The Exeter Times, 1878-7-25, Page 8rnnn W. GRiet-C+1 THE TIMES nontenneeen th uh etnen neat& poen:twit touteldb atorqx Ifn14011 LINE STOWS ASEOCIATIOX.-^7440 Meet^ lug held At Clinton on 15thinst. wader theantn- P r etvw sorpo to theue,hrau odesgorse and he MERCHANT TAILOR pice-s'of this Association was so poorly attended ,orvatyciee mat, ne,yr Onnin um= unerafsry The opening and dedie :tory services in con- 6a5ra.ceirue he the mot bar tho wawa neeraw • neetion with the church yet:elan/ • " 44 that it was deeneed advisable not to do any fen,;ine•;nx Enquired. by could be deetroy ny en, Awept coewieneat er_ DEDICATION OF THE B. C. CHURCH 3-ny 25, 1878 concealed, and the truths of Christianity were Ouce more rpoclainted And tangtn by pious men. Dmi ynasties d kiterdows and eities !business. The small attendance was due, no This last oration wan nore than the tall the Poroan Catholic. body in this town were! IStencq. lensing nOt trace of their former 410044, to the Yery husy season among farntere. :Penton could otand, awl/ae walked off And left held en Sunday morning iast, eon:mewing bnbinat but We religion a Cbrist would *MAIN STREET, EN,ETLR it was decided to holtl auother meeting A. choice assortineut of his brother countryanau standing on the street, and his ire being now thoroughly arousen the sudden departureof eompaeken be started in the opposite direction, mutterinn, As he got overate sidewain with raphl ,striles : Aallopw yen zeteralel herat heibljen ;mut heasnii blunted liemel hedebtne, wi gates te uenlueklenalbi GrPfsneenededareiluged I shortl,y alter nine, onneett and lastion until stau4 tbrougl1 nnes tn eternity. OlInton ou- Aunust nun, to consider mid after eleven. The building wasnandl-nlied. A Rome, prond, haughte, tyrannical Iltrne i held in the fell. Ans the haniug and whe while a considerable sorbet:tient of the congre- tiers tavern rtitid.:esfy wan tn.., Iseven arid decide es to whether or not soother sale will be large •nUlnber were front the parish: a Otra, had, fanen„ Herne after ;Annie a inna. , nation, was eomposel of Protestants of Exeter. the eny wino, 01„..- n31 a ri2.:11:4ti in of over harvest will then be over, it is expecte.' that 1 1 TWEEDS, there will be a large attendance at the neat The interior of tin: clench Ita, laam eh:mg.:11 nnt minions he 1 iv -it -heel to sisty thous. THS, FANCY CO -k°1 TN 0- S sad meeting. little, and woe tastefany neeoranel for ;12e vEsTiNcis 1 rnmi...i. LE --A. colored, er partly color- sifun tbo wIlltemss of tbe nalls bomg rentned ) wan kw. min other ri:i'nee nod deneeties which 1. ni innivideul bearing the euithonions re:moment by a waviug Futercireling thee of evergretivi, were once pewerfol on 1.12,e earth feinted anny i of Mons Itener, was hinea toleeture in Drew' while the altar, whit+, rei.laces the old Pre.by- it were long toioce foreefletten. 'tut it nrceelf at prices that will compare favorably witli i other Deahrs. Meweimmtleesionepnuesiedndernsgfwrynenz Ue stni continued /muttering, but he was tv ench. a great distance away that we could not hear dnetly a1 hug moo that he terian nulpit, enwireathed gnu anti never be the e,-. with Chrinianhy. Site Ifall hi this pinee on NV:aloes:lay eveniug orE :tioTTo-" Pennam Satisfaetion." tue entente; of what he prominal to In 3 IT OtterW1e,8 ornAltikliteti:V.1„114 i:s g itteriug attengthens, and does not del:ay unoler the W• (lents' Finnislaings a speciality. intennting discassion twine; -SlaYe Life in the To ConsetterivEs---The advertiser, a retired 1 Pbernalin R. Father Kilroy, D. 11.. , insun of time. Her star Inn sometimes eaer. inna 1, nod, olttionnli nfosee duly put whae. laeilie lal"';""1"al!" S''1"glwra water, mei invekel Itil,'•stite: rienn it. This wina inetwase-1 brigianey. To•aree fermdre 1 LOCAL NITIWS rnin. innnenynnion neeen.1,.