HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-11, Page 3JULY 11, 1878 THE FESSLER FIASCO.. TUE CANTON DEFAULTER YIELDS re TUE T,I,TO tE AND RETURNS NOME—WHAT ytl$S FEESLEIt tfNOWS OF THE MATER. George Fes•ler, the Stark County (Ohio) `I're:[auver, who stole in the 2leighborhoud of $60,000 on the 22ud of June, end who enbsequeutly came to London, Orltarin, and thence to Ham- iiton, where 120 was slrreett•,l, was up before the Police Magistrate in that city on Thursday af'ernootl, on the charge of briuging stoleu gods into Canada. The ease did not go to trial, however, as Tessler Rnnouueeal himself willing to give up the 5, 2G,57'i.75, which he bad deposited iu he London & ving,a' Societie::' .i3 ink, and to ;;o over to Cann- ton and stand his trial for the balance. It appears th it the reason why the course above stated was resolved on Iroise from the fact: that Fesster hath incriminated himself slAciently to make it certain that he would be sent to the peititeUtinry for at least a couple of yearn it tie allowed the cage to go to trial, The fset is, be has preyed Win - self to be a man thoroughly unable to eatery oast as swindle ; he has been too 'honest for that. First of all, tie eon. reseed to taking the tnoney net of the vault ; it %,43. ►all in greenbacks. Nest. to hgvlllr,g bought a Balt said rt.IL'd the money in it, placing the Elton rolled hie waist till ho got to rhiG a'; •, where tin bought a va"ise, ant pti.ot:di the belt— money and all—thereie►, putting Hie Suns �a�e whole in his trunk, 1.-Imr,day noun i + u,vat�.CaL$ be Ori ived in Is " rlon, Detective l oin• emus., of ilaullttuu; faith# tf, 4iidld;r, and; Lemie Dumont, hie bondsmen" and his dlaalgtl er ace "ulnanying hitt. lir. W, A. f,ynch, the County Coulmis..i m- eet( Selieitor", of (;tannin, alit Mr. Os- ier, Q. C., Cr•twn Attorney, of Hata- Eau, alctemtpaleiedi him. The party heft by the aftern'wu train for Cleveland, Ohio. Previous to leaving. a reporter interviewed Miss Ada Feeyler in rcigard to her ffathez'e trouble, and also Mr, C. A. :ton herty, I�ertelur'a e+tn•i2:slaw, 11Lias 1"'en•'ler i'i apparently about twenty years old, hits a ltieesnnt laddrees, but seem to feel quite keenly her father's disgrace. The son -in law is hetweeu twenty-five and thirty years old, The reporter Satin® Mohs FLtaeler, have you anything you would like to bay rrintive to your father`s trouble ?" "Well," aid he, "I would like to have a correct account of the finding r < f the tuoncy itt our house ptiettt'd. The papare have all g that wiong, and hove done us injustice. All I want isltn hare to correct statement made ublic." Said the Reporter—"I would like to hear your account of that." Miss liaise ler•then eaid—"lir. Creech and Mr. Shafer acted w.ithitu•authority irl gettieg the money. Thy clime to the Imte,e, tuned loud, made tlhrentsa ageiuf:t all of us, and stated that they had received a telegram from father baying ho had left money at home. Mr. Creech did most of time, and. 1 uu- derstand brought Mr. Shafer along. Mr. Creech said ;—"If you don't hand rill the money over I will have every one of you in the lock up before night.' Neither mother or myself deuied having T the money. We thonght it better for the present to eny nothing about the packages, not knowing how matters would conte out." "How much money was there iu the bel ?" "Well, bfr. Cteech demanded $8,000, saying that was what we had ; but I understand there were ten dollars leas." "When did you first discover ti,is money ?" "We found it n week ago Friday in one of father's drawers. That day I got a letter from him, telling me where the money was." "Where was that letter mailed ?" "At Canton ; father put it in the of- fia5 Satniday eveni: g as he was going away, but we did not get it till Tues- day, as