The Exeter Times, 1878-6-27, Page 22r THA TIMES PAS: AS YOU G0, death had been caused, by a corrosive member ole. I'm awful glad to see you poison, it the conditions found in the Judge, etomaob were not the lesult of post nor- 4* Are you well.?" tem changes. Do not think a simple "Quite well, thank you." irritant would produce them, as they An awkward silence followed. Mr, suggest a corrosive poison. The con` Smith heard the boys chuckling, and dition in which 1. found the stomach at length said ; • might not have been the reault ofdisea5e. "Glad to hear it--yes—yes, I should Will not say that the conditions might like to call on you and talk over old not have been the result of disease. times." From the description given by Dr. Wil- "Reveily Smith 1" said the court iu eon and the post ihtartenla, as described a voice resembling the distant explosion by Dr. Matheson, should have suspect- of a coal cart, "you are about to call ed an irritaiat or corrosive poieon ; Ln on the Sul,►eriutendei,t of the House of carder to produce the condition founi in Correction, there to remain for ninety the stomach it must have been in action :ong days.:" four or five days ;et person dying trans ",What f Sentence an old compan- laastritions would be prostrated for 24 ion ?" Itean#sins G7, foe ]tt,tur*cnl en�*aat�pa nz,d hours preceding death, 1 nd in much ""All the same, Booedy ._all the 101ubi .,Tulin tea.,e.Z amt it the 'rang eompiete Itistorv' of tee World ever poi t _he+ . It Main and feverish. safe, Tile friends of my Childhood sous at sight. Send for spcez nen pr ge5.ttr.l r�tru To a jillor-1 began to snake the all- are few in number, Tiley are falling terms to agents, and sec n'lati tsella fritter t',an e,ny other bock, MAIMS, NATIoNAD. I'z'1sI.Mliniu clysis of the stn►mach slid the vomited down stairs, being drowned, blown up Co. Pitiladeil,itin,PL matter cue the day after receiving the aud run over, and I'm going to put you �i box containing the jars described ; con- where you will be safe from accident 1" PIA l ItU ORGANC . burled aorking at it without iuterru "Don'' Judge e 1" ?ion, and finished it yesterday. TI e r "But I will 1 1 prize you, Beverly. time that elapsed be.tweeu the death of SVheu night comes I want to know that deceased and the aualysie would inter- you are iu out of the wet, and when fere with the J'esults only in the case of morning deans I want to teel that you a volatile poison. V nuitiug may have are safe from the eloath of ice wagons. emptied trio st(►lntacb of all trace of ptai- : `rhe sentence is recorded." etch. Every possible precaution si:eut- "Judge. I----T-don't thiuk I ever ed to have been taken with reference . knew ,•ori l" stlalunaered 13everla•, but to the l►ree tirvat;on " f the contentb n1 there was a light iu the whitlow for the stomach and the storaclt itself. , Idea. anti were more than are initially takeu, i'he cult and coater and ln"lhtard givelt +locoweed wood tuoa+t unquestionably not produce the eynll terve funud iat the etolnnch. 1)u ilut thunk alcohol would. teeeltuce snclh symptoms as fouled in the stomach 'from the eytuptonis de- scribed and the frost reorient evidence, and the stats" the Witness found the etoluach iu, it b. ought about by poison, e ou1d, witness believed, be from one of the mineral aeiels, Jtrt;euic or corrosive ••ula.taue ; if the poison had been ot.e ,►f the mineral J'eide(, witness v11(1'1111 have ext a ed injuries to the mouth, ilroat and gullet ; if at'e•enie or etlr•' ' rusive latna.stntntrs, vyituess alfould have , " • deteett d it. The vomited matter cou. tatiued mister, halt, shreds of organic' natter. a small particle of undigested meat and a little mustard. The tastes 011T SEA PASSAGE. "i r(l ,tt;l4't, t.