HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-25, Page 1r1 0 ImasslowlsuloillsoUssmsolfilssossoollmall Vol. V. ,-- - . i1tiPOit1'ANT Nesen 1 S. x 1T{)1)tAt�{) • •i into"ast'era S,tles l4aoaapayit"d 'to. no r.t of s di •s 4314 u113va at this oai te.+ll'.sitt , `,.‘' J. CLARK., Ag(+ne for the Us- e. , borne and If Hobert Mutual Fire Insurance C,• ma.• raw•, 131 i l,'uci# Farrlulntr. O1C0tei1, by xda."..1"pr :aptly attcn"ltd to. 1.'11OV(N C"T.\ 1. • l:t.t"1 ;it-vlttt tier., ..an 4,• rat st:e Rt ,.al 1144"43 ,-tet r.e rt14, 3ir•t Fu1t¢ in pelt no! -rh f.+i u'ewl. l ft r abs, 114. Joon 41)"1.4 ;si.t,iTa;;a 1!t prom tet ntie3t ' "UT' E.'L —T Il4Xebg" l)lbi.l. any per, rYt ?t4i4.4(; tnoi + s (b a, e,lnnt t tl4 • a t:tt t of the lute \\ 4**..11Ytn hell, 1..3t 3:.. Lot `4,..t,41, without roti ;ar,t R"a order or eon, S( rt a't 10113 '31 0` only pt 31717;3117alis amthed:..'tl to tat "ti.ac3 -.nil business. J4titN AtiT&"IIuLL:er. owe 31, Pee XEITE,R ONTARIO, TI -EU, tSD4Y JULY 25, 1878. : teltSl LOST ;3krayed from the 11eemist•%of the eueseri,rer, lot 10, Liths 14 *' t. ".t +p„en. 01w4lt the ;SU 70May, a ,labia brown ,u.ta'"•, ;Siete ,p.at nn forehe:ua; 13101 ou' ".. 47 1:3103 foot, ao an ter Wier.* collar rests. la- toa e item seems to tide te,e•r •rt'” of tie, animal witi ut' a"l.eraa'3y ta:;,ard„ tl \V .3 PIIlli:tl). 11.„ 41.13110 TT L. H.4.,,li.lt. C. ,irudutito of postal college of DENTAL suit CEON 8. 011e in Fnn, +u'a 131eeat ];ilia oT 1 stan.l Exeter. i4a ! ()TN L(15Ta Sonia limo iu April tee mote made by J,1x1 Hud Jounce*, Voiles. St, i a,'u, in atter of Tiai lmtt% Jamieson, of llcO. All par „n. au" 1,.8."1.3 ne4.1tlating tics same. ua pay.tiva,ttti.l,' 4'.+bt"34.t+,,.,t",9. 11131>tJ:t'.tln:S.tq rill! I(i UIIIN(1. -Tees nadevil :rued is twee 'ri'tt 4 4'4 alt liiu,la(,f ref 31 1'hrt5hiu.s„ Ott t'a " 41 „t tit t' ( ad a -,no rtor 411311144r. mot at r .1747ioat", las 1.133y "'t1.('l•, 1143.357 tat Z11/41,1 1,-.0 cMild. flay. 1.1.l:51.1a;. ) 1\ L',SON n, SUNS, Ci)I1,I31','1."1t' le • P. ca, rrrieitawl Stowe 4u1Gnma a*ad ears:. tea ,.: ,.133.3 fi s ter,ll retmtirrra of It,oe.n'¢•r1 other iit;o t r3•t.+. Puitts dr.twa on relimmtl+l terms. YlmSaa 11A+12.: ye.irs t xperieuee 311 tla4' Inv dneAA, eve (9.3.3 001411 .01.1734 31':23, tri t'.eentn work in Food '4t. 11t' lto.t ."ct •m.4,ttt.attr terms. DEsbteucc"-tu*ed Tui weat u►';:orlaett'd corners t,ttn3inte C1ili. T)ITON. ' Clew Ti,)LIvsx.--'-Our cults holiday bail not tet been tepPoiuted, 're will probal•ly aeon- after the rreseut buoy spell is pest,, FLAX Priaa cn.-1?lex pulling is now being very vil.orortely preaecuted. A longe portian of the crap is quite ripe. Fem. Winevr.-•-A. vast enautity csf 'ell wheat ea..; eat lent week. It is 1;everallly It 'very heavy crop and ex, peoted to yl' Id well. IN Deatexe.--Lttti lrin3; men he, lu r- veet are in great ctanz8 rad end large wage's offered, but the supply is not ecoid to the dement!. Deere—Owing to the very busy time with fttr►ucrci, busfuees iu the village ie very ,1u11. Tuts 1117 ir.- Sl veral persons were -I;lttly afl'Neteet by the bent of the sun dining %130 thermal waive ,.f Illrtrt wo;''k, lett Heide 131 tide vicinity at all tied - cutely, Symms. closed, teachers away enjoy. ling holidaye. pupil( alae pulling„ the l tnntnitltaua rt 'ise is hushed, and the i11Cea•a2arlt pattering 'If fret is still. NI -Meg Qru;r.