• physician, having, Providentially discavelci. Strati`ord. sprinkled the e.lideo vaittn clouded. but it was entre ro shine CrrIle again etc a Very .25r26, Veg64:316/,6 r4R1110.16,' the nevetly • itt tame aranee. ofter matune relleetion aim :A _ „ a t, entzten taw nentnitatn- nentlee, which •Ntis yntre tent Europe was wept wit!: tire awl ou rtat4.44orit„ eon/ et 4:on • intlittle; .',E661164. 6.• Y StWrt iala i,t7tt-.IVI411: Itath at the 4 lanny lieneinerie : beentelnitie. czareh arid all tinteat e1 burg al- shOrte wasloWtre i lee- Re:. relit r invennan sword i:y ths followers Of nnr,;k6E116t. titta it an. ! THURSDAY', JULY 25. it178. he name to tin ennotatnna to pestroue din a,. jf.tetions„ atee> fr, peeereee. rieei i nersoits debilitn, premature decay, aua eiu leer- ,,ler,e..r ,„1.,„, el et li - , • . i .1 , , 1 . E, ' /- ""„ n i. t r• el n . en. te in t et- , • vene enentin,einute. feele nt Ins d,ate to, Ent 0. i Yinegar, a lieneFea elnip tie. ec,ey, 4 gralie' and- the ..-en/ary grab." beit the Tert uni- t Otis retetivo, he WM Clitawriltny EVAhd, j46,46 Of 111166lie SAW bat tele reeiei,,,as leelivi, flu de, ttea the itte3.1,..ee, min in. urn; Assents. --The Vali As-•nns for plen,„„n wni 1 uns,nt 4.0,4,4b,, ,..ii,c, itn, nny no, ehildrtni a ih.• T. ez;,);,:ro II. en „h,, ae,)re„.• an tho inenr.- for pre- 4i4)rin, Virerieri;Ani, ei7e.ti.;,'4, .Mn.!eurennealleogiene te. their own e mntry. In neve.... tie. eh zreti 1 fe.511 'fie-eel:new. forennee, --hake neeten n ) . • te, Loa in tnninno, 1,44,1„,, th,, .:14„.t. Jette,,leeo ,,,t- .i ra,,i .ys;t14,,,ea•• quege iii ehe wildernese, is the .l';'4Fa"',,, .l!',:.• , „ , i. i i T. , 311.4 I .annionts. Of Ow th 4- n ite eon itherel it ' lent b.en tern- %teal; Main' went la s t f a. neinip to 4, reee,enerateavy t 4sootere, nun-- v. nose .. U1' Common 11,.•ass nu 'Cueniny. ttetener 15. .-ii oue tuan.4 u.ny.nalane, by (Noy titan's w:fo or nno nini to nican tionntninns of tn., twitvfitz; ,-,t IttnliY 166 •16-Y 16t62..ti64g; Vann/4sta cola, " It insei InciF t to the eiontra, tine@ tine Lae- PIN:•N44.*.---TI:e ,SVIZ%tatIA Seheel Al the Pr, s. on.ene, nnzon, a; nen wotos her nit all..6n16163.4 thy; tri6,e3N4'6:6 iSi 4A ,tt C, 44 , A 1 '' - * t 121 121 iltrIV 4' .4,w -44i Ay.ls olara.,‘ Ito trae tkit.' L7:I peep fertn to destroy reintion„ innt 1 yulian chetah laid their 1212 22121 i'::C'We hi tbe tfrieee!nly sniwe the nteeer half 44t )ler bony tuna, hy adiltes_unt wilt Flam.1%.pje ,1.-,4nrow4 n/igion and Ow no ..,in.:p 4.f .14 sus Chri.t • it inn elit,,,e, Then the re:•,,.r,,ea 1 L.,•11 r.unnelentieue wee di-epee:441*g feout eivn- ''.; Ch istiaultY raised her inal pron. 1"n elonn in,. '.1 Mr- 11".4.4 °Poltatifin• Annl en 'i around tonand the rear, ngiabs" a banana of Miusui•L1-4 ;33 ;',1"n4rn Sto LnIgtn n mid hail, t'n 4:itea t,I.,7; the force', of luta- . fislelity. le'eltaire, lteets-valt et: 1 ollnee itytigt I.; 13,4, --by L•it. swiug, ulta .tht r sannselninta ; Aire, ,ntainittens up nun sa,,,,, 8:1 with a f;;,!,, Corscu„-„Tbo (\ma ;%-t by enkr et the 4 44 artas !Into clop... Inn 4,, POW' !! 