HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-25, Page 5-116 attrr 25, 1878 TEE TIMES ORIN- 1-1: & FARMER WkOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, OIG.A,RS, &o., &o, GENERAL DEALERS IN G-ROOERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. Carling's ale, lager and porter in bottles and. quarter casks. Labatt's ale and stout in bottles and quarter casks. MAIN $T..azwr, Ez-zzzn. TIME TABLE. L. IL A: IL It The following titue-ta,ble came, into ope tion on this road oat Monday.. 1st Jul;; aorNo Nonot. Mud . 8.05 a, m. iClouds. Isought in Nett lurk sy r. noc•ot ".".1. Egress 7. 3.3 35 p. p. m. rondo, y6101,2,0E4 htii. way t,t I.:mope — Mail . 5 in. fiend...Awn. 'i% Iiolleslile y Glods,, T4- Gana/ FOT711fin- raext es,asent's, parchasys. Wall 4 • • 4,0 • • 1 8.49.1 a • m, Vithited..Goi,'NEW PUMP TACTOITY1 Pr to G. B. Smith) 1103'0 waived ti s week. a large shiymeut al At Woodhaxo.. I "Unclertalci.kr ,s1 Ilentlerson. ist IN. 0114: ..1 O. lb. nioitia & A BRAY .5: EDWARD baNe, at eon- side:male extjersse secured the Best UM - outlaws and Augur to the Dominica, and bate en hand it largo oriel; of First -Class Pum,. s •• 1,14," 2,511 p. nt, .xpress • . • , ... • • • ... 8.24 p. m. mrstuelly:- AMEIZWAN PRINTS, AMERICAN tall'.1 AMERICAN warm COTfONS. irs_Lossz - sr$•/Szki 11:T b...srutli): Ji.ANS. Lorrox.‘nt.s au,t neeNs___, 1'413,1. V:111:4 -r. !btott14, lbah. 1.11t- and wnite, Owl-I:ea. striped Whit! plulat .—.. faa to 0 90 . a- 4 plein, cheaper than ituytliiisg that has ever Scott 1 ' ... - - ... . 14) 0 24t 2 been c ger* xi in 41448 issorlitt Yet. 'I.() do ticlit4' iva Chaff " Fifa .. bP111110 'w AT 9. I C - - - - 99 to i 1 1.1.3 1111111 tht. in WI ttstead -stand luesylsntuals to, ... ... ... _ 0 74 wt., Nni 1; oloiLt.tetg.i.,vitowts8.1iirutuse. sliuniitin:itio,tryt.'iliulaelssa aeaura, _. .., ... ... .. 0 83 to 1 441 a'a WO, are gettslog ;boo in Itarby Chats Ports - ' - • U. .. "- * IRESH Esi Lffl M ELK &Old the MAlt.ERS. nutter Kggs ::: ...... -:.•" .. •••. 40), ..-.4 1 ").: -'I *lour per bbl. ... ... ... ... :. , 13 3 W. '., 14,4.A1Fo to 10:14 11118 NSCO11 A, n lee a esortment of Putat°e'• Per Wig - "" ''' '" 11"7„,4° ' IzOittlVt.,, t ItIstels,, Orustio..Mtis. Now owl nobly Apples. per icil, ... ... •.- - ;• * t" ) l'.. WIN es in It .taar.d 1144)4)4)1, 44 close prices. 41..0, Dried Apple.. isr b... ... .., - I .. to 4 75 , a far*. Is.t of Tweeds. ID tcts and 4!s410-04 Lustre4% 11.448' : 1 I. ..• '''' ' . .2 ..., : °Is: Ploocb0-4 l• *ruff I tress 4,u 4d. I, cattier leolged •UM. ••• •" -- • - ••••• "'- ! toms, Wove mot 44.14n^4 140 rt, t.., 'Pi at Kiet.,4 114.101 , -- ... ..• ... 45 t9..co 11, 9',,g„. ; men ilery ceY ii•donier. when thrsa• the tmols, toweis sizi•-• .esica .. .., .., ... 40 to 1 ..1, i,,,, f„re,..1 to cvineoutedgo ore . 1..