HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-25, Page 4T. .3E TIME J'ttLY 25, 18-18 he xeter Fp✓l'Z 's� THURSDAY',JUL 20, 1878. A FALSEHOOD NAILED, Ever since Sir John Macdonald was deposed from power a number of Be - form papers throughout the Province,', and indeed, a muntbee of the members of she Governrnent, have engaged them- eelves industriously in the circulation of a story that Sir John Macdonald lead received an intinlatlon from the Queen that, on account of his connection with the Pacific Railway affair, it would be useless for hinh to present himself at the court at Windsor to take the oath of Privy Councillor, to which high and honorable position in the Empire, it will be renierc.bered, Sir John had been appointed in 1672. The object of tope Cory wee to wake the people of CMAa- da believe that Sir Jahn's conduct: ill the matter referred to bad ben eo groiiely immoral as to calf down upas biro iu a merked manner the eetrewest dist leasuro of the S lvereign, whence the natural result woniti be a itjrxlitar condemnation from the people of Can. oda. Sir John at first paid but little heed to the silly yarn, which, indeed, in view of the evideuce of these tela dared go b3fore the Royal ComPnissitsin aud testify under the solemnity of oath in contrast to those wwho sueakect' out of the couutry and preferred to make the;t statements against Sir John where they could, not perjure themsel- ves, throughthe press aud on the pat• form, blare upon its hose its own .refute, tion. leneboleleuc'0i by hie si:euce, thej elamcierert- begat' to believe their owu Ilea from oft -repetition. But the iters• tionand reiteration of the f deebood, at every laic -use and in every Reform 9 newspaper, at last became wearisome, aud Sir John has coudesuended to give it an emphatic denial, and to state that before long he will proceed to Engla::d t., receive the distinguished houo 'wi iolh his long, and t:oue, faithful auJ fruitful services in the interests of the Empire in Utah, so well deserve. lkIR, MACKENZIE AND THE 12TH IN MONTREAL. W1 a have carefully read the cones poadolice which some weeps since late. sod between Premier Mackenzie sun Mayer l3eaudry with reference to the then expfctell disturbances in lloutreai on the 12th of the preseut month. Al- thoualt lar,illackenzie'scareeras a public man has been marked by the most glar- ing illconsiatoneies and an utter diere- gard fur the couutry, it cannot be said that in this matter, so far as the corres- pondeuee reveals, he hag not done ale in his power to place the Orangemen of Montreal in the same po-ition as all other men. The letters have an earn- estness about them which ie would be an injustice to him to say he did not feel, and any idea which may have ex, isted that he was playing fast and loose with both O,rangeiren and the Montreal mob trust be dispelled until we have. some tutheiitie source of information which conveys a different, inpreesion to that traceable in his correspondence with the Mayor. We could scarcely ciedit it that ItIr. 14Tackenzie world be so lost to every idea of decency, of jus - tics, and every feeling of humanity as to couuteuauoe directly or indirectly any action of an arbitrary, tyrannical nature which would encroach on the liberty of any section of the community and jeopardize rue lives of all glasses ; aud we are happy to do what is simply an act of justice to a political opponent, (taough these questions sllouu:d be all divested o •mpletely'lof politics) in giving is ae our opinion that the Premier was actuated nely by a desire to preserve unimpaired, the liberty of the subject and the safety of the people. Did he act as 1i.lnea(1} in 1 11 other inattei' , the people .of the Dnwialion would have 1 t Us cause to desire his removal from the Promior. hip. WE notice that Dr. Horuibtook, the able Conservative candidate in South Perth, is making things extremely hot for Mr. James Trow, by grace of mo • ey, ',4 f. P. Mr. Trow is before the doe- t sr so far as mental calibre is c incan- ted., as ..a pigmy before a giant. The co.;stitnency, would be honored by h as'i1 g a meu'of Dr. Hornibraoic's char - se .. ia_d ..bialy lad: its represen, ai'ive. AN Ilitong., qttupAliasolz. "What