HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-25, Page 71 '1411r,r 25, 1878 THE MMUS WIT AND HUMOR. Every dove lace a cote, and every dog pants. The young than wlna took a seat neer the object of hie adoration exclaimed, "!bine Juxtaposition that suite we l" bolitoq,uy by a tippler—The public always notices yon when you have been drinking, and uever when you aro thirsty. "Tlie nearest I ever cense to catnni- baliynl,r" said ofd Lord George Bentjuck, "was when I swallowed a little Loudon porter," !General Sherman favors cheese as au army ration.Ile evideutly believes that it is miner --teat we meet not do what we would kill any other man far attempting. &i, hop. oekeeper, in filling up his eau - etre schedule, Mader the column beaded "Where leen," d;:,t:ribed tate of Itis children ,,t, -tilt in the parlor.'" and the caber "up ensure.' deunio hue says a substitute for the oorcet is oluunatty" called the lmancipa. !ioin whist. e . yoatug !title's ern) is au- pt:ller good substitute—we've been told. But why is it ea, we have never learn- ed. A p au may certainly use glasses rtbuve hie not if he feuds them any as- sistance, but lets will find that the too foga. ut use of glasses under his naee tousle to utistuadiuetss of gait and thick- ness of speech. "It taken a drug clerk of broad judg- ment and liberal views, and a cairn, stit'esn9tin ! l;e, control of his features, to knew how to give a citizen the right !fief! Of syrup in his diad,. water %viten the entte:ett'a wife aaya she will take the same ap iter !disband. An applicant for a position as teach- er in a l.lglt school recanlunendod hint self to the leiard by shying that he had "'be.oc tris blue dt,estick seho.'h these four year." The hailed deelded not to hint a teacher that didn't keine how to spelt ""fareI " butter than that. They microphone is another 'navel. lone inveeotion. By it the faintest ;lau:,.le3 ;are magnified to the dimousione of a thunder alae. With the micro- phone a farmer can hear a potato ling coming down the road a quarter of a tulle away, and can g;t out with an axe and head it tiff, / The New York editorial association met in tiy^racuse a few days ago. While there they visited the Idiot Aeyltlm,an4 got mixed up with the lunatics. The 1t.epers had an awfully nerd trine to tinparfte, them, being unable to toll ' "totlter from which," It 1,vss decided- ly rongli--Liu the lunatics. Quicker than nought. --A little boy hearing saute ono remark that nothing was quicker than tllought,saiti : I know something that iaquickte.r than thought." '"What i5 it Johnny ?" asked his pa. "Whistling, said Johnuy. "When. I was in school, yesterday I whistled be. fore I thought, find got licked for it too." It i' sett meted that 87,000 young wo- men neve been graduated from female colleges and setninaiie`3 this eeaaon. jest think of its 37,000 young women with their young minds full of French c:1nverllatiotia, mental pbilosophy,white pekavt; and deferential calenlns, and not one of thein that can make a green apple pie, or map out a constitutional amendment for the suburbs of a pair of pants. Chicago females visit condemned nulderera in prison and actually kiss them. This is taking a very unfair ad- vantage of a man. He has no chance to escape, and is therefore compelled to submit. We now understand why those two .len who were hanged in "Ch} cago, a few days ago, expressed a stl(one deli -ire, a month previously, to have the execution take plane "as soon as possible." During a discussion in Cincinnati one of the disputants, said :—"I'm get. ting tired of this eternal harping about he finer sensibilities and virtues of wo map—they're not a bit ahead of the men. Take a oominor, instance—chair- ity, we'll eau. When a man's genet- osity is touched in the right spot, he shoves his hand right down into hie breeches pocket and gives alms. Dote a woman ever do that ? No, sir,neverl" end without a triumphant, self-satis- ed look, he put on his hat and went out, leaving the other party crushed and dazfd. Whou Frank (faits, of Newark, N. J. went home the other evening his boots were damp and he found difficulty in removing them from his feet. Ile cal - 'led a;gentlemau in thehouseto his ns- sistauce. Gams sat on a chair and the man took hold of a boot, and gave a sudden -jerk, causing the wearer to slip from his seat, and striking his back on, the ehair`his spinal column was injured and he may die. If wives didn't snake snail an awful fuss when their husbands Attempt to go to bed with their boots on, such terrible accidents would not *out Q(IT1)ONli BY A BOY. Au exchange toile the following story of a boy who chewed himself the superior of four men A lad in Boston, rather small for hie years, works in an ut'&ce as errand boy. for four geutlemaa who do business. therm Otte day the gentlemen were ohaffiug him about being ale small,. and ,aid to bite "You never will amount to much you never can de main business; you are trio small," The little fellow looked at thein, "Well," said he, "as shall as I an, I can do something Whirle none of you four: feet! can dc." "Aul e I can keep from �awtearasked iu, " they, pthe little fellow. p There were, aowo bloats es on four wanly faces, and titers seemed to be very little anxiety for farther information Old that paint.. ay.viv.4.ve CARE OF MILK. .'