ht -swat a114i'!ter.^e. 4. Reveal no eavre'te. i+. Mosta aa4 quicarrele. a;. H»» c.;imJ4wara,011a . 7. .111141143,41 tial sit opii$ci4ords. 8. Recap no had a eaalltatay Ci'I.It)ZAI'II S OF ENt:ILISIL. The fto:loaving are a few a7n sin (S- f.mplee of the "cull +,Wee of English" ca, reeptaets the ohmage of sings pre sliced try different con,ou'lttt•e. I; in iac+as the read hrll'ssd, turtle tb. Naar i'Ita bear, and Tou into tomb. L makes Binh climb, hanged changed. a liver clever, and trau:.p••rts a love: to elover. I) turns a bear to t)ear.d, a crow t4. crowd, and manes auger daneeer. I+ tures Laver regions to bower re- sdoile. G e:hanges a sou to a song and make, one gone. II eb ui es eight into height. K snakes now kiiow and iyed keyed. L traneforans a pear into a peal'. N tures a line- into linen, a crow tot, crown, and makes one no77e. P metamorphoses lumber into pilaw bora S turns even into seven, males bay, .have, and word a sword, a pear n ,pear, Makes slaughter of laughter and curi,.nsly changes "having al hoe' o ''shaving a hoe." T makes bongh bnneght, Luna herr here, alters one to tone, changes ether -.n tether, and transforms the phrase. •'allow his own" to "tallow this town." W dales well ; e g„ hose aro whose; are bee :mei ware, on won. omen wom 'n, so sate, vie view ; it makes an stud .velem. aiid turns a fiat into -what ? Y tures fur to fury, a Man to many, ro to toy, rob to ruby, ours to yours, t lad to a laxly, A MAYOR IS FIGHT WITH A PUGILIST. The Hound Ci -,y (ill.) Arfyits says : Not many of our Pnla,ki oounty read - are are probably aware that their dis •ingnished • fellow -citizen, Dr. N. R. Casey, of this city, -once fntwht he celebrated prize fighter, Mike. McCoole, and carne out of the engagement with Ian Mk. It happened in this ,vise The doctor was mayor of Mound City at the time, away back in 1865 or thereabouts, and he was in his room at las residence shaving, when he ob served from his window.a.crowd in the street near by, and a great,. ogergrowu man beating another loan unmercifully. With. only rine,side of ,his face shaved; :he doutoi rushed out - to eouimaud the I:t,e tatraa'gt,1 not 111. :141;0 rata hem rail al'l, 11, ter pe"t he gtiieVfalle, I::. Lay no wagere. ."If ;#'Atli to telt to keep y011r enemies frim la'newihl; »Ply hum if yon, don't let your fairttls lana v alay." n+1: CLA,IR TMT. 11. deer in I'':4Iley a .e nt" nn*t T.av', attlelt,tt ?l79;«20 ;1:^4141 \1:40.11, ant 5421 ae.t ,r. :inns, tN • 1at'1a21(4' and did Fa53121;_a 'Altai Nos daR;r� lased .41 tins T11112i l•itaC'e neater, apwawspaaWaTops 1 1 KINSMAN, T.i D.4., HAS OR. ,t Ito' v.tleat1te,t141445111ld4a+'0"..44t»ligan Itn lit .t �, ;rs tl ed mill .e•'' ' le tis 141.9't ' '4 tl 1 ••t. Rita a e • ',4'16,11,.:» G' . +�' hjev r.::.•..re..•wr w --err. Iu, i r;,l:ac'•. latus$ : x:011 1..142 V .., Sadie.. mod.. Tall •, Doi., rs 1".Crtt'rt111t. IIENSALL» COOPER StiOP. W, V A.NVAL.: KENBURGH, COOPER INTIM 01? ALL RINDS, US, INCLUDING ('IST.ERR`S. of width he titake a speedo itv. 14'1':1,:ta 'i-ri;s env!s.4 r Hato 444411.Re •tlifius. 141'YY4U1't tY th'1 • neatly- dotie. shim- -Bruen htr,-, 5. liens i 11, direct- : 1v wt'5t of the :those% Give high a cull. war. V4t VAL1Ci:tif3UIt•n finra]l, May 8. lust 33h, 17CCTiiNUHAM S - CILLI BLACKSMITH .3 :sur is stili going, Mr.S. laaekingllan: i lesea to return his sincere chunk:' to h i a pat:ons, w h o ,a hill» in the would intimate recovered from .,- his loin ill- ness, he intends - in future, to to take charge of the 1101'$0-shreing etepltrinlont nilniwif. Ail other work done in the very boat ilyle and lit the lowest rates. S. 13UCKINGIHAM. 1,nn1erou4, ho 'esttpport past, a.la that. havi115 lxeter,Dee. 13.1877. AGENTS EsArt f EU rUti 'l rlE X!FtL,t.n HISTORYoFTIIBORLD Binh -acing lull and authentic account s of every laden of ancient nndmoderu tilnes,and including .1history of the rise add fano(the Greekaul Ro- tuma Empires, the growth of the nations of mnd- 'rn I':urone, thetnieiclle ages, the crusades, the feudal system. the reformation, the discovery ay,l eettlemeut o. cho New World, etc., otc. It contains 070 fine historical ongravi,"gs and 1,00141r0e double . olumu pages, au^1 is the most complete History of the World ever publishes.. it 4011s at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it sells faster than .lnyother bock. Address, NATIONAL P1r17r,ranrno Q0. Piiiladellibia,Pe, ,i3LL