HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-7-4, Page 3160,
Juts 4, 1878
A SPLINTER.. FRC A PA.R:S SHELL. j Then he exts" e1 Iris stands, as if to j young mon of his awn country were far (Ilexis all.
say f:trowell, but suddenly grew pale inure artificial, calci*eating, and coxa -
mut staggered, "Nu, I will ete yon plpx, in their sentiments. And so now ,
auee nein-- )-tn,nl•roct,"'" and he went, he said, "Ono week, one week 1" 9
Gen. ituberts still watching him silent-
- 1
IIY 41.:e i CE4.z.
a'I tell you, Easily, I will not !rase When Oen. Roberts Dame back from 1 -1.'"'-""r7`
it 1 I wilt not have it 1 1Iy danghaor the cafe, that Mgt t, be found his datllgll-1 c' u I'. 1101 L l'S or2 D S T.A. N
shall never mealy atorteee nt•e,- I have ter in hystetiee.
told site that ie', n. I have warped "Alt la true woman's
- yeti a thou,:: ' .'nes since vva c'uue to shru ging his sh •n; lets ; bathed -eked,'
Parie--cert n ..> teb'•r it !" graver when he t+ • roused in the night. 1. THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE PU
o t tete gill. to Reed. for a physicist.
L 0 N D ON
f>Si"I:�G to the Very large increase, of trade, I •
< . have been eompeiltd to enlarge my premises
and have just received is large store: of all hinds et
Furniture—in fact one of the largest north of Lon-
-'— don, Those in want of a first elass;trtielo in tiff
House Furnishing Line sltonid call and esu :iuc• aryl
stook and ascertain my prig:% an+l be cut:vr,ced that
I can sell cheaper than anyother Hoosei:t the trade.
Wool. Straw and rr',(ed mattresses sod string led. ah
kinds 1have also open edout a€irstclas.$stuei 4 lee;:a
Watches and Cue JL. s-clrv.in fact ever~ anuria found in.
a liivst.eiassestoldishinent. lfeel coned ttth t lcan gel
at prices that wiU satisfy the pubs and aa, l:m as eau
be purchased .anywhere. Clock's ani Watch.; regptre,1
at moderate rat4•s. mai.satis/action pmar::nneed. by ctsn�'.
petent workmen. Also Organs end5lnsncal iusmamer ts.
Special attention to Undertaking.
Buildings contracted for.
'��a.rb .r" .
' , t iLi„ field DRY 000DS, !
-'Tilcaia ',age .teal !'lice.,' continued Sic woe calmer l;t telt' In n GENERALa
Geo. I. Melts* a Pie it!'� tta•ti ,v:sUaint„ about ho thew a et.itir lr ^ her be.x its , sayit;t , 1 +
tate room, "tete: light in which they view ` letaily, I will wake a compromise.. I L
.J a '1
top sex mama ea Impplaess with any hi til twher tike X11. l�iLIaurdiere-•.-,y+es, I liked'
belonging to theta itapne-able f+r an hoe. I will give hila fifty thousand MEN'S CLOTHING TO ORDER,
ElL lienitibli wont ten. j t 1 a l t y
• n r T e ' , •t"t 1ta•1) it d •liars the dad by marries you and my R elf t ,��, 4y
iu their bet+ail, nti+i all they see influence (and it is considerable, in a
Y fifeictc,r certain we, tt) adv:ittee hien in his cal-
i-rtbnrdiere, he lute not n tun, E Suet,; hug. if he stays here; or, if be will go
and hear uartiare it. tint t
pose ?" t'► America, I wilt matte him a career
"Re has Ilia profeseiou" anur.n'lr:a fliers --I circ do it. 01'ly let kiln give IiIENDERSON & BUCI-TANNAN
soldieriatng, this risking a fnrlarr, Late A. Chisholm & Co.
lxal y' 4°1'W�'het is hie life but a drop in
"Ail, yes," with. tier ok gravity • "he'•
Is a n tra meat, and writes for the papers t1
10 t1cetut of blood that is to rain here A COMPLETE STOCK. O1,
bt:idesa-until defies in t)olitiee, dueelet when the bmnharnlnieut begins-•-b'it a
Snitletliiu+f like oar ward +'alitici- dine. wasted ; it t an flu let) goaal. �liufa! 1d 0 N E S T GOODS
ha ' t I stay yet, T dote$ for..ignalrs ; but fiefs AT
)slitung alum I like 84Gnnnc4 that I and
s illintr to take the risk of his saying
ye". You tau make this pr0poeitiou to
hum, or I will for you."
