HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-18, Page 3} r JULY 18 1S78, THE: TIMES NAUTICAL CATECHISM. If P. ship misses her stays, how do you find in what direction her course sets ? Will the ship heel over if you tow her out ? How many horses does the captain Extract taken from the "CANADA LANCET" Of May 1st, 1876. "PHOSPI[OZONE."—This new preparation of the Elixir of Hypophosphites, which has been name Phosphozone, is fast gaining favor with the profession, It was unfortunate that the manufacturers (Evans, Mercer St Co.) chose drive; in iue gig ? for it the above name, as it gave it the appear - Did the man who took his trick at duce of a PATENT NOSTRUM, WHICH IT IS NOT. It is a combination of the Hypophos- the wheel do it with the right bower ? phntes of Iron, Soda and Lime, with Galisaya' Can you get a " nightcap " at the and other Tonics, in the form of an Elixir, and is a mo•t excellent, nerve Tonic.' It is easily alllniuistoretl, agreeable to the taste, and very efficacious in the TREATMENT OF I)EBILI- TATIsD CONDITIONS of the system. it has When the boatswain pipes all hands, 1 proved a mostvaluableremedy in the treat - who furitirltes the tobacco ? .went of INFANTILE DEBILITY AND CHRONIC 'l%4 TIN(x,' nowLuauknots are there iu a chips -•_...., log ? Sohl by all Drn!fghts throughout tate Donitttmf. Is the ship screw drawn by a screw- PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. driver ?, Lt rho}s�l:l son relation the 1�V Cab ens bo . Did yen ever spin the main top. OOT t $T O $ROP If the ettptain'snores, might it not to be set do:vn as a head -wind? Next Door to H tka?c's II,ato. Parties wantir:g When a adieu's ropes aro all taut is • titst-a•Ilatih wowk rill find it to their aalvat3taflo to call t tare it tot l Cha w . ad t; t ifi, w1it'a t tlnly It t.UV ( itlelle0 that[ a sohoolitlaetor 1t teat 1 ;, In at, i e1 aa» al 7a ars' i worst tt dipt:cduilky, on board ? lit p of hen proms+tl;, etiltiSTOPIIElt RAU, floes the captain get his wine out of Crediton,March7. Sia 4i.Cit$.1.4.Z'. 7.1\1 0 captan bars ? Can a ship be said to be like logwood when she is in port ? IN L RE1).TTt-1N of the snort holes ? Is there any way of making the cross - trees good natured ? Is the yard arise over three feet in length ? Do yon know how to wind up the hu board watch 7 te-eA F111�:NCH II qs4'TIN 3 STORY. y An officer named Verdier was cele- brated ill the garrison for winning all !pis bets. None of Ilio comrades con d boast of ever lowing been ettoeessful, so at last leo one eared to bet with him. One day Vtrdier was transferred to an- other regiment, but the fame of his pe- eulittr lack elate already spread before hien. After a supper:lad been tendered kine by bus eolurades on the evening of bis arrival, when champagne remade its appearance, General called out '"Is it really true, Verdier, that you win livery bet ?" Yes, general." "But how the deuce leo youdo it ?" "Oh, very simply. I ala a phyt:iog- nor11ist, and. I bet only when I'm quite sure." "You are e. physiognomist. Well, what. forinstance, can you find to read now in my face ?" "I can awe, said Verdier, promptly, "[that the old wound in your side slab broken out again." "Nonaeuso !" thundered out, the old general," I "But---" "No 'but' after I essuro you, sir." "Perhaps you do not like to speak of it—perhaps it duel—" "Diable ! you won't believe me What will you bet ?" "Anything you like, general. ' "Five hundred frauds." "The gentlemen present aro the nessea." With the words the general proceed- ed without more ado to divest himself t f his coat and shirt, when a close scru- tiny by all present revealed 1110 fact that there was no trace of a wound by a sword or ball.' "You have lost your bet, Verdier, shouted the general, resumiug his gar- ments. "I have, indeed, lost this once. been may err sometimes. Here are the 500 francs." With a chuckle the general put the money in his pocket. After he had reached home, ho at once wrote to his old churn, the general in command of Verdier's regiment. "Dear friend, the story of Verdier's luck is all a humbug, He has juetj made a bet of 500 francs that I had a' wound in my side,and of course he lost! it." The answer came back, a MUSIC HALL AND Sowing Machine Emporium fpIiE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF 1 Silverware, China and Delf ever seen in the West, at E. I .EVT'S STORE. Mr. Drew has just received an excellent stock° Silver Tea Setts,Butter Coolers, Double and Single Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, Com- munion