is there to justify or ezonse the con- e a ran eparade t # 0 sena la.tlitt undertaking to pade the streets of a patholto epee shah as Iioutreal, with a display of ei%sig'us and regalia, an the anniversary of a deoislave battle gained over a Catholic king? Can they—a minority --hope to remind the strong, jsltajority of defeat, over- throw and huruiliattoa with impunity? Let us bring the matter ueraer home, In this. town of St, 'Thomas' 'via barer a considerable American population, but ivahguiticant as compared with those of British eitizeuship, What would've thick, or say, or "do, suppos- ing those Americans should undertake to cele- brate ou our streets the battle of eforeviantown or the:ael;lug of Little York ? Would not we make short work of their procession—of Yan- kees aud Yankee Doodle ? The above extract, which is quoted approvingly by the Seaforth Expositor, is from a St. 'Thomas paper. Our es- teemed 5eaforth Maui considers it very pertinent to a question it has under coueideration—the advisability of the Orangemen of Montreal persisting in calobrating the 12th of July while they are so vastly in the minority. But it is the vary' essence of impertinence,. the 1leigbtle of stupidity.. It has no beariug,whittever on the question; there is not the t•tispicion of aualogy in the eases l+reeentetl, and is the most utter. ly souseleas rubbiali we have eeen in many a day. A man with an ounce of lemma would that acknowledge its pet- ite.. A Roman Catholic of the merit rnuauncell type would repudiate with inion the comparison the writer stn idiuticially seeksto iltstitute. While the proprietor of the Times is a mem- ber of the Orange jraternity, whits be has au unchangeable regard for the Protestant religion, and while be coo - Idlers it beyond the province of a peeve - paper to dieeuss env rehgitaua question frcaln au Orange or Roman Catholic point of view, yet in the ua11ie of com- mon sense he caouot allow such an absuree'idea as is couveythd in the above to be festeued ell the public paragraph 1 Puled There aro many men, and some we dare say in the Orange iastitntian, who think the Oratagozn a Uuwiee in tttluwelly recalling an event which took tlltloo nearly two bnn1ret1 years ago, aud which is; distasteful to the Roman Catholic portion el the community With that epiuinn we are n disposed ttP pick a quarrel at present, A good deal eau be e:aid iu its laver, and jn t is much can be said a.;; tmet it, so that we 1:ha11 dismiss that pLntse of the (Ines - don frons coueiderteion. It is euougb for us to say that in lloutreal, where the low, mob elelnout t,f Lomita ..1Jt11o'. ioiIm islnarkedlyiu the asceudaucy,aud. beyond the ooutro] of the reset c able, liberal -minded portion cf the church, and they have the power null the will, with the assi..tauce of the city authori- ties. to crush beu©attl their heel all who oppose them, it is highly inindici- sus and inexpedient in the Orangemen Ito assort a right which a fauatical,. tyrannical, :nurderous majority have 1 the deterrchiatiou to take away lfrom them --that is, after their inten- tion of doing so had been expressed. Leaving out of considereration the fear of ear..iug the epithet of cowards, ,which has had a good deal to do with the b dd stand taken by the Orange- men in Montreal, these are our opini- ons concerning the goestion of Orange pentacles in that city. Now let us ex- amine very b•iefly the gnotatiou above given, which fills one with a feeling of unutterable contempt and disgust for the writer and the man who 1a so bane and imbecile as to approve of it. Those American citizeus of St. Thom as are living outlet the protection of the British flag,' and to celebrate in a public was either of those events men tinned would be equal to a declaration of Hostility tu,n:►v of open war up )n the flag whicb iso otects thein. If they Were allowed to do so, the people of St. Thomas would be as guilty as themselves. Such an absurd thing CMS never attempted in this country or a ly other contltry under the sun since the world has ilea l.1 history. Now then, the di-ssuuilttaity of au Oraug© procession. The Constitution of Great j.iritian and the coustituliriu of all her co,onies is founded upon Cie Protestant