HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-11, Page 4Tfl• TlldEs
Jury .. , 1878
'!w • etor Omits.
' 14Eld0(5D OR IGNORANCE.:.._
"sae a matter of fact h*s farm isone
0.1 the most poorly n auage t iu the eouuity,
Ver the last ten years he has tried to raise au
nehard, said ave are creditably informal that
te hAs xlot a halt dozeu fruit bearing trees yet.
1, ho trouble was that lie'shale new keep his an ed o u'' •
the next Parliament, which we 'see no
reason to doubt, he will in all proba-
bility again be made. Finance Minister.
Ooufideuoe will then be restored, and
with the proteotirre policy which Sir
John will initiate, we may reasonably
expect a renewal of that prosperity
which abounded on every baud while
the affairs of the country were conduct-
ed on principles of wisdom, prudence
•- gates hinged steel Itis orcllarel and been were c A my uuder a Conservative Ad-
'op1£t.,rtable pastures for cattle aud hogs. Fie ministration,
utuallvspeut eonsiderable Fllins iu gardening, A ser great number of the Reform
.nu3 the poorest malt. fila. Itis towesilie would y
:rave been ashalnrii xtt the result. if one wants
Se see 1)9ra 404.10 on one " c+" swinging to
elle breeze, cattle and pigs d". the garden. and
:r;:llard, ierrees d.1t3lei,F ate :, tiii•th;s in the
',suet, corners and over the tend, the farm of
riznotby cf.tuhtiu. I "l.. (sill fill the hill. The
retie is, he 1, liut7wn ahuomg leis neighbors a -t1
�vetnlr Witter; and it has not ban in that
3litn4� t4,at be has anode money, bat in Heat
tarty., buying and e+. u in this he has
ave.' hitt a III. .4derat. 5411.•,` .s. lie was leftiu 1:lave his coffice anBeek a renewal
xire nn. t 111et l"ti his tether, mei tlLa� it -high d sir John at porktop on Wednesday
"extravagance" of Sir John, it was
expeoted, would act as an offset to the
frightful waste and extravagance of the
Mackenzie Government in every de-
partment of the public servioe except
the Militia departb. eut, over which that
intensely loyal man, Mr. Jones, has the
honor to pteeide. There may be some
Reformers who consider that 1tlesera.
Blake aid Mackenzie cid the country
great service in pointing outthe
amount of Sir John's cab hire, and
there may be some Reformers who
papers throughout the country, feeling consider that the expenditure is a jus-
tification for the Gnderich Harbor,
Neebing hotel, Keininistign a ,lanai,
and Paten cow rat jeb4, and the Anglin
inadvertency ; but if there be such we
would corninend to their careful consid-
eratiun the following reply made by',
alarmed lest air. Tilley should again
t his powerful iutiuence and exer-
cise his great talent io the interestse of
the 1.Joutiuiou, are endeavoringto be-
ittle him and cast upon him the stain
of diellenor because he has seen fit to
• �
Tee ei hie wal;la Las teem ata wry tuatier- Of etawfltleuce from the people whom hen last. Sir John eael ;--•- '1lirl bearers
;.. rate.'' ee long and ao ably represented. One ',might have seen in t to newspanertl
The aUttra is from the Parkhill d,1,• 'visna(;I1003 Pot (leaf • another, but "An attack a tort hint, beet -twee there
are, and more uutrtttltful and nus ar• J y 1
mutable statements never appeared In on
men who affect to be horrified at “appeared in the Public) Aecounts a
Mi. Tilleeee contemplated return to •eeltart a of of 400 as his expenditure
a newspaper. Thera: is not a word of
•rutb in theectract from be i11ning to
*ltd, and the uewal)tlper 114414 dt?ticetadr
� use such coward's wl;anorts as elaGovernment, should remember that e.tinwn.trndtien tax. p;at•nrs ofL'amada,
