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The Exeter Times, 1878-6-27, Page 6
6 THE TIMES JTrlo 27, 18T8 '•■.•tie A TA.IvGLED-Ur GIRL. Thele is a young lady in St. Louis who says be hoe more parents and just commenced to fool about, when he was lilted clear off the grass, and slammed against a tree box with such' force that be gasped half a dozen times stepparents living titan any one she before be could get hie breath. ever heard of. This is the way she "'Now, you'll keep away from me tells the story a exclaimed the miuieter. picking up his "You knot ;papa and mama never cane." could agree, and ria finally they got a- "Bust lee if I don't," replied the voiced, 1 don't say whose fault it was, teamster, as he edged off.. "\;\"hat`s but mania, did behave ugly sometimes, the use in lying and saying yott didn't and even I cuutd not get glong with have any fun in. you, when you're Ler. So when the sepaeation took place I went to live with papa. Shoa- l)? afterwards mama married again, and paha was not long in following suit. I dill not like it very well at first, but ny stepmother turned out to be first- rate, and I got to like her splendid. chuck full of it ? Blame it 1 You wanted to break clay Heck, didn't you ? You just hang around here about five tmitentee, you old Texan, and I'll bring a fellow who'll cave in your head." "I never hang," s id the m.luister, as he sae tered off; and the teamster Then papa seemed to get infatuated leaned against his wagou and nmased. with another woman whom he got ac-- -- queinted with, and she wheedled OF COUESE, IT W -V, THE EN' around him until she made teoublee, and the result was another divorce, and papa soon married the woman that There was an old couple in a sleep• made the trouble. When the sec'.ud lug car en the Canlada S'''utheru the separation took place, I went with toy other evening mho in due time, retires stepmother, because I loved her, and I to a berth, Aleut five minutes after• because my servieei were nese eery to i wards a soul•stirriug snore broke upon take care of the baby. Thee what the ease of all preseut. It proceeded aloes she do it go diel pet married. I from the oltl geutleulaa, declare I never st1,w do 111u01 ill lurking '•Jolal l" crit( the old lady, al d no Ira niy life. It only ht4lhpoued a little while ago, and tay new step. tapfsatber I suppose be is ---treats me in a very kiudly sort of way, as if he felt he couldn't help himste•lf,at,d didn't exnetly like it, mei 1 don't like it a bit. 14;au"t go back to my mau}a, bee ,Yuseiiaft:.'• silo is mad with me for going with pal Off he went to eieep again., audio a in the first instance, and 1 eau't go to while tie shoring re•culuweueed with papa ba•eattge of that wheedling wereaa., rt denbled vigor. mat eau's bear to stay whet t• 1 AM. It Quce Alone his wife awake lain. is too bed that a, girl e.l,oamltl have a foe I .,Do stop that Pinning, Jobe," she ther and a mother acid two etepfatthers t remarked ttleadtugly. stud two 8tel+luothers an living at once, 4. 'Tsuu't me, teat the engine," said and slut a home that she eau feel at ,i Ile testily ; "never storedin all ria,} Lome in. GINE, doubt nudging him. "What's the matter?" a ked John, sleepily. "Stop your suoriug," said his wife. "Snorltl' t" cried the old Inde, 104;- 1 andY, udil - 1autly, "never did ouch a thing in nay 11.4.1114+1 TIMELY SCtitiirS°.L'If) �5, bort; days. And although he was wakened some t•igbteeu times duriug the dight. his wily answer wail t 1. Never allow your mowing hurls , " "l•'uiu't me, 'tis the engine," and to get bound tout 'lieu they begirt 1I idging froth the maguificeut plupar- euw there down, to grass steel acrid roll, g gut\e bee° rlgtht, A CONVEN1ENJ' A1tGi31IE �T. He was M illirting tobacco juice over the flour (f the estluou, and telling how capital oppress'ti labor, wheu one of to f,eit, 1,100 diem early Au;;ust, and betas of