iadlaOMhd,poB.V'$Iit -''�•ING NEW FIRM, INC RAM'S OL1) S TND. nors° Shoeing, wagon and Carri:ageMalting,Dia gland :3tirrows, and Plows. General BR:km.11410- ing ill all its bran,;hea, at the lowest rates, and sat - guaranteed. (rise vs a gall and examine our work before t'a4din1 elsewhere. Meat LLT 4 N & Me BR» 5Ms , Ring 8t., Ernsalt. Rensall June 2.1 iBtS Gln arc -a-'- - ------' r T11' tlltalttttV 41f (42I -Pastil ',ifF-°;tt edon t:Ital 011 1.teat.k. iia«salla, Mutts, smoked, o 1Cet , slag,lt1'44 i'tt'. -.r i' ,«.... • ,7 T A \:41 110lt 'e"'I'e lBt NR'T.1.I.. 1 tin'+...a n` 0 .., ,t ,,1 as taw: 4 st dl,.,etm Lot, 4_a,a alae 1 .i aye as l- d«•;• ca a, •C a. t R,d,y 1.e1.,.r, ..0 .4c t.. . 111'4 .11 '114.* 1i,' 9 .itlad"', idea «ia. Ard 5554. 11I tNttl lull ANDS, g{ , ThC+ 11➢utla'r• ' nest; aeuta'a�reat ,a .c I* 1, 4 l25 u Y,4'42• t^ 1111 Y laa4 to 4 5.5.44 4! 1 ., 4e'_ 5,5 4' ' 4 4`04,`.3 tar. '.11114l't 1. ,14'.4..l451re,esi 4, . ., .e; a -':e 44 A. 5;:a 4 :'L41 6 4 4«44 ,4 'aa.7 a a.. i 1 "*a:lisa,9r. 1H'Y•tl$,s,i44N .u.$ k!'.4":544 ,.t teat 5,4414 2.414195«►a+ ii. 9,:: 4 4' ' ^aTt .l 1a4alaax"° t"aCttf.«e t'at eta; 1,11T1A;7l tT.l.. I.,. 10 +d.i«1.317 la t.ii.Y.. ..'.i.i,i'y quantity o.1. if .-rN S 7 PORK CUTTINGS etlul ttalrtla 011 !Wahl TF1E &&ST IN ME MARKET. J ' lu: l va it etteop. 0;.•1.1 10. RAU > .!. 0 3ES H. KINSMAN, C 111 sat I .1'1. ¢1t, Wholesale and Retail All elltioI'w for (111'i°tl moat pro11+jitly,tt.t;tennded to THE GREATEST Wonders of Modern Times ollowa,ys Pills &Ointment The Pil1» Po: ify the B1od.correct all,lisordors, of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys ail,, Bowels, andare invaluabio in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Logs, Old Wounds, Soros and ulcer , of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis,l)illhthoric, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all kin eases as alio equal. BEWARE OF New York Counterfeits. Spurious imitations of "HIolloway's Pills and Ointment," are manufactured and sold under the name of " 'Holloway & Co.," by Henry, Curran & ...; Company, Drug - Lis s,and allso by the Metro• p 01 it all 1lfedi k •' It - cine conically of Now York, witi.r`lt an assumed trade mark, thus-- S 'in Joseph iiaydool , m� of New Yo k lid oe .. wisp gasses ori eounterfeitsofhis own make undor Yi?a.,e" the name of Rol. loway &Co., having for a trade mark a Crosent and Serpent; atcliesseu tk Robbins of New York ,are agents for the name. - These persons, tete better to deceive you, un- blushingly cautiontlie publicin the small books of directions affixed to their medicines, which are roany thospurious imitations, to Beware o Counterfeits, IIasernpulous Dealers obtain thein at very low prices and sell them to the pubic in Cana- da as my genuine Pills and Whtlnents. I most earnestly all dreapootfully.appealto the Clergy, to mothers of families and other ladles and the public generally of L'ritishNortli Ameri- ca, that they maybe pleased to denounce nn- spnriuglvthese frauds. Purohasers should look to the label ou the pots and boxes. If the audrees 1s not 333, Oxford Stre lt, Loudon, tuoy are the counterfeits, latch •ot and hox of the Genuine Medicines, bears the British Government stamp, with the words gadthL(tro tldservoenonginhe label is the G83 Oernrd Street, r,oue•oh where alone they are Maraufaotured. Parties who may be defrauded byVondore selll ag spurious "Holloway's Pills end Ointment surrey gcuuine make eh, on com- municating the particulars to me, be amply re- m, aerated, and their z sure nuvmtdivulged.. • THOMAS HOLLOWAY 683 Oxford 84., W.C., Lonclon,klugland 1, 1',415°;'t', t't.t. Mowers and Reapers.. WE OFFER A i [ 1., of our celebrated Single Mowers -AND-- Single Reapei in all kindsof Grass and Cirath, and on ell con cions ofsoiland sarhace, AND G UARAN'.t'IE SA'T'ISFACTION OR NO SALE We alert offer a Trial of our Wrought Iron Two Bar - JOHNSTON'S c> MMEID RrAP R. �c® MATER 1faebittessupplied with Two Pitmans, Two Drag -bars, Two Finger. bars. Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. Nuts, Self -oilers,- etc., to. can bs changed- from Mower co Reaper AND REAPER TO MOWER Byremovaloffour bolts, an °inloss than fifteen minutes' time. Please call at our works. and :inspe° our Machines before purchasing elsewhere. I' Send for Qatelognes. , THOMPSON Sc WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co Stratford.