HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-11, Page 1Vol V. ioXETER ONTARIO, TilU.T1SDAY JULY 11, 1378. IMPORTANT NoTiCES.• IHUD(x al1N, & J. (*Ai:, CO. r. Auctioneers. Sales promptly .attended t+i. Days of salts :grange d at this e"1)lce. J. OL;'i.It.Ii., Agent for the Us. r.,nrne and Ileb,,ert Mutual Fire iufurancc Q nt tl a i -r. ii, nuteru Farquhar. ()refers by Asan 1 pi ,taptd alae a de d t7. S. CA1tPBI•ILL. PROVINCIAL f. r Land Surveyor. die,. will 1,"0 ;t tho e 1a Sal Rut,i.scter,o.etbelirstTuesda3 iaera"•ir mouth. morn for (cork left With Dir. Solon Speoiiinou will receive lerorpyt attention -j )llrNIi h1:1 PElt'S NOTICE,. lottomn4e4i t.e Juno Male. roar Picts, the same to he rout at ran round nu tiatnralay.Ctli••iart., at 01110 OW( C4 p. in, if Uot claimed by tb•A nry,u i nn or before W3.1IU11i. L un,t-Berger. Lot W. ( ni. 1. Hay. Hay. July 1th, 1a 78. O1tSF LOS1.--••tafrayntt frena the • peewee or the sI 9erttror, int le. Lake tt+sail, Stei n•q4. einn•it the :tar?i or May. a .dnrL- rii a *intra. sviiitt% spot an forelietd, and (ne: a t -ere +maul taut, Ile mane Where collar rests. In- t<,nnation ka•liu,; to ciao fervoters' of the animal +silk Do liberally ro`,i.arded, aa'DI. I ItzESIL �' tall' I,IS ERY STABLE. in ::treat x Exeter. MARK CIA AIME. would : ne- gataint the public that he iris opened a, nese Lives* Stable on his premises. The public will lindgooll and runfortablerit sat altbnure and at taste:Ate charges, t. R..'t f plat 1r r L .1),5., M,it.C,'.D.S. 4srad :ate. of I:, ;:;al t':.l".ege ur ENTAL SURGEONS, ONS, +•hilt's t:i 1;1:14044'e Ilton• --11:111: utdtst 'd 1 Exeter- UCTIOti $A.L OF VAR'4)N- (.til Asan Notate Clerist:ntr i': r. , toaa;'e• at 3 ¢tit:a.) ssin ia, eat ;,y ta°setiuu no .rods(' ata. rind; deal; rAte, fly order of rho t',anrHirt . e!. TUGS, ia'la.lti Ncte. Fila: d1c, Jame :Ma, Mb. 1•an. LOST" .5tinle times in April L int. a anti' innate by Man and James relies. 5t Aunt, in fare* of Thomas Jctnaiet>„n, of Hwy. All persons tarn forbad negotiating the aquae, a., payment thereof late brenetnp,tcd. lllt)Di mi 34DliTS)N ► alb I SInIN(i,- The underteigned prep: n`4 ta do all kinds of Fall Tterr,,h ng in tin ,abnrtetat notice, lei a superior manner. ttn,t at nu re•n9e.nald., r.atAeti as any other. 1pftty ttt lienal;°,a Saw Mill. nay. T. LESLI1:. Hay, Janie Ruth, .iii, 9•in. d Il; �WILSON & SONS, CORBETT . ten., lartelt :tea Sto..o unisons and con- tracturct,nn.l r,t•nerat repairers of house and other ene•rttirl. Pauu dr iwn on .eon nnctlalo terms. viva1had 1S wars experience in the business, sen fool t•lwapt t_•at to execute work in send ntcle aced WI moderato terms. Ilisideuue--toed lot weft ot 4;orbett's corners townlium 1‘,71 \V BUTCIIEI SII(l'T`1'11c -L \ imd: r,itaaPil sti+besto acquaint the inhahi- tantsot' 1:xcter runt eurrounding ranutry that he hew n}neued nut a new But.•1 t r shin next door to .110rs batkery;where he will keepttsnL,plyot fresh meat eonA rattly on howl. Cctrh it r leidt s quad nhteep•ulcirs. ,Toux Nana. ALAI H, Coininiesiouer, hleulr- r once, Land an.l Loan Agent. OlAcee— next.tnnr nutth Royal Hotel, 11 Your. Wilsons Hotel. ireanalt,:every Monday. 