Emily watt retbant. "No surely,"
she thought.
a is in New 1'+nli, 1811141Ose ; tlfntlnta
t 1biee ill Wiih+* tllolis, stud gives piiilip-
ance to the crowd."
:.H„ al „ withiug of the sort l" said
Etnilr. angrily.
all, indeed 1 nothing so honorable,
petrlt.;;+ -," queered her Lather.
,.1 eat not tai ,:r sum abused 1" she
exec suited.
•aepee„iv-€=w Lea 1" whistled Gen. Bob•
,'ts, "you Want to marry hint, do
lemembier—Sign of the Striking Clock,
142, Dundas Street,
Truth Concerns Toil More Than Counterfeit,
Ti)eretore,rea4.fpurelnase, and coley its bargains. S1 -Ener t say 1. manufacture ray own fnatnaito;se 1
m nrevered with a rr preet-sheet that th 1' eerie eau anepeet of my thane by calling at my Ware
eras where they will see a superb div plat' al
Furniture in All Its I3ranches
is nlanaflctnre,L by ruyaelt ao l a comoinel urtbI1 ' Skil., wit's goal warp nva$liila, _ 1 dei rare nut,
itootesfy lu4 the gwple Assaf a ensu of t u,nut:irca gnat c inrnt l�1)latk t !mr g:nalaty of gage. en
Exeter, au ata thecontrary',!'Jt.cilbstandfna.
Corner of ;`rain and Cidley'a Street, Exeter.
Gan, Roberts o,tly mulled natter Ilia L. 0 N D 0 N. THS EXETE
mustache. All he let tail table (laugh
ter was to touch her elbow its elm re
paired to the salon to meet M. Labor
diene and whisper, "Mind 1 it is a test
It u of lies affection, and that is wortltleee, MISS GARLICK,
1'tlfstr bit het• lips, but made ata ail -
w r' y Emily only shoo; her curls cotlft- Ilan new in stock a complete line of
+tl+'ltat da you. want tel resin hire delete ,yitnd teased. Iter iikirts ret more
l.)r' said bet father, coining sleeve to l+ale , It*, i F'EATHJ RS, FLOWERS,
her. "It is easy to Ltt'e why he wants The young 1'senciiman dushodtohie. and TrimaitssaofEvery Kind, la
to Marry yon ; he thieks I am rich,. be-
cause we lice at thin stylish pen.ien temples os he listened. It was the Latest StViearid Lowest Prices
unless it comes out bright."
and eon leave your geweews, slue your hand of love, of the gay, little girl he A. fedi Stock o! 1•nrtrx Goode
� d h a h' l
billsfrost+ Madame L'Arcllsetltla on the love so early, t at bui ed sin to t )e Berlin wools, Roniton Lac;, Draida,
Boulevard. But what makes you mut monidtain-top, and cunningly Lind deft- patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, &e,
to marry ilial,?" ly lilaaed betas flim all the l iugaalns� dacketscatendmadetoorder.
The girl shrank as if sonlethinf;hurt Ontceein the care career the
ovary man them.
and iii
her, and in tier heart swelled a longing
woman they are hidden to choose he. ` Main St.. Exeter.
cry for her dead mother.
A you ova i ' ''Victor Labordiere's choice was made in i 1
trft>lt voice of the largo, florid mon.
va tween a common and a limo% life.
"Do 1 hint risked the
She raised her clear, brawn to eyes the same wards ho had used the day till Elul
y before, "That I cannot do 1"
Then came poor luta Emily's chokeaE ,h --a r►. t eh you iov trim !" her point of assibility. 'Listen 1"
'Then, in a low, biasing tone, ' Ar'tft said Victor! holding }ler hands, "the
1laLned to tell Ina that so boldly
one path is eomtnonplaoe--degraded,
you aR
"No, 1 and not," replied she, atilt fa.