--,1 dem thev Has ? t r to : -- - ••• - 9 t11I to 9 W.!, eould tetwootfaevure4 t, a-. Ah 14e 11.'1011 4110 1,11 1444i..1.1, per busn ... ... .., .., 0 .7. t' 1 1,s. •%.Icit,, ,t co,. tit,mu,,,,„ ‘12.4,2 tte• 40,44. keeto nol,i of 4 0:41, per lh ”" "" - - F`, °'4,' !,;.! ;1, 1.; G. n. sang:la& H,V44,3111-sela. Tenon 14.1.1 4. - -' ' ' ' "'''' *" " " '. too 1-,14414..1-fo .1.. Viet eis4)le4)4 tiist the t'2144MIiitri ST. AlAftrS. , foritteri, lacy geofrm their de from11 Ii et,si Sotoprsit tastisfuMorers throsugli • oral aro Prorated to to:di('ts) order on to short- est notice 1, en or pistons rotops. Wells cool Cisterns elintrocted for. Alen on hand a large wow:Seats/tied Luber. Soft L'hri Lumber for ift).59 to 47. Lock Mot from 't 8t$:$4.K10. Oak. *tit to*st 12. Floor.og, 4'42. tiood stock of Logs on hand ordrainage purposes, cot according to a.der I 4'. 0.00per I,003. AU orders bv uiii1 atteusled to. ilt,vortedregalarke by A. tmlbrailli.ellorio Deihl V1' 4t.4''4 b11,1011 • " ti" to t431 10/ 111 1114 & 34f4tYlleat • ^ , -, Ter 11,, 41 Ki eek+sesatinoro 3. 4). aii. ',raw :41 to 4i trzte . • • . • 0 la to 64 143 l'otatooepertlAz . • •••• . . ..... 0 sql 41,4 911 Aplitee 1 4411(4 Reef per .11 • - - It to to Mott 44 i1tWi1'lal.t.y4c1^," .. .$• • - • .•-, 101 9il1l to0 1411 Pert4441ct11 •. •,... hl etT41 .?4 E444, per t411,1 . (44 41442444 ter . ...•. „ ,7, ue to o144419 „. . .1 to 01, ....,•• „ 4 to ij 414 NACKT,Ts. rsfl wheat , to Scott '144(4 41 - „. . 0 tta to 0 el". aptieg wIreat • tf. 0 0'3 .-• . 40 to El 1. rOIltvss • • . . , to slnt to :i0s1 ios • *0to on 4)1494.4) fas . „ 75 'e 440441 „, - ..4 ta to 444* - 0 lito 11,1 Io . ... ,., r t,tiits Wo , . Co 024t It 4 . B E AT T E & CO 'S SIL W.A.REtiOUSE LONDO You will find the Largest as- sorrtment of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking .inter the manaeineut of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies e,an depend oi getting the latest and. most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod - rate Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. 4,1 AD, EATTIE 3.40 Dundas Ft. London Extract taken from the "CANADA. LANCFT" Of May 1st, 1878. "PHOSPHOZONE.n—This new preparation of the Elixir of Hypophoqphites, which has been name Phosphozone, is fast gaining favor with the profession. It was unfortunate that the manufacturers (Evans, Merce.r &Co.) chose for it the abOve name, as it gave it the appear- ance of a PATENT NOSTRUM, WHICH IT IS NOT. It is.a, combination of the Hypophos- ninths of Iron, Soda and Liine, with Ordisaya and ether Tonics, in the form of an Elixir, and is a nio-t excellent nerve Tonic. It -is easil; administered, agreeable to the taste, and very efficacious in the TREATMENT OF DEBRA- TAT.ED CONDITIONS of the system. 1t.has proved a most valuable remedy 141' the treat- ment of INFANTILE DEBILITY AND CA:IRONIC WASTING." • Sold by all Druggists thro- ughout the Dominion. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLI,.. THE FA.LEAND WIN TER TRADEz C. Soia.th,00tt az Bon TA IA) RS and OLoTilIERS, Take 4)104(5(310 (0 irforni the inhabitants of Exete add surrounding country, that they have j-118 opeaed out au e.,cellent atsortinent of weeds, Coatings Vestinfis etc - is the latest styles and pattefna, an cl feid assured that (1144 10141 atter of olot-sing,",they can suit the ostf astidiou s tastes. 