HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-8-1, Page 31878
m.11i3 TIMES
As miner. lecture roi ren veo Ace sri'
CTIaE I38FONE & Ca101i U,<:7.) Ai'DUU"NCE.
Capron, Ill.. duly 2.5. --Lala MMfav
George W. 1,41,b i,;h, a man of line ed-;
neation, a rete here freer( O dict, ttsteY7t4i
1)Bv to start a tt,il;,Jrltal eet:tiJlishlnt tit,
Ila was oP(en in d:*prey cal :pints, Oa, 1
Sueel a'. 1^t? en °bele I :3 card, maieett➢
eine( thee he evened cute rail 1.4140-'14.y
t retia. Arial !.t the efe a et tea htalaat li
thrravh the hemi. The a+tlai;:siem wee
to 1.46 a. IIed ae, teed the recoil -1e vwt'rt
to be teed !ler his funeral t?xlee?r see wee
t(3 bay eeietltiflc b`),?ti+^'• for the towu 'ni- -
br4ii y. At the apportion II time the leen
was crowded. Burt, i 1.1a ie ti ..rt ^l Aa
itlfzdel k ct➢nre of GYo9Jt•t . f 14 ,.ower, t4" el
at the eutl, alespite the ' elm= > f :Lit?'. ;1- :
who were present t. -a ere"at?Els it, -h ;at
hione.11f through the beed. The belie
was lite ally tern t A a- , flt.•th(:' .
AgitTime or' I LsG ^-5➢„t `.5'at+ 9t•Dtece a Dab
stage manners of the lecturer plainly
indicated that lie was no novice in pub-
lic speaking. His voice was clear, dis-
tinct and n1neicel, bearing evidence of
his scholar hip in elocution. His mnd-
ulaatien wits simply perfect. Ilia lec-
ture was certainly a masterpiece of in-
fidel retasonittg, end its language brae
eaoet pow%rtot alai foeeible•, le had
ettl•li<'d to make it end in earth a ratan-
tier til..( its mid wankl he nueu'erecte d.
As ;;roan las he toad fini.lu d he stepped
,tp,lie°•tk leteks:ard.nutil he rc'sached the
initltlte of the ,tame, and with a iigltt-
eine IlI!JTra?ment drew a Derringer from
his Hp peeket, teed tt'B,ilt llessrta. Critabt.
tulel M. rton were riothit g tat„ n him
he 1Bl:ect al the piet"i tit Ili f 'rr•3.eitti and
feilieg into the ;arms aaf these wilt
)117,1 .(_ht t, say, :Aran. 1),ttir a thir
tet. •° attYD•_"ta ret..ttti, ti anti faut,rt-al. Caa.t.
tr•+➢D^ QC"G?tt grottr.ed ttiond. 1 ito, <:( r•Ypt
*'tflw a itu➢ eE t nifl vacant otte GYalwta ' t
hi- ttvila:.e thy. it v:;a+ :44' etD114a64,6kt.
-,f the 1t.trr3lAl<• :t "•1 f.er: ible•. rI'u4•
lbr,^e' a I»➢at➢arae: t" aYtily taro I
Ifs:.. $ lad 1+41 1+ 1mrA .
'a Ar
le t.'. 1 `• tool: t'" tl(':l' h WCa'
ie.,t.ai,t;4 l•a de. -. ;;; A e, • (4044 alta^➢lar4
-4,41 , & tnt44 ft 44144i t 6 a'AA', t4 ilt+r rf•,-
Irl ltil,;r • ,at- ga alf a.t'tt•^t3tLiti iia 1„tII tA4 ll "nee ;phi +ata. faits ; t•rvlanlhl
' h' 4 ••DAlilltrl'ils . Tee, .lt: tone tisemelt
Veen •Ulv- litt-tlrttl .14 tar t,.. a j R',rt?6.ttl4 nt• that: w•iwwt•'u il•-ttnetittn ()
Friel .end vikiniRy enee s ^:t:4,n.', le- a1 iR li't fail iia"..tt.;•Iigal etniettfre.
yS4 t i -fa witu eset tsu.. .•,1 treat':- tv, 1 thee I•"ll h• 'i & t.--11 ••.t in ma ri3.4ta
ha' a+ s 3.'a'Pn•1. At tat n^i t j
thfiC 111' 11."3ta
v he feae::it el, ,i i<fA hie Into 91`
lJ t."te^('i' t4:4ti. The. k:'rrl he doily ini-
Ditedielt ty.
