HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-25, Page 66 THE TIMES t Juts 25, 1$7!!c DACHELOR'S APOLOGY. Her eyes were bright; her figure slight, And light as any fairy ; Her nose was heavenward inclined; Her ueenners sweet and airy. Her mouth was like a rosebud Her voice like any linnet ; Her head was little, and I fear Had very little in it. But then so artless was her art, 1Tp heart could not resist her; Ann; add to her other charms. She had a pretty sister. They bloomed like guy double rose, They blushed a double pink ; One graced the name of Lane ; The other, Kate, I think. When left: alone with Laura, Leve urged; leis soft dictate; And in sweet Laura's absence, I doted more --on Kate. And thus to choose between them Twere treason to deoido. L'e ease I had been happiest With either for my brise. Ta t11t It one flower. and leave her R r mpaui,ei all alone, To pine hz single sadness, Would well a heart of stone. And that's the reason, Ladies, I'1n atilt your partisan, For being single -hearted, I rest a single man. tioian .l He can be on beth sides of any and every question, and shake hands four times when any other man is shaking twice. Nature seldom makes mistakes, Obviously, she designed hila as a politician of the future. MULES ANDaSWEETTMARTS. A teamster in Eureka, Nev., persist - ad in ' using a particularly' vicious mule, and for the following reasons :— "I used to have a sweetheart back in Injiany that I was orful gone on, and this yere mule bas so many points in f common that my heart just yearns over 1 her. She were as likely a gat as ever ran barefooted in a corn field, but she were too obstinate to enjoy health. She'd look you right smiling in the eye, and you'd think ttiar were more sugar in her nor in a New Orleans rx erlesaes hogshead, but if you laid yer hands on 'her unexpected like,sbe kick the breech- ing all to flinders in leas than half a minute. That's just the way with that rattle; but you get into a place where the nature deep, and the rest of the teat kexilulaalnixed, and call onto her for assistance, and blast my eyea if else won't pull herself Ow out of her hide to help Yon oat of your trouble. That were the yaw with Nancy, and I keep the mule outer Love for that g'il." FARMERS, ATTTENTION. wieremr Business First 1 Politics Afterwards 1 A BOY IN THE CASE, Catharine Medici Convere lived next AT TAE APPROACHING OE1f8RAL ELECTION house to Anthony Cmsar Dayball. She tn:'u FOR Nononr woo wrr.r. NOT is a widow and he is a wid.twer. She Pi.EODE BINSELF To xuowr ane Lae a cat and be has a dog. Catharine, n ltt)Ncis OF THE rAttuaa. nR Tur•. Anthony, dog and cat got along all CONSERVATIVE OR REYORIIElt, LFT right till one of the bad boye saw a lust BE ROVED To BEIIknr TUE Fax - chance to Inake other hearts ache. He Nuns' WRONtI, got the animals to claw each other, and in a week Catharine aiediei wanted to pull all the hair from Anthony Cle- ear'e aged head. Bad because worse, The soil and climate of Canada are and the climax came the other day particularly favorable to the growth of when the boy visited the old man mid excellent barky, The legielationof recent years threatens to ruin that onoe 1 profitable Balling of the agriculturist. The tax on malt was 8t centa a bushel, and under this the malstere could afford to be the farmers' beat egad : "I don't want to widen this ere breach, but that old woman says that you are a murderer only hiding from jus ice." Then he sulked into her house and 1 customers. In the aesaion of 1876.7 said : this impost was doubled ; with thecnn- "Seeing it's yon, and seeiug I shovel Regnant effect of leeeening the infinufae. oft your snow in the winter, I'll jest tare of malt in Canada by 782,145 remark that the old raeo.,i over there pounds in six mouths, ear, you killed per busbat,d and bur- Remember Indian corn team Chicago ted hien under the floor i" and the West comae into Canada flee, They met on the walk—Catbariue and the quantity of whiskey distilled Medici and Anthony Censer. They in the same period increased no less clinched. They fought. He pulled than 66.168 gallene. her nose, and she almost broke his leg by a kick. He got away, but she was aclian farmer, and to the encourage - arrested. meat Of the nye of spirits, ad against "Oh 1 I wish I'd a killed him!" she the whnlesrme