HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-18, Page 7411/JULY 18,1878 T.EEE TIMES NOT THAT KIND OF A MAN, The Rev. Dr. P., the other day fou a pack of playing carets in the posse Rion of his oldest boy, nod after givin the lad a thrashing for owning snob el gives of Satan the (looter placed Li cards in dais own pocket, intending destroy them at the first opportuuit But he forgot about theta, and subs quenely while in the care on the way t the city he Boiled out his 11ainiikerohi and the cards fall on the floor. T" doctor gathered them lop. witha ver red face, and Write he was arraugin them in his hand he saw a rough look ing rnan in his seat opposite him, wits at hien. Ivo turned hit, head away, bar • looking around a moment later th luau winked several times and finally name over, and sitting down by tato aide of the Doctor he said :--- M I say, pardner. what's your little earner '"R "" I do not nnaerstaud. you, air," re. Dlieal the Doctor. 4. Oh, you needn't mind me," said the Mall "" I ala doing a little of that. thing myself. Now how do you work it?" 1 -What do you masa ? Doer do I Wok what?" "" Oh, you know well enough, What do you skin 'em on?" " Skin them 1 ;akin who ? Re111y, air, your rewarke aro incomprebensiula to tile." "" Now see here. I understand the whole thing. You are hunting up some- body to platy seven-up with, and you intents to beast 'eau out of their money, Iqow, don't you ?" a" You don't know who you aro talk- ing to," "Now, I'll tell you; what Fal do. There's no man an this earth that kin turn juke faeter'n I kin ; and oats you and me start UP a game on aortic of these fellers, and 1'11 run three or four incite up my tissues, with a couple of aces may be, anti wtwu we get w town welt divide the profits and go down and get roaring drunk at the tavern,' 13 it a bargain 2 "" '' ou are a scoundrel, sir 2" exclaim- ed the doctor. *"Let nae change any seat if you, please," <t \v'am'p do it ? Won't club iu with 4111. f laic anal. try a few games ?" ""Certainly not, air." "" Woi t lend nae them juke to put In my sleeve ?" ""You sretn to forget that I am a M i) t a - to , a A cler--; oh, no. You don't mean to say that--that•—yonain'ta preacher ; • now, Honest, are yon ""Yes, sir ; I am, I am the Rev. Dr. P., '"Too bad ! Blame me, if I didn't think you were one of those fellows vim play cards on the cars to gun greets horns o tt of their money, Yon look like one any way now don't you ? Aute Whitt era. yon doing with that flack, man, ni, trey ? Would you mind if T showed you how to run 'er over, so's -when you platy they eat.'t feel you ? I'll do it for nothing." Then Dr. Potts went into the hind car and got off at tho next statiou, When he ranched home he gave that boy a couple of extra floggiugs, in order to ease his feelings.—Philadelphia Bul- >;in. burns of the throat and lungs, which prevented her from breathing. She ud was but little burned externally. She s- was a lady who stood at the head of g manybenevolent enterprises, and was r- te to e- 0 of Ti • g number of the London Lancet. Sum- - ming up, the writer notes that waren lc bathe produce an effect upon the skin t directly contrary to that which is brought about by cold water, The cutaneous vessels dilate immediately under the influence of the cleat, and al- though tate dilation is followetl by a contraction, this contraction is seldom excessive, and the ultimate result of a waren bath 13 to increase the cutaneous airelllation: The pulse and respiration are both quickened tn the cold bath. The warm bath increases the tempera tura of the body, and by lessening the necessity for the internal production tl heat, it decreases the earl which is made upon certain of the vital processes, and enables life to be sustained ori tl a less expenditure of force. While a cold bath nausea a certain atitfdess of the muscles if coutiuncil tao long, a waren bath reli.lvee stiffrosa and fatigue. The final effect of both hot; and cold baths, if the temperature bo moderate, is ills same, the difference being, to usa� the weals of Braun, that' cold refresh. * by stimulating the inactions. heat by physically facilitating Ikon, and this lies the important difference be tweak the cold water system and the thermal mode of treatment.' �t ' ( CALL Al SAMWELL IL 8 PICKAR . sad see their one of