HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-8-1, Page 4/ ifl(«% 1 trintel • To charge Couservatives avid! bent penny politicians comes with brad grac THURSDAY, AL GIST 1, MS, from Reformers when we remember that in the Local Legislature--tha HOWTO CO 1)[= C"C' POLLEIC .4L nursery of economy 1—a very few year CA11P;I(1NS. ago ,4 terrible hubbub was created by We were very much surprised as that model .Reform economist, 11 Ir. 3. wee as amused at a few remarks: ad. Lorne McDougall, of Renfrew, over the dressed to us the other day by a Re- -tares stun of 12cents spent by one of form friend. " The way you people t S au 11ield Alacdonald'a colleagues with- "° coednct political campaigns, and the out authority of i?arliauieutin-puretlas- "t principle that guide; you throughout ; itlg a bottle of mucilage 1 t plat another '• in your opposition to the Govern THE TIME S g afford the Government a larger revenue. O 10, With plenty and conteutmsut , the moral tone of the people would be. t in a healthier state. s 11. The farmers world not be cotu- jlottotable member of the same party, •' mast is luwerilhg to the dignity of, In the same session, grow eloquent. over 't the country. Yon don't challenge =°Is iehluity of buying a poker at • the measures ee the Government. i twenty-five ceuts and a penknife at ten • You don't allow teen to be statesnheu. l cents ; that Mr. Mackenzie violently ` thitak z ot. Then let them try pt otec- t' Yoti dent 4?01C at statetrnen s (!ties- y denenneod as fraught with corruption pis tto see how it worktt. If injurious,. " tions, hitt putiticas by your party is Al .very public work ever undertaken by P pelted to send their wheat ani other glwiir to Englnud or any other oouiitry to feud a market and pay the expense (of ocean transport. ,But they could ell it and have it mostly consumed ill their market town. Thbse are only a few of the good re- sults. Each result forces other results. The people tare exeeriet.oing the bene fits of free trade. Are they satisfie with tate condition of the country ? W round it. I have daily experieneas of tlto ret luaus competition t., which it is exposod from ruauufacturers in the United States, wile mak Canada a sacrifice iiia ket for their tenpin AUG -tree' 1 . 1 P a •t� MR. Davie (,mass quotes the follituiatg lin from a•nursery rhyme to prove that Sir Jo e :Macdonahl is unworthy of the confide:tea stock, and mai tltrou';1t the length ant breadth of our land, se ilia„ their goods at pric- es far below those charged in their own sena I the people: Liana Jacek Horner, Who R•tt in the co ut`r try, thus carrying oat the ready motley wltiett If returned to Parliament I will eup}..rrt an, uwa are that will prevent .labs. and.. vote in fa vor of any Wait imposing the ,-tune rate u duty ou bat bean ruttuufaehtri that tide) charge on shuila• goods tualnufaetttred bet Ca- ntina." ought to go into the pockets of oua''wt people Eating his Christmas pie, fie put in his tltutah v And },tinea! tent a Ortn- A,ttd cries what a goats boy aat I. f We're not. touch of at poet, but that doe'ri prevent us ttartukitt;; that bfr. 1)avitl Giese pis Itis tumub ittto a one hundred ant .ove thousand dollar pie in the shape of as te£et*ras, - contract on the !':!chill Railway, Oat id ha reason to be patella to the Reform party, ate th* ltefaont por,y Inas as a igkity reitekets to - reciprocate the Italie*. I1:df-.t-'Ie, ail I). (i1Lt; t s it lro.e•1 Sir ate!an mai 1t tf:: -a,,,~.