141,4 non,: the nay of ea th-ii. T1:, v ., ,,,i 1 ut W. -re ititenth th t,,, bid of Indy ;nal e4!1411'.6.6lItela Una 441131111.140 of : Reeve at the Wiltl House, Ester, 17th jukt, Tin,n; Sing cft 1,/. jj,;ii-Durilig tin. t, ----------------------------- ,.14s,-;:r.Atioit ilar‘vtitute.:)314c1/4-. Pyin. All the vuennters present. Tho lubnites 1 shier.. it caw, for t•erinen that the ornt , tnintenee the tanti 44 melt, Tint,- wo* Is non - whit,,, wine -ratt.,,,:ar. Stuu,;" Call.D.-Tkere •svE the *land ; tn ,„tzai„g fenny,. Antnnten t Pro -e 'tants plee,eat. rAnatcei nen tileft tB;e etnrietienne pieced thei - +sue 5net3a fen tlariet thundt r steam en Setnniey 3 141444) 14." ; 11,1! Alas rrehiiely 0411ifea horn the devil• of PnAnnIs wetting S'3 32 14'34 0224 eo12t4"4"1- Clonela 'one. &Wile 1. Ile it•2ntte.1 rf, spanni non 2eteit41, theie taenan:o non tree which sunny ten 414,' ,\1441+A stroet loath: ity ofnerritn; him 411; Vail Weft it inet 31"vi*1bY W. 11. Verilbinnonacti 14:H: 1bs5tIt. g tint 41i/7,w/fee2 til3t l'eMt.t•rt. the tire, tt• t avenneat by ehilinurset, b it *he 0124 of tie Shin tin nay was strack Iny lightning •,f 1,,Et arpn, 440,4 peon:ter nef on a pro:ire:ale thnt orders le granted for the rklynt,n6i '14 tho r66:41 itr.6:0401 ei4areigei. tweeds:el upen 1,1 ;hinge the r„ -,r1 snit man :nni.inn, men own cousintattle shattered, eethe 1,9,-nie,; end rhrzerethe"31V1 1"7,5AAving siln44 '04.1WC ufoiit$EikTeht the i*1646.-tal.t ut1 Inzun leetaa for tele of CIO 4:1;,tgity, 42,, at„)e -aen. • I, 41 WF*I'll: I" 1.14"1 thr0 •'.----Tbo Indun; laaon '•• enile nun riehny rinliteons." f 1rai,e9.; A, lIvilax,i, feUili f: 321abor ; A. lias- 11 tnatitol'.0 relightus annn. in 1,3 lite:inn* in the ,': euen was tLen mane to the Pron. -.2 nat Chad/. who, ;roe .un toy. a in Mrpiener.in, le:notion, , /..-ne,._,,,y,„„44 1.4.,,N 0,,,m. live iniimi,„ aft, r*, nn -44 $1,,ein nn.1402„ri (lanes n.,.,,nn,n, .5, lie san, ,tint„, lane, in 11,13n4,inn, r 4,-;;;;;;m1:4;, my, enn !inn 4,...4-,>s ad „T.dna IN -Mall. 1[146. ;., 4' st, 114121 4: 1,0,144.4;,^141;146 lit Usin to tilt' i4liv6.11 Ift6.;-.11* en.114 eh,. tin hel, et. e.e,i e 111.4144 eorneon e tire ',rake ',„, ory ne ve•see-Pr ; ii. Gni!, coil: 41510g PC/1 To,t,ile.. n; tie:i..vaug a; It„.. 1;414, At i•+!* poi til.,. ee...1,e leoreeree,,, ,,, 044. chiii.4,44 4,f ii nin,,, i.,,,i414,4, ••,,,,,7,,,„4: io „. (ma tan, nyR 41 tlo ran 1i.9i 4.1 tie Ir 13,3V1 4'4 litb lit. , ,,,,,iz -in fa %/a11,1%. , ,,,,.;,,,. %hp stizino 12..011 in , !"4.1. 2; Dew-, 11 cud IlittoLitnon. $1.2?.. fel' man einem tan n en tont ennte of nil, 223. 4,1141� 2222 4,2 -,,24,,,,A-44, 44,4, 44.,, 1..1 143* IL . Tin. e..no any toie-:stel of ter, neseenn ineladat..s 46 1 41“. x.i".t4‘v ,,.41ap tiV4: a W W-1aI, 41'111 t12 a',' .iA.,g 1 Aq . 3Va .'' ..4 ' t . f11t.4,4: ,?.'.neiE,.. 11stL„ 4 ..-.. , 1,, ..,./" It 4 3 1 1.,4., i ".zo1rhif' e,ce... ' -e ,tn: e. i,e t4 O , 40E w 1 1 nc1zc4e.1..1nr.'44e4e4.le3,4"a .o.14,7 " 1i[Lnr.,l,1.1ith ",„,,; e03t,tt4lit,,,‘,.'•.4i..;"3/4* , Lc"t4e4i,,•t.,,),i ,r 0ie41te . ab ,. 11OA .11:41Iw-ast.1ee 642, 1.ta4fISM•IlIrT-1'tfIItieat•-n1 E3-5 4• , ae.n.eees, lwnng 3!.43 , 4e1 t;Mat uu%leo3444a,tlth:handhnn1nt2t12a/1VetnYnituleneiten e.ta.sA ow 11vI„, 14,41 01ta,01Ilradfend• no11:4sP4WrAl4%0414.1)'0nel 1;Piaf4i 180441,A:8.4tir • 14l14•t1I2**.2 \* 04 v1 442' 4144111'41447FS1 t14` V14TX114441nri14=tl7:11448, J24'* V2 ,1t441I44A1"t,34113,01Mdeaven1*117ee e 13.