the most prominent woman wild ■ worked for the Soldiers' Aid Societies Na Spring Goo d during the war. EFFECTS OF BATHS. N�+'� PRINTS„ An article of a very interesting and Now opeui ig NEW MANTLES, instructive nature, on the physiological filature of baths, was published in a late A 'WOMAN'S TERRIBLE SUICIDE A. very peculiar and shocking case of suicide occurred in Cleveland, on July 8. The victim was airs. Dr. Al. lyne Maynard, a lady moving in the hikhest social circle of this city. While Mrs. Maynard was traveling in Italy about two years ago she was strickeu down with fever. Upon returning she seemed to recover her mental health, but her mind was left in a very weak condition, and she gradually drifted in- to almost hopeless melancholy. She was given a cbange of scenery, and everything that care and wealth could do was done to better her condition. Finally, she was sent to an asylum in Pennsylvania, from which she escaped. At length her disease took a new turn, and she labored under the delusion that it was hor duty to put an end to her ex- istence. She had, when in health, a peculiarly bright intellect, and all her force was now devoted to da.visiug a means of self-destruction. She often said that she wiuld never mar her body by cutting her throat or shooting, and no precaution was taken to prevent her from either of those things. She was finally taken to the house of Mrs. John - eon, on Hough -avenue, where she was cared for by Mrs. Jelinsoii'and daugh- ter, Dr. Maynard also dei'"oting nearly all his time to her cite. She was cover left alone for a single moment while awake. Last Monday Dr. Maynard was away from the house, and Mrs Johnson stepped cut of the sick -room for a moment while the patient was ap- parently asltetl. The momint Mrs. Maynard was alone she seized a small lamp that was on the stand near by,. and, saturating her clothing with oil, set on fire with a match. She then in- haled the flame. In 15 minutes she was dead. Dr. , Cushing was called, and he said that death was caused by. THE WRONG WOMAN. A. Portsmouth, New Hompabire, plan was going east last week, and the train a:arted off very suddenly while he was talking withhis friends, Ili ribbed hold of a woman, chucked bet ou, the train, jumped after her, and away they went, a thousand wiles an hour, with his wife shrieking and tear. ing her hair en the platform, and a woman be never batt before going into high presauue hysterics in tate car, cal- ling hint a riaonaater, .and yelling "Save mol" By a terrible mistake ho had. got hold of a woman, and the conduct- or, refusing refusin - 1 to linters to his exploita- tions, ua S iIItltn- tions, kicks 3 hin, out of the car, the brakeman chalcietl hint into the ditob, the sheriff met him bf3fore he was hail' way back to town and put handcuffs on him, and when at last he got home, he saw bis business partner holding his wife on his lap and telling her that there were men in tall world who loved her much bettor than her faithless hos- baud ever did. He satys the next time'. he travels he will walk, CU1IOUS FACTS. A wasp's nest contains 15,000. The peak of Teneriffe presents fine zones of vegotataian. Eagles have been known to live a hundred years in a menagerie. About five per cent. of the American population is blind. In a silver mine in Norway, 3P9 feet deep, the bottom is covered affix snow. A temple and an atter lie buried is the sand in front of the great sphinx. It was formerly held that striking a piece of iron with a hammer produced gas. A. penny a ton per mile was the ex- pense of carrying coal by rail in Eng- land, four years ago. It has been computed that nearly every person has two years sickness before he reaches the age of seventy. The oldest woman in the world is Mary Benton, who lives at E1ton,Dur- ham, ting.; she was born In 1731. Tabasheer is a transparent fluid in the joiuts of the bambo. It hardens into a solid lump which will out glass. THE LAST RESORT.—A fire ou Sher- man street the other day turned a ten- ant out of doors with only five minutes' warning, and when they secured a house across the way and moved in, the sole stock of furniture consisted of four bed -slats, a wash -bowl, a kerosene lamp,. and three pillow shams. A kind heart- ed policeman eutered, looked around and said to the busy little woman • Did you loose much?' All but this,' she replied, pointing to the pile in the corner. ' And what will you do now ?' ' Advertise for boarders, of course 1' was her prompt reply. 