and harmless beverage hissed as she stood before the bar. produced from malt and bops. "Madam, be calm--beconaposed and Last session the Government repeal - serene," remarked the court. ed the Customs duty 18 cents on every "Serene! Why, I'm dying to pull bushel of imported malt. The United his hair 1" she exclaimed. States,against whom nothing is charged " Madam, this excitement may reauit for their earn, exact 15 cents on every in insanity. Please compose your man- bushel of malt. The Canadian farmertal system." dine suffers:a double injury : H's grain "I'll compose nothing, sir 1 I'm a is heavily taxed by the American lone woman, and I ve beau slandered Gnterninent, whilst the grain of the by a man who can't even chop wood ! United States, coming here free, ere Heavens 1 but why didn't I kick him ares a formidable and hurtful competi- trith both feet at once 1" tion in our own markets. "3.1adam--!' The Legislature of the United States, "I won't 1" ever alive to the trading interests of its "fled—" own onnntry, purposes now to institute "1 won't, I tell you :" a specific duty of 25 cents nor bushel He leaned back and centemplated a on all malt coming into the Status. bust of Andrew Jackson which Bijah If the Americans follow our repeal of had made out of a banana and a peach a duty on imported malt by the imposi stone, and when she had stopped to tion of an increased duty on malt enm catch her breath he said : ing to them, it is about time to look "The fine is three dollars all the out for ourselves. same." Three cargoes of Canadian barley "I'll pay it,but AnthonyCiesar trust sent to the States last fall were brongbt. beware—beware 1" bank here unsold at the opening of na- She paid, and as she left the room vigation. Canadians, therefore, will she added : have to be prepared to consume their "When I find them—when I get my own barley, and to effect thisthe farm - clutches on him—when I make ailiugle er and the brewer::Uoeld be rid of the naile of his lathy frame--oh-h•h-h!" disadvantages to n Mich they are now � ►---• subjected. A small duty on American SOME USEIN IT. corn would more than compensate for -- the restorations of the original duty -36 An Ohio newspaper lately contained Dents ; instead of 72 cents, as now an account of the birth of a masculine levied, ou malt. child with two faces, four arms, and The price of barley is to -day less other improvements upou children of than half what it was eighteen in nths the ordinary kind. The parents, it ago : partly owing to the discourage - seems, fully appreciated nature's pro- unents of the malting business here and digality; weredelighted with their bay's also to the fact that the American yield excessive equipmeuts--the happy father was very large, and nearly up to the quantitydeclaring that there was a fort nee in quantity required for home cousump- him--and were congratulated by a!I tion. Our:ivalettsrs, therefore, have their neighbors on their exceptionally' eonaigned teas than usual to the Amer - good luck. Tile father's idea is eri- lc to breweries. dently the exhibition of his sou as a ha- The result of this combined attack man curiosity in the itinerant side- by the Legislatures of buten the United i o shows of the country. But there is an- States and Canada poll what has been other, perhaps a worse use to which one of the chief industries of the Cana- ille boy may be put on arriving at ma- diaau farmer must be very disastrous, turity—and this is polities. \Vhat a and the situation affords an extraordi- capital politician he will snake with his nary example of the different ways in Janne face ! He can look both ways at which the trade of the two countries is once, talk Dem'ncracy ou one aide and protected by Government. Republicanism on theother;shake hands The remedy is with yourselvI . with the two great parties; simnitane- Vote only for the candidate what will ously and if there should happen to be give you fair play, and who will pledge a third and fourth party, he can give himself to alter a stats of thiuge so them a hand likewise. How popular manifestly unjust. Le will be 1 How suecesf aul as a poli- If the special objeot of our Legiela- This to the mar.ifnst loss of the Can - tore had been to help the American prodnoer all it could, and to hurt to the utmost the farmers