-2 12211. 1:44:24,V1r' rii'•*2-411141554V1(iv(7" 12/av41.''''''Il"18"W.11'1 A , , t . . 4 t , • , • • •'t 0 - 4 n r . ; • , •r 11„ j a%2l6 h _ t AWt " a e u • I k ' ' 'rInv ,, I11rk . 1.l.i,I1 .•` •.1r o s ,VafbT,L:.1,,h0.'4,1a,e,0m ;v2.,.I;1l;l%.i,1Vy;Lr1+,• ,tIS'B.MZ. a e4,111:i4-443.4,"* i ' ,-r1"0V!.„40 )3i' ;.ta.'el1 1I4 „4=IST8 ,1 ,4%14 '% r, i gt,u- .mt So.'t 't.1Q4.a roX,n.v. 1V 4f.1v0, w41-4,o41eoe.11 e„reo,...6,t,',a..4.,. •, i '1aa'.itA , h T 4 1W 0i14r4141, -14t-4n,3".4 V,*i 1.Oe , ''!' e t,,' '• ,43/4,7111iL,3/4 ,,3/4e.1va r4e.,,1,'84'n.,, 1 4111"111741281°11'aw""'"TI''3-44'5('"ve:i7rto,e:;iiit4-14;441,,•'7];1141nr- ,. cLdnitll.;fsv4iaa;i;1y.s1Qae)s.1tM 24•44hs441gh0/ea;1.te1tt4diwt. VliI.e;nt14 ee,nI42 .iI1rie.„nsnall.tfi g-tT,t4w(htio1h4e:);4e:,44- tAuoi,tsni.!w .tei, klrtleie o4aoaCemlfnlirejPeleeie.d endk *uesieonit1ttt4.hMF,wr8'648311*.i'jt6N„ne1.,1I:.at*;liitn:levtitlrteiiloN6n lgt"idh4wr.1,r,.Pe', a,i4*e*r0tgt,:;t,4r""•2h3o4t„4.uah,1-eitne4.t4h7dn4 s.,.ta ,Lharaete tnonle^re4.eMe4n,,,.eiirtnt.heiraeTKey n.i,Ii:t4N11ir14e .t.t,TIttS. .i1iel11iie,"„nt,',ret1en.o;e, Vntrnv1 n- n " ,"1.t . .• F'1'Ti11w.o'•--2• " 31a"1v1•.e0bbny4PtLJPIn.yI;nna„ntU rwud*tat31;Tr,:°3d41'8f. I4eI"aIN.t-"oT'r.e•,1Le.14".1-1i4 :41'2n.ua.lto, " • thh11(14ie°4aatiYre,o1r rlel t12 Tdh1an,'rwPYist,rnvw"vn1e"3.vt"eltrhi11'e:p1e1114w14'11L'4a4h111 "1e1"4n1"111nI'3D oe1s1lerO1-“'3"t.,s'*h't'-1e0"°y44.1 F"4I4n.t11'°w'r1ni:eVlullt,*prO^'IeAIw i ,•,l„ ',i.:Nt•Vw ve% v iiaSt.re1h 40a,n• .nft6nt11•.. ..,a4it*rn ,it1 n1in1'nn,46n:i1,iWf.nnr, iiitlelnnu. ,snaosf Twetiitehnilt.nl7,i.hrstnwrstenhlotnntee. ,n,ln fe7'o„oeo31*.t,nwAt4 n1nn444u.1it,nnwTT4nl,1iohtil4 Ai ten lytr%1414 L4YC:1442V;ljl-Ts 144.13,,A.3wilinteLal42113'41,4,,,13ecplit,t (1114,,Tim;ltion._ar.1.11;w114,ItnWr"233.S 1'132•°t/I1""latrumitn ssiticteIsV;ar1 2,1' 12 i41026t.111.4rtie01444votrvwillhtiloo4owionolt4iwetriLIl1iII 1'241 that ow Invrati8r intrrtch-litoriuot %leet (144 21 4.2121 karat re1 i•nnene nttnlealen* 11313 noDIne4snet totin fna Itnninnv.-Witie 5fSHeiman.4f 1233' '22 e. e wennet rquired,44.3 the 142414iu•tuts tr"mltiVoPAt,.""1,"t' pfraa`18-°',rr.1,vvn44437'°atWll'f'i"'"404.1";441"31'eti°4442itel:66I01184nr.v.:lielI"::Lelwa latnone313-313-1443own letrentor nvn"eyforthe Tininee it Tenste2V.ti it naotaalltat 11*' Vomed met 11ea 4nntend?Toy,or Ila„0247 liwr 44446144 wh*lent „al,.tmotattomittvow„binoi12t,t5:t,,,32,i ,,,,,,26,F5ieneuroe,iI 112eoie3e26iee6o333818.by41. $:1e"1, 8ce4t1. W11i22W'426143h. Ei;tunel'41%312312-i314i44toetentstinttleii„,i.IL:11..a..e,,i„ftg,-o.a-1 01 tootmuoiaitpinmtti..fild. 14?orttm24 3.2I12•0414'12I8,'.211'-_r).r3l,e1.10,212 1y223119 121141t tru t hint 04498-'8'30214-i ma- t evthan to ttrain than tornre 113.•It4o61414tied, es1n22t14'e, Tia. 4-14334.4-t 31*y441 no leoninewas hew eneepto the rtn tot M.W. 14;, i " 'L W '4V j fVga .a1..Oe k• r aRoreudnt. tdbmutte,x t'Biannttho,en.neoreteary'n filotn/ie, n ., 7,3%; p. Presmat, Mean.g. .. Ptr.iheti:at- - thWilisW.H. Veriy, 114±-43.tt, e: thitte so4 win. wet lots own el: as lie 1*Area:T:41 upon do. 1,44,00 ot tin, march of tLe buggy. 1184 3,12214,4 itn litimwell, that trodere lie eatlen prisinc.ive of evil. 'Cite t'athelle eltutelt inter- flint 212294- '34124-s8; non non inn %Mug EE'•Ptlrc01F,day lst Y:NES1/1Vrr.