1)lIVATi±;FUNDS to loan at 8 per Cent. i%rO TGAGES BOUGHT.LV. Money loaned on good NOTES, 1.NVEYANCING — Deeds, Mort. gages, Wills. ctr,.lraawn nu reasonable terns SOtaAN, Has just commenced business one half mile -:(Test of Dashwood, and is propaved to glean Clocka,Watcites and Sewing ;tfao'aines. Um- brellas repaired and Organs and ,,Sfelodia ; at. tended to. These in (Dant of his service: should giv9 him a call before goii.g away from home. Cline ger moderato and entire sati.efac- tion guarnteed. JASON & HUDSON, uensall, Out. --�v ACCOUNTANTS, AUCTIONEERS. .E'ire and Life Insnranc. •nd Oen end Coremission Agents, insurance twn-thirds cheaper than or- dinary cost. Also neoney to loan on reasonable terms. Prompt attention to orders per mail or otherwise. k'"nm and Village property for ;sale or to lease, Also son e good business stanch and read, noes in Reusall. JOHN MASON. ,TOsEi'H HUDSON, r Commissioner. Convevauoor: thenownvasanossamearainalemmealwarrammaaammoot PROPERTY LIST. ()It SALE IN WINCHELSEA— House and Lot. Goo stand for a shoema- ker, A corner lot. For parcioulars, apply by letter or personally to 1iARRYBROWN, WiuchelmitP.O DOM/ION NEWS. THE TALLEST MAN AND WOMAN IN HE WORLD. The death rate of Brantford is about twelve in the thousand. . The tallest inan is Catpt• ISI.Sr, Bates; Destructive tires ate now raging i l Torbaulien. Jutta valuable lumber is destroyed. The Colored citizens of Chatham are arranging for a big demeustration on 1 e 1 't of Ail *trot ()ser eevoal thnnatat; i people listened to Sir John A lNIttcil'entild .In West 'altcltlleeex ou Mouthy Itt t, A ileeretr tltts,11Pli into the window. of II store itt 11.tt111'0al,otr'I.'l1nrsdas morning, and was so serionsly out that lie died shortly after. On Thursday evening an Italian named 14111mo Bello etebbed a French- Canadian trained Jctecllies Barras in Mouireat with a knife. I3darrata will likely recover, Thursday. .evening a ynung man mooed Daniel Coleman. a merchant of P,.rnceitt idle, was time nod while bath lug Sits some others at the foot of the Fulls. List T1inr3,Iay morning, the grist will of Mr. Jath Nicl*t4, of :Nicolson, aCttae disc ty(re`1 on .tire. and tree a )OU 4t tttityeil dt•strriyetl,watltto other build - !,s. A women named Mrs. Alfred Wyatt a((`'tttriingt:att,wit:l killed on Friday last by being thrown out of her buggy. caused by the axle breakites. A young .r.<tlin named A. Stevenson, watt drowned in the ['uhunrg I-iarbnr' one day last week, while under the i:1. Hoene() of Iignor. On i'riday list, two thieves entered the office (litho Receiver.General at "To- ronto, and !dole ,12,0UO. No clue as to the identity of the robbers. - Lieut..Governor Tilley, of New flruuttwick, lits resigned hie gubcrna• toriel office preparatory to running for the House of Common' at the approach ing elections, Friday evening fact, a young main named Daniel Coleman, a tuercltitnt oil Drawbridge, was drowned while bath-, las. The body wee found and nut in..; pleat held. Vurdiet, accidentally i ;frowned. Caltnterfejt ten•cent pieces aro in .'(remotion 111 Toronto. Outs was 'hewn on Monday haat, well enough. !Nisbet to deceive anyone until the test of the knife waft applied. Wiliiene Wilkins, of Owen Sound, was instautly killed by bailing off a load of stones, and one of the wheels of the ,wagon passing over his heed, fractur- ing the bones thereof. No. 8 express, an the Air Line, G. W. R., due to leave St. Thomas. at 4.05 p. tn., left the depot :there on Frid ty at 5 p. in. arriving at Fort Erie et 7.50 p. in., making the run. of 118 miles in Iwo hours and fifty minutes, including 15 stoppages. Amen who gave his naMO as William Henry -Josephns Forsyth was arrested near St. Catharines* the other day, charged with horse stealing. Ele ap- pears insane, and said he took the horse to enable him to retnove the remains of 200 Feniaus he had killed to a grave- yard. ,, At the Cotnt of Interim sessions 'in Loudon on Tuesday, His Honor Judge Elliott presiding, James Matthews, or- •iginttlly from Petrolia, was charged with stabbing John .EI Pilo, at Strath toy in May last. •He Was convicted and sentenced to two yearn' itnprison- ment in the Central Prison. GENERAL NEWS. FAm\1 FOR SALE.