----Not a lean to town has Menti meat l,R11itice f,'r at least two weeks past. If they have we have not lieard theta. Politics are about tt 3 q'hiet as t: eleeein;r dog. We expect to be woke up•f'out our doze shortly with A tlou►1.51t of trumpets to prepare far the corning centebt, L1Ti:R"348.x.--The people of Crediton are becoming quite literary, no less than tweuty.two ,,r three daily news - mere now arriving in the village. Itt-NAWAy.— A florae belongtltg to ;Irr. A. Clark while ti''d in front of a store ono day last week became fright- ened at a paseing wheelbarrow, and broke its fat,teninga', ran at break neck speed to the river end of tho village whose it ryas caught, having left the carriage iu the ditch much injured. 1"EV\"B(. TC;1Ila1M Slum?. - . uu ssesi ,u, d wl es: e t aegaaiut the who'd. tants of Meter awl stlrt'otm,lala3t enuntry that he has o ,t t ,1 mi tt now 13ttteam•r shot) next +1,k +r to J.1ttl ',h:l4 •rt',wittro3t,r;cs,lhrepusupplyeffresh moat .:4l COttly on hand. Carat for hints owl s yep :+Gita. Jeno wm•tn. l..Lli.li Consuelseianer, Insar- • ruttat. f,att•1 ()m,3, neon Agent. Of ei .,. nest door a++1 titleofat sroteh tixettr. Wilsons I3otoi,li4 n;u34,revereMonday, 1 •1 )131\";1'1"1+ FUNDS .ta loan at 8 per 11l'I'G,k('1E s C11'(aFi'1`. A. L t)ilooney loaned on:good NOTES, I1()NV1 'ANUTNG Deeds, Mort. vv , 4Jtte, \\ 111'4. &(,,Trltwn tot reasonable terms JON 801-1)411419 BBs jest commenced business oue half anile 'fest of Dashwood, and is preps od to clean l:luclt,4,\'i*at(tlaea and Sewing Machines. Um- brellas repaired and Organs and Melodious at- tend'(] to, °Those in want of his services shouldr;ivs him a call before goit.g away from hone. O11aa gm moderate and entire satisfac- tion gnarute,'d.. ',T ASUi tt; IIU.11SON, Hensen, Out. Fire and Life Tueuranc Tvil(on rel C I1111111lesion Agents, Insurance two-thirds cheaper than or- dinary cost. Also money to loan on reasonable terms. Prompt aattmtiou to orders per avail or otnerwise. I trot and Village proporiy for .gale or to lease, Also sou, a good business stands and resits, netts in 110nsa11. xonx ]tato:., Josisrti aren3oN, Commissioner. ("onrea•taneor. PROPERTY LIST. f.�1Oit ssALE 1N WINCIHELSEA— House and Lot. Good stand for a shoeuia- ktnr, A corner lot. Por rurdculars, apply by letter orperswtally to }IAItR1 I3ItOWN, \vinchels,,aP,O T1AItISI FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Smith lot 18, on 8th con., and N lot 113, obu 0, 7;.sborne, each farmcontaining bo ac,e,. Lots., is well cleared, with good buildings, and in .good cultivation. Frame barn and stable on lot 18. l'or particulars apply to WMI. CLAIM, Winchelsea P. 0. 171O13, SALE.—A. FRAME HOUSE L and two Lots on Ann Street, Exeter. The house 13 storey and u half high, frame, new, aul aoutai'ts eight large rooms. Stable audother con- veniences on the prornise+. A number of young Bruit trees on the lots. Apply to DONALD TAYLOR, Fxoter. .:• . -7@relAlt1I FOR SALE.--tHL+' SUB - Jt scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13- Uou.11, Township of Usborne, County of Huron 80 aures 01013 est, the remainder good bush, well fenced, and in a good state of cultivation; under, draine•t, good orchard, splendid wen of water. frame barn 80x00, log stable 2.1x341, log house, and Convenient to school and three churches. For uxther particulars apply to t'14I. 13ItYANS, Iffrklon, P.O., or MH. B. F. ELLIOT, Attorney, Exeter P.O. .5 ARM FOR -SAL IS. -_-Tye subscriber offers for sale, lot 13, eonebssion 5, Stephe.., four miles and a half from L+"xeter, comprising 100 acres, 00acres cleared.