LOIU) .lheia
The dazzling ri ee .. L n ti hirci tr
field tea t•Iace iota jeerer tete h l t., tit'
rim :teeing e.f coon teeter -try l3D`:.',•r1; far,
A?['C,'I'\•Q1Jti'eg ,'f Dtatt"eA *.t e .eJa4tt`t41 evltl-
the men, In !It nit' he- oapere hes*
ru•lart' i"it'.t.l whole eivapters t'f V vt:a4
(xt.ty a1'a1 hia earlier te4ve°1a, uhilo it
l'onnletel tine etf the. heeling r4.vi svS ha
f, een pi -tee ate as melee •+ .4f ;timely fang
one attielee on hie •41"e)litietel :1 lv".r,-
turee." Decidedly idly the ul' st int(;reeitital
fa3 vv41;1 t o the teeter enrifon3 (tf thee.
;NM Lt'Dlint'044% int ever, tti the v(.'9bet ttt::
relent of the future Pretnit•r`s 1het
eiteeeli in the Ilt'nee of Canitannie3 o
1887, in whiet( he wee il''wi(il (draw:
taeniid ine;'r,ti9lt.,',taieltellltt batt'to=(ern Tie
eL't'ecla watt lees Ihd at lt:titie-1 t3'Con
nt"ll, and its c'ncltldillg portion war
rat orteti in tho news tattere3 (,f thw
time thus
•t If h4,nornl4lo mienbere thi•.k it fni
thea to interrupt one, 1 will satbini'
Ore;tt latl;;htt<r.g I wo'ild not net to
to any nate, that is all I can arae.
:'Ialnaghter, and ernes of l go uta.': 130
be; Amply. to (telt — 1-01) 1 clod Ione
l;a tgbtei. Nothing fat 'o erlSyaan t.
hall 11. all tarts of lantellter.l I' tealh
wilt t(1 pot before the II ,nen what
tier position. Motu we remember all
thin—when wo I e mt'nibor all that, it,
unite of the support of the hnnfnrablt
retilltetnnn, the nta.nlber• for Dublin and
Ibis well -disciplined phalanx of patriots,
;tad, in skate of all thh, we remember
the amatory eclogue --[roars of laugh•',
tel] —the ilii t•4vos and the taw 1OVO'
that t•'ok place between the noble lard
the TFityres of the Treasury I3et ell, aue,
the learned Daphne of Liskeard— [lona,
laughter and °ries of . Questiou'] —
which appeared as a fresh instance of
the «LU,T(8 Ttdintr1/ralft) •— [e;:ces:.ivt'
laughter] --when we remember at the
,acne time that, with emancipated Ire-
land feud euslaved England, on the OOP
helot a tritunrliant nation, on the other
t eroauing people, and, notwithstand-
ing the noble lord, secure on the pedes-
o-tl t'f power, may wield iu one hand
he keys of St, Peter, and— [Her.
he honorable member n as interrupted
With eauell loud mod incessant bursts of
aughter that it was impossible to kaon
whether he finished hie sentence or
taut.] The hon. member concluded in
hese words : Now, lir. Speaker, we
see' the philosophical prejudices of
tultn. [Laughter aud cheers.] I re-
-p 'ot cheers, even when they come
from the lips of political opponents.
'Renewed laughter.] I think, sir —
[[lear, hoer, and repeated cries of
• Question, question.] I atm not at
:all surprised, sir, at the reception which
I have received. [Continued laughter.]
I [lave begun several times many
things—[laughter]—and I have suc-
ceeded at last. [Fresh orieA of • Ques-
tion.] Ay, sir, and though I sit down,
now, the time will come when you will
hear me. The honorable member de.
lite red the last sentence in a very loud
tone, and resumed his seat amid cheers;
from the Opposition and much laugh•
ter from the Ministerial benches."
Despite the luxuriance and vehetn-
ence of this maiden speech, there i
that iu it which deserves notice. Even
out of ridicule may emerge imperisha-
ble renown.
tilt n al alai ' IRF 0as4t:'-..***ii t w: :f• it .