his snore, the old map might and double the amount of hay will be attuned neat year without the loss tier a crop. 2. ;Never a,low the grass to stand till ripe. ?hors early when the ttae- c sarine juices aro iu full flaw, and with and cocked,: by protectiug it from rain,.: KINSMAN, L. D. S., HAS 0/3 - as well as dews. It often happens that1 to sed 1.116 Diploma andLicense to prae- Ace bs a shower causes a. good deal of extxa tY sealawin labor, and this eau be prevented, in a be on brand measure. by capping. Hay which is et P 11, r 8, pet a and capped, will pass Friday and properly 1? I? FI through quite a long storm and come Satu r d ay e. Oilice ne. out in very good uonldltion. *Jape are 1euenekery Main Street, Exeter Ont. also very useful to place over barley, or beaus, white curing. They should be one yard square, with a pointed stick at each corner. These are to tuck into the hay, to prevent the wind from blow- ing them off, A water -proof coating should be applied to them. The follow - is a good and cheap dressing, and one it is said that will not crack : In one- half gallon e.1 boiled linseed ell stir two ounces of soft-soap; apply with a brush to one silo only:, two or three coats.— Rural New Yorker. LEGAL 1 ARDINU liARDING, & WUITE, Bath -dors. 4ttoruey's, Satlteitetrtl. Coat. sdouere, li. 1t.. Rc. tarkt(a:^+IItT .»:'s Tinges, Water treat, St !dory's. plus t.limitlxe, ALCOMSON & CADDY, florristols, attorneys, SNfoittorg &o. 11 onto; to Loan 00 Ileal Estate, Valise:esBlock, Kseter, \\T cl)LtR1%ID, B.A., w,.. 111 ttRISTER,NOTARY, CONYELtNCER, LCCAtl,ONT. 11 i:SSRS, JONES & 110SCEIP I/err:atore, Attarinate-at•law, Solieitorn 'a:,every Conveyancers Comtnis,iouors iull.R o.; NotariesPStl,lie, t. Marl's e. s.ao.11•,s. \\,.c.alaecltla', OeN t: ---Button's Olo,iw, \Cttterst•,t.Mary's. MEDICAL \11, III,",f(t-IINSUN, Member of the t'aeth eeott'h},•a•cuts and Surgeons of Ontario. Ke., .t r., it!uiu at., t•t, Exeter. Ib. UYN.I411AN.- C01tONEE FUR the County of Har.+u. Office, next door to tor. I. Carling's store, Exeter. W. -.iwO\VNING, I. I). I.O. ♦. s, Graduate VicturtaI;niversity Office anti resideuce, loot. Mon L.tuur,atelY 18xetu C.1IU01tE, M. 1), 0. I. L. Graduate of atcGiil University, Montreal UtliMoanttrtani<v,et,l.xeter,Ont. O;lt u 1 verb— to tea. tot tend 7 to IV 1411; .\R. IRVING, GRADUtTI ONI- L I.1O tTY Trinity College Moodier lege put shims, ami surgeons Gut.,'alice1 k1 ten. Shingles GANS THE BEST IN IHE MARKET. and very cheap, Sold lsy K. KINSMAN, Exeter, r, Oar Call and see them. for Sale Nzw sI'RI 'G GoQDS; PROM wl TO $1.60 PER SQUARE, At G. & 3'- Brooks' TWO MILES WEST OF TITS LONDON ROAD, T'I' OF MAT, A good supply of Readmit Lumber and Cedar asteconstautly en hand. THE EXETER PlaningMill Sash, DOOR ASD BLIIII PaT01111 ^}� ALL KINDS OF t �J! lis N I N Done to order. itemeruber tbeplace 3:17er Oise (6 lloward YORKSHIRE Packin cm! 1 A . KET.L'• lies lust received a large stork of 1t '�itPf4P4� f 1Q('fsa Jewellery, Il'"ao. 4..' ilii Sia't40.;Ss, ,Spectacles £,(tel4e$1 and (+Jt?il$ reeliet Boca s. A large i tocl; of Fancy Goods eon- 9talltly oto helrt), EW r.L CBER SHO1' filhe tualeisigaeti would Worn, the Whai- 1. tants of Rxettr 00s1 viciuitt that he her, OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP omc,i<*o, south PILOBlaclismitl^chap andhopei ;bowline liberal patrenut!e that ha6 bea:'Y* aC corded to Litwin the ALtACR8)11Trt AND WAGON STA1 G �tinewill! steededtohintini,fe newbranch o tombs ss, Iiia meat wagon willctell at the real - .lents of the village Gerry tinier incl xieekal:a: FRES II M EA ' or on &:ndstkel*t eonstot,tO on band At hat; Widener shote, li➢<:eksaritl,ins and wagon makin,ca mina* is all ate 1rolt1,s �y E N!. ^ S A L.i..t G. 1. a V , PETTY °'a'eTS G ..