• Good. log house and frame born, splendid water, •soil fit for dairy or grain, also a splendid brick yard on the premises, For further particulars apply to 1{rorAT{D Yonso, on the premises, or to Exe- ter, P O • .d,IRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE 3Y AUCTION, -,Tho undersigned has boon iitstypq 1331 by 11r. Sohn Sin.] llacouabo to 5011 by publicapgqsign on the -premises on Tuesday, July. 80, 1878, atitpp,o'olock p.m., thatspioitdid farm being 1,ot 1@, Qryp cessiou.7, Usborne, containiu, 100acres-drat-olas+s:brick house oud good tratuo' buildings -80" a,e es g11arod and well fenced, good .orehard and plenty of water, oonvea%nt-to' churches and schools, 4 miles, from i3.eier No better improved farm, and no bettorrarm in the • +Township. of Ua11orue. ' Posstiyely no reserve tiTlilltAIS,-Ten per, cent of the purchase Money' ,on the day of sale ; $2,000 fu 3 months, and the :balance to suit purcl user, ,at 7 percent. 'Por fur - *ler particular's appy to the ptoprit#bor 03a the premises. JOHN 81i4TaLACO11$lp Proprietor. 4, 731S110P,'Auetioueer.,,; lluly 11, 1878 ... ,. $t"," BEUOE FIELla.. Ireirstr'.—On Monday last, et 8 e. w,; a titan lion asd, \Villialn Blacka3dd:. r was found stead in hie bell in I3rueelield. He was a baalu'lur 64 years of age, and had been 0u a tyre() for eight or pile daysprevious to his death. He was lust seen aline about twenty hours be- fore. Dr, Worthington, of Clinton,beid an 1ntlneSt, A11(1 a il)o$t modem examine - tion was made by Drs. Stewart &Hur- hurt, of Brucefield. They found that death had resulted from fatty dogener- atiou of the heart. The following per. Emus aomprieed thejury:—T. S. Briggs, foreman ; W. Seott,.H, Gilbert, D. Cam- uron, J. AleIntoei., W. Burton, P. Mc- (.lregor, D. McDonald, E. Briggs, J. Miller, W. Kaiser, A. Trost. The fol - toeing verdict was returned by the fury: We find that the said William Black- adder, on .the 22nd of July, inst., was found dead in his bed, and that be came to his death from the excessive drinking of intoxicating liquors, and disease of the heart and lungs. The fu- neral of the deceased took place in the af- ternoon of Tuesday. The remaina were tut'rrod iu the Presbyterian burying grouud. REMARKABLE SURGICAL OPERATION.— On Friday last. a remarkable surgical operation was performed in Brucelield by Drs. Stewar tC kiurlburt, of that vile I fu South Huron still. larger. stage, assisted by Dr. T)nusmore, of Mit-Mon Svsoml.—The voting on the civil,taaadDr. Grah,.uiofl3rilasels. About l c Hi •h Shooby-law took glare last two years ago,Mrs. Banuerniau,of Stan- t� y ley, about 88 years of age,felt some iu- Monday, and resulted in carrying the convenience arising from an iuternal af- by-law by a tnaj("rity of 78. faction, which turned tut to be a tumor springing from the womb. It has been growing larger until it at last became unbearable, and death oortaiu in a few weeks at lobo, unless she obtained speedy relief. She found getting mound the douse very Bard work, and getting npstaire.ce'as almost an impossibility. She was