°lt;VI1'III T, ter t.rtnell of the acids mentioned could (hut+ „f t"ac firr,t a it n £earl ja ,ssa'rv,] ('lvrl "1.aiatt (aF Pncv' LEI LIS, ANALSTit'AL. CHEMIST— Iris have been ecvertd or disieuie•ed by ' ++U1040,1440,014 tt,v Valve. Prosaic aett.l i'ht t• iiiRPw THE 1'.N,# IL:fAU'IuX A NEGATIVI; •Nil the'liquor. "forors *1 gntit;u of tl ►' :14431:ttt 3.4"4014".6141 from The artztnio would be air;"tet,. 4 Ott tow. ser' hag the t tapt8i.aat WI TRACE tie' 1'.rlstN 160VNnt--,THE CASE nearly tasteless. The corrosive Bub- 1 t•D:i>eoe.1)4 maiIs.witilletawetail,:°e eve*" sat onlay for t,averpteoj and Ld"a or,+h•rn° and far eione elYerretiOre THANL;v2;Lt. i!ltiance might have been t1isguieed. 11L4;tbriolvevtrr' Thliee,lev, Part MevtiMug to,teaa4 At s r. N , , fate these £Pseuds lea T etc *.curl cent nl"tabDt tirt;ets nt St. r088 (mumbled by Mr. ,Tuned --"Ain low nate . lt°torroeslia"e+tttU ellerr:Ve!ip ,+etal;erE ®'"'ate.` aSt..ilt►r1er, June '::1).A The Town IlolI an alialytieal elieI11i$t .; am 2101 in clic aat lowrates, t+ttetntereleave Ouelee tura toll,ttatl; lilitt 1 TUE.I. tt I'l'I.\j(iN:lll was crowded by two o'clock this. after. j active practice of medicine or mt'dieal. . ?dint June lainaa�t; trill bt.sentfrre mall alej'hrauar, l hareeetitau tet alt eta<t'rari ti.atu! 1' is to ttl.n,t Strut, 110011on the ecetteiou of the c•.utientl*1 '•ire as vol... frit matters; witness would list tel (:t- gelertivil n ash dAay ,eve ces;. ex - Hon of the itlquity *litre the death of press himself alt against the opinion of Pt'rttttan ... ........-Lith " Sardiuten .. .20th " ldt)bt. 0 ..eet. The trial was a pull ltledtcal marl in active practice on dis.ealyne,ian ,.. :Nth a ..- paredlztptpett, however, as the pr'it;oner eases of the stomach. ete. ; witness S.xataut".ut... .. .. .,.el Aug. could not be got out of jail, and was claimed to be a chemist and not a slot adi tit ., .. . , -nth " nht•teft�re not present. Ile should only l physician, at present; have practised For rickets awl every Information, apply t© LaVe been reennud.•d to jail, whereas it as a *medical man for about flue years ; OAPT. G. KEMP, Exeter. appears he )las been committed for of the deceased .lead taken arsrauie, or trial. Prof. Ellice, of Toronto, and Drs. ) corrosive poison, or oxalic acid., or tar - Shaver and Hyde, of Stratford, are in tar emetic, eitness shoilkd have ex- "• CANADA LANCET" thrill. petted to have discovered some, under 1 Of May 1st, 1878. The inquest will be resumed at :30 the circuinnstances, either in the vu nit this eveniug, or stomatal, and the same h Ads good S1.CONla DESPAI.C13, ata to 111in1eral irritants and L orrosivee St. Marys, Juue 20. --The Coroner in general. If mnelvamiting had tal- al"ived home from Stratford a little af- en place before the matters sort to me ter five o'clock, having managed to se- were vomited, the poison might have cure the rileaee of the 1arieoner, who escaped. The poisons described would arrived at about the same throe by pri- likely penetrate and remain in the trate conve)auce. By half -past seven atamuch, or some of it would be ab - the hall was packed to its utmost ca sorbed. In fa'lalysirh(~ the stomach paeity, there being between five and six witness would expect to find that in hundred people prevent, many of tiler) rase portions of the poisons were ab - from this country. The first witness horbed ill the stomach, vomiting would examined was Saran Guest, sister of not threw it off; witness made a thor- the deceased, whose evidence has already augh analysis