-1.U.:S SUB. • scriber offers for safe his farm, Lot 13. Lun.14, Township of TJsborne, County of Huron, .81) aorue clan, e.t, the remainderg.,ori' bush, well fenced, and in u good state of cultivation • under, ;drained, good orchard, splentil well of water. 'frame barn 36800, log stable'24.x3G, log house, and ,cOnvenie•.t to sci.00l and three churches. For nether particulars apply to w:\FL. BRYAN'S, Hirkt on, P.O., or' MR. 13. V. )3.LLLOT, attorney, Exeter P.O. MIAMI IF'013 SALIiI.---The subscriber offers Li for sale,' lot 13, .concession 5, Steptoe.,, lour milesand a half from Exeter, comprising 100 acres, 90 aures cleared. Good log house ,and frame barn, splendid, water, sail fit for .dairy or grain, also a splendid brick yard on. alto premises, .For farther particulars apply oto texen,1ID Youte, on the premises,erto Exe- ter, P .0 F011 SALE.-- A. F.ttAM.E ROUSE and two Lots on Ann Street, Exeter. The house is storey and a half high, frame, new, and .onto( es eight largo roams. Stable mud other eon-. vonienoee ou the preniises. - A number of young trues fruit on the ots. Apply to DONALD TAYLOR, Exeter. 1ITALIA{ A o�t so x ;. Stephen, sesta rS g HALF A ,out Jo acres deem!, and in a good state of cul - d stable ou the •nr tivutirxii Goodlog house an e• mires. Three acres orchard planted last spring 1 and there 14 every prospect or the 110 quantity of fence rails ou tho lot, 'spilt wet 1. (I p1ttlna111•Itt. belilg rnatp ill • . Babt3Crlbed in Wd. For tonne apply to l)1't0 SULDiI N J)ssewooti. ,f2. i4-tf t England and Scotlarl.tly, A despatch from Calcutta reports' that 4,700 houses have been destroyed by a- coltflagrati ii in Maudalny. The boiler at Sewell's saw mill,three miles east of QueenCity-, Tuxes. explo• ded on July 8, killing three men and wounding another. The kilied.tnen were thrown 200 feet away. The Canadian team arrived at Wim- bledon England ou Saturday. Shoot- ing began on Tuesday. 'The weather was fine. Sergeant ViTeynien, of New I3runewiok, scared 32, and Ensign Logtie, ofFredericton, 31 out of a pos- sible 35 for the Alfred prizes: 'They each win £2. The other coanpetitionts are unfinished, The directors of the Hamilton, and North-Western Railway placed their loan on this London.; market on Friday for'O485,00P sterling. "foie proposal was faavout•ably received by the press, the tallest tvnrnan is hie wife, formerly Anna Swan. Capt. Bates waft born iu Hopkins Comity. Ky, his parents being of ordinary labor of a small farrr., until attaining Ihie majority, at whish thee he concluded to see something of the world. rowelling toeelling to Glucinneti, thence to New York, he watt finally in. dined to proceed to Europe for the pug. i oee of exhibiting tuulself. to conjnnt . tton with 'Mies .Anna; Swan, whom he met there, they traveled over Europe, They were (married at Sc. Martin'n (Jh"nrch, London, England, June 17, 1871. They here, by request, gneetai of the (been, and received from her majesty watcbesaniijewelsrye souvenirs. 111rt. Bates, formerly 11ass. Anna SWAT,, was born in Colcheeter ()aunty, Nova Scotia; is 29 years old, weighs 418 pounds ; is 7 feet 111• inches high. itr. Bates is 7 feet 1.11 incites high, weighs 478 pounds. wears a No. 9 hat, 25 collar, and a 15 boot. Both are well formed, well proportioned, good looking end highly cultnred,. They are the largest man and woman at live. In fact there is no authentic ieeorci of any Inueen beings ever hay ing attained the enormous height of tlreeao people. They returned to New York for exhibition in February last and will shortly make a tour of Canada. LEAP