'If you are going down town you might drop an advertisement into the papers for me.' He dropped out. ELLYhA. KELLY- has as ilist received a largo stock of fratches, Clocks, 'Jewellery, Neo. 4$n Strum's, Spectra ales Ladies, and Gents Pocket hooks. A large stock of Fancy Goods con- stantly on hand. and NEW MILLINERY 4. SPECIALITY IN Ordered , Ready-made Clothing, HATS, CAPS LOOT'S, SIIO1�S AND G1looF,RFk;3, New Wail Paper rust to band; also just receive-, oar hew FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Turailr, Afeivgillai, ('carrot. brass. %Wel' and Tirtaottiy. • d)win ; to the kr at •asps ession of traadii, we $lista o?er for a°ash new and lilaalkittb]e (dads et 1pa tt^r prices tlaau old f •ktb or Iitpnkro It Sta=sk cau be sold ftp . SA3l\i'ELL & PICKARD. • THE MARKET QUESTION ISAAC CARIINar I3e1ng now ill receipt of a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines an Liquors, Crockery, Etc., t his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold at LOWEST MARGIN ON COST The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity need, not feel troubled at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but call at the store of the subscriber and S OUR THE BAR AI S thereto be had. in Overcoat ng, 1+'nlLelotlts, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, \ J'inceys, 1:)elaiues, and ererytning needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department is Complete. An inspection invited NTo trouble to show goods ISAAC C ARLINC JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER Grocery and Liquor Store A large stock of Green, Japan, Yung Hyson an Black Teas, Raisin%y Currants, Prunes aRI!.D Apples , Canned, FRUIT,' Sardines, Lobsters, Salman Bitter Sauce and Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tobaccos and Cigars, Wholesa7 e and Retail. G. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter. DOMINION LABORATORY PARIS GREEN PURE. D011ltINION LABORATORY. vettes teasalat wtatinie e lets Lir Sugar.Coated. Concentrated. Root and Herbal Jute$, Anti.filloue Gratiuies. 711E ""LITIrIrE GIANT• CATHARTIC. .or MOM= Lu Parvo i'I*Yele. The novelty of modern Medical, Chemical, and Pharmaceuticaltccienee. No use of any longer taking the large, repulsive, air, nauseous Iiiiis, composed of cheap, erode, anal bulky tegreitenfs when we can, bya. careful application of shemtcal' cinal prnce.op erg es fromxtract rill le cathartic t the mast vain and ie roots and 1berb5. Snag concentrate them into a minute Oran., .le, SCarcelY larger assn at rttaataird seed, that cars be readily swaiuowe'1 by these Of tate leo t seeliteve stomaiehs and fastidious taxte . ka',lt Biatle Purgative Pellet represents. in a most cn :centra:m.( furor. as ntneh cathartic pourer s; is einbanlieat in any of tate Barge pdis tome for We in drug -shops. Prom their wonderful outlaw, tie power, an comparison to their sire, people who bars not tt;r.i them aro apt to tlnpliese that abet are harsh ordrastie to eaect: but inch is not At ail Me case, the different active medicinal prtncipfes .•f wla;ch they are cantlsisiaed being so Osamu and roo+iiCe+l, one by the others. an to e e rias * most searsnitag and moronic!, yet gently mai Wittily operating, catlins. c. Viet, Reward is hereby offered by the pro 11110'1 a`l'ias ofthese int them iiu)ae?lomel Or'other toms of mercury, mineral potion, or unarms drng. eilentirely teepercarrequite using hm. Thyoaie waboat4int(thanec to the constitution. diet. or mrecp,,tion. or Jaundice, sieadaelte, constipation. Impure ,stood: Pala its the shoulders, 1'lfrhtuese05 theCItsafe, Dizziness.t,,IDaS prat to in this moutti 1311. iott. attacks, Pain Iu region of Kid. ireyy Internal Fever, rlluated feeling about Stomach Mash of Blood, to Bead, High -colored lariats, Uneocia. bilits- and Gloomy 'Foreboding*, take Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Purliatiive Pei• lets, ru exp:Anairatl of the remedial power or 1t^. purgative t'el,ebs over ie great a variety of i ra•e-. 1, Wish to sIN that their action. ulyoti the malmall economy' 1* waiver. .01. mit a gland or 11110te egseapitig hear eattatl%o impress. Ago d+'ea not syn air NIP ItrAAAP0AttetAol thea 1'elle;,. Tc ey. are a .it. * ed1 Awl tEr-0).'