of the surface of the been publi-hed, and which differed in stomaoh, but found no poison ; dis- no particular from that before given. covered slime alcohol in the contents of Miss Guest was cross-examined by Mr. the stomach ; had deceased taken poi - Jones, but her testimony was not 2ua- eon in alcohol, think there would have tat -tally cba'iged, been as much cha ice to find paieon as .Dr. Ellie, of 'Toronto, deposed that the alcohol, unless the poison was talc. he received, un the 7th day of June, Po in a small quantity and the alcohol from the thief Constable of St. Marys, in a large quantity. Taking pito con- a box, securely fastened and sealed, and 'rider 'tion the condition witness found a letter from Coroner Harrison. The the stomach in. and the fact that if seals were unbroken, and corresponded poison head been tauten it would have with the description in the letter. The been absorbed in the coating of the box contained two. glass. jars, sealed. rtnunacb, witness would certainly have The scala were unbroken, and corre- expected to find some poison, had it r;uondod with the seal seut by express. been Administered, but this would not One jar contained the stomach, and tint( necessarily be the case. witness did other a quantity of slightly t urbid liquid, said to be vomit. The vomit. had a feint acid reaction, and contained very it being now [2 o'clock an adjourn - little solid matter. The stomach teat relent was had till Friday morning at 9 NEW D1A.UJi1NE SHOP. in the early stage of decomposition, the o'clock. la in twos membrane of a darkened color; William Eitching the+ coats were thickened and• rather softer than usua]. '1'he stomach had been divided. At each side of the clivi• Biota, near the e,d4, the ]mons mem- brane was s ripped off or destroyed. At. each side of the division there was a patch considerably thickened and ap- parently indurated. The stomach was quite empty except a small quantity of viscid fluid. Examined the t:t•nnaoh and vomit for poisous. Found no trace of any. The vomited matters contained conhiderable oumtnorh salt and,a little sulphate of soda. Extracted a small quantity of alcohol from the stomach. After hearing the evidence of Drs. Wil- son and niatheson, who made the post ilaortelpa examination, read to hien, and A word of good counsel We ne'er should forget, Is that which forewarns us To keep out of debt. For halt of life's burdens That man overthloars, Who startszout determined. To pay as he goes. 'Tis folly to listen To those who t185ert That a systeul of credit Does good auduo curt. For many have squandered Their incomes away, And hearts have been wrecked by A promise to pay. A man to be honest. As ute�renaut or friend, In order to have. Must be willing to spend, Is it love or a=7et:tion, Or faith they bestow? Return their full value, Autl paw a you go. He loses the sweetness Tbat life can impart, Who holt* IT t1 trettsttri" Clf w e•;atth in his heart 1'ee reap a Pic h harye t Of pie and. regret, When, 31, tt,v lite, be disearers Haw great was his debt. ;�o loss like the toeing That eulueyt:ofilaty Irl biaadiu(* the sroanda that :Ire laireiiiai; to.tl2,y For where is the a )mf q t Of tears that are nhvd Ott the face of tide dying -- The graves of the diad? A word of geed e,+unt=el R e tit°'er should forget; And to keep t.ptt:+d tlau^rttyr, Is t' lies 1. t+ahs of debt If pesee• and ecntentuleaat Anal 3 + you noul.a know, 11•'a't lure upon coedit, Rut j•ay as ;earl go THE:: Sr. 1AItY S l'UISONIN VASE. JUNE 2 '. 