-1ria .oCinnl, on thihtsite-l;tilt: Il. r fedtacre4111 :As te keanenta f,1 inn/ f eenare.pued eleb. nit MrWGnat:tanone DI 41213 018144 23224 ha dThCheirmanMrPieto heyeeivenup tl. ligingltY1 thi:Nth N, 81 win, 110 intetritetiiaOnir training en!. rosiding. The whittles of nniette meet. 1, 121 „whim ,,,,.., i., Ins, nannian a neninnon Exeter Woollen PRKory. Lisibrollol Willa i4 Nt 7::14 p. m. -Carried. 514ael loy IL Ilissett. well aide to j ,,,,ha. ,.f ;An, n,‘„,,,,i„.,i; a 441 -,,..,,,it, 0,4, rioti.,,.tains 1,4,4r their iii.,,ii. 4 t 1 f painful tweident. "When one of the power invert ot t le town, was aiming itt tot si,i,44 titahato 1.,,i,. ing wore la ad awl 4ttlin.voth 7,the..•,1 ii.:44 /4; . eentiohn by J. II. Howard. Met t.lie.. Reevo t_11.: reeenenee, the ruple who pont tend thoir 24.4.1. onn.0,4 „HA 2,21„1.4,,,8„41 hiin,444f a,,,,, i.,,,,Idi 144 se,„ i Pal 1, I ;pane couceruing aceount for pruning, and if glint nile tegi,4 044 tO 4414414" by that inn rprent- I nun, )11,,..,,„3. „to „„,,„i rto,„;,, ,„-,,,,i,,.,, among hi the act 01 1,k,king up stinethini., oa the solved that the ft Lasing ne?ounte conehnied lite Man% s by thnlinon • 1.404, t‘,1„, were bun inn to loon tni a ell:notes 2:04r, who* tbc shuttle, whieb is 141431383(1at 1, 'AN. t :\IAISLI8. li4443 1:1114. Ana 1111Vi4IS4444, for i found correct, order payntent for the nnue.- , thot. Ile relenting water chosen SI ; .N1r. T. Fon it , for Corlett. '*!*e1by W. 13. Writy, seconded 0. !the Protest:tuts for attic sialnetiptiens nestatil mnitni, Thew ,a,, a 0,,,,14,,,11 ,,f oi,,,,d,,,„ both I.Etirl, 114.,,R, Olt, and strnek the *coning nom 'f• tae *amen, And assured, titt, in lie mond pray fore ibe evening. of ne, innian, tin. ergen ' repeiring sehoel eloeln 51. mowa alai rend- S ouwell, that tide Council teljourn until Mon- 1 I / about half an inch below his right 4,!:ty, punt.. y ni, that L'sborue Content be requested to rain' day. tintli inst., at 7:30 in nin-Carried. M. time they would be able to twe the true rennion which wee inpnlied lw Mr. IL Drew. of Entor, tile sum, 44 51n, Stephen 521 a 14. Exeter 5,18f10 Ent raft T, ('1-r]. •n• seinen Inuit/se:I in this suction for the 1 non 1 Minute* of a Council meeting held by order of the 112'8'10, at the schoolhouse. Exeter 2...ind July, 147s. The initiates ot 41 previous wet - i ere read awl confirmed, Moven by G. um% seconded by J. 14, theca& that 321 nild 2311. office on the 1813116814 square, stay 11x18 with attached roof for covereg weigh 6081:s -building not to cost more than $130, 1 inns and doluge of our Lord," but if we may (4u.4 012 completion 1,f sain haiblino, two sette , be aimed to Lit in the critics chair for the of settles to be provided eaen• o a -.even ton, and Info:neat we would eug,ene,et that it, be amended so an to read "The influences of the Sayinge onn platform scale ,nbout 1.5110 lbe..-Carried. The clerk to enquire concerning price of stales. Nloven. 14y J. N. Howard, *42C,8121141214 by W. H. Verit,:•4 that the em buthliug be atIvertisen to be sold. by puha° auction, at the market. to the Itighest.bidder,on Monday, the 29th tiny of July, 1878 at th3 o'clock p. m., together - posts and lumber.