•it David (iiat:i•'t•s hal.' grown vert r•e tt k'rnturttt Nearacts within the last live years. ANY person who is realty tltair'.:t•c of t:xatluiu. ing into the wort ing tat protedtiutr t4tonl.l not fail to read :its. R. W. Phipps' ptmpitl,•t on the subject" it is la -leafed ut filets, 1'`te+ R.- . •. - form preys have attentptt�el to belittle it. but they have rat tax been valiant l to )rgh to ata. tempt its asnalt 4•+. 1L i\ stupe able lar a ton- Rietttitttt- tarda to rice front i s e:!octal terut at without feeling that proteeti tat k j=at,t what (`trmndaa za,:e•ds, it hart fours its: way to the: maritime provinces. and two, vie y ;attic tiuits 11M-4,111.01 exhausted. ' lh' latest edition hate this verse ou the tithe prat, t: "What though it be net muted in eluent lit• Of ltttirinut t„•ttt,•hne or kef +-oh uliu ; !•Batas, Ityet ha that' gratis sale it er tt,attce tai,! 'Vo fiery° hamr,t lt. atrt. I11 el alta et.ay r tf We do�h't like to !:ear of anyone committing suicide, but still we riz.e to remark that if all the infidels of the d country will follow the nrble exampled a set them by the scientific barber in the United. Status, a full account of whose „ narrowed thole to a question of a 4611' John Macdonald; and that—when • few al altars :hits vents---i� cee inee to • captions etitici-all of as few paltry dol- " Jars that may have been paid en this " or that warts more thtte Pori think in opp('sition, remember --every prktlpl- Timm can be nothing more certain nent roan in the party made retrenelt- than that if our industries are killed ti'eut the chief plank iu his platform. obi by the one-sided free trade policy Even during the present campaign �Ir, of the Govertlxuett, outer nianufactur- •• orse.aary. Nowin Ettglaand" nice 1tlackeuzie has shown that lies socal cart- era will have us completely at their gentlemen fray peril in Eziginitd you nit rise above little things. ;tea bis mercy, and will be able to exact from tower hear of anything (•f are kind, i etiticisul of Sir John Maaet1onalti's cab. us any price they may demand. The rolticle ue dimities the packet' ee nu, hire as au instance of this peculiarity. cult' way to prevent this is to place a " Government they take to 'ar ` Bat the Conservative party, on the duty on imported manufactures that , t a , into 4 u.ltler- letlter hand, Bever elet-eetel to these will encourage house enterprise. Time alio), the t-jlt'efr' (af legs+kation, arstf ou 1 ethyl thing. They baro grievous business will expand, industry p , Oue i dustry. "its j;et;esai results the ceppon^'sty t,f fauna audita t II fiut'erilttietlt If !fie "every' Govertatoeltt rest tilt it cfauna, fi(lverhhlilklit coulinf:'ll their extriivta- w¢ll require the azi tt:tat]Ce of auother :l amt. the Admini tration stantt or fall R'•t:a:ka 'o buying to fees poI;ers ata few itidastry, and Canada will become one .° by !!bele rt crtl in tabic respect," dezeu bottle's of uiuoilage, there would great wurkt•irop, abounding in Ila sty, he it ae.ttupleiut. eoutr(olling her owu markets, and pay - Ta a certain extent vie tt(atlllt agree til re in rat.• li.utet.i;oenia log good priced for the produce of :her with oily (need. lie tutO Itrt•e- edin: , Lai jot,. tsltiell i` a Ir -s to Ilea • Le?1FvciTi we wa^case! ulnaris Hiatt the • ,' •t:lttny.' atit,ltt l.i hlzll, Ill, N law; Hotel, lee.; 'reDlrtt`r t,f l'.EE4lattitl would not J'Ctjai• 1 at` .t: eta stadia tar et' l,'•s... ��"tlEtt4r Dons not .4,0 ful1ot13n , wrltteti by thee F„.: rI: , er i.r , .t•t•lrllat t+• On' !',arta- States, strike the retalle.e as containilig float "my troth ,>.r t i.,tt:, t ?,t,tiition a -',"tool deal of eirtahnon Fettle : - "what did we di -cover in our war of .tet jatltaat'if 111 the t vett t+i the pe llj 1t t, , za co,tn4 welt l,Uirrt. t , 1'tae• bade ".. fart of 1. 