The Exeter Times, 1878-7-11, Page 8THE TI1VIES W. GRIGG, MERCHANT TAILOR, oLarinzE, MAIN STREET, • EXETER. • A choice assortment of CLOTHS, TWEEDS, FANCY COATINGS and VESTINGS at prices that will compare favorably with other Dealers. IxameAre-Xe. notice lay the daily papers that Deetective Smith of Lonclon, has recently fined several merchants throughout the country for selliug Paris Green. It is contrail. to law for Anyone hut duly registered druggists to sell this article, and if any one in these parts, in ignorance of the law beariug on this point, has been selling it, they should stop it at (ince, for no one knows when a deteetive xray make it his business to pay any place a vieit. CARD OP TUANxs.-We have much pleasure in statism that the Confederation Life Assoeia, Hon of Toronto, through M. Manning, of Exe- ter, agent for the Counties of Heron and Perth, lute made a most satisfactory .and prompt settleineut of claims under pdiey of aesuranec (No. 4095) on the death of the late Robert H. Willsou. OUR IfOTTO-" Permanent Satisfaction." BENJ.. J. WILLSON, / j Executors, M. LEET Gents` Fatruiebings a speciality. Wingliare. June 20, 1 , 87S. R. - SI -RE .NTIER AT DISCRETION% -On Friday last LOCAL NEWS. a umber of bees swarmed in one of the shade nee- trees on Main etreet in front of Mr. Hamlin's, THURSDAY, JULY 1,1, 1878. A emmbor of pedestrians approached near St. Marys to Exeter on the east, Luean and Exeter On the South, and Clinton or Seaforth mid Exeter on the north. Copies of the pa- per are lying in heaps on the counter, and the postmasters inform tee that they cannot get the Parties whose names they bear, to take them From Junior and to Senior 2pd-W Wil kins, W Fawn, L Wilkins, E Carley, W Bats- ellkilalliJiar Sale I tard, F Snell, G HWanL,1i Smilers, If Omni - can, T Taylor, E Hoskins, B Gould, J Gould - Miss Elston, teacher. From 1st to Janior 2nd -C Fitton, A Treble, out. We don't charge the publishers auytinng E Purvis, S aworthy, G Davis, A. Ramsay, W for this information, as the postmasters don't Arrestrong, E Hayes. J Ornuicen, E tIcLach- charge 'us anything for it. lin, U Ryan, E Treble, 11 Harris, B Brooks, A Dame:rout Sennett AT New R. C. Outmere. endow:ire, G Orange, L Crocker -Mies Hicks, . . ls WI /1 the greatestpleasure that the Bey. Fa.her Kelly of Mount Carmel proposes to dedieate the church lately seemed be' him in the Tillage of Exeter, on Sunday July 21st. Morning service at 930- On the same oceasion thetbeBight v J dsh D marks iu each of the principal subjects taught Bishop of Loutiouovill be the otaciatiug cabs- , ee m the senior division. Thoee examinations braid, assisted by the Rev. Dr, Kilroy, teacher. The subjoined list contains at least three, in each 4/ass, who. have *Wall:ea at Ow weedly examinations the largest average number of Stratford, Who will deliver, undoubtedly in hit. have as far as practienble been conducted in neual'eloquenc style,; a lecture on tile "Say" mating, and judging fain the eagerness of all the debt loomed by the purchase of eaid pro- eollectioxi will be tasen iu #0,a, possible number of neves. I am follyconvineed the pupils in striving to obtain the greatest perty, a1.1110101TDa lugs and Doings of our Lord." To liquidate morning A. meted concert aud. the lecture of that these Fridays' "tette" have been proluet. Rev. rather UM' will be ta 4 Pau. Admia- lye of mu& good. It is very impertaut that. eebolars shoul1 attend selool :wanted)", sod TO CONSCHPTIVES.-The ailvertieer. a retired y s•set home. . • enough to hear the musical hum and be eon- thoroughlprepare Heir leons Oranges, Lemons. Maple Sugar, Dates, Figs, vulteett that the liesmess ends of the bees were Pechhissele:1,'a•nelheatiTjaassPirolvai,kleetiselS,ndetee7Ae'se4;ei: 6th CLASS.