�. T.., ---- Any quantity -of Cured Meat coustluttly iu stock.. ito11s, Bacon, Hams, smoked, sugar -1 cured, Stara, etc. A,ny quantity of PORK CUTTINGS the dozen teen iuquired ; HOTELS the tenders make the hay by keepiwe t „ ,e•• Ait nu oath u heal cotumtluists t it flying in the air until sutBoieutty „I eta& sir, that we must have an tuned toIle gut in the Hemp (sang, eyeu diattibutiols 1Jf property—yes, alar, g. Never allow the caterpillars to or wee' li:fht, sir 1" wee the ipompous die it ure or destroy your orchards. re 11 , Watch these little tent tneLlters froni "Stranger, kin ye lend me a ' rhew of their beginning, end with t a s+pir'el tit'(1 teraaco a ? a,l:ed cls© inquirer. at the end of a long pole take them 'fl' A box full of flue -cut was lauded clean, and no more will ellnay you the 1 hits. Iia put it in hie p• cket, and was pri«e11t season. If wIwc'e are stn ail- 1 walking away., when the cunllnuuist called out : "Beg pardon, but you are carrying cif hey tobacoo 1" "S'all right—s'all right," replied the other, "I was out and you have plenty. We've got to even this busi- uess up, you know, and you keep the box and 1111 keep the tobacco." He was too big to lick, and the own - lee , let not this simple branch of toe farlu he neglected at whatever cost. Nothing looks more hideous or sloven- ly by the wayside than the old family orchard thickly decorated with the re- mains of last year's caterpillars.' nests. 4. The canker worin is the greater peat of the two. The slug (female) is now walking up the apple trees and de - pc shin; her eggs pratnisottuusly over ] muuist put the empty box in his pock them. They form no nest, and hence et and refuted to laugh with the it is hard to conquer them. Heavy tar- crowd. red paper kept fresh with tar around the body of the tree is the best rem- edy against their clambering propeu- sities, Though often they have bridges THE INDIAN TROUBLES. Advicts from the Spotted Tail Indiau over the tar by making a traek of dead y Ageucy state that the chief abd baud bodies and perpetuate their work for years. The vicinity of Roston has been for many years the battle ground for the canker worm, But they are .how getting largely into Essex and other counties.—N. Y. Former NO FUN IN BIM. One of the members of the Method- ist Conference, recently held in De- troit, lliehigan, was out for walk at are to have a big deuce on the 20th, au(l as they were recently supplied with arms and ammunition they threeteu that, if the contract to remove then by the Goverernent is not carried out by that titne, they will go on the war path. It is also stated -ti. at Red Cloud's war- riors will join Spotted Tail if he goes on the war path. Major Egbert's five companies of In- fantry, numbering eight officers and 125 teen, arrived at Silver City Julie an early hour one morning, and while 20, having Made a forced march across the eunntry from tiornucopia, aver.►giug 30 miles a day. They reu,atiued there two hours and departed fur Camp Lyou, tlbuut20 'miles distal,t, ou the Oregon and Iclaholino.An outbreak of Indians at Duck Valley Reservation is anticipat- ed. At .aratlise Valley and Quinn's River trouble i, also anticipated among the Indiana. Gen. Sheridan has ,telegraphed to on Howard street be er,eouutered a strapping big fellow, who was drawing a wagon tout blacksmith shop. "Catch hold here, and help me down to the shop with this' wagon, and I'll buy the whiskey," called the fellow. "I never drink," solemnly replied the good man. "Well., you can take a cigar," here plied. "I never smoke." Gov. Smith discrediting the story as to 5) The Man dropped the wagon-shaftR, ,R compact between .the Chippewas and looked hard at the member, and askew, Sioux, but says there may be some "don't yon chew ?" truth in it. Ho has sent member of "I`Tu; sir" inns the d• sided reply, his staff to Flutist uoutlty to investigate "You must get mighty laiie .one," a tttore'. There is a company .of l7. S. lunged the testmster. iuf,uatr.q at l+,rt Snelling, which can be "I' guess fin