now ;the other, the natty, noble Ana,
ting him steadily, We may breast it together, perhaps on
He looked at Iter some moments. earth, perhaps in heaven. The then of
my family, the men of my nation, have
.+And lae lie sass you ? ' niwa s lived fuer an idea, have shed
Allis ! aalas ! Emity had to bow her their blasd for it many times. If we
head now, and say, falteringly. forge ever so small a lick to unite the
I think so." ideal with the life of teleacre it is
{ti 11, eta 1" said her father, and strol-
glarinlls. The ideal and tthencttl»I, +
ling to the whitlow, he etuu,l fingering
they are two, and we must make them
the paper flowers in the jertliitierc •'then 3
does not affect the low p-fncesat which
he vane back. one, 1•a!es-nous r" And then be passed a, .84 T. BI',..t' SST's'
"I'll put hies to the test. Ho is in to and fro, his foo worked, his alert areoltering their stock of
the army. Wilt ha give up that for
love of you ? Does he love you enough
for that ? Corrie, now !' no one can say
Haat is an unfair teat, for, could I wish
my only daughter left a widow, in all
probability, in a few months 1 Did T
Dome here to link her fortunes, her
happiness to a conntty and a people
toppling on the brink of ruin ? Do
you think he'll stand the test ?"
"Yee," said Emily, deaaut'y.
The linxt morning she made the
yen, in American, sent your young men
proposition to her lover in her father's at thea lowest figures,
forth to battle, witu blessings and
presence. The smile fled fr'am Victor's. d 1 „ Having opened onto branch astabiishment
"Ent Victor, it is of no use," said 1 ern be supplied ou the shortest notice
Emily. "My father says so --every-
body says so."
"No else 1" repeated Victor, his ayes
flaming. No use 1 N that the way you
— But I need say no more—that's of
no use. And yet it must be that you
will not receive my words, not that yon
cannot. This chimera of a test of my
that ? Do �'+atL ? Can you ?" love has came between us."
and entitle gestures deepened and point.
eta the meaning of his words and his
dark, flasbiu' eyes. From the window,
he looked out on the broad, bright,
spotless streets of the American quar-
ter, comfortable and enticing, like the
life he was tempted toby the red -lipped
American girl who sat within. "You
Ileal me," he continued, onming back,
"the mast elating of insults. \Vo
Frenahmel), forsooth 1 are not worthy
to lend n noble life ! Ten years ago,
Exeter & Hensall
which oonsista of alt the latest and improved
styles of Kitchen. Cook and Parlor stoves,Milk
CABS, pans, and pails of tae most approved
parte, n, and everything in the line ; A180,
good selection of handsome
Eave troup'hing
as aural, receives everyatteation, and done
lips, and lois eves looked blacker and
pride ' but we—ah 1 at EonaaU our friends in that neighborhood
larger than ever
"That I cannot do !' he said, slowly
and sadly.
Gen. Roberts sat in the background.
saving, nothing, but watching him.
Victor Labordiere fixed his eyes on
E+ m i ly.
"flan it be pnasible. Emily ?" he
said, "Emily, is it you who ask me
L+'prily's vain little heart smote her ;1 wHe strode buck and forth, springing
but she tossed her head. with infinite suppleness from fnetaFhar
"It is as a testimony of your love I to persuasion and reasoning.
ask it, Victor. Don't yon care enough , Emily sat. sometimes in tears, some-
tunes trelnbliln,. She gave herself
for me to do this ?"
Victor nut his hand to his ferebend.
"Care for yon ? Oh, mon Dieu! I
wanted yon for my own—my very
own 1"
lie gazed in her eyes a moment long-
er, and it needed all her pride to keen
her steady, Then he drew a long
breath, and glanced round the room as
if to assure himself he was in his right
"Is this the way you Americans do?"
he continued, bitterly looking from
daughter - to' father. The latter sat
mute, his eyelashes veiling his eyes. and
his iron -gray mustache completely
hiding the expresinn of his month. "Is
it that you do like this, you Americans?
1 had thought quite otherwise. I have
heard such tales."
"Victor," said Emily, sweeping back
her ringlets sweetly, and letting the
tears just fall ou her pink cheeks, while
her month wore its liveliest, most ap-
pealing half -smile, "Victor, surely I
thciught yon would do tale for my sake
—for my vele 1" •
Vain the allurements, vain the win-
ning glance, Victor agnilt' repeated in fervid,:royal young fellow had given
t I' tones "Theft I cannot do." Lira a new view .of a foreigner. Many
great credit for her firmness.