-Airitinetie-Gee. fiturison.let ; Janelliatelter. ft.otl; Thos. Walken arti, Gram - etc.. at Kennas Tobacco Store. in active operation. After a hasty, and as the MEN, women and children wanted to pull Lockey would " arksSiq" examination. mar--Jarie linteher, 141T. Welker. ; (leo. Haulm, 3rti. Geoeragilty-Gra Harrison. 1st,: .1. Rangier, 20 Thee:. Walker, reA.. Comp. t sition-Jane Thurber, 1st; T. Walker, 2u4; Harrison, tird. Buteher. 14; G. Harrison. 2nd; Welker. ard. Enthral Phil- eseophy-0, Harrietin. let ; T. Welker, 26t1 ; Braaten. 3rd. Algebra-Jaue Dutcher, let; ft. Harrison, 2114 ; 1'. Walker, 3rd. Metre -ye -I 3.7:41.Vaiker, 14; J. Hotelier, 2ta4t lisaTlesall. 5th Kinsman, 24; R. Roles'. 211;11 liturisent 3rd. Grant- • Kinsman, 1st ; J. ertud..an. 2n4 ; S. # Rowe. 3. E. flarwoaa and 0.CoWeilick 3ril. Saelling-L. Oke rola IL Rowe. 14; I Hiner:tan, J. Verity, A. Fitton add H. Cowen. 2ael; la Treble. Biala /hitcher and Jessie Car- I Rug 3rtil. eteligraphea-Jas. Crank= ; Bowe; 3. BOW. Iteatlisag--A Fitton ; J. Mutton; J. Verity, L. Oke tool 11. •Cown, lifeteeynej„. Cruoleatt ; R. Rowe ; 0. Cobble -aid, Seaton t';-Aritharteae-Wihnot Herd ; R Iltrelihoon; IL Eliot sea It, Pieerttt. • Hanle' ; tail ; Mullett.% Graeae nartr-W Herd; at Snell ; (irate, N Darling, B Pickard, It Hardy, It Enema, Huichineen, 31 E Treble and 3 Drew. thoetranhyeeP `Mast. ell; E Hutchinsun ; E Grigg, Elliot aud . Ilyudniatt. Reatliug-lt Hutchinson; If 'rreble ; N Darling uuti, •Cirigsr. Comaosition Ifutchinetin ; at E Treble; 13 Pickard, Junior ath ave. -41401:11010-W Carrick. 311 trr ntle4alyr.:.1ritivoltsnitaor;k0.. W Cartiek, NI treble and 1" Hurtioy. (ammo. sition-at Troblia W (amid mut la Hartlt.y, S. Meleechlin. Iteading-M Treble, Y Hartley, • A Hartlee, I truet that the foregoing expose -will incite the strutiou ., if imitable, even to greater dila gem.. Etna that these who are less imiusadous way be wakeued up to see •thtair true position, aud in future emul•tte those who have out• stripped them in the path of learniug. Timms thinoonr sion 25 eents. • a very simple vegetable reuaedy for the /way and permanent cure of consumption. without, bOntellitis. Ca molt arid all threat aeol lung af- flax. See adsertiseraent in another Catalan. !Imo the coutlition of affairs, they, with on feetioue, also a posttive and milted weenie for Pi:new:Ain-Rev. Mr. Heoper, 23. 0, /lairds- aerial naani.11150 02 tliniment..inndo beellue nervone debility, mouature dotty. and all tier - ter of alitchell. and formerly of Pleasten was in for the tither Bide Of the street. vow; complaints, estate it his duty 1{.1 'nuke it As NI EERP11.1611iti Doe. -One day last week, an enterpisriug .40g.the property of a getlenuoi in Exeter North, went into alr. Davis' butcher shop in the absence of the butcher, and walked with a leg• of mutton. When Mr. Davis dihroverthl the loss, .everyone etssmed to be ig. town on Tuesday. Svelter.- We are informed that raspberriees are not very- plentiful this season. They were injured oonsiderably by the trust last apring. ariesTnores.-Mr. Michael Maikey, of Sew forth, while attending the Exeter races on Do- minion Day was seesieneh, lee has been en. 'totem as to the ownership of the dog, for A MAASIIALL., se lamintra St., Buffalo N. the diereses eve ever siuce, taxes, lint after a few remarks hal been matte nww,-,..*,-.A.4 O. No Seratea.