Shaihl itis nay,<'lf ta4t"n.1gh to • . -i.- -ti' iL•t„a
GU the e'.erli Dg Of 'ho e • . .e
.►,. ft;
•1'horaitiie, li'ali. The e'.- . a4htlei
shin tit *: $ • Peal tr'lg•' f9 .'t':: 3 ."tel, F
ted "Y - t A' i teat mayle- r+-atietel nee -
o* 1
1 ..<c li» a •ey. It .t :C. nay Ionia! ex-
4 lei"':, •4411 c•.s•atalaa any -oat plus 1'''e11.aD•- i
u ei;.iet h.; j-4
Yelle WO* 4:'; t
4).4=in, Tytetelt ,t• a1 at a•.la l.°. alta l ow'
'ala„ae., sir 1h he I,l§ ..-it• t 4.1 the- tkAVA..
:fila, -tri.. 'It my Ham-. Ali;' i--Asoli f,.t
tt411:i 14.4. `fain, :.t et al .t t t any Ies14 i. da.a.
1 1a.4^`it• 444 a.nnr'. A the. tit.aaati'.3t,t fink..orit
f 1 l,u-,e its,.. as ltiat:4! ;as 1 AI ...ire tai. mid;
ET t,a;llt; 4ni-lh Luea iy tit Oitatl a int.
the, eit-t °«aaf, traatII94ali• ca,, lin' 104..-3 •aa"f 44%.
Ca'a4.4itanifAFelta•,ta('e :i, 1' a•-' -1 a h of Illi
eki ice the tatatsi.4i:•t d •t. 4st th8a mai. i
and annihilation is t•tiert.td 1,c lee. 119'. '
flow 44. 4.1.0ying 144 ' 'lf 1 eitelt 'i ..oI my p
altl!ltter+a awl deem wt'.ieeeee an e,rtaa s
nal li:etnr+•, in which 1 shall jaittpy tit.. •
ie;alt', In all ht.*ri,Anenee'R,
ti. W. Bott1.l'nni.
It may be well ,lurtuieed that this rie
neiri.ltltle nB(e;ice ((wallet:ea ala degree of
i tt ^ref -t awl I•aeitt'lttont in our gnkt
t Awn not (efawit felt here. : uc.0 it ivati
ahte tht.1410 of every tongue, had err
jlaatthtrall t very villager and every coma-
tr: elcatt watt Intel eetue to town to at -
try' therein was informed of til:e
a+lft:;'itep; atnu4+uu(aertut'tat. 1i.etiy l t'G
tore author of it d:iwn as a a IIIPUI)
tl(svtlat i. lunatic. Othere b- Bovet: it
Was u.urcly Iltt; inti"Mitan ti) et t'itto n
sensation taro! puareuteaete a Hie, flu tilt
commit el! y,
Ilaw.4 ver, a etroug and very genera'
ilii. ire tuntrailed to nett haw folio rosin
would edar:y out his annotttleed iuten
tion ; and util' cttet^ua, cant;:u.it'd to lis
him go en far as the flailing of his leo
Lair.., and then, by a well-arrauget
litratagent, to gain control t f his per
sou 0x41 Ultimo/or to reason Tian out o
his rash purpose. Bus thty hail no
calculated the coolness and strength w
13u kigh's determination to effect hi
end. All day Sunday Burleigh keit
hunself closely secluded in Itis room
and with the exception of two of on
local clergyman, he refused adani-a.its.
to auy one on any pretest. At :? p. in
he 1 ea mitted a hriei aadtni"),cion to Rev
Mr. Wilcox and Rev. Mr. Button. H•
allowed these gentlemau to expostulatt
with hitn uutil quarter*three, ant
then dismissed them, cotifteortsly de
oliuin„r their offers of prayer in his be-
half. They report that he listened t
their a>,rguineuts calmly, and at:swerin.
tl,e n as calmly, but that alt their effort
Ratted to weaken his resolution.. Dui
i• g his long sec usion, from Saturdae
lnurniug until ?{ouday morning, Btu
laltigh was doubtless engaged in writiu4
his lecture.