4'0 satt:t.+ate• the; Ileo, Dr. luuluit,11, of the Uuited' lis j);itt'CexE irt�? z.Ut'l ruil� foul Isis Its, ta�:r at it l:ltlwir lustier price dean eii!(t tr.. C.. tat: it<.ati laitkrc sttta rl-l.. It, jrraitj f • Engl:tuul, tea, wise:+ to lively interest int G'J.1leixtIt 1812 j'IIat we lout n0#hill r to equip fiutataeial matters when it i, ruturifl•:•t Tllent� veru few itoiun. -'tho incuutret- j'1 p tlsaat lliah�t rs t)f the Cr tt:Ia. tt•e ill0' total V 2.2.03.flOit, and eteanelt call he. fractures, wo could not clothe our sob. patronage Of their offices fear c:,rruvt 7 added to ii a:ie the Rani tint $3,000,000, tilers i we could riot even !rake a b'au. a:ud venal purses,t p 1 A perusal ori urttetev abz,ofu.eIv thrown away on melt list• I'ru`ccti(rrs i3 i1l'cesgary its sttltua vertib1e t•vidieilct•s of mi./government— the war. Having no woollen menu- " 1nnluaa"" bitittt; luttcers will prose who Chad cl'arthl:a itis the gratitude of the that are yattnl, in ("ruler to their foll alis t. flax ttt»nt Itis which,c alt try, ani Thr all t� as tvt'ated ll or. ticllzud detlnoptnont, lt'E. were a It ie !eighty t'iot,irlattle that It 'lilies 1litave hearth heaved 'foto t!i(atz 1iatlt'lc- yrttult: udtiou ill tee war of ltili3, and should tit" tliveetrrd t:f thear+ pretty' ti1F ars il reread. If this Weal of well; is alla,yt'd WO vet si on discovered tate lu;vnt i s of uldelr grieve true Ilefortn friend, They 1 to coutiunte its nilly end can jet- umbelat (fur ergatiizetion and tlho very boom. are as Certain its trate to (lt'velop into' inutk ntptev.� !.!carr: is n(» aitt�raa;tivo, ►lute sea e(1 of our industrial (quip. ws atcdreti I'(nrtao:i;llitio��s, tial' bit►,et , f', If the j'eoelt, aleeire to avniti that c: in, t I 1 ! !!stay tilt it duty is plain, their et arse lamas : our pl'uenets here not various (':attlttllattt pktlatioe, although we are I stjtt•t1 Mid (tlt•alr bf•fttre tiff im. VOW etnough to snake to; a eons d..te nation.” plettetid to see that tlhe 1'teeent COnt(' t, aa,:, trust Mi', Jiael,et.zie anti his follnw- _ it1 South llesruth and elsewhere, hate , urs. ltt'tttru noon 60S plt.tlged t,l 4tdv.a. i 'file Parkhill ree`•'rf(e tallest week a •• tlltls far been remarkable fru frtatil crataa al. t n1'pl>tt by tiht.�ir "tel the ' • t nod , a ,3f 1`t$ ae jrtaNitilt • that , neo, ci:,it t Ctutotr % Ilse !electors eat that dhstueiting agency. But alit! t•x• y,.utlh lluren of i• entlt itkkt'tlt duel ,.t ..u(t that Mr« M. O. C`tunerou coag (le- petltlttuee of any Goverxtrehtt in t':atia. North Middlesex realize the ti.ea t.yraatt- t:i(i, d to oppose :ose Mr. Porter and i. al - eta 41 ata is of vital nleatnt-h1t to the temple, and tkt'lutab;t' c.auuition ktf tun terolmy. really .tat tv'arlt. We vt't(turee the opitli• \\'tiere there are so marry public u`arks =cod we trust they a ill returu lie over- .a11 than the Miter of the teoetertt' . rk`,+tt111't?tl to deykel tl) the re:entrees (,f the whfltnitlg nhajrttities Metiers, Potttzr, doeEtr't know stat ito is talking; &bunt. 1 We believe �lr Cameton 11.111 oppnbt 11t. Porter at the trolls, but he hasn't publicly dectaared his iutelttion of leo t dainty. But it makes little difference t to the Conservative party—they would 1 n l ia•t itt la Itt'( V1zzttd 11 t £ auieide appears on our inside pages, the people iv ill not have eaustt for very poignant grief, acid the cuut:try wilt be