taken under the caro of Drs. Stewart & Hulburt, both of whom have earned high reputations as surgeons, both in Canada and in England, and on Friday the operation of removing the tumor was undertaken and success- fully accomplished by the above named medical gentlemen, the patient being- placed eingplaced under the iu fineuoe ofobloloforrn, and the operation lasting two anti a half hears. The tumor Wail so, closely connected, with the womb tlett 1110 latter had also to be removed. This is the firat operation 'of the' kind ever performed in Outario, and the second in the Dominion, one Of as similtar na- ture having 'been performed in . Mon- treal. The tum(,,:which weigl;ed.25 ponds and almost fills, a large, wooden pail, hithe largest ever removed from any person that is, on record. It will 4/ be sent to the tnu'eum a, Mc ' Gill Medi- j Coz:laclh;. +tiIEE�'ING.—Council met on I;liZS3, Osborn, and a true bill spinet eel ()clUege, "itIbntreail. The woman I the 8111 Inst. All the members preseee.t John. Osborn as accessory after the fact. died on Mola('ay from obstruction of the except *Ir. Eilber: mutes of preva- The prisoners were then arraigned, and hen*, whiell;was in no wayconneetel o1141 meeting read and signed. This each pleaded not guilty to the charge. with the operation, but WAS induced by was ii epealai nleetiug for the perpoeo i Their behaviour was cool and collected excessive y,tiltitiag. of settling up with the Read C;oimrais- during the reea(ling of the lnd'actmer:t, ei)ners, and transacting other business. and their reply clear and distinct- SEAFORTH. Moved by T. Yearly, seconded by dr. The reports received from the Wear• Baker, that the Reeve and Treasurer foundland fisheries last week, indicate sigh a note to borrow $2.000 for four ;that the present will 1-,e tho best fishing NGIRLY Dr.owxtlp.—Ota Titesi!ay Of moutahe from date. Resolved that •season for than ears. The takinga last week, while batlliug iu tilt' neer et , Messrs, Yearly anis Baker be instructed of Auleri.cen craft years. been ease ,tiwn- R,"xborongli, a young neo rewired Cox, to see about o errin out a road on the' alae large. "lige Yeabrad=�ar- fisl:erie ,. es- mf this town, carate hear being drowned. 22ut1 can, near lots 11 and 1 . r ; e l it on , 2 :1l,ayeal., pecta,l.) a 1 herring, ltitv'o turned out Igo lead ,tot begone, his depth, but eves iby T. Yearly, seconded by W. Sc1l8'Rrr7 !' eetiuftetnrilyCI the 'Mel: bein,t}� much moiledby 1.14 catilpa13310313, 111are fright- d that '11 , Ir, Buell da }iia titaitnte laUor in earlier theen81131. Thei1i•tiTarlt tnaek- er101 than Ilett. The evening fallowing repairing the gravel road—Carried. erel fsiug flout the Megdelen Ielande another orating sten, named I3ooth, leaved and resolved thea \Ir, Snell ex- have been uninotel3y redareiive- Sal- liyill in 1111.1tuhev +11334 *rat in I' 5 , , F ! 1 .. , g 1 a 160 ante .� in re anie•i '* Exeter . a' . hh 1 �, � o , ,o..ition r 3 p $ t nn ax er me road, Innen and c d fishing lease been uric rsa 1 at 3.1 o same 11aoe• Iia kept and Witt jr. teelatl11rexpend $10 more. 3 rnonly rich The wetera in the 3remit ceiling for help, and the bystaudors Also that Mr, Yearly ha pefcl $10 an b'rhoadofPoittedee lhntesare ;warm - thoght(t he "118 °esfalleg, awl 8741 Rile mai A. large Hun. ing with porpoises. 