they (tefikn(li'd li', nerirto tanto bee d
ter meet have a Moor cause to champ- sceuded from the 11.'nch to tomtit plat 1
eu, "Aa a matter of fact," there lone
h lineal el t 1. tature. T11(. tic « a. few ,,
a hett4lr mauaaQed farm in the (:oalitty l u t e � ° L g 1 I retuiex, and uhtit a months h(
lee reply is at alltimes a weak one, but ,"fore he left office, his salary was $5, -
Ian Mr. Coughliu'e. "3.s a matter of it] this caw it should eertaaiul have the ,a
'et," :Itis. 4'eaut;hliu has one of the bet 000 a year, Ire wlt>, obliged to peep
effect of cl()aing the mouths of tilos,. I „up11ii peeitinu as Fired, Mb -lister. Ile
"' cltarda in the tttavtiehip. U gates at;li'•rigk:tevcis, carping it div ieivals wha t e. a e not afford to !wee a Carr lege,
e acrd alw(aya have ben praperlc fetal, Ul jectioue to :Gtr. Tilley's re-entry c 141 1 ,
„ansa, anti ot11erwi(se cared for, !lie tato public life. But tunes and dream-
- Imes are ill. (.noel order, mei evl:ry.'thitwg 1
-danced suer caaeie. When Mr. Mosso
Parliament after filling a gubernatorial e•in cab hire•—a gum wttiuh be 11na ao-
positiou in the gift of the Dou;idiot "+tunny taken out of the pockets of the
••(l,etught(er.) Well, it was quite true.
•e(lZenew(•t1laughter.) labile he wn^.
••arca he was obliged to foot it. Ili,
"office and his house Aute tao toile'+
"•away from the rehi4lenee of the lee.
.raft*, 51r. (`suit;1itt"s form bears the ' .•error•Goneral, Gills wbtern. 1i ➢1ttd i
:, descended into the political arena. after
:1 of tiditleee anti comfort- He is a olio in eoneataut cumlmnoie.otinn. and
:velaling the trains there w.a• uo spec. ""I>e really t➢taught lee cera rle� of C,tteo.
1 h e e t1t1t minrt t.f ov11 ills tla(> 1 t
era9 m'n 1 d g .4 tat ve eeositf for Itis sett abneettli•le .ells 2.)11131 t►fi•ertl to pray' tri-: cab°. ire ire
1'eof?le: CanllaJt ray w e +roil wand. Ile , u . ,d not staaml •u need of 1 "and fro. `(.sheers 1 And yet this
is liUQwP, not as a slovenly farmer, but The toil try tit >tI > need t y
hie services. The politica of the Prov "had 1.(en brought up as a charge
at one who takes a pride In maltinghiti+-•a"•aiutat hitu, (Longbow.) It was fo
nice depended on, were subservient (e i ^
Earth a m «rel, mad though .lila (imps -
tem of esule buyerand legs important than the politico cit
etdlr. iihn front holtac
tlrx. Dominion. In the 1.'rcol lions •.
a good deal, he never allows, the wort: ttr;t.tiuu 4 of a lileely !octal elaarltute►e,
on his farm tc fall behind, and to that ret I:i.iu ■ teconoln • a rd ire adt.~,iuiie.
end pays a Ulan more wages than any . 1 y 1
hdWhether (ratios ability present lllntilaelvee for
er farther til Canada. or
r'' the c uneidetation of the legislaulrs,
not he has t Ile abed much wealth nt while, brow; ntationtal anti great Anes
t ittle bnying we are not hi a putiti4ln bolas afivetiug the meet vital into eats
t l say, bttti WWO lUAnw t. 110 Lie is iu of the wholo Dominion, mid requiring
f.lrtal,lo eileninuttati(1•'a=, cr,•ry cent oft r • n trained the concent anon c f k ained iutelleat'
which be made by
hit awn iu(trt iirt' an" all (ltd gnatitiea P°8808011 by
thrift and persevering tell. He never statesmen etlgupe the attention i f the
"be remembered that star lits five years
•'work be got $"2.5,(100, white :'fir. 11ac•
"lienzio had had no leen than $40.00(1
.,for 1•t+,era'iu4et4 fur n 4111113r pi mod o
• Bair, and be (Sir Julln) would
•"nnderteko to en y thee that if
\1r. Mackenzie w.nrld l4J►v th4, dinar.