-Thera was ha service ht the about the deg, the jovial proprietor of the in. VITAL STATISTICS' OF THE VILLAGE OF Presbyterian Church last Sunday afterueon, ott dustri•'us canine settled for the meat. EXILTRat. account of sacrament being administered at Volt Logine's•---T0-u'tmw tFridn,Y1. being Rodgerville the same day. the Itith of Juba the greater pert of the Orange Below we give the vital statistiee of the vit. San. -0n Monday last, Mr. Thotaae Coates ehipped from :hie station. twenty -ole hetet of can* widen were purchased in this bection. They Wile sent to the 'reroute market. Vi. -As IL Abbot.L. D. S., leseee atteuti the meeting of the Itoyal Vollege Dental Suigeens, his Dental valet. will be closed fient the illSt., to the fifith iust. v. TUE sun is, now apogee,and theearth aphes lieu ; that is, the earth is uow at the greatest poseibk. distance from the luminary -about three millions of miles farther than it was ter the 314 of last Member. Samuel: Hotern.-Mr.14. Drew hascompleted his Simmer lionse,which a; the handsomest in Oda section. It situated frout of his reel. aeuce. Waitron street, and reflects great credit on our village. A Plum -Messrs Patton &Dorwura the proprietors of the Exeter flax mill, for the put. pots of retying who has the best flaoffer x, oa MAW (1 of fur the best sample of thee grown this year. A chance for 501110 person. ALMOST Rtre..-The fall wheat theong/A this section of country appears to be in most, excel- lent condition, Some of the fibres are already tinged with the golden hue. The harvesting mason will soon be npon us. Cuenca Oenereo.-The it, C. Church in Exeter, will be opened for service on Sunday a......lethe 214 inst. In the evening of Hai same day there will be a lecture deaverea in aid. of theChurch. Church. Further particulars next week. lair. \YEA:melee-The weather during the past few days has been extremely hot, the tbermorn- eter at times ranging from 94 to 106 in the shade. The rain on Sunday night last cooled the atmosphere for a while, but it was soon as hot OS ever. Atotosr Storsrnecx. -On Monday last while Mr. John Dew, of Usborne, was picking berried a short distance from Exeter, ho suddeuly felt very reak-and thinking that he was going to be sunstruckammediattlygot into the shade. It was some time before he recovered. Seem is Hen TIIROAT.-An accident of rather a peculiar nature, happened to a woman in the vicinity of the Methodist Church in this place. It appears that she was chewing a small stick, and accidentally swallowed it. The stick caught in her throat, and up to the hour of going to press has not been extracted. Ranee LIVE STOCEASSOCIATION.-A. meeting of the members and others interested ie the Huron Live Stock .Associaton will be heli at Ross' Hotel, in the town of Clinton, on Mon- day, Jetty 15, at 12 o'clock noon, sharp, for the purpose of considering the advisibility of hold- ino a Stock Sale in the fall. Mn. G. Kemp is agent for the Allan Linea Tickets at low rates, A Puma WINNER. -Mr. A. C. Beid, the noted Athlete, who for some time residea in this village, but has been living in Parkhill of late, took three first and three second prizes at Belle- ville on Dominion Day. He sprained his foot ashile in the act of jumping, there did not suc- ceed as. well as he expected. M. Reid has mince matched himself against one of the con- testants in a foot -race for la250. Ar Wonx.-We notice that Mr. A. Holland, with a couple men, for the past few days has been.basily employed aethe market square,ou the corner of 'Wellington and Main streets, ploughing up and levelliug the ground, and prepariue it for a' heevy coat of gravel. The intention is to have it ready for occupation es a market by the time the puichase of grain cam- -enemies after harvest. DIRECT Sannincee.