4od f�h was never it 'v44 tsolllot little time before he waS her of orders i,,ranteil. Nest meeetin(', more ab itiiletelt than at pre Blit, 1rat1 taken out very much ex1IAlksted, of Connell to be held the first 'Monday i the frill orae, ae a; whole, promisee t(1 RI•sawar —On Tue1311 y of last weelc, in August, C: I'3io1'v, Clerk, be far above the average, while Meoera. Wm. Hill and AIL Nop. �- -- leer, of this place, were driving in the DOMINION NEWS. I tnwnsaip of McKillop, their team tool. "'T"'" ; fi iglu at something an"l rain away, lir,, Bush fires still .cage in the Ottawa :� ops er jumped out of the rig, hut in 1l1trlet. T ,l4,iog. so 11e got eam4 It 11tweezl the Tt'1t"gra}ague communications to ,'ala• hind 3313001 And bongs, and WAR drag• ntt••bs; ie again interrupted. 8ec1 ill 31,13 resitieu unite a distance. H,on. E. B. Chandler wee sworn ill But by some fro Les he extracted 133113- es Lieut. -Governer at Vrc'.lericltton ou 1 a .df am thud 0.02(4411 injalr\•, .11r- Ilial tlw ltlttr inst., by Judge Weldon. (Qn S1tur},1al+v beet at 2:30 , telt. the kept in the buggy, awl the 'terve raiz \S'rIght, the man who mernitte i toe : ie ; w y , e I R ., � C,'rL dlw t ails r Railway prarc. e�i� 1 to ali tilt they tweet the vehicle in the recent tollgate roltheri"'s, 1.3:59 beets aentenee(1 to ten Fears" 1111 'ri laerilllteait c,' .sal the lane of the 0311 \\cetera; .ghee aud became detexllctl from it. `Ir,I i telway, Ring's were 033 Cut orad Hill was then thrown ont on hist face, in the Prnvi3IOial 1'en1tentii33' a\c.,t, anti all recee'i2 31 welt till the ar• cult ettns;ithrr3b1y 1ruietel, The horses A y'a11ng mat named A31gu8tus :Aoy 1 rival of NO. 3t fr(ight, (rem the west, then only ran far a bhartdistance when bloat. wits (ne wiled on etent1rey last 1 the er1.11i0 ('f which ee.e,,eueei1 1 131141 they were stopped. The Limy was w1331ar batb.lnge near daVsee tlloy"8 da11.1, blveill' l tiro traell, and was Rion rein• considerably broken. London. Tlla giddy was ret:oyered. shy �far+ettl lay a train from alio last, The Home Suesercx.--On Wednesday '1.11. he1ntt, z,, of Net week, a valuable horse t 01031810 Mr.:1nt1►any 1 rt' et'au, an old and re. w1r W i1 �a(r�tiltvtjre tb0y01* 0 e.nei held umt; npected citizen, and fen m^ray years t, red upon the arrival of a tram • lona of clerk of the township of Adelaide, while 1 men from Hamilton. The 8;113 rave driving in Str34throy, felt from 1110 as; intOE3(1ttt with vara ing t;tiCOOss. The W13011 is an apoplectio f 1 133131 died ru svlllpatlly at the }Pea1'l0 is with the 341)0111 stn 1lonrr A. RAILWAY WAR. F. 011F.raiT VALLEY 331113 `.3 MAR 170011514878 812;. 0. [ti, 1 . E 11"L 21UU9. r,. to :11r, U. D. Wilson, of this town, etc. c13nbed 10 the effects of the )teat, lir. Wilson's hired roan had the auirnal out gathering eggs, and when hear the vale ago of Drayton, in the County of Wel. lingtou,it sndaen.y deopped down dead. Credit N a11ey. About l,tl00 people aro On Tnoydal' last Jacob. I i"lmerly, note on the ground. Na eerione injuries 1'llte.