HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-6-27, Page 5'27, 1878 THE MM.& TI-101-ZNE & FARM 1-114 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Sco tem GENERAL DEAL.thRS IN GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED. Carling's ale, lager and porter in bottles and one-quarter cask. Labatt's ale and stout in bottles and one-quarter cask. .• 1440,211" sirniumr, EmmTrizt. USBOUN E. 44414.4.414.44.4444.4.1 SOT PW-Sge..-14(11.0 11 section Ai% 7i4" :1; 10, 1.4..rue, tot. ds 11.)ioing a grand pico.ale i r. Norio', grove on Fri.` day next ictootiorru Wit:elk-leen • bowl uhl he prehent ou CekkhiOns 4691 it ant time i1antivipanrd. ••• WB P-7 I ONGER REMAIN FAT1 .7 ,vcti col,side.N.01 b tha itntoi• enta n- of colt-,e1:e,s. Even yet the 1.1,01 forms of thettrecirot (1%4-11 dove- ai.! regarthd utod.-104.4 fe. Mate I:eattty. (Iorpgleneoi.jjow held to bo ' e1 nod Allnit's Anti -Fat 1 has fall) 11.0non4rated it to be curable. I The Awi rat chemically rieutralia..• in the 4.91444,,o 4:11 glucose, sacchariw.. and ol..a-.i.4..ii4 substances, thus inv.: eating 1.1.• formatic.n nf fat. Its u insurettf t two to t; to ;. pounds per w. • - nreIy %. table and 1.• .t -t Sold by f, uggist VW 1.tv: t.'ooteorrate. coal intlen, sclilo lYttag, to linfE ion I,Ituaa, at two ealttic4 Int .Thttod.t,y raninitsg, was run •,1 into by the kirli Ante:eq., cool being tenets ..ii the bow wao cot in tWO„ j/t, thrto toitott.,i after the •colli,igoo the: brItt wont tl,two. Five men were tom 4 LT clitivO .ltold of ropes that weto thrown from the bark, or by getting *q'. on ricees a wrivh that were floating about. Three lost the ir lives by the collisbni. Their names are (leo. tirnot, l tussuir, Weymouth, N. S.; Michael W. Dolly, Ortutvill.., N. S.; and William Willet, Annapolis. N. s. MARRIED. St% :Alms.. At the resitt.neo of the ltritiv",i father. 1.tike Township of Huy, Lev. J. W. Ilointeg. ttliij p,t. ejlor of the Ctuatritt it1ethollit4 Church. Ext. tZtr, tot the 26ch inst., Mr. J. P. Ross, of the thin of INN, Biog. i1 Taylor. Exeter. to Annie M., only daughter id Jalitex 4 -ten. Esq.. gr.un merchant. .1.m44 1, ,•!. 111:144ilt is. -..%t the rt sitit•nce of the liritie\ Iter, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. J. W. Butcher. Mr. Charles John - Mon, ef the township of Plymptim. &''uuty ij 1...1.0.ton, to Fume...4s Jane, Eldest daughter of 31r. Dtutiel Keruiek, of Us - borne. County of Huron. DEATHS. finonnitoolt.-In Exeter., on the 22n1 hist, M. James Shobbrook, aged 48 years. ..••••• TIME TABLE, L. II. & 13. R. The following thne-table came into opera- tion on this road nu 'Monday. 13th May :tome Nonni. Mail 9.20 a, m. Mixed 10.50 a. m. Express - 6.25 p. m. 00Esin sorra Mail 0.20 a. m. Mixed- ............. — 2.50 p. m. Express 7.35 p. m. mossalmisso BIlifFALO LIVE STOCE. Duffel°, June 25, CATTLE -Receipts, 25 oars; 20 cars through ; shipments, 25 oars. No sales. HOGS-lteeelots, 0 care ; 8 through; shipment. o 14 cars ; 6 cars to New "fork. The market is quiet and but little doing owing to tho absence of stock: sale of ono load On private terrus. IF SHE EP -Receipts, 7 oars ; through, 6 cars ship- ments, 9 cars. :Myers and collersapart ; no sales. Salea late yesterday at $8.00 to $4.10. Three loads on sole to -day. White What Scott 90 to 0 9 S1'.140- W ...11.111KET FALL WIIEAT. 93 to 0 05 r f 4 Fife .4 i Red Chaff " Barley ... Oats I. Peas Eggs ... ... Butter ... ... Flour por bbl. ... ... Potatoes, per bag ... ... Apples, per bag ... ... Dried Applee pr b._ ... i7k 0....Hog8, dressed per 10 ... Beef Hides :f 4 Sheepskins, eaoh ... ..., • !i Hay per ton •-• - f ii Onions per bush ... .,. Lard Wool, per lb •••. 83 to 0 85 0 76 to 80 0 85 to t 40 0 27 to 0 28 0 50 to 0 55 0 00 to 0 OD 0 10 to 0 12 5 00 to 5 00 0 60 to 0 60 2 00 to 300 1 'd5 to 175 400 to 60 4 50 to 550 5 00 to 6 OD 121bo 075 800 to 9 00 0 75 to 1 00 0 08 to 008 0 20 to 0 21 ST. mAitra. (Reported regularly by A. Galbraith.Olerk) Deihlwheat, per bushel 90 to 098 Svring wheat s. 80 to 0 86 Barley 40 to 0 42, Peas.......... ...... . ....... . ... . ....... ....... 