"epee bete yen $40,000 awl, 115,1100--
•'tvhich wee $15.00 t• -'into the '1't•( ay.
.eery, he (Sir Joint) voinl,l pay beCli. in -
•'to the '1aease*ry: the $401 he paid f,i
eel).hire. 1',emelt ter and aliplanee.;.
s uere was n fair ellen• ego, and if Mr.
i'J1aekenzie Ilial not nevem it, he ought
,"at least to say nn .(note about stab
received the e311ghtest tied from his fa. 1 (Applause)
members of the House of Ce nneons "burs, (A pt • ) •,
THE people ehauld remember this:—
The great question to be decided at tate
polls is, shell we allow American malt•'
ufaetttrers, merchants And agrioultur
fists to send their goods into this ctiull-
try on payment of a, merely nominal,
duty, and in very many instances duty
free, while' Canadians of every' occupa-
tion are compelled to pay enormous
duties to obtain a market for their
goods in the United States. Let tlleuL
remember that every bushel of grain,
every piece of m.►chieery, every piece
of woolen goods brought into Canada
drives that much Canrldien produce to
1i14d customers in other comutri.;a.
L BY AUCTION.—Tie undersigned has been.
instructed by Mr. John Su1allacowbe to sell by
public auctioaouthe prexnises on Tuesday,. July.
30, 1878, at two e'cI9'ck p. tn., that sir'eudid farts,
being Loot 18, (•oueession 7, lisborne, containing
lee acres-^^fare(clefts bribl,, 'louse and good frame
bulldfugs---80 ac -es cleared anti woll tented, good
areha*,1 gaud plenty of water, convenient to
char( hesandsollools,4 miles float E•r.er No
butter 1u)plovedta'al, And no betterfarm .111 the
'township of Uat,orne Positively no resoryc
T1:lalila.--ren per cent of the numbest/ money
oil the day of tale; $2,(410 in 3 mouths, said the
balance, to suit purchaser, at 7 per cent. For fur-
ther particulars apply to the proprietor on the
1'rennees.,.J1)HN S0ALLAC04111I;. Proprietor.
ISIS1rt)P, Auctioneer.
J013'11.1878 ;it
:'i&1 itlAO1':S.
SwENi;t't•0\•—Itounarrsox.—At the residence of
the bride's sister, Township of Malabble, Co.
of Elgin, by the Itcv. 11r. Saualers. On the
37th of June, Mr. 'Wilson S•vcnertou, of
tieusal:, to Mks Robertson, of hatter.
JACKSON--t'L.Anlrortn.-•-At the residence of the
THE POI.U' I;LAKE E\GLRSION- hlide'1- father, Tueliersmi111, ou the 1st iui:t.,
by the Rev. Mr. Cameron, S;lu>ne1 T. Jack -
sou. n olHei, to June, eldest daunlhter ut
Ti, the Editor of the Times. john Cz11lCi,erd. A:sq,
Dx:AIt 5111,-Ti,imking Glint many of __
the readers of your paper Weald take .►a rge¢KET
an iuterd t in readlug the edventnt'2s reel ti,J.e:xr.
5 ► K ttit(5 ‘`la,‘," 93 t 10 fro
the (fir .1:'*lAntlt+, R ho left Port Bloke •e,ttIla to
.Iter, who, being still alive au& is tt'el lir. 114Jwat cmmv to at11 etreil#;th tri!
enjoyment of the best of health, could is dominant llrr.ty:, tvltii�h c(rrtlaizily wast • PROSPECTS.
not very oonveutently have left ills
son Timothy in "goon circtttlzetance ."