no one went to the post office for us till that day. As soon as I read the letter went to father's drawer and found there the packages of money. He said in the note be was going away; that he was porry, but could stand it no longer; that those he had thought friends had proven to be his enemies. IJe also stated in the letter that he would care for his family, and in that connection mentioned the money. He likewise named some of the persons d O B who had not treated him fairly, and closed by saying lie hoped all would come out right in the end." "Did Mr. Creech get a dispatch from your father about the money ?" said. the EXECUTED WITII NEATNESS reporter. "Oh, no," was the quick nply. "Father never sent him a word about it, and how he knew we had the mon- ey I do not know. I think, however, he ,just name to the house thinking he would scare out of as any money' we might have. His conduct, I tell *en,' was not gentlemanly, .and the great; majority of the people of Canton da net agree with him in the (murNe he tpdk. If he wanted to get the money, or de- sired to 'search the hone", why did he nit come like a man, with legal pa pore ?" "«Where was the money when Mr. Creech and Shafer cane,e to your house?" "It was up stairs concealed in the foot of a bed, where we put it Monday morning for safe keeping. We sere (,almost afraid to have it 10 the house. They went up stairs with rne and, got the money. When Mr. Creech spoke of a telegram from fattier we thought ha had given up all, and that it would hemayright to turn over the packages " "Had you any suspicion anything in the office was wrong till after your fa- ther had gone ?" "I never thott,gltt of such a thing till I received the letter on Tuesday thou ch I knew fattier had had some trouble. Last December he went to Allianee to make a c'illeetion, and a report got ont in Catton that he had run a.vaay with $20,000. I bent word to him what the rd port was, Land asked th. t flat eo►ne home at once. He diff so, but aim tys thereafter felt that he hail been greatly wronged by the report." Mr, De1ught'rty said—"There are tunny reports alt over the country that theta was a won.an ill it. I want to tell you I have investigated that from toll to bottom, 821(1U 14 alt as lie," The daughter thou added --If flitter was dissipated in any way he never showed it about home. Ile alas just as good and Mind as c Wel be. If he ever got T drunk, it was away from home. No one ever t=aw hien there iu such a 001.1- (lttign."-.aFro Press, THE Will ten CALL AT SAMwEEE eic PICKARD'Sl and see taeir New Spring Now Openi !NEW PRINTS, EW MANTLES, and N E W MILLINERY RY A SPECIALITY I:l Ordered & Ready-made Clothing HATS, CAPS BOOT'S, SRO HS ! \'ft Gla[lf?ltili'(1 5, New Walt Paper lust to hand; also justreceire 1, o:r chow FIELD AST GARDEN SEEDS Turnip, lit mall, Carrot, Ripe. (Mover and Tlnlathy. ()wits;; t i dace ^rent d•'pretsd.n of trade, wcs shall offer for Cash Haw and iasis tidal.+ tt.notta at L,'ttprices tants olot Job et, ita)4Ftr: ut at+. eta* be,a_v2'1 f.) S:L 1,11,1E'1.;.4 cit: PIC/EAR!). o s Wig. THE MARKET QUESTION ISAAC CARLING Being now in receipt of alarge stock of eman y Goods, Groceries, Wines anis Liquors Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main. Street, Exeter, which will be sold at (LOWEST MARGIN ON COST ZETER TIMES r L c reit fro uow tin The inhabitants of at the want' of a, call at tl SECURE A1.1'17'70 For 50 Cents. -----:LI:— SUBSCRIBE FOR IT 1 TIMES IS THE LIVELIST LOCAL PAPER IN THE COUNTY. • ALL KINDS OF WORK! AND DESPATCH AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRI - CRS. .. there to be had in Doe skins, Silks, needed in the Department is eter .and vicinity ineed not feel troubled arket wherewith to make money, but store of the subscriber and