500 Cheat: with lh order will pay for insertion either the followlug 4 A. full column Luise: t isement, A ten•firat double c‘duarin.or A full (Amon of reading mat ter. 414 urNimp.n wunKr,v NEW84)4.41EI19, to be selected by the advertiser from a much 1e11Jt4 which will be exhibited on application Geo. P. Rowell & Co's Newspaper Abertising Been, 10 Spruce st., New York. is)M styles of TU. fun ('41114 4414. 0110 thrown earl i.11.,/ watt nento. 3.44. 1441t41))1/).N1144100-1, N.1 P Ileautiftfi (N Invert Grand lit OR f A sums, cep^t •,11,1+1111. only :Az. ,_,,. supc, I, (H'au,l square Pianos coat $1,ne. o1)1. •,:2S.s. Elet. r gehpriglit Pianoe, cost 484)444), only 1 tl1:1.1. Now style Upright Pianos ^31142.•,:a. Omani^ ISI:41. Organs 144 stops, .744 51 church 0100n4, 111 stops, emit $41, only 43113. Elegtnt ,•;.kavi :dirror Top organs only :del Tremendous seerlilee to close out present:4i cit. Now :steam I, actory soon to be ereeted. Newspaper with inacb inform ition about cost ot Pianos and Organs, SENT FREE. Please address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. 3. $7 A DAT to Agent** canvassing for the FIRESIDE: VISITOR ferms and Out- fit Free, Address P. 0. VICKERY, Augusta. Maine. MIXED CARDS, w1411244(4.100t8.ith e.10ets. Agents 40 outfit 10 swabs. L. JONES' &CO., Nassau, N. Y. 30Mixed Oarls, Snowflake. Dm amak, Sc.,ano ,, alike, with name, 10 obi. J. MINKLEP. k C O.. Reagan, N. T. LIME for SALE nffse ',me. :0: On lud. after MONDAY xrouLD SAT TO these wino intensl Purchos:ng to 010 so from the marinfoctiiirer. The desler who iinye t s-.11 again 1411:431 tteco,i-irorifly 14rAVO (4 profit.. We ^1 )t'll tel gave the porelsa•sers tOe u benefit. widelt estiseit4 124 I to meet the views of ttto Grangers. Our exttenses rtoe less than tiosse of citv • ,^' imam TitettirerS orssertmt. Wi C. sill cheaper. wt. - vo. • cIDLEy Fiarniture Alan-tzfacilrers TE IvouLD cLatsiectela-ttet:tiop tO 41+77,4, L1Z,(101 eta:ling dereskt- 1113e40$3.Shit'L 4.91r44 (E44) te theta ever.ils We 4(4.71(4 41,1 et verat est- diesigrit 414o-.. to T4:e 1-^c^-4 coffiltaa, coELvts t•q,:rCt-•qt, ltvt, twerx s,r.s rat reQssiss„:,te. at tb.s, I -Ass st ()se r nn, - Lear -v. i$ lopnrunced by rtint•etotit ansitiei. to 10i to zero to t4 proviriers Emblems of all the DifFerent Socleties. 1878) SPRING (1878 TELE OLD T41-. A 13-14E TIO LTSE .„ At all times. eardparticilariv at a wrio.1 17114(414 Tralo univv.r-ativ pre.sed und crows WO Will keep tn.° searee. It Is nu tate titter.",t of every hayey4 pIrt has,- where he e3ri get the article he warns J eaoitv4.14P 44111111.11 r for sale at Ab lo si r44e. 144r atterIt on 14 my rip,,..flut ,toolt, 1 (to .571, ctitt$ Vt. 00,1„idol. 25 t,,E17TS PER BUSBEI k. QS to parties using towel it More 0,trei.tIki as9 *I I -,,leofr than 0441 49I4zz procioao cea.r.t47. In the Dry Goods Special rat large quantities. 