'The Gazette eauuot offer any good and
>+z tient justifieation fur the publica-
'urn of this unmanly att1tek on Mr.
t`teugltliu, It either published the elan -
Jere contained therein, in ignorauce of
ee that it is sal writing ab:nit, or with the
intentton of lying point lti:Ililc to injure
it political opponent, and now that we
have shown hits that the statements
are untrue, we hope the editor will
have the manliness to rnake the amend:,
honorable, and give the same publicity
to a retraction of its elauders that it
gave to their circulation. If he do not
adopt tilts u curse he will brand himself
as an unprincipled slanderer and un-
intitigated Iiar.
A. telegram in Monday's papers con-
tained the announcement that Lieut.
Goveriior Tilley. of New Brunswick,
hart forwarded his lesigualiou to the
Dotnietiou . Goverument at Ottawa.•.
This news will be gratifying in the ex-
treme to the people throughout the
Donhiuion, who, without respect to
party, have not the slightest .eunfideoce-
iu the nonentity who Jtt preset con-
trols the fitmecee of the Domininn..
The record 'uf e.f r, P+altwe igllt's fir an
eiering is camposed solely of blunder-
ing g and iieermveieucy. Through him
the Dotuioi'om has lost iuntold wealth,.
and has been brought t.i the verge of
national banfrruptcv.. `There is an en
tire dissimilarity between hint aud Mr.
Tilley, Whn,s,lthongh he occupied the p
sit:i.ou of Fi„aiaco Minister for only it
street tidte, yet managed his depart- eloUald, and ati,ernp'ted to show tine
meet scl well that the Wholo.body of the people tIOLt•ttle :conntry bit(1 lost the
electors reposed ill bine uelllnited.con- enorm&us 9unl of x;400 through his
not a party of ,pure, atlutil(istratiort and
economy. The - DumilliOti is iu the
thi'ooe of 'f eet:clai and commercial dis-
tress, and requiree every lean of patri-
otic sentiment to make personal sacri-
fices and submit to serious inennveni-
euces in order that we may again be
pieced in the safe acid sound position -
we occupied five veers ago. Above all
(nett is Mr, Tilley qualified to perform
,•n important service to the Dominion.
His knowledge t 1 our financial affairs(,
his wisdom, his carefulness, his hon-
esty.. his integrity and his ability are
well known. aud they are needed ; aced
the fact that be is eviliing to throw
away a good xalary and the no mean
honors attaching to a Lieut. GoverJlor-
.hip and plunge again into the turmoil
and heat of a political conflict for the
benefit of a suffering clauutry, ie per se
;uflicient to prove that be has 00 other
.tum to doing ma: 110 contemplates than a
ilf•hire to restore the Dominion to its
former pro.,petity.r For tat:king the
step hie resignation implies, he deserves
the higbeet aciennendittinn of all men ;
for do we not, sheeld we not all as
Caun,Iians, with ogle common intone!.
suffering mud prospering wii:11 oue an-
other, desire to sole tlx want lifted
uut of the - Slough of Desprud, into
whish incapable administration --a ""fly
onthe wheel" poliny—leas lelunged it ?
Nt}\'SEiVt;f3. none of them cared to do, 11e found no
dilliiulty in p1 tcing Hine hors de combat.