happier. Who'll be the text ? You're no good in tiers world, gentlemen. WHACKS AT THE tit)VE11NME T. Tun. tithes are very Itartl just now, lana We Iook in vain to tsar the anuoutkeemtut that the members of flue Government have reduced their own i,ztlarin'a tact I ihi' s:alau'iei of their entp:uyee% Tutt: ctf„it+of Saturday !.tat wasted. a lot of type iu meaningless reiteration of this sett. enee a "And yet Sir John floes islet ltrtego v tt, increase the tariff," Saniiity has a bad effect tin our ponderous Toruttt.t c•.ttetrlptrarv. stn. bleu:e ztt: is gvuaraily snpttt,,,•tl to be the owner of an immense tract of land et !:ort William. Lite terau uutt of the Vane la 1':rltle Hallway 14 at Fiat \`i alliant �1t•. ti et:. uaie ie 1'teunier t f ('atnaiLt mad platted t►,e terminus there. The e,i utrtitvt it oloiva.t, Stn Jott:, yt'1t t,otiah.t' aliUl lei♦ (.?Ia?tes unnamed the atuairs of the; eoutatry Daus tits. s auiti were eati:t:eel with t`7*.tcatt :t year. .lir 1h � under 1La la nrie a1t•I :Ai leagues eh.tr;e as •4,uih:l (Malt pet' at^aaulu fez rtnittit+; the v.-Nuntry to Min. Are the!•asp's prt'parv+i to snbtt1t to tits injustice? Ibis"' (ir.•16K, Lhe hell'(! minded p:etrlot alio couldn't a,uplutrt Sir John »►iuc:ktt:al iu the 1'aeitle Railway tlufilir, was fortunate tMUeigh tt. lttttUlli a 104111 qth contract on the I'ueil;e Railway at i. ltr7,iCi), wheels another lle:ul--a e.gttralistor, net a lawyer --offered to take at •:.i"t.M.itl, and yet Mr. :1:t keuaiu was always ftiokillit to the interest of tho eouutt v, anal yet Ili, is a Reform, alit economicarlAdmit/hitt:odor, Tiii; ;eta age Wholn z.jtunter of the pre•sent, clay uilua act as high standard ndard tit ts,celletict• fel literature. :1t a meted ntu'rting in Landon, the ••hit; }coot" of the show (Itu•k•tl the fullott• he. beauteful :tlltl t -I; -a i; al z -•i 1, tzki,ttt : Thati:+ the eat, • F lett kittt d the rat That :ate 1 he ntait '!'taut I„ in the house That ,tart. utttit " Awl the report tell); us thane way 10111 laugh- ter. Tim shipping of Qzteh.'e, New L'rintswia'k and \ova stN,tl t Iota ;ttII•ar fr0tu thirteen rttitlit.u:; of tout in ly7:a, to Mee toad it half millions in lis7i , while during the tame verbal the. ship - de; of the 1'.aitt•l State: has ittejt'atseel the - ,111. \V,' 11,1• i..ett experietu'ing the benefit of what i:; in iii lnau+ti. dlaiee.ta freeetrade ; the kin,'rleans have let•,•u Iekiitg nu.tor pratee- i,ot, yet the Sturvtttuutiet Iu`ta, ye:ept fere rade, would have the paella oe z'amide believe noteetion is ruining tel.. t'uitc,l $tutea. Ca- ntle would do well to be -ruined" in the :auto way. Prtttect.ioli does it. t d t 1 It tecta 1tuinitr:1t11 truth. A !natant,:; stay shall ::tis,; fair (. atnateltt what. fweehig.; vat (If k ai:<rlio,,,i's chain have Is i•i It' s from h' t' tray' . fide the liuk.z- -tahe fn• er: --site slainslaintee'!: And, bat her f<iture blight fte*ether ,_i.•+ear pant. .1.1akea: alta !cast tttl t tt the 1.k t i -a. t it Iaolitie tinting the last five y.'.a. .i t..et fat tit flaw tt,ttit•' .1. tit:' 1r:alrkn'l - ,gnus V. !W!Wt.rt• go,;•1t data Ilt•fornt dates E'.".trc:%.i:ise }cacti -s edit t pulse r.'I7a.•foa•utrrwlt.•u t i ile., Sir threw e:..atl.l not be' inalu..I ire -'.1 tt- t to 1,p) aa:sy policy l•rfot3' 1hr l t,tl.l+ . :11t tar •v tv•net•t .t•• !Cats tat cecina •t'ae+t a t t iii l tk " stn+� nttt'r at few vaginavaginaandetinatt' I t alit ..'