3iONET TO LOAN ON FARM PhOPERTY. .1farigages Bought and atom:age Licensts issued. OTYRNE & CO, i1dl:I'lr Iiu: EXETER. TVP SPRING GOODS. .A1 14411(4 pm received &large stovir of • ll'agelteta.,(`locks, Jewellery, no- rm SE ri 'paw, Sp (Wulf's, ',redoes, and Vents Pocket Boons. A large Ariel; of F47my (.409(13Stantiy intuit RE NIOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! P. FRA.YN.th has removed tobis new shop, lately occupied by rorkins a Co -two doors north of 3. Grigg's book store, where you will find everything usually kept ir 44. first-class harness cstablitlunent, winch for quality of material and style of workmanship IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED ! No Ad.v.ortisino, Agent elsewhere. Call and examine my stock before purchasing o can insert tin advertisement our o' twenty- PETER FRAYNE. six STANDARD WEEKLIES at ten dollars a lino without losing money. Those advertiser who 'mot to obtain the best and largest e insulation LIVERPOOL, possible without esponding more than from $8 to $104 thent4 address (11O.1", RO WELL a CO„ 10 Spruce St., Neti York. NEW BLACKSMITH AND G.ENERALJOBBINGSIONIENSALL. ALL,..k.N LINE OF LONDONDERRY, Every department is n'ot' wi'lt the moat ,,dn•stics ujilytt ,t 4(444)444)(44(444)444)(414(444)444)(41(:,4l4'(419)444144iof Ilse kayere. (41.1.C2REP C1,01111:I 1.ins MIL n tit it.local Irndortlielm sOaYongent e it, %lig the 141420.41eg-bons. Oar stcris Ciroce.les, Boots awl Shoes, CaTtailimi, Eatglish and American site!: alist litril tavy liaware ftrie of troo largos(and heat ttia eir eta tie, t",enaty. Insr:: RIO", E1411',41a-k.1" q Cfft15111111 their hest intcrest7'i II examining tory,-..sock ,toirea 4'149w4441, JAMES PIONARD 71.30.NITIA8Ti! Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, ThOter041s. read. Pure'50:0, ondenily 4t.4 barls les. When r col marett'wturo any own furniture/ 4(424414 144 1.4,320 Dirc 4214-22,,,hcot 1.0.1(h, knot OtIte444 antistitue. by eadin?, at toy Ware 401111 where they 11111 fief, Ci 601$Cril 4.40 144 of Furniture in All Its Branches ls in inuttetare 1. 4V 8t1911 al 4ijt lei 9%11, wit% a +al w Irtnaan..10.:are vet 4usatisfliitt tht p.mpl wit a waif of Ca 4414(141' tra i.t 0,1,114- ot 1s equalled for quality or price in blaw in 1 to 1211.... onrary.notwitlr.tandrul. •••••.. I ••===....••• i,WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE i1 BRAWN A CAL Corner of Main, and Gialefb Street, ETeter. J aN P. CLARKE has much pleasure in informing Irk el in, every department, Excellent value Excellent value E'xcelleut value Excellent value Excellent value Excellent value Excel•ent value Excellent value Excellent value Excellent value Excellent value .P.acellent value &vet Ilent value Excellent value Excellent value Eeeellent value Excellent vane Excellent value Also Groceries, Protlace taken as GLASGOW Fi3ERIE! — 0— Having my new shop now in full blast, I would in- form the public that I am prepared to 40 all kinds of Blacksinithing, including repairing of all kinds of Agricnitnral Machinery, such as Reapers, Mow- ers, Threshing Machines, and Boise Shoeing will receive my careful attention. Borsos that inter- fere, and having tender feet treated in the most a.pproved manner, and satisfaction given, Charges Moderate. I have on hand all .ki-ds of A.grimilbural 'mule - numbs from the 414)8441 Manufacturing 00„ New- castle. is...