Mr. Drake at '1't;aeweter, and Mr. The prospeote are that be will be elected
Mackenzie fit several places made let by it handsome majority, to matter who
4erenee to tate cttb !lire of -Sir John Mac. may oppose him -Whether that umfor-
turate individual be )1r, Greenway cis
lir. M. 0, Cameron. However, we
would press upon oner friends the ne-
fi(tenee Le fihlaj3Ctal matters. • No doltbts wastefulness. They proved their Case: testify o£ working 00i,9tautly and etler-
1 1'ei . r 4 3 1, SirJohn' had Ilea etivally, It wid not do :0 rest upon
o L1H p sacra ed the ahe'n he' •They ptoved;t'tlw3 J h p {( .
wee l~'ivancse• l4lluiater. NO "fly an the this ilnm(lnae shut. . Tlry diJ not tira6ke, seer oar8 uu the asntrwnce -of victory.
whoel'see ,a17rts. alloWed .tc'f ooutrot
p .v,
!:lid actions. De<Ii+sits (hitter him , w.etu
nnki)uwn, and Mari. rim ' 4 dere unheard
of, Should Mr. Tilley be returned to
Tho wisdom of the U.tnservative
party in South Hui on in bringing out
a liana of especial ability, as Mr. Porter
is on all hands by It, formers and Cnn-
4ervalivelialike, conceded to be, has
been simply demonstrated in both his
p(Jbiic aid private intercourse with the
people in all parts of the titling. We
felt at the time of his nomination that
whoever our candidate might be, so
long a8 110 teas 1311 honest LIMB, he was
certain of election, owing to the royal -
elan in popular feeling on political
cinetitiians,resuttiug from incapacity a:Id
real-mdministretion of our preseu1
rulers. But Mr, Porter's candidature
made "assurance doubly sure," His
tour throuell the ridiug was in every
respect more successful than he or his
frie:nus expected. At no previous
time in the history of the county did
so Marry ueople come together at pt.l ti
cal meeting:(, which fact. proves that
the people are taking a great interest
in elle living gae'1111118 that divide the
tion parties. While uo dnnbt, the ull-
populurity of the Gflvernmeet and tbeil
tuitions trade policy excited a good des
of the interest manifested to therlflitig'
yet - Mr. Purtor's ability, which the
electors had heard of, attracted a large
number of the people. His handling
of the question of frae trade aud pro-
teetien 13335 particularly able, aud
on Dnu.l J a'u nay, l Imre oaten time to 51.1(1' (1 W err
unrrate It ieW it,enlent8 o1 the trip. rtli ::: ... �.: :: 9 ^i`.-', t 1 95'
The lllap;+latae to he.)11it3 wn its plt'nti .., o a: to u
(tut as could bo deeded, the cahhl,ese 1 e ... a el w 0 •.',5
the lelie, nod all elm of 1'owdeiste ... e ei to', 10
enabling all to elljuv ill•'ill'tivett in tht ... ... (4 09 to) lis
particular ln0.1111nt that bestsnit edthele .t t ::: ... a 0310 a 70
Some lietene to the musks furuisl;t.•.': , .. 3 ut• to 't co
d 1(11 7 t 14•tut7:4
cy the b04111, 'tI '_) 4 Hili hyalite mid ► tl d e'e .., ,t 14) to (3):
t( 1 t ,. a .,ft 0 i ata
anthems, whit" net .s few passed tie ... a lei to a oil
tittle it) Widal COW:er:atinti, Mbit(+ "e),nf. 11 t -.. ... 1.; to 1 to
... Hou to 900
It.•d t•11
1231" ...
t� lour per 111.1
'Utettue, ): r ±•
a, ...
tl)1 l s,
per bag
alts . q4• lis e... ..
u314, ress.. aper.
.114,.•(94( 4W. P,Lt' 1 ...
,ley ler son
r191n„n per bosh .... ,..
eyes looked love to eye's.' One (1) tate
iudivid►utls tvhe 111141 fauna rhe lute'
water too strong fur them were
Q elt:oupy more ronin than they pail(
for, but the equines 110" Ilan eu t1/:t1 r'
:ie;llt nem truant in trop ht'ld`weuld lis,
.urnisht,d (baht, hid need them to rrfr.ti
from en3t,aing themselves at the expellee
at utherl. About 2 1). lits. we tottered
the St. Clair (seer, the Canada, ride 01
which promoted a lifvely 19'pearancr
Large crowd.' ere goatee ed together,
viewing different games. The boat
iirat ini.ored at Part Huron, to give
time of the excureioniets tthn 1‘1e)1••d
see the States stn opportunity e,1
whcieveran opponent met Win, which
,luirtg 634, Thr nlnjeirity dill 3301 teas,
:he boat till it croteeeci to Sari,m. Wt
44'f:• S trnlr. on the retllra► trip til t;
.,'clock, with every pr41s�'kct or -!ave»!!