--4. near departure in the sheep trade in this vicinity is about to be veu- tured upon by Mr. T. Coates, of Osborne, and Messrs. Pridhem & Heal, of Mitchell. Instead of allowing their purchases to pass . through the heeds of others before arriving at theit. destination, they have determiued to • send them direct to the market,. of England, and are purchasing 600 superior ebeep, which they intend shipping aboet the 20th of July. They Of old copies by calling at any one of the num- are paying, good prices. erms post CHUGS this neighborhood from known to his eythernig fellows, Actuattel Iry this motive, be will cheerfully send, iftee ot ehayge) to all who desire it, the recipe for pre- paring, and fullairectione forsuccesstolly using this providentially diseuvered renitelv. ThA1t1 W110 Vii$14 to avail theuiselves of the 1.1011eiWi uf this diecovery without costeein 110Ws by return mail, by addressing, with stamp, Dn. Vnani.ns brighten in this distriet have decide4 to cele- lane of Exeter, for the helf-year, renting atnh brate the one !market and eiglita-eighth anni- of June, 1878: VeL,Ary of the Kittle of the Boyne, ht the city Births. 25; Marriages. M; Deaths. 13. Total of Loudon *hie year. Upwards of 200 menn. number of births, marriages and deaths. 49. tiers of the enter in Cleteland, will he present. Greatest age, 76 yors; least age, 18 dap': and it pramiFes ta he the grandest denionstra- average kf,e, 28 years, 4 mouths. tion ever held. iu Westeru Outario. Arrange- Deaths under 3 years -6 rueuts have levu made with the different Itait. 1 over 3 and under 20 yeat•aeeneue tray Comp:ides to may paesengerato and from London at Yeay low rates. 0411M-r1oie417 eome inadvertency. owing probably to the eataterneut consequent on Do. minion Day, the result of the open running ratto en the first day was not correctly stated. Instead of Lada Harper winning tho let place in the two heels run. Galt Reporter WAS the winuen, Lady Harper having onty 3ra place. instead of Plowboy. The last tueutioned here(' was a trotter; not a runner. In the running race, on the second day. (hat Reporter's name spinal, have been first in the summary, though his place in each heat is correctly stated. RtreetwAv.-Yesterday, a Alfred Drew, son Mr. W. Drew, wet leading a spirited horse, wIfielt wwt attOehett to a baggy, it ran away. The animal started off on a trot a first, bu; finally took too gallop, and as it only had on a halter the, boy was unable to hou the furious brute, which ran at a rapid speed around the center of Huron street, thence up Main street for a short distance, when it turned into the stable belonging to the Commercial Hotel, whore it stopped. The bridle, which AIL was going for, was then put on the mummy horst-, and taken home. No damage done to either horse or begat,, but the the boy was bruised considerably by the buggy running over him 44 et 20 a. 301 It fa .4 4. " 30 " 40 " none " 40 0 50 " 2 0 5i) 60 " .1. 69 4. 79 .. o 70 1. so 14 1 CAUSES Or MAIL Consumption, 2 eases; Convulsiorts, 2 eases; Heart Disease, 2 CAVA 7, Apoplexy, 1 ease; Gangrene of Lung,a. 1 rase; Inflammation of Lungs, 1 case; Purpura Ilemorreeicea, 1 case; Inflammation of 130wels,1 case; Brain Fever, 1 CM. Tun EXAMINA.TIONb. The midsummer examinations of the Exeter Public Schools were held daring last week, the mime rooms being subjected to a written examination upon the iesults of which in ow junatiou the weekly exAminations Itela under the direction of Mr. Gregory awing the term, the 114 of promotions is based. On Thursday and. Friday the pupils were examined orally by PRESENTATION. Tbo following are copiee of the addresses Mr. Rodgers, a teacher from Stephen. Quite a men. whish aceompaniea the peeeentations made to member of visitors pat in an appeerance, cam a growing inter est in eaucational matters Misses Monona McPhillips and Spicer by on the part of our