--Cin Friday of last week, about x1)0131 •1(1 yetis mf agta, 1712161 wanting ill llossrs. Rathbnri"s 1311131)07 llyd aro reported, with the eXceptitari t}rat nodi., ,fur citizens \vote stkcideuly amine y o11e of elm , lamilten police struck an eta by hearing tie fire alarm sounded. gat \Isle I oirit, was 5018.0.3 with epilepsy' unoffendinp, a}3c Qtator, named Jobs On following the crowd it WAS folio and fell into the slily between she vbilcleoe, a violent blow on t)41 head, that Mr. C. M. U tnlop'S (town con- tloeT and wat� drowaretl, stable) resideuee was an fire. It tip. Sir brand1is Hinck4s been anpaiat' conditionanti the latter The Credit Valli 111 11aycritical. they pears than the fire caught from a stove otl Dominion ('aa nilul'stnner for the bound to crude, and at they stern pipe iu the bank 1theheu tied wee cows pettier -cent of the boundary between areo bat the ecn)1ttthy of tho crowd, tnnwcated to boards of the roof. tor_ Ontario and the Northwest territories, sll'^gild they be jellied by them, serums tunately it was noticed in time by sotm Sir Edward Thornton and ChiefJustioo onusc lienees may he tile'result if the person (molting near by, and the alarm Harrison are the other Commissioners. eGreat onsequen tern Railway lerel*u in their The sohooner 3lountetineer, of Owen y l giver). Both fire ootnpauies wore promptly an the ground, and the an- Souttll, winch was blown ashore at opposition. gine was soon playing 011 the !}ones. Port lelgin on Saturday last, is almost a total wreck, The tut; Nellie Harper As the fire bad not gained much head p way it 37118 soon got iiuder control and triad tJ pu11 110r :Monday but did speedily extfuguisl1ed. Excellent as - sista, ce was also afforded by a force pump near by. The amount of dam- age d .no to the building will be about $100, which is fully covered by insur- ance. Solrnzt HtiaON.-The utter hopeless- ness of the condition of the Grits in South Huron is easily per.eived.,, Their candidates being unable to answer the logical and oouvinoing arguments of Messrs. Porter and Jackson, the rank and file of the ," paairty " now take the contemptible Rad degrading course of GENERAL NEWS. not succeed. Tho schooner will bo I Tho deaths in New Ynrk last week were :213 less than the week previon ,in eluding 10 from sunatruite. There was a total of 189 sunstrokes. Robert J. and Charles Lsudon,broth- ers', of New York cite, were dro tned in Lake Louderdald, near Cambridge, on Saturday uight. `luuuitrick knocked down and gag- ged the turnkey of the jail at Watkins,. N. Y., ou Sunday, and released eight prisoners. He and one other prisoner were subsequently recaptured. There wase 456 deaths last week in. Chicago, being 170 more than a week previous, and 147 more than the same week last year. There were 44 deaths from sunstroke. On Wednesday, the hottest day, there were 106 deaths. The Chriparallet reports that on the 7th inst., ore hundred utiles north of San Francisco, off the coast, she fell in with a Japanese junk. Not a living person was on board. A number of corpses were fo'Ind, some shackled to- gether. They must have been dead saine months. There was no food on board. S nue of the bodies were dress- ed its costly material. The whaling stark Mary, now; ;at Es- meralda?, had a terrific contest with an 80 barrel sperm whale on May 27, which stove Gum boat to pieces, and datnaeed two ethers. The monster was purtien`arly tit•rco, a,sailiug the beats with 'trelnet,dou;l violence, and only **ncceinbei after ru eight-hour figs t. abandoned. A math named W.m. Smith oz Calling wood, deliberately committed suicide on Tuesday, by jumping off the dock. He was brought from the bottom