HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-11, Page 26 T.11A. TIMES :MX 11, 1878 MONEY AND THE WANT or IL' Of all the t«gree folks that help to Itg. Orel the domestic viues,no one isei are omnipresent•, or busy, than the chatted pest which direst- alike the house of the rem and of the poor, which realyes it necessary for thewife to ask Ler hus•' baud for money to supply the daily re. Curring fa.> ity neeeseariea and her own. It inesitably creates discoutel"t, a seuse d huwiliatdun, deg' a lation, and separation. She who bait earued, and beeu free to use her weekly wages, or i early salary, or larger income before Ler marriage, and after that event, though her time is more fully occupied bill is past --past due. than ever, has no mousy except ether In lave, as in letters, engagements aski g --arid not always then --feels pet always begin with a -vowel. feel ue a tune would who should be 1 Letts •a In the sauce circumstances. She gave up her ol,l«ortuuity to tee - spendthrift, wives and husbandswho waste the common substance and that of each other, They mut always suf- fer logs. But the great majority of married couples bear each their share of the family burden, care, and toil,aud tri y should be alike independent in Money matters. 111.1.11•44-4 WIT .AND HUMOR. ,4ount Vesuvius is said to be a fine old crater. • Early fruit catches the worm, This is reliable. The silver bill is past, and our tailor Young men should pattern after pianos ----be square, upright, aud grand. quire m' uey by the usual rtletbode, for E A bad marriage is lithe an electric the sake of her home and the family. machine—it makes you dance, but you To tide eud. she devotes her time, can'; let go. thoughts, and efforts, evety day, and all The Greeks kept uo cats, and wore the year, without veseatiuu or Imes.- no boots ; hem they .had UO nae :for dust. boot jacks, Bat enstolu everywhere, and law in Put two pieces of cucumber into a roans places, putts all the veni+v of the a Ilttonograpl> and hear whether or not fainly in the halide of the hiteband, • •ell• fur tt doctor. The wife lives as a depeulieut. She has There hascu't been a Western town :chat le given her, cheerfully or grudg;- upaet by a turauadu, or rent in twain 1 acus t ngly as thatehe ther pox ae may be, un,t►lxd to but t roes by a oceans for a lwilole day. Gro weat, aro c t 8 Peel;n1au, go wept, and blow u \witif away from the man who gives uiily ics cuutry.p s� heti lie is asked, It may be Mere th,,uglrttessness on his part, but the re- A small boy of the freckled species, suit with the wife is the salve. in the parlor where a dry goods clerk is One of the most fruitful sources of spartiiug the boy's big sister, will make dieeouteut iu the home is the too de- the course of true love rougher than 1 eudeut positions of the wife. If bus. ridiug iu a lumber wagon. Lauds would uunaider :shat it would be ' Au exchange says : "By eating Paris to them to be situated exactly in the same way, Se far as money is cancern- ed,evwerv+ just uud generous man among thein wot.hl see to it at once. that his kunst, should not hold Su fruitful a source of unhappiness. Many years ago, an excellent man told toe his experience in this particular. He had not, been married ayear, but he noticed a change iu the look and man ucr of hie alio—she seemed leen cheer- ful, leas preppy. The old glad loult at his daily return frotto business half Ceased Ile siucerely loved her, and was miserable when he saw that she %a4 nut even comfortable as his wife. This etato :>f things must not be en- dured if it could be cured. So he asked her frankly what was the matter, and the sante time telling her that above all things he wished to promote her happi- ness. Then she answered frankly, '' Zoe kuuw that before our marriage 1 cul - tented my owu thvideuds,lsud the money I had was my own, to use as I chose, and it was all I needed, --Since we were married you collected toy lucerne, and I have never a cent for any purpose, excel>t when I ask you fur it. It seems to we that if you care for me in the least, you could not subject me to such