villagers. Prominent among the Pupils of the school under their charge. them were iter. Messrs, Pry,ari and G. tk. Mit. Miss McDonell and Miss McPhillips each re- cite% LA., both•gentlemen-of superior eetto, ceived a handsome silver cake basket and Miss lestieeattainmente'srud high Spicer was made the realpient of an ornament - A. Gen IN HARNESS. --We Hake that John The readiness and accuracy of the pupils in Gillespie, proprietor of the 'bus, hs put an- answering the sometimes difficult questions other vehicle cu the road, drawn by a a quad- ruped not often seen in harness in this country, a goat. The animal, which is the property of Mr. R. Pickard, has been on the street several times, and is very docile in harness. He was attached to a small wagon, and could draw it nntst have been highly gratifying to the teachers and visitors.al•ra-M-IttaReerebrugh. who formerly taught the school, and under whose careful tuition the pupils -mettle, rapid and substantial progress, also asked the classes a few questions and expressed himselfets well with apparent ease, and his independent, pleased with tbeir proficiency. Neat little haughty carriage, as he marched stoically I speeches were inntle by several of the visitors, along, impressed one with the idea that he all of V110111 Spoke in terms of commendation fancied himself arauging the valleys free." if of the work accomplished by the teachers dm - one intenclea ;ming for a doctor for a sick per iug the year. A very agreeable di. ersion in son, however, it is not likely he would select a goat to haul him. His pace is made to suit his own convenience and the ideas of propriety which as a he-goataie no doubt feels he should observe. A MISHAP. -On Tuesday last a young lady named 'McQueen, daughter of Mr. Peter Me - Queen, of Osborne, was driving northward through the village, and when opposite the post office a slight puff of wind blew her hat off. She turned the horse to one side, and having secured her hat through the gentle - manliness of a bystander, she was about con- tinuing her jou.ruey when the right front wheel of the buggy flew off and let the axle to the ground. The horse was frightened and darted away atfull speed, but the young lady was equal to the emergency. She did not shriek and fall fainting from the road, but she pulled herself together, grasped Inc tines firm- ly in her hands, and hauled the horse up in quick order. By some means, a nut had loos - ailed and ;ellen from the axle. After securely fastening the wheel, Miss McQueen was ena- bled to proceed .home, none the worse for her little fidventure. connection with tae examination was the pres- entation of a testbnoriial in the shape of a handsome silver eeke basket to Miss ifiacdon. ell and another to Miss McPhillips, who are retiring from teaching. An address accom- panied the preseuttttion. It will be found en another column. Miss Spicer was also grate- fully remembered by her pupils. and received a beautiful writing desk. Annexed is the list of the list of promotions, with the names of the three highest in retch class, as furnished us by Mc. Thus. Gregory: evnneez ATTENDANCE. First Division -T. Gregory, Terteher.