-• Io e^t't til the expenditatre. i'li.'"e at i ilea* to Iav; elt'oa tat tearytearythou into leaver. !lots tliiler •tat the t',ut•;eraativ(• party ; they have tea'.: "nation II Ituliey'" for their I';tttit• cry. It has tacit :Main ,std again dt thee;, lay Sir Mut anandt'atte'r:, andandevery t'plaarttutity rt.eaa ale: p:•sld.e jndgt' of its merits int,d'ltni crit:. which latter. we araro(Naiad(Naiad•nt, ate few. The tOwe reedy,. party in the !rats 1 4* b.tta party the l•on nary. It is the party of thotn'lit. of tietion. '1'h, 11:-- font: party the party of impotent.... of i't tenon. Let the h,niiz.t•ntitelt•1 timer.:timer.:o1:,in11ww tit,•ir (debits to made taut d' alt.'. ',paha:, b.ttwt'l'i then:, and east their tot.:: thenthenety,tn•,itz to the dictates of duty. Tit: Mom Thain or:t'at'raii,.tii. party aroaroattetui•ti'„' io inrti:e tt bit thin:; out of den an. truth (-f Whi;elt the 'eerily r.•liebett tlu�l':" ire Cutari0 is the author, via„via„that Sir John Site. dona)al :.t tie.' at Parkhill tied hr v:racial he - pose a ditty of 3.1 per setae. on .ttzt stern , 00,lr, Sir John denies •..ti,t it. tett itt •re'y Cwt. al rea'ljar'1in.zlt of the, t:tcitz ty,t, ttii'..A1.y, and all tint r.•porters with the exeepteet of theme, representing thus paper above ri f. til to. heal` him mit itt Itis ,tenial, Sir 40114,r, t'>ben ru, ovim his ry alntion itt the !b'en't, of ('.n,vu•tns. stir ed that Ica eoulan't proud- ( any e,.ttain lign'e as the amountl& ttf i11t:t:" t. '. 1,t e tit'.. th,,. (lever/anent alone pond,£ have the int rurttfon tteet'S' rt' to;,nide them in ft'atiu i,.t a tauter. This same statement has gene and again ziiu been made in every Opposition parer in tet e,eutatry. They have taken I'autiratlur l�aiu- to isaltt ss ttpou the :Hind, of the people the feet that Sir John cabal not p otrose tut intr- t',e a:1 round, but world haver or inerka.. a:: rio.:a • r.",uiremeut of each interest :night deuua nd. t lie people should nut forgot this fast. It i, ttotire+ inter- est of the: people to luLlers'.url this, and not misjudge the national ieliey. OUR NEXT GOVERNOR- GEIt• GENEIIAL. A cablegram from London, 1':nglard, announces that Lord Beaconsfield has selected the lilargnis of Lorne to suc- ceed Lord I)uffetin, as Governor-Ciren- errll of Canada. It is officially ate- rtouunced. that the Marquis c.f Lot., e las accepted the oflioe. eet(utty and elfin" Letter facilitiezt ft r track, taud where by the std of lies(: WOrtte a t:tl the. exjt tu1ttur(a they itt: I!„riaibrs,tk anal Cunglhlin. The ;bays of isetid corruption, Wittttin ettrllva• g(attee tutd gltuiug uhis'ttltt t•ttttitl,l ter- minate itt Commie, and let the Photon- thet. t'Ver'tlIttettt is pieced ill the !tat} - "f teene C•'ttstit eraci,ee do their Atari of temptla kwthat et utiles them eon- of the rued is ork, w iit:104 to tel+,ay the many ultli- TILE EFFECTS uF IiitOTECTItN. gati.tus they 11,1Se inetu•red tkuing else -- times, it is only proper that the p"euj•]e suould take the greatest intter,st in the exj.esiditure of their money. It is the most iluportaut :actor in she political j'robltela. The e'.uutry has not a. gold mine at its command. The population is small, our systema of Government i, expensive, the bterdt.p ou each itativitI- nal is growing he osier, and the tax g,ttheier is a vete' unwelcome tisitor to C'•auadiaata homes in these bard time:!. '1.'heu let us watch the expeuditttie. But there is another reason why we should take an interest in the expeudi- cure t.f the conutry, The Government may mtttil'ulate the funds in their con- trol so as to keep themselves in lower for an a]uloat interminable length of tiuiz,while all these years they may let blindly fu.lowiug