humiliation. Look ut these slippers, I have woin them beyond decent use, because I could not ask for the money neceesary to buy new ones. I feel it a degradation, just as you would if you were iu my place. Could you endure it, if I lead the money, and you had none, only as you got it by asking me for it ? I used to teach six hours, and had ilia whole retraining day for my pleasure. Now all my time is occupied; I have neither money no leisute, and I feel just like a pauper or a beggar, and I wish I were dead 1" Thou she burst into tears and cried as though her heart would break. With an immense sense of relief he asked : "Is that all ?" "All !" said she "it is enough to kill ()leeched teeth ; "I've got to ask you to THE ELOPING PARTY OVER- HAULED. The Philadelphia Times has the fol- lowing account of an unusual 8aene 10 the Pelaliiylvania Railroad Depot in that city on Wednesday afternoon, upon else arrival of the limited express bound uorth. " In oue of the parlor care a youug couple occupied adjoining seats from Washington, and the passengers and astute conductor soon decided that they were newly Married. The gentle- man a fine looking young fellow, sat with his back to the forward door of the car, and while the train stood in the depot pointed out to his fair companion the excellent arhitecture of the building, and made running comments upon tbiugs in general. Just ae he was most bneily engaged, a eteruly uttered 'Alla ! I've fatted you at last,' caused the yc ung la ly to scream out,'Jimmythere's papal" 'Jimmy sprang up, but the old gentle- man, with a face red with angor. stood in the aisle behind, raised his heavy cane, anti shouting, Oh, you wretched villain 1' fet it fait on the young man's head, stretching him on the fluor. The lady screamed, 'You have killed him,' and caught the head of the pros. trate man to her bosom. The passen- gars were thrown lutaconfusion, and eyewitnesses differ in stateneents of what then accured, but all agree that when the father and the y-onno lady apt peered at the door of the ear leading the wounded man out, the young lady's bridal bonnet and gray traveling dress were stained with blood and she was upbraidiug the stern parent who only responded 'Well, well, I am very. very sorry.' The Poling matfa forehead w aA greeu utixed with fiour,whicli had beeu bleeding profusely, and be was eviderit- dumped by the side of a fence, Thomas Mceonuell reeeetly lust twenty-five valuable sheep." Itia aetantshiug that Thomas didn't die. What ailed the sheep «? The sermon of the best preacher in the world will act make as much im- ;«reeeiuu upou a cuugregatiou as the sudden pattering of rapt ou the win• dow panes of a church containing two hun.hed uew spring bonnets. Beer contributes teu minutes of dol- lars annually to the roveuue of the country, '"and adde to the wellbeing, ly quite dazed by the blow. A carriage was called and the injured man placed therein ; the lady got in next, and when the father attempted to enter the duti fol daughter but more loyal wife quiet ly asked what he was truing to do. ' I am going with you and James to a sur - iron's.' ' Never yen mind, I can take care of hull.' sturdily replied the young woman, and, drawing to the door, left the old gentleman standing outeide. and ordered the john to drive to a phyai• oian.s's offiee. The old gentleman fol. lowed. and Dr. Thomas Richie got a fee eoeouteutmeut of the community." The from bitn for areas:nft dimeae'a wound. brewers themselves admit this, nod I11 the pllysleiall sstu,ly a reconciliation they aught to know, took place, after which the trio drove Many perilous are going t> Europe Afterward they took the evening; train for their health. 'ibis is all rig;Itt if for Pittsburg, thence to proceed to Fre. their health is rich, hitt our health is dnnia, N. `t'., where the parties reside, too poor to afford a trip to Europe— The old goutteman is T. K. Hall, a re. and snakes un go after it. tired manufacturer, of Buffalo. Hie Stop in front of a shop window where daughter eloped lest Friday with James no oue has stopped for hours and It R. Francis, a railroad agent, employed crowd will soon come and elbow you by the Lake Shore lioad. The young away, Men are a gond deal likebeus man traveled on yearly passes. and the in this regard, provided, of course, that persuing bailer had no difficulty in hem] have elbows. 