#. creamery company publish the following roles for the guidance of their patrons who furnish milli to the oonnp,luy. Every person IOW baa the management of owe and attetnp%e butter mskieg should study thein ltUf+r3$, 1. Never under any t ircuu.inanees put a pail of milk irate your cltn befure et raining. Hoer iasis of ureitra,,tned: uiitk may spoil a whole eau, and one cat/ of impure milk will certainly injure all "silk or cream with which. it cornea su. ccutaot. In the mane of decency, we beg of every petrou to be particular about milkiug and properly straining this milk.. a. Cana containing ruilk should never be kept in a milking bare during the night. The scent of the stable (how. cver web kept) will injure the milk and spoil the nice Savor treat: butter elznuid have, An open, shed a little tiitttanvc (rum your barn, your wood• eked or your kinutien is the only propel place for keeping milk over night. tit/00ESUONS, 1. Insist that your milking he done il. a cleanly mariner. Too much puiuri:'. caplet be taken is Lhe particular. Carelossuena here will cutup! a great' leas an the usaaufaoturer, arid ivault the cousutnor. 2, Bea your cows with sawdust, if possible; it will keep your cows clean and your stable tidy. O. Do not under any circumetancos, leave your pails and etramer at the barn over tight. Carry theta to the hoose and iusiet that they be properly waitlfsd both morning and evening. Much depends on thea. 4. Use unly tiu pails for milking. 5. 'the tip strainer pails are the best for strawiug milk. Some dairy. peep Use strainer palls and also a cloth atretolsed over the can --thus straining the milk twice. We advise this double attaining of milk. It coats you but little trouble, wile it will greatly add to the value of the butter and cheese from your milk. IlUISli WJ.T, Au Irish ,Lune pain has turned up at a Bootee restaurant in the humble capacity of a waiter. A guest who has been nerved with a small lobster :—"Jiu you call that a lobster Mike ?" "Faix, I do believe they do be Gatlin' theta lobsters here, sur. We call 'em crabs et home." "Oh," maid the diner, "you have lob. store in Ireland ?" "Is it lobsters ? Begone', the creek is full of 'em. Many ,t toime I"ve seen 'em when I lapped the sthrauies." "How tong du lobsters grow in Ire- land ?" "Well," said Mike, thoughtfully, "to spake widiu bounds, sur I'd say a rela- ter of five er six feet." "What ? Five or six feet ? How do they get around in those creeks ?" "Belled, sure the creeks in Ireland are Any or sixty feet wide," said the impurturable Mike. "But," asked the guest, "you said you had seen them when you were leaping over the streams, and lobsters here live in the sett," "Sure, I did sur ; we're powerful teapers in Ireland. As for the sea, sur, I've seen it red with 'em," "BO look here, my fine fellow," said the guest, thinking ire had cornered Mike at last, "'lobsters are not red un- til they are boiled." "Don't 1 know that 2" said Mike "but there are bilin' springs in the ould country, and they a wim through 'em, and conte out all ready fur ye co crack open and eat 'ens.''. IV,£USIC RA.TiL.1 ND, Sewing Machine mporium TliB LARGEST AND BEST STOCE OF Silverware, China and Dell ever seep in the Weat, et E. I RE C7'S sorortrp. lir. Drew has just received an excellent stock() Silver Tea Setts.Butter Coolers, Double and Single Pickle Cruets. Cake Baskets. Card. Iieceivers,:ilorn- minion Setts,etc.,ofthe BeatguadrupleandTriplc Plate. and is offering the sante at prices that would ASTONISH YOU FOR CHEAPNESS! Ile has just opened out a, new and complete as-, ort,nent of China, Olass and Stonewares. Cal ndastisfy,yourself as to quality and sheaness. Come and try our instruments. Music Teacher still on hand. Services at lowest figures. E. EW'.. Tie sal FURNITURE Roos (AWING to the very large increase of trade, 1 have been compelled to cnlarge my preedses. anti havojust received a large stock of all kinds of f'urmitore ..in fact, one of the largest north of1.ou• don, Tltotte in went of a liret class article in the ones Furnishing Line should call and examine my' tock and ascertain lay prices and be convinced that an sell cheerier than anynther Boueein the tracts. oat, Straw and re'aed mattresses and spring beds of all I have alae opened out a first-class stock of Clocks sea and floe Jewelry, in tact every article Lound in a flrut-ciassestablishment. I feel coetld&Lt that Inas set at prices that winsomely the ppnblis, and es low as con be purchased anywhere. Clock's ana Watches repaired at moderate rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. by CORP putout workmen. Also Organa and Musical instruments t3pecial attention to Undortakitag. Aaildiugs contracted for. S, Fairba,irxia. A young woman, evidently from the country, was seen standing with a very perplexed look at one of the lamp -post' letter -boxes. She was observed to kuuek severaltimes on the top of the 1 iron box, and obtaining no response, she paetsed round to the opposite side,. raising the cover of the alit in which letters are piaci d, applied her mouth to the aperture, and called out (or in) : "Can .ye let me have a postage stamp, if ye please." Groceries Ganlectionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TOBACCOES VW OIGAR alw&TO IA* k K' SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. Scheel Books, ,Statiener'yt lsIn arin,ee WITH ALL THE LATEST news 1t.B.