•Remonaber the place -First shop west of the Post ()dice, Kansan • WM. FJAND Efonsall, Alto 304411, 1878. 6-m, THE ONTA.R1U '3AVII\IGS.P,INVESTVIENT . BOCIIEnTlc; LO N PON,CANADA Woritinq Capital, $2,100,000 Resery Furd, $144,000 Largest working capital of any Company west of Toronto. mov loaned ou firs t -class Res lEstnte,securities either in straight Loans, et finer cent, or on tin rugtaiment system, at tbe option of the borrower. Apply to W.F:131.ILLEN, Ma: agar.' o to MIL A NT3IVENV T$A1Cti, EXOt01', 11(14024.4' ETTDSON, Homan, JOAN PAnsons, Creastop. January " Royal mail Steamships. THE SARMATIAN will sail 043 /1114115481'1 Sh trto at 4)34). passage. For speed, comfort; 090140(1841 and Sivfoty ore Wil.111,1 to any other Ablautio Line, *and being a Camilla:a Line,shoule be patronized by all Canadians. For particulars as to passage or ,parties sending for their lends, apply to CAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. 7.3xeter -North FLOUR and GRIST MILL, Being in gond, working order givs every acconto- dation possible in misting au 1. flouring. Flom and. mill reed delivered to parties leaving thei orders bo foro (ma o'n I 001c at 3. BEL US Bakery, 01 04.11YRN OA 004% or 414311114, $a1140 day. • TERMS 0___: TC7 is/Z. N .3.. 71, EXETER .114, 0. .11•0101, 30to1neril Pala, the 1.111slie that Ida stock bi now coitus)* I» goal; the season reTtires 110 showing, iu Limn Co-Amu...A. in Dr4,-,s Goal.; (11144 CasInneres. in Sunsliales and Parasols. in Ladies' Silk Tits and Milhous. in Ladies' and Children's Lisle Moves. iu Ladies' aud Children's Hosiery. In Frilling and Ruenilleq. iu Laces. Fringe anti Buttons. in Prints la large stech.) in Grey and White cottons. in Table Linen and Brown Hollands. in Towels and Tewellings. in Plain and Checked Dueks. in Brown and Blur Devinis. iu Tweeds and Coatings. in Ready Made Clothing. iu Felt and Straw Hats. in. Boots and Shoes. Ws.11 Paper, Etc. usual, and the highest prier paid FIRE! Tlio sobseriber, S. E. jonos, wishes to thitn.k the people of Exeter, and. surrounding :mut--'or tholih ral patronage which he has received since ainong you, as a Watch maker and. Jeweler, and also in- . form you that I havo a largo quantity of goods to dispose of, some of which are .4 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY FIRE ! reTErellerlf Jewelltaxsy owellery C EA '1' ANI GOD. • GIVE ME A. CA_I,111. S. .E.U0 E S Cornplate Stook of NEW and CITEAP 171.11,ITURE at J. DREW. BEG LEAVE TO CALL YOUR A.TTENT10 1 to my new stock of Parlor and Bedroom Furni ture, Sprino. Beds and Mattresseq, Pillows and BO eters. I bavt made ii, very great reduction in to prices, and still being resolve03l to supply goods of th irst quality, I confideolly hope to give you every sat- isfaction, My stook of Bede, Chairs, 434)410 WO) in fact everything in the Furniture Line is being dis- posed of at a discount of 10 per cent. for cash, The Undertaking a speoialty: at tu,. cheapest pos. Bible rates. FEATHItlItS FOR SALE, DREW. MAIN STI.-tEET, EXITTER. ONE DOOR NOtTE 01? ni0:4SONS I3A.NR