Bible, and ou is the Orange lnstltuliou. The society inealuaates virtue, teaches charity, and above all, enforces by the solemnity of oath, ' not only obedience to the laws, but loyalty to the constitu- tion of the'con(try. No fear need ev- er be entertained that the Orange body will sow th seedy of sedition, but ou the contrary, as tale experieecs.of O.i. uadm proves, they are talevaysr among the first to ra ly to the support of the Queen and country when threatened by rebels within or foes from without, In their processions, no hostility to the Government is implied, as in the sup- posed ease of the Americans in St. Thomas, `they fly to able breeze bas- 1 ofQuota Hers bearing the portrait the Q le The Americans, ou the other hand, would be expressing hostility to Her Majesty. Orangemen celebrate au event %Thi l), iu their opinion, secnretl the lasting liberty of the people of not only Ireland, bath Catholio and Protesteut, but of evens foot of land encircled by the ample folds of Britian's flag. The Americans, en the other Maud, cele• orated an event which however me, questioned their right to comma imorate it iu their own country, would inthis country, the scene of the events, call down upon them a deserved castigate tion at the bands of a righteouslyiu- ttiguaut people, In sbort,the elenien is of nationality and of loy alty, make the cone arisou ridiculous and paint• leas. le its ranting against protection the rxlube bus placed itself in a rather swot• i watd position. To set the farmer aud the purchasing portion of the commuu- ity generally agaiutit protection it con- tends that free trade will enhance the price of their purchases, that it will in- lnre ore to the benefit of another. Then, furgtittiug for the time, this po- sition, it tells the manufacturer that prot, etion will bring iucreaeetl coon e- titicn aud force hiui to Bell so low that blauk ruin will inevitably follow. These t ueollsietencies are pretty hard to resou• Ala. The (Robe is a little too zealous in its advocacy of free trade.. `1'IICY are harping ou a new strain 1Q 1ofSir 5vew-- a tli5lo A'tJoh lt John Mac - tot doueld in fievoriug a policy of protec ti.an, the lira of erguruout being that a t imposition of higher duties would e intract the field for the ratnificationt; ' of British euterprz e. This is is itltnnt question the silliest twaddle that any political party, even free treaders,could be guilty of uttering. Follow it out and Canada and all other colonies would be placed precisely in the same poeitiou that tributary saatione were placid in in relation to their cots• querurs in the dark ages. Because e few dozenmen in Blighted plight hi' •]ispleased We are to abandea a pol es which will ensure prosperity to our fain 1lt+cliuiug colliery. \Ve fancy the pro orae are a little too intelligent to be taken in by such transparent rubbish,. eeeeee COUNTY ITEMS. The United Sunday Schools of Sea - forth intend having a grand pie -nit iu Kincardine on the 711 of August. On Saturday night of last week n valuable cow belonging to Mr, William Ransf rd, of Clinton, laid down with its head beneath its b'idy, which caus 1'd death by huff. cation. A few days siece Mr. Thomas Ap- pleby, 1.f Cl.utnn, met with a. mien, - (cadent. While at work iu a bairn loft he fell ther.'froul, fracturing hie skull. IIe ie recovering. Ou Monday of last week Judge Squier, of Gtldericb, inflicted a fine of :$SO"oaf a witne,s who had failed to ap- pear ou a sublime, a' d for whom a wvarrant wwaa, censequel tly issued.. BUMS. Srarsox—In Exeter, ou the 20th inst., the wife of Mr. F. G. Simpson, teller Molsons Bunk, of a son. 1-1xxi u —In Exeter, on the 23rd inst., the aife of Mr. Jno. Hyudmau, of a daughter. Grooer!es c (Aonleetionary Smoking Tobacco 25 .Cents per Ib OECICE TOBACCOES AND CIGAR always in stock. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. „e,, -j School Books, Stationary, Magazines Willi ALL THE LATEST news N.U.