87 PIANO Beautiful Concert Grand i,• ORI!AN THE ON'1'ARIO e„, Superb and Square Pianos cost,. -,h 100; only $2a5. Elegant Upright Pi nos cost ?sa(r, only S155. New Style ii ri ht pianos, $112.50. Or ens duos cost $1 onlyii 25 $35, Organa 12 stops 872.50. Church Organs, 18 stops, Cost $300, only. $115. Elegem 5 75 mirror top organs only $10r, Trameudous sacrifice to close out present stock. New Steam Fuctory soon to be erected. Neweeapers with much inforzna-, tion about cost of Pianos, and Org•ens, SENT FREE, Please address DANIEL.F. i:ETATY 1Yashlnetou, N' j. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE =CT>canL L HISTORY o B ORLD Embracing Hat and authentic accounts of everr 1 nation of austent and modern timee,aud iteclnd ing a. history of the rise a..d fall of the (niee1 mn.1110- tmatt Tliapires,tlle tdctla oR 41 a aaatinaasof suhti d - ern 1surape, the niiddle mgrs, the etutrtleN, the 10 feudal system. the reformatioth the discovery' e•n.I settiezuent of the New 1Forld ete., etc. SAVINGS 1N VES A MEN o LONDON,CANADA Wo 'ktuz Capital, $2,1.00,000 Rosery Fund, $144,000 Largest working capital of any Company west of Toronto. :saner loaned on first-etas,P.•�alI:t,tate,seenlitics fisher in straight Loans, t+ tit.erceot, or on the nstahnent eysten*, wt tl.e option of the borrower„ Apply t0 W. V.I3t'LL1 N, Manager. :to lir'. 81,OIIEW Latta r •teti r- Ataso` Ilr't+o� Ili e;r:xa. JOIIN a'r't Ns,Crtdaaot: Jetnnary .1. a;aeNTiNr;ATI=•\ OF 71113 Thep"Ea;T.--EAIAL:NC1': An Iriehinau who stood near the third base watching a game 01 base ball the .ether day, was sent to grass by a foul which struck him under the fifth rib,. •"A fowl was tit ? Begone I thought it Wax a mule." ALLAN LINE R?v„yal mil Steamships. PIANOS—Grand, Square sad upright --the best made in the 1S)rld, ORGANS—,n cued *'.serine Reed Organs from 3 t.t I-, stops—the heat many - lammed, and at prieesus lots, at not lor-es, tet en any other house in the world AGENTS t. ANT - Eli. Illnsin t -ed cat•ti egehe mailed. Thal A('F WATERS d SONS 'Uttns.efict:ira•r ao:n 1)e:'k rs. 4) east 14th Soret New T°trk. 1'. O. rex rt4.ttio ,c, 'ca, "t. r -Send for Illustrated Ca(s;la 9tte. !ra'a! tylesof 111. fan earl-. 0,7_, or preorate.;''tri* Yllnv, tett 101,01 1. aa. ill i a i1. 1i., .,a ., N :7 Levelly B ..,• Bad ter` ^ inalt-1:e1'e,l t'rr.l•, iatt's�e wi hpp,eaa,iie;a. t°,1.At,Nonii Ca ,N, ], to O M • tilt' '1l1;Ie1.\I. #E lltenlu'.i,. "k11,' 1.1. Estelle:at se 0111. trait mei eerie ulnas 10 the Ir+at•r 4..0at a •. tit halt ilia. In ca. os(:a-el for p titer, r land !testier t ,..,th u ,1 t,teks. Cao.et aieidt3ts eli ovate. Mare- e..r ar.a11 ado :`,(0113;•0 'e ° "' �' ser 3 DTA, n�pCC NEW {B3tLpeU'Ifi±SM{I BLACKSMITH '41,FNLRa ee.JOBBINurS13QP3UENSALL Hewing g vat * t• t sh p D3Vw na .1:1:113 J e• 1 a-. id In- form the. l +1 it that 1 tee pr. p rrrt ti to 4.,1, 1 ,ands, 01 Biot e, ate ice t tl:e,ll1 r l nni1 t til laic +1 a*f �4 a t,it b.tt +4 ele:ttex., nett u er>.'11 '41c clintet•a mei 33, a �It Sea vein cease znv s..tn f rl, tltt: D st n lt„a i- t titter- f.re,v,11nasir tender feettre -.tt 1 u 'n:r an.st creep roves nlaritzer, tint b,etl :., i_ ,L i awr.ra. Charges Moderate. I Item* t to hand •41 1 i' a r .c a °1 areal Iettplee natn1 tr roe ti'� « , 1tr"r a"o New., 0130th 4 z Ines. « 1 t. p•1 et." wt.etofthe Pefit aa,a , I3•. u. ,11. �+ Y . ,wl. .)Del Eferme.a13..1140. «.:b. lr-;^-., 't 'OIC.-.►°"lA,ff. mmee.,,.' :tower., Olt :mai rt6:t'r .1t).\ 11. Y btit! i1i' t., wt° all i.t tel f1jt lit'€tt"li9'rf I':' arid&- for tis: it` at 2" s .a oyer 17-'11:42t s kat W 4:." l:,M n ^', t¢.: .,. •"' nE't•0 , rtie° 1(l j3!It'IRe° l' awn argt° M0 -.40't `5 Ya I.tt.t'' tI\ ¢ 111 ti 11 e�.M fl'lr'lk;, :4°1(146. I;t'ul l;-t,.te .purse:. 