a trade policy to tett- !absolute twin of the conutry, or some other policy that is humiliating ns ase re:,ult of manufactures increasing i nation in the eyes of the world. Nor number, would extend the market for can the morals of the people be gond the farther, and make (greater deniaucl Sitttiirarizt°d are a few of the prirci- jn"1 beii ficiai results that would li„w from protection : 1. We. w:inld i e able under its foto tot ing care to heel) Canadians at 110'1ne in unbroken families, in.tead of alem- it.g theca to finks means of subaistouct' in other countries. 2. The population of the couutre would increase, and that means more purclhaeiug power and a stronger na- tion. 8. iilaunf cures would spring up in every part cif the Country, givittg lucra- tive employment to thou -node who are new atm ving nnder free trade. 4. Our borne markets, instead cf be- ing made the slaughter o arkets cf the 'Uuited State.., would be kept for the Canadiau farmer. 5, The pnieulatiori increasing as the while a corrupt, spendt.htift Govern- ment rules. Evil exarnplo is contagi- ons, and a G tvernmeut aitch as we !lades 210W arta be productive of °+:1y evil to the country, both morally and finan- cially. By all means the people s•.oned hold the Government to a strict ac- count for the expenditure of their funds. But it doesn'tlie in the mouth of a Befor mer to accuse the Couservat►ve party of lowering the tone of political discussion, of bringing themselves down from the consideration of mighty'prob- lems of na,ional import to wrangling over a few cents in the expenditure, for his produoe. 6. American poor grains would be kept out of the country and could not come jut() competition with atzd under- sell our better Canadian graius. 7. Money would ba more pleutiful as the natural result of the bet eased cop- ittil that would be invested in nlanufao curing and other enterprises. - 8.. We world be able to continue as part of the British Empire, whereas under free trade rush as wO now have,. annexation in ,order to naaintteiti an ex- istence is a.+ it.evitable as fate, not regard. Mr. Cameron's candidature ee It, bomb -shell thrown into their e.t.mp. They are strong euougl' to car- ry the ri ing, and by e haudsot,ie ma- jority, if ev:eu'tlle Great Mogul himself .fount honor Mr. Porter by opponiug I•itn. Our cotew, would do well not to torget this. A FREE TRADE jonrnntl, in r•rd •r to shake a poiut in favor of its theory, alterations the fact that in one plaice iu the United States the farmers can only ;el seventy-five cents per bis-ih•e1 for wheat, This, of conrse, it argues is owing to the protecti'•n of the United Stated. If so, it 1s very strange that the price in towns only a few miles distatt is much higher. It is probable the lowneya of !trice at the point mei,- tioued is due: to some local oause which is soscel'tible of being removed. One of the strong pointe of the free trade journals is that the Liverpool market controls the price of wheat over not only Canada but the "United States as well. But it strikes us that these dig orejranciev in prices in different parts of the United States knock that theory on the !heal!. Taft, exigencies of s party make many men swallow their most cherished principles. Mr. Thomas Workman, of Montreal, is now a free trader, but itt 1875 the wits a ptoteationist, as was. al - So the leading Reformjournal in Mon - Areal, the Herald. Its 1875 Mr. Work- man said in his election address "I solicit your support a us, as manufacturer !tan lar• inters eel 9,' The.imports, which must el