Setts, etc.,of the Best Quadruple and. Triple Plate, and is offering the sameat prices that would ASTONISH YOU FOR CHEAPNESS! He has just opened out a new and complete as- sortment of China, Wass and Stonewares. Cal arid satisfy yourself as to quality and cheauess. Come and try our instruments. Music Teacher still on baud. Sery ie*- at lowest figures. E. DREW. . Hensen FURNITURE Roos NEW FIRU, 1NER%M'S Old) STAND. Hari c. shoe nig. Wagon and Carriage nib ing,Ple• - mond ;,,runs, and plow% (ienernl Illeleimitit- imt in all. it branches. n t t3no lowest rater. amt not tli a tt u•eti (the, n; n cull anal esanndno our woo; befero triune; elsewhere. MCs11la1 AN tt1'ft ltlilltE, Ring St..IlrnFal). heli all. aunt,' 211,1'ie'+. ti8"8 )CcEINtilfAM 'S I.)I,A BLACKSMITH KSMITH I.) savor is stiligaing, 1fr. 5. BB,lelting1lat_ desires to return his sincere timid; t, to Ila pat •uuia, w h o til him in tite would intimate recovered from 11[!184 r4113fi hoveaupport past add that. moving, Inn: 01- a, he paltenda - ata (amore, tO to take char:,° of the tnorse•eheeinm: tpeppartntottt himself. Aai other work done in the very best style and tit the lowest rates. S. BUCKINGHAM, Exeter, Dec.13.1877. HL1vSALL COOPER SHOP.. Your letter is truly charming. Your1 iinning the 500 francs cost me 2,000, hich Vnalier bet me on the day of his, leaving, that he would make you, on the first evening of meeting, take off' your shirt in the presence of your fel- low officers,and that yourself would in• form me of the fact." o.,- -^—•- W. VANVALKENBTJRGH, COOPER WORK OF ALL IUNUS, INCLC?DIN(# CISTERNS. of which be snakes speciality. t1t7T'I'KR'It'BS (healer thou ever, Repairing promptly and. neatly Clone. Siuopr-13rork Street, Mensal), direct- ly west of the station. Give him a call. WM. VANV:i.LKKNBU11G. Hens:01, May 8, lain 3m, TT KINSMAN, L. D. S., IIAS OB - 1 L . tailed his Diploma. audLicense to prec ti.o Dentis. try and will be on hand s of Old, on Mondays, Tucstiays. Fridays and Sian rdays. Office next Bell': Bakery Main Street, Exeter Ont. Shingles for Sale FROM a1 TO $1.60 PER SQVARE, At G. & J• Brooks' Sawmill, The early swimmer catches the cramp. A soft answer turneth away wrath, but you cau't fool a tramp that way. Happy is the man who eau lie all day under a shade tree looking for work. 'Will you love me when I mould 2' as the loaf of bread said to the house- keeper. A hotel oil the Paris plan means— eat anything, sleep anywhere, and pay for all you don't get. The phonograph repeats everything it hears, and will throw thousands of employment. There is a wonderful power in im- agination,but it gets weals in the knees when it undertakes to shoulder lemon - tide. A country paper mentions themar- tinge of John Sweet to Miss Ann Sour. It is probable they mean to set up a . lemonidlfe business. TWO MILES WEST OF THE LONDON ROAD, TT OF HAY, OWING to the very large increase of trad', I kl have been compelled to ensure my premises. and have just received a large stock of all kinds of Furniture --in fact, one of the largest north of Lon- don, 'Phone in want of a first class article in the House Furnishing Line should call and examine Ply stock and ascertain my prices and be convinced that lean sell cheaper thou any other House in the trace. Wool, Straw and le•,ced mattresses and sl,ring l.e,lw orale Mulls I have also opened out atirst-classstatic of ('lochs Watches anti lino Jewelry, in fact every article found in a (list—class establrsintlent. I feel confittet.t that lean cel at prices that will.titisfy the publicand a , ans low its can be purchased anywhere. Clock's autt Watches repaired at moderate nates, and satisfaction Rearm:deed. by cent - potent workmen. also Organs and Musical instruments Special attention to Undertaking. Buildings contracted for. $, 'airbairxs. THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE DEPOT' .132 J. J IJ uZ3. Has now in stock a oompleto line of SPRING HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, and Trimmings of Every Kind, in Latest Style and Lowest Prices A full Stock of Fancy Goods, Berlin Wools, Honiton Lace, Braids Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &c, t Jackets cut and made to order. MISS'. G-ARLICK, Main St., E rater. Groceries e G'on f ectlonary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per Ib CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGAR always in stock. > SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationery, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST newa N.B.