of its own country, the success of the effort could scarcely have been mere complete. Reciprocity of trade or reciprocity of tariff should be your candidate's creed. The Government at. Washington is alive to the interests of American grow- ers.. Our own shruld be no leas re- gardful of the Canadian farmer. The additional malt tax should be repealed, and the loss of revenue made good by a tax on American corn ; an act of bare juatice, and so conceded to be by the Distillers themselves. If the growth of barley is to be con• tinned in Canada. you must see that you have a member pledged to enpport the changes above recommended. THE ONTARIO SAVINGS INVESTMENT SQGtzerY, LON DON, CANADA Working Capital, $2,100,000 Resery Fund: $144,000 Largest working capital of any Cotupany west rrico of Toronto. Money loaned on first-class RealEstate,seenrities either in straight Loans ea aper cent, or on the sys Instalment tem, at the option of the borrower. Apply t0 W.F.BULLEN, Manager, o c to Ma. ANxanw Lane, Exeter, MOWN* IlVuso2, ilensall, JOHN PAusoNs, Qredston. Jauuary 81. a an. THE FALL AND W 1N TER TRAD.F a. 13o3.1t.400tt & Son TAILORS and t:LOTH1EItti, Take, pleasure to irformthe inhabitanteo/ Exete add surrounding country, that they have jus ope.ted out an excellent assortment of Tweeds, Coatings, Vestfnys etc., is the latest styles andpatterna,and toes aeaared that in them alter ofalothing,lbey can suit the moe'fastidious tastes. NBW B LITCHE R SHOP T11.henndersigned woaldinforax the iuhabi- tante of Exeter and vicinity that hehas OPENED A NEW .BUTCHER SHOP onedoor eolith of hialllaceemithahop aannlhopos 411eeame liberal patronage that has been ac corded to hi ninthe BLAoaaMITH AND WAGON 31ARIN0 line willbeextended to lain ',utile new branch 0 business, Bis meat wagon wiileall at the resi- dents of the village three tireeseaci weekend FR ,SII MEA T of all kindslkept constantly au !rand at his butcher shop. Blaaksluithing and WARM Peeking carried ot. as usual in allUts braLcl.et R. DAVIS. LIVERPOOL, LON DONDLRRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LIVE OF Royal mall Steamships. THE PERUVIAN will saline Jnly 13th. Sh irteat see passage. For epeeti, comfort; economy and safety aro equal to ally other Aelantie Lino,:and 'being a c'a:-adeu i. Iriuo,ebote bo patronized by all c anadialla. For particulate as to passage or iparties sending for their Meads, apply to CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. 30-Mixed Cards, Snowflake, Damask, "Co., na s.: alike, whin nanm, 10 eta. J. MINltl•,ER & Co., Nassau, AI. T. No Advertising • Agent eau insert au advortisemout in our fiat of twenty- six S'i'A.N )ARl) \V1:BKLINS at ten dollen a Ilea without losing money. Those advertisers who want to obtain the beat and largest c irnitiation possible without mending more than from 53 to Slat. should address G130. P. RO WELL & CO., 10 Spruce St., Now York, Exeter 'North FLOUR and GRIST MILL, Being in good working order gives ovary accomo- dation possible in gristiag and flouring. Flour and mill feed delivered to parties loavint their orders before one o'clock at ,T. BRILL'S Bakery, or O'BYRNE,& CO'S, or at mill, same day. —0— TERMS TERMS CASH. --0 YY M. V i 0 EXETER P. 0. AGENTS waviTE0 Fur( THE TCligE,1AL HISTORY OP ME WORLD Embracing full and authentic account s of every nation of ancient and in oderu timos,and including a history of the rise a,ld fall of the Greek an l Ro- man Empiros,the growth of the nations of mod- ern Europe, the middle ages, the crusades, the feudal aystom, the reformation, the discovery add settlement of she Now World, ore., oto. It contains 672 fine historical engravi'ge and 1,560 large double . oluma pages, and is the most complete History of the World ever publisho, . It sells at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it sells faster than tiny other book. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING Co. Philadelphia, Pa THE VY- MoGLOtsLON WATCH Ie THE BEST. Besure ,tnn'got the W. D,MoG oohlotvatch before buying. You will have no other afersee- ing them. All who wear them recommend them Gold and Silver, Ladioe and Gontlemtin's size" , 77Duudesstroet,Loudon. See the testimonials `The largeat,bestand cheapeststook of tine Gold Jewelry, Clocks,ilver, and Plated Ware, Fancs ioode,&o„ &., in the Province.. RepsNgit,v e�ory description. W. D. El00LutaLN 77 Dnndeas. London does not /Meet the low ptnceaat which & T. 23I$$ET's` areofforing their stock of TINWARE, STOVES, Eta, at lExeter & Fiensall which consists of all the latest and improved styles of Kitchen. Cook and Parlor atoves,Milk cans, pane, and pails of toe moat approved ()attain, and everything in the lice ; a.1so, a good soloctios' of handsome Eave troughing aft nsu51, receives everyatteation, and done at the lowest Agana. Having opened outs branch astabliehment at Hansell, our friends in that neighborhood can bo supplied on thosbortest notice. NEW MACHINE SHOP. W xllian� ICitching Wishes to inform the public that ho is••bettoF prepared torepair all kinds of Sewing Machines, Watches Clocks, Guns, &c., than any other person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. " A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN." Just Published, in a scaled Euvolopo. Price six Cents, A lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radi- calcuro of SominalWeakne e, or Spar atorrhant, induced by Self -Abuse, Involuntary 'Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally; Consumption Epilepsy, tine Fite ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, &a.— BY ,:.BY ROB I' BT J. CULVERR WELL, M. D., author of the "Green Book," &c. Tho would renowned author in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves iroin his own experience that the awfulcdnsequenees of Self -Abuse may be effectually removed ,vithout medicine, auo with out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru- ments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. t=.This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Addres THE OULwF,r,L MEDICAL CO. 41 nn st. New York. P. 0, Box. 4666 THE LON13ON ane ONTARIO INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Capital - 82,000,000 THE EXETER Pianiug Mill, Sash, DOOR AND BLIND Van ALL KINDS OF T VTB N I VI Done to order. Remember the place river Olre nov ' rC , AT TU Standard Sash Door a 131ind FACTORY, is constantly kept on hand, all kiuds of building material Flooring hard and soft, Siding Mudd - age dm., sold cheap. Planing Jig:dug end Turning promptly attended to. BUILDINGS OON'. RAC'ILD TORO and satlefection guaranteed, As we have ou mated a largo s cele of dry Lumber, we feet euro Of satisfying those who may give us a call. ROSS BIIOS. & TisYLORt T3X00EST CHANCE TO MAIE money ever offered. firmest, pleueaat, profitable. Costa nettling to try it. MO;1 rltuAa, NOVELTY CO. 813 St. Sante tit., Montreal. Strscnza,Tw"i ST.TZSCr4IBE ---• n.-.....�.- THE EXETER TIMES Will be given from now till 1S'E'<T'ANTT RT- '70 4 For 50 Cents. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT! —,0,-----� THE TIMES 1S THE LIVELIST LOCAL PAPER IN THE COUNTY. :0: ALL KINDS OF Parties requiring money can Obtain advances on approved town or farm property, at lowest rates. The above is a London, England Com- pany. For further particulars, apply to ROBER't• PICKARD, Agent, May 17, tf, ExeterOnt. J O B Importal t to Butter Workers One Goad ActiieAgent Wanted in every town- ship to Introduce the VIC7'011, BU'T'TER WORK- ER. Sa nple Machine Free to Agents. Price 56.00, 67.00 and 68.00 each. One Mlaion to be sold in the Dominion. Apyly early with stamp for ants circular, to the VICTOR WIBINGEB Cm B soonv)' i;UNSURIPTION CURED, A N OLD PHYSICIAN, retired from active practice, haying bad placed in iris halide by an East India Missionary the formula of a Vegetable Remedy for the speedy and per - manent cure of CONSUMPTION ASTHMA B110NOHITI8 OATABBH and all Throat:an d Lung Affections; also apositive and radical cure for nervous debility. and all ner- vous complaints, after having, thoroughly tested its wonderful eurative powers on thousands of ca- seate els it his duty to make itknown to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a lousoieutious desire to relieve human sundering and will send, tree of charge, to all who, desire it, tuierecit e, with full directions for preparing and sncoeesfully using. Sent by retura matt by ad-- ire ;:.g, with stampnaming.this paper Ail. C srE vE N s, Box eel. Brockville, Ont.. WORK! EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS. AND . DESPA.TCFI AT THE .LOWEST POSSIBLE PRI- CES.