by the captain of the schooner Dauntless, but refused ail assistance, and immedi eately sand. An ingtlost will be held to -morrow. A young men named John Stevenson, a book-keeper of Montreal, and a friend of his from New York, were out boating on the St. L•twrence near Sorel, Sun - calling these gentlemen t" liars," and l (lay' when the boat capsized and both other equally Abnsvie names. These the young men wore drowned. Steven- praeotices will have the beneficial effect eon5 body has been recovered. of makiug the Conservative majnrity A correspondent writing from Point Edesmont, Quebec, under the date of the l5111 hast., stays it was only five days ago that 1 antlonnoed the death of two men from having eaten clams. 1 have to tell today of three (there, a father And his two sons, who died from the same (save, at St. John river, Several others have also been very sick. Iu the Commons ors Tuesday after- noon, Sir Stafford Northcote annonne. learn, it appears that when near the 'ed the betrothal of the Duke of Con- naught, Queen Victoria's third sun, with the princess :Marie Louise, of Prus- sia, daughter of Pt ince .Fraderielk ACCIntxx.--A few (lays since, while going to Bayfield, a 3 unaway accident ocourred- to Messrs. Wilson and Girdle. eon, of this town. As far as we 01at1 brewery in that village, and while turn. ing the horse, Mr. Girdleson struck (Ile animal with n whip, causing into sud- denly spring forward. The buggy was Charge a The Cllanoollor said lie will then upset. and both gentleman thrown move ou Than:any thep rovisions of the grant for the Duke. A party of fourteen French people of Montreal went out pionickng on Tuesday and spread their la iclieon on a grassy plot. .A. tub containing Paris green, used by a farmer to kill potato bugs, stood near, and the wind blew, a The analytical chemist, W. 13, Drake, STEPHEN. quantity over the eatables. After lunch of lentiat,', N. Y., recently analyzed A'- the whole patty took suddenly ill, mid lat.'s Auti-Vat, anti gave the following : GOOD Wogs. & few days ago Mr. Al One time 1t was thought they could CERTIFICATE. ,eV. Hooper, who .ocotlpiee the Iarin not recover. They are all much ins- 111ave sub voted Allan's Anti•Faat to formerly owned by R. Sanders, hitch' proved, and no verylserious results are cheroieal analysis, examined the pro ed a M of horses to a " span "Meadow anticipated. p w ( Lark mower, : one of the hersos being The Orand Jury of the Moncton only three years old, and in 6 hours niurd r case returned to court at Dor• rafter he entered the field of 7 acres was Chester, N. B., on the 17th dust, about• all mown. This is good work for a 7.1:30 a, m., and brought in a verdict dem, and it is well calculated to attaint light machine, and is seldom surpeesed of guilty of: the murder of Timothy 'the object for which it its intended,' by heavy mowers. - McCarthy again t Mtertha Osborn ani1 Bold by druggists. W.13. Drake,Chetn. out. ktr. Wilson got entangled in the lines, and was dragged a considerable distance. When the horse was stopped it was f(4uud that Mr. Wilson's iiijuriea were very serious. He has since been confined to bed. ..nor... ANTI -FAT CHEMiCALLY EXAMINE D eoss of its aLennfilet are, and San truly say that the ingredients of whirls it is ermpnaed are entirely vegetable, and cannot but not favorably upon the sys-