FOR LIBERTY. Ou Friday afternoon last, Wright,lhe toll -gate robber, escaped fratn the Po - live Court, London, while beiug tried for robbing I1lr. Gouph'e in London Last, He was guarda'd by adetective rtt the time, but proved too ehnrp for the officer. Aa soon as lla recoiled the street he jerked off his shoes and stoelr- lu;s, aunt ran east on Carling and Rich- mond street. When on Richmond street he sutldeitly stop, ed sad picked Tap a. large °tone Land then whirled around the earner of Dundee street,and got as far as Clarence street, Ile bleu went to King street and went east. When opposite the residence of..�ia. B. A. Mite:tell he was seen by Mr. Roberts the draytuau, who took in the situation at a glance. Jiampi ig at once iuto a bnggystandit-g near, Nlr.R tberts head. ed the fnilitive off and knocked him senseless with his whip handle. The polios scon arrived and ho was taken back strongly guarded, THE S'~CRET Or BUSINESS SUC- CESS. It is claimed that Vanderbilt exhibit- ed great nerve and shrewd business sagacity in the purchase of stocks and railr ads controlled by hire. Yet, whenever he made an investiuent he received in return an equivalent either as his own, or as collateral security.. Dr, R. V. Pierce has invested mane hnadred thousand dollars in advertis- ing, depending entirely upon the sup- erior merits of his goods for security. The unparalleled popularity of, his foal- ily rnedicines, and the anneal increase in their sale,attests iu ar umeuts stron- ger than words of their purity and effi- ciency. If the blood be iinpoverished, the liver sluggish or there be tumors, blotches, and pimples, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will effect a speedy and perfect cure. If the bowels be constipated use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Debilitated females suf.Ieritig with those peculiar dragging - down eensatious and weaknesses, Will find Dr.. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a safe end eel -Lahr. reiilarly. Prompt relief and a permanent cure have so uo- iveisally followed its use, that the doe - tor now sells it under a positive guar- antee. OAKLAND, Douglass CO.,. Oregon, Jan. 23, 1877. DR. Pxsnos, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir --Your Gulden Medical Di:. covert' has cured my daughter of goitre, after tnany physicians hard failed. In• closed please find $1 50 for at espy of The People's Co'mtnot: Sense Medical Adviser. 'Witt( us it takes the place of the family physician. Yo, re truly, AARON ALLEN. ' MT, VERNON, Ohio, July 10, 1876. DR. PInxoL, buffalo, N. Y.:. Dear Sir—Four_ bottles of your Fa- vorite Prescription has entirely cured my wife. We employed three different physicians and many remedies,: but found no relief. With a' thankful heart, 1 alfa, +'ver y air frier d, AUGUST' WARRING. No 45 COUNTY ITEMS. The Staff Officer will attend Goder, lett on Aloudaty next to pay out pen- sions, Mr. John Phillips,of Goderich,canght on Saturday loot, .a black buss, which weighed 61x pounds and a quarter. During the past week Messrs. OgiI. vies Hutchinson, of Godetich, have shipped thirteen oars of `'flour and re- eeived 15,8;$0 bneht)ls of grain. On the evening of tho 1st inst., tilt, J. Stewart, of Seatorth, met with a very painful wound while drawing the cork out of a ginger beer bottle. The bottle buret, cutting hie hand to the bone, A said accident t:appeued to two young men, ;lieeers Porter and Vetere, of baafortll. It scalae they were out titivating, and slut Peters took a smell bottle of spirite of hactsborn out of hill pocket, and that while giving his com•� rade a smell the cork flow out and the