55 to C 57 Oats 0 27 to 0 311 Potatoes per !Mg 0 75 to 0871 Apples " .................. 1 25 to 1 75 Beef per Lb 0 04 to 0 06 Mutton 005 to 000 'Pork por owt 450 to 4 60 Lggs, per dozen .0 00 to 009 Butter olo to 0 12 Hay 7 00 to 9 00 Wool 023 to 0284 Sheepskins 0 25to 0 tO FIEN8ALL KAPEET8 Fall wheat..' .....,I. .... ....;,... ....... ... ... , ...$ 95 to 1 03 gettitt wheat . , .... :...,... ...... - ........ q DO to 0 95 timing whtia.C. -. o 85 to 0 90 40 to 45 f'8 1,4; s Peas Hides . 5 A to 00 sheepskins ... . . • Beget . . : ' i : 4 Of to 00 Butter ..., .. . ',.', • ... -0-19 ,to 00, 00U /101.1 . . . . .. _...... ................ ........... 't'o idi, 2d 77,* CPI twig •47. .00.i.Z0 Nwit ,44 TIE EXTB. Will 14. givest from now till JANUARY" '70 For 50 Cents. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT THE TIMES IS THE LIVELIST LOCAL PAPER IN THE COUNTY. ALL KINDS OF JOB WCY,RKI , s. AT THE LOWEST Rxips, WITH . , NEATNESS AND DESTATCH. • • • ' ) Take pleasure to ir form the inhabitantsof Exete add surrounding country, that they have jua opened out an excellent assortment of Tvieeds, Coatings, Trestings etc., to the latest styles and patterns,aud feel assnred that intne matter of etothing, they can suit the mostfaetidions tastes. THE WESTERN QUESTION! WZY iiWT14:AT White gla CO., (successors to 0. B. Smith) ' SE1.1.600OSSOITONDERFULLT t HEAP! scomse over sin,•,, -ss. 11r.in(is et ties Firm. ilsixv0 11. remotel Si T01",4404t71.10.04 v:444.1 rt.P.74,47t,, 11E.4441 V4o ihiltrent iteue.A!...turiug twit- tres eq the, ovrid 4.•:4Meoor- nee- ti,o Ie. • 1311 liroeeli ut St. airvs, railed it & Os., feel s.cy fet.oit at saying that they are 11114 810114g Ettaarai 7111; 7:5414S: 1114s447 VALVC PRY 000118, Cf.(ITIIINCT, BOOTS AP r(110ES', • Prer otiete,i in the Comity (4 Perth, By e..natating the prime of tiny hitol of Ifirr note mei Site*,at White &t'o'e. sittt • ti4,44, Of taw 141,4T retail t14,1217,i4 ila tete Von of 'Me matey. ;,..wing of rho ttale pro:lt b, opparcitt tiatt 44l(5 a, 51reiathee,1 iterasa tout 1351' tan. The IltniCiti•4 • exereisee (1. lielidevion 111wateliiin ta4 Ca^4r:iet6il 01e worli for e4tect elai, of god, C8F11011111, 44sz.1 4314.. 418%11," won't( 14...ss ttio juis;,- 4,11E to.4,114.-‘1 44,1 4!4.49i 1:;47sr roils 4444044• crr.vals Atm rit!,:in Ousts. et,ttei:-...ti•-t. 4,4!4!.44, tAlt Soot8, IttLot KATS. NN. 1114 ($::: successor- to 0. D. South. IS; TOWN$HIP 1.7:1LORNE. MUSIC HLL AND Sawing Iflachine Emporium rrY113 LARUESP AND BEST STOCK OF ..t. Slcortvare, CiAirga and 1).-.1 cier i., el,: in ..141:ANIF4f tie Wes; at I--ix'sitrert..z...Y•tro•zo,:s .7ta ''' DIR.ZW'S sgrom.z, wit 30 4k et, -T. Te." zit: -4•4 tre-•-ic, a% ": MA: of r Tea (4'e•ts,,, Matti; t".1.4.ertl, I( 4 Sit*' Cruettz. Cake Duali,14 Car ": waa'8,e0,941- romi•Ao S., Its, e4 th, Dot Q mei raiplo Plate. Mai ie401,ri153 ties sluiete: trieei dist ir,441 ASTONISH. YOV FOR CHEAPNESS I 11* tiL.iin,t .10 0. II 1 at a nox-sosOei,tallit 16, t dienZ ,41 biLfi aiolf mot stottec-eres. cuti 5.4 ..5attifl: ye:Jr.:AL al to qtr.htv and (Manta& .4, and tri, our itedrorienta. :11(5de Teael4r :ail on hand. tierviees at I ..etk fis.aree. vorms. LIST CitritT or Iii tt ketelte given that a e2nrt will Int liel i.rayon:it to the voters` List nullity Am by lite l04-14 71r thoduaigss Om COIttity 0941110L el Z1Ati county 4 ii:naq- ,tho rowN o Thursday, tho tl7th day of dune,. 1678, itt Itiownet: 0. 50.. to hear twat determine thoj several visoglaioN of errors .atatt moisqmis 10 ttss' 1;..te41 L.1344 of the ntitequility 1"mi:fez:el 1,4 peroors 11,t the I itit aro re.a.tireql to Int.net at too tai 1 tistie and ploee. N, .1 el AlBi.Clerlz of the 6914 mt.nielpala:4. 