By 8 o'clock fully one hundred ant
fifty persons had purchased admissiut
to the scene of the interesting . ve:ut
which many thought would not hapuet
and some thought would happen. Bur
leigh llilnself acted as dt or keeper, aut.
no children were allowed admission
The audience was composed of mei
and women, in the ratio of three of th•
toimerrto one of the latter, At eeactly
ten minutes aftor eight Burleigh closet
the door, walked forward with a firm,
deliberate step to the platform, took hie
stand behind a temporary deck he had
erected, bowed gracefully to the audi
since, and immediately began the deliv-
ery of his lecture. WhiieBur:eigh wain
attending to the duties of doorkeeper, a
couple of stout citizens had secreted
thetnselves,in a' small side room that
opened near the speaker's stand, Their
iiltention was to overpower Burleigh,
oho is a small roan, at the close of his
lecture.' The failure of this plan prov-
ed that Burleigh had iu some mauuer
gained a knowledge of its existence,
and tliat he had planned most effeoFu-
ally to render it futile. The delivery of
the Iecture occupied just one hour and
ten minutes, aril ;during that tithe' the,
audience was held ern -bound.- ,The,
Sewing Machine. Emporium
t *t,
Al _- '.-`'tf.°," ?"c-4' r.' '.c•C ' ° . w`•'cc r l'.f;X}.ti
%Fr, yr wase. .
T.71rxc r]t..11 eA s /1
StIver"wf,r'e, C11t31t4.anl7 Deaf ever
Jet r1 1 1 C I F$ Q
Da y s+ ,.„ r” dwq 3 , , , I t i rt't*,reel to do all tilt:., +at.
...'A++'A \l t af + a wJ "gym '
Mr.IWOW int i;i' Se' rte. . tt an as •..et'.-::tto' .•. F' g Qdk+ v 1177i? 772 , Paper-k7ctiig77i3g
S:lvir'le.L:t ItF.D a+a r(.:O+It ? t)ti;s3B It -t. tt t- <^ , - Wt,3 :!111-•«. ▪ +.
lei. 4,14. (ttte'9w, l :eh4 I:n,l : t'a°'•t alt 6.. i , • t•e. ; tit teas .pal+ut to f414a)..qck.^rfkry.
J. LI ICU i+t
mu,nicuScIts,e9e of the EY.1 :Arra ,111.,E Vir9
Plate, mad is ot:'t•t'i 4g the inn,' r,t l•rr t • . za tt 474.111 -4
STONIsil YOU. FOR ellEeIOii!
Ile late 3nr.t t•t'cr.t•at rent tl cw owl d•' era; -opt.'
;at'1•.IDt'ut • ie. -a S 7 t rftr!a-,., al-, 4. (.1I
t, 'l }14.1^a• • . -.tt.14: ,.-, -.e to .-1".•r, e,Baar
u• '?`
,l1't4114411.- t
'-'IIIN(ii to glee' a. ns aria g.• B! w ak a -e f trl.l• T
bilVt• t 6 a 91 t' -:'I P k tlit:Sl t. tit t • a riff u...
ttAtt 14:; 5'c 3'4,t L .s.4.ft,a1 .t 1'i ;a !. . 'r .t. 4 •
I".=1'Jlta1,et••-Gas1.:e1,ern'+•enf ti•;. Ie!'- -.i t,.a 1.
t I t .la4t tai; it tat .^:, 4 n t: A h :e
tia>st € 1 n La;i i It•,' I4il a 'l ^ l a't4t 44Aae1
-itt+i•? anti .i'• I1 c4te any1'I ct•5 :411.1 Ire s bvi e,••l eLe..1
1 t•A4n • It ebb ..t x'r ake't , atoy •if Int»r Muni in fLa. :.1,o-•.