spirits flew up into tbeir faces, bonding them instantly, and they remained so fora couple of days. They are nolo 70. covering, 't cnuple of children were playing in a shed used by Mr. D. iaTeNeeghton as a tvtlrkehop, near Goderich, on Wetl- needay of last week. They filled a stove lying there with shavings, and a an cif Mr. McNaugbtori'e eel are to them. The building was soon in flames, and with its contents (it oouteiued nearly alt Jr. tIoNaugltton'a toots) was de. atroyed. The dwelling near by bad a very narrow escape, but the villagers wonted well witil pails, and kept it from the flames, SUNSTItOICE Tbe. following has been issued by the New York board of softie, and it is quite appropriate to this rlt' ion ; "Sun. stroke eaused by exceeeive heat, and especially if the weather is ' muggy.' It is more apt to occur on the second, third,,ar fonrtli day of a heated term than on the first. Loss of sleep, worry, excitement, close Weeping -rooms, debil- ity, itbueo of stimulants predispose to it.1 load of tan bark. It is more apt to attack those working in the ann. and especially between the hours of eleven o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon. On hot days wear thin clothing. Have es cool sleeuing-roams as possible. Avoid lose of sleep :and all uuneceseary fa- tigue. If warping iu-doors, and where there is artificial heat --laundries, &c. —see that the room is well ventilated. FAIRFIELD,. Smnwvn1:ntldy FESTIVAL. --.t. strawberry festival wile held in Fairfield Friday evening last. Refreshments wereserved at 8 o'clock, after which addresses were delivered by several reverend gentlo- men. lusie was ftlrni�lied by Miss Timmins, of Cleveland, Ohio, fir. Col- lins, of Exeter, and the choir, The proceeds' of the entertainment were ap- plied to the organ fund. 5-. q RODGERYILLE, ACCIDENT. • -Oa Tuesday, the 2nd inet., the youngest sou of Mr. John ,Rosa met with a severe aceitlent. Ile was running through a smell, field of grain, when he fell heavily upon a sharp etake, which entered the calf of his leg and inflicted a painful wound, several inches in Length. Tho wound was dressed by Dr. Hy ndmau, but it will be several days before the use.of the limb Sill be received. PORT I3LAEE. Btlsl:tass,--Tele business at this dock has been steadily cu the increase since rho epriut; and from its position as a shipping point, there is no doubt that the btteinese will grow rapidly.. Tns.Cnoes,--•The rain we have had: daring the peat week has been a great boon to the farmer, the spring grain being very melt improved by the show.. ere. Haying has commenced, and this r crop, as well :t9 all others, promises a good yield if nothing unforsoen hap. pens. Vlcvonr..---The steamer Victoria run. ping to this Port is one of the beet of her kind which rune on the upper tapes. She is a screw propeller, 85 feet keel, 180 feet over all, with an eugino fonr- teen equare, parrying capacity one hundred( and twenty tone. Its crew nensista'of 9 heads, all told. She sail. ori from this Port. on Monday evening the 1st lust., with it cargo of oak stages and stave bolts, white ash for fork and shovel handles, for Baltimore in the state of Michigan. The steamer ie to clear this Port in a day or two with a If working iu the sun, wear a light hat, (not black, as it .ibsOrbs heat), straw, &o., end put inside of it on the head a wet cloth or as large green leaf ; fre quently lift the bat from the hood and see that the cloth is wet. Do not check perepiratinn, but drink what water you need to keep it np, as perspiration pre- vents the body from being overheated. Have, whenever possible, an additonal shade, as a thin umbrella, when