---sewing Machin*, Needles ofevery kind. A. BOYD. WANTED MEN, WOMEN, BOYS, AND DIM TO Pl'.'IL1.4WAX. ommeuce an the 15th inst. Apply to PATTO ^t& DORWOOD, Exeter. T PAINTING .i. SITCNINO s prepared to do all kinds of House Palutiug, Paper -h !ging Whitening. rho. at reasonable prices end punct pally. d.IIITCUINtir. Main st Exeter. E T IR TIN AND STOVE DEPOT rims s abscriber begs to anuouace to the b. habitants of Exeter and the wrroaudiug Genn. try, that he has op; nett a TLN and S VOW: DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr, O. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor stare, Hain street, Exeter, where he is p.epatedtu fill all urdets ter Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Mauufaeturers Prices.. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, antl made up by practical workmen oil the premises. give -Troughing done to order. Carriage PBiting ti Suceialty. Coal oil Chimneys, the very best and !lone cheaper. 0 Intending purchasers will always find me at my post, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at alltimes to treat customers courteously and supply them with iti good and heap artio e. Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get better value for your stoney. The very highest price in Cash peid for Hides and Sheep skins, E. H. SPACKMAN. Exeter P 0, October 151877. GODERICH .POU NDB Founders, Engineers and Maohinists. MA:ILWFACTLIREAS OF Ii;NGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND; SAWS MILLS iaTAVE AND HEADING M11aCHINERY Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricuural Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, School seats, &c. Iron and Brast4 Cas inerts to order. For sale cheap --Second heed Boilers and Enrires Stave anti Shingle, and Heading Machinery. Repairs on Boilers, Etlgitaes, Mills, &c., prowptlyattended to GODERICI FOUNDRY and MANUFATURINLT co' GODERICH. Ont. GREAT DISCOUrT SALE! PRIOR TO REMOVAL Air nA FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER FLY BRICK.► Is.LS all the FLIES stn ai room la TWQ HOURS., zoc. warns will 141* funs Sies than $lo worth. 0 Ply P per. No din, a trouble. d by i)gt;GGltV 1.vssy. wN;RR, Botanic"Medici e Cee., Buifttlo,N. Y. ANTS -FAT riNe The GREAT ISEMEDX for oeELhiyLE11C3 . 4LLA Y'S ANTX-FAT is purrlyr5getnble and perfectly harmless. It nets upon the food In the t,tomath, preventing Rs !rebut converted into fat. 'taken in aoror<tanrt: with '0. rectlons, It will reduce a fat person rrom two to ars pounds par week. ••rorpuitnce Is not only a disease itself, but the harbinger of others.", so wrote Hippocrates two thousand years alio, and what was true then is none the less so to -ala', P.M l bs druggists. or sent, by express, upon m celpt orgy's. quarter -dozen 81.00. Address, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., Proprietors, Buffalo, 2e Y. It; •al'�i1lR; ^ p.',etit•iltg the in,,•. tima - -'nths co;,. taunt! in .i: 1,, medical hot at ever 1.st. ertitletl THYqsq�t�o ,purl T1ON \Sj'EL FF'rara cul>•dt n o�•utnil atra mel rte rcc,i.pt ni ha11,. It treats of Exha tedV:hilitc,'Premature-ttelite, Nervous andr'ht:etti 3ItC, 11y, and tit • endless concomitant int n+1 mu 011 nuts r11 that r• Quit liter! from, told crntnitlsllt41 Ultra 5ut,ti;tnaalhrc- soritttions, tnn•nr nr tvbithaetcoreltlhelurcc of the honk. This h,'k"0 writtenl.rthetnestex. u•mitenitlprnli;tblar', r 'rsl:iitintpractitinnt0 ;0 .'.Tl1ie:t,'n whom t ua•d:' at,'•d laid jetf• ell, +1 no -dol 1,1 thr 3 n';a 1 fleas 1_\s• oc1at,lon. et. 1 ouphlet 11 h 11a • v -ry :melt 01.1-1 11 rt. n •.. _ �iT n, r l of 1113 1U a1 1,• " " t sant 1„Y. 10 all `,1'i ,43 for it at on GEhi tiTtl \.* hY ELF ��1 KNOW J 111, A Special Offer TO THE READERS OF THIS PAPER. A Beautiful and o scalae Magnetic Pock ..eeper,'nes size Ladles Gold Wet.. nand,ome Orolde Cue. Gla”" crystal, steel and metal works, and warranted to denote correct time. A Perfect Gas[ for everybody de. siring a reliable Time Keeper. Will be c v h away to every patron of this paper AS a Free Gift..- CUT OUT T010 COUPON AND MAIO ,T. COUPON. 00 receipt of Ulla Coupon atnd $1.0D to pa for packing, boning and mailing charges, we promise to send- by return moll, .soh patron of this paper Gnsbtns Was Moasoine Tt,trz.lCEaenn. Address, Magnetic Watch Co., TAUNTON, )IASS, This is your ONLY OPPORTUNITY to obtain this beautiful premium, so order AT ONCE, and do not mi,, thle Chance of . Lifetime. eimmeimmeammie