'tracing his movements. When a man was eating a piece of �!�!a pie at a Loudon restaurant. he found Extract taken front the fault because he discovered a piece of to the West End lintel and dined. CANADA. LANCET" rusty !like in it. But then what kind Of May 1st, 1.578. 0 rust. An exchange has an article telling "How matches are made." We sup- poses everybody knew it was by taking a young man and yonng woman, equal parts, and let them sit up together about sir mouths, telling them a few tunes in the interval, that they should never have each other. Still there may be other ways that we haven't heard oe. A. little boy was taken to task by his mother for striking a companion, She told him he must ask the forgive- ness of the wronged one. He went up to him and whispered through his CRISHOLM'S OL I) STAND LONDON THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE FOR GENERAL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY & MANTLES, f a piece cou:d 110 oxpect without pike "PHOSt'UOZOM ."--This new preparation of the Elixir.of Hypophospbites, winch has beeu name Phospltaoue, is fast gaining favor with the profession. It was unfortunate that the manufacturers (Evans, Mercer & Co.) chose for it the above name, as it gave it the appear- ance of a PATENT NOSTEUti, WHICH IT IS NOT. It Ise combination of the Hypophos- phites of Iron, Soda and Lime, with Calisaya and other Tories, in the form of an Elixir, and is a most excellent nerve Tonic. It is easily administered, agreeable to the taste, and very et&ctcions in the TREATMENT OF DEBILI- TATED CONDITIONS of the system. it has proved a most valuable remedy in the treat- ment of INFANTILE DEBILITY AND CHRONIC WASTING." Sold by all Druggists throughout the Dominion. PRICE, ONF, DOLLAR A BOTTL . any woman, ' l forgive me for hitting, an' you'd better speak right out that you do, or I'll give you something to remember.." The victim spoke up. A reformed strawberry is wanted—is necessary. Why don't bur fruit cultur• turists grow a variety of berry that will act fair and honest ?—not have all the big ones crawl ou top of the basket and The dread fear that she bad ceased to love him, or that she loved tonne one else, fled. The whole matter was talked over with the largest freedom, until the husband said he seemed to himself to have been unspeakably mean. "To think," said he, that I had ever offered her the twenty cents which see said she ueeded to buy pins, or the six the little coos nestle iu the bottom: cents necessary for shoe striugs, and For the strongto rule over the weak is bad not puce thought that she must acre natural, hosvver. heed more fur other thiugs, while Ler, q time was devoted to maks a comfortable A happy deliverance for husbands home for the 1" ' As a result of the ex- 1.lanation, the husband every week put a sum of money, double wh it leis uife thought she would need, where she could at it without asking. The young wife's face grew glad who have more wife than they want, is found in the inti -Fut" of a patent medicine man, who 'guarantees that his preparation will reduce the weight of a fleshy person five pounds a week. It dosen't take much arithmetic to as- certainagain. The feuliog as a pauper and a that tt;e man who can persuade beggar vanished. The end of the year his 200 -pound wife to use it, will ut the showed a boner acuoliut of sevou hued- end of u;year have fifty pounds less thau a wife at all. From Two Pointe of View -lir. and Mrs. Squlbbles and the visitor were sit - red dullard in the uatne of the wife, saved carefully from the inouey she Lad not needed to use. Tlie root ut bitter - Dees there bad ever been between them tiog iu the parlor and the olive branch was plucked up, penes and comfort le- 'turned and flourished. The story of this wife is the story .of many others. Sometime the law will recognize