-48•5 ; Second Division, Mare Maedonell, Teacher,43.4; Third Division, Miss Spicer, 'reacher, 47-2 ; Fourth Divisinn,Mies111oPhillipe, Teacher,48.9 ; Fifth Division, Miss Elston, 'reacher, 46-5 ; Sixth Division, Miss Hicks, Teacher, 58 ; Total number of names on the general regis- ter, 447.1 PROXOTIONS. From 4th to 5th class -H. Elliot, E. Grigg, E. Hutobintion, • From Junior 4th to Senior 40i -W. Brown, M. Treble, N. Harrisou, F. Hartley, A. Hartley, W. Carrick, . Ida Clark, 5 Too Ban. --A. certain publication in its last MeLtudilin-T. Gregory, teacher. issue, iu a desperate effort to convince the pub- From Seuior 3rd to Junior 4111-13 Grigg. lie that it has a circulationoays that ever lance M Bacrett, R Crunieltn, E Brown, M CroleY, theycommencedpublicationabevhave been corn- a Down, Ida Carling, L Drew, It Hoskins- pelled to print from 75 to 100 copies each week Miss Macclontal, teacher. more than were required for their genuine sub- From Junior 8r11 to Senior 3rd -Jas Mc- ecribere, and wind up this remarkable assertion Phillips, lo Johns, L Down, 8 Kellaway, 1M by lamenting that they cannot obtain a single Robinson, M Hamlin, E Bissett, 3 Creech, J baok uumber. This ib really too bad. We Acheson, J Gould, E Hyndman-Mies t picer, never like to see a newspaper so unfortunately teacher. 11.. . e situated, and are happy to be able to inform the From Senior 2n11 to Junior fird-BItlenley, publishers that they may obtain any number W Stunle, E Oath, 0 Eacrett, 2 Bewclen, D Tait, J Davis, I Carling, (i Baledon, W Snell, W Sell -Miss McPhillips, teacher. .0 al writing desk: To Miss .31cDonell anti Miss McPhillips. DEAR TEACIM11S,-We take this opportunity of expressing onr appreciation of your valuable sarvices during your stay amongst us. Your untleing and unflagging zeal in striving to momote our general welt .re, and in imparting knowledge to us has made a lasting and favor- able impression on our youug minde., We trust that your labors among us may be the means of doing much gooti, and in years hence you may see the good effects which yonr ener- gies deserve, and that the genus of thought implanted by you in our minds may ever reflect credit upon you. We need scarcely say that we AT, sorry yon a: e going to leave us. We would express our unanimous wish that wherever you go and whatever sphere the fut- ure may c dl you to move in, your happiness may even exceed your highest anticipations. In concluding, IVO offer you as a small token of our appreciation and esteem these gifts, and we trust that whenever yen look at them you will think kindly of us. Wo remain, dear teachers, YOUR AFFECTIONATE PUPILS. max. DEAR Crrxrantxx,-We most heartily thank you for those expressions of love aud kindness which are contained in your beautiful address ; as also for the very handsome gifts with which we have beet/ presented on this the last day of our teaching; and, let ue assure you that we will always tteasure teem as reminiscences of the many pleasant days we have spent among yoneaud of the many happy faces that greeted us hi the schoolroom ; and we trnst that you will always possess the same respect and esteem for your feture teachers as you have always evinced for us. Again we thank you, dear chilIren, for this tokeu of your affeetion, and regret that we aro about to leave you, but tut there are many meetings and greetings yet in store for us. Saran MoDoenate MAGGIE E. MCPHILLIPS. ADDRESS. Miss Spicer Prole TeAcuEu,-We, your pupils, upon tide theve of our separation for holidays, wish to exprete our appreciation of the Wildly interest you him; ever taken in our welfare. Dnring the time you have beau with me we have felt that you have had mu, interest at heart We trnst that should IVO meet again as teacher and pupil, our intercourse in the future inky he as pleasant and profitable as it has been .in the past. This little token of our love. we beg you to accept, not looking at its iutrinsic value, but as a memento of our affection for you. Signed on behalf of the pupils (Baith HYndman • Jessie Gould • BANKRUPT GOODS 1 in Mr. Charles Southcott's new block -four doors north of the Post Office Goods Fresh and Nice, and at ABOU HALF PRICE ! Must be Sold Right out andno istake