.a delightful time going Immo. N (bile;
weer: e(1410 dieter') tile enj'Iy tarot of all
till idiom Mee li-etaut(, whet► ii stili 1
breeze st rang up in the R•(•eat. Th(' -'-
bt>at began to roll beavilv,antl 1t beeline
neeeseary to e+leer fur the S. Clair taw
""t of
more, while hope; cif peeling Port
lelalte that eight wee ab,andt,ued. Tht'
most of the patseemtler1 beemee 1p ale ly
snarled. The unit0 of the wind ate •
the waves, the pitching of the boat aced
-he sight of WO human hemp with
bowed heads mid aapee1 month., "set
:ling up," forte t3 cowbio'Woe that will
oevt r fade trot» the memory of any
• hat right 4an b''artl the 'Grtee. e (+1. inn.
motel." This 31)ndituon -of nffuirs Can.
aimed until 2:30 a. n1. Tnee,diay, when
the bunt got once more aside the dock
at Sarnia. It wee thee raining. heavily.
Vile rain and the cold wind (made the
t.ituatiou far from being pleasant. Fee
of tilt passengers were acquainted with
the town, and ulnae that did know any•
tiling about h telt inn miserable to
1nove. So the majority stayed On the
boat till daylight. 'Fhe appearance of
the crowd was ""tough" in the extreme,
and everyone felt as brad as he looked.
At daylight, all made for the hotels,
wli(/te there was a utile more comfort
then on the boat.
Tuesday forenoon was spent in anxi-
ety, as to hew we were to get horse.
A special traiu left for Pnrkbill at 12:80
with the sickest crowd that had ever
undertaken to celebrate ))e,tnieion Day.
Froin the time the special arrived at
Parkhill till suusot, the road from there
to Pert Blake was Bard with people
making their way to their. teams. Sr ale
ivera fortcintate enough to ubtltiu a ride
there, °there had to tramp it.
1 A goad deed of . g' Lunbling at the
met:ager of the exuirsket was helnlged
in, though he could [meaty be held re-
dpo1.183ble for the roughness of the lake.
Instead of blaming anyone for uhal
wee u-tntvoidable, fell should be thankful
that they got beck -without atiy si'riou.-
accident. Tbis is the 0(3i14in14 of a
SBA SIoe P .ssieeGlia.
an 'attempt to prove that it had not
been a ee:Jt It ,i'.uuatel y • and.' in trml>-
! h
(tasting 1110 bue4inel;a of- 1101 C/unity
but they insinuated that it had not. hundred.
A mere victory is 'not ell that We ex -
bot we should, tri.vo to- swell, 'the
ni 'sent-uutt! 1t reaches two or this" e
to NI
•n'ar ... e 4 4 1.1 (1 4:t
% sol, per lb �0 2') to at til
(taoix,rtottr.�-;tll.lrla by 3. (a albndt34,e1•r1s1
)o'1 ,v•4,+•at.pe,r boom. ..... . ,.. • .. 84 t,. U OR
e,.rr4/ A a':), .., . ,. is r.. I' 4pr
:tray 90 t 4a 43
•v. to.1„...!:.!`
.. ,a Gra 1,44
*+.tK .. 0 1' tt, it .:#
'.*1 0. 1 3'0 i'tE . - , , t) rlt t*' 13 131
'.31.1,•., „ , I •4.: Gtr 1 ,i
of pee .14 e4 u} t0 (a t•4i
$tit rr".ii,"....