the undobred. rights of the wife to Ler full share of the money value which accrues to the married firm. Until that time,, the thoughtlessness of really gubd men play be cured ,by the frank speech of the wife who is daily hurt by feeble of depeiideuce which ought never to exist was sleeping sweetly in ,the inner room, from whiuh ,. a door opened into the parlor. "Yes, ma'am," said Squibbles, "there is something about babies that appeals to the fiuer feelings of our na- ture; an indefinable presence which softeus us and makes our hearts go out towards them ; a subtle 'influence which recalls—For God's sake, Maria, go in there and etraugle tbat brat,or do something to make it shut up, so that. between the equally valuable partuers il+ men eau hear himself talk in l;isowa iu the home. .There are pisuty pf house. MEN'S CLOTHING TO ORDER, OR READY-MADE. ii3L CZSMITECINO I HENDERSON & BUUOIIANNAN Late A. (Chisholm & Cu. 4 COMPLETE STOCK OF IIONEST G0ODS AT HONEST PRICES. Remember—Sip e;1 tltr Striking Clack, 142, Dundas Street, L 0 N I) 0 N. SIN CLAIR TA.IT. Dealer in Roily iirotule and Toys, doul,l and single l3arin Wool, of all solar. Alt Zephyr and (14«rtnau'r+un soot Nes aim worth of the Thea office. Ezetor, YORSHIRE Packing nom! HENSA LL G. & J. PETTY NEW FIRltT, INORAM'S OLD STAND. Horse Shooiug, Wagon and Carriage Making,Dia- mond Barrows, and "Plows. General Bickamtth- iug in all its branches, at the lowest rates, and sat - guaranteed. Ghe us a call and examine our work before t.ading elsewhere. McVILT. AN & MoBRIDL, Icing 8t., Htneall. Herman, June 26,1878. 6m BUCKINGHAM'S OLD BLAONM&lITH silos is still going, Mr. S.iiackingham desires to return his sincere thank., to hi a num e r o u s pat.:ons, w lr o ` have support ed him iu the L rI.) pas5, add would intimate a that, having recovered from— , his long ill- ness, he intends in future, to to take charge of'tiio horse -shoeing department himself. Ail other work done in the very best style and at the lowest rates. S.13UOKINGRAM. Exeter, Dec.13, 1877. Any quantity of Cured Meal constantly in: stook. .molls Bacon, Hams, smoked, sugar Cared, Lard, etc. Any quantity of HEINSALL COGPliat St10P. O W, VA.NVALXENBURGH, COOPER WOitIi OF ALL RINDS, INCLUDING CISTERNS. of which he makes a speciality. BUTTER TUBS °heaver than ever. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Shop—Brook Street, Hensen, direct- ly west of the station. Give him a oalt. WM. VANVALISF,N13URG. ., Hensel', May 8,1878. 3m. PORK CUTTING constantly on hand A 4.P S A L E Wholesale and Retail. All orders for cured mea promptly attended to, LEGAL. 1 1 AIDING HARDING, & W tUl.L.1.'+. Baristers, Attorneys, Solicitors, Coln- sioners,13. 11., &o. ,series—KKBxxor's BLoox, Water treet, St Irary's. " IOUs 0 .BARDING. E. W. HANDING. i1.A.L•WiIITO ALOOM SON & Wel) OT, Banisters, Attorneys, Solicitors &r. • Matter to Loan on Real Estate. F'aneou'aBlock,E.aeter, _ .. A X r MoDIAR11:IID, BA., It tbt tISTER,NOTARY, CONYEYANCEE LUCAT.0NT. ' rt i ES.SRS. JONES & I1IUl`> CItIP Barristers, Atturneys•at'iaw. Solicitorn :Ina neory, Conveyancers, c'ommissioners inB.II 11.1 '4.'tar108 Public, L. ilfary'F 0. S JONES. 117.C. Af08i RUI', O! Mien—Button's Block, \w aterst.,s,Mary''. MEDICI1. "nitHUTCHINS0N, Member of the College ofPhysicians and Surgeonsof Ontario, &e., &c., Alain Street, Exeter. FAHR. YNPMAN.•—COIUUNEII FOR the County of Ifur.w. t'itice, nest door to W.I. Carling's store. Exeter. TW...4tOWNING, M. D. Al. 0. el •x, 8, Graduate Ytatoria linfvorsity Office, and residence, Igor :.cion Laburatot 1ixete 14 G. 'MOO1:RE, M. D. C. M. • ixraduate of ,;cU i0 Uutvorstty. ltI'outreal Ofb8tandresntouc7,t•otO01.,0nt. (1 ee !ensu•' ecu la p. in and w50ien,uI JFt. IRVINGr, aIR ADUATl?I Un-, Vb:llSaTY Trinity College Aiweber collcge Pievnielana and surgeons Out., GU.cc itirktou. __-r_� HOTELS _- %Ark:STERN HOTEL, GRAND BEND.-----., V V This Rotel hue beeu lensed for a term of years, anal has been nicely fitted up. ��lrt' cow veaivnce for culn;aeorcaul travellers. The best brands of liquors and cigars at the bar. Hood 140stler in attead,tnee. t ;IIY,ISTItN newri 1sU3.1'rop. Grand /sewn May ea dl 1878. sea a t't1::NT'.RAL IIOTEI,, t)REDITON \,A —\tem, nutter proprietor. 