-Sewing pl ecL.l.. Needles of every kind. A. B OYD. WANTED 1 MEN, WOMEN,: BOYS, AND GIRLS TO PULL FLAX. • Work to commence on the BAIT het'. Apply to PATTOA& D0E,W0OD,' • Exeter.. I, AIXNGiiMATOH. The annual. reaping match of the. IXurou Farmers' and Mech anics` Asso, c' Int on wasof l.4 1' . held o t farm Z. �n the \'Voodly a short distance sontlh of !Brimfield on Tuesday 20rd fust: The { Dumber of people present at .31.81 was a small, but ba fore the. work was over the .spectators were more nurnfaroue. T1^e t .ti difficult, t t e was la t dlffit 1 l as a hl1 i 1 but � a g at would have been inapast.ible to fled a 'Dicer field of wain than that in vOriel) the merits of the mast ines. were deter- mined. A good deal of interest was wituessed et the reaping, and each machine appareutly had its admirers. The result was favorable to c>.r ,bated macluiues, they Raving superior' poiuth in mowing as wail as reaping. Below is the result of the several, tests. fta3 kindly furnished us by alto elk -alto qi Secretary, John A. Young 114.0 IV 0 D. Io 1' n...(..- " . ';.4. es 140. a. t1a. j �a It* R.`, t;e F.-4 • t- C e. P ,:-.'F t:, :.w C: t7cn:ro00 4.µ5i CC GA 4 1-• b44 r- 4-• ti 0100715. w 0 TITS EXETER Planing Mill, Sash, DOOR AND DUB Non NOTICE 010. FIRST POSTING OF VOTER e' LIST. reseeerst eretst,'7s, Municipality of trsbor nc, to; of moron, TOTIOE is hereby given that I'lava . \ transmitted or Oeliveied to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections a1f the Voters' Lists Act the copes required by said see - tion to be eatralasmittetl or tlriiverhtl of the List, made Pursuant to said Act, of all persona appear in by hast revised As es,-aneut 11x'11 of tl:o eau! 1lnuicilmllty to be entitled to vete in the sail Ai atiuciltality at Flections for ?timbers of the Legislative Assembly, avdat Marielpel l:lt>etioz.s; 00441 that Oa, said 11ot oralstCi:x t 1ia',t'i1 op 14 tee: (Alice 4-.t Ushorner n the itudde}• of .1v1,lt• t',iir:ti rean;aies there for inspection. 1.ieetore are calked ippon to csextiino the Said last 814,1 if any 4.ani4- sivais or rat w tltlitir aro.s aro i:iuudtlitsrei1i teatallis immediate proceedings to leave the said &more corrected autos link to law Dated Jale°2,575 N. J. C1,.13.ii, Cie*, of sal 1 711a:uicipelttg NOTICE, OF FIRST POSTING f?l+ VOTERS` LIST. rot•fr,at' riM, 1578, ., tirt'efcfpotrl;,tj Of the 'ot4'pAlhtft et' Fifty, or the i 0:2tmtfy (Si lttatie,srra. ' OTICh. IS HEREBY GIVEN teat 1 l:al:f' tr:ant•anitte n a Vel. 4l)40441 to, ti t. err a '4'tu,i,1„0,514l:,tt.iA•41 ,1t113.,tati, t.a. .¢ th`: u: fti t.. -,s VA" tsar + .0`i'" 14- 4liate.l hy ,Cha (444)-14 to I t so 11atai Matt e:, 4 c U'1 -,a a1 el" tt.e lis. Moly t'ttr a..ut to 11.1 r c,1 .14 t a f an {'t sons appe r u. tee the. lost rt i i- a .1meg scut tat roll t 1 the sand 11nuacire,litw to 1 e, i.t,tk•'l t t rInt• in tort B 1l.- - M:n, t il+.,lat'. at (10-044, aa; 41.1 311011. hers Elie L 4l.hitIs e 5014° I!. 1-1,1 at wI^la,,ei- l•al eI.•t•ti: ria 4140 t, at the 4-:11,1 li• t au+ seat p- ht- cal .q1 at uav oillett iia lint, :It the 1:41. fl. tw 1.t .101y 14-781a11d ,t it,lattt► there for in gee-tia.n. Eh clo4-s 8114 canedupon to 1'vnmila' tar sea ill list, mai if 1*0 >•ntis.sionll . 1 otto r t rrort ore fou/P1 tl `I.•iia. to take inane irate p1 ,0.edit s s to leave 411t•-et*ial: otters el.rTaett i nert„ela*l to tau. SAMItl 1 1,1b411:11, t'it t h t f ti t 4- -rid lltttiietin} •lily. Anteal t1.1-, rail day uty. i ah . lh,n. ?In u h 1'" 0. NOTICE; 01? I'111STrtl a.I\tx ()4- VOTI ItS' latter. eters', MO Ify?R, 73trtrwrritn ,1 t`(9 of lIie 104c+oXtileof .'tt1'0':tpr:Yy Of Rhr k''0te4tttt el tLur cit. 0TICE IS 1IE1►1:ltY. GIVEN' his11 hale 11548'. eat¢te'11 >ir al, 35s.. •,1 t"cfa ratios inra tir'ane11 su th.' tt►t t1 wiLt t,ot'ila src- "fsiva tar ch., ,Vater,' t.1'4S ,lee iea • ei.i.a s It^tpu1ir- 1 l+y stall sr !inn -vu 1,4, traa+autn¢t ,1 ‘1% ala Ii 41. A, 4511e I*st. uq a1ia' l w-Alent t . tilt 4,1)41 Act, tar Rii €'I *ems 31'lu at3tla; Ity ttie V.n.t 4-a ca>+^.t.,�l 1 aaafzlt. 11.111 of tine said ylal l 1 alotV to Iv .•q ti¢° ,l tv Vitt• in flee h,31St JI11t x ay :,1it11 at Elf etiei,r for Ittlallters of the LveishRtAve-A* ,rilalds nett 4>tZinn- Ana tkeet±eua: earl that the snit 11.