walk- ing, a canvas or board oover when work- ing in the sun. When much fatigued do not go to work, but be excused frudn work, especially after eleven o'clock in the morning of a very hot day, if the work is in the sun. If .a feeling of fa• tignc, dizziness, head -ache, or exhaus- tion occurs, cease work imt.nediately, lie down in a shady and cool place, ap- ply cold cloths to and pour cold water over head and neck. If any one is overcome by the heat, send immediate - y for the. nearest good physician. While waiting for the physician; give the person cool drinks of water or cold black tea, or cold ot+ffee, if able to swal- low. If the skill is hot and dry, sponge with. or pour cold water over the body and limbs. aid apply to the head ponud- od ice wrapped in a towel or other cloth. If there it: no ice 'it hand, keep a cold. cloth ou the head, and pour cold water au it as sell as on the body. •'If the person le pale, very faint, and pulse fee- ble, lot him inhale'animonia for a tew seconds, or give him a teaspoonful of aromatic spirits of ammonia in two tablespoonfuls of water with et little sugar. As ice disappears under a July lain, so fat disappears tinder the use of Al. lan's Anti -Fat. • Those having useless- ly tried other; remedies are readily ie- dated from°two to flviepounds per week by this great remedy for ,corpulence. Sold by druggists. THE TWELFTH IN MONTREAL. On Friday last a meeting of ,about two hundred magistrates of the city of Montreal was held for the purpose of taking into consideration the threaten- ed rioting in that city, on the 12th (to- morrow), and for tie further purpose. of devising means to prevent any riot- ous proceedings. An excited time fol- lowed, and the meeting pieced the pow- er in the hands of the Mayor, who con- sequently issued a proclamation for bidding the assembling of any body or bodies of mon for any purpose, whatever ou the day mentioned. Tliis however, it seems the Mayor line no power to do. but any three magistrates in the city have authority under act of Parliament to call out the military for the preser- vation of the peace. The best French- Canadian and English lawyers say that the meeting held by the magis- tratee was entirely illegal, and that the resolutions placing all the power in the- Mayor's heMayor's hands are contrary to the acts of Parliament. The Deputy-Aeljutant- Generat has ;already received such err requisition signed by six Justices of the Peace, and intends acting upon it. The militia of the 5th military district will• be palled ont for, service on the .12th, whilst the local volunteers wilt be kept is reserve The Mayor's proclamation. forbidding people to congregate on the eta este on the 12th inst., is declared by. the highest legal talent to have no bearing whatever on the Orange pro- cession. The Orangemen exp.+ct to be reinforced .;by a large contingent of their brethren from Ontario on the 12th. On Saturday, Col. 'Stollery, of the Tenth Royals, gave instructions to his regiment to be ready to go to Montreal on. the 12th, if necessary, at an hour's notice, Lieutenant-Colonel. Fletcher, D. A. G., after conferring with the ma. gistrate.- in Montreal who signed the requisition for the troop, has d eoicUd to call out oil the 12th the city enrps, about 1,500, and (about eight hundred teen' :from frontier' battalions, tram Sherbrooke, Richmond, Eetnmingtnu and Hnutiugdon. The frontier treppe Will be detailed for the purpoee of 'kceep• ing order in the streets. The city corps will be held ,ail a reserve at some convenient Spot, probably the Chatiip de Mara, -where they may be readily I bad in case they, are 'required' 4,4 �e.