:tool 44..airaaf l t•.1!e rt t its: . 1.11...-• c
7::4,.4, I F3;tiet .aa
...WY, .rrl,.t.t ^ 4 t 1: A t - 4 • t.•
t•1.<1 4.I L' •a, 416,4.4•4••• :.44 I.•Ct e'<.: r i • L,.s; ,
t4 13•7; '',,. t:A ,t . t. 1fire•!a'1a+i' 14.,9 ht: • I.•:! t a
1" r I it f t'tt Pt ie.➢ a .1 : 1 .a •.. 5
1. F' qt t.. r 0'14. a.: t tt tti.et ., ; , . .
'+t 1 . i 44Et1 ,4n I Ei t3 E i + 1. 444•4. 44r
t et - .et,ret ::3. 11 .491 , 3+.1 n 3at.•t1...t aftlar:n, 44 ,
p.l'a•4•1449 tttaaUt'csn 1,4 1. n.ik.a „tl.iatr 4
I3,14t Iitn r, 4 ar a •i^ -t f.•r. w,
Eit, eta. „ w ,a
. »3
F 4'
BY AUOTION.—The undersigned has been
instructed by. Mr. John Smallaoombe to sell by
public auction on the premises on Tuesday, July
80, 1878, tat two o'cloolt p. m., that splendid farm
being I+ot 18, Concession 7, Usborne, oontainin,
100 acres—first-class bllelr house and good frame
bud dings -80 aures cleared and well fenced, good
orchard and plenty of water, convenient to
ohuvchesand schools, 4miles from Exeter No
better improved farm, and no betterfarm in the
Township of :Usborne. 'Positively no reserve
TaBMS.—Ten per cent of the purchase money
on the day of sale ; $2,000 in 8 months, and the
balance to suit purchaser, at 7 per cent. For fur-
ther particulars apply to the proprietor on the
ppremises. JOHN S1GALLACOSLBE k'roprietor.
A. 13ISHOP, Auctioneer,
July 11, 1871 at
111,: "`e1,-4-att4t''r 1u: •.+ t -i .3t14;411oi.' t •e t'4(' i. 1a'1144A".t .44 :':'•r :'414:1 ths... a; • 1.n➢2a>, n•.."a'-
tl,n'. aAdtl& tau E44, 10..4 4 Tt:0. 1:-..1 1 :II Ale a I/;3'=D n' 9".A 9'1.7•.. ,a 4,4 1,t -•44'y . 0 q --44.4`119. to
' . Nfti+'t'^eiIra t..;YR' 104.4 4.i: 4 41' t,.s:", ,(1.1Ya3 -,tree.. •,. I.':s tc 1. £ultra la
hht' I. p...1 •t 1,• Di.+ ,41,i •- .t,'.'...
fee 1
Cook, Parlor and -other Stoves
At .tit1111d a ct17It.e1?a Prices,
Tinware, cheaper than the clix tpest, Haiti made up Ins prtt('tie'
t5`ttl'kmI1tEI1 on the premises.
t;at•eeTraughiu;; .nate to ostler. (1w1'lege Platin. rt Snt'ei:ilty. Collett ellintnt'ye, the •
very hest and 1!0111' ('lit"1ipl+r■
Intending i itrA'lta...rr will :ahr:ly' fiti41 me 'tt flay p+4;C, 14'34r 44' 5F4. 41; '3%44'ha,illy
tt4tl 14 I'1'trt"tt ;t1 1,11 t$,444'1- to 41,.44 ea--44,44e-n- eimrt, ,,•t,t , met ..om'!Y nein v.914 44 • ;itt,
k'•all ar(ie t•. 11.'p414,t meat it that a wait: lt'than rues ,Cit 1,-Itervulae tor %'.491 144 'nk•Y.
The very highest
price i11 Cash peitl for 11'1ti(s and Sheep p skins,
.1:° O U N D P'i
Pewter 1' 0, Oetel'i'r 1e 177.
.. tirlIMIt
Founder's, Engin3ers and. Machinists.
Middling Purifiers of improved kinds.
Agric uura l Implements
Potash Kettles, School seats, &e.
Irc+n and Brassi Casfinos to ordc'v'
For Bale cheap—soctl11a band Boilers and Engires Stave rind
Shim:le, and Leading dacninery.
Repairs on Boilers, Eugiues,i'ilrilts, tt;c., promptly attended to
RArirrow HOS,
The *eiFii..._ f Txtr ae. iftemextir root
CJ .+ -Tea t CIM
4LaZsA1 'S A TI Ttrl T
3; pumas riga 409 tt awl t41L 114 ! n ^ r . It ;NIS
ur t4
444'9 +• 1 844 Cir!{ AA 1s t 7e t t , 31•, ,4-41 5
Coni tt 4 1'..a•, CO. 1ah..Y ant .u•.. t •^r •• t1 n, a •'.x.
r.'e ' , r4 gni ra deee a Out amain. 8'eeta 44ret 40 Sre
pe `a4 ipalr.+te1.6'. 414.9. air. "t 14-. -t D -• 3f. A a4 Oa,
hat , r t r e sl t -.^ 2• isr..t4 net a. , ra•. , tt._:
144-00-1441 it•1r t , An•1 S -ti,SS^e:l'a tr.d, 4ast5. 4, 144:14
Um" i t,-0,1*.
v ! D a a •.ante. .4, e0 f=7111'4, t Ey 'X1074'43. 444"+4 re•
eeirt 94$14t4, n,0:srncr.14.A t4
Propri4W 0' r, 11t,A':•xte, V.