ne. who has for `many yeaars b • ga et' art , That style of discussion was iultitated'eessity Ilioreat;ein,j,he wine jJropgt"ktgti''tuthat important branch 01 national industry, and knowing from personal .experience ;the by aud is pec iliac to :In fterorrn party. at 'the pt pelation,awt•uld"ineratese;akitl 'faiuls and diflcultiee.'which; oats present •st:r< "I u,tvex'r the sli !nest eoniidcuce in Zinn. Alexander Macltenzie. Sir John Macdonald is the only Ivan its public We in the Dominion able to euuduet the af.a h.i of the country, dual ,} 1 shall, if elect,, take the first opportunity to vote non -confidence iu the present Govern- ment." Thus said Thomas Greenway when helhtd accepted the nomination of the Col en - olive Cc nvention. Mr. Greenway then sold himself to the Reform party, signed away his Cnnttaieuce and judgment, anal --voted confid- ence in Mr. Mackenzie; and this is the man who again seeks to represeut the intelligence of this riding. Will the people stand the in- sult ? WIIA•r difference, we would ask, does it make to each individual elector what name the party in power bears so long as they legislate for the well-being of the aoantry and with au eye to economy ? The condition of the cowl - try affnrdsampleevideuco that thoright mon to I conduct our affaires have not come for- ward yet iu the Reform party. Thou let us have a change, and place men in power who will eucourage and not allow every industry in. the country to he ruined by the unpatriotic conduct of the Government, which allows Am- erican productions free accoss to our markets while they fovea us to pay au enormous duty to send any Canadian articles into their coun- try. Is it fair ? Woo that heard Mr. Blake in Exeter in 1874 does not remember the sneering allusion he made to Hon. Mr. Tilley, Governor of New Brunswick, who, he said, was an extnplifica tion, of the honesty, and independence of the Conservative party, ivassmnoh as he had apok li eu and voted in the House of Commons in support of Sir John flaedouald, while' holding in his pocket the , commission of Lieut, -Gov- V eimorship of New Brans;viek. This has beeft repeated at almost every Reform .pie -nick. held in the country. Mr. Tilley was not in a posi- tion to deny the statement, He was a differ- ent ent matt, to Letellier St.. Just, .of Quebec. He desired to keep free from political' discussion.. 11 But since he resigned; he has, „iven an era phatie denial to the story. He saga he never entered the House after his appoiutment, and M eaters._ Blake and ,Mackenzie shonid have eaanwn that, A yontt'in the employ of Mr. John Avery, of Stanley, hasped himself to $90 of his employer's money. The money was not missed till the young thief bad made good, bis ereape. The three fastest bents on record were made at Cleveiand, Ohio, on Sat- urday last by Barns in the special apt 081 puree of $1.500, Barna the.! only starter; three heats ; time, 2.14:x, 2.15, 2.14. The eldest son of lt1r. Hill, hiller, of Dunham, Quebec+, was drowned in tt•e millpond Monday while bathing. His, ornpanions ende#tvnred to stave him, tit their efforts were•'of no avail. The yimng man could not smi wi, and, etyma ery near drowning another young man: actio was assisting to save hien. seasteisnamesurractettsatrul BIItT'HS.. On the 1.0tlt cult„ th t wife oft Afr; Geo,.Dench,,, Station Master at Caledon East, H. bz N. W. agiyny, late. Station: blaster. at Heusall, of a daughter. DEATHS: Htrittsrx ; Tn Ribbert, on, the 29th, ult., Atonia Bainkink.aged 29'yetars suet 7 utotlths., . 1 U l Poe eta