1.ated at 1,7til tom% Outlet day of dime, Na. 01.1110 "OTIC(4.. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. *11..earessma VOTCHS' LIST COURT OF lit:VISION. ta.n.rxwM011 Notice is hereby itiven.rbe.t a Court will be held. plummet to tbo Voters' List Fatality act, by Hie flonor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Ifurothat Ote TOWN !I&A CItitorrem, ON Friday, the 2t4tli day of June, 1878, at 10 o'clock it, m., to bear and determine the sev- eral etimplaints of errors and muissious in the voters,114 of the (48h:town for 11(77. All peroons having lmainese at the Court aro re- quired to attend at the said time OM place. C 11101.ITY, Clerk of the sidt1 Dated at Stephen the 6811 day in Juno la7:3 MILACIESIVZITIZIIIC E. DREW. CALL AT SAMWELL & PICKARD'S see CAA/ New Spring Good Now Opening. NEW PRINTS1 NEW '1,-N.NTLES, and NEW MILLINERY A SPECIALITY IN Orbroa Ready-macig, JUTS, CAIS Sari! 4X1) New 'Wall 1'ap:TA:1 to band; also:goat receive our bt•w FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Turnip. nangokl, Carrot. Bare. °lover and Timothy. fiwin•tto the En. vet ilopremictia of trade. wo shall iitTer for oasts new olpt fasidon11141.1 04811.18 at .piett:71' prices than old Job or Bankrupt Suet eau be ROM fo . SASIWELL & PICKARD. A, Complete tool NEW and CHEAP FURNITURE at J8 DREW. NEW FIRM. BGRAM'S BLOCK. Reno Shoeing, Wagon and Carriag(311Inking,Dia- mond Harrows, and Plows. General Blacksmith- ing in all its branches, at the lowest ratos, andsat- isfaction guaranteed. Give us a call and examine our work before trading elsewhere. MOSIILLAN & 0MBRIDE, King St.Honsall. Hansall. Juno 20th, 1878, 6-m THE FALL AND WiDi TER TRADE C. Soutltoott sed Son TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, BUCKINGHAM'S OLD BLACKSMITH SHOP 18 Still going, Mr. %Rockingham desires to return his sincere thank to h i s numerous pu&ons, w h o have support ed him in the p a s t, a d would intimate that, having recovered from his Inns ill- ness, he inteuds in future, to to take oharge of the horse -shoeing department himself. All other work done .in* the very best style and at the lowest rates. E. BUCKINGHAM. Exeter, Dee.18. 1877. pAINTINO PAINTING J. KITCHING Is prepared to do all kinds CI ROOS e Pain til1 g P.aper•ditalgmg. ' W1itenings,410.• • atireasonablePritlits and patictually. ; J. KITCHING Main st • Exeter. " ; ,.. TBEG LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to zny new *stook of Parlor anti Bedroom Furni- ture, Spring Beds and Mattresses, l'illows and Bol- sters. I have made a very great reduction in my prices, and still being resohed to supply goods of the first quality, I confidently here to give you *Very sat- isfaetion. My stock of Beds, (‚hairs, Cane -work, in feet everything in the Furniture Line is being dis- posed of at a discount of 10 per cent. for cash. The tudertukbig a specialty, at the cheapest pes. sible rates. FEATHERS FOR SALE. J. DREW, MAIN STREET, EXETER. ONE DOOR NORTH OF MOLSONS BANK 1878) SPRING (1878 a THE OLD REELABLE HOUSE At all times, •indparticalarly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scaree. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stook, I do so with evesy confid- ence; it being more carefully assortoa and selected than that of any previous season. In the Dry Goods Every department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable 'fabrics, marked at primes which should command the attention of the very closest buyers. THE ORDERZD - CLOTHING still has MB. NI7. IVES at itshead In Millinery • Underthe ma.oagement of Miss MoGloghion, we oan suit the most fastidious. Our stook o Groceues, Boots and. Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchaserti will consult their best interests by examining my stook before going elsewhere. JAMES PICKA_RD DOMINION LABORATORY ! .;.:G.REEN-! . ' ;V. .L161441' • • • IlsTIC)11. I.LABORATORY A• .t4‘: • .