K N o E 1 li+ c•
4144 4 4, E4rd 1
* 1 44 4 r t 8 t
Ii H1ttd l;aD le, nt"A*t
1 17 I:.t l e e aa:A?I
e 3 It -4 a f I', kt
t 11'.46'51'.i 11 a i" f I., t'. 40 1 -'
1 d. '.tq' • 441 0'.• 44,44
4141;,',«n:::.e411..3.nt A. .'DlCY. 444-t,::Ir.114
t, H".
4• 4 MS ktnNE 4 S T -r ctid :ria- is '.• A._
a+t 14. 'd.1•' tt sria+. Ivan -8 .ez•
, 044, 7 tl it" 1. 4 to 81134 400
to ne•ta•' d," 14 h 7:3 9 + 707 .7 t .‘44,1 .Aa kr, es.
l.1 It.t-1.4 7,704 .,:,ie ;.litre 4 1A. 4., et4^4,
A 1 1h''tel A4-+.`• 14141. A4 a.. 1,11,
t, 41 %apo t l 4 4.a r
r4 1t Set rt 3,, } pj,4t7t/' ,
S n , at* 4: ea l,eta 4f
e it ne t lis.^. A,'.l ai
II.1t.t'DY :strew eiet- 'i- r+re-,iiia
A. Special Offer
A Beautiful and ^.W4" ""'O .wtea
Magnetic Poen . * seetter, 4774741
11s0 1.e4OA Q.:ad 14nt. 111441,11n orate t as:.
(4100 rryttal, Mel and ttu tat. tr 0144 004 warrant, 3 t ,
denote canna time. Aa,fft t4a:t4r 1.141. 11
alrlagareliat! O0io *1er(ur. will 4.- Olvon (tray
tocsin patrol efaatpry aoa Frey otet.
Cu? ovrvu A rarYC's ANS M,n t7.
On receipt of th44 Coulson art 41.03 to pay La
tacking, hosing star mmian0 charges, we .auIlo t •
send ty velum ntatl. cactit•atmn tt thin papa*
GR0C1a8 Swifts 31t4ca8ti01Y,i:•1C4u-s1t.
Maria, Magnetic Watch Co.,
TAt'J4T64N, 310:5.
This is your ONLY OPPd1I:MlNITY to obtain toe
beautiful prtsa1404, .a rale? AT ONCE, had
mitt Ode Chace of *Urethan.
r f 714 f+: ee tt't i I.1)* Ie. ,7., Weevil
1.is,rma 41i1T.
Be sure .net goo. duo W. D.NteG ocblotwatrch
before baying. Youwill haven° other oder see-
in)lthetu. All who wear them recommend them
GoldandSllver,Ladies and Gentleman's sizer,
77 pundttsstreet,London. See the testimonials
The iargest,bestattdoheapeststoek of tine Gold
Jewi ley, Clocks,ilver, and Plated Ware, Fines
Hoods, tc., tt., in the Province. Rept,Ngn.v
every description. W. D. McGL47h I.N
771)tindass London
p'olersa- 1189, 1878, .11+1444€,.070,01:ty
of Ifs borne, f o. oP anion.
l 1OTIOE is hereby given that T. here
transmitted or delivered to the peree48
mentioned in the third aud fourth sections of the
Voters' Lists Act the copies required by said sec-
tion to be so transmitted or aniiverod of the List
made tutrsuant to said Act, of all persons appear
ing by lastrevised Assessment Noll ofthe said
Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at Elections for Members of the
Legislative Assembly, sPalat Manieipell Elections;
and that the said list was first posted up at my
office at Usborne on the 2dsxd day of J u1y,1878,and
remains there for inspection. Electors ase called
upon to examine the said list and if any omis-
sions or ally other 004-018 are toundtuerein to take -
immediate proceedings to naso the said errors
corrected according to law
Doted July 28, 1878 --
s. J. MANE, Clerk of sail Municipality