THE:BARGAINS Q Verooaabill P2111..ltltllg, Bro: d cloth. Winceys, 1),jlainos, and everyt;lu/1g Dry Good'; line.. The Grocery Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to show goods ISAAC CARL \.4 eTU til. RECEIVED AT THE EXETER Grocery and Liquor A large stock of Store` Green, Japan, Young Hyson an d Black Teas, Raisins, Currants, Prunes IDB IIPD Apples , Canned FR.ITIT, Sardines, Lobsters, Salrnoii Bitter Sauce ani Pickles, Brandies, Gins, Wines and Syrup Rye, Malt, Scotch, Irish and Common Whiskies, Tob ccos and Cigars, Wholesa: e and Retail. G. A. MACE, Main Street, Exeter. 1878) SPRING (1878 0 THE OLD RELIABLE HO+LTSE At all times, end particularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce. It it in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he eau get the artiole he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my preseut stock, I do so with every confid- ence ; onfid•once; it being more carefully assortedand selected than that of any previous season. In the Dry`Goods Evety department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics. marked at prices which should enmmandthe attentionofthe very closest buyers. THE ORDEReLD CLOTHINt* still has MR. W, IVES at it..head In Millinery Underthe ma..agement of Miss McGloghlon, we can snit the most fastidious, (2ur stook 0 Groce.les, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best assorted in the County-. Intending pnrchaslrs will consult their best interests by examining my stock before going elsewhere. JAMES PICKARD INVALIDS' HOTEL. The very targe number of lnvrllI people WA120 Rally vlslt Buffalo. Irian every quarter of tar l'1Sted States and Canada., that they may consult Dr. 1(.'i . PIEY.e°E, and the widecel,hr,itt,d Faculty of .Iipeciallsts in Medicine stud Surer}} assoetate.t with tom➢ rendered it neeesiarytl,itthe pat tiler otthis Inata¢M:len s1•^.:a"•A pr. a'.2 8' a Nitre a on a grant apt coninWillou4 Kale for tb.lr entertainment and comfort. AtaL4c8TAGE l OFFERE71.. Tlcr Invalids' i2mtet (5 sue:e c u;(9 r¢' In Yes a :po4ntu.en¢s ttr to any slnni- 1arla-titat1..•u to Lite WOF 1. 'Liao wining is &kited an cine of the most 8ealthttl and desirable portions n¢ tri dtoy "'BP¢fal`Nandcouin/an,tsatint 'tit wofLaLe Erie. .iagar.} river, and td:e sarnfntill1E colt melt-, 1(o*tfa 4%ft:aiEai usLitaltfstl r1(a%tIw?1rhe1r;8115►8nsetfeiin t.anti ;rete lair ill:eent !acies s 9C[u'C8r1.(n+flaa7s4rea.ai4e1ip'+t,wn:1S¢eC!4tsi0ta2w 1111701t."1 :Mu at2 l,t l or approved laths, and has al,u co.ttrectett watt Wli It a t•;ilflaunted potassium NW eowllttg Witty to at tarp ;tn,ner:mr'an4 of exrrel,e t ftfaoiie D7s3Ases of all dorms, whether regale, Ia. n:edlcal,suracat,tr t; f rliaplcal. treatment, come within the province of our several specd:inlew. nteeesee of wltmee-.E3pecially *re the faint. tics of *tats intaiTtaar, of a superior outer a% regxt+Ia the rYtr.e.l1.( mean% 3l114 appliances fur the Cif" or ail those chroale diseases peculiar hi females, The itl..¢ocn:tnl, to moalrratl•en, of tigtV' lhem2oo. Piali5r. t ole ant h [. rl .. I t t I t r c thtrwal, an t a x a s la:. 1n rr o'..n arida an Iii" r' .,rte aaxdtNrs t9 Me r. m. tllah rr.t ansa to whish we resort In Mielt eaYls, Eta) (rietlen to the surface, general shanipooinl I�wcda+h n:i.s.. uan¢s,and light cal91214nicerdreasei,tmemtitenanal 09('ial,ze attt•c.,rcu:llt,•at of the t.1tw,J In rhe sole¢:a rk:ll"44 C0tr*s1Yll parts. iaaprove .nga.t1+•n, Wn'1 strtagtbee tlIt'tunsrlrs, produce important btncaclat results in alt cases to xhlcti these tnryt:a are applat•a- V*. No txperiaaenthag Is resorted to In the total - Ment. The trust appr"vett medielnes rte{ cartful.y eualito.wt and the u^IlFI., 5 regtilattca of the d:e4. to silt the t on,litt(in of the patient. 