•1 'siva Ar x 'tell tip in rows office. in t+t,'I•ht t1,'iu the I °ase sea}: ,r 11a1y 1',IK, (rat rentiasne there far at l e, tiiorl, 1• k t, urri air c1111ed Rion to rt,ala*iuo the seal I4•>t. Inti if any oteiasie're1 or ntlaf'r error' Area tom .1. therein. iu to take immediate tti Ain , e$lisit; to have t8 C S21 t err015 eon 1 cosi ttecarcling to la's. CliVail1 It 1'l tit 1 ] . Clot rt of 11101• nal Municipality. Diked this 1311* dery of July. ,a„af A UCTIONfATLE ' F 'VALUABLE Parr &ands Near the Village of Exe- ter,inthe County of Huron. T arts ANT TO AN ORDER 01? :tale. duteit the ntli tray of JOY, 1575, and made la} the Judger 1.f the County CI,11rt o: the t'minty of Huron, In a certu.n matt 1 of Par Winn of lMURRAN vs. MURRAY, there 'will be offered for sole by Pt`.inue Ai, e - BY WIIAIRTON F01)08014, At(TIONElel1, —AT 11111--- ON7RAL HOTEL, IN THE VI LLACE OF EXETER, :n the County of Huron, on Saturday, 24th day t August attwo o'clock in the afternoon, in two separate p l roc 111, the following; valuable properties :--. PA1ItiJ. L No. 1, Lot No. , in the and Concession of the township e1 Bay, in the Count} of Huron, containing 1(40 acres, more or less,. Abort seventy-three !acres of this farm are well cleared, and untie. cultiva tiou. and the remainder of the lot is timbered with a good hard wood bush chiefly beech and 11180410. There aro also a dwel- ling house aud it good barn on this lot, and s good sized orchard of about two acres. PAROBI, No,2,Lot A o.0,iu the 2u 1 concession of the said township of R•,y. This is a bush lot.— From the front2e acres the timherhas boeu parr, ly eulleal,,but the rest of the lot is heavily wooded, chiefly wvil11 good hard wood. The Bele of ibis lot affords in excellent opportunity to the humors of the locality, and others 110W rarely met with of acquiring woodlands in that vicinity. Roth lots are corner lots-- on the corner of the end. and 8,11 concession lines, the rear °ftllom be- ing about half to mile Mina frons the London ltoa -, andwsithiu 1) miles of the village of Exeter, and. in the whist .,f the best farming oountry. in Oi,- terio. '.4no oil of these lands is unsurpassed for farming qualities • a good creek runs .through both lots, and the laud is well watered. There is a Church and also a School House in the immediate neiguborhood of tato property. The tithe to this property is perfect and free from all inemhbr'anees. T151tMS OF SALE The purchaser of each parcel will pay down a deposit of tea per cent. of the purchase n101.ey at the time of sale, to the Vendor's Solicitor, and will pay into Couit within 30 clays then after, luf'- • ticeut. with such deposit to matte up one-half of the purchase honey, and will execute a mertduge for a balance thereof to the Metal Represontativ,l • of the County of Huron payable in time equal. instalments in one, two, alai years from the day of 8x10 with intel'e*t at seven per cold., pity- 'ab.e yearly, and upon payment 01 half such par- olsaso m0uey auto execution of, mortgage, each pu1••-haser will be entitled to a oeuveyance and to be let into pi-ssessio4. ALL KINGS 0 T �J�-TN I Done to order. i1emembet thepleece N1;'\ BOOT`I S O O IN CREDITUN. Neaa,t Door to 13aket's Hotel. Parties watlti4 first-class work will find itt to their advantage to call before leaving their orders elsewhere. Only *test -glass materiel used. Sowed work a speeiality,,.I Repairing promptly attended to. CHRISTOPHER RAU. ' I Crediton, Mareh7. 1848- . v As t., PARCEL IQo.1,possession duly so as to en- able the purchaser to do is fall ploughing eau be given immediately upon payment of the deposit, but poseessicn of the dwelling and of the premises otherwise than aforosaii!'ivill nob be given 11 ntt2' the month of arch next, when a lease HON sub- sisting thereon expires. - The. ileal Representative reserves to himself power to adjourn the sale it in his judgment an .adequate price in not bid fel- said parcels, andel' gn in that event should 11e see *Atte Clause tend bash lot to be offered for sale 1n two or more par- Ce18 011 similar terms. In all other resii'ect1 the edilditions'o.: Salo *ill` bo the standing uonditrons of sale of the Court of Chancery. Pol.furtherpartieulars apply to 11•iessrs-GAazow 21n17.94 RAmaNwuiisT Godorioh and Wizlgliazn;. Messrs. Flinsm•'7l & F0Asn_n, London; andto the Vendor's 5olieito., Exeter, Dated. this 11th day of Sealy, 18"8, B. V. r LLIOT, Signed,W. R. SQ47E T44S, - Vendor's Solicitor.. ReaT1Rep;.Co. of'Suron. Exeter. •