711 its rd. 341. $50 : 1(all Inr. $e0 lat.ileie��'n is iii Feu t e Opttone ar I'ri'taa- ➢ t,, u. i. a t alto r.actd t, rapid Pilaw, an t., 1';,Ia .i • : I« in �''� tt�G7 ., O e Yea. :•.'ENE ll"1 = JS X taitry crani thlitetnl Bram*. J;,bs uan ee• t, riirts tree. . Adder.,, T.1'.ni. l"n r*'IGu1 +L co*1,.an€;e:rot , Weil Sheet 141.0 Y err t. 7 Aorta iii .0911. e'ette:•..ta:u for tact t'ix; tied f U Term-. owl uneit ' Poo. All i..:a' I'.0. ..tthtu'•t t Nut Extract tulo'n front the "PH0SPHOZON1 ."-. INS 110W preparation of the Elixir of IIy poj.lu..pbites, which bas been name Pin+. Ithtt;one, is fast gaining favor with the profession. It was unfortunate that the wtulnfaeturen's (Brans,Mercer et.00.1 dose for it the shave name ns it gave it the appear- auee et a I'ATI:NT NOSTRUM, WHIM I'1' IS NOT, It isa combination of tbellvpaphos- phitt's of Iron, Soda and Linin, with('alisay'a and other Tonics, in the force of an. Elixir, and is a Inlet excellent nerve Tonle. It is easil} ,administered, ngreeab]e to the taste, and very - el icecinns in the TREATMENT OF DEBILI- TATED-CONI)I1'IONS of the system. it has proved a moot valuable remedy in the treat - Mott of INFANTILE DEBILIT3: ANI) CHRONIC WASTING." Sold by all Druggists throughout the Domfntoll. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR 41 BOTTTLL. NE W PUMP FACTORY At Woodham. A BRAY & EDWARD hate, at col). eBidera:.le eiltenee secured the Beet ma- Oaineri and Augur in the Dominio.,, n.ndhave on hand a large stock of First -Class Pumps and aro prepared to make to order on the short- est notice Well or Cistern Pumps. Wells and Cisterns contracted for. Also on hand a large st,telt of'Seasoned Lumber. Soft Elm 4010 to fi7, Hoek lelm frotr rate 48.10, Oak, Ens not find any poison. The result of the 10410 F1oor.ng,412.Good stock ofLogs on hand ordraivaga purposes, out according to oder examination is negative. 40.50per 1,08'. TB.E LONG • AGO, Wishes to inform the public that he la betteY preeared torepair all kinds of Beverly Snaith walked out of cel], n , Set�iub 1�I;a,cl.iues, Watches Clocks Gnus &c. than any other person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. . No. 0, with the greatest promptness, ,and as he ranged before the desk and Sullied, he said : "Well, this is indeed a surprise 1 Why, 1 hadn't the remotest idea of finding yeu here ! Shake, old fellow. His Honor wouldn't. "Don't y3u remember your old school mate Bev, Smith ? inquired the prison- er, ."Don't you remember how we used to steal lemons together—how we both went over .the mill -dam in au old boat —how we read novels under the lee side of haystacks ?" A strange light crept into His Hon - having examined the stomach. Pro , or's eyes as he replied : Ellis could nut throw any light on the ""Au ! 1 rememberyou now 1 So you ettu;e of d .ath. Tthe appearance exhib- are Bev. Smith? iteu iu thea stomach wore those as if "I am -I ain. I thought you'd ro- HENSALL OOOP tt S1IGP.' (1_ W. VA.NV.A.LKENBURGH, COOPER WORK OF ALL KINDS, IINCLIJDIN.G CISTERNS, of which- be makes a speciality). BUTTER TUBS cheaper than ever.: Repairing,promptly and neatly dobe. Shop—l(rock street directly west of the station.. Give him a call, WM. VANVALXENB1JE GH. Hensall, May 8, 1878. 