8: thutc.tgh vett. Malian of lite 41ttping ap+ e: eit, the, a :eertng In, ntatnce of music. 90,44l lote,•,io w a.s:: ut•nt retell l .f.'r atpta$t'naent, and all t.ln>fio alit as tt s n last h trait! Rd. arouse the mht1 of the puttee t from despnndeucy, and bins prrpaite r( Ff"4'e(,[", are not negie 're(1. `(E►['a0C8 *flfi,t:rtaF.. ?aralr,as.:;¢deity 4Fd'a•, ., Sd a 9.:(1:1' G 2i1 .1( , ar.A other Yt rF 1¢9 at e'c+ i^ a re: ve 1 1524(1 Tion o[ an trai t 2n tGtts tPe* ciat4it t.pssl,tea�tCleFaviitiatluo r*r}ainYttilluit:e haunt a ar`r4 99 -18 1sorcutr"l, iFtit.DttallASE1i,--Tia l.tltrlslonortheprset1s lr. ta,t i:isalltb WWI is vers aims' ma>iaxrd t.d a i., :t- Echtan of Ti r NI a} d a1 tpa;; �l,•irlift* art c rre udgment adryyltar>tt 1y rre•a41 Illrar.ctt1 to 1l:aa dtraawcut,and with moult* whIcti have ¢aero highly 2I[) anF to r tataa (1Ay.(elan and pat rat% EINE A!41) 13114-kip;a3 #¢:Carlen is given tit Me delicate oprratlt.ns On tate eve apo ear. a Willa, guWted oculist and auto helm ander el:A tt:ltut to (endue:, this Granth or the potence. Invalids arriving In the xity and destrin to eco. fiats aa, snnu:Q conteillr11 3!'to the Hetet. It IIra shay :iru'.wthtet t+y carrltagr.(rosuhus, eterar ea calx 'alar L21)'9 UiUulha$ A3nUt. ett 1121 it.4Mglng tr ala.. t°l1A be "tiled Mien t+, ne,tver passengers anti Wigwags with security and diapstch, u.t' dw,1suvbatt. ids`llo ihlL*10M. �, t rhea flllpetq- Plif13.61 r"��y•�� ��CUiRE�S+ DcISE�A+�SESoFTIIc - �R LUNG+ 9a1�11i & BLOOR In the wonderful medicine to which the afflicted are above directed for relief, the discoverer be- lieves lie has combined in harmony more of Na- ture's sovereign curative properties, lvhieh God has instilled into Iho vegetable kingdom for heal- ing the sick, than were ever before combined in one medicine. The evidence of this fact is found in the great variety of most obstinate diseases which it has been Lound to conquer. in the cure of Bronchitis,, :Severe Coughs, and the early stages of Consumption, it Stns astonished the medical faculty, and eminent physicians pro- nounce ft the greatest medical discovery of the age. While ,t cures the severest Coughs, it strengthens the system and purifies the blood. By its great and thorough blood -purify - Ing properties, it cures all Humors, from the worst Scrofula to a common Blotch Pim. ple" or Eruption. Mercurial disease. Minern. Poisons, and their effects, are eradicated, and vigorous health and a. sound constitution estab- lished. Erysipelas, Sait-rheum, Eever Sores, Scaly or Bough Skin, to short, alt the numerous diseases caused by bud blood, are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and in. vigorating medicine. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated. have sallow color n( skin, or yellowish mown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizziness. bad taste in mouth, internal treat or chills alternated with hot flushes, low spirits, and gloomy forebodings, ir- regplar appetite, and tnnwne coated. volt are suffering from Torpid Liver. or'" Bilious- ness.» In many cases of "Liver Com- plaint" only part of these sculptotns are ex- perienced. As a remedy for all such cases, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal, as it effects perfect cures, leaving the liver strengthened and healthy. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT Si PER BOTTLE. Prepared by R. t'. PIERCE, Ila. ID., Onle P,••,.•rh•a•n, at 1.1:0 wutit.n'S 1)&SPENSA nr, t�rO TO R.& E. SPICER'S GROCERIES Always New and Fresh. FLOUR, FEED, AND PROVISIONS, EARTHENWARE, COAL OIL Soap, Given Away —21 Bars for One Dollar. Good Vinegar. 20e. per Gallon, Chcicdr Syrups. Market Baskets ---cheap. N. B. Don't forget the place—R. & E. Spi- cer's,orposite Mr.E. Cbristie's Hotel. Produce taken in exehanrefor Roods. R. &E SPICS3