.4;''1 to g.*'s battles, their y(r.acra lmang met -env pre,etre,1 ttnitrpx,red for Tar ;7'LL,$ A 01 trine, to a.:as' seams".t. SO tt * they are 4a m%* fresh arol re]"a'b'e. This u tall the 4..4:e with those phis wmten arse nut up le cum* 41,0;ee air ItU ednat l tones, Um-4feet that, for ,l al,•et-e, wuere a Laxatives Alterative. r purgative. teas -e ititie reams, t(li gave the a8vat 1*u1ee; aa;isifateUoo ttlAU wise naq theta. They are salt% by all Druggists at 25 itti a bottle. $. V. MR'S, III, D. P1 p'r, urrr. 1.O. N. T. W MA 1ty an immense practice. ex'ending through a i ^inti of }Bann, having within that time tre;,*et many Unwind rases of those disease" ipeculiar t1. woman, I have leen enstiled In perfect a most team anti in:reeslde medicine that meets the 1m- dientious pre,entesl be that e.Kssof t1t.t.a:esWith positive eertalaty and txttetoe ,. To designate this $$poral specific tompound,1. have named it Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription.. The term, however, is but a feeble expression of my high alapretiauon 01 its valise, taasea1 apes my own aersonatl observat'On. .1s n close oar server, f have, while witnessing its positive re- sults in the few special diseases incident to the separate organism anism of woman, singled it out as tate ciimax or crowning gent or toy medical career. On its merits, as a positive, safe, anti eaertual remedy far tins class of dis- eases, and one that will. at all times and under all circumstances, net kindly And in harmony with the laws which govern the female system, I ant willing to stake my reputation as a physician, Nay, even mire, so eonll,lent am I that it will not ea polus the most 1 di 1 C a 4 n o t s. ngtana expectations of a single invalid lady who uses it for any of the ailments for which 1 recommend it, that I offer and sell it under A POSITIVE (:UADA 1... TEE. If a beneficial effect is not-exiperiencetl by the time torn -thirds of the contents of the bot- tle are used, I wi11, gel return of the bottle, two- thirds of the, medicine leaving been taken accord- ing to directions, and the case being one for which I recommend it, promptly refund the money paid for it. Iiad I not tate most perfect confidence in. its virtues, I could nut oiler it as I do under these conditions; but having witnessed its truly miracu• Ions cures in thousands of cases, I feel scar. ranted and perfectly Aare III slatting both my reputation and. tuY mouoy ou its merits. The following ate among those diseases in which my Favorite Proscription has work- ed cures, as of by magic, and with a certainty never before at*ined by any medicine: Len- corrinea, Excessive Flowing, Painful Monthly Periods, Suppressions when from unnatural causes, Irregularities, Weak Back, Prolapses, or. falling of the Uterus, Anteversion and Retrover- sion, Bearing Down Sensations, Internal Heat, Nervous Depression, Debility, Despondency, ThreaueneC Miscarriage Cimino Congestion, In- flammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, Impo- tency, Barrenness, or Sterility Female Weakness,.and very many other chronic diseases incident to woman not mentioned here. In all affections of this nature, my Favorite Prescription works cures— the marvel of the world. This medicine I do not extol as a cure-all. but it admirably fulfills a singleness of pur- pose, being a most perfect apeeine in all chronic diseases of the sexual system of woman. It will not disappoint, nor will it do harm, in any state or condition. Those who desire further information on these subjects can obtain it in THE PEOY LE'S COM mos SENSE MEDLCAL ADVISER, a book Of over 900 pages, sent, post-paid, on receipt of 11.50. It treats minutely of those diseases peculiar to Females, and gives much valuable advice in re- gard to the management of those affections. FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. R. Y, PIERCE, It D., Prop'r, BUFFALO, N. r. GO TO R. &E. SPICER'S —FoR— GROCERIES Always New and Fresh. FLOUR, FEED. AND PROVISIONS, E ARTHEN WARE, COAL OIL Soap Given Away —21 Bars for One Dollar. Good Vinegar. 20e. per Gallon, Choice Syrups. Market gaskets—cheap. N. B. Don't forget the place—E. & E. Spi. cer's,opposite Mr. E. Christie's Hotel. Produce taken in exchangefor goods. R. 4E SPICBR