3w. T T1U Standard Sash Door c Blind !FACTOR Y, is constantly kept en hind. all l;iuda r.f lenthhin• utaterial. Ft. 000g hard end e *ft. siding Wel, ugad ',,,old cne.tp. Plotting tt:died and '1440,0* promptly atteudcd to. BUILDINGS CONTItA01LI) FOIL end aatiafactlan guaranteed. "1s we have el hand n tame a nek of dry lumber, see Scot mire 01 satislvtug those 13110 ulay cavo *nth call. 7:OHSPHOS. tt Tt.'2.031. TUE LONDON am CNTARIt INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Capital - 852,000,00C Parties requiring money can obtain advance: on approved town or farm propel ty. at lowest rates. Theabove is a London, England Com- pany, For further partie.ilare, apply to BOBEIt'l PICKARD, Agent, May 17, tf, ExeterGiet. DO NOT READ THIS jl ming received a lot of new machinery, ] (. would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding coueitry that 1 am prepared to manu- facture nil kinds of Horse ltliltes, 13arle} Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc, and having secured the services of a first-class Turner, 1 am prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING ou the shortest notice, and for style and Prise 1 defy competition. Always on hand a first- &nss stock of Fork and Shovel Handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. 1 ud $1 for 35 pkt Power Seeds 15 for 50e., 7 for 28e., or i.5 Y pk:s. Vo 's 41, 12 ft:r s 50 •. The Floral Tril - u.o, a 100 rage Florid work with colored p'ats, 10c., with either of sir o above packages see. s, two years free. Thele o: a th are boon Ude uud the Seeds first-class, bait g p lcee( low only to it+thee all to try them. *.drew .11.114d, Rochoter 'Tess PA1eElt,-zmi 7)AIN TIM te t PAINTING 1. KITCIIING Is prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Paper -hanging Whitening, &c. at reasonable prices and punctually. J.BITCHING, Main at Exeter. Tho GRE Jr itEMEIss for C)ClRx trx ENCt3E1. ALLdNrS ANTI --FLIT fr purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. It seta upon the food In the stomach, preventing its Lanae Converter' into fat. Taken ,n accordance with e1p. rectlons, ltwan rcduee a fat pervert Eros tau leAlva pounds per week. ...Corpulence is not only a diseaise itself, but the harbinger of otters." :i0 wrote Hippocrates two thousand years ago, and what was true Oben is none the less so to -day. Sold by druggists. or sent, by express, upon re- ceipt of 51.W. Quarter -dozen SLOO, Address, BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., Propriefora, lIuffelo, 1 :i: A. Special Offer TO THE HEADERS OF THIS PAPER. A Beautiful and swiss Magnetic Pock ..eeper, mid Sea ladles Cold Wit,, nandsomc 0roide Casa Ulan crystal, steel and metal works, and warranted to Amok correct time. A Perfect Gas for everybody de- siring areliable Time Keeper. Will be Clven away lo every patron of this paper of a Free Crit. Cur cern.,, CouroN AND Man. m COUPON. On receipt of this Coupon nod $1.00 to pay for pocking, baling and mailing charges, we promise to send by ratan mall, each patron of this paper a T Osaums Swiss M"aysne i,,-Asaran. Address, Magnetic Watch Co., TAUNTON, MASS. Thiele your ONLY OPPORTUNITY to obtain this beantIlbl ptemium, eo order AT ONCE, and do not rules tela Mance of&Lifetime. KNOW By reading a, a practicing the inestimat e; •ruths con. tained in the o' -'s medical book ever issue .i, entitled THYSELF HYSELF SELFPI ESB . TION Pnrnicreeocneliyp$l.ofpmI treats ofExhausted Vitality, Prematurer)nline, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result thcrefi•om, and contains more than 50 original pre- scriptions, any one of wleicia as worth the price of the book. 21i beekwa* written by Ibe ost o» tensive and probably the most ski)fulpractytioneb in America, to whom was awarded a gold and jew- e11ed medal by the 'National Medical .Association. A. Pamphlet,, illiest.rated with the 'very finest Steel.Entravings—a mar- ���� vel of art and beauty— sent rnEE to all. Send. for it at mace. Address ITUT MEDICAL INSTITUTE, .No. 4 Bul•T YSELF Ilneh St., Boston, bass.