- Bisset, seceuiled by G. Ireton; to the 1,111310, leaviun en ugly mid rain - fel wound. lAINAtIVEMENTR ON THE ATARI:Er $1.11'41411. TuA4 Murk: t &inure has lawn nearly all gran- "at P'llr• 1 822214 '"I'v't 1'1'1 th' 8v'e33'" ell anti is tom toady to be gravelled, whirlt torn be instructed to write to the luspeeto mall be dime shortly, The Connell at ita last e.one.ern,ing tint *vacancies in tile sebool eansen' uteetiug donned to eruct a rearket-I,uiltling (ma oy tut, lapse of the certitleates of two of the place a set of weigh scales under cover en tlw :dation Square. The ul.t building which litaw citanits ou tire cortar will be sold by pnbhe auction on Monday next together with a quan- tity of cedar posts. The market will be ready Tobaeco Store. ler the fail grain buying. A. erne Fort Cnnenn. -A ettrrespendent Gant Extunrrtox.-On Saturday last a writes as follows to the Columbus 414i4.3 Inde - travelling 413032 visited. Exeter, and enlaibited rimier a. sawas 4 43... 22 whiaii was pitched 4,,tt penuient. I Bella yon herewith a remedy for two -headed staffed, an unoth R Certain CUTE. eertaiu friend of Mille ill a calf axe fd teachers. Mtwed and resolved that t110 tory itrocure EL ladder tor the school house Moved. and resin:nal that we adjourn. JOLIN BANTON, SAO. Lemons, Ftes, Dates, Nuts, etc., at 1':0131142's1':0131142's Huron etreet. The show consisted of a twee, thin horrible dievaee, vancer, which I believe ie er „1 Lind:demi has bean cured by the We thie instrumente, and a few pictures. The crown, ; „mot „„ net a large „ that which nong,re- 1311342113', and' a '"Iltieluan in South 1138AssiPlu* 1 to whom lut gave tee receipt, has Also been gated. in London on the Twelfth, mostly gained 1 cored. Plertee puhisin for the benefit of stiffer - mind' twice without passing the door -keeper. lug hmuanity Use the extract of sheep sorrel The proceeds we're applied towards paying repared as follows: Gather the sheep sorrel the fee charged by the corporation for allow - when green, ph co it in a mortar, beat it np ing them to exhibit, and early on Monday very due, expos the juice, strain it in °Wee morning the show left town. to get rid of the lint and trash. Placa the Crew Hor,IDAN,-In accordance with a nu. juice in b. deep plate and set it in the sun until merously signed requisition the Reeve has is. it evaporates to the consistency of molasses or Hued a proclamation appointing Thursday as honey. Spread the salve thug produced on a a Chic Holiday for Exeter. We hope the day will be observed be the business 111011 anti all ether citizene. The Fire Brigade purpose at- tenalieg the monster Firemen's pie-nicat Wood stook on that day, uncles therewill be a reduced iare on the railroad, no doubt many who do not belong to the fire company wid take this opportunity of visiting the county nom of Ox- ford. 11u214wAy.-011 Friday last one of Mr. Pick- . nerses,attnached to a top buggy, was stand - lug in the station yard when it became fright- ened by a locomotive coming dewn the track. Toe horse started in for a race and ran down the true about a quarter of a mile until stop- ped. by & culvert, when he turned around 8114. 141313 back. Be WAS then caught. The only Ckaminle done • was the sitashing of the Luggy top, • , Orneoss.-At a meeting of the Young Peo- ple's Improvement Class in connection with the 13. 0 Church on Tuesday evening the fol- lowing officers were elocied for the ensuing lean : President, Rev, 3. W. Buteher ; Vice - President, Fred. Fungi:tad; Secretary, B. Grigg; T•ett8U.1.1.31*, 11.11743 Oke; Etlitor, John Grigg. Two progranqme committees were appoint- ud. Gentleman committee- Ez. Spicer, J. J. Inekentl, said Ed. Itoberte, Lady eonnnittee- , Ifeesee SI:terror, 141arsharl, and Olt°. The so- 443uiety is in a douriehing cemdition, s member- , Piee,e of kid, or on linen cjoth, nand apply to the affected part, renewing it two or three thnes a day. This application in two or three days will cause the ulcerous part to slough off, after whieh apply a shnple ointment to heal the sore. The remedy is snee, causes cousin. tsChtist. tennivaten the recent- gi and tba peonio nispereed. 