0('2t O(47
.'.alts percwt ... 4 41 to 4 CO'
24'34, t,eer •(., la (1 3 a t., a !• 1
t,.... -,..tri to 11)
"Gal i. i t 1 4 4,41
stet l a4 i te•/r ;+
•1htti"',fein.a. , .... ..... - .. )4 «.+ t0 tis laa6
1tk*1ri.#r.r. a.,tr557s,
fall i1'tr:at $ 1114 to Or,
wt•.ett wh,e.tt ....,..... a alis to 0 0;,
ovoiro 7 wheat ....... .. 14 11`4 to p ea
,:rtes... 34itilitt) +.0
,.,, 4 , .. . ----------------------- r,4 `,1 r,,;.
813.4_ _. -,a 7,,
tat0a... v tAi (4►
-.1ce.'t+ shins 73 t0 55
'togs .. ..., .. 4 (3a". to (et
stuffs( 1t 114 fe+ 142
1°I•• .. .., .. 0 ('9 to (1111
tvl)ut 0 :: tax 4y'34
l ru'PICE+.—I herebyforbid 1.11y par
snn;p wingg or reeeiviug Money on account
of the estate of the late Wi t. Mitchell, Lot 15,.
0014.5, Stephen, without ins written order or con•
sant, as I am the only person legally authorized
to transact( said business. JUi1N" 14ILTO1V,LL, sr.
July 11,1878
L 11e (11;, -•
You will find the Largest as-
,orrtIuellt of Silks, Millinery
Mantles, Dress (foods, Kid
Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of
Valley Dry Goods.
1T's:l.lfi)les and Dresstnahiug
un.ler the Hanan. eluent of a
Lady of long experience. Lad-
ies can depend on. getting tho
latest and most Fashionable
Styles of the Season, tit Mod -
rate Prices.
Wedding and Mourning Otlt-
1its ;ot up oil the Shortest No-
Orders by mail will receive,-
eceive;prompt attention:
refers' Lt..8t, 1878, ..11isn]'rilprtl-ly
of Exeter, tt o. o0 itorort.
��a`T' OTICE is hereby, given that I have
trausmiltel or delivered to the -persons,
month mod in the third and -fourth see1ioes.of the
Voters' Lists :1,ct he copies,required by 3.14103300 -
tion to be lo, transmitted or delivered of the List
made 1)ui'eliant to said Aet, of unperson?' appear
ing by last revise • As.esemcut non of the Bald
Municipality at lecfions for' Members of the
Legislative Assembly, mud at Municipal Eloctiors;
and that the said list was trot posted up at my
otlice at Exeter a .the 9th day of July, 1878, and
roluaiue there for inspection.. 1706107s are called
upon to examine time said list and if any o1is-
Brous or any other erreie are funndthereiu to take
immediate proce dings to., ltayethe laid errors,
corrected. u,ccord ng to law
Dated July 11 1878.
3t M .1'
:EACR1T, Clerk of said Municipality
Crediton, starch 7, 1878.
140 Dundas t• London
Royal mail Steamships.
will sail on July 38th. 9h ,rtsst Batt pss18430 For
speed, comfort; acouo,ny awl so tuts are oe,ual err
any other,telautie Line, land being ta, Oa',ad1a>,
Li1le,shoule lie patronized by (til Canadians, Por
particulars as to p1(4isage or parties sending for,
their f •fb cis, apply to
CAPT. G. KE MP, EKeter.
Next Door to halter's Hotel.. Parties wantir:g.
first-class work 'will find, it :to their 4ava,46age to
pall before leuylug their orders el3013310rp. only -
st-cress Mart ,•i:.1 os(d. Sewed work a specie lity: -
Iicpia'iric;.tprotnptlyattended to. -
01l.u,a TOPilta:ii L>;.t1.