all right ; 1 feel first- used if required. rate, - "P11 list yon even that I can lay you HAY O .I d onour back," retnarked the fess)- Next Door' to Baker's Hotel. Parties wanting y -- diret•clase work 'h Sll fled it to, their,advantage Co• Etter. "Comenow, let us warm up . a As the time i8 not very far distant to call before leaving their orders elsewhere. Only little. "I never bet." • "Wt11 let us take each other down fin; fun then, Yon are as big as I am ani I'll give you the to der hold." . "I never have en ' fun," solemnlyi tt;lrtr-Iset the member, xv-nsTFax HOTEL, GRAND 111,ND.— r V This Hotel huts been leased for a term of yearn, and hum hetet nicely fitted up. Eery eon. vaniune for cr,ntuereml travellers. The best brands of liquors and cigars at the bar. Gaud hostler in attendance. t Iii It4TI.AN ILAitTLEIB, Prop. Grand fiend, May _''trd, 1hi i. G•n. `tEN'I'RAL HOTEL, CREDITON J--•\Vm. Raker proprietor, Thin Hotel luta been newly luruish-d and lifted up in (irat•c1nHN style. Large and convenient Show Itaoms for ('ulrmercial Travellers; hent of liquor and cigars at thy. Bar. Attentive Headers r1w t ti on hand, dI Cl --3m. \VILLE tf IBAKI:R. ANi'SION HOU, HEN, It -King et, east'sidu ofSEthe railway.SALLTele Note, has r,•ce. by changed hands, and fa well :Anima throughout. throughout, Excellent table,. Every at- tention paid to grovellers Mod atabliug, Tho very befit brands of l.gnor at the bar. iuCHAIID 'REYNOLDS, Prop. M. 13.1in. O'FIANGED HANDS.—The under. �,.lsigueuhavinr rented the Dufferin liouse,Ceu- tralla,fora term, it win befound a i1 -at -class ho- tel, with every acootnuxodation for the travelling vublic, Couvenientto the Station. Good Liquor and cigar. at the bar. Attentive hostlers. 19-ly. ST. M W Y'S LIMEWORKS. onrdrawn kilns beinguow in full operation and turningout daily a. Large quantity of that for all purposes cannot be surpassed in the Doman• ion. Partiestrom a distance eon alwaysbeer ',plied either at the kilns or deliyord by teams at low est remunerative fates. Orders from n distance promptly attended to. WE-ITSON & SOLATER. Grocer/es e Confectionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per Ib CHOICE TOBACCOES AND CIGAR always in stock. e SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationary, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST news N.B.—Sewing di octat. Needles of every kind. A. BOYD. _V 1, W BOOT rr S EO EOP IN CREDITON. haying, I.wish• toepeak a word in favor Of this usef a trticla to the -.haymtkors. Ut,til he has once used them, and after once being used, I never knew a farm er.to discard thein. They will save their cost ih-a short time, by protect- inghay the frons dews and ruins. "Well, I'm g,:iug to taokle you auy It is for the°hevlth•'pf stock that, they wti a Herewe go.'' ' '- 'be provided'with good 'Coed and when The teamster itlid up and endeavored cue uses hay -caps he cast add ,greatly, tO gal til, nrck 401d, batt ostly tt. the Yuluu of ilii hay, after it is aur first-class material used. Sewed work a speciality. Bepairiug promptly attendealto: • Ciii1ISP OFHP 1l* R A TY. Crediton, March 7. 1878, - v JON! SOIDAN, Has jtist Commenced business one bait mile. West of Deshwitod, and is prepared "to clean Gooks, Watches awl .Sewing Machines. Um- brellas repaired and Orglns and itlelocli,tne et - tended to. Thole in '*tint ' of his services should give him a call before goii.g away from home. Char gee moderate and. entire sati sfac- tin guaranteed. constantly o11 band u.sfAUSACES Wholesale and Retail. All orders for enured meat promptly attended to. THD GREATEST Wonders of Modern Times Io1loways Pills &Ointment The Pills Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys an' Bowels, and aro tnvaluablo in all complaints incidental to The (Hutment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcer , of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Colds, Gout, 1Rheumatisiu, and all kin eases n•t 8100 equt,l. - a BEWARE OF I�sw York Counterfeits. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills under n,l Ointment" are manuiactnrod and sold Henry Cur an deme 7lnljowaYCompany, Drug- 1GGEST CHANCE TO 112AKT+y gists, and also 4 by the Metro' �ymoney ever offered. Honest, 1pleasant, pofitan Medi- - .sine.company of profitable. Ousts nothing to tryii, MONTREAL' Now York, with .t r a ;, nn assumed trade OVELTY JO, 843 St. James SL`, Montreal. --Again one of New York,like- B. DAVIS. and Beapei:s.. WE OFFER & TRIAL GI our Celebrated Si nae Mowers Si g le R apers lu all kindeof t:rraseand Orrin. and on nil con Mous of Indiana aortae°, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR NO SAL. We also offer a Trial of our Wrought Iron Two Bar JOH STAN'S COMBINED REAPER A iD MAIER :declaims supplied with Two Pitmans, Two Drag -bars, Two Finger -bars. Four Knivec, Forked and Keyed. Nuts. Self -oilers, etc., etc. can be changed. frcm Mower co Reaves AND REAPER TO IOWEI Byremovaloffour bolts, an thaufltteeia minutes' time. Please call at our works and inspea our Machines Before purchasing elsewhere.. !t Send for Oate,lognes. THOMPSON & WILLIAMS Man nreaming C't., Stretford. mark, thus-- Sesolrl1 Haydocl wise Passes offs Ytt countorloitsofhis own make under the name' ofPlol- Ioway &Co.,having for atrade mark a °resent and Serpent; rroKessen & Robbins of New York are agents dor the same. 'Phese persons, the better to deceive you un- blushingly- caution the publican the small hooks of directions affixed to their medicines, which are rerlly tlrespuriovs imitations, to Beware o Counterfeits.':• Ui,scthxpiuous Uealdts o btaitl..''them at very low prices Anil s81 them to tb'o pnbl c in Cana- da astmygenuine Pillsand-Ointments. I most earnestly andrespeetfully appeal to the Glenn, , to mothers of families and other ladies and the public generally of British Norib Ameri- ca, that they may bo pleased to denounce un- sparitigly those frauds. P.ui•ohasers should look, to th a label onthe pots and boxes.:If the. .a caress. ,s n3,t S88I, Oxford Stre •t, Loudon, tttoy are the counterfeits, Each pot andbox of the [tcanine Medicines, bears the British Government stamp, with the words ' HOLLowAY's PILLS AND Or, crMNNT, London," ecuGravod thereon: Un the label is the address, G3'1 O-ciord Street, r,nneoh,whore alone they are M anuf,totur.,d' Parties, who may, be defrauded byV,eado Vs selling sputters "Holhoways Pills ttnd ©ititinent as my genuine 'make sh, on com- municating the particulate to me, bo amply re - trot aerated, and,tlteir 1 arae neverdivuiged. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 1 E,3R, Axford. at.. W. C. C,Loadon.„Enaland Important to BtltterWorker's One Good Active Agent Wanted in every town- ship to introduce the VICTOR BUTTER WORK- ER. Su nple Machine 1+'ree. to Agents:- Price $5.00, :x7.00 and $8.00 each.. one Miaianto he sold in the Dominion. Apyly early with stamp for erste oirenla , to the • VICTOR, V4IWIO''R Cm caw,• CONSUMPTION WIRED, AN OLD PHYSICIAN, retired from active raetice ha a x p , having had places in his hands by an -hest India Missionary the forn,uta of a Vegetable itemody fur the speedy and pet - neanentenre.of cOi st mCRTIO*,t. ASTHMA.. s,toNOSIITIs d6 TA1RItH and all Throat: and Emig Affections; also ape sitive and radicalcure for nervous debility and all ser- vous complaints; after having' thoroughly tested its wonderful eur&t1ve powers in thousands of ea- ses fe ?Is it hie duty to snake it'hnown to his suf., Tering tell°WS. Aetented 'by this. motive, and a xonscientiou,s desire to relieve 'human suffering, and will'send. free of charge, to all who desire it,. thitrocit e, with full directions ibr preparing and enocossfully,Innen. Sent by return naafi by ad. aro?§! tt,with sttmp1+ naming this paper ,DR.. 0. BTE%J: •S, Box 86 Brockville,; Ont,