At len•'th she burst forth into a
passion of weeping. "No," she sobbed,
"yon do not love me enough ; and if
that 18 so, it is better that we part.
Go, go i I will be second to nothing I
Not even to country 1"
"Amerioan women did not always
talk so," he burst forth. "And is not
France as dear to us as America was
to thein. I am glad to go,"rejoined
Victor, passionately. "If yon love me,
you will be proud of me, that 11ave
He was darting out of the door when
Gen. Rubens opened it, and saw at `a
glance the state of thiugs. "Stay,
stay 1" eaid he, "this must not be set
led now 1 Take a week to .decide !
Take one week 1"
A mixed feeling ..prompted him, or,
rather an instinct speaking independ-
ently of his mind. On first coming'. to
Femme, Gen. Roberts, in common with
most Americans, had met only selfish,
corrupt time servers, and had learned
to despise all Frenchmen.. Ent.this
,BoN.,lr,.n., ..,
friHE rltibseribor begs to announce to the lc habitants of Exeter and the a-nrrounding conc.
.1,. try, that he has up+ two a TIN end S t'A� S DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. t .
A. Maces Urinary and Liquor stare, I4tuin street. Exeter, where he is p.epaiedto fall ai1orete,a
Cook, Parlor and other Stoves
At Manufacturers anufacturers Prices.
Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practic:d
workmen on the premises.
Eave•Troughing done to order, Carriage Plating* Specialty. Coal all Chimneys, the
very lest and none t'heaper.
Intending purchasers will always find. mo at my pas; ready to attend to my own business
and prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good s;:��t
heap arils e. Depend upon is that nowhere can yon get better value for your Money'.
The very highest price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep shins,
Exeter P 0, October 15 1877.
Founders, Engineers and Machinists.
Middling Purifiers of improved .finds.
Agricultural Implements
Potash Kettles, Schaal seats, &e.
Iran and Brass Ca.4#ino-s to order
For gale cheap --Second heed Boilers and Enitires Stave and
Shingle, and Beading Macninery,
Repairs on Boilers, .Eugiues, 11iI1s, &c., promptly attended to
WATCH trndertak£lr
Jana got the W. D.MeG ochlotwatcb
before buying. You will have no other infer see-
ing them. All who wear them recommend. them
Gold and Silver,Ladiee and Gentleman's sizer,
77 Duudvsstroet,Londen. See the testimonials
Thelargeet,bestand cheapestetoek of ane Gold
Jewelry, Clocks ,iiver, and Plated Ware, Panes
foods, 6c., Rc., in the Province. Aopa.1Qg1.y
ver y description. W. D. b1CGLUThLLN
77 Dun rlase London
C. Sout .Cott etc Eon
Take pleasure to it form the inhabitants of Exete
add surrounding country, that they have ins
ope.aed out au excellent assortment of
Trade, Coatings, Vestings etc.,
la the latest styles and patterns, and feel assured
that in toe matter off(nothing, they ooh suit the
• inostfnstidionstastes.
V these who intend
theohmanasLig ufactto urero fThe
dealer who buys to sell
(gain must necessarily
have a profit, We 4htim
to give the purchasers the
benefit, which oannot fail
to meet the views of the
Grangers. Oar emensos
a•e less than these of situ'
manu'uet,uers censeq"ent-
we call eell cheaper.
C. tfi S. GIDLEY
anal Ft trnit-are Manutacurer,
rV calispeeialattoution
to our undertaking de),.rt-
ment,which is mono corn
plete than ever, ns we have
added several new designs
of late The best coffins.
caskets shrouds,and every
uneral requisite at the
low est) rices. Our new
,.. l Hearse is pronounced by
competent judges to be
// second to nore in the
Emblems of all the Different Societies.
Ladies in want of Kid Gloves cannot do better than drop in at
and see their large stock. Our model two -buttoned Kids as-
tonish everybody. Full range of sizes in the dark shades, only
• 40 cents per pair.
Kids, 2 buttons, full range of sizes in newest evening shades,
at the remarkably low price of 50 cents per pair , are selling
rapidly, Call early t. You have over 340 pairs to select from.
NEW COSTUME LINENS, special shades at low prices
just to hand at
B tter and eggs wanted. Accts. rendered 1st July.