—Sewing blacnnct. Needles of every loud. A. BOYD. WANTED MEN, WOMEN, BOYS, AND GIRLS TO PULL FLAX. Work to commence on the lith last. Apply to PATTON& DORAVOOD, Exeter. pmyriNo PAINTING J. KITCHINU Is prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Paper -hanging Whitening, cze. at reasonable prices and punctually. J. KIICHINtf, Matas st Exeter, `� r,mi t! CLANS FI.X- BRICad F'L 1 B#'tt-i'. 'TeliateCunti',l?K11Uer. KILLS FLIES in a room in. TWO HOURS. o Tat:. watt' will kill moreiiies Sian Sin worth of Fly Piprr. No dirt, no trouble, Said by Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practical! 1)141"-" an workmen on the premises. Botanic Medicine, Co., Buffalo,N. Gave -Troughing done to order, Careen Plating a Sueelalty. Coal oil Cbinnteys, the very best and none cheaper. 0 Intending pnrehasers will always tend me at any post, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good and heap artio o. Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get bettor value for your money:. The very highest price iu Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins. E. H. SPACKMAN. l'11HE Subscriber begs to announce to the L bnbitnnts of Exeter and the surrounding coun- try, that be has opt nit a TIN and Saws PEPOT in the store nearly opposite 11r. G. .. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street, Exeter, where he is p"eparedto till all ortlets for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Exeter P 0, October 15 1877. • GODERICH FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and Machinists. MANUFACTURERS OP ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND STAVE AND HEADING II4CHINERY Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Affil -FAT SAV j MILLS The GREAT REMEDY for CC7►XL "C?aaIL Agric uura l Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, School seats, &o. Iron and Brass Castino's to order' For sale cheap—Second hand Boilers and Engires Stave and Shingle, and Heading Macninery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugiues, Mills, &o., promptly attended to. GODERINT FOUNDRY and MANUFATURINtT co. G-ODERICH. Ont. GREAT DISCOUNT S-. LE PRIOR TO REMOVAL AT RA, 1df1``'' '4tryr°it �tl�t FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. ALLAN'S ANTI–FAT is purelyvegctable and perfectly harmless. It sets upon the food In the stomach, preventing Its being converted Into Ott. Taken iu accordance with d!- reetlons. It will reduce a fat person from two to live pounds per week. ••Corpulence Is not only a disease Itself, but the harbinger of otters." So wrote illppueratts two thou.:old years ago, and what was true teen is none the less so to -day. :old by druggists, or sent, by express, upon re- ceipt of $1.40. quarter -dozen 54.00. Address, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., Proprietors, Jsuff'afo, :t?, Y. tee TIC£IIm1.L sista C1p,e• tttfff �a7 ti taint d in tae r.. tat Meal boon tvt•r ks1. •. • et t dell !�. SELF-Pitl•.SEIi Tat tr- r�q y[ +fit;/] 154 Prlceenly$i. y u ylllali W tui. fit, d. nn i-c+•i�,t of prie... It treats ofMelntnatedy trim,Prenr:tur .tine, Nervous and "uy sen! Debility, and th•• t•, ill• w concomitant lits and untold miw rie. than r• snit therefrom, and ccnhtins more than Storiginal pre• sct 1ptions, any em, of which is north the price of the book. This br .k was written by the most ex. tenaivo and probably the most skilful practitioner in America, t o whom wits awarded awed and jew. riled medal by the National Medical As..ociciion. 1. I'amphlet, illustrated with the very finest Steel Eogravinds—a mar. Hulk vel of art and beauty. - sent runt to all. Send for it at once. Address PEABODY MED ICALatr Lciirii ELF INSTITUTE, ho. 4 Hui - Anvil St.. Boston, Mass. A Special Offer TO THE READERS OF THIS PAPER. A Beautiful and '''ella+",q awlss Magnetlo Pock... V' .eeper, 01..1 silo Lollies. Gold Wet.- .lnndaome Orolde Case. Glees crystal, steel end metal works, and wnrreuted to denote correct time. A Perfect Gum for everybody de. siring n reliable Time Keeper. Will be OIven away to every patron of this paper as a Free Clft. COT OUT THIS COUPON AND Mia Ir. COUPON. On receipt of this Coupon end (1.00 to pay for packing, boxing end mailing charges, we promise to send by return mail, each patron of this paper e Grsama SWISS Msosane Tema-KOEI'Sn. Address, Magnetic Watch Co., TAUNTON, MASS. This is your ONLY OPPORTUNITY to obtain this beautiful premium so order AT ONCE, and do not mise 0611 Chance of 'Lifetime.