'This Hotel las been newly furnished and Atted up in tiret•elsss style. Large and en,Centent 1.how Rot+nte for tCottmereiai Travellers: best of liquors ami eipar9 at the liar. Attentive Bustlers atwars on hand, Jai. ",;'1--31u. WILLIAM mania '�� 1vSln1~I MOUS +', BEti'ALL, .a .L Riug st., easitI;(u of tlta rauAvicy. TUN horn. has reca,tly ebaugo 1 hands. and is well fur - Mated throughout. Excellent tabin,. ].very at. teuttnn paid 10 >ravetk'Z8 flood stabling. The very best brands of hquor at the bar. i:1C'iiAltlW ttE'YNOI.DS, Prof). M. Li—:tin, 0 H tNGED BANDS. ----The under. 1.•.laignwthaviva+routed the Dafter iuHouse,Cen• etratla.for a turm, it will befouuda a-st-crass hot tel, with every acoommodatlon for the traveling 1 ani 1 a gars Convenient tiro bar. Atteutivo 1 ostierss.11si•1ut1> 1t11. iv. ..... ORGANS I THE BEST IN THE MARKET. and very cheap. Sold by , He KiNSMAN. Cnll and see them. B'n'ter, Out. Mowers and. Reapers t I• 1 .� ' t" 1�"•i .1:',. ). 'I '17,;15' {yr s. tFI; fit : r >,x_ a Ji'� i• i ri'.3• Tv�' 0 THE GREATEST Wonders of Modern Times Holloway. Pills &Ointment The Pills Purify the Blood .correctalldisorders ofthe Liver, Stomach, Eidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints inci�eti to Females. Tho Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcer , of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitls,niphtheria, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all kin eases 128900equal. BEWARE OF Nw York Counterfeits. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment,' are manufactured and sold under the name of " Holloway it Co.;' by J. F- Heury, Curran & w Company, Drug- gists, and also _ , by the Metro* p of itan Medi -eine company of 'New York, with t• ; 2 an assumod trade mark, thus--` Again sin 0720 Joseph Haydocl x A of New York,liko- wise passes off ' ? counterfeits of his own make undor the name ofHol- lowsy &Co.,having for atrade mark a Croseut and Serpent; amxesson & Robbins of New York are agents for the same. 'Pheso persons, the better to deceive you, un- blushingly cantionthe public in the small hooks of directions affixed to their medicines, which are rer-fly thespurious imitations, to Beware o Counterfeits. U,iscrupulons Dealers o btain them at very low prices and sell them to the nublc in Cana- da as my genuine Pills and Ointments. I m ost earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of families and other ladies and the public generally of British North Ameri- ca, that they may be pleased to denounce un- sparingly these frauds. Purchasers sbould look to the label on the pots and boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Stre't,Loudon, tuey are the counterfeits, Each pot and hox of the Ilouuine Medicines, nears the British Government stamp, with the word. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LOndOn,' engravod thereon: Onthelabelis the address, 533 Oxford Street.1,onooh,Where alone they are itranufeetured. Parties who may be defrauded byVendors selling spurious "Holloways Pills and Ointment as my genuine .wake eh, on oom- munioatingthe particulars tome, be amply re- mt Aerated, and their r a ore never divulged. THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford 8t., W. C., London, England WE OPFER A TRIAL of our celebrated Singe Mowers —AND— Single Reapers In all kindsof Grass and Grein, and on all con Mons of soiland surface, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR NO SALE Wo also offer a Trial of our Wrought $on Two Bar JOH STDN'S COMBINED REAPER • AkD MAYER Macbiuessupplied with lwo Pitmans, Two Drag -bars, Two Finger -bars, Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. N ute. Self -oilers, etc., etc. can be changed from dower co IIteaDer AND REAPER TO MOWER. Byremovaloffour bolts, aneiniess alien fifteen minutes' time. Please call at our works and inspec our Machines before purchasing elsewhere. Send for Catalogues. THOMPSON & WILLIAMS Manufacturing Co., Stretford,, f li