1.1117VIZE. lita Welt 81111441111e4, Ito. Dr. Kilroy e. hatred. a lecture in. the afternoon. He 4,31ohlf ft littlt. over half au hour in fun retie, eltereert grain. The title of his lecture w:te ••The Say*. with a quantity of eat Carried, Moved b • R. Santwell, S. Gillespie paid 61.50 for freight anal ;ferriage of hose. --Carried. Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by J. N. Howard, that the Reeve be authorized to sign documents in con- nexion with the conveyance of land for the market, and the corporate senl. be attached ands of years 1(8)0 32310 aeatt. They ceased at theie death to exercise any influence on the thereto.-Carrten. Moved by R. Rissett, flee - being prtnided at by Miss Phillip, of London. Ma. IL A, Iantant rutin Ins yorticular atten- tion tit the thy pkItills he effere for nth, in Mr. C. Stettlesat's now store, Coll end see him befere 1232 1)12 barnaine are rime. 02;011.073, DEALER IN GROCERIES, CANNEL) *&L.101, and Doings of oar Lord." He cornmeneen bv LOBSTERS, saying that without St. Peters at Rome there is. stoni a monolith about 70 feet in height, upon Clit‘t MOTION E a base 30 feet high. Inscribed upon the won- FRUITS, &C., Anc. Ilas always a good and freeh supply out hand. olith were the words "God Reigns," "Gea Cone quers," "God Triumplr." These words were written in Rome upon that stone near two thousand years ago, stud the God that lived then lives now stud fills the thoughts of man more than any other name His name on th.t day would bein the mouths of thousands 01 211(212 in our OW11 Dorninion. Cresar,Angestus,flaunie *2121: 81264. the hosts of great /nen. who thottee Also in TOBACCOS, leading brandy. CROICE (10.‘116, foreign and inane allele, all the belt. b itI1118. Give lihn a call ana yea will be sure to get satisfaction. TOBACCOS AND el(I.A.R8, WHOLES.I.LE ,AN) RETAIL. N), ended by W, fl. Verity, that this Connell an. minds of wen. They were at their death for- . A-getit for Great Weete!•*11 SteamelliP 1 jou..11 until 111anday, the 2012h inst., at 713o p. gotien. Itnt Christ livesto-day. His influence, Line, New York and Bristol. III ---CILI'llea, M. EAUltlaT, Clerk. BUSINESS FOB LA.DIES. Our attention hes been called to new article for the nee of Indies, the instean of expiring on the cross with, himself, grew 111011.6 powerfal awl to -clay extends to the uttennost ends of the earth. Many a ttempts had been made to destroy Christianity ; but any tears noit Christianity will be destroyed have no foundation. The coliseum had been built MI:tante, and the Christians bad been fed erahle pain, but it is otherwise harmless. If in volition the patient has the uerve to stand the pain it of winefor every an 4 by thousands to the win beasts in the arena, everlasting blessingf I I Wr hut Christianity extended her benign influence produces it will effect a reared cure. refer to the Queen City skirt suspend ah these persee ',Wolfe grew fiercer. Dioeletiau 16, GERbla,NT lipW.-011 Monday last two Ger- trs fur ,iipporting Indies. skirts, the mans came out of the Maisons Bank and en- most, debirable „ma_ h,,j,,ficha article had (vaned that he woula destroy Christian- ny, end Diocletion,proclaimed that he had. sue- tered. into conversation. The larger ot the ever invented for the use of women, ceedee. But he did not. The Christians were tw0 men said to the other: marry of whom have stiffered year's of gar. not eltogether swept out of existence as Diode,- asrottrwasheseshra arosr tneenanon rapwlisr 1 miserable health caneed eul ely by There 'WM some living through rying tt untobe.r of heavy blkirts, ooto- tiansUPPased. ayroufgorthennedcbes oosrrisegwressrar ta bar . ail his perseentions to hand clown its sacred theaorharohueranincesramn rasr arthoyfforata, ayerawahionxta I wrarsenreeser,of twne og oh pletely dragglOg tllem down Some - The catacombs of Rome tad the horthre te whops(' henna orghen lzxcet hena on thing to support ladies' clothing is al): P111161310. ar ao lirt uie siox zbay to no monies to dot te solutely necessary. These susperl dere story. He (the speaker) had gone through (laves yurus novus wa,vus 1vus sayus Y01118 ay13. reeow in e tided by our les Cling pity. the City of Rome and viewed her catacombs. bonk pwro areehospingearpwhoop I tlickcl On to all taffies and y011244- griirls. There were soinethieg like 200 chinches . in ywgfsyporahendebjutexzuvninehisg l Whars slelalli belloorewpo a ran hoeso hei vix ni an um nu Every Indy should have them. 1 hen Rome beneath the surface of the earth, ornaller arelm lawn nix coin o reusk mid zo• I yin tiny are soh1 ouly through lady agents. •A by half thau the 11. C. Church in Exeter; in spienuie opportunity is offered to some Ole centre of these churches was a we11. aniniu, rwposilio ebis "aawgepw amantara,hnub.x amid. , a i The Dutchman to whom these hasty words reliable lady canvasser of this county the sides of these were. the openings to the were addreesed became quite indignant and to secure *110 agency of a pleasant and catacombs which sAved the lives of numbers of replied in the following strain. profitable business. For terms and the Clainitiane, vvhile thousands of then, die, 1 ahonutv ohe 8)61)08* ills° cum entrsi ntary territoi y wAte at once to the Queen and preserved Christianity frorn destruction. 2.2 ra he eh staurpwge ctuunblay aryopywsfght Ctity nnapender (nanapany, 278 Clark At Dioeletialos death. these poor people crept ship being large anti the meetings 1/6,11 unto- ae lonn iehw oypw wpyos sghuqqui vi en foro *snug and ustr..ctise. eondeaties abedembuthlzxqvumpohis oehatea 8 reet, C neinnati, 0. • forth from the catacombs where they had lain. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS ; SHIP GROCERY and TOBACCO STORE MAIM STREET, EXETER. Shingles for FR= $1 TO $1.60 PCB. SQUARE, At G. &„ Brooks' TWO BILES WEST OF 41.1i1tl TAO ND ON' BOAC, TT 0(2' HA!, . A good supply of Ileinlock Lumber Carl& ,Postsconstuntly en hone. , 'DO NOT READ THIS. 21.1."ing2e42e13e21 a lot of new -machinery, I 32033111 311102(114 the farmers of the sur- rotmding couutry that I am prepared to manu- facture all kinds of Horse Rakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc, and having- seenzed the serviees of a first-class Turneref aneprepared to do " ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and prim I defy einupetition.. Aleveys on hand a first-- class stook of Fork and Shovel Handles. HILT half a mile eolith of Exeter. , 'A. COTTELL,